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Резултати претраге страна 34

Број резултата: 2099


My Paradise

Versions: #3
I guess it's my paradise
To find his hidden reflections
In items covered by blackness,
And hear birds in his voice.
I guess it's my paradise
Lights from a window tell me:
One touch away is the heaven
That's painted into his eyes.
And i don't mind he doesn't know
Who i am, what i do,
That i walk barefoot on ice,
Blizzard and storm through and through,
And that vanilla snowflakes
Keep falling within my dreams...
He'll stay forever in my thoughts
And on my mind, and it means
There is no shame in screaming out loud
That i am in love
Few words he said in just three minutes
Burned right into my blood
And though i tell myself
That everything is fine, so it be
I know for sure, i still need him...
Here with me.
I guess it's my paradise
To go flower hunting
Pretend to save them from bad wind
And lie that they were a gift.
And just 'cause you're in it
I meet each frozen dawn rising
Over your planet's horizon
Where bridges keep people split.

I Have a Word I Fain Would Say (Trans. by Zabel C. Boyajian)

I have a word I fain would say—list patiently, Light of my Eyes

Without the what are the song and dance to me? (Translation by Zabele C. Boyajian)

Without thee what are song and dance to me?
The castagnettes I throw down wearily.
My heart and thoughts are ever filled with thee,
So rhymes and verses leave me, one by one.
How can one bandage serve for gashes twain?
How on two masters wait a single swain?
Would not one gardener tend two groves in vain?
For he must graft the saplings one by one.
Well said our fathers, speaking of such woes,
“I made a garden, others plucked the rose.
Theirs was the sweetness, mine the thorny close.”
In sooth these things befell me one by one!
Without thee what are riches unto me?
What worth could I in silks or cashmeres see?
Arrayed in rags and sackcloth I would be,
Wandering around the convents, one by one,
To meet perchance with some one, who might tell,
My fair one, how to free me from thy spell

Добро је да постојиш (душо)

Добро је да постојиш душо
Добро је да сам те упознао
Ја не мењам светове
ни длаку с твоје косе
Као да сам се препородио са тобом
Као да сам пијан од твоје љубави без пијења
веруј ми, као да летим од среће
Добро је да постојиш, добро је да сам те упознао
срећан рођендан драга
Добро је да сам те нашао
Радо ћу дати
све заузврат

Before the day begins

From the world's four directions,
From the rowan roads,
Where the forest is burnt,
The wind is fatigued,
Night and front,
Where the unyielded crop,
where the blackened hawthorn,
The day begins
The sun will hug us to its hands
And look: the land heavy of blood,
Will once again bear us cereal field,
A golden dust
They'll embrace women under their roof
And look: they'll laugh through tears
Once again someone's going to play for us to dance
Maybe now
In a day, in two,
In a night, in three,
But not today
The breads will be baked in our ovens
And look: There where only smoke used to be,
With flower will the war's remnant be scarred over,
With the color of the roses
Our new children will be born
And look: they'll laugh that we
Once again recall this mean time,
The time of storms
In a day, in two,
In a night, in three,
But not today
In a night, in day
You'll see,
The dawn will come

I am waiting

It's late at night
I'm waiting at the window
It's late at night
I'm waiting at the window
I dream of a fugitive
I'm flying street by street
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
But you, but you are not
But you are not visible
But you, but you are not
But you are not visible
You forget me, you forget me
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
You forget me, you forget me
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
The light of your eyes
It makes me wet slowly
The light of your eyes
It makes me wet slowly
I stay silent from your voice
I drink in drops by drops
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
But you, but you are not
But you are not visible
But you, but you are not
But you are not visible
You forget me, you forget me
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
You forget me, you forget me
I'm waiting, I'm waiting

