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Резултати претраге страна 7

Број резултата: 291


Poor Of Me

Very sad I live
poor of me!
Unable to find a remedy,
just for loving you
my life is like this.
I want to be a shadow in the night,
poor of me!
To contemplate you when you sleep,
just for loving you
my life is like this.
More or less in the early morning
Poor me!
To wake you up with a kiss
just for loving you
my life is like this.

I love you

I wish I had the guts to say
How big is my love
But I don't know what happens
My voice disappears
When I'm by your side
I try to disguise
either smiling or singing
But inside I'm crying
Not even the sky, that makes everyone dream,
Can't inspire me
All I know is that I'm suffering
I'm dying little by little
Just because I can't tell it
And I call you when I'm by myself
I complain very low
How I'd like to say
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
Not even the sky, that makes everyone dream,
Can't inspire me
All I know is that I'm suffering
I'm dying little by little
Just because I can't tell it
And I call you when I'm by myself
I complain very low
How I'd like to say
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you

Just tell me !

How many nights costed you the voice of mine to forget?
'cause without fear of loosin you, always i warned you
That at a certain time your soul's gonna ache lovin me
And that the blame wasn't from the both of us
Because i wasn't takin' care , the soul of mine was at loss
Today i don't find the way to ask forgivness
The life's killin me and i feel your pain
SO much
Today it pains me so much
Now tell me , how much it must pain me
You only tell me
'How long this hell's gonna take ?
I', cold chills in this inferno
I feel that now i regret
I don't lie to you
Just tell me
If you feel me, still
IF this has any 'exit'
I'm fading in the attempt , so much it aches
I'm sorry!
You left and for the first time i understand/see
If is fading the touch of yours
For this i keep your memories
SO much
Today it pains me so much
Now tell me , how much it must pain me
Why is it that so much
Today it pains me so much ?
Now i want to recover all this times that are gone
You only tell me
'How long this hell's gonna take ?
I', cold chills in this inferno
I feel that now i regret
I don't lie to you
Just tell me
If you feel me, still
IF this has any 'exit'
I'm fading in the attempt , so much it aches
I'm sorry!
The pain fades, but never the bitterness
It was you the one i've call but you didn't say a thing
Never said a thing
The pain fades, but never the bitterness
It was you the one i've call but you didn't say a thing
Never said a thing
You only tell me
'How long this hell's gonna take ?
I', cold chills in this inferno
I feel that now i regret
I don't lie to you
Just tell me
If you feel me, still
IF this has any 'exit'
I'm fading in the attempt , so much it aches
I'm sorry!
You left and for the first time i understand/see

Samo mi reci

Koliko noci te je kostalo da zaboravis moj glas?
Da bez straha da te izgubim, uvek te upozoravalo
da ce te jednom zaboleti sto me volis
i da krivica nije bila od oboje,
zato sto te nisam cuvao, danas moje srce je bilo gubitnik.
Danas ne pronalazim nacin da trazim oprostaj,
zivot me ubija i osecam tvoj bol.
danas me boli toliko,
sada mi samo reci koliko vremena mora da boli.
Ti samo mi reci
koliko ce trajati ova zima?
Hladno mi je u paklu,
osecam da se sada kajem,
ne lazem te.
Samo mi reci,
ako me osecas jos uvek,
ako ovo ima izlaz,
ja umirem u pokusaju, boli toliko,
kajem se.
Otisla si i po prvi put razumem.
Brisu mi se tvoji dodiri sa koze,
zato cuvam tvoja secanja na papiru.
danas me boli toliko,
sada mi samo reci koliko vremena mora da boli.
Zasto je toliko...
... danas me boli toliko?
Danas zelim da povratim sve to vreme koje je otislo.
Ti samo mi reci
koliko ce trajati ova zima?
Hladno mi je u paklu,
osecam da se sada kajem,
ne lazem te.
Samo mi reci,
ako me osecas jos uvek,
ako ovo ima izlaz,
ja umirem u pokusaju, boli toliko,
kajem se.
Prolazi bol, ali nikada prekor,
bila si ti koja je zvala, ali nisi rekla nista,
nikad nisi rekla nista.
Prolazi bol, ali nikada prekor,
bila si ti koja je zvala, ali nisi rekla nista,
nikad nisi rekla nista.
Ti samo mi reci
koliko ce trajati ova zima?
Hladno mi je u paklu,
osecam da se sada kajem,
ne lazem te.
Samo mi reci,
ako me osecas jos uvek,
ako ovo ima izlaz,
ja umirem u pokusaju, boli toliko,
kajem se.
Otisla si i po prvi put razumem.

