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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 18


Ljubičasta (Lila)

Treba da ugasimo ovaj bes u nama
Treba da zaslužimo ono što smo birali
Ne smemo žuriti s donošenjem zaključaka
Ti si moja tiha luka, a ja dinamit
Zbog svoje boli i suza, oprosti mi
Pušim se ponekad zbog svoje iskrenosti
Ali na ovom svetu za mene postojiš samo ti.
Ljubičasta, ruža je pala
Kada odlazio sam sam
Na vratima nisi rekla vrati se
Otišao sam, ali srce je tu ostalo
Voleću dokle god jesam (postojim)
Ljubičasta, ljubičasta...
Ljubičasta, ruža je pala
Kada odlazio sam sam
Na vratima nisi rekla vrati se
Otišao sam, ali srce je tu ostalo
Voleću dokle god jesam (postojim)
Ljubičasta, ljubičasta...
Treba da zadržimo u nama svetlost božiju
Treba i dalje da živimo u istinskoj ljubavi
Moramo prihvatiti svoje mane
Shvati, samo pokvare sve
Izlivi ponosa, motivi savesti.
Iskrenim glasom to ću i dokazati
Da meni trebaš samo ti.
Ljubičasta, ruža je pala
Kada odlazio sam sam
Na vratima nisi rekla vrati se
Otišao sam, ali srce je tu ostalo
Voleću dokle god jesam (postojim)
Ljubičasta, ljubičasta...
Ljubičasta, ruža je pala
Kada odlazio sam sam
Na vratima nisi rekla vrati se
Otišao sam, ali srce je tu ostalo
Voleću dokle god jesam (postojim)
Ljubičasta, ljubičasta...
Ljubičasta, ruža je pala
Kada odlazio sam sam
Na vratima nisi rekla vrati se
Otišao sam, ali srce je tu ostalo
Voleću dokle god jesam (postojim)
Ljubičasta, ljubičasta...


Versions: #1
A lone traveller lost his way
Time lost in time zones
His heart's so worn out by the chain of his flaws
And somewhere far away, there was someone waiting for him:
As pure as the driven snow, someone who hasn't been touched by dirty hands not even once -
A young lady, whose heart didn't let the black ravens through the doors
The snakes lied to the traveller that he won't be happy with her
But he stubbornly believed he could find peace in her eyes
And the new dawn will overcome my sleep again
My legs will get back on the road in spite of the pain
The sun’s peak will shine in the sky and will give me a hint
To help me find you...
And the new dawn will overcome my sleep again
My legs will get back on the road in spite of the pain
To feel the warmth of your hands -
I want to find you - Medina
I want to find you - Medina. I want to find you - Medina
I want to find you - Medina. I want to find you - Medina
I want to find you - Medina. I want to find you - Medina
I want to find you - Medina. I want to find you - Medina
A lone traveller lost his way
And it seems his goal is still quite a ways
But the pendulum in his heart will show him the shore
Trying to make all his efforts in vain -
Life scattered them across different poles
Their fates were bound by the unwritten laws
And he stubbornly believes he can find peace in her eyes
And the new dawn will overcome my sleep again
My legs will get back on the road in spite of the pain
The sun’s peak will shine in the sky and will give me a hint
To help me find you...
And the new dawn will overcome my sleep again
My legs will get back on the road in spite of the pain
To feel the warmth of your hands -
I want to find you - Medina
I want to find you - Medina. I want to find you - Medina
I want to find you - Medina. I want to find you - Medina
I want to find you - Medina. I want to find you - Medina
I want to find you - Medina. I want to find you - Medina

