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Број резултата: 12


Look Into My Eyes

Everything looks different now.
Dress warm if you go,
Outside the people closed themselves off.
They became cold, I don’t know exactly why.
I just started the car,
Pushed down the pedal, hurrying..
See, time is dripping out the window.
Everything is passing, at the end only the skies remain.
If we're here
And if in the next moment, it fades away,
If the world got a bit crazy,
Swinging on the edge..
If we're here,
Between imagination and reality,
Look into my eyes,
So I’ll know that you're with me.
I chose to keep on moving,
Im a man who lives in longing,
Can’t remember for what anymore..
Maybe for maskless humans.
Don’t dress up yourself,
you're most beautiful exactly like that.
Your singers on the radio,
are generating words, captives,
Inside the sea of plastic spilled here,
Don’t hide your heart as they did my love,
A beating heart is a hint we are alive.
If we're here
And if in the next moment it fades away,
If the world got a bit crazy,
Swinging on the edge..
If we're here,
Between imagination and reality,
Look into my eyes,
So I’ll know that you're with me.

Šta osećaš

Šta osećaš
Do sada se mnogo toga dogodilo, znam,
Pomislio sam u sebi da treba da izmerim udaljenost,
Čujem vesti na radiju,
Meteorolog tvrdi da će uskoro pasti kiša,
A ti si sada daleko, znam,
Sva vaša obećanja
leže ovde na konopcima za veš,
I nemam poseban način za pobede,
Ovaj tvoj pogled koji mi se vratio,
Jer do juče sam bio prilično siguran,
Da si mi otišla iz srca i glave,
Da je ovaj peščani sat već ponestao,
Odjednom više nisam miran,
Kad biste samo rekli šta osećate.
I do juče je čežnja spavala,
I tople boje su se vratile u boje
moj dan za utehu,
Odjednom više nisam miran,
Kad biste samo rekli šta osećate.
Kafa bi sada pomogla, znam,
Sećam se kako bi to pio polako,
I stara pesma koja je svirala u pozadini,
Povezali su sve linije jednu po jednu,
A ti si sada daleko, znam,
Uvek ste mi govorili da će doći ovaj dan i evo ga,
I nemam poseban način pobede,
Danas ne umireš od ljubavi.
Jer do juče sam bio prilično siguran,
Da si mi otišao iz srca i glave,
Da je ovaj peščani sat već ponestao,
Odjednom više nisam miran,
Kad biste samo rekli šta osećate.
I do juče je čežnja spavala,
I tople boje su se vratile u boje
moj dan za utehu,
Odjednom više nisam miran,
Kad biste samo rekli šta osećate.
Do sada se mnogo toga dogodilo, znam,
Pomislio sam u sebi da treba da izmerim udaljenost


Želim da idem,
da se otvori put,
Da ne znam šta će biti sutra.
Želim istinu,
Da, čak i ako bi zaista bolelo,
Čak i ako to možda neću razumeti.
Želim reči,
da budem blizu Boga,
Da bi izgledao od svih ljudi,
U zavisnosti od mene.
Želim suze,
da se moje srce zavara
Dakle, neću odustati i zamrznuti se.
Želim da pevam,
Da vrište na gradskim ulicama,
Da napišem pesmu za vas
Onaj za koga biste mislili da je savršen.
Želim da budem srećan,
Da se ​​smejem svim silama,
Da te volim do kraja,
Dok ne boli.
Želim boje,
Mutne crvene,
Tako da neću primetiti da je svet propao.
Želim da rastem,
Da verujemo da je dobro pasti,
Da tako čovek iz nekog razloga raste.
Želim da biram,
Da se ​​na trenutak vratimo u jučerašnji dan,
Pa biste me pogledali čisto,
Kao na početku.
Želim da živim,
Da ne zadržim snagu više,
Znati da će sve proći u svakom slučaju.
Želim da pevam,
Da vrište na gradskim ulicama,
Da napišem pesmu za vas
Onaj za koga mislite da je savršen.
Želim da budem srećan,
Da se ​​smejem svim silama,
Da te volim do kraja,
Dok ne boli.
Želim da pevam,
Da vrište na gradskim ulicama,
Da napišem pesmu za vas
Onaj za koga biste mislili da je savršen.
Želim da budem srećan,
Da se ​​smejem svim silama,
Da te volim do kraja,
Dok ne boli.

Soon The Skies Will Open

Soon the skies will open,
And our home will probably be lit,
‏And we will dance
‏in our living room barefoot,
‏Clean from the darkness
‏that has visited the world.
‏Soon we will run into the water again, ‏like children,
without fear, without heat or cold,
‏And a spark shall creep before your eyes,
‏Evidence that we have returned
‏from what was.
‏Soon you will raise your hands,
‏That does not mean that you surrender,
‏You are finally free,
‏Like that time you told me,
‏'There is a Great God, that watches over us from there,'
‏There are the things that we forget,
‏They will continue to beat, Only at a new pace,
Like that time you told me,
‏'There is a Great God, That watches over you and I.'
‏Soon a skyline will reveal,
‏In colors of orange and white,
‏And when the sun rises and sets,
‏We will capture the moment,
‏Only in our eyes.
‏And maybe even come back to ourselves,
‏We’ll understand that there is no meaning to the pursuit,
‏And words will come back to affect,
‏Like they always have affected,
‏Before our hearts fall asleep.
‏Soon you will raise your hands,
‏That does not mean that you surrender,
‏You are finally free,
‏Like that time you told me,
‏'There is a Great God, that watches over us from there,'
‏There are the things that we forget,
‏They will continue to beat, Only at a new pace,
Like that time you told me,
‏'There is a Great God, That watches over you and I'

