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Број резултата: 22


индијанско лето

Знаш, никад нисам био тако срећан као тог јутра.
Шетали смо плажом мало попут ове.
Био је то онај ретки јесењи дан какав можете наћи само у Северној Америци.
Тамо га зову Индијанско лето, али то је било само 'наше лето'.
И сада те видим у твојој дугој хаљини,
Изгледа као прелеп акварел.
И могу да се сетим шта сам ти рекао тог јутра пре годину дана,
Пре хиљаду година.
Мисли на мене
Кад је ово само успомена
Хоћеш ли ме и даље волети
Када је ово лето прошло?
Цео живот
Твој укус је испунио мој живот
Чак и када је ово лето прошло.
Данас сам далеко од тог јесењег јутра,
Али скоро као да сам био тамо. Мислим на тебе.
Где си? Шта радиш? Да ли ја још постојим за тебе?
Ја сам као талас који је привукао месец, клизи назад на песак
Сећање на плиму, сећање на срећу
И сунце сија над морем
Пре хиљаду година или је то било само прошле године.

Zdravo zaljubljeni

Jutra prolaze i izgledaju isto
Kad ljubav prožme svakodnevni život
Nismo stvoreni da budemo skupa
Voleti jedno drugo nije dovoljno
Smešno je, juče nam beše dosadno
I jedva prozborismo
Po koju reč o lošem vremenu
A sad kad moramo da idemo
Imamo bezbroj stvari reći
Previše važnih za tako kratak rok.
Volesmo se kao što se i rastasmo,
Ne misleći šta sutra nosi,
Za sutra koje uvek dođe prebrzo
Za rastanak koji se uvek pretačno desi.
Radimo šta možemo, igramo svoje uloge,
Gledamo se, smejemo, pravimo se važni,
I uvek ponešto zaboravimo,
Nije lako reći zbogom jedno drugom
I predobro znamo da kasnije il' pre,
Sutra ili čak večeras
Reći ćemo da nije sve izgubljeno,
Od nezavršena romana stvorićemo bajku
U koju smo prestari da verujemo
Volesmo se kao što se i rastasmo,
Ne misleći šta sutra nosi,
Za sutra koje uvek dođe prebrzo
Za rastanak koji se uvek pretačno desi.
Romeo, Julija i svi ostali
U srcu vaših knjiga, spavajte u miru
Jedostavna priča poput naše
Nikada neće napisana biti
Hajde, devojčice mala, moramo krenuti,
I naše uspomene ovde ostaviti
Ako želiš izaći ćemo zajedno
A kad u prolazu sretnemo
Vlasnika kafića
I dalje će nam reći 'zdravo zaljubljeni'
Volesmo se kao što se i rastasmo,
Ne misleći šta sutra nosi,
Za sutra koje uvek dođe prebrzo
Za rastanak koji se uvek pretačno desi.

This is not going to change the world

Why do I feel you if I know you're no longer here
And everything tells me about you
Your perfume, your voice, memories itself
I can't believe your goodbye
But you're gone, what can I do?
And the world keeps rolling, nothing will change it
The sun will keep shining and the waves in the sea
What can a love that is over do to change the world?
Why talk if at the end life stills the same?
And the world keeps rolling, even if you change home
And if you're playing, it doesn't have to stop
If star dust lasts an eternity
Why talk if at the end life stills the same?
And the world keeps rolling, nothing bothers it
Even if I still love you nobody cares
What can a love that is over do to change the world?
Why talk if at the end life stills the same?

I still living for love

You know, tonight I feel so alone and lost because you are not here
And my memories are full of you, of your spring: a beach where I was sand to hold you
A sea where I was the wave that carried you
Your presence, little things
And now this emptiness
Can't look for the future alone, without you
Back, I can just look back and feel that I come to life to love
A voice that comes from a sunset
It makes me see that it can be true
Today I'm far away from all those memories
Where are you? Do you remember me or did you forget about me?
Maybe you think it was stupid to met me
And that sand and that sea were just memories
I close my eyes and I see you
I'll wait for you a month, a year, a lifetime
Because what I feel doesn't have time, it's called love
Back, I can just look back and feel that I come to life to love
A voice that comes from a sunset
It makes me see that it can be true

Sad song

Versions: #1
A musician begins in front of his blank page
A sad waltz, they're not always cheerful, these artists
He sings for himself the notes that come into his mind
Like an autumn wind, it's not always cheerful, Poland
His sadness stole the song from the piano
And it plays on your stereo
When you have a heavy heart at night
His song, it's the goodbye he didn't know how to tell her
The kind of music to reminice, to reminice
The sun rises again, he's used his ink pen
On his sad waltz, they don't sleep often, these artists
What does it matter who you love, the goodbyes are the same
And the autumn wind goes way further than Poland
His song, he wrote it without knowing how
It's probably his heart that you can hear
When someone else sings it passing by
His song, it's his goodbye he didn't know how to tell her
The kind of music to reminice, to reminice
A musician begins in front of his blank page
A sad waltz, they're not always cheerful, these artists
He sings for himself the notes that come into his mind
Like an autumn wind, it's not always cheerful, Poland

How can I tell you

When the last autumn sun fades away
It comes to warm the dead leaves still
On the last meadow saffron he abandoned himself
Before November cold is taking over
You, if you wish to understand tenderness
Give thyself like him, give thyself
But how can I tell you
But how do I teach you
Love without love is nothing anymore
Let yourself be guided
And seek to understand
And come back and hold out your hand to me
Go and see how the parched ground
Opens to embrace the great summer rains
And when you have seen it, you'll be rich
Then you'll come back and get me
But how can I tell you
But how do I teach you
Love without love is nothing anymore
Let yourself be guided
And seek to understand
And come back and hold out your hand to me