Tattoo on your body

Verse 1:
This girl is a very cute kitten, yes,
She makes all the guys around her sweat.
She hunts like a wild lioness, yes,
If it becomes dark in the room.
You want to act like a rich prince with her, yes,
But she will pay the bill herself.
She doesn't have Facebook*, Instagram, yes,
But everyone likes her with their eyes.
Tattoo on your body. Tattoo on your body.
I stare for hours at the tattoo on your body.
Tattoo on your body. Tattoo on your body.
I stare for hours at the tattoo on your body.
I wanna fuck you luck! La-la-la! La-la-la!
I wanna fuck you luck! La-la-la! La-la-la!
I wanna fuck you luck! La-la-la! La-la-la!
I wanna fuck you luck! La-la-la! La-la-la!
Tattoo on your body. Tattoo on your body.
I stare for hours at the tattoo on your body.
Tattoo on your body. Tattoo on your body.
I stare for hours at the tattoo on your body.
Verse 2:
The temperature increases!
Your underwear became soaked in a waterfall.
Mmm... on your neck shine a million stars.
Your lips taste like chocolate, leave a sweet residue.
And I fly in the clouds, the ones that are on her hands.
Once I catch the cat's eyes, I don't hide the flame in my eyes.
In the area of my right shoulder, are two loaded barrels.
They shot me without warning.
Baby, this is a paradox!
You tattooed a few lines from my songs on your hand.
On your back, a dragon breathes flames.
Your body, like a fire, and I burn to ashes in it.
Tattoo on your body. Tattoo on your body.
I stare for hours at the tattoo on your body.
Tattoo on your body. Tattoo on your body.
I stare for hours at the tattoo on your body.


Hey! She is in a bright red dress, all eyes are on her
She melts like caramel in an incredible dance
She is juicy like a mango, she is not a flat supermodel,
She needs a man, not a playboy
Hey baby tell me what's your name
I am not a little boy and I am definitely not a playboy
I take you out for dinner in order to have breakfast in bed (with you)
I want it like that every day.
Hey, my mamasita,
My senorita, my juicy bombshell,
Show me what you got, let me get that
Baby let me get that (x2).
She is the hottest baby, her body shape is bang-bang,
Everyone who sees her wants money right away,
She is AK-47. She hears 'hey, hey'
And responds 'Take care'
No matter how much you lie to her (stop)
She doesn't care for a sweet talk, you are a loser to her
Did you get offended? You should leave then
She doesn't care if it's Bentley or a Cruiser
You can't buy her love for dough, this girl is exclusive
She is in a bright red dress, young Donna,
I am reserved and calm, she looks at me flirtatiously
She is gentle like waves in my arms
I rip her dress off of her, we make love
Hey! Tell me what you want, babe
Tell me what you like
We are a crazy couple, like Bonnie and Clyde
Do you want to arouse me? Scratch me and bite me
Do you want to be naughty? Ay ay ay
My mamasita!
My senorita, my juicy bombshell
Show me what you got, let me get that
Baby let me get that (x4)


Усамљени путник је изгубио свој пут.
Време је изгубило временске зоне.
Срце је тако измучено вретеном порока.
А негде далеко у даљини га чека она:
Чиста, ниједном не дирнута прљавим рукама –
Девојка, чије срце кроз врата није пустило зло.
Змије су лагале путника да са њом неће бити срећан,
Али он је чврсто веровао да ће пронаћи мир у њеним очима.
И поново ће нова зора прекинути сан.
Ноге ће поново поћи на пут, без обзира на бол.
Подневно сунце ће засијати на небу, као наговештај,
Да би ми помогло да те пронађем...
И поново ће нова зора прекинути сан.
Ноге ће поново поћи на пут, без обзира на бол.
Да бих осетио топлину твојих руку –
Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Усамљени путник је изгубио свој пут.
И чини се да је његов циљ и даље далеко.
Невреме љуља брод у његовим мислима,
Али клатно у души ће му показати обалу.
Покушавајући да учини све његове напоре узалудним –
Живот их је расуо по различитим половима.
Њихове судбине су биле повезане тајним законима,
И он чврсто верује да ће пронаћи мир у њеним очима.
И поново ће нова зора прекинути сан.
Ноге ће поново поћи на пут, без обзира на бол.
Подневно сунце ће засијати на небу, као наговештај,
Да би ми помогло да те пронађем...
И поново ће нова зора прекинути сан.
Ноге ће поново поћи на пут, без обзира на бол.
Да бих осетио топлину твојих руку –
Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.
Желим да те нађем, Медина. Желим да те нађем, Медина.


