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Број резултата: 12


The Wrong Person

Versions: #1
Suddenly you came and made me
Believe in love
I saw a little bit of me in your eyes
And made room so you can stay here forever.
Slowly, your dark side
I got used to, out of love
And I've wronged myself for your sake
It was too good to be true.
The wrong person, this is the person I loved
The wrong person, I was hugging passionately
The wrong person, this is the person I trusted
Even if it was all wrong, even if it was all fake.
The wrong person, this is the person I loved
The wrong person, I was hugging passionately
The wrong person, this is the person I trusted
Even if it was all wrong, even if it was all fake.
Suddenly when I thought
I was living in an oasis
Inside your eyes
I saw hell
To the surface came
All the wounds.
I slowly started to wonder
Ιf I really wanted
Τo be trapped in a storm
Αnd the sorrows winning over the joys.
The wrong person, this is the person I loved
The wrong person, I was hugging passionately
The wrong person, this is the person I trusted
Even if it was all wrong, even if it was all fake.
The wrong person, this is the person I loved
The wrong person, I was hugging passionately
The wrong person, this is the person I trusted
Even if it was all wrong, even if it was all fake.

The Man The Wrong

Suddenly you came and made me
In love and I believed
I saw a little of me through your eyes
And I made room for you to always stay here.
Slowly the dark side
I got used to you out of love
And I wronged myself for your sake
It was too good to be true.
ؤThe wrong man, I loved him
The wrong man, I hugged with passion
The wrong man, I trusted him
Even if everything was wrong, even if it was all fake
The wrong man, I loved him
The wrong man, I hugged with passion
The wrong man, I trusted him
Even if everything was wrong, even if it was all fake
Suddenly where I thought
How I lived in an oasis
In your eyes
I saw a hell
They came to the surface
All wounds.
I slowly wondered
but I really wanted to
trapped to be in a storm
and sorrows win the joys.
The wrong man, I loved him
The wrong man, I hugged with passion
The wrong man, I trusted him
Even if everything was wrong, even if it was all fake
The wrong man, I loved him
The wrong man, I hugged with passion
The wrong man, I trusted him
Even if everything was wrong, even if it was all fake

Dao sam ti dušu

Dosta je bilo, ni reč više
dosta mi je tvog bezobrazluka
još se usuđuješ da me gledaš
a trebalo bi od griže savesti suze da liješ
Zašto ja, zašto ja, zašto ja
Dao sam ti dušu, a ti si je izmučila
dao sam ti život, ti si ga uništila
dao sam ti dušu, dao sam ti telo
i još se buniš, stvarno nemaš srama
Dao sam ti poljupce, od retkih
samo sam te ja uzdigao u nebesa
i postala si početak moga kraja
dao sam ti dušu
Tvoje sam srce izvukao iz ponora
samo ja sam te odveo u raj
oseti u sebi bar malo stida
dao sam ti dušu
Dosta je bilo, nema dalje
jer mnogo si se okuražila, čini mi se
toliko sam puta ja bio žrtva
pokaži makar trunku osećanja
Zašto ja, zašto ja, zašto ja
Dao sam ti dušu, a ti si je izmučila
dao sam ti život, ti si ga uništila
dao sam ti dušu, dao sam ti telo
i još se buniš, stvarno nemaš srama
Dao sam ti poljupce, od retkih
samo sam te ja uzdigao u nebesa
i postala si početak moga kraja
dao sam ti dušu
Tvoje sam srce izvukao iz ponora
samo ja sam te odveo u raj
oseti u sebi bar malo stida
dao sam ti dušu

Sve i sva

Ko ti je rekao da mi ne nedostajes
Opet sam u suzama osvanuo
Srce mi je na hiljadu delova
A sve slomljene dugujem tebi
Sve i sva si ti za mene
Ni na trenutak te nisam preboleo
Sve i sva,istina i laz
I ako te izgubim gotovo kraj
Ko ti je rekao da sam se promenio
Ljubav je put emocija
Gde god da idem u tvoj zagrljaj
Vode me koraci srca
Sve i sva si ti za mene
Ni na trenutak te nisam preboleo
Sve i sva,istina i laz
I ako te izgubim gotovo kraj
Ne spavam nocima gorim
Moj zivot lici na siv i prazan
I samoce brojim znake,oci moje
Sve i sva si ti za mene
Ni na trenutak te nisam preboleo
Sve i sva,istina i laz
I ako te izgubim gotovo kraj x2

Šta ti nije jasno?