The Indians of the Meia-Praia

Meia-Praia Village
Right next to Lagos
I’m gonna write you a song
As best as i can
From Monte-Gordo they came
Some of them walking on foot
One arrived by bike
Another went astern
When your eyes stumble
On a seagull flight
Instead of fish they see pieces
Of gold falling in the fish market
Whoever comes to live here
Don’t bring tables nor beds
With six feet of land
You can build a hut
You work all year round
At the fish market they leave you mute
They rob you up to the bones
They take away your scalp
I wish we had
The bravery of Agostinho*
To feed the rage
Of strangulating the bourgeoisie
I said goodbye to Monte-Gordo
(Nothing holds him to bad memories)
But nothing holds him to the present
If only he is fooled
Eight thousand counted hours
Were rigorously laboured
Until it came the first
Certified Document
They were women and children
Each one carrying it’s brick
'This was an orchestra '
Who says otherwise is a fool
And if the spiteful tongues don’t cease
I won’t leave here alive
For nothing erases the nobleness
Of the indians of the Meia-Praia
It has always been your trademark
A shark with a thousand scraps
Leaving everything suspended
When you’re glancing the pray
From the finished elections
From the expected result
Came out what you have seen
Lots of withholding works
But not by one’s will
Because the fight will carry on
Since this is his story
And the people took the streets
High finance leaders
Make everything go backwards
They say the world only moves on
Having a foreman in charge
They were women and children
Each one carrying it’s brick
'This was an orchestra'
Who says otherwise is a fool
And let’s get on with the paperwork
In the toing and froing of the ministries
But they will run away from screams
And band is still in the streets

What One Day Was, Will Not Be

In your hands I learned to drink water,
I was a sparrow who was imprisoned in your cage,
because I cut my wings, and the birdseed that you gave me
Was so little, and yet I loved you.
My song for you always complete,
without you I could not fly in other skies,
but you left me alone, confused and forgotten,
and another hand offered me the desired fruit.
What one day was, will not be,
Now do not come back to look for me
I have nothing to give you,
I got tired of your birdseed.
Go fly to other skies
and leave your cage open,
maybe another sparrow will fall,
but give him a drink.
Let me turn on the light, I don't want anything,
If this had been yesterday, I would take it,
the first time you offer yourself so that I stay here,
but without loving you anymore, what would you gain?
What one day was, will not be,
do not come back and look for me
I have nothing to give you,
I got tired of your birdseed...

Something Prodigious

Someone watches over the child
When he fell asleep
Someone who put a million stars
In the infinite
Someone who will always guide the swallows
To far-off lands
Someone who, when desperate
Shows a path that can save them
That prodigious something
That illuminated my life
With a marvelous sun,
The tenderness of your love
You, only you
That is a ray of light in my life
You, spring
Of happiness, calm and peace
That prodigious something
That illuminated my life
With a marvelous sun
The tenderness of your love
You, only you
That is a ray of light in my life
You, spring
Of happiness, calm and peace
Someone watches over the child
When he fell asleep
Someone who put a million stars
In the infinite

I Remember A Day When I Was In Jaffa

I remember a day when I was in Jaffa
Tell us, tell us about Jaffa
My boat1 in Jaffa's harbor
O, the days of fishing in Jaffa
The sea called us to go fishing on a clear day
So, we prepared our boats2
We glimpsed images in the heart
We came back with longing to Jaffa
We sailed3 at dawn
The froth and sail
We got lost in the middle4
And we could not find the beach5
Did you find a lot of fish
And did you catch a lot of it?
Say, 'day and night
We play with water'
But at night, at night
The wind came at night
What a lashing storm
It connected the sea6 with the sky
The night sea storm
A pack of Seawolves
We dropped the mast
We held the oars
We fought so hard
And death was playing us
We fought the angry waves
We dove into the tumultuous sea
And our hands are pulling bluntly
And the boat is pulling, and pulling itself too
That day, they said that we are lost
That we are doomed in the cold ever
But we came back with the morning light
We came out of the wind just like a genie coming out of its lamp
We interned Jaffa's harbor
What a sweet feeling returning to Jaffa
We filled the bank with seashells
How beautiful are the days at Jaffa
We were, with the wind howling
Saying, 'We will come back, Jaffa'
And today, the wind is howling
And we will come back Jaffa
And we will come back Jaffa
And we will come back Jaffa
  • 1. Lit. Sail.
  • 2. Lit. Ores
  • 3. Lit. Took off.
  • 4. Lit. Eyeball
  • 5. Lit. The beach got lost.
  • 6. Lit. Water.