Као слободни ветрови између редова губимо контролу.
Ја растерујем таласе у океану твојих милих очију.
Свој скромни осмех од мене не скривај, молим те.
Моја рођена Лејла-ло, неземаљска Лејла-ло.
Шта ће ми свет у којем нема места за нас.
Треба ми свет у којем осим нас нема никога.
Јер, ако ти ниси поред мене, све около губи боје.
Моја рођена Лејла-ло, неземаљска Лејла-ло.
Свилена хаљина боје пурпурног заласка.
Ми поклања мотиве које пева моја душа.
Срце пише редове, терајући разум дођавола,
Певајући дан за даном, неземаљска Лејла-ло.
Оставићемо наша осећања далеко иза кадра.
Обала лагано грли таласе.
Загрлићу те за време пурпурног заласка,
Моја Лејла-ло, нежна Лејла-ло.

One Love

Couplet 1:
Birds flock to the horizon.
Draw Your wings.
The blue sky is scattered.
We were not forbidden to create dreams.
Write not one volume.
All the emotion to pour out.
Eternal Breath of my lines.
Music is my gentle element.
And when next to her, time, I beg-not aphids.
Magic of the Planet all, magic of its eyes.
She'll be around like a shadow.
If I burn in flames, I'm drowning at the bottom.
A million doubts to divorce.
No one's native.
I know you love, in joy and in difficulty.
I know you'll be with me.
They melt seconds when your hands are.
Touching lead in weightlessness.
From the ground, we fly away to One Love.
As if in a parallel world, we are beyond-One Love.
And no one will replace you-you're my love.
You are my love, you are my love, you're My love.
My love, One love.
Couplet 1:
Hundreds of times we have passed through disputes, cries, quarrels, and filth.
Tears from the eyes, but we could always find strength and start again.
My character is unreal complex.
Yours is no better-goose bumps.
I say the same thing.
But I'll repeat it until my life is over.
And always when it was hard for us.
When the Windows knocked cold.
You were afraid quietly behind my back.
And I've always stood by the wall for us.
How many roads have we traveled?
How many times have we raised our voices?
How many times could we summarize?
But I'm sure we're together to the end.
I know you love, in joy and in difficulty.
I know you'll be with me.
They melt seconds when your hands are.
Touching lead in weightlessness.
From the ground, we fly away to One Love.
As if in a parallel world, we are beyond-One Love.
And no one will replace you-you're my love.
You are my love, you are my love, you're My love.
My love, One love.
And when next to her, time, I beg-not aphids.
Magic of the Planet all, magic of its eyes.
She'll be around like a shadow.
If I burn in flames, I'm drowning at the bottom.
A million doubts to divorce.
No one's native.
You're a native.
You are my love, you are my love, you're My love.
My love, One love.
You are my love, you are my love, you're My love.
My love, One love.
You are my love, you are my love, you're My love.
My love, One love.
You are my love, you are my love, you're My love.
My love, One love.

And I her

Past the yards and the ruins, past millions of people -
Our love is above all laws.
We're beyond any rules. To hell with it, it's all as it should be.
The most important thing is that we have each other.
No, we're not a couple in love. No, we're not a couple on the edge.
You're with me as though we're at the war front - you're my loyal soldier and friend.
You've come to love my voice, which in the morning will whisper 'my dear.'
You fall asleep so humbly, and I still don't get it (yes) -
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her. (1)
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
Rays piercing the windows, in the warm quiet of the rooms
Your silhouette will paint midnight for me.
All common sense is lost in the fog, the secret signal is encoded,
Being apart will never touch us.
No, we're not a couple in love. No, we're not a couple on the edge.
You're with me as though we're at the war front - you're my loyal soldier and friend.
You've come to love my voice, which in the morning will whisper 'my dear.'
You fall asleep so humbly, and I still don't get it (yes) -
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.

