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Број резултата: 123


Šta je u poljupcu

Šta je u poljupcu
Da li si se ikada pitala šta bi to moglo biti
Možda je nešto više od trenutka blaženstva
Kaži mi šta je u poljupcu
Šta je u snu
Da li su to sve stvari koje si želela da budeš
Sva mesta koja nisi videla
Kaži mi šta je u snu
Znam da je glupo od mene
Ali zaista ne znam
Svaki put kada pokušam da nađem rešenje
Iznenađen sam kako sam postao tako spor
Šta je u poljupcu
Da li si se ikada pitala šta bi to moglo biti
Možda je nešto više od trenutka blaženstva
Kaži mi šta je u poljupcu
Svaki put kada ti je potrebno osveženje
Dušo možeš računati na mene
Ja ću biti tvoj lični delikates
Opremljen da zadovolji svaku tvoju potrebu
Šta je u poljupcu
Da li si se ikada pitala šta bi to moglo biti
Možda je nešto više od trenutka blaženstva
Kaži mi šta je u poljupcu
Kaži mi šta je u poljupcu
Kaži mi šta je u poljupcu

Опет сам (природно)

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Мало касније
Ако се не будем осећао мање разочарано
Обећавам себи да ћу се частити
И посетити оближњи торањ
Попећу се на врх
И бацити се
Да би показао некоме
Како је када си поражен
Када си остављен на цедилу
У цркви где људи говоре
Мој Боже, јадан, откачила га је
Нема потребе да останемо
Можемо ићи кући
Као што сам урадио сам
Опет сам, природно
Кад помислим да сам јуче
Био весео, ведар и безбрижан
Једва сам чекао, па ко не би
Улога коју сам играо
Али, да би ме срушила
Реалност је дошла
И скроз ме исекла
А да ме није ни дотакла
Оставила ме да сумњам
Причају о Богу и његовој милости
Ко, ако он заиста постоји
Зашто ме је напустио?
У моменту кад ми треба
Заиста сам сам
Опет сам, природно
Чини ми се да има више срца
У свету, него колико се може залечити
Шта да радимо?
Шта да радимо?
Опет сам, природно
Сада, када се осврнем на прошлост
И на све што се појави
Сећам се да сам плакао када ми је отац умро
Никада нисам крио сузе
А са 65 година
Моја мајка, Бог да јој душу прости
Није могла да разуме зашто је једини човек
Кога је волела морао да оде
Оставио је саму
Са срцем тако гадно сломљеним
Иако сам је охрабривао
Речи никада нису изговорене
А када је умрла
Плакао сам и плакао цео дан
Опет сам, природно
Опет сам, природно

Vrati se svojim čulima

Ti si u etru
Ja ispod zemlje
Signal gubi se, naći se ne može
Napokon se otvaram
Za tebe bih sve uradila
Ali ti me stišavaš
Baš kad sam počela da pevam
Vrati se svojim čulima
Odaberi, ne brani se
I ti znaš ili barem si znao
Zar ne sećaš se kako je sve počelo
Bili smo samo ti i ja
Bili smo samo ja i ti
Moram se smejati
Jer bila je prava predstava
Ljubav je Passe u ovim danima i godinama
Kako onda da očekujemo da raste
Ti poput viteza
Ja kao kraljica
A sve što imam večeras
Je taman ekran
Vrati se svojim čulima
Neizvesnost nema mana
Ako radimo ono sta osećamo
Zar se ne sećaš da kada je sve počelo bili smo samo ti i ja
Ali sada je vazduh preplavljen konfuzijom
A zamenili smo brigu iluzijom
Od kad je cool biti hladan?
Ah da i više nista ne traje zauvek
I ljubav je postala potrošna ( jednokratna)
Ovo je oblik stvari koji ne trebamo ignorisati
Daj vrati se svojim čulima
Neizvesnost nema mana ako zeliš da budeš prazan prostor na displeju
Mili budi stvaran
Mozeš opet osećati
Ne treba ti melodija muzičke kutije da bi znao šta hoću reći
Vrati se svojim čulima
Dušo daj lriberi se
Vrati se svojim čulima
Vrati se svojim čulima

Vrati se svojim čulima

Ti si u etru
Ja ispod zemlje
Signal gubi se, naći se ne može
Napokon se otvaram
Za tebe bih sve uradila
Ali ti me stišavaš
Baš kad sam počela da pevam
Vrati se svojim čulima
Odaberi, ne brani se
I ti znaš ili barem si znao
Zar ne sećaš se kako je sve počelo
Bili smo samo ti i ja
Bili smo samo ja i ti
Moram se smejati
Jer bila je prava predstava
Ljubav je Passe u ovim danima i godinama
Kako onda da očekujemo da raste
Ti poput viteza
Ja kao kraljica
A sve što imam večeras
Je taman ekran
Vrati se svojim čulima
Neizvesnost nema mana
Ako radimo ono sta osećamo
Zar se ne sećaš da kada je sve počelo bili smo samo ti i ja
Ali sada je vazduh preplavljen konfuzijom
A zamenili smo brigu iluzijom
Od kad je cool biti hladan?
Ah da i više nista ne traje zauvek
I ljubav je postala potrošna ( jednokratna)
Ovo je oblik stvari koji ne trebamo ignorisati
Daj vrati se svojim čulima
Neizvesnost nema mana ako zeliš da budeš prazan prostor na displeju
Mili budi stvaran
Mozeš opet osećati
Ne treba ti melodija muzičke kutije da bi znao šta hoću reći
Vrati se svojim čulima
Dušo daj lriberi se
Vrati se svojim čulima
Vrati se svojim čulima

