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Број резултата: 13


I don't give a

After the fall
I'm on my feet again, but nobody knows
Even the words you say to me yeah
I don't give a sh
I don't care no more
I'm on fire
leavin' desire
Throw away the heart I tried to hold on for so long
Unfulfilled yesterday's dream
At the end of it, I still on my way
watch me no fallin' I'm just landing
I'm ready to take off
I'm about to take off
watch me no fallin' I'm just landing
The only way to live is living without rules
I'm about to take off
Here in the thick fog
I gradually begin to see my blurry path
A strong wind blows right in my face
But I'll just turn around and go the other way
I'm on fire
leavin' desire
Throw away the heart I tried to hold on for so long
Unfulfilled yesterday's dream
At the end of it, I still on my way
watch me no fallin' I'm just landing
I'm ready to take off
I'm about to take off
watch me no fallin' I'm just landing
The only way to live is living without rules
I'm about to take off
watch me no fallin' I'm just landing
I'm ready to take off
I'm about to take off
watch me no fallin' I'm just landing
The only way to live is living without rules
I'm about to take off


ooh- yeah
ooh- yeah
When I look into my heart
That I silently kept
Precious days are endlessly spread out
I was quietly looking over
As I gathered my scattered breaths
Then I blew in warmth into the cold air
I miss so many things
So I’m closing my eyes just a little longer
As if I’m still traveling
Between the memories
Between the seasons
All the moments that were forgotten
I’m bringing them back again one by one
Between yesterday and today
With tomorrow hidden away
I’m closing my eyes for a moment
The crinkling leaves under my toes
Suddenly become white snow
As it slightly wets my feet
Along with my built up hopes and dreams
I’m placing you in this white scene
I’m thankful for so much
So I’m standing here for a little longer
I miss so many things
So I’m closing my eyes just a little longer
As if I’m still traveling
Between the memories
Between the seasons
All the moments that were forgotten
I’m bringing them back again one by one
Between yesterday and today
With tomorrow hidden away
I’m closing my eyes for a moment
As if to get my breath back
I’m leaning on a corner of a memory
And when I exhale all the tired emotions
It gets so clear
Between the memories
Between the seasons
So all the moments that remain
Won’t fade
Between yesterday and today
With tomorrow hidden away
I’m closing my eyes for a moment
ooh- yeah
ooh- yeah
ooh- yeah
ooh- yeah

No More

Farther and farther away
Feels like I’m lost
You’re spreading in my heart again
Wherever I look, it’s you
I can’t erase you
Your thick scent remains like a stain
I keep lingering around you
Standing in these endless memories
Every moment that passes
If only I can meet you, who was so warm
If only I can see you
No no no no more, I didn’t know back then
And I say yeah eh eh
No more no more
I can’t turn things back
I couldn’t even hold onto the end
Now I finally understand you through all this waiting
I deceived myself, saying I was over you
I was so bad, passing over it like this
The day we turned away
I know about your held back tears
Painfully engraved like this, wish no no more
I can’t erase it
I keep lingering around you
Standing in these endless memories
Every moment that passes
If only I can meet you, who was so warm
If only I can see you, no more
Did you forget about the cold air that day?
Did you erase it all?
Your mysteriously cold heart
Now I finally get it
Why after all this time?
If only I can see you
No no no no more, I didn’t know back then
And I say yeah eh eh
No more no nore
Farther and farther away
Feels like I’m lost
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Tell Me

Anywhere anytime
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
I ran away, I’m getting used to it
Like a misunderstanding, I thought the end was here
I messed everything up,I’m in another typical drama
I feel so empty
Only filled with regrets
I luv you in my mind
I wanna hear those sweet words from you
Just like before
I know you in my heart
Words that comforted me
I’ll look back, I’ll hold on
Just like the days when things were hot
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Tell me luv
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Tell me luv luv lu lu lu lu
Tell me tell me
Tell me tell me
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Come back to me babe
Let’s go I miss you all day
Every day, I draw you, as if I’m a painter
Even deep into the night
I hear you in my dreams
Memory replay
Don’t pass me by
Come into my arms uh
I’m lost, looking for you, go walk walk hard
I luv you in my mind
I wanna hear those sweet words from you
Just like before
I know you in my heart
Words that comforted me
I’ll look back, I’ll hold on
Just like the days when things were hot
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Tell me luv
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Tell me luv luv lu lu lu lu
Tell me tell me
Tell me tell me
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Come back to me babe
I wanna hear your voice
The melody that rang in my ears
Whisper to me once more
I know I’m so selfish but I’ll try to embrace you
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Wherever I go, wherever I am
I miss you so much, I can’t take it anymore
Please come back to me again
Please come back to me again
Tell me
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Tell me luv luv lu lu lu lu
Tell me tell me
Tell me tell me
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Luv luv lu lu lu lu
Come back to me babe