The Angel Constellation

The rhythms weave in the lyrics,
Filling the inner life with meaning.
And the soul yet again doesn't understand what happened to it,
But I can feel how it's singing.
I can feel that it's intoxicated with an unearthly vision.
The simple vision of my girl.
I can feel how the poem sends me your gaze,
Guided by the stars.
That shade of sunshine covers the cracks on your lips,
The quiet harmony of your smile.
I'm rough around the edges, your psycho and your musician,
You're rays of sunshine in my Antarctica.
Too bad that I don't have the strength to say it all out loud,
That it's easier to put to a melody.
All these emotions are here in the song of my love.
Hold my hand tighter.
Don't doubt it - I'm with you,
Because I feel so good and at ease with you.
This feeling is so unusual.
And we're somewhere far away,
Somewhere above the ground, somewhere up high,
High, high, high above the sky.
There, where there's another galaxy.
There, where there's the angel constellation.
It shines in your eyes,
That beautiful angel constellation.
We speed up the hands of time in the biorhythms,
People hurry home.
I look in your closed eyes.
I can see how gently they sleep.
You're busy with those same problems,
You're busy with the routine as always.
Tried by that everyday routine,
But all this fuss is nothing for us.
Honey, remember how many times,
How many days, how many times,
We welcomed the summer just the two of us.
How many warm phrases, time at the bottom.
For as long as I've known us, I remember our strong love.
I remember every moment, every ray of sunshine,
The one that brushed the strands of your hair in the morning,
I remember every look, I remember how your soul
Touched my heart down to its very core.

If I'm Bach

Your lips are on fire,
you burn from the outside, *1
Lady _black of chocolato_ - dark chocolate lady.
Everyone in the crowd reaches for you, *2
A real clownery, animals like in the zoo.
You are not a 'babe' even for a million milliards, *3
You are worth a million carats.
If you are a flower (poppy), then blossom for me,
My Mrs 'Propaganda'. *4
This is the men's world,
This is the men's world.
So without any more superfluous talks, *5
Bouquets, chocolates, glamorous linings *6
I'll simply come to you, and tell you brazenly 'Hi',
If I'm Bach.
You devour everyone with your glance,
Yes, tigers turn into kittens.
They beg to your feet with presents *7
But none of these efforts work
She tells me something like this 'I am not like this, it's hard to get me, guy, I'm like from Paradise.'
Listen! I don't know what you're trying to do.
Girl, go down to Earth,
And never ever forget, that
This is the men's world,
This is the men's world.
So without any more superfluous talks, *5
Bouquets, chocolates, glamorous linings *6
I'll simply come to you, and tell you brazenly 'Hi',
If I'm Bach.

Today I have found you

There are endless crowds of people around,
Ladies are luxurious day by day.
But there is nobody of them in my heart,
And my soul is exhausted in the darkness.
Voices hide a lie inside,
The smile of a devil is in women's eyes.
The fire of hope was going out inside me,
While suddenly I met you.
Birds are singing and flying away into the sky.
The wave embraced a coast quietly and calmly.
The sun gifted me with the warmth.
Today I have found you -
Darling, I've found you!
Darling, I've found you!
Today I have found you!
Darling, I've found you!
Today I have found you!
Your hand is in mine,
I confide everything to you as it is definitely not a game.
The timer came to zero, you are like
An atom bomb but with the particles of kindness.
And millions of days, millions of nights are waiting for us,
Where I will see happiness only in the depth of your eyes.
And every time it will become stronger, let me
Embrace you stronger
I want to warm you.
Birds are singing and flying away into the sky.
The wave embraced a coast quietly and calmly.
The sun gifted me with the warmth.
Today I have found you -
Darling, I've found you!
Darling, I've found you!
Today I have found you!
Darling, I've found you!
Today I have found you!
I have to say that (obviously) English is not my native language, so if you feel that my translation needs some corrections, do not hesitate to offer them =)) I really want to get rid of any mistakes.

Magija tvojih nežnih očiju

Verovatno sa mnom nešto nije u redu.
Po krovovima pada kiša, teških kapi.
Iznutra mi je sve tako nepoznato, postalo mi je lakše
I to je magija tvojih nežnih očiju.
Koliko dugo sam te tražio medju ljudima,
Medju sivim masama, jeftinih, pod maskama sakrivenih.
Do poslednjeg daha ću pamtiti baš taj trenutak,
Kada sam želeo da vidim tvoj osmeh pored sebe ceo život.
Najnežnija moja, malena devojčice.
Biću oprezan, sačuvaću tvoje srce.
Svaki dan ću ti darovati naš imaginarni raj.
Verovatno sa mnom nešto nije u redu.
Po krovovima pada kiša, teških kapi.
Iznutra mi je sve tako nepoznato, postalo mi je lakše
I to je magija tvojih nežnih očiju.
Tako dugo sam te tražio medju ljudima,
Medju sivim masama, jeftinih, pod maskama sakrivenih.
Do poslednjeg daha ću pamtiti baš taj trenutak,
Kada sam želeo da vidim tvoj osmeh pored sebe ceo život.

