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Број резултата: 20



Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
А царство смрти никад неће завладати.
Мртваци оголели ће се поистоветити
Са човеком оним на ветру и месецу западном

Privatne Oči

Vidim te i ti vidiš me
Gledam kako se zbuniš kad praviš scenu
Oh djevojko, moraš da znaš
Šta moja glava ne primijeti
Čula će pokazati mom srcu
Kad pazi na laži
Ne možeš da pobjegneš mojim
Privatnim očima
One te gledaju
Vide svaki tvoj pokret
Privatne oči
One te gledaju
Privatne oči
One te gledaju, gledaju, gledaju, gledaju
Igraš se sa riječima, igraš se sa ljubavi
Možeš da to izvrćeš dušo to nije dovoljno
Jer djevojko ja ću znati
Ako me puštaš unutra ili me puštaš da idem
Ne laži kad si povrijeđena
Jer ne možeš da pobjegneš mojim
Privatnim očima
One te gledaju
Vide svaki tvoj pokret
Privatne oči
One te gledaju
Privatne oči
One te gledaju, gledaju, gledaju, gledaju
Zašto se pretvaraš preda mnom?
Špijun sam ali na tvojoj sam strani, vidiš
Presvuci se u bilo koju masku
Ja ću te i dalje znati
Pogledaj u moje privatne oči
One te gledaju
Vide svaki tvoj pokret, dušo
Privatne oči
One te gledaju
Privatne oči
One te gledaju, gledaju, gledaju, gledaju
(ponavlja se)


These are the final days of your pharisaic unconcern
So just stand back and witness the fall of modern Babylon
New empires rose from ashes and they will fall to dust
Just like these everlasting fortresses will burn
Believed to be untouchable, invulnerable
Not taken by an alien army
But eroded and weakened from within
By rotten dogma and indifference
Now fools will be your leaders and these jesters are your only hope?
Drowning in decadence and degeneration
As inbred modes of thought will degrade all of your cultures
This elitism has lead you down the darkest path
Take up the baton, this is not the time for declining battles
Never stop disputing, never stop the struggle
This enemy is wide awake and willing to march way ahead of us
They all preach harmony, but they just promote surrender
And their poisoned peace will suffocate
As liars rise to speak, yes, we shall wander this world
As wolves among sheep
Yet, they shall not claim these words
They will not take this mind
And here I stand, I can do no other
I come into this unforgiving conflict
So deep within the darkest abyss
Excommunicated, expatriated, but still fighting
Amidst the heart of blackness
No longer am I misled by your deceitful hopes
Embracing the certitude of victory, the triumph of integrity
This is my strife, for all eternity
And like Moths to a flame
So you keep dancing around the fire
That burns this world
You stand laughing out loud
And yet deaf and blind
Before an incorruptible court
Which separates light from shadows
Existence from nonexistence
Your battered heart
Subjugated and deceived by false dreams
Delusion and unspeakable reason
Finally accuses you and your vain gods
There is no mild fog of forgiveness rising
No veils of silence falling over all the doubts, all the lies
Because your knowledge never prevailed over your actions
You have understood and seen
But never rebelled
Here you meet the truth, merciless
But also just and pure
A colder, clearer view into the silent depths of your being.
From this abyss, wide awake
The eyes of all your fears stare up at you
And thousand voices of your enemies preach a high truth
That never before pierced your conscience.
Your leader, your colors, all your beloved states
And everything that is holy to you
Are nothing but driftwood
In the perpetual tide of rise, domination, and fall

My eyes

Leaving too late
Because you know exactly well what you do to me
Old ride
But I know that you still want the same as I
And what
If you do not like talking, I will not say anything
Dare to come closer
You are ready to have everything tattooed on your hands
Smoking two
And I now that now everything is going out of control
And those who admire you and who desire you
They do not get to know something
Everything what my eyes see
Just how you are moving
When you know exactly what I want
And you know how to numb me
Oh ...
We know this too well
I want you, you want me and so we escape
No matter who
You are the only one I am coming back to
And I know that no matter what you try
You cannot stop thinking about me
Everything what my eyes see ...
Just want you to see me
Just want you to see me
No matter what, I just see you ...
Everything what my eyes see ...
No matter what you are looking for
Say that nothing will change between me and you

