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I sing songs

Versions: #2
It is written, beneath my name, on the bottom of my passport:
'He lives of songs, has received thirty gold records.'
That I was born the day I sang
I sing songs to make people dream
I sing songs to make people smile
To love one an other you may need
Someone else to tell you
And I learned by heart the two pages of my first fan
And I kept it ten days, pinned
On the sky-blue paper, at my hotel
I sing songs to make people dream.
I sing songs to make people smile.
To love one an other you may need
Someone else to tell you.
I nearly can do nothing with my hands.
Who am I in front of a mason or a carpenter?
But when it's just asked for some dream or sorrow,
I am here and I give what I have, like a man
And here is all my life...
I sing...
I sing songs to make people dream.
I sing songs to make people smile.
To love one an other you may need
Someone else to tell you.(x2)

Take My Life And Let It Be

Take My Life And Let It Be
Consecrated Lord To Thee
Take My Hands And Let Them Move
At The Impulse Of Thy Love
Take My Feet And Let Them Be
Swift And Beautiful For Thee
Take My Voice And Let Me Sing
Always Only For My King
Take My Moments And My Days
Let Them Flow In Endless Praise
Take My Intellect And Use
Every Power As Thou Shalt Choose
Take My Will And Make It Thine
It Shall Be No Longer Mine
Take My Heart It Is Thine Own
It Shall Be Thy Royal Throne
Take My Love My Lord I Pour
At Thy Feet It's Treasure Store
Take Myself And I Will Be
Ever Only All For Thee

Hansel & Gretel's Bollywood Story

I know it sounds a bit weird
But you don't want to be hanged
Look me in the eyes, we burned it
Let's go, the town is waiting for us
Don't be a fool, you have to pretend Hansel
How can I explain it to you?
Or rather, how many times?
The world is cruel, it's going to eat you
If you don't attack it first
How can I explain it to you?
Or rather, how many times?
The world is cruel, it's going to eat you
If you don't attack it first
Don't be weak, I saw you hesitating today
How can I explain it to you?
Or rather, how many times?
The world is cruel, it's going to eat you
If you don't attack it first
How can I explain it to you?
Or rather, how many times?
The world is cruel, it's going to eat you
If you don't attack it first
(Gretel, I dreamed about him again)
Look what you've done again
Look what you've done again
My translations are free to use, just don't claim them as your own, please!! Si necesitas una traducción Inglés - Español, puedes pedirlo sin miedo.

The Song Of Louts

The day rises on my suburbs
I'm cold it's not winter yet
What could I do for Gods sake?
I do not have a round and I do not look
serious, serious
I'm a lout among many others
I'm not sleeping far from the Defense
I look dirty, it's not my fault
My HLM is not Byzantium
My friend, my friend
At fourteen, my father
Hired me at the factory
Two days later I left
Seems I'm an unworthy son
One evening in a deserted street
I mowed a Honda 500
To an honest bourgeois son
With her I go to 200
Yeah that's nice, it's nice
My friend Pierrot crashed
On the highway on a rainy day
Sometimes I hear him laugh
It's sure he's in heaven
It's swollen, it's swollen
And I continue my film like life
At the foot of these shabby buildings
I'd like to die before I'm ugly
I would like to finish like you my old Gavroche
I'm a peripheral lout
I'm full of the boots of this city
France is a shitty suburb
As my friend Mohamed says
With cops, With cops
The day rises on my suburbs
I'm cold it's not winter yet
It's funny the bitumen is all blue
There's my bike that cracks on the floor
Good God, good God
Oh, God
Oh my God, good God

Songs for Those Who Love Each Other

So many melodies mark our way
And without them the world be worse off today
Modern or old-fashioned, they all make us dream
Und each one of us keeps them hidden in our hearts
Songs for those who love each other
Old songs with everlasting words
Songs that remember and that come back when love is gone
Songs for those who love each other
New songs with words of lovers
Songs that are always faithful and remind us of happy days
We can redo everything, change the world
Live without borders, we'll sing
Forget history, believe, not believe anymore
Things will stay the same in our memories
Songs for those who love each other
Songs that remember and that people wait for
One day, sing the same one and it'll turn into
The anthem of peace from now on, from now on