A ja nju

Pored dvorišta i ruševina, pored milion ljudi -
Naša ljubav ne podleže zakonima.
Mi smo izvan pravila. Do đavola, sve je tako kako mora da bude.
Najvažnije je da imamo jedno drugoga.
Ne, mi nismo zaljubljeni par. Ne, mi nismo par na ivici.
Ti si sa mnom kao na frontu - odani vojnik i drug.
Zaljubila si se u moj glas, koji jutrom šapuće 'Najdraža'.
Padaš u san tako skromno, a ja ništa još uvek ne razumem (da) -
A ja u nju, a ja u nju, - ne znam zašto se ona zaljubila u mene, a ja u nju.
A ja u nju, a ja u nju, - ne znam zašto se ona zaljubila u mene, a ja u nju.
A ja u nju, a ja u nju, - ne znam zašto se ona zaljubila u mene, a ja u nju.
A ja u nju, a ja u nju, - ne znam zašto se ona zaljubila u mene, a ja u nju.
Prozori su prošarani zracima, u toploj tišini sobe
Tvoja silueta mi crta ponoć.
Razum izgubljen u magli, tajni signal je šifrovan,
Nikada nas neće brinuti odvajanje.
Ne, mi nismo zaljubljeni par. Ne, mi nismo par na ivici.
Ti si sa mnom kao na frontu - odani vojnik i drug.
Zaljubila si se u moj glas, koji jutrom šapuće 'Najdraža'.
Padaš u san tako skromno, a ja ništa još uvek ne razumem (da) -
A ja u nju, a ja u nju, - ne znam zašto se ona zaljubila u mene, a ja u nju.
A ja u nju, a ja u nju, - ne znam zašto se ona zaljubila u mene, a ja u nju.
A ja u nju, a ja u nju, - ne znam zašto se ona zaljubila u mene, a ja u nju.
A ja u nju, a ja u nju, - ne znam zašto se ona zaljubila u mene, a ja u nju.

Into Open Space

Verse One:
The night melts, I hurry to our house, to breathe you in
A sea of start floats above the earth, one by one
I want, for them fall above my head
To make a hundred wishes, so you would become my soulmate!
The sun shines in our windows, you wait, forgetting about sleep
Opened the door - you're standing barefoot in my t-shirt
Opened my eyes - I'm standing alone, surrounded by the cold house
You know, you and I can't live in the past
There, where our memory will never ever find us
I'm sending the memories out into the open space
There, where our memory will never ever find us
I'm sending the memories out into the open space
Verse Two:
The time between us will melt
You don't wish, I don't regret
Don't look for the questions in me
Don't hold doubts in your soul
Be how you know, and be stronger
Tell me, do you believe, that time heals
When you see the stars and universe?
When we share our last evening
And our paths don't cross again
At least in the sky our path is the Milky Way
There, where our memory will never ever find us
I'm sending the memories out into the open space
There, where our memory will never ever find us
I'm sending the memories out into the open space
There, where our memory will never ever find us
I'm sending the memories out into the open space
There, where our memory will never ever find us
I'm sending the memories out into the open space
Into open space. Into open space.
Into open space. Into open space.
Into open space. Into open space.