In a Hall with Pork and Mead

In an old ash hung a nosecold man.
Under a black sky from where the rain poured down.
None went thither to cut the corpse down,
For no one could know whereat the hanging took place.
Lonely man he was when he went to Allfather's place,
He arrived clothed in a body armour to a marvellous, grim palace.
A thousand year had passed since last man went thither,
They cried in a gloomy happiness when at last a son there came.
North of the trolly cape was a place of mist far down.
Rows of Norse sons wandered thither north and nie.
None in lack of grave and none in lack of sons,
For they went by fire and pestilence there to the beds of the coldhouse.
Only few of the guardian's children came to the rich row of their father,
For cunning deceit bore most of them far down.
Yet one can hear the song each heathen old feast
Aye! still the feasts are held among the faithful sons of Od.

For Now

Could it not be somehow,
That I could be yours?
Could it not be somehow,
That I could be yours?
I am with someone else for now,
I am with someone else for now,
But I would want to be yours,
I am with someone else for now,
But I would want to be yours,
I know this is wrong1
What so ever I am doing,
But look, without you,
I am dying.
Take control of my life,
Take control of my life,
I would want to be yours,
I am with someone else for now,
I would want to be yours,
I know that the world,
Won't accept this,
But people lie when they say,
That you can only love once.2
People lie when they say,
That you can only love once.
Don't ask me questions,
Runaway with me3
I would want to be yours,
I am with someone else for now,
I would want to be yours,
I am with someone else for now,
I would want to be yours,
I lament now,
Why this love wasn't meant to be?4
Even you are with someone else,
And I have moved on.
But my heart still asks me,
'How would you be?'
I would want to be yours.
I am with someone else for now,
I am with someone else for now.
For now,
I can only lament,
I would die without you,
But not together, is my regret.
As the leaves that dry on the branches,
Call it fate,
But they refuse to shed,
For now,
I can only lament.
  • 1. This is a 3rd Person Reflexive to the writer Jaani
  • 2. That shouldn't come as a surprise
  • 3. lit. Come with me to a far off place
  • 4. lit. I cry and regret now thinking why the moon wasn't square

Follow Me

Today I had a dream
Thay I was by the sea
And you by my side
Gazed endlessly
And you took me by the hand
The sun played with your skin
And without words you said
Something very easy to understand
Follow me, leave the world behind
It's enough to imagine
Your most special fantasy will become reality
Follow me, together we can be
Free as a breeze at dawn
Don't be afraid of being happy
And say yes
And follow me!
While walking
I was telling you:
I don't want to wake up
I don't really understand what's happening to me
But to understand is ultimately not important
Everything seems so different
Since you came to me
Follow me, leave the world behind
It is enough to imagine
Your most special fantasy will become reality
Follow me, together we can be
Free as a breeze at dawn
Don't be afraid of being happy
And say yes
And follow me!
Without words you said
Something very easy to understand
Follow me, leave the world behind
It is enough to imagine
Your most special fantasy will become reality
Follow me, together we can be
Free as a breeze at dawn
Don't be afraid of being happy
And say yes
And follow me!

Mi plesaćemo

Mi plesaćemo, plesaćemo
Kad nam šansu pruži dan
Da platimo sve violine sveta
Mi plesaćemo, plesaćemo
Tog dana kad dobijemo šansu
Da novčićem otkupimo svoje duše
Mi plesaćemo,pevaćemo ljubavi draga, о мојe proleće
Ljubavi, lepi dani će doći
Videćeš kako kukuruz raste u proleće
Моје proleće
Моје proleće
Mi plesaćemo, plesaćemo
Kad nam šansu pruži dan
Da platimo sve violine sveta
Mi plesaćemo, ostaćemo
igrajući se sa decom
Gospode, kunem se kad dodje vreme, molićemo
Mi plesaćemo, pevaćemo
draga моја , о мојe proleće
Ljubavi imaćeš kuću
Sa krovom i zidovima
Vatru uglja
Dušo moja, dušo moja
Mi plesaćemo, plesaćemo
Kad nam šansu pruži dan
Da platimo sve violine sveta
Mi plesaćemo, ostaćemo
igrajući se sa decom
Gospode, kunem se kad dodje vreme, molićemo