Tell me dad

larara, larara, larara
larara, larara, larairaira.
tell me dad where is the good god?
tell me, tell me, tell me dad
tell me dad where is the good god?
tell me, tell me, tell me dad
well yes dear I know where he is,
he could be in you in me
he is everywhere
well yes dear I've seen him
in the mount and in the sea
and in the rose of your garden
ah, yes!
tell me dad will I be able to see god?
tell me, tell me, tell me dad
tell me dad will I be able to see god?
tell me, tell me, tell me dad
well yes dear, you will see him
when you love mom
and you obey dad
well yes dear you will see him
when you learn to pray
and call him with worry
ah, yes!
oh dad finally today I knew
the good god that will make me happy
it's true my dear, without thinking
I taught you where the truth is
larara, larara, larara.
larara, larara, larara.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The Boxer

I'm a simple guy
My history is so usual
I changed my security
For a world made only of dreams and promises
That's always like this when we hear what we want to hear
When I left my home I was just a boy
And strangers were all around
I walked around the station without deciding
Where to go? Looking for places where my luck could be
Waiting for someone to accompany me
In the big and cold city I tried to surrender
But no one listened
Only women came closer to invite me
Let me confess, I felt so alone that I even agreed to pay1
And time passed faster than the trains
And after so many fights, everything is identical
So identical, everything is identical
In the dark and cold winter
I think of running away and coming back
To somewhere where the airs of this city don't suffocate me anymore
I'll run away, I'll come back
In the arena there's a man
A boxer
That carries the memories
Of every time he fell to the ground2
Because of a punch or money
Many times he wanted to run away
But deep within he knew that he needs to keep on, insist
  • 1. Maybe they're prostitutes
  • 2. He was knocked down
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


Versions: #2
ma tilbsy baed ma wddeik.. klshy hbbyt ealiki tyab
ma tasmahi ghayri ysmmek.. al'aghani 'iilaya eamalta 'ilik
yawm li kunaa habab
tghyary w tbddly ma tashbahi halik maeia
sayri haddaan saebi 'iilw 'ishtaq
'iinaa wyaky bitaerafi shw mnshbh?
ghnyy dae mlhhna
alkatibha mtbbry minaa
almtle huluun lkn aflitha firaq


Versions: #2
Some are calling me a jester
Because I pursue your love
But you give me the cold shoulder
Some are calling me a jester
Because in my dreams I hope
to embrace you ever tighter
Some are calling me a jester
That by loving you has brought
On himself endless disasters
Some are calling me a jester
Trying to be bold enough
though my feet can only waver
And it’s true I am a jester
But that’s something I can’t change
I am not what I desire
I just don’t have what it takes
Some are calling me a jester
Because I pursue your love
But you give me the cold shoulder
Some are calling me a jester
That goes wherever you go
With my heart like ragged slivers
Some are calling me a jester
That I’d pick up bits of love
You keep throwing as leftovers
Some are calling me a jester
That will not dare take a gun
to myself and pull the trigger
And it’s true I am a jester
But that’s something I can’t change
I am not what I desire
I just don’t have what it takes
And it’s true I am a jester
But that’s something I can’t change
I am not what I desire
I just don’t have what it takes
And it’s true I am a jester

You are the one to Blame

Versions: #3
you are the one to blame for
this anguish and this torture, this pain and all this misery
you've filled my life with nothing
except these sweet anxieties and all these bitter memories
your love is like an outburst
i carry in my being and also in my heart
i have no choice about this
i'm just a slave in your eyes, a plaything for your love
don't play with my anxiety, don't play with my emotions
they are the only ones i've got
your are my one and only, my final hope for living
you must believe it once
you know it makes me desperate
it kills me, it drives me crazy
you know i'd give my whole life to overcome my fear
of kissing you

