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То је он

Четири пута дневно, по десетак
господе јако заљубљених,
нуде ми живот краљице
ако им се дам.
Само је један знао како да ми удовољи,
зао је, нема новца,
прича му је нејасна,
знам то добро, али није ме брига.
За мене постоји само један човек у Паризу,
то је он.
Не могу ту ништа да учиним, он ми је
узео срце.
Мислим да губим разум,
толико је глуп
да није то разумео.
За мене постоји само један човек у Паризу,
то је он.
Сакрила бих се у мишју рупу
због њега,
сваког дана га обожавам
још више.
За мене у постоји само један човек Паризу
и то је он.
За мене постоји само један човек у Паризу.
Он јури за свим девојкама,
све су у његовој милости.
Погледом их свлачи,
а понекад и рукама.
Не чиним ништа да би ме заволео.
Другима даје срећу,
али он је у сваком случају мој,
пошто ми је у срцу.
толико је глуп да није то разумео.
сваког дана га обожавам
још више.
За мене у постоји само један човек Паризу
и то је он.
За мене постоји само један човек у Паризу.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

What Wasn't Won't Be

In your hands I learned to drink water
I was a Sparrow that stayed prisoner in your cage
Because I cut my wings and you gave me seeds
It was so little, yet I still loved you
My singing was always complete for you
Without you I couldn't fly in other skies
But you left me alone, confused and forgotten
And another hand offered me the fruit I wanted
What was one day, won't be
Don't come back to search for me
I don't have anything to give you
Of your seeds I'm tired
Go fly in other skies
And leave your cage open
Perhaps another Sparrow will fall
But give him to drink
Let me turn on the lights, I don't want anything
If this was yesterday, I would've taken it
The first time you offer for me to stay
But if I don't love you now, what would I win?
What was one day, won't be
Don't come back to search for me
I don't have anything to give you
Of your seeds I'm tired
Go fly in other skies
And leave your cage open
Perhaps another Sparrow will fall
But give him to drink


Answer me, tell me how life treats you
Deceive me with the words I want to hear
Dream up that you feel nostalgia
And tell me lowering your voice
That I'm still all your love
Confess that your heart is an empty nest
That far from me you have not been able to feel happy
I'd rather believe your lies
Dreaming is better than suffering
With the truth I cannot live
I want to think that your love is not fantasy
That I have you every day and that I never lost you
Despite the pain I want to love you more than before
And come back for a moment to feel you next to me

Hob XXI, 3 III,3: See how the swift youth rush.

See how the swift youth rush
To the hazel bush
the cheerful group of children swing
On every branch
And from the swaying bush
The ripe fruit rains like hail
The young builder climbs here
along the tall trunk,
nimbly up the ladder.
From the top that covers it
he sees his sweetheart drawing nigh,
and meet her step
then flies in a sweet joke
the edge of the nut.
Stand around every tree in the garden
the girls big and little
the fruit that they pick
same fresh color.

