Превод текста

Резултати претраге страна 3

Број резултата: 291


Kriv ili nevin

Ljubavi moja, priča se okolo
da voliš samo zbog interesa,
da si prevario više od tri,
da tvoja ljubav ima dva lica
koja nikada ne pokazuješ obrnuto.
Ljubavi moja, priča se okolo
da je vrlo lako upasti u tvoju mrežu,
da si vešt u ubeđivanju,
da si dobar ljubavnik
i loš prijatelj,
da dokle god te budem trpela
ostaćeš sa mnom.
I uprkos svemu
zatvorim svoje oči i uši
sa besom, sa pesnicama i vriskom,
zatvorim vrata svoje kuće onima koji te vređaju,
jer radije biram tebe
krivog ili nevinog.
I uprkos svemu
suočim se sa pogledima
koji me bodu poput mačeva,
ignorišem onoga ko me ne razume
da radije biram tebe
krivog ili nevinog.
Ljubavi moja,
priča se okolo, ono što ne želim da čujem,
ono o čemu ne želim ni da mislim,
oni što znaju da me boli
bez obzira da li je to istina ili nije.
I uprkos svemu
zatvorim svoje oči i uši
sa besom, sa pesnicama i vriskom,
zatvorim vrata svoje kuće onima koji te vređaju,
jer radije biram tebe
krivog ili nevinog.
I uprkos svemu
suočim se sa pogledima
koji me bodu poput mačeva,
ignorišem onoga ko me ne razume
da radije biram tebe
krivog ili nevinog.
I uprkos svemu
radije biram tebe,
volim te više od sebe,
krivog ili nevinog
radije biram tebe
krivog ili nevinog.
I uprkos svemu
suočim se sa pogledima
koji me bodu poput mačeva,
ignorišem onoga ko me ne razume,
da radije biram tebe
krivog ili nevinog.

I kakav je on?

Gledajući te u oči,
zakleo bih se
da imaš nešto novo da mi kažeš
Počni odmah ženo, ne plaši se
možda sutra bude kasno,
možda sutra bude kasno.
Kakav je on?
Gde se zaljubio u tebe?
Odakle je?
Šta radi u slobodno vreme?
Pitaj ga,
zašto je ukrao deo mog života
On je jedan lopov
koji mi je ukrao sve.
Sredi se ženo, kasniš
i ponesi kišobran u slučaju da padne kiša
On će te čekati da te voli
a ja ću biti ljubomoran što te gubim.
Upakuj se,
lepo ti stoji ta siva haljina
Osmehni se,
da ne posumja da si plakala.
I ostavi me,
spakovaću svoj prtljag.
Oprosti mi,
ako ti postavim još neko pitanje.
Kakav je on?
Gde se zaljubio u tebe?
Odakle je?
Šta radi u slobodno vreme?
Pitaj ga,
zašto je ukrao deo mog života
On je jedan lopov
koji mi je ukrao sve.


Сама сам код куће
затварам прозоре, не препознајем саму себе
Мисли су ми мутне
бесна сам на себе јер се увек враћам
Прогоне ме грешке
ништа научила из њих нисам
Желим да ти дођем близу
још те нисам заборавила
Један, два, три, и поново се препуштам
али то нигде не води
Колико још да се трудим
ова суза пада
Један, два, три, ма поново осећам
моје тело виче
ноћу ме плаши
јер ниси ту
Жели да ме погледа у очи
и због тога се распадам на комаде
Мора, богове, куле
ти си ми обећавао
Желим да те видим, кажем му,
да више ноћу не плачем
Телефон звони
али, али, али ниси ти тај који зове...
Јављам се, али ниси ти
Јављам се, али ниси ти
Шта све не бих дала за тебе
напустила бих цео свет
Падају моје одбране кад си преда мном
то ми каже моје срце
Волим када је тешко
и зато идем у супротном правцу
Очи су му као револвери
и одвраћају ме од моје обале
Жели да ме погледа у очи
и због тога се распадам на комаде
Мора, богове, куле
ти си ми обећавао
Желим да те видим, кажем му,
да више ноћу не плачем
Телефон звони
али, али, али ниси ти тај који зове...
Јављам се, али ниси ти
Јављам се, али ниси ти


Dusk prepares to spread its feathers,
Fearful shudders stir the branches,
Clouds drift by in heavy dreaming:
Is this greyness dread portending?
Watch the deer that you hold dearest,
When in peace it pauses, grazing

The Invention

And for thanking
The oddness of simply being
A curious, singular soul
Complex in its calm and tempest
Tell me why it may be
Tell me where you are going
Tell me
And at dawn
When everything changes colour
And we watch appear
A world full of beauty and sorrow
Tell me why it may be
Tell me where you are going
Tell me where we are from
Tell me
And tell me why it may be
Tell me where we are
Tell me
And for belonging
To the people of the book
Pretending to understand
The enigmas of the universe
Tell me why it may be
Tell me where you are going
Tell me where we are from
Tell me, tell me
And tell me why it may be
Tell me where we are
Tell me why

In a Castle

Sound asleep upon his look-out
There above, the knight is sitting

Can You Imagine?

