Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 8
A stone came in from the window
I thought that,Mamos came
Wake up Mamos,Wake up Mamoş
What disasters has befallen us
Alas Mamoş! Alas!
Call a doctor,look at my wound
Lets get up Mamoş,lets get up Mamoş
The folk gathered around of us
Alas Mamoş! Alas!
Call a doctor,look at my wound
Two Partridges*
Two partridges sing in a stream, I swear
Oh partridge, you're making my pain grow, come to an end
That it grows is your fault
Respected Emine lays on the bedsted, has drunk cognac
With her point laced scarf and polished shoes
I want that lover to myself, only to myself
Ah those long nights breaks my lover into pieces
I want that lover to myself, I want a beloved
Respected Emine just left hamam, I swear
With her point laced scarf and polished shoes
I want that lover to myself, only to myself
Ah those long nights breaks my lover into pieces
I want that lover to myself, I want a beloved
Don't Put On White
Don't put on white, you would get dirty
Versions: #1
The city lights have dimmed
The stars (are) more visible tonight
And I saw the moon, in a fullmoon
I told my secrets
Maybe you look at that too, is that so(?)
I left news to the full moon
I opened my window here
The wind blowing towards you
I left news to the wind
When walking so hits the face, face
I called a star from afar
I jumped, came to the(its) side
I didn't know where you were last night
I asked the streets
The moon about to sink, the winds towards me
Rose dried, little men have slept
From the streets, from the wind, from the fullmoon, no news
No news, no news, no news, no news
Sad, broken and tired
Tomorrow is unknown, if tomorrow hasn't come
I don't know, I don't know oh, I don't know
Tomorrow is unknown, if you don't exist
(Wish) it rains, branches exist, time stops and I go away...
Please don't use my translations unless my permit. If you see a mistake about the translation, let me know.
Lütfen çevirilerimi izinsiz kullanmayın. Çeviride hata görürseniz söyleyebilirsiniz.
To those who heard and who didnt
Everything, Everything is for you
My prayers, my feelings
Your glance is in my dreams
My songs are always about you
I dont care who hears
It's ok, i dont care who sees
Do you think it's easy to leave?
Let everyone hear about my love
To those who heard and who didnt
To those who asked and who didnt
I love her so much, so much
i love love love her
Everything, Everything is for you
My prayers, my feelings
My desire, my tears
My hugs will be always for you
Never mind, let them say whatever they want
Dont hide it (the love), let them know
Let them kill us if they want
They cant erase your love
Pun mesec
Svetla grada su prigušena
Večeras zvezde su jasnije
I videla sam mesec, bio je pun mesec
Nisam mogla da otkrijem svoju tajnu
Pomislila sam možda ćeš i ti pogledati
Punom mesecu sam ostavila poruku
Punom mesecu
Otvorio sam prozore, vetar...
Vetar je duvao pravo ka tebi
Ostavio sam vetru poruku
Pomislio sam da će te udarati u lice dok budeš šetala
U lice
Jednu zvezdu sam iz daleka pozvao
Skočio sam, došao sam k tebi
Ne znam gde si sinoć bila
Pitao sam ulice
Mesec počinje da sija baš kao što vetar k meni duva
Ruže su se osušile, ljudi su zaspali
Nema vesti ni od punog meseca, ni od ulica ni od vetra
Nema vesti, nema vesti
Nema vesti, nema vesti
Pesma koja će zaustaviti svet
Dogododine, u ovo vreme izaći ćemo
odavde držeći se za ruke
Strpi se malo, strpi se malo
Dogododine, u ovo vreme počećemo da živimo ispočetka
Strpi se malo, strpi se malo
Nek se život zaustavi na jednu godinu
Neka nas sačeka
Ceo život je pred nama
Šta je jedna godina?
Odjednom videćeš kako se otvaraju vrata
Svet će početi opet da se okreće
Baš kao što si se i nadala
Nek se život zaustavi na jednu godinu
Neka nas sačeka
Ceo život je pred nama
Šta je jedna godina?
Odjednom videćeš kako se otvaraju vrata
Dogodine, u ovo vreme
Svet će početi da se okreće
Svet će početi opet da se okreće