Бесконачни снови

Бесконачни снови, не могу их се одрећи.
Бесконачност је тешко појмити.
Такву вику не бих могао да чујем чак ни у мојим најстрашнијим сновима.
Уз гушење се будим, у зноју.
Уплашен да заспим поново, да не би опет почео сан.
Некога јуре, не могу се помаћи.
Крута непомична фигура у кошмару.
Какав сан?! Кад ће се окончати?
Хоћу ли га пребродити?
Спавање је заморно, ум у пометњи.
Један кошмар се завршава други се рађа.
Постаје све ужасније да заспим.
Али уједно и преплашен да би се пробудио, у амбису.
Иако су досегнуте нове висине
ипак су ми драже немирне ноћи.
Наводи ме да се питам и да размишљам.
Постоји много више од овога, иако се ја налазим на рубу.
Не бојим се од онога што се налази иза,
већ је питање како ћу реаговати?
Имам интереса за тим, готово жудњу.
Међутим, да ли бих стварно желео да одем тако предалеко?
Не би све ово могло бити случајност
Премного је очигледности.
Кажеш ми: Ти си неверник!
Спиритуалиста? А ја нисам ни једно ни друго.
Зар не би желео да знаш истину,
и да имаш доказе о томе шта се налази са друге стране?
И да просто откријеш на чијој си страни,
где ће ти бити крај у Есхатону или у Паклу?
Помози ми, помози да (про)нађем праву истину о себи не завирујући у будућност.
Спаси ме, спаси од мучења самог себе чак и у мојим сновима!
Морало би да постоји неко објашњење
више од овога...
Или ми ти реци, зашто ми постојимо?
О томе бих желео да размишљам тек након смрти,
да још једном добијем прилику за то.
Да се опет вратим и поново живим.*
Да све реинкарнирам и играм игру изнова
И опет и поново и наново и опет....

Close Your Eyes

You said we’d meet again some day
As you held my hand and whispered
But now I can’t do anything for you anymore
Do you know how I’m feeling?
Where are you and what are you doing?
You haven’t forgotten me, have you?
What if the smallest memories disappear from me?
Will this fearful heart reach you?
This street that I used to walk with you
Now I’ll get used to it
As if nothing happened to me
On the day we meet again
I won’t let go of your hands
so we won’t grow apart ever again
Stay by my side
When I close my eyes
I see your turned back with tears
I send it off to the wind as my heart aches and my throat dries
as I can only watch you from afar
My heart endlessly grows smaller
I only have tears
I can’t turn back the times we spent together
Just like you and I when we first saw each other
If we meet again,
I won’t ever let go of your hands
Don’t go far away from me ever again
Because you’re my everything
When I close my eyes
I see your turned back with tears
I send it off to the wind as my heart aches and my throat dries
as I can only watch you from afar
My heart endlessly grows smaller
Days I couldn’t stay by your side
Now I’ll give them all to you, until always
When I close my eyes
I see your turned back with tears
I send it off to the wind as my heart aches and my throat dries
as I can only watch you from afar
My heart endlessly grows smaller
I close my eyes and see the days we’ll be together


Yeah Infinite ah ha
Let’s go.
My lonely girl My lonely girl
My lovely girl My lovely girl.
I don’t mind a little something extra
(no no)
so, don’t hide so timidly
I don’t mind you being casual
(no yes)
I kept watching out for you
I don’t hide I do
I don’t hide it I do
Now I don’t avoid it
(wait) Now, I’ll go to you
(Look at me) Now, it’s my time
only if you’re okay with it
Leave it to me, I’ll melt your heart
Leave it to me, I’ll wet your heart
I’ll be the wind blowing by your side
Leave it to me, that way I’ll give it to you
Leave it to me, I’ll cherish you like a gem
Let’s walk together to enlighten this world
Sometimes I argue like a child
Light up your eyes and take a deep breath
Now I’m different, be trapped by my smile
Now, hold me in my arms so we won’t be separated
I don’t mind a little something extra
(no no)
I’m just plain and stupid
I don’t think I have you yet
(no yes)
I kept looking out for you
I don’t pretend I do
I won’t be beat I do
Now, I’m not scared
(wait) Now, I’ll go to you
(Look at me) Now, it’s my time
if only you’re okay with it
Leave it to me, I’ll melt your heart
Leave it to me, I’ll wet you in your arms
Beside you, I’ll be the evening sun
Leave it to me, Trust me
I love you my girl
I love you my girl yeah
Won’t you leave it to me?
I love you my girl
I love you my girl yeah
I’ll make sure to take care of your heart
Leave it to me, I’ll melt your heart
Leave it to me, I’ll wet your heart
I’ll be the wind blowing by your side
Leave it to me, that way I’ll give it to you
My lonely girl My lonely girl
My lovely girl My lovely girl
My baby girl My baby girl
My lovely girl My lovely girl
Leave it to me