Ne mogu svoj život da zamislim bez tebe
sve je uzalud, sve deluje kao laž
moji snovi nemaju smisla bez tebe
sve bih uradio za mesto u tvom srcu
Sve što sam tražio, našao sam u tvojim očima
gledaš me, i srce mi se istopi
za tebe živim i postojim, traži mi šta god
volim te, šta ti nije jasno?
Gubim svaku kontrolu kad te nema
ne mogu da se skoncentrišem, zaboravim i svoje ime
tvoj osmeh mi ulepša život
shvati već jednom da sam ja čovek za tebe
Sve što sam tražio, našao sam u tvojim očima
gledaš me, i srce mi se istopi
za tebe živim i postojim, traži mi šta god
volim te, šta ti nije jasno?
Šta ti nije jasno, šta? Ti si meni sve
ovo je prvi put da iskreno volim
Sve što sam tražio, našao sam u tvojim očima
gledaš me, i srce mi se istopi
za tebe živim i postojim, traži mi šta god
volim te, šta ti nije jasno?
Šta ti nije jasno?

Očekivao sam to

Mislio sam da s tobom neće izaći na dobro
ljubav mi je kao fantazija pomutila pamet
nikad nisi naučila kako je kad voliš
poljupci su ti staklo slomljeno, njima me sečeš i bol zadaješ
Očekivao sam to
da tebi ne značim ništa
da ćeš biti kao druge, očekivao sam to
bio sam bajka, koju si prelistala
laž u tvom praznom životu
dva oka što ih ispunila suzama
Znao sam da će biti spora smrt
ali zaljubio sam se u tebe i svetlo izgubio
noći pune strasti i u najlepšem momentu
moj predosećaj se ostvario
Očekivao sam to
da tebi ne značim ništa
da ćeš biti kao druge, očekivao sam to
bio sam bajka, koju si prelistala
laž u tvom praznom životu
dva oka što ih ispunila suzama

Let me die from love

Let me die from love, let me quiet down, let me survive
Since I can't get close to you, I prefer this kind of end.
Tell me how I can sweeten 1 your heart
Maybe you want this, you want me to die from love
One down, one up, I can't find an edge
I've begun to lose everything,
You've made me go crazy.
Tell me how I can sweeten your heart
Maybe you want this, you want me to die from love.
  • 1. Could also mean 'soften'.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου


we lived good moments
but sudden frontals
every day the conflicts
Turned us into two selfish (people)
lost from winners
where are you now to hear me
Silly, silly
we both acted
and unimaginable words we said on top of our anger
Silly, silly
it ended a love
but if you regretted just so you know I am here
silly to live without you
We lived many dreams
and the wear of the time came
and gave birth to contrasts
We gave in a bad comment
the same reply together
'see you soon, take care'
Silly, silly
we both acted
and unimaginable words we said on top of our anger
Silly, silly
it ended a love
but if you regretted just so you know I am here
silly to live without you

The good girls

How can I believe that you still want me
and return
since I learn other things and you tell me other things
The good girls I know that they don't stay up late
and belong to one when they love
Good girls, I know that they don't stay up all night
they don't get drunk and in their houses, they return early
But you are always everywhere, that's what rumours say
and that you're like every another girl
that don't have in their blood even a drop of besa
and in almost every mistake you're included
How can I return to a burned love
and turned off
for all those things you have done while I wasn't around
The good girls I know that they don't stay up late
and belong to one when they love
Good girls, I know that they don't stay up all night
they don't get drunk and in their houses, they return early
But you are always everywhere, that's what rumours say
and that you're like every other girl
that don't have in their blood even a drop of besa
and in almost every mistake you're included

