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Proći će

Razumeću da sve dok sam živ
Biće samo jedan jednosmerni put,
Oprostiti, zaboraviti i nastaviti.
Uvek misliti da ništa nije napisano
I da smo sudbinu izgradili,
Bez sumnje, znam da mogu da izdržim,
Znam da mogu ponovo da počnem.
Proći će oluja,
Doneće mir
I ono što danas boli izlečiće.
Videćeš da ovaj kraj
Biće početak
I najbolje se može dogoditi.
I ponovo ćemo početi
I vratićemo se
Kažu da, ako je noć tamnija,
To je zato što će uskoro biti novi mesec,
Bez sumnje, znam da mogu da izdržim,
Znam da mogu ponovo da počnem.
Proći će oluja,
Doneće mir
I ono što danas boli izlečiće.
Videćeš da ovaj kraj
Biće početak
I najbolje se može dogoditi.
Da ponovo ćemo početi
Bez sumnje, znam da mogu da izdržim,
Znam da mogu ponovo da počnem.
Proći će oluja,
Doneće mir
I ono što danas boli izlečiće.
Videćeš da ovaj kraj
Biće početak
I najbolje se može dogoditi.
Vratićemo se, vratićemo se, vratićemo se
Vratićemo se, vratićemo se, vratićemo se
(Vratićemo se, vratićemo se, vratićemo se)
I ponovo ćemo početi
I vratićemo se

Her Other Friends

I've heard the story too many times now
But it's nice to meet her other friends, you know
The end of the story never will convince me
But it's nice to meet her other friends, you know
I'd like to know what you've said about me
What have you done? Tell me 'bout it
What game have you played? Did you'll believe
That I wouldn't find out it and you would never see me again?
Oh I've heard the story too many times now
But it's nice to meet her other friends, you know
(Garnet) - She's outclassing us!
(Amethyst) - I'm rusty, give me a break!
(Pearl) - Yes it's really her, but it can't be serious
(Steven) - Pearl, so you know her? Tell who she is, please
You don't know?! Who am I? That one who had lost
To a game that now, will be very different!
This time you're gonna see who is going to win!
Ready or not, you're gonna play!
And then who knows how it will go!
Oh I've heard the story too many times now,
But it's ncie to hit her other friends, you know
Oh I've heard the story too many times now,
But to hitting her other friends is
Nice, you know

Beverly Hills

[Строфа 1]
Он пре ње никада никога
У овом граду је као у казину
Овде је обиље шика, воз грешака
Он све ставља на нулу
Она је сјајнија од свих које је знао
Њено име је свима на устима
Она мирише на слободу
Као девојка Бонда
Шетао је ветар по коси
Његове очи су светлост далеких комета
Њена љубав је трен, али како га поновити?
Његове очи су светлост далеких комета
Њена љубав је трен, али како га поновити?
Сломила ме је љубав
Била сам сигурна да си био у праву
Никад нећу престати да плачем
И више не могу да дишем
Сломила ме је љубав
Била сам сигурна да си био у праву
Никад нећу престати да плачем
И више не могу да дишем
[Строфа 2]
Говорили су јој да на Беверли Хилсу
Почиње нови живот
У том фенси свету јој није пријатно
Али они су се некако нашли
Њему је боље да остане у сенци
Јер за све он је њен сувенир
Али њу баш брига ко у шта верује
Они неће сазнати шта је унутра
Његове очи су светлост далеких комета
Њена љубав је трен, али како га поновити?
Његове очи су светлост далеких комета
Њена љубав је трен, али како га поновити?
Сломила ме је љубав
Била сам сигурна да си био у праву
Никад нећу престати да плачем
И више не могу да дишем
Сломила ме је љубав
Била сам сигурна да си био у праву
Никад нећу престати да плачем
И више не могу да дишем
Његове очи су светлост далеких комета
Њена љубав је трен, али како га поновити?
Његове очи су светлост далеких комета
Њена љубав је трен, али како га поновити?
Његове очи су светлост далеких комета
Њена љубав је трен, али како га поновити?
Његове очи су светлост далеких комета
Њена љубав је трен, али како га поновити?