Can you imagine?
It must be wonderful,
You and I alone one night, Maria
Can you imagine?
One night for loving each other
without having to be apart, Maria
Can you imagine?
Embraced in the calm
Of a closed bedroom, Maria
No friends, no stares, no song
That distracts us
Can you imagine?
This love that is pure fire,
Without obstacles and naked, Maria
Can you imagine?
You covered with my body,
Me wrapped up with yours, Maria
Can you imagine?
It must be wonderful
You and I alone one night, Maria
Can you imagine?
One night for loving each other
Without having to be apart, Maria
Can you imagine?
Embraced in the calm
Of a closed bedroom, Maria
No friends, no stares, no song
That distracts us
Can you imagine?
This love that is pure fire,
Without obstacles and naked, Maria
Can you imagine?
You covered with my body,
Me wrapped up with yours,

Night has fallen

Night has fallen
you wait for me
my chest is pounding
to kiss you again.
Our love
will not break
even if they talk a lot
and they make you cry.
I don't want to see
crystal eyes
wet with tears
whose fault it is not.
Listen to me
stop crying
I have always been yours
you have to be mine
They say that a love
is only for two
and that it's easier
to make it walk
when one falls
the other one lifts.
when one falls,
the other one lifts.
Night has fallen
you wait for me
my chest is pouding
I want to kiss you.

Only those who know yearning

Only who knows yearning
knows what I am suffering!
Alone and disjoined
from all joy,
I look up at the firmament
to the yonder side.
Ah! the one who loves and knows me
is far away.
I get dizzy, my entrails
are burning,
Only who knows yearning
knows what I am suffering!

Look, from the mountains and vales

Look, from the mountains and vales
vanish the sunlight’s last rays.
Look, now are darkening shadows
spreading on pastures and meadows
summits and gloaming have wed:
O, how the glaciers are red!
Look down there onto the lake!
Homeward the cattle again

Mammy Blue

Mammy, mammy, mammy blue, ooo mammy blue
Mammy, mammy, mammy blue, ooo mammy blue
Why your house is so empty
Why is it closed day and night
Ah mammy tell me where you are, aaahy tell me
After walking for so long
I want to take comfort myself here
To be a child again, aaahy for you
(Mammy, mammy, mammy blue, ooo mammy blue
Mammy, mammy, mammy blue, ooo mammy blue)
I went very far away, I realise
I left thinking and believing that possessed
A great love more beautiful than you
Aaahy mammy
That love that didn't last
That love that left me defeated
I come to you
Mammy, mammy blue
(Mammy, mammy, mammy blue, ooo mammy blue
Mammy, mammy, mammy blue, ooo mammy blue) 2X

Things are difficult, Layla

Things are difficult, Layla,
So there's no engagement
And you're rich, Layla,
And we're drifters.
Every moment takes us further apart..
Our floors don't even have carpets,
And you're used to walking on feathers.
They were confused by you,
And they confused you
They adorned you with a crown,
Till you forgot those who wear a fez.
Remember when you and I were?
When you'd visit me and I'd visit you
It seems that whoever lives besides you
Finds it very hard to go back to living alone

If I could forget you

If I could forget you.. forget you..forget you
I can't forget your love
Forget your love
Your beautiful eyes made me crazy
How could I betray you and your imagination followed me?
If I could forget you.. forget you..forget you
I can't forget your love
Forget your love
No matter how much you play with my heart, I will stay loyal to you
And if I didn't go crazy, your imagination followed me
If I could forget you.. forget you..forget you
I can't forget your love
Forget your love
My sweet heart, please don't go away and increase my pain more and more
Tell me your secrets, and let your imagination follow me
If I could forget you.. forget you..forget you
I can't forget your love
Forget your love
Oh, If I could forget you.. forget you
I can't forget your love
Forget your love

My heart, why do you stay

My heart, why do you stay
awake during the nights of love,
if your master rests
in the arms of another?
My heart, why do you stay
awake during the nights of love?

Самба за тебе

Ја сам сенка срама,
Ја сам одјек бола.
Тужна самоћа, која ми сад остаје.
Сећање да сам те волеo
И чудно безнађе, еј, еј.
Ја сам сенка срама,
Ја сам одјек бола.
Желим да заборавим, желим да нађем опроштај.
Имај емпатије према мом срцу
Преклињем те мој господару.
Избрисаћу таму и сакрићу мој плач
Сећање због ког патим постаће песма.
Вратићу се у живот, опет ћу певати, видећеш.
Вратићу се у живот, опет ћу певати, видећеш.