Udahni duboko
Dok ti obe strane srca utrnu
Dok malo ne zaboli
Izdahni još više
Dok ne osetiš kao da ništa nije ostalo unutra
U redu je ako ostaneš bez daha
Niko te neće kriviti
U redu je ponekad praviti greške
Jer se to svakome može desiti
Ali reči utehe su samo reči
Nečiji uzdah, taj težak dah
Kako da vidim kroz njega
Iako ne mogu razumeti tvoj dubok dah
Dobro je, držaću te
U redu je ako ostaneš bez daha
Niko te neće kriviti
U redu je ponekad praviti greške
Jer se to svakome može desiti
Ali reči utehe su samo reči
Nečiji uzdah, taj težak dah
Kako da vidim kroz njega
Iako ne mogu razumeti tvoj dubok dah
Dobro je, držaću te
Čak iako drugi misle da je tvoj uzdah iscrpljujući
Ja već znam
Da si proživeo dovoljno težak dan da bar ispustiš mali uzdah
Sad ne razmišljaj ni o čemu drugom
Izdahni duboko
Samo tako izdahni
Nečiji uzdah, taj težak dah
Kako da vidim kroz njega
Iako ne mogu razumeti tvoj dubok dah
Dobro je, držaću te
Stvarno si učinio dobro

The old hands

These lyrics are extremely redundant. Rather than copy-pasting the same lines over and over, I'd rather pack the actual story together.
As in many folk songs, the chorus is mostly a rhythmic pattern (though it actually makes sense and is even rather amusing)
'Les vieux de la vieille' is a fixed expression meaning 'the old hands'. It's just a pun on the chorus, with no relation to the actual story.
Granny had noticed Gramps could no longer see a thing
yet Gramps was well aware Granny could not see a thing (x2)
Main story
My father had no daughter but me
One day he cast me off to sea.
The sailor who lead me there
fell in love with me
Each time he went:
'My little cutie, give me a kiss'
[I answered] 'Oh no, Mister, I wouldn't dare
for if my father knew about that
he would give me a good beating'
That's all folks
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

The Fall Song by Paul Verlaine

Versions: #3
'the Fall Song' by Paul Verlaine
violins' songs
the fall, in a tone,
hit my heart in a strong,
I'm short of air,
pale in time's care,
when, in a while,
I do retain
the ancient days,
and I cry.
and, I will go,
when the winds blow,
I'll be tossed,
to and fro,
as though
a leaf lost.
Translation from French by Ivan Petryshyn, U-A

Summer song

The lengthy lament
Of autumn
Fills my heart
With a sluggish
And drained, when
The hour sounds,
I remember
Long bygone days
And I weep.
And I drift
In the evil wind
That sweeps me away
Here and there
Just like
A dead leaf
In summer I’ll come back
As a newborn baby
To tap deep down your bones
The summer light
The imperfect tense
To conjugate as a more than present
To find the gold now
That hides deep down my bones
To be and to have been lost for so long
In another dimension like a spirit
To be and to have been
A ghost of flesh and blood
Humming a summer song
For all eternity
A summer song

Today's Your Day (S)

You feel in the morning that everything’s tip top today
You’re bursting with full life, today it has what’s to be there
And people are suddenly friendly to you
The sun’s shining two times as bright
And all things are never their usual way
And had better stay these for good
Today’s your day, your good luck must meet you for sure
From heaven the stars will be shooting
For your bravest wishes to come true
Today’s your day, and all around wish you the best things
From now on - fun and fiesta
And I tell you it’s the day for you!
Come sit outside and see all what will happen today
You’ll never believe what today will be coming your way
Don’t think of your work now, today’s your day-off
Enjoy it as much as it lets
We've got something special for you up our sleeve
And want you to never forget:
Today’s your day, your good luck must meet you for sure
From heaven the stars will be shooting
For your bravest wishes to come true
Today’s your day, and all around wish you the best things
From now on - fun and fiesta
And I tell you it’s the day for you! (x2)
From now on - fun and fiesta
And I tell you it’s the day for you!

