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Резултати претраге страна 29

Број резултата: 2099


23rd April

It feels like there are weddings everywhere
Because, this is the most honorable, happiest day
Today is april twenty three
People are cheering up
It was today when the council was set
Right after it the sultan was kicked out
Today is april twenty three
People are cheering up
Today is a gift from Atatürk
Otherwise, believe it, we would not be free
Today is april twenty three
People are cheering up

Једно смо

Модро небо у нама
Месец светлошћу испуни,
Звезде сјајне наниза
У свој ђердан танани.
Младић светиљку загрли,
Душа душу заволи,
У Рајску башту пођосмо
Јер смо једно, једно смо.
Срца пуна љубави,
Лица светлошћу сијају,
Бисер поља рајска
Вернику се радују.
Младић светиљку загрли,
Душа душу заволи,
У Рајску башту пођосмо
Јер смо једно, једно смо.

We are one

The blue sky inside us
The moon filled with light,
It strung bright stars
In its thin necklace.
The young man embraced the lamp,
The soul starts loving the soul,
We are going to the Garden of Eden
Because we are one, we are one.
Hearts full of love,
Faces shine with light,
The pearls of the Heavens meadow
Rejoice in the believer.
The young man embraced the lamp,
The soul starts loving the soul,
We are going to the Garden of Eden
Because we are one, we are one.

It was the song

Now I am solo again, and it can stay like that
I'm finally drifting away
I've had enough stress with women
I can breathe again, I can stand again
I'll go to rock concerts now
A fresh wind is good for me now
You really weren't planned
I didn't want it and didn't suspect it
That it can happen like that one more time
It was the song, it was the beat
That drove me into your arms
It was the riff, the melody
You never fall in love that quickly
Was it your laugh, was it your looks?
Or another nasty trick?
It was definitely the music
You managed it perfectly
That I fell so in love with you
How can I wake up next to you now?
I wanted to do men's stuff
I have dreamed about it for so long
With the Harley to Pink Floyd
Doing things you'll never regret
Missed too much for too long
You really weren't planned
I didn't want it and didn't suspect it
That it can happen like that one more time
It was the song, it was the beat
That drove me into your arms
It was the riff, the melody
You never fall in love that quickly
Was it your laugh, was it your looks?
Or another nasty trick?
It was definitely the music
You managed it perfectly
That I fell so in love with you
It was the song, it was the beat
That drove me into your arms
It was the riff, the melody
You never fall in love that quickly
Was it your laugh, was it your looks?
Or another nasty trick?
It was definitely the music
You managed it perfectly
That I fell so in love with you
You managed it perfectly
That I fell so in love with you

Burning ice

And one day I ran away, I felt so empty
Even if I knew everything, everything seemed tasteless
Nothing was exciting me in this monotomy
Incandescent ambition of a flame on ice
So, so I left
That wasn't the problem itself
The worst was running away
So, so I ran away
Forgetting behind me
To turn off the plates of my life
Oh, it is tearing off my skin,
The burning ice
I dive in my reflection,
I drown.
Oh, it is burning off my skin,
The haunting image.
I am afraid of this reflection,
It isn't me.
So choosing between leaving and dying
I went very far from here, but to come back better
I needed to be alone, to be put in front of myself
All the sounds of my city, too loud, were deafening me
So, so, come, come in.
I cried under the stars, I felt so small
So, so I understand well
That changing perspectives would save my life
Oh, it is tearing off my skin,
The burning ice
I dive in my reflection,
I drown.
Oh, it is burning off my skin,
The haunting image.
I am afraid of this reflection,
It isn't me.
Oh, it is tearing off your skin,
The burning ice
You dive in your reflection,
You drown.
Oh, it is burning off your skin,
The haunting image.
You am afraid of this reflection,
It is ok.
Oh, it is tearing off my skin,
The burning ice
I dive in my reflection,
I drown.
Oh, it is burning off my skin,
The haunting image.
I am afraid of this reflection,
It isn't me.
Oh, it is tearing off my skin,
The burning ice
I dive in my reflection,
I drown.
Oh, it is burning off my skin,
The haunting image.
I am afraid of this reflection,
It is ok.