The mystery of the weather
The rain's embrace
Under the foliage
I took shelter
Hundreds of images were passing
In my mind's eye
Hundreds of past moments
Being brought back by the breeze
(I'm) Just gonna laugh, and why weep?
My emotions are being toyed with by the crazy and the rain
And who won't be compelled to dance by the rain
And who won't go crazy in the rain
Droppings from heaven
(The ones) that fostered
Thousands of memories
Brought by the shower
Hundreds of images were passing
In my mind's eye
Hundreds of past moments
Being brought back by the breeze
(I'm) Just gonna laugh, oh why not?
My emotions are being toyed with by the crazy and the rain
And who won't be compelled to dance by the rain
And who won't go crazy in the rain
(I'm) Just gonna laugh, oh why not?
My emotions are being toyed with by the crazy and the rain
And who won't be compelled to dance by the rain
And who won't go crazy in the rain
And who won't sing when it rains
And who won't go crazy
And who won't be compelled to dance
Who won't go crazy in the
Rain, rain, rain
In the rain

The Anniversary

New Year's Day, it returns too often.
I do not know how the time flies.
The first of May hardly has sprung
before a new sprig of lily of the valley pokes through.
The fourteenth of July—I forgot all about it
and here are its lanterns lighting the night.
And Halloween that comes around as a death knell
for all those who will not be returning.
A year—another anniversary
of a morning without light
when you took off like a bird.
A year, one year more, my beautiful,
to blow out your candles
and eat your cake alone.
New Year's Day, it returns too often.
I do not know how the time flies.
Easter Day, that returns like the day,
the first one when we made love.
And Pentecost, that seems like just yesterday
when I discovered the sea at Tréport.
And All Saints Day—there it returns
with a chrysanthemum in its hand.
A year—another anniversary
of a day that will make me
cry when I should smile.
A year, one year more, my beautiful,
go blow out the candles
of your memories.

The Girl from Liverpool

Where are you from? (From Liverpool.)
And where do you go? (I come to you.)
I found you in my arms.
You will stay here. (If you want.)
And in Liverpool? (I will never return.)
Our story began.
(And this happened, who knows when—)
(a day, a month, a year ago?)
How long did it last? (I don't know, I don't know.)
And when he (took me away)
I realized that I loved you a bit.
You are already leaving? (Yes, I'm leaving.)
And with whom do you go? (I go to him.)
He liked you more than me!
Will you write to me? (I will write to you.)
Will you come back? (I don't know, I don't know.)
Our story ended like that.
(And I returned without her,)
(where I asked her)
Where are you from? (From Liverpool.)
And where do you go? (I come to you.)
I found you in my arms.
Where are you from? (From Liverpool.)
Where are you from? (From Liverpool.)
Where are you from? (From Liverpool.)
Where are you from? (From Liverpool.) ...

Same Old

Same old, same old
it rains in the bay after the party
Inside a pot of beautiful dreams
You stayed there the whole summer
Now all the clocks are broken
Window shutters rot closed
Now our bow is turned to
Life, full of winters
The rope is already unleahed
Same old, same old
Rock fell into the sea
And goldfinches are freezing
By the barbecue grill, next to he fire place
There's no one to replace you
And while the southerly keeps getting stronger
Weeds grow around the house
Everything is about to get wild
And we're like an old floating device
Floating without a real goal
Same old, same old
I turn newspaper in vain
What will they tell me from the top of their voice
Everyone says it'll get better
Barbershop is already empty
Time is rolling down the stairs
The smell of misery and longing
And here and there someone plays cards
The gang that's not done yet
To get old when the sea is calm
Same old, same old
Whole lotta songs ended
And the singers are hoarse already
And everyone remembers you for good
Getting old with us all the way to the cane
New tides grew
Anchors broke
Long vawes still foaming
And you can hear a donkey in the village
Masts fell into the sea
Same old, same old

River of Knives

Destroy. The tide. It's time to travel to the mad south.
Destroy. Everything for her. Hordes of winter and also a heat.
Destroy. The tide. It's time to travel to the mad south.
Destroy. Everything for her. Hordes of winter and also a heat.