Ovo se nece zavrsiti

Secam se kada sam te pronasao
secam se kada sam te pogledao,
secam se kada sam osetio da sam ziv
i sada kada te imam ovde
zelim da zaustavim vreme
gubeci se u tvom telu,
usporeno korak po korak.
Znas da ovo sto imamo je istinito,
koliko god da nam pricaju, ovo se nece zavrsiti, nece se zavrsiti.
Trazi mi vise, trazi mi sve sto zelis,
trazi mesec i zvezde.
Vec znas da si ti sve ono sto zelim
i necu te pustiti da pobegnes.
I znas da ovo sto imamo je istinito,
koliko god da nam pricaju, nece se zavrsiti,
neznost se nece zavrsiti.
I sada kada te imam ovde
i sada kada mogu da kazem
stihove koje sam cuvao toliko vremena,
konacno se usudjujem da budem vlasnik od tvojih poljubaca,
od tvog osmeha, od tvog univerzuma.
Znas da ovo sto imamo je istinito,
koliko god da nam pricaju, ovo se nece zavrsiti, nece se zavrsiti.
Trazi mi vise, trazi mi sve sto zelis,
trazi mesec i zvezde.
Vec znas da te imam ovde u mojim grudima
i necu te pustiti nikada.
Nista nas nece razdvojiti, nista.
Nista nas nece razdvojiti, nece se zavrsiti.
Trazi mi vise, trazi mi sve sto zelis,
trazi mesec i zvezde.
Vec znas da te imam ovde u mojim grudima
i necu te pustiti nikada.
I znas da ovo sto imamo je istinito,
koliko god da nam pricaju, nece se zavrsiti,
neznost se nece zavrsiti.

Reci mi da me cekas

Reci mi da me cekas,
reci mi da tvoji poljupci i dalje imaju ukus
jednog jutra u prolece.
I da jos uvek ne postoji nacin
da se tvoj pogled proglasi zarobljenim
i da putnik ne moze da pobegne
i ako ne donesem kljuceve
docekas me na vratima
i kazes mi danas da su uvek bila otvorena.
Ja bih ponovo pogresio jos jednom,
ja bih se vratio tebi, juce, nazad,
ostao bih, ako bi mi jos uvek verovala.
Vraticu se, vraticu se,
ako mi kazes da me cekas,
vraticu se, vraticu se.
Reci mi da me cekas,
reci mi da sati i minuti
koje sam racunao misleci na tebe nisu bili uzalud.
Dozvoli mi da ti objasnim,
da bih ponovo voleo
nedostajalo mi je da se odvojim od tvoje ruke.
I ponekad se pitam
ako bi znala sta osecam,
ne bih voleo da prevarim vreme.
Ja bih ponovo pogresio jos jednom,
ja bih se vratio tebi, juce, nazad,
ostao bih, ako bi mi jos uvek verovala.
Vraticu se, vraticu se,
ako mi kazes da me cekas,
vraticu se, vraticu se.
Nikada nije kasno, nikada nije kasno,
ti to znas, znas to, znas to.
Nikada nije kasno, nikada nije kasno,
ti to znas, znas to, znas to.
Ja bih ponovo pogresio jos jednom,
ja bih se vratio tebi, juce, nazad,
ostao bih, ako bi mi jos uvek verovala.
Vraticu se, vraticu se,
ako mi kazes da me cekas,
vraticu se, vraticu se,
ako mi kazes da me cekas,
vraticu se, vraticu se.

Jedan milimetar od tebe

Zelim da budem vazduh
koji skida tvoja jutra
i da umrem u svakom poljupcu
od onih koji su nas nosili.
I da se obucem u prepreku
u slucaju da pobegnes,
sada znam da sam srecan,
sada znam da si ovde drzeci me blizu.
Predlazem ti cetiri plana da saznas
nasu pricu koja je pri dolasku.
Predlazem ti cetiri plana da saznas...
Da si ti tekst moje melodije,
da osecam da mogu, ako si blizu mene,
jer zelim da ostanem i da ne moram da te izmisljam,
da nastavim da disem, ispunjavajuci se sa tobom.
Da si ti tekst moje melodije,
da nas ne probude sa svetloscu dana,
jer zelim da ostanem da te ne bih zamisljao,
da disem i zivim jedan milimetar od tebe.
Jedan milimetar od tebe, da...
Zato sto je vec rekao neko,
nije kako pocinje, vec kako se zavrsava,
ja hodam sa mojim prstima
po karti tvojih ledja.
Predlazem ti cetiri plana da saznas
nasu pricu koja je pri dolasku.
Predlazem ti cetiri plana da saznas...
Da si ti tekst moje melodije,
da osecam da mogu, ako si blizu mene,
jer zelim da ostanem i da ne moram da te izmisljam,
da nastavim da disem, ispunjavajuci se sa tobom.
Da si ti tekst moje melodije,
da nas ne probude sa svetloscu dana,
jer zelim da ostanem da te ne bih zamisljao,
da disem i zivim jedan milimetar od tebe.
Jedan milimetar od tebe
Jedan milimetar od tebe
Jedan milimetar od tebe
Da zelim da ostanem sa tvojom melodijom,
da nas ne probude sa svetloscu dana,
jer zelim da ostanem da te ne bih zamisljao,
da disem i zivim jedan centimetar od tebe.
Jedan milimetar od tebe,
od tebe i mene
i da te udisem, disem, da te udisem
jedan milimetar od tebe.