When they tell me 'your life is beautiful'
A slow walk, a wide smile
You must have grown under the sun and palm trees
The star was named after you
You run factories of clouds
And you sniff money like a hunting dog
You talk to people so easily
You can sing in seven languages
With your words, hearts get broken
It's said that you know and act
But not everyone can see
Yes, that's your strongest skill
And you don't have a home, a home, and you don't have a home
Where is your home, home, where is your home?
My life is beautiful because I paint it1
It's easy for me to walk because I don't care
And my smile is just a memory
The only heart that's broken like asphalt,
On this aimless road that doesn't lead to a home,
is mine
The eyes of a layman see a man
But they are blind to that child
Who's screaming inside 'help'
Because he has no home, home, home
Where is my home, home, where is my home?
Because he has no home, home, because he has no home
Where is my home, home, where is my home?
  • 1. by myself

The Hymn of Isis (Have an awe to Isis!)

May gods adore the mistress (Isis)
May gods adore the mistress (Isis)
It is she, the sole mistress
It is she, the sole mistress
Have an awe
to Isis!1
It is she who gave birth to the morning
It is she who gave birth to the morning
Have an awe to Isis!
The mistress of the west2
It is she who gave birth to the morning
It is she who gave birth to the morning
Have an awe to Isis!
The mistress of the west
And (the mistress of) the two lands together3
Have an awe to Isis!
The mistress of the west
It is she, the eyes of Ra4, greatly praised in nomes5
Have an awe to Isis!
The one who grants many things to the king of upper and lower Egypt6
  • 1. : Egyptian goddess
  • 2. The other world, the netherworld, the underworld
  • 3. Upper (south) and lower (north) Egypt
  • 4. : The highest of all ancient Egyptian gods
  • 5. regions
  • 6. The king of the united kingdom of Egypt

The coat

When she borrowed my coat
Immediately my position changed
O cold, where are you from my blood
I am a flame that never goes out
Everyone around me cheered
A terrible cold and shivered
And I disagree about everyone
In me there is hidden warmth
because She borrowed my coat
Oh my coat, how happy you are?
Very close to me and at the same time very far away
I tried not to envy you
I wish I was my coat
O, what a stormy calm
She said

The coat

When she borrowed my coat
Immediately my position changed
O cold, where are you from my blood
I am a flame that never goes out
because She borrowed my coat
Everyone around me cheered
A terrible cold and shivered
And I disagree about everyone
In me there is hidden warmth
because She borrowed my coat
Oh my coat, how happy you are?
Very close to me and at the same time very far away
I tried not to envy you
I wish I was my coat
She said


I have seen countries and my hair has turned white.
I heard stories and I lost sleep.
He lies if he says he has relatives.
How many men cried before me
And you are hungry for power and money.
And in my glass I drowned my illusions.
I know that moments of laughter are rare,
I know my words have no meaning.
So where, tell me where?
Tell me why you left my love?
You left and you left my heart sad.
So where, tell me where?
Tell me what you didn't like in my words.
You left and you left my heart sad.
You left and you left me in this state.
You left with what I have less and more precious.
We already said everything.
And today I only look in front of me.
'Look at the others, they love money'
My old friend says to me, my glass (of alcohol).
Time flies and it drives people crazy.
Beauty is tempting but it is fleeting.
So where, tell me where?
Tell me why you left my love?
You left and you left my heart sad.
So where, tell me where?

So Prettty

So pretty
So precious
her eyes are so beautiful
whatever happen
she is mine
by god our story will be so blissful
No, I don't want anyone else
her voice is all my wealth
I am lucky
as I found who is beautiful
who loves my eyes and babied them
I love her and she is my eyes
she worths as the whole world for me
I want to scream, don't blame me
my love has reached the moon
she is my life