The dances are becoming more ferocious

Into a rest, into a battle, following me.
Keep the formation, chasing after a star.
This century’s dances got tired of the walls of the cities,
Poems got tired of music, music got tired of words.
A blow, a glitch, rushing headstrong into a wall.
Just dance, sing in rhythm with your own self.
The same notes, a familiar tune,
But dances are becoming more ferocious.
Catharsis, a dream or a nervous breakdown,
Dancing with a noose around the neck.
This century’s dances got tired of the walls of the cities,
Poems got tired of music, music got tired of words.
Parodies on parodies,
Imitating the imitators,
An orphanage for the abandoned muses,
Dropped there by a good samaritan.
The same notes, a familiar tune,
But dances are becoming more fierce.
Catharsis, a dream or a nervous breakdown,
Dancing with a noose around the neck
Into a rest, into a battle, following me.
Keep the formation, chasing after a star.
A blow, a glitch, rushing headstrong into a wall.
Just dance, sing in rhythm with your own self.

My Walls

Between my walls
Worse than an abyss
Spoof, blood, pus, dirt and utter darkness
Here is a hell for you
For me this is nothing but the heaven!
I'm at the peak of my insanity
At the bottom of orgasm
Come with me
Follow me
Boiling oil
Overheated arbalet arrows
Chock-full sulphur barrels
Suppress your narsist sensations but all for you!
No, no one will hear your shrieks
Yet my laughs can be heard by everyone
Dear guests
I assure you
You will all want to die
When I'm closer than the breath you take
Where are my beautiful whores
My slaves
My souls
Worship to your only master
Heed all of my laughs
Between those walls none of you are human
None of you is higher than me
Stop screaming you wretched inferiors
There is no one can hear you
Inferior human beings
What more you can be further than being slaves
Tis obvious that possessing you shan't satisfy me
Yet tis me who worships to orgasm and pleasure
The god of yours has come, worship you inferior beings!

Shepherds Song

The sheep are bleating on the tel1
the young goats are playing cheerfully in the shade
his flute will be played
a gleaming song for Dahlia.
He is a shepherd and she is a shepherdess
how beautiful and delightful
the fields will carry her image
night and day and Dahlia
To clarify
she will come to water her flock
he will look
what a shame that he is not a sheep
The sheep are bleating on the tel...
There in the village
he will sneak up to her window
until late at night
he sees, she does not
The sheep are bleating on the tel...
To invite her
to a movie he must
but this is totally absurd
because he is in the Bible
The sheep are bleating on the tel...
He sees, she does not
  • 1. hill, barrow, down

My Walls

Between my walls
Worse than an abyss
Spoof, blood, pus, dirt and utter darkness
Here is a hell for you
For me this is nothing but the heaven!
I'm at the peak of my insanity
At the bottom of orgasm
Come with me
Follow me
Boiling oil
Overheated arbalet arrows
Chock-full sulphur barrels
Suppress your narsist sensations but all for you!
No, no one will hear your shrieks
Yet my laughs can be heard by everyone
Dear guests
I assure you
You will all want to die
When I'm closer than the breath you take
Where are my beautiful whores
My slaves
My souls
Worship to your only master
Heed all of my laughs
Between those walls none of you are human
None of you is higher than me
Stop screaming you wretched inferiors
There is no one can hear you
Inferior human beings
What more you can be further than being slaves
Tis obvious that possessing you shan't satisfy me
Yet tis me who worships to orgasm and pleasure
The god of yours has come, worship you inferior beings!

Shepherds Song

The sheep are bleating on the tel1
the young goats are playing cheerfully in the shade
his flute will be played
a gleaming song for Dahlia.
He is a shepherd and she is a shepherdess
how beautiful and delightful
the fields will carry her image
night and day and Dahlia
To clarify
she will come to water her flock
he will look
what a shame that he is not a sheep
The sheep are bleating on the tel...
There in the village
he will sneak up to her window
until late at night
he sees, she does not
The sheep are bleating on the tel...
To invite her
to a movie he must
but this is totally absurd
because he is in the Bible
The sheep are bleating on the tel...
He sees, she does not
  • 1. hill, barrow, down

I Beheld My Love This Morning (Translated by Z. C. Boyajian)

I beheld my love this morning, in the garden paths she strayed,
All brocaded was the ground with prints her golden pattens made