Kada te ponovo vidim

Zaledili su se toliki poljupci i zagrljaji,
Zaledila su se tolika ljubavna pisma,
I ostalo ti je nedovršena još jedna noć u mom zagrljaju
I meni je ostalo nedovršeno da sam seo na taj avion
Već sam prestao da računam tolike dane bez tebe,
Oproštaji ne zatvaraju rane kada pričaju o tebi.
Kada te ponovo vidim na istom mestu,
Kada te ponovo vidim, neću te pustiti,
Doći će zora u tolikoj tami
I toliko će vredeti što sam morao da čekam.
Nastaviću da se pretvaram da nisam toliko lud
I nastaviću da sanjam da te ponekada dodirujem,
Lagaću srce, ako mu kažem da nije toliko slomljeno,
Obećao sam mu da neću ponovo plakati sa tvojim slikama.
Pronaći ću te licem u lice,
Postojalo je više od jedne nedovršene stvari,
Sada ne razumem
Zašto toliko plačem, ako sam te toliko voleo,
Ne želim da sada pređeš na sledećeg,
Ako se ne vratiš, poludeću, ako se ne vratiš,
Strah me je da ne izgubim moju opkladu
Zato što sam otvorio svoje karte na tvom stolu.
Već sam prestao da računam tolike dane bez tebe,
Oproštaji ne zatvaraju rane kada pričaju o tebi.
Kada te ponovo vidim na istom mestu,
Kada te ponovo vidim, neću te pustiti,
Doći će zora u tolikoj tami
I toliko će vredeti što sam morao da čekam.
Nastaviću da se pretvaram da nisam toliko lud
I nastaviću da sanjam da te ponekada dodirujem,
Lagaću srce, ako mu kažem da nije toliko slomljeno,
Obećao sam mu da neću ponovo plakati sa tvojim slikama.
I dalje te volim više od hiljadu praznih noći
I ludim za jednom u kojoj si bila moja,
Reci mi zašto ima toliko ljudi, želim da budem uz tebe,
Naplaćuje mi sadašnjost zato što živim u prošlosti.
I dalje te volim više od hiljadu praznih noći
I ludim za jednom u kojoj si bila moja,
Reci mi zašto ima toliko ljudi, želim da budem uz tebe,
Naplaćuje mi sadašnjost zato što živim u prošlosti.
Kada te ponovo vidim na istom mestu,
Kada te ponovo vidim, neću te pustiti,
Doći će zora u tolikoj tami
I toliko će vredeti što sam morao da čekam.
Nastaviću da se pretvaram da nisam toliko lud
I nastaviću da sanjam da te ponekada dodirujem,
Lagaću srce, ako mu kažem da nije toliko slomljeno,
Obećao sam mu da neću ponovo plakati sa tvojim slikama.
Koliko me boli da prihvatim što sada ljubiš drugog.

What Good Is Having Everything in Life?

Now nothing else matters
You went away, I was left so alone
I'm moving on without knowing my course
I can't get used to not having you here
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
I'm so free today
I can love whoever I want
But nothing interests me
Even if it offers me
The world at my feet
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
I know someone else loves you
You think you already forgot me
But when you feel him close
Everything is so deserted
You think of me
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?

Hob XXI 3, III, 2 So nature the work rewards.

So nature the work rewards,
calls him, smiles at him

Stillness at noon

Over hills and stream and valleys
silent joy and painful heartaches
cast a secret weave and shimmer, sunbeams!
Musingly day's bustle pauses
in the dark-blue sultry hour,
and eternal deepest feelings,
that of which you're unaware,
secretly, and strongly, gently,
leave the ever-trodden mazes,
step out of an unguarded breast
into still and boundless spaces.


There's a song in all things ringing,
Lost in dreams and still unheard.
And the world breaks forth in singing
When you find the magic word.

I Like You Just The Way You Are

[Verse 1]
Never change just to please me
For wanting to keep me with you
Never imagine what'd happen to you
If I stopped loving you
Never think that I'd abandon you
Don't fear my ingratitude
As much as during the good times as the bad ones
I like you just the way you are
[Verse 2]
Don't try new fashions
Nor dye your hair new colors
During my whole life you were always
Who I handed my entire love to
No longer try to impress me
You can make me annoyed
That's the way I accept you, that's how I like you
The way you are is how I'll love you
I want to know if you'll always be
The same one that I knew
I hope you have faith in me
As I have had faith in you
I said I love you and it's forever
Because I'll never leave you
This is how I love you, this is how I like you
The way you are is how I'll love you
[Saxophone Solo]
I told you I love you and it's forever
Because I'll never leave you
This is how I love you, this is how I like you
The way you are is how I'll love you

Hob XXI, 3 The seasons, Part One: The spring.