Love Can

You came as a dream
To my life's biggest night
To drive away my soul's darkness
With a touch of yours
You came as a dream
And pain no longer exists
I can live what I wanted to live again
I can fight
Love's biggest secrets
Revealed by your first touch
And if my wings broke for a little while
I will fly to your embrace
Love can
With a kiss
Make our each day a celebration
And if it rains
And if it pours
We will find the sun together
Love can
With a kiss
Make the end a new beginning
And if it rains
And if it pours
I am not afraid if you are there
If you are there
With you by my side
You give me power suddenly
To rule all over the world
To give it1 to you
Love's biggest secrets
Revealed by your first touch
And if my wings broke for a little while
I will fly to your embrace
Love can
With a kiss
Make our each day a celebration
And if it rains
And if it pours
We will find the sun together
Love can
With a kiss
Make the end a new beginning
And if it rains
And if it pours
I am not afraid if you are there
If you are there
If you are there
  • 1. The world.

Call Me

It's too late for us to sleep
I'll stay with you for a little if you want,
Don't be scared.
And then I will leave first,
But an oath will remain here
To remember:
If someone ever hurts your dreams,
If they touch your heart with dirty hands,
If they bring clouds to cry in your eyes,
Call me
Call me
And I swear to you I'll come.
However many kilometres I have,
No distance holds me away,
Call me.
Guardian Angel, I'll run
Without a shield to fight.
If I stay quiet, how will you be alright?
And let me die for you
One more time.
Before I leave something is necessary
A final kiss,
To be like the first.
It's too late for you to sleep,
And if you're feeling alone, remember,
I gave you an oath:
If someone ever hurts your dreams,
If they touch your heart with dirty hands,
If they bring clouds to cry in your eyes,
Call me
Call me
And I swear to you I'll come.
However many kilometres I have,
No distance holds me away,
Call me.
Guardian Angel, I'll run
Without a shield to fight.
If I stay quiet, how will you be alright?
And let me die for you
One more time.

Zabranjujem ti

Zabranjujem svom srcu da misli na tebe
Kao u stara vremena kada bih se razboleo da ti čujem ime
Neću ostaviti otvorena vrata
Da bi ti ušla na trenutak, pa da onda ostanemo stranci
Pitam se ko ti je rekao
Da bih izdržao toliko dugo
Da strpam svoj život u tvoj
Takav sam od detinjstva
Šta god me čini napetim
Koliko god me bolelo, odkloniću
Zabranjujem te da pitaš
Kad sretneš naše prijatelje
Šta radim, kuda idem
Da li živim ili umirem
Jer se pašim da će ti reći
Da je moja duša kao kuća
Koju si ti srušila
I napustila
Zabranjujem ti da pitaš, želim da te grize savest
Zabranjujem svom srcu da hoda
Po minskom polju koje kriješ u očima
Dovoljno sam noći ubio
Sa mnom si naučila da ideš da bi otišla
Pitam se ko ti je rekao
Da bih izdržao toliko dugo
Da strpam svoj život u tvoj
Takav sam od detinjstva
Šta god me čini napetim
Koliko god me bolelo, odkloniću
Zabranjujem te da pitaš
Kad sretneš naše prijatelje
Šta radim, kuda idem
Da li živim ili umirem
Jer se pašim da će ti reći
Da je moja duša kao kuća
Koju si ti srušila
I napustila
Zabranjujem ti da pitaš, želim da te grize savest
Zabranjujem te da pitaš
Kad sretneš naše prijatelje
Šta radim, kuda idem
Da li živim ili umirem
Jer se pašim da će ti reći
Da je moja duša kao kuća
Koju si ti srušila
I napustila
Zabranjujem ti da pitaš, želim da te grize savest