Winter Solstice

Everything was covered in forest and darkness,
Icy winds in the blue night,
The distant songs of troubadours...
Knights, dragons and swords
When Merlin made spells
In King Arthur's castle...
A thousand torches lit up
Multi-coloured stained glass windows,
And the dances had wings
In this silvery Christmas
In Camelot.
And they rose up to heaven,
With the falcon's magic,
Mirrors made out of white moonlight
Which the sun broke with the alchemy of gold...

Everything was covered in forest and darkness,
Icy winds in the blue night,
The distant songs of troubadours...
Knights, dragons and swords
When Merlin made spells
In King Arthur's castle...
A thousand torches lit up
Multi-coloured stained glass windows,
And the dances had wings
In this silvery Christmas
In Camelot.
And they rose up to heaven,
With the falcon's magic,
Mirrors made out of white moonlight
Which the sun broke with the alchemy of gold...

The sun...
Oracle of love!
Oh great Creator of Light,
Provider of the light of day,
In the source of the new light
You set the origins of the world!


Ben 10 Omniverse Intro (Polish)

Ben 10, our pal who's just like us,
but when a hero is needed, he enters the game.
Ben 10, he's got an important thing on his hand each day, a strange device changes him in the blink of an eye.
When no one can succeed, he's got a solution to everything right away
who's watching all the time to protect us, Ben 10

Party girl

They look after me coz`I am a party girl
I know the business I grow up into the big mafia
My father taught me how to sell the best merchandise
When I was 15 years old, they never celebrated my 'quinceañera'
They inherited the business and I earned a lot of money
Cellphone and beeper to look after the business
My father's friends taught me how to shoot
They want me well prepared for be the first to shoot
My gold pistol grips shine.
I run the business, I have my drug fields in Jalisco
Laboratory in Sonora, distribution everywhere
My hand don't touch anything, my triumph looks clean
I drive only new fancy trucks
I get what I want
I´m honest at work, that's why I don´t trick anybody
More than four say, one day they are going to steal from me
Whoever dares to do it, doesn´t know how my people will respond
I´m always with my bodyguards just in case somebody wants to get into a fight with me
Like the nicest mare I am coquette and so conceited
My enemies enjoy my leftovers
There is no man that can handle my freedom and my dens
In the famous 'Pharaoh parral' and highlands
Also at the 'rodeo' too, they know me everywhere
We will see each other, my good friends ¡'cocaine addicts'!

Čekaću pokraj reke

Ja ću čekati pokraj reke
Osvetljen mesecom
Na ivici grada
Čekaću tebe
Iako ne mogu čekati zauvek
Jednog dana ću biti mrtav i nestaću
I neće mi biti oprošteno
Za ono što sam učinio
Čekaću pokraj reke
Čekaću pokraj reke
Čekaću pokraj reke
Čekaću pokraj reke
Ja ću vikati na nebo
Dok me kišom obasipa
Moliću za oproštaj
Dole na kolenima
Ako ne mogu da promenim vreme
Možda tebe nateram da se predomisliš
Ako ne možemo biti zajedno
Šta je onda smisao života?
Dušo, nisam stvarno mislio ono što sam rekao
Stvarno ne želim da si mrtva
Ja sam budala, samo sam muškarac
Kad bih samo mogao ponovo da te zagrlim...
Zvezde ispunjavaju reku
Dok teče u nebesa
I um napušta telo
I pluta sve više i više
Ako ne možemo biti zajedno
Ostaviću ovaj svet iza sebe
Ako ne mogu da dodirnem tebe
Mogu li dodirnuti nebo?
Čekaću pokraj reke
Čekaću pokraj reke
Čekaću pokraj reke
Čekaću pokraj reke