The End of the Party

It's over now
People are leaving
I already know what you're going to tell me
That I mustn't cry
That these things happen
I always cried, so as not to laugh
I don't have any memory space left, though
And there isn't any photo that I'd like to delete
It's over now
The end of the party's here
And the ever-frightening 'What-will-people-say?' is born
If she left with him
If she left with her
The ones who didn't give in
Will do it later
Because life is a slow-moving orgy
The best must be yet to come
It's over now
People are leaving now
I already know what you're going to tell me
That I mustn't cry
That these things happen
I always cried, so as not to laugh
I don't have any memory space left, though
And there isn't any photo that I'd like to delete
It's over now
The end of the party's here
And the ever-scary 'What-will-people-say?' is born
If he left with him
If she left with her
The ones who didn't give in
Will do it later
Because life is a slow-moving orgy
The best must be yet to come
It's over now
People are leaving
I know what you're going to tell me
That I mustn't cry
That these things happen
I always cried, so as not to laugh
I don't have any memory space left, though
And there isn't any photo that I'd like to delete

At the time of Pierrot and Colombine

At the time of Pierrot and Colombine
In a world less crazy than today,
Pierrot didn't have a car
To meet his girlfriend,
He ran to loose his breath
without stopping at the fountains
He ran, ran, ran
When Pierrot met Colombine
To bring her in the wood
Pierrot who didn't have a car
Took his sweet friend by the hand
And words were coming to him
And sentences were turning,
And Pierrot chatted, chatted,
Without thinking of kissing her
And without a car
With Colombine
He took his time, all of his time
To offer her twenty years
When Pierrot dreamed about Colombine,
Who was alone in the town
Pierrot without a phone
To call the cutie
Lighted a candle
And wrote in the paper
The most beautiful things
And Pierrot dedicated with his pen
Wrote to calm his ardor
Under the absentminded watch of the moon
Laughing in front of all this happiness
And words were coming to him
And sentences were turning
And his heart was beating, beating
In the blue of the inkwell
And words were hovering
And sentences were turning
And when the day came, there were
More than a hundred love letters
When Pierrot was waiting for Colombine
Who was doing her work in the town
Pierrot didn't have an electrophone
To kill the monotone time
He took his mandolin
Composed minuets
Sweet cavatinas
When Pierrot married Colombine
He was a poet and a musician
Colombine sang in her kitchen
while doing the laundry, or making bread
And without a car,
In love and quiet
They took their time, all of the time
To love each other madly
And without a phone,
And without an electrophone
They lived up to almost a hundred years
And had a lot of children

Decked Out

Decked out, decked out
Oh you're most sweet
If your love was a plague
[I'd still say] It's either you or no one,
Or no one
Oh my soul's love, he resides in my heart
And no matter how long he's away, I never forget his time
Oh power holders, stay away from my way
The money of the whole world can't replace his tenderness for me
If they totally cover me in gold till I'm fully decked out, decked out
[put on me] a diamond ring, no, no
[Even if they] made me wear dresses of velvet and silk
And told me that whatever I wish for
is their command
The entire world is not worth as much to me as your love
Oh I swear it, the entire world
They found out that you are my love and my life
They thought that they can use expensive things to separate us
And they made me wear dresses of velvet and silk
And told me that whatever I wish for
is their command
The entire world is not worth as much to me as your love
Oh I swear it, the entire world
They made me walk on roses, step by step
To make me forget your love that is driving me mad
And they made me wear dresses of velvet and silk
And told me that whatever I wish for
is their command
The entire world is not worth as much to me as your love
Oh I swear it, the entire world
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Summer Clothes

Sick of this view
To many things have happened within it
But it's new to you
You point at Stockholm, saying:
'I like this, I like this
It's not Rome, but nothing is'
In summer clothes
And maybe a little too cold
Doesn't matter
Doesn't matter
In summer clothes
In summer clothes
And what's up
With the others tonight,
Did we have a plan?
Don't want to see a DJ, baby
There's cava
There's a party at a balcony
All night long
And we can go there later
But hey baby, check out the sky
And this light
And this light
Not as in Rome, but it's alright
(It's alright)
In summer clothes
And Stockholm, a little too cold
Doesn't matter
Doesn't matter
In summer clothes
Stockholm, a little too cold
Doesn't matter
Doesn't matter
In summer clothes
In summer clothes
In summer clothes
(I like this)
In summer clothes