Trazio sam te

Znas da mi se svidja da mislim na tebe,
znas da te volim, ali medjutim...
Imas losu naviku da kazes volim te
pre nego sto mi slomis srce na dva dela,
ali objasni mi polako
sta se ovo desava izmedju tebe i mene,
objasni mi molim te,
jer ne pronalazim razlog.
Trazio sam te, bez saznanja kako ce to biti
Trazio sam te, bezeci od juce
i sada leptirice
ne osecam na kozi.
Trazio sam te, nisam te pronasao.
Drhtim, pretvaram se blizu tebe,
ne znam da li te imam, ne znam da li sam te izgubio,
imam vecno secanje
od one nase zime
neprespavane u Madridu.
Ali objasni mi polako
sta se ovo desava izmedju tebe i mene,
objasni mi molim te, jer ne pronalazim razlog.
Trazio sam te, bez saznanja kako ce to biti
Trazio sam te, bezeci od juce
i sada leptirice
ne osecam na kozi.
Trazio sam te, nisam te pronasao.
Nisam te pronasao.
Znas da mi se svidja da mislim na tebe,
znas da te volim.


Nije mi trebalo toliko vremena da te zaboravim,
mislim da je bilo 100.000 sati bez spavanja.
Konacno se zatvara ovo poglavlje i zavrsava se
da vise ne postoji nova sezona,
gotovo je.
Reci mi ljubavi, ti koja znas kako boli iznutra,
nisi zivela onaj trenutak
i patila kao ja.
Kazem ti zbogom,
nek ti ide lepo na putu,
nisi mozda razumela ni moj otkucaj,
ni moje srce.
I zbog toga ja ti pisem ovu pesmu.
I vristim, jer meni vise nije bitno nista.
I vristim da konacno izbacim iz sebe ovu ljubav.
I vristim, ja koji sam te toliko voleo,
koji sam te toliko cuvao, moja ljubavi.
Danas sam obuo moje cipele zaborava,
unistio sam cak i pidzamu od bola,
neka ostanu zauvek nasa imena
na stablu onog drveta koje nas videlo.
Kazem ti zbogom, nek ti ide lepo na putu.
I vristim, jer meni vise nije bitno nista.
I vristim da konacno izbacim iz sebe ovu ljubav.
I vristim, ja koji sam te toliko voleo,
koji sam te toliko cuvao, moja ljubavi.
Nije mi trebalo toliko vremena da te zaboravim,
mislim da je bilo 100.000 sati bez spavanja.

Imam srce

Imam srce
koje je naucilo ono sta zeli bez ikakvog straha,
koje se otkriva u zoru,
ako cak padne, padne i nastavi
napred dok ima svoj glas.
Imam srce
koje je tako verno svojim otkucajima.
Imam razum
koji postujem i koji me vuce
da uvek budem isti
i zbog toga se ne predajem, danas ne.
Imam emociju bez kocnica
koja prica nasamo sa vetrom.
Imam srce
koje vice zivot, zivot, zivot za tebe.
I moze da se desi da se srusi univerzum,
i moze da se desi da nas unisti ova tisina,
ne plasi se sa mnom, ja cu uvek biti tu
trazeci izlaz da ne padnemo.
I moze da se desi da danas nestane svet,
i moze da se desi da ne nadjemo nista
i nek nam ostane osmeh
jedan bljesak u pepelu,
ja cu i dalje se kladiti za tebe, za tebe...
Imam pesmu
i poemu u koferu koja govori o oboje,
jedno volim te i jedan zivot
koji ne razume o lazima,
koji te trazi i jos uvek dise tvoj glas.
Imam emociju bez kocnica
koja prica nasamo sa vetrom.
Imam srce
koje vice zivot, zivot, zivot za tebe.
I moze da se desi da se srusi univerzum,
i moze da se desi da nas unisti ova tisina,
ne plasi se sa mnom, ja cu uvek biti tu
trazeci izlaz da ne padnemo.
I moze da se desi da danas nestane svet,
i moze da se desi da ne nadjemo nista
i nek nam ostane osmeh
jedan bljesak u pepelu,
ja cu i dalje se kladiti za tebe, za tebe...
I moze da se desi da se srusi univerzum,
i moze da se desi da nas unisti ova tisina i moze da bude.
Ja cu i dalje se kladiti za tebe, za tebe, za tebe...