Jurim reke

Ne prestajem da jurim reke
Ne prestajem da jurim reke
Moje srce uporno govori „ne više“
Na, na, na, na, na, ne
Bio sam na tom putu toliko dugo
Pokušavam da nađem novi put kući
Ali ne prestajem da jurim reke
Samo kad sam bio pokidan
Nalazio sam novi prasak zore
Vratiću se, vratiti, vratiti
Vratiću se
Neću da ostatak života budem na dnu
I niko neće znati put za nazad bolje nego ja
Bolje nego ja
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
Ne prestajem da jurim reke
Ne prestajem da jurim reke
Izbijam iz pukotina na ogledalima
Na, na, na, na, na, ne
Živim prolazeći kroz olujne vode
Porazio laži drugih
Jer ne prestajem da jurim reke
Samo kad sam bio pokidan
Nalazio sam novi prasak zore
Vratiću se, vratiti, vratiti
Vratiću se, vratiti, vratiti
Neću da ostatak života budem na dnu
I niko neće znati put za nazad bolje nego ja
Bolje nego ja
Vratiti, vratiti, vratiti
Hoću da pokažem klincima
Vratiti, vratiti, vratiti
Nema potrebe juriti za rekama
Neću da ostatak života budem na dnu
Hoću da pokažem klincima
Niko neće znati put za nazad bolje nego
Vratiću se, vratiti, vratiti
Vratiću se, vratiti, vratiti
Neću da ostatak života budem na dnu
I niko neće znati put za nazad bolje nego ja
Bolje nego ja
Bolje nego ja
Oh, oh, oh...

Once upon a time in New York city

There's always something going on
in New York City
Det är bökigt, rökigt, stökigt att vara där
Ändå finns där allt du drömmer om
Problems, Yes you'll forget them
They are hiding this adventure so
Everyday is the start of something big in New York City
Even though it felt a little bit lonely when you came
You can atleast imagine turning it
if they choose you when it happens
you went back around and dreamed of
So, Oliver, come on
Don't be shy, my friend
Feel that you are
that what everyone wants
What you dream of
is already on the go
Something's going on
in New York City
If there's always something going on
in New York City
Why do you miss what you don't have?
Who can believe that in nine lives a night
When you're a little soaking wet cat
When the rain said:
'You're left alone?'
My Oliver, believe in me
Where the rainbow ends
There is a place for you
Where you get home
What you dream of
is already on the go
Something's going on
in New York City
Hear the song
And continue the dreams
you dream of
Something's going on
in New York City
Hear the song
And continue the dreams
you dream of
Something's going on
in New York City
Something's going on
in New York City

Plava reka

Plava reka, ne može se naći na na jednoj mapi
To je mesto gde usamljeni ljubavnici odlaze
Da plaču
Plava reka, teče duž slomljenih srca i bola
Slomljenih slova uzaludnih ljubavi
Kao što sam ja tebe voleo i još uvek te volim, dušo
Čvrto sam te držao
Ali te nisam video
Tako sam tužan
Ali moram ići
Do plave reke, jer nikada nisi marila za mene
Dušo, od sada ću tamo biti
Oplakujući te kraj plave reke
Čvrto sam te držao
Ali te nisam video
Tako sam tužan
Ali moram ići
Do plave reke, jer nikada nisi marila za mene
Dušo, od sada ću tamo biti
Oplakujući te kraj plave reke
Čvrto sam te držao
Ali te nisam video
Tako sam tužan
Ali moram ići
Do plave reke, jer nikada nisi marila za mene
Dušo, od sada ću tamo biti
Oplakujući te kraj plave reke

Everything Is Allowed

Another awesome premiere of a song by Zivert - 'Everything is allowed'.
We enjoy every moment of our lives.
Stop, listen to the winds
It will never be the same how it is now
Don't speak about the things that will happen.
Just one thing is important - today is everything allowed.
Everything is allowed
Today is everything allowed
Today is everything allowed
Today is everything allowed
Everything is allowed
Stop, listen to the winds
It will never be the same how it is now
Don't speak about the things that will happen.
Just one thing is important - today is everything allowed.
Everything is allowed
Today is everything allowed
Today is everything allowed
Today is everything allowed
Everything is allowed
Today is everything allowed
Today is everything allowed
Today is everything allowed
Stop, listen to the winds
It will never be the same how it is now
Don't speak about the things that will happen.
Just one thing is important - today is everything allowed.
Everything is allowed
Today is everything allowed
Today is everything allowed
Today is everything allowed
Everything is allowed
Stop, listen to the winds
It will never be the same how it is now
Don't speak about the things that will happen.
Just one thing is important - today is everything allowed.
Everything is allowed
Today is everything allowed
Today is everything allowed
Today is everything allowed
Everything is allowed
Today is everything allowed
Today is everything allowed