As for banjo, as for violin

I was born in a city where everything is high
Under the fifty stars of a flag
My childhood played somewhere in the night
On the landing of a fire escape
But I reached fifteen in France
Dancing parties, beginners' kisses
First in the English class
First love in French
As for banjo there's always San Francisco Bay
As for violin always Paris in May
As for reason, sometimes I feel I belong to somewhere else
But as for heart I belong here
And as for banjo I love oaths on top of a skyscraper
As for violin I prefer little romantic dinners
As for chicks I'm from everywhere
But from here as for you
Some leave for Cannes to end their life
Others will move to California
But when time comes to retire
Probably I'll be in real trouble
Unless maybe I leave for a happy retirement
On a white sailing boat
And enjoy a pacific existence
In the midst of an Atlantic sky
As for banjo there's always San Francisco Bay
As for violin always Paris in May
As for reason, sometimes I feel I belong to somewhere else
But as for heart I belong here
And as for banjo I love oaths on top of a skyscraper
As for violin I prefer little romantic dinners
As for chicks I'm from everywhere
But from here as for you
As for banjo there's always San Francisco Bay
As for violin always Paris in May
As for reason, sometimes I feel I belong to somewhere else
But as for heart I belong here...

The best years of my life

Versions: #2
I had been dreaming for a long time of my first guitar,you know
I was crazy,i was fifteen years old,I didn't dare to believe it
My parents didn't agree ,they knew by heart
My three songs on two chords, I awaited for my moment
I was crazy of Bécaud, Brassens and Aznavour
I was falling asleep on my radio, I was making contests
Then I discovered the english groups, I watched them on TV
their movements that I was redoing in my attic
You who gave me the most beautiful years of my life
My biggest hopes,also my biggest regrets
I loved you so much,you my music, my first great love
I tried many times to follow you,however I was always
a step behind,seeking how to please you
1965 in Golf Drouot, that was nights without an ending
the music in the skin and everything for my friends
In a club in the suburbs we used to repeat our songs
And if the neighbors shouted slightly,we forgave them
And then the seventies,the lost in nature festivals
we were thousands under the stars for some covers
people danced,clap their hands,we believed in it already
And Avignon was already a suburb of the Olympia
You who gave me the most beautiful years of my life
My biggest hopes,also my biggest regrets
I loved you so much,you my music, my first great love
I tried many times to follow you,however I was always
a step behind,seeking how to please you
1972,it was Paris,the group was dispersed
When I met Mary-Cristine,I was on the pavement
The night to pay a bedroom we spent all our money
But I told her my life and she understood me
And she followed me in hundreds of recording compagnies
where the people that listened to my songs didn't like them
And when I sold my old guitar it was her who helped me
to finally understand that it would never work
You who gave me the most beautiful years of my life
My biggest hopes,also my biggest regrets
I loved you so much,you my music, my first great love
I tried many times to follow you,however I was always
a step behind,seeking how to please you

`Between Two Goodbyes

The Sun brings pain in the early hours,
When the dream is at it's end.
We slept together,
Forgetting we were not free,
To pass away the night,
To wake in the same bed.
We loved between two goodbyes.
Forever, was not for the two of us.
I have to find it again, the truth.
She calls herself 'the other woman'
The taxi took me home
I'll say whatever
I'm tired
I'm sick of the hassle
And of hiding from her
Everything she'd had already guessed.
We loved between two goodbyes,
Forever, was not for the two of us.
I have to find it again, the truth,
She calls herself the 'other woman'.
There were mornings,
When I didn't quite know who I loved.
But the next day,
When I saw you, I knew all too well.
We need to love between goodbyes
Forever, is not for the two of us
We need to rediscover, the truth.
She is the other woman.

None of this will change the world

Versions: #3
It's odd how you've left
Yet somehow you're still here
Since everything reminds me of you
A women's perfume, the echo of your voice
Your ''goodbye forever,'' I don't believe it at all
It's a ''see you later,'' almost a rain-check.
None of this will change the world
It's already spun too long without us
It'll always rain over London
None of this will change anything at all.
Who cares at all
About a door that's been closed forever ?
We loved each other, let's speak of it no more
Life shall go on.
The world won't change just because
You've moved somewhere else
The world shall go on
And it will be quite right to do so.
It's dust from the stars
That makes the Milky Way shine.
We loved each other, let's speak of it no more
Life shall go on.
None of this will change the world
None of this will bother it at all
The world's just like before
All that's changed is you.
As for me, I've stayed the same
A man who thought you loved him
It wasn't true, let's speak of it no more
Life shall go on.

and if you did not exist

Versions: #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9
And if you did not exist
Tell me why did I exist
To linger in a world without you
Without hope or without regret
And if you did not exist
I would try to invent love
Like a painter marvelling at the colours of the day
Born under his fingers
And if you did not exist
The passer-by asleep in my arms
That I could never love?
And if you didn't exist
I would be but one more dot
In this world that comes and goes
I would feel lost
I would need you And if you didn't exist
Tell me, how could I exist?
I could pretend to be myself
But I wouldn't be true
And if you didn't exist
I believe I would find
The secret of life, the 'why'
Just to create you
And to look at you
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