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Број резултата: 2099



Full descriptions are mesmerizing.
And black eyes cheek me up.
I started to sing from their whim.
Ah Oh night ah oh eye.
Black eyes, their eyelashes night.
Night dreams of the absent.
Black eyes cheek me.
Oh my heart, my heart.
Teach you watch you sing.
Teach you longing beloved.
Why my heart why.
Why take me why.
Tohoni westbound black eyes.
They said patience is far away.
They said his hips Nayat you say sigh.
I stayed up late.
And the star is with me.
Dubney and our bear.
In the eyes of woman woman.
Why my heart why.
Why take me why.
Tohoni westbound black eyes.

I'm The Master Of Myself

I'm the master of myself
I can make love, fight if I want to
The profit and loss is mine, that's just my bag
I can hide it, divide it up
I'm not on the ground nor on high
I'm not a mirror nor a curtain
Everything happens all in one
Time's relative is beyond one's ken

Deliberating On You

Versions: #1
Deliberating on you is a beautiful, hopeful thing
It's like listening to the most beautiful song
From the world's most beautiful voice...
However, hope isn't enough for me any longer
I don't want to listen to songs no longer,
I want to sing them


We were sitting in the moonlight
I kissed you on your wrist
Then I kissed you while standing
I kissed you on your lips
I kissed you in front of the door
I kissed you from your breath
There were children in the garden
I kissed you from your child
I took you to my home, to my bed
I kissed you on your spoon
We met other houses
I kissed you from your marrow
Finally I took you to the streets
I kissed you from your source


I watched the Indian Ocean this morning.
I have something to tell you about the oceans:
The ocean watched from the coast is
no different from the Marmara shores.
So, I mean:
Oceans are like great loves, Tulyakova,
they can't be watched,
The ocean should be lived.

Dušo, ja sam ljubomorna (Remix)

Prešla sam iz lepe u ružnu,
jer moja nesigurnost mi je rekla da me ne voliš,
potrebna je samo jedna devojka iznad mene
u tvojoj priči, da se osetim beznačajno.
Ovo sam ja,
žena u dihotomiji,
volim sebe, dok to ne prestanem.
Dušo, ja sam ljubomorna
na slike koje ti se sviđaju.
Dušo, ja sam ljubomorna
na devojke sa svetlijim očima.
Dušo, ja sam ljubomorna
i znam da nije u redu,
ali ja sam ljubomorna, ljubomorna,
ljubomorna po prirodi.
Ne lažem te da postajem ljubomorna,
kada vidim tvoje lajkove na slikama drugih poznatih ličnosti,
znam da to radiš namerno i uživaš u tome,
ali me brine saznanje da sam druga stvar.
Dečko, ponašaš se smešno, ali ne pronalazim foru,
nemoj posle da praviš buku, ako dođe drugi i skine me,
ja sam na svom i ti na tvom, sada si tužan
kada vidiš kako drugi jede ono što si ti jednoga dana jeo.
Bacila sam tvoju knjigu, više ne okrećem tu stranu,
gde je bilo vatre kažu da ostaje pepela,
ali sam ga oduvala i ne ostaje ništa, ne ostaje ništa, iako...
Dušo, ja sam ljubomorna,
da mene poseduju,
mrzim ljubomoru
na devojke sa svetlijim očima.
Dušo, ja sam ljubomorna,
ne mogu da kontrolišem
i mrzim moju ljubomoru, moju ljubomoru,
ali ja sam ljubomorna po prirodi.
Ta devojka, ne mogu biti ta devojka,
dušo, ja sam ljubomorna kučka,
ako je opsednut, verovatno će dobiti soma,
činim da nastavi da sanja dok drema, sranje.
Ne pitam ga čak ni ko je ta devojka?
Uh huh, ko je ta devojka, ne?
To je patetično, to je tako prosečno zašto?
Neke žene žele muškarce i neke devojke žele muževe,
pričaju laži sve dok ne progori u pantalonama.
Ukrala sam ti muškarca,
ima slobodu da juri ono što voli,
znam da si ljuta,
ali on nije vredan ni malo tvoga vremena,
on je toliko dosadan,
nisam osvetoljubljiva, ali on je smeće,
neću biti poslednja
koja ti stavlja na znanje, ali on će ti to pokazati.
Dušo, ja sam ljubomorna
na slike koje ti se sviđaju.
Dušo, ja sam ljubomorna
na devojke sa svetlijim očima.
Dušo, ja sam ljubomorna
i znam da nije u redu,
ali ja sam ljubomorna, ljubomorna,
ljubomorna po prirodi.