Largo - Vivace
(The introduction depicts the passage of Winter to Spring)
See how stern Winter flies,
he goes to the distant pole.
The blasting host of furious tempests
follows it, at its call,
howling awfully.
See how the melted snow runs down
in muddy streams in front of the steep rock!
See how she comes from the south,
sweetly attracted by the lukewarm winds,
the herald of the spring.
Come, gentle spring!
Gift of heaven, come!
Awaken nature
From her death sleep!
Lasses and women
Gentle Spring is near,
already we feel the soft breath,
Son shall everything return to life.
Do not rejoice too soon,
often the winter, surrounded by fog,
creeps back and scatters
its black poison on bloom and germ.
Come, gentle spring!
Gift of heaven, come!
Upon our meadows descend,
oh cone, gentle spring, oh come,
and delay no longer.
From Aries now the bright sun
shines down upon us.
Now frost and fog give ground,
mild vapours hover all round

Hob XXI, II, 11: The dark clouds are parted.

The dark clouds are parted
the storms anger is stilled.
Before it sets,
the sun peeps out again
and, with the last ray
lights the fields bedecked with pearls.
The fattened calf
satisfied and refreshed
returns to his usual cowhouse
The quail is clamouring for his mate
The cricket chirps within the grass
The frog is croaking in the pool
The vesper-bell rings out.
On high, shines the evening star,
inviting us to sweet repose.
Lasses, lads and women, come!
Golden slumbers now await us
For a pure heart, a healthy body
And a day’s labour wouch for that.
We’re coming, we’re coming, we’ll follow you
The vesper-bell rings out.
On high, shines the evening star,
inviting us to sweet repose.

Волети и желети

Скоро сви знамо да желимо
Али мало нас зна да воли
А волети и желети није исто
Волети је патити, желети је уживати
Онај који воли претвара се да служи
Онај који воли даје свој живот
А онај који жели претвара се да живи
И никада не пати, и никада не пати
Онај који воли не може да мисли
Све даје, све даје
Онај који жели претвара се да заборавља
И никада не плаче, и никада не плаче
Пожуда брзо може да се заврши
Љубав не зна за крај
Сви знамо да желимо...
Али мало нас зна да воли
Волети је рај и светлост
Волети је пуноћа
То је море које нема краја
То је слава и мир
То је слава и мир
Желети је месо и цвет
То је тражење мрачног угла
То је гризање, гребање и љубљење
То је пролазна жеља, то је пролазна жеља
Онај који воли не може да мисли
Све даје, све даје
Онај који жели претвара се да заборавља
И никада не плаче, и никада не плаче
Пожуда брзо може да се заврши
Љубав не зна за крај
Сви знамо да желимо...
Али мало нас зна да воли
Онај који воли не може да мисли
Све даје, све даје
Онај који жели претвара се да заборавља
И никада не плаче, и никада не плаче
Пожуда брзо може да се заврши
Љубав не зна за крај
Сви знамо да желимо...
Али мало нас зна да воли...

Hob XXI 3 II, 9. Behold! In the sultry air.

Behold! In the sultry air,
a pale cloud of mist and vapours
rises the high rim of the mountain-range.
Forced upwards, the cloud extends
and soon covers the whole sky
of black darkness.
Hark! From the valley a hollow rumble
heralds the raging storm!
See, how the baleful black cloud
slowly expands
and threatening sinks toward the plain!
Nature’s life stands still
in fairful apprehension

Hob XXI, 3 II, 3: The dawn begins to shine.