We forget how to be happy

I watch the sky that's crying with hard raindrops
it seems that tears would fall through me, would turn me
into a flower, into a tree touched by dew, still not snowed
hidden only by my shadow in your dream...
Don't let yourself defeated by the moments of sadness, thoughtful and unreconciled
maybe we're rushing by too much
and forgetting to be happy
I want to show you the world through my eyes,
to learn to believe and dream
to smile, to meet through stories
I want to show you how you could be
to learn to believe and dream
you'd find me in poems, you'd be with me
I can be a light in your night, around you
to learn to follow me and you'll see the love
that's changing everyhing around, time would stop, we'd be together
I wish I can be a gate in your path...
I want to show you the world through my eyes,
to learn to believe and dream
to smile, to meet through stories
I want to show you how you could be
to learn to believe and dream
you'd find me in poems, you'd be with me
I want to show you how you could be
to learn to believe and dream
you'd find me in poems, you'd be with me

Without These Hands I Will Go

Without these hands, I will go, I cannot endure
Give me my love, without her I cannot exist
My life without my darling cannot be, without her I cannot exist.
Give me my love, I can no longer endure.
Without these hands, I will go, I cannot stay.
The sun goes down, and a new day does not rise
This life cannot be without my love (darling)
I devoted my life to my love
Nothing will separate us except death
Would it be possible to live without love?
I learned by going through it
Friends, because of this love
I suffered.
I collapsed in a dervish lodge
And desired Love (my love)
I collapsed in a dervish lodge
And desired Love (my love).
Tomorrow this soul will be a prisoner, give it to me and let me go
My life without my darling cannot be, give it to me and let me go.
The sun goes down, and a new day does not rise
This life cannot be without my love (darling)
I devoted my life to my love
Nothing will separate us except death

Rose in the winter

When we met back then
My soul was bitterly cold
Frost gripped my life
My figure appeared gloomy
Frost laid on my temples
Winter stayed all year
When the warmth of old love
Had long since given way to the white in my heart
Rose in the winter, you warm my heart
Rose in the winter, when the snow falls on us
Rose in the winter, you shine for me
Rose in the winter, I love you
You are the rose of my life
You are warm in the cold night
Where only ice and cold live
You have reignited my fire
And on some winter evenings
I’ve cried with you
With the tears came the spring
Winter flees, the ice melts, the sun shines
Rose in the winter, you warm my heart
Rose in the winter, when the snow falls on us
Rose in the winter, you shine for me
Rose in the winter, I love you
When my days grow shorter
And leaves fall from your branches
And the winter is coming, your courage fading
Then I’ll shine in your world
When your lights grow faint
And the cold creeps through your bones
Then I’ll bloom with love, then I’ll be your rose
Rose in the winter, you warm my heart
Rose in the winter, when the snow falls on us
Rose in the winter, you shine for me
Rose in the winter, I love you
Rose in the winter, you warm my heart
Rose in the winter, when the snow falls on us
Rose in the winter, you shine for me
Rose in the winter, I love you

I Did Not Smell A Rose

Don't cry my rose faced, wipe your tears
I didn't smell a rose after you
Shame on those who say that, don't bend your head
I didn't smell a rose after you
I am not nor Muhammad or Jesus
Show me then i will hang myself to a tree
Shall I swear on book of God
I didn't smell a rose after you
Hear my voice and believe my angel
I am still that man who i was
What more shall I say, what more shall I tell
I didn't smell a rose after you
I am not nor Muhammad or Jesus
Show me then i will hang myself to a tree
Shall I swear on book of God
I didn't smell a rose after you

Upon The Blue Rollers Of the Ocean

Upon the blue rollers of the ocean
The stars alone will shine in the sky
A solitary ship scurries along
Hurtling on at full sail.
None can hear the captain upon her,
No sailors can be seen aboard