We came into the world

We all entered this world naked
Without knowing which gift fate would give us
You will choose your path
One day you will reach a crossroad
Many choose to walk down the easy path
Which is trodden, where not a single leg stumbles
Heart, soul and mind torment you constantly
Not for purity and happiness, but merely for money
Аre we born into this world just for the sake of money?
Learn to listen to your friend – your heart,
Opening your eyes for you, trying to direct you to the true path
But you are not listening to him, you are not trying to change
Wisdom reaches us very late,
When real truth shoots like a bullet:
We all arrived naked to this earth
And leaving it, we’re leaving everything behind
One day you will reach a crossroad
You will choose your path
Learn to listen to your friend – your heart
Dignity and honour do not rush to sell

A Plane Ticket

Twenty thousand feet
above a black ocean
without a smiling shadow of the moon
listening to a Walkman
no room for my legs
i would want to die for an hour,
or just to sleep
A scented Italian shoulder wakes me
he's sure that i'm French
so i pretend completely
mumbling 'Oui'
i weave for him a new identity
You bought me a plane ticket
i needed something strong in order to forget
two weeks there, it's like a month here
you said 'from there, it'll be easier for you to forgive...'
Roberto introduces himself
invites me to a drink after the landing
i don't have the strength to refuse
when lonely i was never very strong
Slaps on the bar, my knees are trembling
on television it seems less painful
he hurries to pour me more wine
waving like a conductor
in the key of my heart
You bought me a plane ticket...


From here, from my home
I see the empty beach
I was already there, a few days ago
Now, it's full of rain
And you over there continue without an umbrella
Without your clothes, going for a walk
Like an afternoon in July
But with cold and thunder
How can one know what you hope for?
That I watch you and dry you?
That I see you and that I stay taking the moon together
The moon, you and me expectedly
When any comet passes or a flying saucer comes down
And the beach crys and crys
And from my house I yell
That although I think of hugging you
That although I think of going with you
The doctor recommends
That I don't take off my coat
That I don't go any farther with you anymore
And I can not refuse, well
The type I am myself
I studied while you would sleep
And still I review the lessons
One after another, every day
I can not advise you
Now it is very hard that I burden it
Let us have some space
And say good bye to each other
Although you continue yearning
For something that was not true
They say it in the bars
It is something you carry inside
That you did not let them love you
You only want them to hug you
And you say that I did not have
Even courage to stay
I ripped all of your photos
You will not stop calling me
Who does not have the courage to leave?
Who does not have the courage to leave?
Who does not have the courage to leave?
Who prefers to stay and endure?
Leave and endure


Ey Divan
Ky-Many Marley
Even when you speak lies
I pretend to believe you
I don't care what you tell me
I just don't mind, if I can love you
Its because you say you're leaving and leave me
But in the end you always turn around
And that's the way I have to endure
ay ay ay
Your love its a boomerang
You leave, always to come back
Your love its a boomerang
Always coming back after you're lost
Your love its a boomerang
You leave, always to come back
Your love its a boomerang
A boomerang
Your love its a boomerang
You leave, always to come back
Your love its a boomerang
Always coming back after you're lost
Your love its a boomerang
You leave, always to come back
Your love its a boomerang
A boomerang
Hey babe, sometimes I lose you
And then you come back, I don't get you...
Night arrives, you knock on my door
And I always answer, its always open for you
Its because you say
You're leaving, and leave
But in the end
You always turn around
Your love its a boomerang
You leave, always to come back
Your love its a boomerang
Always coming back after you're lost
Your love its a boomerang
You leave, always to come back
Your love its a boomerang
A boomerang
Your favorite baby
Ky-Many Marley
La oficina secreta
Planet Records

Question marks and answers

You watch while lying on the beach
As I, in the blue water of the sea
Get scared from the too large freedom
You say that you don't understand
Why is it good here, in the deep
And I only reluctantly swim back to you
I only reluctantly swim back to you
You are the law and I'm rebelling
You are the question marks and I'm the answers
I undulate even in a windfall
But while I'm speaking, you're only hearing yourself
You aren't interested anymore in what I have to say
I don't know what I'm waiting for
When on the blue-white sunbed
I'm watching that you have stopped watching me a long time ago
We're waiting for the fire to be put out
But still, we feel cold
And now I only reluctantly swim back to you
I only reluctantly swim back to you
You are the law and I'm rebelling
You are the question marks and I'm the answers
I undulate even in a windfall
But while I'm speaking, you're only hearing yourself
You aren't interested anymore in what I have to say
You are the law and I'm rebelling
You are the question marks and I'm the answers
I undulate even in a windfall
But while I'm speaking, you're only hearing yourself
You aren't interested anymore in what I have to say
You are the law and I'm rebelling
You are the question marks and I'm the answers
I undulate even in a windfall
But while I'm speaking, you're only hearing yourself
You aren't interested anymore in what I have to say