My Darling: A Day's...

My darling, it is midday now,
Transportations come and go quickly, everywhere is crowded
I think of you in a cellar-like coffee
Give your hands, give your hands
I see soldiers who are in furlough, I see worker girls who are trotting
İstanbul is as always, howling
Doves save the silence made of sun
I think of you, YOU!
Like those were the our first days
My heart, I say, my heart
It's like a new sold water counter
Memories feed the love as much as dreams
So I say, love is the love as long as it's get older
Love as older as is love
Our daily bread, and our folksongs
Our offsprings and children
Buildings are built next to each other
Vapors' mouths are full of foam
Which doors are opening far away?
A train is reaching a station
Someone is shown there.
Everything knows, every thing
So do you know?
How much I love you,
How much I care about you?
That I come?
That I go?

In the Belly of the Whale

[Verse 1]
Eternally you have endured
A being of elder times
You were always there, like eternity itself
But a foe, invisible and stealthy,
Consumed you from within
So deep in the cloudy, gloomy, green sea
Last of your kind
The deeds of men bring your downfall
Creature of the gods and primordial force
The pain of the world rests in the belly of the whale
And when your last cry fades away
It's our age of sin
Then the pain of the world rests in the belly of the whale
[Verse 2]
A ruler without subjects
Beast and leviathan
Bears the burden of the entire world in its bowels
Into a white spray of poison and acid
Made by human hands
Your body now sinks in the eternal night
The deeds of men bring your downfall
Creature of the gods and primordial force
The pain of the world rests in the belly of the whale
And when your last cry fades away
It's our age of sin
Then the pain of the world rests in the belly of the whale
Last of your kind
The deeds of men bring your downfall
Creature of the gods and primordial force
The pain of the world rests in the belly of the whale
And when your last cry fades away
It's our age of sin
Then the pain of the world rests in the belly of the whale
In the belly of the whale
In the belly of the whale

My Comrade Mao Zedong

All the world's communists mainly the Turkish communists are going to demolish the new opportunist front's (which is modern revisionist, Trotskyist blend and Menshevik mix) attack against Marxism Leninism in the person of Comrade Mao Zedong
Long live the light path of comrades Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedong!
They are afraid as to afraid the bugaboo
From my comrade Mao Zedong
They get scared day by day
From my comrade Mao Zedong
Look who attacked
Rogue revisionist flock
They are running away team by team
From my comrade Mao Zedong
You pursue for a Bourgeois status
You have grudge against Marxism
Fear, fear, fear
From my comrade Mao Zedong
İbo terrorized the oppression
Consciousness remained in our brain
We inspired with fighting
From my comrade Mao Zedong
Partisans will fight
All sides will fall
Rençber will also take it an example
From my comrade Mao Zedong

From Within The Concealment

Father who art in heaven tells us, I will conceal my face on that day
but Rabbi Nachman said: And even in concealment that is inside
the hiding place certainly also there g-d is present, he will bless and be blessed.
Even during the difficult events that you are going through I will be found.

The Cradle of Altai

The cradle of Altai
The beauty of my Kabak Taiga
Ulu-Kaan in Altai
The beauty of the waterfalls
The beauty of the waterfalls
In the taiga of Kyskashtu-Oyik
The height of the mountains
The people are travelling about
My Altai of healing water
My Altai of healing water
Altay-Telengit, my people
Singing folk songs about my Altai
Burning juniper in Altai
May the Jalama be tied
May the Jalama be tied
The nature is blooming
Ulu-Kaan, my sacred land
The cradle of Altai
It will never be forgotten
It will never be forgotten