Američka molitva

Znaš li za žar progresa pod zvezdama?
Znaš li da postojimo?
Da li ste zaboravio ključeve kraljevstva?
Jesi li se već rodio i jesi li živ?
Izmislimo ponovo bogove, sve mitove vekova
Slavimo simbole iz dubokih starih šuma
Da li si zaboravio lekcije drevnog rata?
Potrebni su nam veliki zlatni snošaji
Očevi gaču u drveću šuma
Majka nam je mrtva u moru
Da li znaš da nas miroljubivi admirali vode na klanje
A da se debelim tromim generalima diže na mladu krv?
Da li znaš da nama vlada Televizija?
Mesec je zver skorele krvi
Gerilske bande su sve brojnije
Nadomak su zelenih vinograda
Omasovljuju se za ratovanje protiv nedužnog pastira koji je na samrti
O, veliki stvoritelju bića, daj nam još jedan sat da odigramo našu umetnost i usavršimo naše živote
Leptirice i ateisti dvostruko su božanski i umiru
Živimo, umiremo, a smrt nije kraj
Putujemo još u Noćnu moru
Držite se života,našeg strastvenog cveta
Držite se za pičke i kurčeve očaja
Konačnu viziju dobili smo pljeskom
Kolumbove prepone ispunile su se zelenom smrću
Dotakoh joj bedro i smrt se nasmešila
Okupili smo se u ovom drevnom i ludom pozorištu
Da propagiramo svoju žudnju za životom i pobegnemo od uskiptele mudrosti ulica
Na štale se juriša
Prozori su čuvani
I samo jedan od svih ostalih da zapleše i spasi nas božanskim ruganjem
Muzika raspaljuje strasti
Kada se pravim ubicama kralja pusti da slobodno vršljaju
Hiljadu čarobnjaka će se zemljom dići na noge
Gde su nam gozbe koje su nam obećane?
Gde je vino, Novo vino, koje umire na čokotu?


Every father that has a female child
Is thankful forever to the good angels
Under the heavens he will proudly say
Whom God gives a daughter is the luckiest
And my daughter is just like her mother
Lucky clover with four leaves
And in our home everyday is a celebration
Because the daughter has a brave heart like her father
For the beautiful moments which mean the life
Father will give his soul to his beloved daughter
Under the heavens he will proudly say
Whom God gives a daughter is the luckiest
And my daughter is just like her mother
Lucky clover with four leaves
And in our home everyday is a celebration
Because the daughter has a brave heart like her father
And my daughter is just like her mother
Lucky clover with four leaves
And in our home everyday is a celebration
Because the daughter has a brave heart like her father

The souvenir of the war

In those years of fire
You gave me, comrade
Together with the heart, the rifle as well.
This land was on fire from the great war.
- Chorus 2x
Our hearts, our weapons,
Were united by the fight.
When we pledged great allegiance.
O my dear friend
This rifle we’ll pass on
An inheritance to our children.
It is sign of our allegiance
This rifle of yours
And it remembers our fight.
The ideal gives us wings to fly forever, comrade.

The cradle of courage

Fair and decent Albania
Graced by glow of courage.
In every cradle you rock
The song of freedom.
Fair and decent Albania
Graced by glow of courage.
On your rugged cliffs you craft
The stars of freedom*.
- Refrain
The life blooms the flowers of youth
Your children we are Albania
Our boys raised in spring times
Host the bravery in their bosom.
The life blooms the flowers of youth
Your children we are Albania
Our boys raised in spring times
Host the bravery in their bosom.
We host in the bosom.
- Repeat

No Need Any Bullet

One day if you want to end my life
No need to any knife, I have your eyes
If you want to shoot me in the heart of mine
The is no need to any bullet, I have your words
The is no need to any bullet, I have your words
If I were a stone I would fuse in your hands
If I were big as a mountain I would fall by a look of yours
Dear, if I am guilty in this action of love
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you
I see there is no solution for me to forget you
Cause I have your memories everywhere
To sleep happily one day I need no pillow, I have your legs
To sleep happily one day I need no pillow, I have your legs
If I were a stone I would fuse in your hands
If I were big as a mountain I would fall by a look of yours
Dear, if I am guilty in this action of love
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you