Gray world

Honestly, I have been awake for some days
And watching television static
I'm used to that with what's been earned
But I still want something more
I've seen colors that someone else
Can never see in this world
I'm colourblind and that's why I dare to look
Into your gray world
Where I once was
Do not know how to get out of here anymore and do not want to
That's why I'm here
Honestly, I have felt that I am dying
And for some reason, it does not surprise me
I've done sins no one else
Should never try
I have danced tango in the dark Paris
I have tried to fight with a dragon
Then, when the sun rises at the end of my slumber, I find myself again
In your gray world
Where I once was
Do not get out of here anymore and do not want to
That's why I'm here
Honestly, I have felt that I am dying
And for some reason, it does not surprise me
I've done sins no one else
Should never try
I've seen colors that someone else
Can never see in this world
I'm colourblind and that's why I dare to look
Into your gray world

Being Real

Not being perfect, just being real
Not being perfect, just being real
Verse 1:
You look great and keep up with everyone
else with being perfect step by step
Your world is digital and turns fast
Your friends, names you don't even know.
Let it go and don't stand still
doesn't matter how the others see you
Your feeling is the thing that really counts
in a not perfect world.
Not being perfect, just being real
Not being perfect, just being real
Verse 2:
Want to prove ourselves to be always at first place.
A copy from faster, farther, all sham
Feelings, a back and forth between yes and no
Facade, let yourself fall and dare to be good
Let it go and don't stand still
doesn't matter how the others see you
Your feeling is the thing that really counts
in a not perfect world.
Not being perfect, just being real
Not being perfect, just being real
Go ahead and show who you are
you missed yourself too long
Did not believe yourself that you can be anything
seen nothing, done nothing and not danced.
You were not ready to be yourself,
It's about time your way to.
Don't look from the outside, but finally from the inside,
because there is the power to win!
Let it go and don't stand still
doesn't matter how the others see you
Your feeling is the thing that really counts
in a not perfect world.
Not being perfect, just being real
Not being perfect, just being real
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Versions: #2
Mi samo znamo da se razmrdamo
koristeći naše telo što više možemo
Budim se u maštariji (snu, tripu)
Senke oko nas
nisu boje koje smo nekad videli
Slomljeni led se i dalje topi na suncu
A vremena koja su slomljena
često opet mogu biti jedno
Mi smo samo duše
a duša mi je stvarno bitna
Pogledaj oko sebe
Ti si nedodirljiva
Ja sam u neskladu
ali sam skroz bez glave
kada mi ti nisi blizu
Ti si nedodirljiva
Ja sam u neskladu
ali sam skroz bez glave
kada mi ti nisi blizu
Pružajući se ka nečem za šta ću se uhvatiti
tražim ljubav na pogrešnom mestu
Manični poreti i polu snovi
ili življenje između dva eksrema
Zadimljene puške (pištolji) vreli na dodir
bi se ohladili, da ih nismo
previše koristili
Mi smo samo duše
a duša mi je stvarno bitna
i previše
Ti si nedodirljiva
Ja sam u neskladu
ali sam skroz bez glave
kada mi ti nisi blizu
Ti si nedodirljiva
Ja sam u neskladu
ali sam skroz bez glave
kada mi ti nisi blizu
Ti si nedodirljiva
Ja sam u neskladu
ali sam skroz bez glave
kada mi ti nisi blizu
Ti si nedodirljiva
Ja sam u neskladu
ali sam skroz bez glave
kada mi ti nisi blizu
Ti si nedodirljiva
Ja sam u neskladu
ali sam skroz bez glave
kada mi ti nisi blizu