Sorrowful Freedom

You sell the diligence of your eyes, radiance of your hands, without even tasting
You knead
The dough of all the blessing.
You work for others with all your freedom, you suffer a lot
You are free to make them prosperous!
They breathe down your back, the moment you were born,
Windmills of lie work all your life without even
A break,
With your great freedom, you start thinking about conscience finger on your temporal
With your great freedom, you are free!
Imagine that you were beheaded,
Your arms are on your sides,
You wander with your great freedom,
You are free to fall out of work!
You give your homeland away as if they are the closest ones to you, one day, for example,
They endorse it to America along with your great freedom,
You are free to become an air base!
The damned hands of Wall Street get hold of you, one day, let’s say,
You may be sent to Korea, with your great freedom you may be ditched,
Into a hole, you are free to become an unknown soldier!
You say that we shouldn’t live like a tool, a number but like a human,
They collar you with your great freedom,
You are free to get caught, be imprisoned even be blessed the world
With your heels
There is neither wood, nor wood or tulle curtain in your life, you don’t need to choose
The freedom since you are free.
This freedom is a sorrowful thing under the star

I Couldn't Do It

Versions: #1
Tell me how many times did you have the audacity,
how many times have you cheated
and then looked love in the eye, speak.
Don't be silent.
Tell me,
arent you the one who left
sacrificing yourself,
saying goodbye to everything?
Why even if little separation goes through every love?
And I'm still saying I love you with my chest.
I couldn't do it, I was in love with you, I couldn't resist against my heart.
You were wrong but I never blamed you even for once.
I'm telling my heart to forget about you, but this heart is not forgetting.
I didn't sleep, I cried for nights over you, I didn't sleep.
I was lonely but you never called me not even for once.
I say this fire will die out but it is a lie, it is not dying.

Blue in blue

Today I don't wanna do anything
Today I just wanna be
Lock the world out
Stay here all alone
See the clouds go by and I fly after them
A melody comes from somewhere
and dissolves, somewhere in the nowhere
The thoughts flee, I dream after them
I'm wearing the sky
am one with everything
am blue in blue, weightless
My world is big and the sky's my dress today
rainbow-wide, weightless
Dive into myself
There's nothing more to do
Ease is one
Let me rest beside you
See the time go by and I don't go after it
I'm wearing the sky
am one with everything
am blue in blue, weightless
Something's carrying me, I'm floating high above the time
My world is big, weightless
Lalalalala Lalalalala ....
I'm wearing the sky
am one with everything
am blue in blue, weightless
My world is big and the sky's my dress today
rainbow-wide, weightless
I'm wearing the sky
am one with everything
am blue in blue, weightless
Something's carrying me, I'm floating high above the time
My world is big, weightless

Girl From Berlin

I was walking alone
At night, looking at the ground
Suddenly I saw a figure
That touched my heart from afar
And everything seemed so unreal
That blue light, and it was indeed
She disappeared as I was walking
It was in the blink of an eye
I don't know how it happened
I started looking immediately
I needed to find that girl
But this city is so huge
I don't know her name or what to call her
Beautiful girl from Berlin
Beautiful girl from Berlin
Already desperate, it seemed that it was the end
I would never find the girl from Berlin
Then suddenly she appeared to me
It was in the blink of an eye
I don't know how it happened
I stood there
Then she approached me
Looked right into my eyes
And said to me:
Hey, punk
Where are you from?
Are you new here?
Should I show you Berlin? Do you know the risk?
And this mystery haunted my life
Those words, that feverish look
I know this beautiful torment will never end
I will never forget the girl from Berlin
Beautiful girl from Berlin
Beautiful girl from Berlin
I was walking alone
At night, looking at the ground
Suddenly I saw a figure (it's me!)
That touched my heart from afar
And everything seemed so unreal
That blue light, and it was indeed
She disappeared as I was walking
It was in the blink of an eye
I don't know how it happened
I started looking immediately
I needed to find that girl
But this city is so huge
I don't know her name or what to call her
Beautiful girl from Berlin
Beautiful girl from Berlin
Hey, punk
Deliver me from pain
And loneliness forever and ever, amen!
Come on then!