Lines in the sand

I see the bunkers on the beach, graffiti on the wall, the peace sign faded
Mute witnesses of time, it’s that time again, it’s hated again
I think nothing of borders, of nation and Fatherland
They are just thin lines, painted in fine sand
Lines in the sand, lines in the sand
What is a Fatherland?
Lines in the sand, lines in the sand
What about the billions dead
On account of all the patriots?
Where is the mind
With all the lines in the sand, lines in the sand
What does that mean, people and nation, what is a Fatherland?
Does it come back, the songs of the homeland, the raised hand?
Barbed wire and walls between no-mans-land
Why do we separate ourselves by lines painted in fine sand?
Lines in the sand, lines in the sand
What is a Fatherland?
Lines in the sand, lines in the sand
What about the billions dead
On account of all the patriots?
Where is the mind
With all the lines in the sand, lines in the sand
And in the wind of time
When nothing more remains
The sand is blown away
I’m curious
What will this country
In a thousand years stand for?
For what war, for what death, for what suffering, for what need?
For what war, for what death, for what suffering, for what need?
For a Fatherland
Where is the mind
With all the lines in the sand?
Lines in the sand, lines in the sand
What is a Fatherland?
Lines in the sand, lines in the sand
What about the billions dead
On account of all the patriots?
Where is the mind
With all the lines in the sand, lines in the sand

Quadrille of Saint Joachim

She is the miller's daughter
Who danced with the guys
She lost her garter
Her garter that would not stay up
That didn’t stay, that didn’t stay, that scarcely held up
That didn't stay, that didn't stay, that didn't stay
When you feel like it, are you staying up for more gals,
When you feel like it, it stays on you longer.

I Have An Enemy

Versions: #1
It's silly to run away from you.
Loving you too,
If you surrendered now,
If you could just reconcile with yourself.
For a sack of figs,
I ruined it, I'm guilty.
Like a freak,
I waited in my cave.
There's a part of me.
One that calls me “not enough”
Whatever I do,
He just doesn't like it.
I have an enemy
Sucking up all of my energy
Adoring perfection,
When nothing’s perfect.
But I can't
I can't handle him.
Even if I wanted to,
I just can’t do it.

Waltz At Five Thirty

And i still dance with you in my head
look at the clock and it is almost five thirty
and if you don't come by six, i will despair
but i will stand here tomorrow in front of the same cypress shrubs.
And i still love with the time, with every step
and remember well how you told me
'After two good times comes a time
that ruins us and then it is over'
And i still drive the same used car
that most likely has a ruined engine
and I know that there isn't another option
besides starting again the same dance with you
And all is spinning and confused like galloping horses in a room
I trust your hand to not letting me fall by mistake
and i quote like a scholar from within a book
'my Cinderella - we will dance and we will die'
And i still love with the time, with every step
and remember well how you told me
'After two good times comes a time
that ruins us and then it is over'
The city's skies are red and you hurt me
and two children are laughing because of the song
because how is it that you do not come, how is it that you do not come
we agreed to dance, at five thirty
we agreed to dance, at five thirty
we agreed to dance, at five thirty...

I envy [Ragazzo della Via Gluck]

If you were a king and could give me
just as a gift your country or state,
if you buy me a palace and a shield of gold
and a collection of all the stamps, I'll decline them all.
I just want to live the life properly and nothing more,
it's just my wildly desire and I want to say to this desire:
I envy the rivers, I see them flow,
I envy the breads, I feel them bake,
I envy the fires their fragrant smoke,
I envy the roses and I don't succeed,
I envy the bees their honey paradise,
I envy April for attracting May.
I envy the blue small cloud its freedom
and this is a bad thing,
I envy the student wearing a suit his love
and this is a bad thing.
I envy the roads that they can lead, I envy the trees around the roads,
I envy the meadows of the August heat, I envy the mountains their few springs,
I envy the violins their silver voice, I envy the oceans their space and time.
I envy the blue small cloud its freedom
and this is a bad thing,
I envy the student wearing a suit his love
and this is a bad thing.
I envy the roads, I envy them,
I envy the trees, I envy them,
I envy the meadows, I envy them,
I envy the mountains, I envy them,
I envy the violins, I envy them....