Na nivou zemlje

Dolazis uplakana sa slomljenom dusom,
sa duhom straha u tvojim ocima,
da ne,
gledaj devojko, nije tako, dodji, dacu ti poljubac.
Imas znakove od onoga ko ne vrednuje
tvoje telo oznaceno od tragova i senki,
za tebe... uradi to i pogledaj se u ogledalo.
Vec znam nije to put od ruza,
da ti zivot nudi druge stvari,
ali imas danas moju ruku prijateljice moja,
sa tobom sam do kraja...
Osecanje nije strah ni los san,
osecanje je samo zivljenje,
ljubav nije ni umreti od ljubavi,
seti se da postoji svet koji te jos uvek voli,
slusaj, ne zelim da te gledam takvu,
nisi izabrala da budes ovde na nivou zemlje.
Imas razloga da ustanes,
da se ne zaustavljas i nastavis napred
za tebe, za tebe vredi truda uraditi...
Vec znam nije to put od ruza,
da ti zivot nudi druge stvari,
ali imas danas moju ruku prijateljice moja,
sa tobom sam do kraja...
Osecanje nije strah ni los san,
osecanje je samo zivljenje,
ljubav nije ni umreti od ljubavi,
seti se da postoji svet koji te jos uvek voli,
slusaj, ne zelim da te gledam takvu,
nisi izabrala da budes ovde...
Nisi izabrala da budes ovde.
Ehhh, yeeohh, neee neeee
Osecanje nije strah ni los san,
osecanje je samo zivljenje,
ljubav nije ni umreti od ljubavi,
seti se da postoji svet koji te jos uvek voli,
slusaj, ne zelim da te gledam takvu,
nisi izabrala da budes ovde na nivou zemlje.
Na nivou zemlje.

The gloomy one

Versions: #3
How gloomy was to say our goodbyes
just when our love was growing the most
the swallow then decided to fly
like foreboding the worst
How gloomy it all seems without you
the ocean turns away from the coast
the colors have become all gray hues
I am feeling alone
Who knows if I will see you again
who knows what kind of fate will I have
Without the starry blue of your air
Giving light to my path
I’ve chosen to devour my pain
Not taking neither pity or relief
the story of our love will remain for all eternity
How gloomy they all say that I am
that you are the motif of my talk
they haven’t realized that your love, your love
it’s what keeps me alive to this day, it’s what keeps me alive to this day
I’ve chosen to devour my pain, not taking neither pity or relief
the story of our love will remain for all eternity
How gloomy they all say that I am that you are the motif of my talk
they haven’t realized that your love your love
it’s what keeps me alive to this day, it’s what keeps me alive to this day, it’s what keeps me alive to this day

Zaljubio sam se

Zaljubio sam se...
Reci mi zasto ides, ako dolazis vec natrag,
cineci da se osecam tako lose.
Reci mi zasto ides, posle se nemoj kajati,
ako pruzis jos jedan korak izgubicemo glavu.
Ti budi oprezna i videces,
ako pruzis jos jedan korak zapalices se ili ces me ljubiti.
Priznajem ti,
nisam verovao u ljubav, ali zelim da znas.
Zaljubio sam se, srce si mi ukrala,
nisam ti ga dao i ti ga odnosis
i ovde me ostavljas.
Zaljubio sam se, sada me imaju tvoje ruke,
znam da me osecas, iako to porices,
reci mi sta cekas i daj mi sad svoje srce.
Trcim po ulicama, samo kako trci djavo,
ne mogu vise,
samo zelim da vidim tvoje usne i da se priblize polako.
I priznajem ti,
nisam verovao u ljubav, ali zelim da znas.
Zaljubio sam se, srce si mi ukrala,
nisam ti ga dao i ti ga odnosis
i ovde me ostavljas.
Zaljubio sam se, sada me imaju tvoje ruke,
znam da me osecas, iako to porices,
reci mi sta cekas i daj mi sad svoje srce.
Priznajem ti,
znam da smo ti i ja jedini odgovor.
Priznajem ti,
nisam verovao u ljubav, ali zelim da znas.
Zaljubio sam se, srce si mi ukrala,
nisam ti ga dao i ti ga odnosis
i ovde me ostavljas.
Zaljubio sam se, sada me imaju tvoje ruke,
znam da me osecas, iako to porices,
reci mi sta cekas i daj mi sad svoje srce
i daj mi sad svoje srce.