The dawn begins to shine
little clouds dissolve like smoke,
the sky’s resplendent in bright blue,
the mountain-peaks in fiery gold.
The sun is rising, rising.
Jane, Lukas:
He is near, he is coming.
Jane, Lucas, Simon:
He is beaming, he is shining.
He shines resplendent on high
in flaming majesty
Hail to thee, o sun!
Thou source of light and life, all hail!
O thou, the soul, the eye of all the world,
fairest likeness of the Deity!
We gret thee tankfully!
Jane, Lukas, Simon:
Wo could express the joy
That in effusion from thee flow?
Wo could number all the blessings
thy goodness shovers upon us?
The joy! Wo could express it?
The blessings! Wo could number it?
Wo could express it?
Wo could number it? Who?
We thank thee for giving joy.
We thank thee for giving life.
We thank thee for giving health.
Jane, Lukas, Simon:
But firstly let us praise the Lord who gave thee power and might.
Hail to thee, o sun!!
Thou source of light and life, all hail!
Every voice acclams thee,
the Nature acclams thee.

Hob XXI, 3, 4: All around the folk now comes alive and move.

All around the folk now comes alive and move

Hob XXI, 3 II, 7 Welcome now, o shady grove.

Welcome now, o shady grove,
where the roof of an ancient oak
provides a cool umbrella,
and where the slender aspen’s leaves
whisper a soft rustle!
Near soft mosses the brook
runs here in bright waves,
And swarm of burring insects
dance gaily and confusely in the air.
The Zephir’s wing bears
the fragrant woodbine’s balmy scent,
and from from the nearby bush sounds
the sheperd-boy’s flageolet.
What refreshment for the senses!
What a rest for the heart!
Flows through every vein,
and in every nerve runs
a refreshing feeling.
The soul awakes
to delightful enjoyment,
and new strength arises
by mild urge the chest.

Autumn leaves

Autumn leaves
You and me
The moonlight
Kissing your lips
whispering & murmuring
Sweet words
Of the verb of love
But you left
Without saying goodbye
I was sad
With my pain
I dream
Only you, baby
Autumn leaves
Of love

Autumn leaves

Autumn leaves
You and me
The moonlight
Kissing your lips
whispering & murmuring
Sweet words
Of the verb of love
But you left
Without saying goodbye
I was sad
With my pain
I dream
Only you, baby
Autumn leaves
Of love

Maybe see you again

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Love, Love, oh my dear, love of my life
When will I see you again, I hope you will write to me soon
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Love, love, oh my dear, love of my life
When you said, 'Goodbye and I'll be fine' in that last letter
So everything was suddenly over, as everything seems
Is the time now come for us to break and be more free?
To go, each going their own way?
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Love, Love, oh my dear, love of my life
When will I see you again, I hope you will write to me soon
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Love, Love, oh my dear, love of my life
I can still see you going, standing at the station, everything was over
You took the last train, you wanted to be free, it hurt me
But I hope to see you again, I'm not sure, but still maybe
But when, the memory calls out quickly
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Love, Love, oh my dear, love of my life
When will I see you again, I hope you will write to me soon
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Love, Love, oh my dear, love of my life
(Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye) Maybe see you again
(Love, love, oh my love, love of my life) Love of my life
When will I see you again, I hope you will write to me soon
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Love, love, oh my dear, love of my life

A Single Life (Stop Taking The Pill)

I lost track of how long
We share a single life
And nothing else
Our days pass
And you always leave
Everything for the future
We make love everyday
But you don't want
The fruit of this love to be born
Don't you understand that we need
To have someone in our lives
Anyway possible?
You say that you adore me
That I'm everything in your life
Then I want to see you
Expecting my baby
Then I want to see you
Expecting my baby
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Because it doesn't let our son be born
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Because it doesn't let our son be born
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Because it doesn't let our son be born
You say that you adore me
That I'm everything in your life
Then I want to see you
Expecting my baby
Then I want to see you
Expecting my baby
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Because it doesn't let our son be born
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Because it doesn't let our son be born
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Because it doesn't let our son be born
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill
Because it doesn't let our son be born
Stop taking the pill
Stop taking the pill...