May we have enough life

May we have enough life,
May we have enough will,
May the world come to its senses,
May children not suffer
May the masks disappear from our faces,
May people wake up,
May the system not hurt us,
May we have enough strength
By itself nothing will happen,
By itself nothing will ever come,
By itself emptiness only weighs
By itself only creates the guilty
We will form a procession great
We will form in the shape of a heart
Falsehood and fears flow away
So that evil will not take place
May we have enough life,
May we have enough will,
May the world come to its senses,
May children not suffer
May the masks disappear from our faces,
May people wake up,
May the system not hurt us,
May we have enough strength
We have much to do,
We have ourselves without divisions,
We have hearts to change the course
Of history for the Poles
For Poles, for nations,
For humanity and for the world
For freedom without exception
It is time for the rag to fall down
May we have enough life,
May we have enough will,
May the world come to its senses,
May children not suffer
May the masks disappear from our faces,
May people wake up,
May the system not hurt us,
May we have enough strength

Јожа из мочваре

Са Шкодом 100 идем на камповање на Орави
Журим се и зато ризикујем, пролазим кроз Мораву.
Тамо је бесно страшило, искочило је из мочваре,
прождире углавном Пражане, Јожа му је име.
Јожа из мочваре, шуњајући се око баре,
Јожа из мочваре, прилазећи селу,
Јожа из мочваре, већ оштри зубе.
Јожа од мочваре гризе, сише, гуши се.
Против Јоже из мочваре,ко би то рекао,
прашина нам је једини спас.
Прошао сам сеоским путем за Визовице
Шеф ме је упознао, рекао ми је док смо пили ракију
'Живог или мртвог, ко ми доведе Јожу,
њему ћу дати ћерку за жену и пола земље '
Јожа из мочваре, шуњајући се око баре,
Јожа из мочваре, прилазећи селу,
Јожа из мочваре, већ оштри зубе.
Јожа из мочваре гризе, сише, гуши се.
Против Јоже из мочваре, ко би то рекао,
прашина нам је једини спас.
Кажем, 'Шефе, дајте ми авион и прах,
Довешћу вам Јожу, не видим никакав проблем '
Шеф ме је обрадовао, кренуо сам ујутро,
на Јожу из авиона прах је лепо слетео.
Јожа из мочваре је већ сав бео,
Јожа из мочваре,из баре бежи напоље,
Јожа из мочваре, дошао на камен,
Јожа из мочваре, а с њим је и амин.
Ухватио сам Јожу, већ га имам, хохохо.
Новац је новац, продаћу га ЗОО врту.

Raspberry tree

Kalinka, kalinka, kalinka of mine!
In the garden there is a berry-little raspberry, raspberry of mine!
Ah, under the pine, the green one,
Lay me down to sleep!
Oh-swing, sway, oh-swing, sway,
Lay me down to sleep!
Kalinka, kalinka, kalinka of mine!
In the garden there is a berry-little raspberry, raspberry of mine!
Ah, little pine, little green one
Don’t rustle above me!
Ay-lyuli, lyuli, ay-lyuli, lyuli,
Don’t rustle above me!
Chorus :
Kalinka, kalinka, kalinka of mine!
In the garden there is a berry-little raspberry, raspberry of mine!
Ah, you beauty, pretty maiden,
Fall in love with me!
Oh-swing, sway, oh-swing, sway,
Fall in love with me!
Kalinka, kalinka, kalinka of mine!
In the garden there is a berry-little raspberry, raspberry of mine!

Hey, the Sich is marching on (pretty poppies are blooming)

Hey, the Sich is marching on,
Pretty poppies are blooming,
Some frown upon our cause –
But for us it's holy!
Hey, the Sich is marching on,
Our axes chime,
Some like to stay in the dark,
We prefer daylight!
Hey, the Sich is marching on
Buzzing like a bee,
Allied in arms, allied at heart –
So we'll be just fine!
Hey, the Sich is marching on
And the horseshoes clank,
Our home bends to our will,
And never – to intruders!

Forgetting you again

The hundreds of stairs to heaven
Leave behind a new rain -
There are gardens of paradise and lost trails there,
Only you're not waiting for me.
Light spills out after the rain,
Following the night is another dawn,
All the usual things, reflected in mirrors
There, where we aren't.
I'm forgetting you again.
The last day of summer slips away.
I'll never know,
Somewhere out in the crowd,
How he hugs you,
What you'll call your children,
How he'll write poems about her.
Night's falling, it's getting darker.
Sometimes I meander along
The alleys of our days,
There, where my soul sleeps,
And a barely-breathing memory
Sketches us together.
And it's long been easy
To see off those days.
Other voices are there now