Song of fearful happiness

Ah my friends here it is the song of happiness.
It passed this way, I saw it just now.
It’s already gone, yep but I don’t know where.
If I find it today, I’ll bite its neck.
Ah my friends here it is the song of fear.
The one that wakes you up at night and fills you with horror.
It’s like the story of that man who never said yes.
By chance I settled on this strange dream.
At last, the day breaks at last.
At last, the day breaks at last.
He hasn’t had an easy life ever since having been
abandoned like a bag at the foot of the stairs.
To be dragged about by the scruff of his neck again and again.
Chucked on the pavement like an attack hobo. 1
All this while in the city the monuments are bored.
He takes the girl’s hand, he thinks her pretty.
The sun has set hours and hours ago.
She finds him a bit rough but devours his lips.
At last, the day breaks at last.
At last, the day breaks at last.
  • 1. The only reference I can find to this is in Grand Theft Auto where the hobos carry Molotovs. /edit - probably a pun on (clo) char d'assaut - a tank.

Lev Song

Lev, Lev, Lev, take your hat off
Lev, let the sun
Gently caress your skin
Lev, Lev in my dreams
I imagine you're getting up
Next to me, without fear
Of lions, of the dark, of the heat
At dawn you get up, Lev, good boy
Umbrella in hand, little hat
A little briefcase with your supplies
At dawn they wake up
The monsters from your dreams
Monsters, photophobic, half-sleep
Are you afraid of the sun?
Flooded with vermilion red
I saw your heart beat, lionheart
Beneath the surface
I embalm myself in your brilliance
Lev, Lev, Lev, take your hat off
Lev, let the sun
Gently caress your skin
Lev, Lev in my dreams
I imagine you're getting up
Next to me, without fear
Of lions, of the dark, of the heat
Lev, Lev, take your hat off
Lev, leave the sun!
Wet and criminal emotions
And under a double rainbow
Kiss me, good boy
Kiss me on the lips
Lev, Lev, Lev, take off your hat
Lev, let the sun
Gently caress your skin
Lev, Lev in my dreams
I imagine you're getting up
Take off your hat

Azima's Song

When the desert advances
It's life that retreats
Blame it on bad luck
Or god who smites us
And the desert is advancing
Nobody believes it
That's out downfall
The impossible fight
When the desert advances
What do you want us to be?
The Tuareg women dance
They don't believe it either
In their childhood memories
The hunters were there
But the desert advances
The sand becomes king
And it's our suffering
Which flows between our fingers
In these immense dunes
Who will survive
But you, who come from France
Where people drink to forget
Tell them what you think
Tell them what you see
Tell them what their chances are
And that they don't see it
And that we're dying of impotence
But we're keeping the faith
May the desert advance
And water never come
Without that deliverance
We no longer have a choice
Tell them that night is falling
On this awful emergency
And that it's on our tombs
That the desert is advancing
i hope this translation was useful to you. use it wherever, i don't mind.
i write evocative translations rather than precise ones so this might not be 'word for word'.

Pomalé klesání

Neznám tě,
ale chci tě
o to víc
Slova propadnou skrze mě
a vždy mě oklamou
A já nemohu zareagovat
A hry, které nikdy neznamenají víc,
než by měly,
se odehrají samy
Nasměruj tuto potápějící se loď domů
Ještě máme čas
Pozvedni svůj nadějný hlas
Můžeš se rozhodnout
Učiníš to teď
Oči, jenž mě znají, pomalu klesají
A já se nemohu obrátit zpět
Nálady se mě zmocňují a mažou mě
a já jsem nabarven na černo
Protrpěl sis toho dost
a bojoval jsi sám se sebou
Je načase, abys zvítězil
Nasměruj tuto potápějící se loď domů
Ještě máme čas
Pozvedni svůj nadějný hlas
Můžeš se rozhodnout
Učiníš to teď
Klesej pomalu, zpívej svou melodii
Zazpívám ji nahlas
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Hey! If there's no source, then this translation was made by me. That means you are free to do whatever you want with it. Print it and make a paper hat! 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆


Pas d'oiseaux pas d'abeille, pas de feuille sur les arbres
Pas de papillons, le ciel n'est pas baigné par le soleil
Pas d'histoires à dire, aucune main pour se maintenir
Pas de baiser de bonne nuit, pas d'amour en vue
Tu t'en rappelle de la première fois qu'on c'est rencontrer, oublie
Tu te souviens de ton vrai premier baiser, oublie
Mais tout a été dévasté
Quand le vent du nord est apparu
C'était une aventure rapide, beaucoup plus romantique
Posé sur la plage avec de la barbe-à-papa
Mais je ne t'ai pas revu depuis
Ton bronzage a disparu
Tu sais, ton amour était aussi brûlant qu'une bougie
Mais le feu a été trop fort pour se maintenir
Dans l'arc-en-ciel
Quand l'été à pris fin, tu m'as ignoré
Comme si dans la chaleur tu m'as adoré
Maintenant tu es parti
J'ai été abandonné comme un chat en été
Pas d'oiseaux pas d'abeille, pas de feuille sur les arbres
Pas de papillons, le ciel n'est pas baigné par le soleil
Tu regrettes la solitude, n'est ce pas?
Quand tu restes éveiller dans la nuit, je te tiens
Dans la fraîcheur de la pluie de Novembre
Je me tiens seul et humide
Viens dans mes yeux
Et sèche ces larmes comme tu le faisais avant
Prend l'herbe car il doit y en avoir
Mille mots
Tu t'en rappelle de la première fois qu'on c'est rencontrer, oublie
Tu te souviens de ton vrai premier baiser, oublie
Mais tout a été dévasté
Quand le vent du nord est apparu
Pas d'oiseaux pas d'abeille, pas de feuille sur les arbres
Pas de papillons, le ciel n'est pas baigné par le soleil
Pas d'histoires à dire, aucune main pour se maintenir
Pas de baiser de bonne nuit, pas d'amour en vue

Tu me manques surtout

Tu me manques surtout
quand je me réveille le matin
et que tu n'est pas à côté de moi.
Le soir, quand je vais me coucher,
c'est là que tu me manques le plus.
Tu me manques surtout
quand je me promène au bord de la rivière.
Je vois des couples main dans la main,
des familles qui jouent sur le sable.
C'est là que tu me manques le plus.
Je me dis qu'il faut
que je me ressaisisse.
C'est pourtant évident
que tu ne reviendras pas.
Tu me manques surtout
quand j'arrive dans un aéroport.
Les gens dans la salle d'attente
qui embrassent leurs proches qui rentrent chez eux.
C'est là que tu me manques le plus.
Tu me manques surtout
à chaque fois que j'ai faim,
quand je suis au restaurant
attablé tout seul.
C'est là que tu me manques le plus.
Je me dis qu'il faut
que je me ressaisisse.
C'est pourtant évident
que tu ne reviendras pas.
Je me dis qu'il faut
que j'essaye de trouver quelqu'un d'autre.
Il faut tourner la page,
repartir du bon pied.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

C'est quasiment toi

Versions: #2
Il y a une fille assise à côté de moi
Elle me fait penser à toi
Quelque chose dans ses yeux, sa façon de sourire,
je dirais que c'est quasiment toi
Quand je la regarde sous certains angles,
je fais comme si c'est toi que je voyais.
Sa façon de marcher, et de parler aussi
me donnent l'impression que c'est quasiment toi.
Et ce sort que tu m'as jeté
t'a fait revenir pour me hanter,
alors je n'ai pas l'ombre1 d'une chance,
c'est quasiment toi.
Elle se rapproche tout doucement de moi.
Est-ce qu'on devrait boire un verre ou deux ensemble ?
Mais quand j'entends ce murmure dans mon oreille,
je me rends compte que c'est quasiment toi.
Et ce sort que tu m'as jeté
t'a fait revenir pour me hanter,
alors je n'ai pas l'ombre d'une chance,
c'est quasiment toi.
Et ce sort que tu m'as jeté
t'a fait revenir pour me hanter,
alors je n'ai pas l'ombre d'une chance,
parce que ce sort que tu m'as jeté
t'a fait revenir pour me hanter,
alors je n'ai pas l'ombre d'une chance,
c'est quasiment toi.
A mon avis ça ne marchera jamais,
pas avec quelqu'un comme elle.
Parce qu'elle me rappellera sans arrêt que c'est quasiment toi.
Et ce sort que tu m'as jeté
t'a fait revenir pour me hanter,
alors je n'ai pas l'ombre d'une chance,
parce que ce sort que tu m'as jeté
t'a fait revenir pour me hanter,
alors je n'ai pas l'ombre d'une chance,
c'est quasiment toi.
C'est quasiment toi.
C'est quasiment toi.
C'est quasiment toi.
  • 1. lit. 'le fantôme'
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