The End of Our Story

This is the 'Adieu' ...
This is 'The End' ...
... of our story ...
Through the glass I (can) see the sk(ies) that (are) crying ...
And my eyes -like the glass- with my tears ... are damping ...
I don't know because ...
this finished ... in the failure ...
Torments me to think this 'Adieu' would have to sepparate us ...
'Cause although I'll try to forget you, I could not to achieve it ...
And even if I'll want it,
I could not avoid to pass by the places,
by the paths, by the cinemas, by the paveds ...
Because the memory will be in all sides ...
And even if I'll try it,
I could never again rub out you from my life ...
It's so many things that ... are not forgotten easily,
because this Love ... will stay in me ...
Meanwhile ... I ... live ...

I don't know because ...
This finished ... in the failure ...
Torments me to think this 'Adieu' would have to sepparate us ...
'Cause although I'll try to forget you, I could not to achieve it ...
And even if I'll want it,
I could not avoid to pass by the places, by the paths, by the cinemas, by the paveds ...
Because the memory will be in all sides ...
And even if I'll try it,
I could never again rub out you from my life ...
It's so many things that ... are not forgotten easily,
because this Love ... will stay in me ...
Meanwhile ... I ... live ...

You'll see that I love you

Now that we're only looking forward
And we start our long journey together
For you I will try to become different
I'll learn to listend and I won't be the usual me
And you'll see, and you'll see that I love you
I never been so honest. Do you want more?
We'll go out to dinner once in a week
And then to dance if you still feel like it
And it's possible that I'll finally get in the kitchen
I'm gonna surprise you more than what you can imagine
There won't be missing reasons for you to laugh
And I'll dress in fashion like you wanted
And we'll make a party out of every moment
And I'll be putting in you all that I have

I'm lost

I've been lying on the street for months living with loneliness
Away from the world lost aimlessly
I don't know where you are
And now I can't now, give me one more beer
That if I'm not drunk, I start to remember you
And now I can't anymore, give me something to forget
I can't get you out
I'm lost in the nights
And time dying inside from so much taking
And your scent is not removed from my body
And here I am drinking because you are not
And for you drunk I go
I have a pet at home that now doesn't even know who I am
Now I don't even remember how much I drank
In the mirror I speak to a stranger
And now I don't know what to do
I'm going crazy
From bed to bed looking for you in every woman
And now I don't know what to do
I'm going crazy
From bed to bed looking for you in every woman (Woman)
I'm lost in the nights
And time dying inside from so much taking
And your scent is not removed from my body
And here I am drinking because you are not
Hallucinating way without your kisses
In every corner I invent that I have you
From your memory I am still a prisoner
And I can't get out
And now I don't know what to do
I'm going crazy
From bed to bed looking for you in every woman
And now I don't know what to do
I'm going crazy
From bed to bed looking for you in every woman
I'm lost in the nights
And time dying inside from so much taking
And your scent is not removed from my body
And here I am drinking because you are not
I'm lost in the nights
And time dying inside from so much taking
And your scent is not removed from my body
And here I am drinking because you are not

The Jackal

The Jackal! x4
They forced you to wear
In historical height
They promoted your bravery
To the whole world with your death
Here your face stayed
On t-shirts and postcards
They don't tell all the truths
Of the Jackal of the Cabaña
The Jackal! x4
Your hand clenches so tight
What about history shoots
From a moment in Santa Clara
Where the power seduced you
Now your face is fashionable
On t-shirts and postcards
But they don't tell all the truths
Of the Jackal of the Cabaña
The Jackal! x4
Aristide followed you
Until the day he got tired (and the lie)
When he told you he was leaving
With a 32 you silenced it
Here your face is still in fashion
And even if you clean the shirt to the core
The blood on hands doesn't get washed
Of the Jackal of the Cabaña
The Jackal! x4
Of the Cabaña you were manager
You condemned thousands to the slaughterhouse
You used to like playing the warrior
Saying goodbye to the innocent yourself
Now there is fashion in your face
The women you left behind widows are strange
How can he be everywhere
The Jackal of the Cabaña
The Jackal! x4
A hero for some, and a criminal for others
They know your face and your ideal cause
You can never reach the violence path
Your passion consumed you and you became
The Jackal!
Here your face is still in fashion
And even if you clean the shirt to the core
The blood on hands doesn't get washed
Of the Jackal of the Cabaña
The Jackal! x4

Hob XXI, 3 The Seasons, 17 Air S: What refreshment for the sense!.

