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Резултати претраге страна 13

Број резултата: 397



Jednog dana,pustiću te
Tretirati te kako treba
Smetnuti te s'uma
Nikada nisi upoznao ribu kao što sam ja
Zapali sve
Zaslepeću te
Oduvek želela šta nije moje
Da li je to jako loše
Kada ne dobiješ šta želiš
Učini da se dobro osećaš
Kada te oblikujem
U oblik, da momče
Hajde da počnemo
Ne možeš pobediti
Jer znam gde si bio
Ne boriš se
I to je igra koju igramo
Na kraju večeri
Ista stara priča
Ali nikada ne razumeš stvarno
Priđi malo bliže
Priđi malo bliže
Priđi malo bliže
Prestani pokušavati da odeš
Nikada me nećeš ostaviti iza
Bolje poveruj da sam ovde da budem
To je tačno
Jer ti si senka, a ja sam sunčev sjaj
Pogledaj me dečače
Jer te imam
Gde te želim
Zar nije uzbudljivo?
Hoćeš da te prodrmam
Kada te razbijem
Zauzmi sedište,dečače
Jer sada ja vozim
Ne možeš pobediti
Jer znam gde si bio
Ne boriš se
I to je igra koju igramo
Na kraju večeri
Ista stara priča
Ali nikada ne razumeš stvarno
Priđi malo bliže
Priđi malo bliže
Priđi malo bliže
Priđi malo bliže
Priđi malo bliže
Priđi malo bliže
Yeah, ako si moja duša
Dovešću te do ludila večeras
Pogledaj me dečače
Jer te imam
Gde te želim
Zar nije uzbudljivo?
Hoćeš da te prodrmam
Kada te razbijem
Zauzmi sedište,dečače
Jer sada ja vozim
Ne možeš pobediti
Jer znam gde si bio
Ne boriš se
I to je igra koju igramo
Na kraju večeri
Ista stara priča
Ali nikada ne razumeš stvarno

Between the river and the reason

Oh Lisboa from my song
I feel you close
In a charm, hand in hand
In Lisboa, in my heart
I feel you close
Between the river and the reason
In a rushed pace in the future
in a tumult, what has been said
And will be said
A writteen words generation
In a challenge that Tejo will keep.
Who will determine what's right or wrong?
In the emotion of the unravelling of your sheets
How much water flows in your riverbend
To bring you forever in my chest
To bring you forever in my chest
To bring you, Oh Lisboa, in my chest!
Hope you like it

Silent Majority

At a crossroads brimming with people,
where will you go? (Being washed away)
Wearing the same clothes
wearing the same expression
Walking in a way that will get you inside the flock (without suspecting anything)
Why are you worrying about being different from someone else?
The people ahead turn to face you
and tell you to keep in line
They preach these rules,
but their eyes are dead
You have the freedom to be the way you are
Don't be controlled by adults
If people give up like that from the start
Then why were we even born in the first place
Having dreams means at times you'll be faced with loneliness
You have to walk an empty path
You won't get there even if the world is all the same
Are you really okay with Yes
Silent Majority
The president of some country once said (he lied)
Those who don't raise their voices are agreeing
Choosing is important
Don't leave it to others
If you don't take action,
they won't hear your No
You can be yourself, all you need is to do what you want
Don't be swayed by one of them
There are as many paths as there are people
You just have to walk your own way
Leave behind the boring adults who are kept in chains
By their appearances and pride
The future is for you all
Say No to them
Silent Majority
If you're just following someone
You won't get hurt, but
That crowd is just one mind
You'll be made one of them
You have the freedom to be the way you are
Don't be controlled by adults
If people give up like that from the start
Then why were we even born in the first place
Having dreams means at times you'll be faced with loneliness
You have to walk an empty path
You won't get there even if the world is all the same
Are you really okay with Yes
Silent Majority

The Word

The word went so far away, and came back.
The word went so far away, and came back.
It took so many thoughts away with it.
Where are they? Where do they dwell?
Cradled by the wind it left,
Cradled by the wind it left,
it went around the world and returned,
and out there the word was heard.
The word went so far away, and came back.
The word went so far away, and came back.

Don't leave me in the hands of the enemy

- Don't leave me in the hands of the enemy, my son,
as long as your defense is standing,
until the belief is resolved
and the rivers flow freely again.
- Don't be afraid my mother,
as we will be leaving from here
this agony will have to come to an end
and the people will proclaim its future.
- I am not afraid of my enemy,
every day I experience the explosion,
of the artillery firing from the front line,
the enemy somewhere between dead and captured

O my land

For life, liberty and dignity
look at those innocent eyes watching the sky
wishing to reach the ocean's horizon,
all the tears of joy and emotion
the nature with the green acacia trees dancing.
I wish to live, with tranquility by my side.
I want to live and dance with tranquility.
My beloved land,
my symbol and sustenance.
Land of my ancestors.
I reject this injustice.
The dream of my descendants.
I reject this injustice.


Versions: #1#2
Ever since I arrived in this world, I have lived as a refugee
Ever since I arrived in this world, I have lived as a refugee
Ever since I arrived in this world, I have lived as a refugee
Ever since I arrived in this world, I have lived as a refugee
Ever since I arrived in this world, I have lived as a refugee
Despite moving to the North, I have remained a refugee
Living in haimas (tent), worn-out by time, the haimas a witness to my sensibility and faith.
Living in haimas (tent), worn-out by time, the haimas a witness to my sensibility and faith
Look how many souls desire to finally meet again the eyes that await them
Look how many souls desire to finally meet again the eyes that await them
Here they are in Ivory Coast, they are refugees
Every year we see it in Sudan, a nation of refugees
In any town of Palestine, here they are refugees
The troubles are repeated in Mali, they are refugees
And the people, here they are, injured ain Argelia, as refugees
And the Saharawi resist today in Argelia, refugees
And the people, here they are, injured ain Argelia, as refugees
And the Saharawi resist today in Argelia, refugees

Your Voice

I want to hear your voice
and the sweet words
that have lived within me
ever since those days
Meeting you was a coincidence
and the dreams began
and the dreams were frightened
of what the people might say.