La tombe de ma mère

Désolé pour les fois où j'ai dû te laisser seule,
toutes ces fois où je n'ai pas pu rentrer à la maison.
Désolé pour tout ce que j'ai dit, je n'étais pas moi-même.
Il se fait tard et je voudrais vraiment être ailleurs.
J'aurais dû apporter des excuses et des fleurs,
mais au lieu de ça je suis parti pendant des heures.
Je comprends que tu aies été déçue la nuit dernière.
J'ai eu beau essayer, je n'ai jamais réussi à arranger les choses.
Parfois les mauvaises excusent ne suffisent pas,
mais je ne sais pas choisir mes mots.
Et je te promets, je le jure sur la tombe de ma mère
que ça n'arrivera plus jamais.
Je m'entraîne chaque nuit mais je n'y vois plus rien
et je n'écris rien de bon, juste the sorrow at the heart1
Désolé pour les fois où j'ai dû te laisser seule,
toutes ces fois où je n'ai pas pu rentrer à la maison.
J'aurais dû apporter des excuses et des fleurs,
mais au lieu de ça je suis parti pendant des heures.
Et je te promets, je le jure sur la tombe de ma mère,
que ça n'arrivera plus jamais.
Et je te promets, je le jure sur la tombe de ma mère,
que ça n'arrivera plus jamais.
  • 1. la même chose qu'en français, avec une faute du même genre
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Je suis vieux maintenant

Avant, je faisais tourner les filles sur la piste de danse
et j'étais le meilleur amant qu'on avait jamais vu
et toutes les filles chuchotaient et gloussaient sur mon passage.
Mais c'est bien vrai que les bonnes choses ont une fin,
parce que maintenant je suis vieux, bien plus vieux que quand j'étais jeune.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.


Quand je parcours les rues de Paris
Je ne peux m'empêcher de me demander où est
Cette bohémienne qui avait l'habitude de s'arrêter
Et de dire 'Salut, tu me manques'
Je prends la rue Richelieu,
Démarre à la Comédie Française
Le Palais Royal sur ma droite
Est juste parallèle à la Rue St. Anne
Je la connais bien.
Je vois la Place des Victoires
Quitte le premier arrondissement
Je passe la Bibliothèque Nationale
Les rues Colbert et Augustin
Traverse la rue Quatre Septembre
Quand je parcours les rues de Paris
Je ne peux m'empêcher de me demander où est
Cette bohémienne qui avait l'habitude de s'arrêter
Et de dire 'Salut, tu me manques'
Tu me manques
Quand je parcours les rues de Paris
Je ne peux m'empêcher de me demander où est
Cette étrange fille qui voulait me suivre où
Le vent soufflerait
Tu me manques
Je me dirige vers Pigalle
Traversant le boulevard Montmartre
Je prends la rue Fontaine jusqu'à la Place Blanche
Joseph de Maistre et la rue Lamarck
Et ici nous sommes
Quand je parcours les rues de Paris
Je ne peux m'empêcher de me demander où est
Cette bohémienne qui avait l'habitude de s'arrêter
Et de dire 'Salut, tu me manques'
Tu me manques
Quand je parcours les rues de Paris
Je ne peux m'empêcher de me demander où est
Cette bohémienne qui avait l'habitude de s'arrêter
Et de dire 'Salut, tu me manques'
Tu me manques
Quand je parcours les rues de Paris
Je ne peux m'empêcher de me demander où est
Cette étrange fille qui voulait me suivre où
Le vent soufflerait
Tu me manques