Hodnik slave

Versions: #2
Da, možeš biti najveći
Možeš biti najbolji
Možeš biti king kong i udarati svoje grudi
Možeš pobijediti svijet
Možeš pobijediti rat
Možeš pričati sa Bogom, udarati na njegova vrata
Možeš podići ruke gore
Možeš pobijediti sat
Možeš pomjeriti planinu
Možeš slomiti stijene
Možeš biti gospodar
Ne čekaj sreću
Posveti se sebi i pronaćićeš se
Stojeći u hodniku slave
I svijet će znati tvoje ime
Jer ti goriš najsvjetlijim plamenom
I svijet će znati tvoje ime
I ti ćeš biti na zidu hodnika slave
Možeš ići daleko
Možeš trčati milju
Možeš hodati pravo kroz pakao sa osmijehom
Možeš biti heroj
Možeš dobiti zlato
Lomeći sve rekorde koje si mislio da nikad nećeš slomiti
Uradi to za svoj narod
Uradi to za svoj ponos
Nikad nećeš znati ako nikad ne probaš
Uradi to za svoju zemlju
Uradi to za svoje ime
Jer tu biće dan
Kad ćeš stajati u hodniku slave
I svijet će znati tvoje ime
Jer ti goriš najsvjetlijim plamenom
I svijet će znati tvoje ime
I ti ćeš biti na zidu hodnika slave
Budi šampion
Budi šampion
Budi šampion
Budi šampion
Jer pripadaš hodniku slave
Budite studenti
Budite učitelji
Budite političari
Budite pripovjedači
Budite vjernici
Budite lideri
Budite astronauti
Budite šampioni
Budite tražioci istine
Budite studenti
Budite učitelji
Budite političari
Budite pripovjedači
Budite vjernici
Budite lideri
Budite astronauti
Budite šampioni
Stojeći u hodniku slave
I svijet će znati tvoje ime
Jer ti goriš najsvjetlijim plamenom
I svijet će znati tvoje ime
I ti ćeš biti na zidu hodnika slave
Možeš biti najveći
Možeš biti najbolji
Možeš biti king kong i udarati svoje grudi
Možeš pobijediti svijet
Možeš pobijediti rat
Možeš pričati sa Bogom, udarati na njegova vrata
Možeš podići ruke gore
Možeš pobijediti sat
Možeš pomjeriti planinu
Možeš slomiti stijene
Možeš biti gospodar
Ne čekaj sreću
Posveti se sebi i pronaćićeš se
Stojeći u hodniku slave

On the southbound road

Every day, I could see nothing from my window
But grey skies
That's why I eventually decided
To walk towards the sun
On the southbound road
Moving along with the cranes
Without making any plans
Just straight ahead
On the southbound road
With the sun as my destination
On the southbound road
That's where I feel at home
Nobody's pushing me
I'm walking as far as I can
Then I rest a while
And if I need
A rain-proof roof for the night
The barn behind the house will do
But if a girl happens to smile at me
I'm gonna stay a while
And only shortly afterwards
It happens again:
The road is calling me
And if too much road dust
Has gathered on my skin
I find myself a small lake
Where I'm having bread and wine
As a feast
Before I'm moving on
Today I don't know what tomorrow will bring
That's why I like about this lifestyle
I'm not gonna trade places with you
I'd rather stay here
Finding my own world to live in
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.

A love like that

if you speak to me with your heart
with your voice you turn on my pasion
little by little i lost my mind
if you love me i love you more
for just one kiss
what you want i give you
i never thought that i would feel a love like that
to have a love like that , that loves me more and more
i never thought to feel the same love
a love that gives me everything that you give me
to caress me like you
and it brings me mad when you touch me my heart
i never thought to feel a love like that
to have a ove like that
that loves me more and more
i never thought to feel the same love
a love that gives me everything that you give me
i never thought to feel a love like that
to have a ove like that
that loves me more and more
i never thought to feel the same love
a love that gives me everything that you give me