What refreshment for the sense!
what recovery fort he hearth!
A refreshing feeling
flows through every vein
and quakes in every nerve.
The soul awakes
to pleasure and delight
and hearts are gently lifted
to new strenght, new desires.

I am Spaniard

I lead out a cry of emotion
Within my heart
I am love, I am heat, I am fire
I am the path made for walking
I am a sigh, I am singing
I am a song, I am passion, I am longing
I am the night, I am the light
I am the North, I am the South
I am a medieval castle
I am of stone and metal
I am from the sea and the inland
I am Spaniard
And I say that with sincere pride
I am happy when I walk on its ground
Messenger of a love song
I am Spaniard
Heir of Sancho y Quijote
My customs don't touch them
Don't touch them
These are things that are deep inside of me
Of my heart
I am a grill and a big steak
I am Sabina and Shrimp
I am an olive tree, I am a vineyard and sky
I am a mountain, I am a volcano
I am a poem, I am a saying
I am a sweet talker, I am Don Juan, I am a bullfighter
A tear on the return
A perfume of carnation
I am a guitar and drum
I am the light of April
Moon and Sun, land and see, snow and fire
I am Spaniard
And I say that with sincere pride
I am happy when I walk on its ground
Messenger of a love song
I am Spaniard
Heir of Sancho y Quijote
My customs don't touch them
Don't touch them
These are things that are deep inside of me
Of my heart
I am Spaniard
And I say that with sincere pride
I am happy when I walk on its ground
Messenger of a love song
I am Spaniard
Heir of Sancho y Quijote
My customs don't touch them
Don't touch them
These are things that are deep inside of me
Of my heart

At the Pitch-Dark Lake

At the pitch-dark lake
No lights in the sky or with God
So come hug the atheists
At the pitch-dark lake
So come hug the atheists
At the pitch-dark lake
At the pitch-dark lake
The night doesn't come without signals
That make the mortals tremble
At the pitch-dark lake
But those who aren't mean shouldn't go
Because me, Heaven won't be bought
I see no reason to be
Those who fear and don't want to live
No lights in the sky, just me
At the pitch-dark lake
No lights in the sky, just me as me
At the pitch-dark lake
At the pitch-dark lake
The fingers of the night go together
To cover the deceased
At the pitch-dark lake
To cover the deceased
At the pitch-dark lake
At the pitch-dark lake
The moon rose but no one
Asks who's going or who's coming
At the pitch-dark lake
But those who aren't mean shouldn't go
Because me, Heaven won't be bought
I see no reason to be
Those who fear and don't want to live
No lights in the sky, just me as me
At the pitch-dark lake
No lights in the sky, just me as me
At the pitch-dark lake
At the pitch-dark lake
Lost girls, I know
But I only found myself among these lives
At the pitch-dark lake
But those who aren't mean shouldn't go
Because me, Heaven won't be bought
I see no reason to be
Those who fear and don't want to live
No lights in the sky, just me as me
At the pitch-dark lake
No lights in the sky, just me as me
At the pitch-dark lake


This is your first time telling me this is happening to you
How you go crazy and you can't go a minute
Away from my arms
My kisses
You arent sleeping
You say you see me everywhere, that you are afraid
Don't lose all that
In your life you say I panic
Oh, you still know what I can do
And that you had an old one
Now he lives in a vacuum
Sorry if I'm wrong but that's just me
It's your first time telling me you love me so much
You had learned to leave
But don't compare me to yesterday
This is not the case here
You are not sleeping
You say you see me everywhere, that you are afraid
Don't lose all that
In your life you say I panic
Oh, you still know what I can do
And that you had an old one
He now lives in a vacuum
Sorry if I'm wrong but that's just me
In your life you say I panic
Oh, you still know what I can do
And that you had an old one
He now lives in a vacuum
Sorry if I'm wrong but that's just me