Hans Beimler, Comrade

In front of Madrid in a trench
In the hour of danger
With the iron brigade
His heart loaded full of hate
/: Stood Hans, the commissar Confused smile
He had to leave his home
Because he was a freedom fighter
On Spain's bloody streets
For the rights of the poor classes
/: Died Hans, the commissar Confused smile
A bullet came flying
From 'home' for him
The shot was well considered
The path was well drawn
/: A German gun Confused smile
Can shake on it
While I load just now
You'll stay in our life
The enemy won't be forgiven
/: Hans Beimler, comrade Confused smile

Andy's song

G, A, F, G, B, A, A, G
Well, but it is a G minor
G, A, F, G, A, E, G, F, E, F, C, F
I'm sorry miss, but I'm in love
You're lucky
I do what I can
I'm in Rochefort to see again a friend of mine
A certain Simon Dame and at two steps from here
I meet a girl and I become mad for her
The girl disappeared, but love has chosen me
I had to pass through two continents
It had at the end to happen this incredible coincidence
To transform my life and give a sense to it.
I had to come back to France.

That day

So many nights, days
So many of us complaining
But we never get to start over, over, over, over
I have my own tale
I follow my own rules
And I don't listen to them, them, them, them anymore
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Only one chance, only one day
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
A moment that lives on
The whole life was there
I was young, I was in love
I will never ever forget that day
When life said: here
It's like being a millionare
Will never ever forget that day
Oh oh oh oh
A moment that turns around
Where eyes meet and lights up
And the look, the one that says come, come, come
May be a sand grain in space
And Newton understood the weight
Nothing comes again, nothing comes again
Only one chance, only one day
A moment that lives on
The whole life was there
I was young, I was in love
I will never ever forget that day
When life said: here
It's like being a millionare
Will never ever forget that day
Oh oh oh oh
A hundred years is a really short time when you're dead
Everything is now, me and you
The whole life was there
I was young, I was in love
I will never ever forget that day
When life said: here
It's like being a millionare
Will never ever forget that day
Oh oh oh oh

Barbara's Song

It was beautiful outside when I had my virginity
You had it too, you remember?
And I knew well that the time would come
For me to choose a husband, a lover
If he had money, if he was charming
Even on weekdays, if his collar was white
And if, by chance, he offered me his heart and his last name
I would tell him no
Never look away
Indifference is better
Even though the moon shines in the sky
And the boat sleeps on the blue waves
My heart is silent
It is better, much better
Don't give your heart away
And only show calmness and coldness
Wait, this isn't good
I answer right away
A man from Kent came first
And he was a nice cavalier
The second one was as rich as a king
The third one was crazy in love with me
They had money, they were charming
Even on weekdays, their fake collars were white
Very courteously, they offered me their hearts and their last names
I told them no
So one fine day when the sky was clear
Came the one that offered me nothing
Without greeting me, he entered my room
He threw his hat on my bed
He didn't have money, he wasn't charming
Even on Sundays, his collar wasn't white
He couldn't offer me anything but himself for me to put up with
But I didn't tell him no
Before him1, I had to look away
It was him that appealed to me the most
The Moon twinkled in the skies
And the big boat sailed on the blue waves
All I had to do was give him my whole heart
For love, there is no reason
And the day happiness begins
We don't know how to say no
  • 1. Before she met/started talking to him
Si vous voyez une erreur, dites-moi svp.
N'hésitez pas à utiliser mes traductions où vous voulez si vous pensez qu'elles sont assez bien :)
If you see an error, please tell me.
Feel free to use my translations wherever you want to if you think that they're good enough :)