Orb of Night

Words can't describe
Realizing the time
Where did she go
If it's destined
This is how it's feel
Then I would have to accept
Please replace if this is the best for you
I'll let go of you, sincerely
I miss my orb of night
My prayers will be with you
Hope your heart will remain everlasting
Towards me
God, I ask of you to take care
Of her without a limit
God, I ask you to strengthen her heart forever
I need her
I miss my orb of night
And I still do
If this is fated
God, I ask you to strengthen her heart!
I miss my orb of night
My prayers will be with you
Hope your heart will remain everlasting
Towards me
God, I ask of you to take care
Of her without a limit
God, I ask you to strengthen her heart forever
I miss my orb of night
My prayers will be with you
Hope your heart will remain everlasting
Towards me
God, I ask of you to take care
Of her without a limit
God, I ask you to strengthen her heart forever
I need her
I need her

My hero

7 years ago, you became father and mother
You are a great example, a great man that I adore
Step by step we have come together more and more
Until we create an unbreakable bond like no other
You have always been my pillar when you knew I would fall
Your wisdom and knowledge have shown me the right way
Dad, I feel safe when you are with me
Because you made me be as wise as I could be
A real superhero is a man with no cape neither a mask
An authentic man who show you how you have to deal with life
You've never asked for anything, you've never claim: 'Where is my prize'?
You just stood by my side and you showed me the correct path
There were moments of laughter, crying and fighting
but we have ablaze like the most powerful lightning
If everyone was lucky enough to have a father like I do
The whole world would be blessed, just as I am with you

Da ya think I'm sexy?

If I'm with you
My heart is paralyzed
The strength of my body escapes
And my breath dyes of pink
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Why are you hesitating?
Saying unsuitable words
The clock is spinning
I want to become honey
My mood depends on you
Why don't you kiss me?
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Let's get out of the store
I want to be the two of us alone
Come with me
I know you have
Somebody else
But for tonight
You're completely mine
Loving each other is wonderful
Loving each other is wonderful
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames
Don't tease me and attack
Da ya think I'm sexy?
If it's with you we can embrace each other
And become flames

My angel guides

I'm lying down, staring at the blue sky
Wondering why you are not on my side
I'm looking at stars trying to find you there
Mom, every minute without you it is a great dare
Stars have its sky, moon has its night
and I'm sitting alone without you by my side
I wish someone was there, with me, in this horrible day
When my beautiful mother had become my angel guide
You do not know how much I miss you
You can't even imagine how many tears I shed for you
One minute, one day, one hour, are eternal without your presence
Mom, every night I cry complaining about your absence
Someday we will meet again, I feel it in my heart
but in the meantime, I have to be strong and trace my own path

My Destiny

This is my destiny in this world
How to set my love on fire
To feel the burning love
It is necessary to have a brave heart
This is my destiny in this world
How to set my love on fire
To feel the burning love
It is necessary to have a brave heart
You took my spring away
Because of you my eyes are sorrow
Don't come, my heart has burned
Leave this body, don't come back
Don't preach me love, you cheater
Let our paths part ways
Don't reach to me with regret
With hands that I have since forgotten
This is my destiny in this world
How to set my love on fire
To feel the burning love
It is necessary to have a brave heart
This is my destiny in this world
How to set my love on fire
To feel the burning love
It is necessary to have a brave heart
In whom did I find affection
While listening to my heart
If I knew how much I'd suffer
Every day was a mistake
Don't preach me love, you cheater
Let our paths part ways
Don't reach to me with regret
With hands that I have since forgotten
This is my destiny in this world
How to set my love on fire
To feel the burning love
It is necessary to have a brave heart
This is my destiny in this world
How to set my love on fire
To feel the burning love
It is necessary to have a brave heart

I loved you insufficiently

I've no cure except for composing while thinking of you and digging my own grave
These streets are guardants whom sit up for mad-lovers, nobody has seen you, nobody
Join me in my heart, come, I won't let you go, I loved you insufficiently, that's not enough
I blocked the road with my heart and sake, you're alone, I'm a wretch, I loved you insufficiently, that's not enough

To Night

To night When I’m sitting alone.
I don't know what happened to me?
In the home, among all creation
I remember you and back to my memory the imagination.
Strange after all these years.
I wake up in the longing of my heart.
Craving and I remember..
As if I see you at the day when I met you.
Every time that you promised to me, you Keeps the promise.
I feel until now is like my first feeling.
As if nothing has changed in this world.
Strange after all these years.
I wake up in the longing of my heart.
Craving and I remember..
The world took place and feelings were buried in it.
No time changed, no sad and complaint.
I have changed and your eyes are still in my mind.
And you are still in my heart.
Strange after all these years.
I wake up in the longing of my heart.
Craving and I remember..