When Betty Goes Boop

Little kids use to ask for Christmas
big elephants or toffees.
As for me, I didn't want any of that,
so I asked my daddy,
'Take me, take me to the movies.'
When Betty goes boop,
when Popeye goes pie1,
when Mickey goes meeeeow
It jabs me here and there,
it goes up, it goes down, it gets me there.
When Betty goes boop,
when Popeye goes pie,
when Mickey goes meeeeow
I don't know why all this
has such an effect on me.
After I turned 18, one fine day I met
a charming young man who, to woo me,
offered me an opera lodge.
I said to him, 'I don't care much about that,
take me, take me to the movies.'
When Betty goes boop,
when Popeye goes pie,
when Mickey goes meeeeow
It jabs me here and there,
it goes up, it goes down, it gets me there.
When Betty goes boop,
when Popeye goes pie,
when Mickey goes meeeeow
I don't know why all this
has such an effect on me.
During the newsreels he inched closer
During the cartoons he kissed me
And then I don't know what happened,
everything blurred inside my head,
and this night, this night at the movies
Popeye went boop
Mickey went pie
Betty went meeeeow
I saw them upside down
I went up here, it went down here
Popeye went boop
Mickey went pie
Betty went meeeeow
I don't know why all this
has such an effect on me.
Since then, he's been seduced
and says every evening, 'Let's go to the movies'
When Betty goes boop,
when Popeye goes pie,
when Mickey goes meeeeow
I don't know why all this
I don't know why all this
I don't know why all this
has such an effect on me.
  • 1. one can of spinach too many, I guess?

The Night Flower

Night is like a still1 sea,
Desire, sorrow and love’s grievances2
Come so abstrusly3 hither
Within the gentle strike of waves.4
Wishes, like clouds,
sail through still skies.
Who can tell in the mild5 wind,
Whether they are thoughts or dreams?
I close now both heart and mouth,
That so gladly grieve to the stars.
But quietly in the bottom of my heart,
Remains the gentle strike of waves.
  • 1. 'still' in German, like in English, means still in action but also in sound. Thus, this word could be figuratively describing the quietude of thought in the persona’s mind.
  • 2. both in it’s nominal and verbal form can mean both complain/complaint as well as grieve/grievance. Its usage here is most certainly the latter, and does not mean “complain” in the English sense.
  • 3. convoluted and therefore confusing because it cannot be easily separated
  • 4. constrastive imagery. The “schlagen” or striking of the incoming wave implies force whereas the adjective “lind” lightens that action to be of a gentle nature.
  • 5. literally a description of temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold, therefore mild and pleasant

Hob XXI, 3 - 8. Song of Joy

How lovely is
the countryside
sight now!
Come, you lasses,
let us wander
trough the flowery fields!
How lovely is
the countryside
sight now!
Come, you lads,
let us wander
to the green grove!
How lovely is…
Look at the lilles, look at the roses,
look at all the flowers!
Look at the meadows, look at the shrubs,
look at all the fields!
How lovely is…
Look at the hearth,
look at the water
Look at the bright air!
All lives,
all heaves,
all bestirs itself.
See the lambs,
how they leap!
See the fish,
what a milling around!
See the bees,
how they swarm!
See the birds
what a fluttering!
All lives…
What an happiness,
what a delight
swells our hearts!
Sweet sensations,
soft ecstasy
lift our chest!
What you feel,
what delight you,
Is the breath of the Creator!
Let us honor,
let us thank,
let us praise him!
Let you reise,
in a song of thankgiving to him,
your voices.
Let’s reise
in a song of thankgiving to him,
our voices