Love you still

Whilst breathing in the cold night air,
I said goodbye to you under the streetlights
As my fingertips carefully reached closer to yours,
I stared blanky, not knowing
I was scared you would find out about my feelings for you,
So I acted like a fool
I love you
Your eyes looking at me, how you move your hands
Even your quiet way of talking is so sweet
Again, I love you
Even as I walk into my home,
I keep wanting to turn back in regret
I just wanna fall in
In your eyes
Love you still
forever in my mind
If I secretly held onto your hand,
I was worried you'd be shocked
But as you looked at my frozen body,
Your shocked laughter made you even more pretty
I love you
Your eyes looking at me, how you move your hands
Even your quiet way of talking is so sweet
Again, I love you
Even as I walk into my home,
I keep wanting to turn back in regret
I just wanna fall in
In your eyes
Oh I love you still
forever in my mind
I love you
Your eyes staring at me, how you move your hands
Even your awkward way of talking is so precious
Again, I love you
As every precious moment turns into days
As you were the one who let me know about love,
I'm thankful

The Northern Lights

Versions: #1
[Verse 1]
The twilight puts on its veil
The night is coming telling on
The day has been here and left its mark
You know well, that I’m here for you
You are uncertain about all that awaits
Carefully and cautiously on the way
Unknown paths and worn out shoes
You hope they lead you home
Look at the sky
Rest in star bed
Follow the northern lights that shows the way
To come home to me
[Verse 2]
You have lost the courage and the hope
It disappeared with your finest smile
There were no one as saw you, as could have understand
That inside of you lived it doubt
Look at the sky
Rest in star bed
Follow the northern lights that shows the way
To come home to me
See the light as shining over valleys and mountaines
Feel the air that strokes you and following you forward
You falling to calm
Can you find yourself?
It is here you’re home
It is here you belonging to
Look at the sky
Rest in star bed
Follow the northern lights that shows the way
To come home to me
To come home

Bum Bum

You know that I am ready for love
I love you, I love you
At nights, I hit the parties
But in the mornings I wake up at 10 A.M
Love is with you, love is with me
Don't you always take it at night, night, night
You want to be with me
You want to rock the nights
You want to let yourself go
Come on dance then, then
Bum bum bum bum x4
My raping is cool
But it is a action of love
Pop it the father of rap
But it is a action of love
Energetic, swinning
Pop everybody and make them dance
Zippy, swinning
Side to side come on dance
Energetic, swinning
Side to side come on dance
Zippy, swinning
Young and old alike come and dance
Bum bum bum bum x4

You still love me?

You still love me ? or you forgot me?!
This thing in your absence, I do not know about it.
What I know about, that I tried and wished once to?!
To forget your love, and every time I try, I fail, and I remember you.
Related to love from the day I loved you.
Even the death, my darling for you, I reach to.
And if you intentionally absence to let me love you more.
Please know that you are precious to me, darling, more than love itself.
I built inside my heart for you a house.
It's your home, and you alone lived in it.
And I don't think I will try to abandon you even at once moment.
Even wounds that come from you, darling, I loved it.

 Sebe prepusti meni

Postoji nešto u tebi za mene
Šta se dogodilo, da li su ta osećanja skrivena?
Ostavi svoju ljubav na miru, neka dođe do nas.
Ne zaustavljaj se, ne brini o ljubavi
Ne budi prezadovoljna svojim srcem
Sebe prepusti meni
Oooof! Sebe prepusti meni
Oooof! Sebe prepusti meni
Spavanje i buđenje s tobom je pravilo ljubavi
Ono što sam spalio, ne osvrćem se unazad
Ostavi ta krila otvorena za moj vetar
Ne zaustavljaj se, ne brini o ljubavi
Ne budi prezadovoljna svojim srcem
Sebe prepusti meni
Oooof! Sebe prepusti meni
Oooof! Sebe prepusti meni

Girl with gold

Versions: #1
I'm turning every Sunday into Saturday tonight
And getting dressed for the party that awaits
In a book that I saved just for this night
I'll write the most beautiful words
Then I'm repainting December into August so that
I can dress in gloves and a fancy top hat
I cut out all the stars from heaven's paper dome
And put them in a little blue box
And nobody knows who I'm giving it to
A girl with golden-brown eyes
No, nobody knows who I'm giving it to
A girl with golden-brown eyes
I cry out to the wind to make it understand
That it's the calmness that hunted you 'til now
But I'm bringing some memories from a carnival to you
Where I know that the light never ends
And the light will water the rose that I have
In my lapel so it will never die
Every time that I whisper your name to myself
The colour shifts from blue to red
And nobody knows who I'm giving it to
A girl with golden-brown eyes
No, nobody knows who I'm giving it to
A girl with golden-brown eyes
Then I'm sewing a blanket of all the broken clouds
To cover you as I put you to bed
And when you're asleep, I'll switch the blanket with myself
At peace with my secrecy
And nobody knows that I'm giving me to
A girl with golden-brown eyes
No, nobody knows that I'm giving me to
A girl with golden-brown eyes

Who's more precious humans?