На дугом сам и узаном путу

На дугом сам и узаном путу,
којим идем дању, ноћу,
не знам више ни како сам?
Идем дању идем ноћу,
дању, ноћу,
дању, ноћу,
дању, ноћу.
Од тренутка кад сам дошао на свет
ишао сам истовремено
по крчмама с двоја врата.
Идем дању идем ноћу,
дању, ноћу,
дању, ноћу,
дању, ноћу.
Ако добро размислиш,
изгледа далеко на први поглед,
а ипак, пут је само један трен дуг.
Идем дању идем ноћу,
дању, ноћу,
дању, ноћу,
дању, ноћу.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Goodbye beloved

It was autumn evening
While waiting for you in a cold room
What happened to us? What happened to my smile?
You suddenly disappeared while holding my hands
It's time to part
The powdered dreams disappear
What dreams we had
All disappeared
Is this how we promised
Does it suit us?
No turning back
Goodbye my beloved

Baǵynbaimyn (I won’t obey)

Yo, what do you want?
He says I must be home before midnight
My girlfriends say: 'This guy is a bore!'
And before I leave, he’ll drive me mad,
'With whom you are? Where are you? When will you be back?'
I won’t say 'Well, go then,'
then bribe your friends to find out where I am
Do you really not understand?
I ain’t an angel at all, as you imagined,
Your love for me is like a lump in my throat, an illusion
Looking for me every day like crazy
I don’t wanna repeat, but you don’t lose hope
Not realizing that your actions are unsuccessful
If you’re left alone, don't be surprised
Understanding your mistakes, yeah.
Don’t be this stubborn, I like disobeying
Don’t bear my brain, don’t bear.
Don’t call me so often, I just won’t answer, even if I hear the ring
After all, whatever I do, you aren’t happy.
Don’t be capricious, don’t be capricious
Why don’t you understand?
I'm tired of your bans.
I can’t meet your requirements.
Permissions aren’t necessary, I won’t obey the rules.
I won’t obey, (yes) Yes, like it, (yes)
I won’t obey, (yes, yes) I like not following your rules (yes)
What do you want me to do? Yes, like it, (yes)
I won’t obey, (yes, yes) I like not following your rules (yes)
Again, my clothes are too “short” (yes)
What century are you from, move on
He says “too much make-up”, but I know, you already like it, answer now
Today you aren’t with me
And I feel free.
I said not to call me so often I just won’t answer, even if I hear the ring
I’m running out of patience.
Why don’t you understand?
I'm tired of your bans.
I can’t meet your requirements.
Permissions aren’t necessary, I won’t obey the rules.
I won’t obey, (yes) Yes, like it, (yes)
What do you want me to do? Yes, like it, (yes)
Each time, on the contrary, I’m moving away from you,
Do come to me
You know it's too late.
Don't try to stop me I won’t obey you.
I won’t obey, (yes) Yes, like it, (yes)
I won’t obey, (yes, yes) I like not following your rules (yes)
What do you want me to do? Yes, like it, (yes)
I won’t obey, (yes, yes) I like not following your rules (yes)

Ózim bilem (I know it myself)