Pokaži mi znake problema u tvom srcu.
Poštedi me svojih laži i reci da si moja.
I naša tela plutaju rekom,
ka okeanima smrti.
Načinila si me robom tajni tvoje tišine,
ali rekla si mi da ostanem,
i rekla si da si moja.
I naša tela plutaju rekom,
ka okeanima smrti.
U svetlu svega onoga što sledi, zašto očajavaš?
Jer onda kada nemaš nikoga, nikoga nije briga,
zato neka te ne bude briga.
I sve što će uslediti biće nedovršeno,
nema ničega za podeliti.
Neću nikoga čekati,
a nikoga nije briga.
Ne vidim, ne osećam.
Ti bežiš, ja čeznem.
Ja čekam, on dolazi.
Odvodi te.
U žeravici leta,
sve mora umreti
Ispred je ognjeni prolaz,
oganj na drugoj strani.
Dolazi vreme kada reka presušuje,
zima dolazi i mi žrtvujemo
naše živote.

Still Not

Hey you, you say that you're over it
Track him on the internet, that's so lame
Has he gone, gone to the club?
Is he dancing with others? You want to know that
But you need to, need to go overboard
Let me show you what you're doing wrong
Why allow yourself to hurt
When everything that starts ends?
You still want to get him to look at you
So touch me
I want to dance with you
You want him to hurt
But still not, not, not
Want him to think about you
But still not, not, not
Want him to, to find peace
But still not, not, not
This is just a game
You can take control and confuse our sight (you try to do that)
Or seduce us into the sun, half the way to you (you want to control)
He has gone, gone to the club
He's dancing with everyone - you want to stop that
But you need to, need to go overboard
Let me show you what you're doing wrong
Why allow yourself to hurt
When everything that starts ends?
You still want to get him to look at you
So touch me
I want to dance with you
You want him to hurt
But still not, not, not
Want him to think about you
But still not, not, not
Want him to, to find peace
But still not, not, not
This is just a game (game, game, game...)
You want him to hurt
But still not, not, not
Want him to think about you
But still not, not, not
Want him to, to find peace
But still not, not, not
This is just a game

If I Write a Song

What should I write now
When I've run out of words
And what will we talk about
When everything is used up and ugly
It feels like everyone
Is waiting
For me to find new words
That don't exist on our earth
But if I write a song
Full of love and hate
A song saying this is me
A song without lots of words
A song that's singable
Time after time
And tears on my cheek
Are drying quickly in this wind
If the night is long
Then it doesn't matter
As long as you're here
It feels like the same old songs
Never served their purpose
Like all these new people
Never survived a spring
So as soon as they talk to me
Everything feels so stupid and wrong
I want to make you see
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

It'd Be Easier

Perhaps it was my lack of time
Or maybe all those moments of silence
That we never let speak
Perhaps your patience grew weary
And you forgot that I was on my way
And didn't want to wait any longer
There's no need for me to tell you
Or for you to tell me that we screwed up
It'd be easier, but no
I won't pretend that it doesn't hurt
Knowing that it wasn't enough
Knowing that no matter how much I try
I can't avoid the fact that it's over
It'd be easier to hate each other
Because it's impossible to accept
And, to all the things we had planned
We now have to say goodbye
Perhaps I filled myself with fears
We had better moments
That can no longer return
There's no need for me to tell you
Or for you to tell me that we screwed up
It'd be easier, but no
I won't pretend that it doesn't hurt
Knowing that it wasn't enough
Knowing that no matter how much I try
I can't avoid the fact that it's over
It'd be easier to hate each other
Because it's impossible to accept
And, to all the things we had planned
We now have to say goodbye
There's no need for me to tell you
Or for you to tell me that we screwed up
There's no need to point fingers
Or for us to blame anyone else
It'd be easier

At The End of Our Love

Versions: #2
I know that you’re going to leave. Your eyes have told me you’re not coming back. and though it hurts deep inside of me, I had a feeling that one day this would happen.
You loved me I know. I won’t deny it. I don’t have any reason to. Go on your way, and don’t look back. I know a new love, is waiting for you.
But at the end of our love, my wish for you is, that he loves you, and wants you, takes care of you, and always spoils you. That he always takes you with him and that he never forgets you. That he never says goodbye. May you never need anything. That he never fails you. That he makes you happy. For real happy.
But at the end of our love, my wish for you is, that he loves you, and wants you, takes care of you, and always sees you. That he never forgets you. That he never says goodbye. That he never fails you. May he make you happy, for real happy.
At The End of Our Love