The mist

The mist returned without him
The mist returned without him
One day a storm came
and took him away.
Calmness reigned in the circle of tents
and beyond.
The mist returned without him
The mist returned without him
Arise, gentlemen trudge grooves into the sand around the tents
and make a cup of tea
to pass the time
The mist returned without him
The mist returned without him


Your are the essence of my life and its strength
You are the pride in my words that cross all frontiers
Resist, immortal, resist.
You are like the night and the stars
Your voice goes beyond the top of the clouds
You are smiling breeze of today
You are an example of humanity and of fight.
Resist, immortal, resist.

Gdeim Izik

I witnessed the horror and the torture
that the voices accuse you of.
I saw the young victims
In your prisons of death
Proof of this,
are the events of Gdeim Izik.
The oppression made news in the media
against this people that challenged you,
when they claimed back their land and its riches
and peacefully erecting Gedim Izik
Surrounded by the break of dawn
and the violent troops
that support this monarch
in his attempt to intimidate
the masses of Gdeim Izik.
How many prisoners are in your cells
and how many kidnapped and missing
by your hands
in the occupied cities,
the sovereignty of the people is

Krojacka radnja u Endizaki

Hajde da zapocnemo krojenje!
Bila je mlada zena koja je bila vlasnik krojacke radnje u uglu Endizaka.
Dobrocudna,sa odredjenom vestinom,bila je popularna devojka u komsiluku.
Ono sto je mucilo takvu zenu,bio je njen voljeni koji joj je bio neveran
'I ako ima nekok takvog kao sto sam ja,nikada se ne dolazi kuci!'
Ali moram da nastavljam sa svojim poslom,cvrsto drzim svoje makaze u jednoj ruci,
sivece makaze sam nasledila od majke,sto ih vise naostris,bolje seku.
Danas je komsiluk kao i uvek.Na glavnoj ulici slucajno sam naletela na njega,koje pa sad ta zena koja stoji pored njega?
U crvenom kimonu koji joj dobro stoji,on je nezan sa tom divnom zenom.
Nisam bila u stanju da prodjem pored tog prizora,odmah sam napustila to mesto.
Ali moram da nastavljam sa svojim poslom,cvrsto drzim svoje makaze u jednoj ruci,dok su mi obrazi mokri od suza,radim naporno da sasijem kimono.
Grad ima neprijatan vazduh iz nekog razloga,cini se da se dogodio neki skandal.
Ispred mosta sam slucajno naletela na njega,ko je sad pa ta zena pored njega?
Sa depresivnom atnosferom oko njega,on je pored zene sa zelenim obi-om koji joj odgovara veoma dobro,znaci to je tip devojke koji volis?
Ali moram da nastavljam sa svojim poslom,cvrsto drzim svoje makaze u jednoj ruci,dok brisem svoje crvene oci,radim naporbo da popravim jedan obi.
Grad je iznenada poceo da pravi neku frku,izgleda da se dogodio jos jedan skandal.Kod prodavnice ukosnica slucajno sam naletela na njega,ko je sad pa ta zena pored njega?
On je kupovao veoma skupu zutu ukosnicu za veopma mladu devojku.
Sta to dodjavola mislis da radis?Ti zaista ne pravis razlike.
Ali moram da nastavljam sa svojim poslom,cvrsto drzim svoje makaze u jednoj ruci,da li su makaze bile ove boje i ranije,pitam se?I danas sam naporno radila kao i uvek.
Konacno sam zavrsila svoj posao.
Ako to neces da dodjes kod mene,
Ja cu doci kod
Crveni kimono,zeleni obi,zutu snalu sam stavila u svoju kosu.
Postala sam tip zene koji ti zelis.
Kako je,jesam li lepa?
Danas je ceo grad u metezu,ovaj put covek je ubijen.
Sa ovim,cini se da je celu cetvoroclanu porodicu ubijo neko.
U svakom sucaju,on je bio okrutan covek,'Drago mi je sto sme se upoznali,dobar dan' i tako nije li to kao stranac?Da li je to kao stranac?
Ali nastavljam sa svojim poslom,cvrsto drzim svoje makaze u jednoj ruci.
Sivece makaze obojene u crveno,sto se vise izostre,bolje seku.

Ljudsko biće

Ja sam, Ja jesam
Udišem i izdišem
Posedujem srce
Uvo i oko
Bila sam ovde samo jednom
Pretiče me
Bila je unutra i napolju
I ispred mojih osudjivačkih očiju
Moje dragoceno maskiranje
Posao tako hladan
Ne mogu u korak sa mojim ličnim
Kako ne podbaciti
Ja sam meso, kosti
Ja sam koža, duša
Ja sam ljudsko biće
Ništa više od ljudskog bića
Ja sam znoj, mane
Ja sam vene, ožiljci
Ja sam ljudsko biće
Ništa više od ljudskog bića
Ja sam meso, kosti
Ja sam koža, duša
Ja sam ljudsko biće
Ništa više od ljudskog bića
Ja sam ljudsko biće
Ja sam ljudsko biče