The Convoy Song (Shir Hashayara)

Once we all used to speak just every language
And didn’t know each other, and it caused some anguish
We had to leave all places that we lived in
And came to one and only place that we believed in
We had to leave all places that we lived in
And came to one and only place that we believed in
And the convoy carries on
From some centuries long gone
Look at them all gathered here
Farmers, workers, pioneers
All who toiled and who travailed
And haven’t reached the final trail
Now it is our turn, we’re walking
On the country’s gate we’re knocking
No, we’re not afraid of danger
‘Cause it is our life’s adventure
We burst from ghettos, camps and from confinement
And came to swamps and barren land with one assignment
We came from Russia, Poland and Arabia
And built Dimona, also Dgania and what have ya
We came from Russia, Poland and Arabia
And built Dimona, also Dgania and what have ya
From every corner of the earth
To a new people we gave birth
A new country has been born here
And a language that was dormant
Is awake with chitter-chatter
And we are no longer scattered
Yes, the storm is not yet quiet
And we have to fight the riots
But our deepest hope we’re voicing
‘Cause there’s so much for rejoicing
See Israel, the gem that it’s becoming
Yes, we are stronger, much more than all our shortcomings
You’ll see, one day the Negev, too, will flourish
And our Ben Gurion will be happy and well-nourished
You’ll see, one day the Negev, too, will flourish
And our Ben Gurion will be happy and well-nourished
From every corner of the earth
To a new people we gave birth
A new country has been born here
And a language that was dormant
Is awake with chitter-chatter
And we are no longer scattered
Yes, the storm is not yet quiet
And we have to fight the riots
But our deepest hope we’re voicing
‘Cause there’s so much for rejoicing

What You're Feeling

A lot has happened by now, I know,
I thought to myself I should measure the distance,
I hear the news on the radio,
The weatherman claims it will rain soon,
And you're far away now, I know,
All of your promises
are lying here on the clotheslines,
And I have no special way of winning,
This gaze of yours that came back to me,
Because up until yesterday I was pretty sure,
That you've gone out of my heart and my head,
That this hourglass already ran out,
Suddenly I'm not calm anymore,
If only you'd say what you're feeling.
And up until yesterday, the longing was asleep,
And warm colors have returned to paint
my day in consolation,
Suddenly I'm not calm anymore,
If only you'd say what you're feeling.
Some coffee would help now, I know,
I remember how you'd drink it slowly,
And an old song that was playing in the background,
Connected all the lines one by one,
And you're far away now, I know,
You've always told me that this day would come and here it is,
And I have no special way of winning,
You don't die from love nowadays.
Because up until yesterday I was pretty sure,
That you've gone out of my heart and my head,
That this hourglass already ran out,
Suddenly I'm not calm anymore,
If only you'd say what you're feeling.
And up until yesterday, the longing was asleep,
And warm colors have returned to paint
my day in consolation,
Suddenly I'm not calm anymore,
If only you'd say what you're feeling.
A lot has happened by now, I know,
I thought to myself I should measure the distance.


They've already told me a lot about America
in an old dream shop.
There money buys you a house,
maybe a dog,
in the end a family.
So I pack and fly until America.
Let go of truth, at least a comfort
there happiness flows with the water,
moves the dollar, seduces you*
And each time I get comfortable
you always lead me to the edge.
I close my eyes,
I waited for you two thousand years,
for America of light,
for America of gold**
I sail in a taxi in a America,
on the radio a seductive girl sings.
She'll make eyes at us,
tomorrow we'll make her a protest symbol.
And I am in between the towers of America,
She*** reminds me a bit of an old story
about people who climbed up until the sky.
Today they are fighting over a piece of land.
And each time I get comfortable
you always lead me to the edge.
I close my eyes,
I waited for you two thousand years,
for America of light,
for America of gold.**
Each time I get comfortable-
You're not true love but you are a stormy night.
I close my eyes,
I waited for you two thousand years,
for America of light,
for America of gold.**


Take my dreams
And Just let me to put my head on your shoulder
To feel your breathings,
to calm myself down
Finally, some peace of mind in this whole chaos
Trying to find a shelter tonight, it is time to get some sleep
Trying- just me and my car
Tonight it is easy to be lonely
Trying to find a shelter tonight
It is time to be silent
Sometimes i imagine the muazzine whispering in my ears
Chorus in arabic:
Come on, go ahead, go to sleep my love, tomorrow will be better, tomorrow the sun will shine and the moon will sunset
to a new day/new world
Lets go
Trying to find a shelter in the dark
Everyone are trying
to be lighted/positive
But I still have a deep feelings of anger inside
of me, that does'nt let me sleep
And if you look inside me tonight, ( you will see) you have burned / scorched each and every corner of my heart
And when I feel bad...
Yes, I will hurt you too , that is how much I love
Chorus in arabic:
Come on, go ahead, go to sleep my love, tomorrow will be better, tomorrow the sun will shine and the moon will sunset
to a new day/new world
Lets go