Ziveti ili umreti

Obecao sam ljubavi da necu gubiti nadu,
da cu se buditi sa tvojim glasom i reci dve.
Znam da samo ponekad postanem senka mog kukavicluka
i boli plakanje u konfuziji.
Zelim da zaboravim svet i da otvorim prozore,
zelim da vidim odraz duse osecajuci tvoje lice,
trazeci to skriveno utociste koje smo izmislili
sa nasim istinama, danas treba da se naviknem na taj bol.
Ne postoji srednja tacka, sa tobom je ziveti ili umreti,
srusiti se ili odupreti se, gde pocinje i gde se zavrsava ambis, ne, ne...
Sa tobom ili bez tebe, odgovor je i dalje ovde,
ako skocimo spasavamo se oboje, zivetili ili umreti, ziveti ili umreti, ti i ja.
Sada kada imam razloga da pogresim
ne znam da li da te zagrlim ili da padnem na gresku da te zaboravim,
radije bih da prolazim kroz vatru, nego da ostanem ovde da izgorim
suseci nase suze na suncu.
Ne postoji srednja tacka, sa tobom je ziveti li umreti,
srusiti se ili odupreti se, gde pocinje i gde se zavrsava ambis ne, ne...
Sa tobom ili bez tebe, odgovor je i dalje ovde,
ako skocimo spasavamo se oboje, zivetili ili umreti, ziveti ili umreti, ti i ja.
Sa tobom ili bez tebe, odgovor je i dalje ovde,
ako skocimo spasavamo se oboje, ne, ne...
zivetili ili umreti, ziveti ili umreti, ziveti ili umreti... sa tobom.

Reci mi da li bila sposobna?

Ponovo sam zaboravio
da skinem telo umetnika,
glupi osmeh
i lice sa portreta.
Ponovo sam zaboravio
da ti kazem polako,
da ne postoji nista sto mi se svidja vise
nego da te vodim u ponoc do kreveta,
kao onaj koji poklanja svet,
kako radi tesko...
I ima nekoliko stvari koje mi se svidjaju vise,
kao cinjenica da cekas, znajuci da to radis,
ja se sakrivm na ulicama...
Kako ce biti, reci mi,
reci mi kako ce biti...
I reci mi da li bila sposobna da zamislis
zimu bez njene hladnoce,
krevet bez njegovog cebeta,
pustinju bez peska
i zelju bez cekanja.
Da li bi bila sposobna da zamislis
jedrilicu bez svog jedra,
propast bez njegove tuge,
ljubav bez svojih problema
ili nekog zatvorenika bez lanaca.
Jer ja nisam sposoban da zamislim
ni jedan minut bez tebe,
samo minut bez tebe...
Ponovo mi je ostalo
lice ekvilibriste,
radeci sta ti kazem,
cutajuci svaki trenutak...
Ponovo sam zaboravio
da ti kazem polako,
da ne postoji nista sto mi se svidja vise
nego da se sa solju smejem tvojoj ludosti,
uceci u svakom trenutku,
kao decak sa svojim stapom...
I ima nekoliko stvari koje mi se svidjaju vise,
da znas da te volim, znajuci da cutim,
trazeci me na ulicama...
Kako ce biti, reci mi,
reci mi kako ce biti...
I reci mi da li bila sposobna da zamislis
zimu bez njene hladnoce,
krevet bez njegovog cebeta,
pustinju bez peska
i zelju bez cekanja.
Da li bi bila sposobna da zamislis
jedrilicu bez svog jedra,
propast bez njegove tuge,
ljubav bez svojih problema
ili nekog zatvorenika bez lanaca.
Jer ja nisam sposoban da zamislim
ni jedan minut bez tebe,
samo minut bez tebe...
Reci mi da li bi bila sposobna (x4)
Jer ja nisam sposoban da zamislim
ni jedan minut bez tebe,
samo minut bez tebe.