For your sake

You sleep and I count how many times you breathe
The world has stopped, outside there
A moment, a little taste of eternity
In the middle of everything else, nothing that disturbs us
There, a sea made of gloomy, plastic-ish grey
Here, a place no one can reach
Because even if the rain is pouring, heavy clouds are pouring
I will catch you, you have my word. Then
We will go lots of hundreds of miles
Away from gravel and concrete, towards a different life
Who could possibly know what everything is going to be like?
In a time where everything seems satirical
But I simply do it for your sake
Oh whoa... for your sake
The city is glowing red from the sunset
High above the rooftops, we fly away
No one can catch us, we own everything
Don't want to land, living in a trance
There, a sea made of gloomy, plastic-ish grey
Here, a place no one can reach
Because even if the rain is pouring, heavy clouds are pouring
I will catch you, you have my word. Then
We will go lots of hundreds of miles
Away from gravel and concrete, towards a different life
Who could possibly know what everything is going to be like?
In a time where everything seems satirical
But I simply do it for your sake
Oh whoa... for your sake
(Simply do it, Simply do it)
(Simply do it, Simply do it)
(Simply do it, Simply do it)
(Simply do it) For your sake
Because even if the rain is pouring, heavy clouds are pouring
I will catch you, you have my word. Then
We will go lots of hundreds of miles
Away from gravel and concrete, towards a different life
Who could possibly know what everything is going to be like?
In a time where everything seems satirical
But I simply do it for your sake
Oh whoa... for your sake

Song to the Auvergnat

This song is your's
You the Auvergnat that, without fuss
GIved me four wood's pieces
When my life was feeling cold
You that give me fire when
the 'croquantes' and 'croquants' *
all this people well intentionned
slammed their doors on my face
that was nothing much than a wood fire
but it had heated my body
And in my soul its burning again
As a bonfire
you, the Auvergnat, when you'll died
When the undertaker will take you away
that he drives you, through the sky
To the Eternal Father
This song is your's
You the host that, without fuss
Gived me four bread's pieces
When my life was feeling hungry
you, that opened your bread box when
the croquantes and croquants
All this people well intetionned
they laughed seeing me fasting ( do not eat)
That was nothing more than a few bred pieces
But it had heated my body
And in my soul its burning again
As a great feast
you, the host, when you'll died
When the undertaker will take you away
that he drives you, through the sky
To the Eternal Father
This song is your's
You the stranger that, without fuss
Looking miserable you smiled me
When policeman caugh me
You, that didn't applaused when
the croquantes and the croquants
All this people well intentionned
Laughed seeing then taking me away
That was nothing more than sweetness (honey)
But te heated my body
and in my soul its burning again
As a great sun
you, the stranger, when you'll died
When the undertaker will take you away
that he drives you, through the sky
To the Eternal Father

We dance on my song

i wanted to finish the song
that spring had begun
but you are no longer at home
and the flowers are all blossoming
i should have sang like the poets
with big words our beautiful love
but i did not know, my song is done
Of all small words, these of all the days.
I took all that I said
Love, oath, always, never,
On the splendor of our mornings
and on the softness of your hands
I have built beautiful memories
With the taste of my desires.
When, proud of your victorious smile
and your little bit of mocking
When you pose there on my heart
Your lips.
yes, I had to, on an old piano
look for the air that I liked hearing
and who cried like a sob
But no one had to understand
Because this song that I thought
To sing the love that was so sweet
I hear it everywhere like an air of party
And the people have the air of laughter of us
Because, on the words that you were saying:
Love, oath, always, never
We dance
On the splendor of our mornings
And on the softness of your hands
We dance
On the prettiest memories
And on the taste of my desire,
We dance,
And on your victorious smile,
And on your little bit of mocking,
And on the penalty of my heart,
We dance.
Since, on the air that i liked so,
That you sang so sadly,
We dance,
Since nobody understood,
That, on the words that you said to me,
We dance
It is that this love is so deep,
Was not worth a song
I think...
So, i wanted to forget you.
Someone taught me to dance
And now on the go,
I dance,
I dance...

There Were Five Wild Swans

Versions: #2
There were once five wild swans there
The swans were white - beautiful and bright.
There were once five wild swans there
The swans were white - beautiful and bright.
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None were seen there again - yes.
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None were seen again.
Once five young birch trees did grow there,
green and fresh on the rivers' bank.
Once five young birch trees did grow there,
green and fresh on the rivers' bank.
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None had stood there in bloom - yes.
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None had stood in bloom.
Once five young men had passed by there
proud and brave - into battle gone
Once five young men had passed by there
proud and brave - into battle gone
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None had returned home again - yes.
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None had returned home .
Once five young girls had grown up there
slim and pretty at the Memel´s bank
Once five young girls had grown up there
slim and pretty at the Memel´s bank
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None did weave a bridal wreath -yes.
'Sing, sing, what has happened?'
None did weave a wreath.