I often dream,
Anything is possible in my world
There is a cold chill everywhere
I will give you warmth
Do you need some? M?
I doubt again and again,
Why is there so much external pressure?
They say my dreams are just childish nonsense
If not you, then who will believe?
If not you, then who?
I will pay no attention to all mistakes I’ve made
If not you, then who will point out?
If not you, then who?
I am asking you to stay close to me
I am asking you to stay close to me
I know
I still have you
Listen carefully, hey
That scream inside of you, hey
This is a secret conversation, don’t you dare ruin this!
My voice defies all the laws, hey
First, look inside
So, the truth comes out
It’s just me on the outside, and the owner of a magical power on the inside
I’ll trust you, And you’ll become stronger!
They say my dreams are just childish nonsense
If not you, then who will believe?
If not you, then who?
I will pay no attention to all the mistakes I’ve made.
If not you, then who will point out?
If not you, then who?
I am asking you to stay close to me
I am asking you to stay close to me
I know
I still have you.
The only
question is:
«Will you keep me on track?»
Not finding the light outside,
I looked for it inside and found it
I am asking you to stay close to me
I am asking you to stay close to me
I am asking you to stay close to me
I am asking you to stay close to me
I know
I still have you.
I am asking you to stay close to me
I am asking you to stay close to me
I am asking you to stay close to me
I know
I still have you
It’s too early
Don’t hurry, everything will be in time
The hopes will be fulfilled
So why are you drifting away from me?
She’s ready to tell you her secrets, only to you
Keep the memories in your heart
But be careful, they can also hurt
Your online life is quite different, yeah
Let’s start over!

Aren't I Human?

Versions: #1
Aren't I Human?
Aren't I Human?
My god, you threw me into this world
You got me suffered, and had me seeking a remedy!
You created me only to be played by other souls of yours?
Since you'd forget me already, what was the reason in creating me?
Wouldn't I like to be happy?
In this fake life?
You call this divine justice, eh?
Could the god forget about his souls?
I also like to love
I also like to laugh
What did you give and what did you get?
Why did you get me suffered by seeking her
You created me only to be played by other souls of yours?

Oh, homeland, I love your fields

Oh, homeland, I love your fields,
clear rivers, hills and valleys
with every new morning, you're prettier and better
in the warm bosom of your youth
Oh, homeland, grow every day
grow, bloom, prettier and happier
you will never fall to anyone
Tito's army is your keeper of peace
Ref. 2x
We don't want what's foreign, we won't give what's ours
let everyone know that
in my country, in Yugoslavia
the sun of freedom will forever shine
Oh, homeland, we are all your keepers
when you're in need, you don't need to call us
workers, soldiers, pupils and farmers
will give their lives for peace and freedom
Ref 2x

The golden ball in the sea

Amidst the sea there is a golden ball,
fought over by the Christians and the Turks.
This treasure - whose pay is it after all?

Folk wisdom

Neither backwards nor forwards in rows
Little piglets can fly through the air.
Or perhaps they could fly years ago
But today they are flying nowhere.
Their hooves got too sluggish and narrow,
Their tails got too stubby and crude.
All they need is to scavenge and burrow,
Dully filling their bellies with food.
Heavy blackness descends like a cloud
And they're having a dream full of fun:
Flock of piglets just lifts off the ground,
Flying South to bask in the sun.
And the people wake up in the morning,
Fetch a couple of logs for the hearth,
For they know: the winter is coming
When the piglets migrate to the south.

Rather bleed than be cold

I left my girl
Packed my life into some cardboard boxes
All those years, only
For that one night
I cancelled our apartment
For this cellar without light
I burned everything down
And now I stand here with nothing
It breaks my heart but it was worth it
I would risk it again
Because I would rather bleed, rather bleed than be cold
Because I would rather bleed, rather bleed than be cold
I raided my bank account
Spent everything
For only one firework
A dazzling fever dream
And now the silence is wrapping itself around me
It becomes unbearably loud
The fever burned out
My forehead is cold, the dream is over
It breaks my heart but it was worth it
I would risk it again
Because I would rather bleed, rather bleed than be cold
Because I would rather bleed, rather bleed than be cold
I am a bullet that gets lost
A will-o'-the-wisp that dances while flickering
A ghost that does not rest
A derailed train
And I am looking for the perfect storm
A lighthouse that creaks and sways
And there I watch
And I know it's good
It breaks my heart but it was worth it
I would risk it again
Because I would rather bleed, rather than be cold
I would rather bleed, rather bleed than be cold
I would rather bleed, rather bleed than be cold
I would rather bleed, rather bleed than be cold