I'd Stay Right Here

You know I can't resist, my patience is thinning
I have to be with you
You have to let me in
I should just keep dreaming, I can only think
About your lips, they're divine
I can't keep these cravings for love quiet any longer
Your heart has to be mine
Don't give it another thought
I want to be only one to live among your kisses
And I want to be the hurricane that courses over your body
And I want to be the other half you've been seeking for so long
And I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word
You know my destiny will lay claim to you
If you're not with me now, it's all the same to me
I should just keep dreaming, I can only think
About your lips, they're divine
I can't keep these cravings for love quiet any longer
Your heart has to be mine
Don't give it another thought
I want to be only one to live among your kisses
And I want to be the hurricane that courses over your body
And I want to be the other half you've been seeking for so long
And I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word
Whoa-oa-oa-oa all you have to do is give the word yeah-eah
I want to be only one to live among your kisses
And I want to be the hurricane that courses over your body
And I want to be the other half you've been seeking for so long
And I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word
I want to be only one to live among your kisses
And I want to be the hurricane that courses over your body
And I want to be the other half you've been seeking for so long
And I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word
I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word

Blessed Is Your Life

You came to my heart without saying anything
and slowly the love within me was spreading.
Never did I imagine that it was your intention
to come to reclaim each sentiment.
I don't know how many years I survived,
believing that I would be happy being alone
and now that you are with me I can say:
'I don't know how I could have lived without you.'
Blessed is the night when I met you,
your world is much better than what I had,
I bless everything that you make me feel,
blessed is your mother because she gave you life.
You are my life,
blessed is your life,
your world is much better than what I had.
You are my life,
blessed is your life,
blessed is your mother because she gave you life.
I don't know how many years I survived,
believing that I would be happy being alone
and now that you are with me I can say:
'I don't know how I could have lived without you.'
Blessed is the night when I met you,
your world is much better than what I had,
I bless everything that you make me feel,
blessed is your mother because she gave you life.
You are my life,
blessed is your life,
your world is much better than what I had.
You are my life,
blessed is your life,
blessed is your mother because she gave you life.
Blessed is the night when I met you,
your world is much better than what I had,
I bless everything that you make me feel,
blessed is your mother because she gave you life.
You are my life,
blessed is your life,
your world is much better than what I had.
You are my life,
blessed is your life,
blessed is your mother because she gave you life.


I am the little boy
that trips
and I wait on the floor
for you to come get me.
You take my hand,
when I get up
and you look at me
you realize that I was
that little boy that you once
took out to dance.
I was so small...
You were twice my age.
And I had to put my feet on your feet.
I am the young man that looks at you
from the other side. I am about to cross over.
I trust in my eyes,
in yours I seem familiar to you.
And so an image returns
that I kept for you:
My sixteen years from your hand in this city
and you ask yourself
where you were at my age.
I am the man who smiles,
sitting by your side on the airplane.
Are you afraid? I am with you,
don't worry,
I know everything will be all right.
And it is not I who this time
manages to calm you down.
A perfect son sleeps on your chest.
He makes you doubt.
You are incapable of seeing that I'm the same one.
I am the old man on the mountain
who calmed my cold hands with the mist.
Your eyes do not warm up.
You will not remember the life left behind.


