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Број резултата: 13


Nije Kao Da Sam Luda!

Niko me ne voli
Pa ne sviđam se nešto posebno ni ja sama sebi
Ali nije kao da sam luda!
Uopšte mi ne dolazi volja i za čime
Već sam odavno odlučila da mi se ide kući
Moj krevet neće da me pusti
Svaki dan mi je baš onaj isti☆
Aaaaa, nema vajde više, samo to što živim bi trebalo da je dovoljno
Da dobijem log in bonus, makar želim takav update
Zar nije život malo pretežak?! Oraora×∞
Dragi Bože, kunem se da više neću lenčariti po ceo dan
Tako da mi molim te daj 5,000,000,000,000,000 dindži za džabe bez poreza
Ili nekog zgodnog naftnog barona za instantno venčanje
Odmah se nadurim
Dođe mi i da plačem
Nema mi pomoći kad sam samo mala beba
Nije kao da sam luda
Čak ni ne govorim stvari kao 'plaki'
Moja ekstremna depresija
Nije beskrajna a nije ni za Internet
Šta će mi više!
Nije kao da sam luda
Čak se ni ne nerviram tako lako
Baš je smor kad samo cmizdrim ovako
Aaaaa, mrzim!
Muka mi je, neću čekati
Šta me briga više!
Šta ću uopšte da radim sutra
Kako ću da platim mesečne račune
Toliko se brinem da mi nije dobro
Niko me ne voli
Pa ne sviđam se nešto posebno ni ja sama sebi
Ali nije kao da sam luda!
Nekada ne plaćam benzin
Slomljen mi je iPhone
Vrtim gače ali ne dobijam ono što hoću
Svaki dan mi je baš onaj isti♡
Aaaaa, 'radi ovako, radi onako, ovako je, onako je'
Smarate više sa tim bespotrebnim savetima
Pirinač sa oktopodom? Pirinač sa lignjom?
Stvarno me živcira taj! Beskorisno×∞
Naše urođene navike su ono što nas razdvaja, a teško ih popravljamo
Pa je baš zadivljujuće što je Kemo obnova u stvari bila (!?)
Ove generacije nikad neće naučiti da budu iskrene
Nekada mi od svega bude loše
Dođe mi da pobegnem
Nije ni čudo kad sam ovako beskorisna, zar ne?
Nije kao da sam luda
Niko me nikada nije video da plačem
Težak život, tako da me gledaj
Kako natenane
Samo preživljavam svaki dan
Nije kao da sam luda
Čak ni ne govorim stvari kao 'tugica'
Moja ekstremna depresija
Nije beskrajna a nije ni za Internet
Šta će mi više!
Nije kao da sam luda
Čak ni nemam toliko puno lažnih naloga
Baš je smor kad samo cmizdrim ovako
Aaaaa, mrzim!
Muka mi je, neću čekati
Šta me briga više!
Pitam se da li sam simpatija svoje simpatije
U bolu i ptanji što ni nemam baš neke prijatelje
Nema kako da pobedim sem da stisnem zube
Niko me ne voli
Pa ne sviđam se nešto posebno ni ja sama sebi
Ali nije kao da sam luda!!

A small journey

A lonely journey until the twilight
A lonesome freedom, a sky piercing my chest
It's strange, we separate
And you come closer
Why I miss you this way?
I heard a voice in the wind
And turned around but it was only the dazzling sea
We were friends for a long time
We walked without answering
The night sky and the sunset glow
Seem to embrace each other
I want to pile up two ways of life
It's strange, we separate
And you come closer
Why I miss you this way?
Surely you'll lit your room lamp
And return looking up
I'll return to you

