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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 6


The Bandit

Ole, lace making woman
Ole, lace woman
You teach me how to make lace,
I teach you how to make love.
Lampiao came down from the hills
Invited to a bandit's dance
Ole, lace making woman
Ole, lace woman

Dijamanti i rđa

Versions: #2
Pa neka sam prokleta
Evo opet dolazi tvoj duh
Ali to nije neobično
Prosto,mesec je pun
I desilo se da si zvao
I evo ja sedim
Ruka na telefonu
Čuvši glas koji sam znala
Pre par svetlosnih godina
Padoh pravo u očaj
Koliko se sećam tvojih očiju
Bili su plavije od jaja crvendaća
Moja poezija je bila loša,ti reče
Odakle zoveš?
Iz neke govornice na srednjem zapadu
Pre deset godina
Kupila sam ti manžetne
I ti si mi doneo nešto
Oboje znamo šta uspomene mogu doneti
Donose dijamante i rđu
Eksplodirao si na sceni
Već si legenda
Neprolazni fenomen
Originalna skitnica
Zalutao si mi u zagrljaj
I tu si ostao
Privremeno izgubljen na moru
Madona je bila tvoja besplatno
Tvoja te devica*
Ne bi povredila
Sad te vidim kako stojiš
Sa smeđim lišćem koje pada okolo
I snegom u kosi
Smeješ se kroz prozor
Prljavog hotela
Na Vašington skveru
Naš dah izlazi iz belih oblaka
Meša se i visi u vazduhu
Govorim striktno za sebe
Oboje smo mogli umreti tada i tamo
Sad mi kažeš
Nisi nostalgičan
Onda mi daj još jednu reč za to
Ti koji si tako dobar sa rečima
Da držiš stvari nejasnim
Jer sada mi treba malo te neodređenosti
Sve mi se vraća previše jasno
Da, volela sam te najdraži
A ako mi nudiš dijamante i rđu
Već sam ih platila

The Nightingale (El Rossinyol)

You nightingale, going to France, nightingale
Remember me to my mother, nightingale
In a pretty grove, nightingale in flight
Remember me to my mother, nightingale
And not much to my father, nightingale
In a pretty grove, nightingale in flight
Because he married me off badly, nightingale
He gave me to a shepherd, nightingale
In a pretty grove, nightingale in flight
Who makes me guard the flock, nightingale
I've lost the leading sheep's bell, nightingale
In a pretty grove, nightingale in flight
As pay I will give you, nightingale
A kiss and an embrace, nightingale
In a pretty grove, nightingale in flight
You nightingale, going to France, nightingale
Remember me to my mother, nightingale
In a pretty grove, nightingale in flight

Prisoner Number Nine (El Preso Número Nueve)

Prisoner number nine is being confessed
And is praying in his cell with the prison chaplain.
For they will take his life before dawn
Because he killed his wife and a treacherous friend
He speaks thus to his confessor, 'I killed them, yes sir,
And if I am born again, I will kill them again.'
'Father, I don't repent, and neither does eternity frighten me
I know that there in heaven
The Supreme Lord will judge us
I will follow their steps
I will search for them in the afterlife.'
Prisoner number nine was every inch a man
On the night of the killing he returned very content to his shack
But when he saw his love in the embrace of his rival
Hatred burned in his breast and he couldn't control himself.
At the sound of the bugle, the firing squad lined up
And on the way to the wall the prisoner was heard saying:
'Father, I don't repent, and neither does eternity frighten me
I know that there in heaven
The Supreme Lord will judge us
I will follow their steps
I will search for them in the afterlife.'
Ay. yayayayayyyyy

Дона Дона

{Донна, Донна, Донна, Донна
Донна, Донна, Донна, ду,
Донна, Донна, Донна, Донна
Донна, Донна, Донна, ду}
На вагоні, їздивши на ринок
Є там теля з скорботним оком.
Високо над ним є ластівочка,
Швидко літаючи по небу.
Як сміються вітри
Вони сміються всією силою
Сміятися і сміятися весь день
І половину літньої ночі.
'Зупиніть нарикання', - сказав фармер
'Хто сказав тобі тельцем бути?'
Чому у тебе немає крил, зчим літати
Як ластівка настільки горда і вільна? '
Як сміються вітри ...
Телята легко зв'язані і зарізані
Ніколи не знає причину чому.
Але той, хто ціннить свободу
Як ластівка мусить навчитись літати.
Як сміються вітри ...
Дона дона