Lets fly far away

Night, we don't wanna sleep, bright light of the moon
In the sky is blinding us. Time slowed down for a moment
Glimmer of magical eyes, got me fired up, passion is boiling up
There aren't any words, not right now, like it's our last time.
There aren't any barriers between us - this is more than just love
Between us - it's not a game, the best type of feelings
It's clear to us without words, we need more fire,
Inhaling all your sighs, there's no end to this night
Babygirl, all night, touch of lips and we're flying again
Straight to space, past all the rush and negativity of the world
There are stars in the sky and forgetting everything we're getting closer to them. We're unbearable but that blows us away
Without extra questions you wanted to stay with me forever
We don't need an Oscar, we aren't actors and there's no script
It's simple, you need me just as much as I need you
We aren't serious but what we have is serious
Lets fly far away, to where no one will find us
Lets fly far away, lets fly far away, far
Hovering in the clouds up high, to where no one will find us
Lets fly far away, lets fly far away, far
Lets fly away.
Your silhouette in the dark
We're at the apartment, you're in a bikini, the frost in me is thawing
I lied to you prettily, about what I saw in my dreams
But you smiled sweetly, knowing that that was all lust
You don't believe in fairy tales, the ones that paint a vanilla heaven
You believe in our happiness, and as an answer, Ill give you
More than any filmstrip with a basic theme about the word 'love'
After all, Hollywood hasn't grown to the levels episodes of our life are on
We'll remember all those moments, seconds, minutes together
Can't forget all those ups and downs on the scale
And we'll fill life to the brim with happiness
We'll be modest but we won't live modestly
Without extra questions you wanted to stay with me forever
We don't need an Oscar, we aren't actors and there's no script
It's simple, you need me just as much as I need you
We aren't serious but what we have is serious
Lets fly far away, to where no one will find us
Lets fly far away, lets fly far away, far
Hovering in the clouds up high, to where no one will find us
Lets fly far away, lets fly far away, far
Lets fly away
Lets fly away
Lets fly away
Lets fly away
Lets fly away

Give me

The shine of eyes is like myriads of stars,
Blinded, I'm drowning in them again.
There are billions of phrases about you in the textbook,
No matter if everybody's fed up with what I write about us.
I don't care about notes, it's truth that really matters here,
No, I'm not drunk, but this is my blues.
Please, give me a gulp of a dulcet poison,
Just a drop of it off your sweet lips.
Baby, give me your body,
Give me all of you, not less.
Flying up in the sky, baby,
Give me your tenderness.
Throw the clothe out,
Do all you wanted.
Give me all of you,
And all what's boiled up inside you, baby.
Give me, give me, give me your body,
Give me your body.
Give me, give me, give me your body,
All what's boiled up.
Give me, give me, give me your body.
All you wanted.
Give me all of you.
And all what's boiled up inside you, baby.
There's a night megapolis beyond our window,
It's hot in the room because it's dark there.
A warm shade of the city's lights.
We're passionate and young, happy for no reason.
Clearly and briskly
My hands will squeeze your graceful waist.
Your palms are embracing my shoulders.
We'll split this night in half.
Yes, we'll remember this night forever.
Baby, give me more screams.
Give me more sighs,
And for every sigh, baby,
Give me more moans.
Slowly and quickly, baby, there's no stopping.
We're feeling so good because we're behaving so badly.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Torn Dress

First verse:
My hands on your shoulders,
your eyes they heal me.
My dear, take it easy.
Give it to me,give it to me
I will snuggle you stronger,I will love you gently.
I will love you in outburst of emotions.
I will love you roughly,but honestly.
The view from your back,the view from your back
of tattered hut (?)
At the crimson sunset, we pull the curtains
I am awkward, you scream: 'Enough!'
Enough,enough,you yell :' Enough!'.
But I am like in a night spell,
Here's the torn dress,torn dress.
Show me more of your wild passions,
Give me more happiness in your gentle look.
All of your clothes are somewhere under the bed.
In the shot is just your torn dress.
Your torn dress,
Your torn dress.
Verse II:
You are my insanity,you are the fire in this room.
Your body is full of bites, I am deep in your whirlpool,
The rhythm of our pulses is beyond the speed limit,
Your thighs are like bombs,
Baby, blow me up completely.
The view from your back (2)
Is just right.
Spanking and stroking (2)
Show me your body.
You remember the beginning.
You came at the parade in beautiful attires
But,alas,I am a night spell.
Here's the torn dress,torn dress.
Show me more of your wild passions,
Give me more happiness in your gentle look.
All of your clothes are somewhere under the bed.
In the shot is just your torn dress.
Your torn dress,
Your torn dress.
The view from your back (2)
Is just right.
Spanking and stroking (2)
Show me your body.
You remember the beginning.
You came at the parade in beautiful attires
But,alas,I am a night spell.
Here's the torn dress,torn dress.
Show me more of your wild passions,
Give me more happiness in your gentle look.
All of your clothes are somewhere under the bed.
In the shot is just your torn dress.