Who's more precious humans?
Who's more precious humans?
Where did my soul go?
Who's more precious humans?
Up on my head.
I carried them on my head.
I will love them all my years a swear of God.
I carried them on my head.
All this love to them rewarded me on abandonment.
And I lost all my lifetime for them.
I am lost ... I am lost
I could not sleep at that time.
I am lost
Don’t torture me ...Don’t torture me
I am begging you, do not torment me.
Don’t ask me.. Don't ask me
About the tears that in my eyes don't ask me.
My problem I don't have patience.
I can't wait a moment.
The tears in my eyes.. The tears that in my eyes
Exposed me among the people.
The tears in my eyes.
The blame talk.. the blame talk
Believe me, my heart was melted
The blame talk
Oh, how much I love them.. Oh, how much I love them
The love who that is gone
Oh, how much I love them.
I silent, resistant and listen
Struggling to be patient and trying let my tears patience too.
My tears and my madness.
They are the cause, swear of God.
My tears and my madness.
Who's more precious humans?
Who's more precious humans?
Where did my soul go?
Who's more precious humans?
Up on my head.
I carried them on my head.
I will love them all my years a swear of God.
I carried them on my head.

Louis XIV (Isis)

It is he whom the Gods have chosen
To fill the happiness of the Empire of France
It is in vain to disturb him, when everything unites, everything conspires,
It was in vain that Envy united so many Kings
Happy is the Empire
Happy is the Empire
Who follow his laws!
Choir No.1:
Let us publish in all places
The triumphant valour of the greatest of heroes.
Let us publish in all places
The triumphant valour of the greatest of heroes.
The triumphant valour.
Choir No.2:
That the Earth and the Heavens
That the Earth and the Heavens
Ring out with the sound of his dazzling glory.
Of his dazzling glory!
That the Earth and the Heavens
That the Earth and the Heavens
Ring out with the sound of his dazzling glory.
We must admire him everywhere we go
Let us speak of his virtues, let us speak of his exploits,
We will hardly be able to suffice
With all our voices

Heroine portrait

Back in the days,
it comes to mind, with you little one
We roamed around the meadows
Like two daisies.
This is how our childhood flowed
But life, from the meadows
Took us then
to the battles.
- Refrain
Somewhere far away you became
Heroine, my friend
I never saw you anywhere.
And the flowers we used to pick
In the meadow, they come and sit
Above your portrait.
On the forehead
You just have a star like fire
While in the eyes trembles
Same as then, grass leaflets.
- Refrain
Somewhere far away you became
Heroine, my friend
I never saw you anywhere.
And the flowers we used to pick
In the meadow, they come and sit
Above your portrait.
I had
Once a friend of mine
That years today brought back
A Heroine portrait.
Brought her back.

The partisan star

When I was still a little one
A partisan came to us at night.
At the dawn
He had fled with his friends
And I did not see that man any more
That star, those eyes, that star.
And days
Entire I always asked for it
A for years I remembered him
But then I did not see any more.
- Chorus
Shout out today
My song
For those who
Remain forever
Like a star
When I was still a little one
One night I met the partisan star.
And days
Entire I always asked for it
And for years I remembered him
But then I did not see him anymore.
- Chorus
Shout out today
My song
For those who
Remain forever
Like a star
When I was still a little one
One night I met the partisan star.