The Little Things

Please teach we what the important things in life are
I hear your voice
You loiter around just like a small boat lost in the storm
Listen carefully so that you do not get lost in the wind
Listen to that small voice. That very small voice
I love you I love you. That is a little thing
Kindness and tears, they are all very little things
It is fine if you forget everything when you close your eyes
It is really a little thing
There are important dreams
You glorify it
That person is strong for sure
Even if you are not there it is okay
It is a once in a life time opportunity
Go without looking back. Nobody can stop you
I love you I love you. That is a little thing
Kindness and tears, they are all very little things
It is fine if you forget everything when you close your eyes
It is really a little thing
The light of the moon is being hidden by the clouds
Nothing can be seen. Nothing can be understood
Just stand still, I am there with you
No matter how cold the night is
Nobody is worried, nobody is lost
The voice of the demon deep inside my heart...
The warmth, the warmth, someday it will become cold
The smiling face that I recall will also disappear some day
If you close your heart so that you do not get hurt, you need not regret
It is a really little thing
I love you I love you. That is a little thing
Kindness and tears, they are all very little things
It is fine if you forget everything when you close your eyes
It is a really little thing
It is a really little thing

A small home in a big forest

Nobody is watching us, nobody, nobody
Nobody is hindering us, nobody, nobody
The green grass and a gentle breeze
Is the place where we'll always make a story
My heart jumps to you
And the inside of my chest shivers
A road to a secret home
Your heart jumps to me
And I'll give you the key of my heart
A small home in a big forest
Nobody is watching us, nobody, nobody
Nobody is hindering us, nobody, nobody
Blue springs and small birds
Whistle wonderful melodies
Maybe I'll get tied to you
Playing the strings of the half moon
I'll play the love symphony
Maybe we will kiss each other
An eternal rose coloured dream
A small home in a big forest
My heart jumps to you
And the inside of my chest shivers
A road to a secret home
Your heart jumps to me
And I'll give you the key of my heart
A small home in a big forest
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The Small Bar

I first saw you in the bar
A small bar with a white door
You were alone with your back to me
When I saw your long and thin neck
And found you very cute
Again I saw you in the bar
My usual bar covered with roses
You played the guitar with your fingers
Shaking a little as if mumbling something
I found you charming
I first talked to you in the bar
A small bar made of red bricks
Lowering your eyes as I gazed at you
You just remained silent from shyness
I wanted to hold you
As usual I'm waiting in the bar
A lonely bar you'll never return to
I can see your face In the candle flame
Where are you gone little girl, I can't forget you
Where are you gone little girl, I can't forget you

Little Photography

On the discolored Photo Album...
There's a sepia-colored hat...
And a smiling girl...
Your smile is dazzling and shines like light.
My mother was a little girl...
At the time of this photo...
A lost and distant summer day...
Who does not come back.
Under the shadow of the old tree...
Beside the door, she was hugging a puppy...
The little girl smiled...
She had short braids and gentle eyes.
My mother was a little girl...
At the time of this photo...
A lost and distant summer day...
Who does not come back.
My mother was a little girl...
At the time of this photo...
How long she will continue to shine...
Like that distant summer day.

Love is Inseparable

Don't let go of this love
Just hold on to it
All I want is to hear your sweet song
Right by your side
I won't pretend to be strong
As long as you cuddle up to me under the night sky
What came from the pain
Someday it will make you beautiful
You give me such a word
That's why I get a little frustrated
I'm way too selfish
Everything suddenly broke out
I wonder what I should do
Don't let go of this love
Just hold on to it
All I want is to hear your sweet song
Right by your side
I won't pretend to be strong
As long as you cuddle up to me under the night sky
And make me look more beautiful
I'm used to being skeptical
In the first place
When I looked embarrassingly at your back
With nothing but your innocent eyes
I want to take some walk
In this world
One thing I ask for
The warmth of leaving my body to you
There's no need to hesitate
Please don't you disguise your love
I'm mumbling to myself
I love you
I can live off that sound it makes
As long as you cuddle up to me under the night sky
Kiss me until I'm broken
Don't let go of this love
Just hold on to it
All I want is to hear your sweet song
There's no need to hesitate
Please don't you disguise your love
I'm mumbling to myself
I love you
I can live off that sound it makes
As long as you cuddle up to me under the night sky
Kiss me until I'm broken