On The Edge Of The Water

On the edge of the water stands this idiot
he will soon see, it will soon happen
on the edge of the water sits this idiot
his eyes are open a crack, that it will not happen
And in the meantime small fish warm him
irking him, for his benefit
and his hands grasp a thing that has good in it
when he meets the road
He does not see when it is good and that everyone is happy
when his face is quietly burning
he is blind in seeing when something is different
that the world is new, that the world is beautiful
On the edge of the water sits this cutie
he is not worried now, and surely won't be
on the edge of the water lies this cutie
takes off his cloths and nothing matters1
He does not see when it is good and everyone is happy
when his face is quietly burning
he is blind in seeing when something is different
that the world is new, that the world is beautiful
So his heads turns from soft drinks
the friends of his parents take me
to a party in the city
and there are apparently, enough good reasons to think
that the world is beautiful
  • 1. alt: changes

Song Writer

Sometimes I have no strength
To carry today on me
Phone calls and races from morning to night
And I have no idea how this will end
And where is everything taken
Sometimes I have no peace
A million thoughts close in on me
To decide what to wear
I cant even manage that
But I have no choice, I must go out
Its a shame you're not here to reassure me
I have a friend who says
That its worthwhile for me to speak with G-d
Instead of searching for solutions there in the moon
But I, Who am I anyway?
All told, I write songs
That I love you fully
But this world takes
Too much to heart
Sometimes I have a desire
To do something crazy
Like running away with you to a place unknown
Far from everything, that's how we'll approach it
Perhaps I'll tell you what calms me down
I have a friend who says
That its worthwhile for me to speak with G-d
Instead of searching for solutions there in the moon
But I, Who am I anyway?
All told, I write songs
That I love you fully
But this world takes
Too much to heart
But always when I really need you
I check and you are found
Even when there isn't anything more to say
You hug, and everything passes
Like the wind


For me butterflies long since changed to be a rare commodity
within the walls nothing enters to me, i built a mighty fortress
and at night i alone spread the demons from side to side in the city
you would go crazy if you were here to see me
Everything connects for me and disconnects
perhaps if only at another time
you will see me this way a little more truthfully
i dreamed to fly here the furthest away
from no place how this came to an end
i wanted the sweetest happiness
from an abundance of sweetness it became bitter for me
For me butterflies long since changed to be a rare commodity
within the walls nothing enters to me, i built a mighty fortress
and at night i alone spread from side to side the demons in the city
you would go crazy if you were here to see me
Everything connects for me and disconnects
perhaps if only at another time
you will see me this way a little more truthfully
i dreamed to fly here the furthest away
from no place how this came to an end
i wanted the sweetest happiness
from an abundance of sweetness it became bitter for me

Qairan Elim

Versions: #1
Oh, My Holy Land!
Even if tears have touched your eyes,
You do not need to hide your feelings.
With love for you my homeland,
I pray for peace on earth!
What is the meaning of life without trials?
Difficulties temper,
And the tempered cannot be broken...
But only time will heal everything...
Oh, my holy land,
I pray for only one thing -
My your heart beat forever.
Let all sorrows and hardships be forgotten,
Let the sun and moon shine forever.
My there be joy in every home and children's laughter ring,
And I wish prosperity to the whole world!

The Afterparty of the End of the World

The world has ended
It wasn't an explosion
It was little by little, no one noticed
And what is left
Is the overtime
Of a game that we already lost
Welcome to the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty of the end of the world
Welcome to the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty
Welcome to the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty of the end of the world
Welcome to the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty
Of the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty
I am the leftovers, you are the leftovers
I am the leftovers, you are the leftovers
I am the leftovers, you are the leftovers
Me, call me, call me, me-me, call me, me, c-
Me, call me, c-, call me, me, call me
Me, call me, call me, me-me, call me
Me, call me, c-, call me
Me, call me, call me, me-me, call me, me, c-
Me, call me, c-, call me, me, call me
Me, call me, call me, me-me, call me
Me, call me, c-, call me
Your face, your remains, your trail
Your taste, your gesture, your waste
Between treatments and portraits
They tear to pieces
Disguising the facts
Protecting fetuses
And taking futile photos, futile photos, futile photos
Futile, futile
In parties like these (futile)
Look around, enjoy the end
Enjoy it while it ends (if it hasn't ended already)
Look around, enjoy the end
Enjoy, cause we are screwed
Cause we are screwed, we are
I am the leftovers, you are the leftovers
I am the leftovers, you are the leftovers
Here it's the leftovers, it turned to leftovers
Welcome to the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty of the end of the world
Welcome to the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty
Welcome to the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty of the end of the world
Welcome to the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty
Of the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty of the afterparty