You wake up everyday
With the desire for real love
The past is tempting you, but you are somewhere else
A frosty embrace at the end of the day
That little guilt never leaves you alone
You fall asleep with him, but he isn't the one
But believe me, believe me, you deserve more, you know
I searched for you the whole universe
Until I found myself
In your eyes
I would be your support
The answer for your every painful question
If you are lost in the night
I will be the light
At the top of the lighthouse
For you to find the way back home
I would be your support
The answer for your every painful question
If you are lost in the night
I will be the light
At the top of the lighthouse
For a lifetime
While you are crying for the past, so frightening
That time is slipping through your fingers
I am here for you if you want a sign
But believe me, believe me, you deserve more, you know
I searched for you the whole universe
Until I found myself
In your eyes
I would be your support
The answer for your every painful question
If you are lost in the night
I will be the light
At the top of the lighthouse
For you to find the way back home
I would be your support
The answer for your every painful question
If you are lost in the night
I will be the light
At the top of the lighthouse
For a lifetime
I would be your support
The answer for your every painful question
If you are lost in the night
I will be the light
At the top of the lighthouse
For you to find the way back home
I would be your support
The answer for your every painful question
If you are lost in the night
I will be the light
At the top of the lighthouse
For a lifetime

Loša jetra i Slomljeno srce

Imam lošu jetru i slomljeno srce
Popio sam reku pića od kada si me ostavila
Nemam problema sa piĆem, sve dok ne počnem da pijem
hej..voleo bih da si je poznavala, bili smo par,
Bila je oštra k`o brijač i meka kao molitva
Dobrodošli u nastavak sage,
bila je moja bolja polovina,
a ja sam bio samo džukela
I tako sam se spustio,
bio sam ošamućen, sedeo na stolici
Zato kupite ovu budalu
sa malo duše okupane alkoholom,
u ovom baru železničke stanice
I svi ovi kondukteri i vratari,
a ja sam bio van svakog kvarteta
I ovaj epitaf je posledica,
jer sam izabrao ovaj svoj put,
hej, hajde..Kato
On je advokat, nije on bio za tebe
Ne, Mesec nije romantičan, zastrašjuć je kao pakao,
hmm..neki momak pokušava da mi uvali sat
Naći ćemo se na dnu flaše jeftinog pića
Dobio sam flašu snova,
tako dakle izgleda biti preterano osetljiv
Možete imenovati svoj otrov,
nastaviti dalje , napraviti malo buke
Nisam sentimentalan, ovo nije kupovina,
to je iznajmljivanje, ovo je čistilište,
Hej, koja je tvoja priča, čak me nije ni nešto briga
Zato što imam svoj dvostruki krst koji nosim
Videću vaš Red Label,
ja ću vas još jednom podići,
Možeš da me uguraš u taksi,
ne mogu više da pijem,
Zato što me ometa ovaj plamen
koji pokreće noćne dame,
Nisam tako otporan na plamen
To naravno nije ništa osim ostatka uveravanja,
da potkrepite glasine koje ste čuli

There's a universe of little things

why there are stars that shine
but are invisible?
and there are people that I never get to know
no matter that I could see them
the little blue wounds of the dawn
spread through the sky, touching me...touching you,
touching you.
There's a universe of little things
that wake up only when you call them
Everything that's beautiful is waiting for your glance
I have a loving feeling, breaking down if you're not here
There's a universe made of little things
which fly over your head, following your whisper
There are dawns that never end,
there's a whole sea hiding beside your lips.
And I swear, my darling, that's real
...you can ask your skin
you don't remember yet? my love.
when I talked to you about my universe, don't you see?
You didn't believe me...right?
that there're places...
where the love hides...
A whole universe of little things,
where she waits for
the clouds, one after another
there's no promise that beats those doubts
there's no touching, resisting the moon
And I swear, my darling, since yesterday
the moon is part of your skin
I swear, my darling, I'll find you
exactly near that place,
you and me and the sky, the sky
in the places, where love hides
Because there are stars that shine around...I know
and there are places I was never able to know.
so, come and let's see...together the silver sun
splashing into the seas...
the silver sun splashing into...the seas...
of little things.
There's a universe of little things
where the hurt ones grow flowers
to put them on the borders
There's a look, that whispers in my back
when the secrets are been told
or hidden
Yes, I swear, my darling
that I can make
from this universe another one for you
and swear to me, my darling
that it's gonna be real
you, and I and the sky, the sky
And I swear, my darling
that I can make from this universe another one for you
and swear to me, my darling
that it's gonna be real
that those places are real
and the dawns come
because there're stars that shine
but they are invisible
and there're places I was never able to know.