The spring of freedom

On those days
Had no toys and no spruce tree
It was the war season
Smoke was still rising.
In a corner
We raised a banner with an eagle and a star
With bullet shells, my son
We gathered around it.
That's how we welcomed
The first New Year
That evening
With rifles and 'hurrah'
And the toast of our celebration
Was for you, o freedom.
- Chorus
Eternal spring
Spring of liberty
From a celebration to another
The stronger our red sun
On us will shine.
Eternal spring
Spring of liberty
On Albanian soil today
Always young will come
Our years.
These days
Many toys and decorated spruce.tree
Up our homeland, up
You throws the fireworks.
And anywhere
We raise our banners today with eagle and star
Victorious banners
Banners of liberty
Of the liberty.
And the toast of our celebration
We raise for you
O Party
- Chorus
Eternal spring
Spring of liberty
From a celebration to another
The stronger our red sun
On us will shine.
Eternal spring
Spring of liberty
On Albanian soil today
Always young will come
Our years.
And anywhere
We raise our flags today with eagle and star
Victorious banners
Banners of liberty
Of the liberty.

They envied us

Like you, there aren't ten
What a pity what happens to us
We were in love, and what happened to us?
They envied us


There was once a boomerang.
It was a bit too long.
It flew a short distance,
but it never came back.
The crowd there, for hours, still
waited for the boomerang.

Tatlı Nokta

Bebeğim, durma, durma
Tatlı noktaya, tatlı noktaya geliyoruz
Bebeğim bu kesin bir atış, kesin atış
Tatlı noktaya, tatlı noktaya geliyoruz
Seninle olmak istiyorum
Seninle olmak istiyorum
Seninle olmak istiyorum
Seninle olmak istiyorum
İlgimi çekmek istediğin gibi dans ettiğini görüyorum
Dans ederken, dans ederken
Şimdi vücudun benim yönüme doğru ilerliyor
Benim yönüme, benim yönüme
Bebeğim, ne için bekliyorsun
Yeşil ışığın var
Artık geri çekilmiyor musun
En iyi hayatımızı yaşayalım
Bebeğim, durma, durma
Tatlı noktaya, tatlı noktaya geliyoruz
Bebeğim bu kesin bir atış, kesin atış
Tatlı noktaya, tatlı noktaya geliyoruz
Seninle olmak istiyorum
Seninle olmak istiyorum
Seninle olmak istiyorum
Seninle olmak istiyorum
Herkes buradan biriyle ayrılmak istiyor
Herkes , herkes
Gecenin vakti şekere dalmaya başladık
Onu bana ver, bana ver
Bebeğim, ne için bekliyorsun
Yeşil ışığın var
Artık geri çekilmiyor musun
En iyi hayatımızı yaşayalım
Bebeğim, durma, durma
Tatlı noktaya, tatlı noktaya geliyoruz
Bebeğim bu kesin bir atış, kesin atış
Tatlı noktaya, tatlı noktaya geliyoruz
Seninle olmak istiyorum
Seninle olmak istiyorum
Seninle olmak istiyorum
Seninle olmak istiyorum


I found your message
In the sky slope
Where the hemisphere
Is passing through
Listen to it
In the marine ocean
Parallel to the moon
A stroke that one draws
The birds swaggerr
In the fiery dance
To stroke the opal
The color of your eyes
And the withering flowers
Just like your eyelids
Build up in silence
Like the foam of the sea
From Pertusato
From its lighthouse in night
From Pertusato
From its healing voice
Family memories
I smile and love
I care for and I protect you
To never forget
I always took the shortcut
Through the dark roads
Those who pass through
Give way to the heart of hope
I brew the cloud
I distill the day
Alcohol and scenery
To dissolve me better
I give thanks to your soul
And I sense a sigh
In the heavens, in the flames
How could you have died?
Disappearing on your own
Just going off the rails
Without even leaving a letter
Telling us what to do with your body
In Pertusato
And its lighthouse in the night
In Pertusato
What a shame
Family memories
I smile and love
I care for and I protect you
To never forget

There somewhere far away

There, to where my thoughts fly
The most beautiful dawns break
Oh, my dearest mother
Foreign lands are like a cold sea
Oh, my dearest mother
Foreign lands are like a cold sea
There, to where my thoughts fly
Are most beautiful white winters
Oh, my dearest mother
Your son will return from desolate foreign lands
Oh, my dearest mother
Your son will return from desolate foreign lands
There, to where my thoughts fly
Dear eyes await me
Oh, my dearest mother
Your son will return to you from foreign lands
Oh, my dearest mother
Your son will return to you from foreign lands