My Heart is with You

The heart missed, it missed the loved one
My soul that longed for the loved one ached
From my heart longing won't leave
My heart ached as it burned with longing
You have my heart in you, in you
I have your heart with me, with me
If he doesn't miss me, there is no solution
Is there hope for these two hearts (2x)
A lonely tree loses another leaf
Weak heart spills its pain
From my eyes, that suffer staring at the road
My flawed heart's pain pours out
You have my heart in you, in you
I have your heart with me, with me
If he doesn't miss me, there is no solution
Is there hope for these two hearts (2x)


Will you come to take some love?
I can't drive a car, so come to pick up
There is so much love, so come to me anytime
You said, 'Love yourself first, before than love'
But you can't do that either
I want to help us
You said, 'Love yourself first, before than love'
But you can't do that either
I want to help us
Why can't you love me?
We have to love, enough to please you
I'll make you happy somehow
You said, 'Love yourself first, before than love'
But you can't do that either
I want to help us
You said, 'Love yourself first, before than love'
But you can't do that either
I want to help us
You said, 'Love yourself first, before than love'
But you can't do that either
I want to help us
You said, 'Love yourself first, before than love'
But you can't do that either
I want to help us

In fairest meads and meadows

In fairest meads and meadows my homeland's house is found:
I wandered in this valley for many an hour.
Thousand times a hail to my placid vale!
I wandered in this valley for many an hour.
Had I to leave the valley, where all is joy and song,
’t would be but grief and sorrow, my final walk.
Thousand times a hail to my silent vale!
’t would be but grief and sorrow, my final walk.
Be in this peaceful valley my grave and then may all
sing to me at my hour by evenfall!
To my quiet vale 't is a final hail!
Sing to me at my hour by evenfall.

As Your Voice

Versions: #2
I want to embrace you
and endlessly repeat
that we are connected
by destiny.
The world where soul so nicely sings,
where mommy waits for me
and no land is closer
nor sweeter.
I, I'm forever yours,
oh my Motherland,
you stays and I...
'I'm forever yours!' -
tenderly I'll whisper.
And when I am gone [*]
I will return
as your voice. [**]
As your voice
I was able to love you,
to treasure you,
and follow my stream of destiny.
The place where dreams are vivid,
where you and me together
and no land is closer nor sweeter.
I, I'm forever yours,
oh my Motherland,
you stays and I...
'I'm forever yours!' -
tenderly I'll whisper.
And when I am gone
I will return
as your voice.

Let's talk

Come on, let's talk
I only need you
How come you don't understand it?
Come on, let's talk
Why are you silent?
Come to me, baby!
I hate you, then I love you madly
You text me: 'I Love You'
And then delete all we've talked about
All my attempts go blacklisted
I don't know what to do with 'us'
We will never be friends
This weightlessness between us is like a magnet
I don't know... I don't know...
I'm not being silent, thinking out loud
Maybe we will remember something out of the blue
Talk, let's try
Even if it's gonna be awkward
The words are inconsistent
I try to make them rhyme
I try to stand out from the others
Try to be the first in your contact list
You read me between the lines
I call out you bluff
You kidnapped me into your world
Our footsteps on the night boulevard
Talk, start this fire
With you I feel like I'm just steps away from heaven
I think that we were made for each other
Like Che Guevara and his guitar
Come on, let's talk
I only need you
How come you don't understand it?
Come on, let's talk
Why are you silent?
Come to me, baby!
I don't know what to do with 'us'
We will never be friends
This weightlessness between us is like a magnet
I don't know what to do with 'us'
We will never be friends
This weightlessness between us is like a magnet
I don't know what to do with 'us'
We will never be friends
This weightlessness between us is like a magnet
I don't know... I don't know...