In Valhalla a long time ago a beautiful boy
They put in chains
They nailed him so high upon a cross
And they called him a slave
Oliver - lovely
Oliver - glorious
Oliver - your bonds are untied now
Oliver - pleasant
Oliver - modest
Oliver - all the lands quiver now
No one will understand the trials that
He had to endure
He did it for me and you
For all the truth
Oliver - lovely...
You soul is home to spirit and elves
the first and the last
The essence is in the minds of the men themselves,
You gave them the knowledge - oh, oh, oh
Piled like a rigid stack of power
Strong on the ice
You can hear high in the skies now
About your legend
Oliver - you get your victorious reward
You get your victorious reward
Though your hand is cold
Oliver - you get your victorious reward
You get your victorious reward
My beloved hand - break the ties now!
Oliver - lovely...


7:30 am on my watches
Good morning, WhatsApp
You will not answer, even by 'Hello!', things happen..
You sick of presents
Hundreds conversations in 'VKontakte'
But I'm unique person
Chamomile bouquet
I came to tell
I love you, Lixina
Your frozen heart will be melt, will be melt, will be melt
Let everyone say
Chance to make this seek zero
But I know - frozen heart
Will be melt, Will be melt, Will be melt
Would now on the roofs be together
We see all our district
We're offline for all, this is our paradise
I say
I keep you with me
You drive me crazy
Heart is 130
Just like a dream
But I will say
I love you, Lixina
Your frozen heart will be melt, will be melt, will be melt
Let everyone say
Chance to make this seek zero
But I know - frozen heart
Will be melt, Will be melt, Will be melt
Cold, cold just like Elza
But I will give you warm
I will give you my love
I will find keys for your heart
I love you, Lixina
Your frozen heart will be melt, will be melt, will be melt
Let everyone say
Chance to make this seek zero
But I know - frozen heart
Will be melt, Will be melt, Will be melt
Please notify me if you want to add my translation somewhere, as well as REMINDER that it is forbidden to upload translations of other users of the site on your behalf.

The lullaby

Night is quietly falling
And a million stars are shining.
Yesterday has taken all sorrows away.
The lights around are falling asleep.
Even the sun should go to bed.
Hug your pillow till morning.
Sleep, fall asleep like a small star.
Your dreams will be sweet and joyful.
Sleep, fall asleep like a happy cloud,
Like a moon in the night sky.
The characters in favorite books are sleeping.
It got quiet in all yards.
Just close your eyes till morning.
Your dream will be the best on Earth.
This dream will bring you to a fairytale
On its wing.
Sleep, fall asleep like a small star.
Your dreams will be sweet and joyful.
Sleep, fall asleep like a happy cloud,
Like a moon in the night sky.
Sleep, fall asleep like a small star.
Your dreams will be sweet and joyful.
Sleep, fall asleep like a happy cloud,
Like a moon in the night sky.

Yes, You Are Different

In this trivial world, only tedium 
I have in my hands an adorned existing form 
Man is not worth as much as a single rose
But you are different 
You alone have been able to impress upon my heart 
The joy of the unexpected
We, together, realize our dream of creating 
A new world
I beg you, open your heart to me alone and reveal to me your soul
Yes, you are different 
You alone have been able to understand 
My deepest inner nature


Seeing you taking his hand and leaving,
My heart is in great pain.
Perhaps I should have admitted earlier
That since a long time ago,
I've already been in love with your sweet dimples.
You are life's beautiful miracle,
Standing in front of me.
You are a beautiful miracle,
A perfect miracle,
Forever and ever without change.
My heart has completely stopped.
[I] recall your sweet dimples.
Actually, he is nothing special.
My heart is not reconciled with [this outcome], oh~
Looking at the rear view of you and him
Strolling through the park hand in hand,
How can I stand the fact that the 'him' beside you isn't me, isn't me?
Sitting on a chair at home,
Thinking of the beautiful you with longing,
I'll gather up my courage tomorrow
And confess everything to you.
I will never forget
Your sweet dimples.
Give me the chance to love you.
You won't regret it.
This is my promise to you.
My heart has completely stopped.
[I] recall your sweet dimples.
Actually, he is nothing special.
My heart is not reconciled with [this outcome], oh~
Looking at the rear view of you and him
Strolling through the park hand in hand,
How can I stand the fact that the 'him' beside you isn't me, isn't me?