Ostani sa mnom

Sta rade koferi izvan ormara?
Nisam cuo tvoje korake u susednoj sobi,
zato sto nema nikoga unutra.
Odjekuje ova tisina
i nista ne ostaje na svome mestu.
Dolazis u zurbi i ne zelis ni da me gledas.
Objasni mi polako sta se desilo,
nikada u nasem zivotu mi nisi pricala ovako.
Mozda ostavim po strani da te drzim za ruku
i nasamo da ti skinem srce.
Ostani sa mnom,
jer cuvam vreme za tebe,
da mi se nece ponovo desiti,
da u stvarnosti nikada nisam otisao.
Ovaj put nece mi se desiti da zaboravim da ti kazem
da si puls na mom satu,
da si ti najbitnije.
Ostani moj glasu, ostani moj glasu,
ostani moja ljubavi.
Spremicu kafu,
vraticemo se na onaj poljubac koji nam je leto dalo,
ja ne mogu da zaboravim svetlost iznad tvoje mokre koze,
goli zagrljeni,
pijuci usne,
pokusajmo ponovo vec jednom.
Ostani sa mnom,
jer cuvam vreme za tebe,
da mi se nece ponovo desiti,
da u stvarnosti nikada nisam otisao.
Ovaj put nece mi se desiti da zaboravim da ti kazem
da si puls na mom satu,
da si ti najbitnije.
Ostani moj glasu, ostani moj glasu,
ostani moja ljubavi.

Mrzi me

To sto si otisla nije ono sto me najvise boli
i iako sam dosao kasno da trazim oprostaj,
radije bih da budem los i da budem onaj koji te rani,
da budem sve te stvari koje vise ne zelis,
da budem onaj koji ne postoji u tvom srcu.
Ako zelis da me pustis da bi mogla da budes srecna,
moraces da me prisilis, ja se necu predati,
uspela si da me zavolis i iako mi govoris da ne,
ne postoji ljubav koja vise boli kao ona koja te vec zaboravila.
Mrzi me i ako me zaboravis bice gore.
Ubij me, da ugusim moje brige ce biti usluga.
Lazi me, reci mi da sam bio tvoja najgora greska,
zato sto samo postoji mrznja gde je bila ljubav. (ovde postoji ljubav...2X)
Mrzi me, jer mrznja nece dozvoliti da zaboravis.
Ubij me, znam da ova ljubav nece umreti.
Lazi me, reci mi da sam bio tvoja najgora greska,
zato sto samo postoji mrznja gde je bila ljubav. (ovde postoji ljubav...2X)
Mrzi me zbog ljubavi,
izleci me sa bolom,
ako postoji jedan krivac, ne postoji vise krivaca od mene.
Mrzi me zbog ljubavi,
izleci me sa bolom,
ako postoji jedan krivac, ne postoji vise krivaca od mene.
Ako zelis da me pustis da bi mogla da budes srecna,
moraces da me prisilis, ja se necu predati,
uspela si da me zavolis i iako mi govoris da ne,
ne postoji ljubav koja vise boli kao ona koja te vec zaboravila.
Mrzi me i ako me zaboravis bice gore.
Ubij me, da ugusim moje brige ce biti usluga.
Lazi me, reci mi da sam bio tvoja najgora greska,
zato sto samo postoji mrznja gde je bila ljubav. (ovde postoji ljubav...2X)
Mrzi me, jer mrznja nece dozvoliti da zaboravis.
Ubij me, znam da ova ljubav nece umreti.
Lazi me, reci mi da sam bio tvoja najgora greska,
zato sto samo postoji mrznja gde je bila ljubav. (ovde postoji ljubav...2X)
Mrzi me zbog ljubavi,
izleci me sa bolom,
ako postoji jedan krivac, ne postoji vise krivaca od mene.
Mrzi me zbog ljubavi,
izleci me sa bolom,
ako postoji jedan krivac, ne postoji vise krivaca od mene.
Mrzi me zbog ljubavi,
izleci me sa bolom,
ako postoji jedan krivac, ne postoji vise krivaca od mene.


Versions: #2
Love like ours there are not two in life.
no matter how hard you search, no matter how hard you hide it.
you sleep with me every night
you stay silent without any reproach.
that's why I love you, that's why I adore you
You are my life's treasure.
Sometimes I return drunk in distress.
I fill you with kisses and withered caress.
but you're asleep, you dont my feel touch, i hug you tightly to my chest I sleep with you, but when i awake you're not with me is only my pillow.
Sometimes I look at you and you're quiet and absent. And
I suffer in silence as so many people do.
I want to scream out loud to please come back with me. that I am still alive is only to love you. but everything passes and to the sufferings as to the words the wind takes them all.
That's why I return drunk in distress.
I fill you with kisses and withered caress.
but you're asleep, you dont my feel touch, i hug you tightly to my chest I sleep with you, but when i awake you're not with me is only my pillow.

Tell Me That You Will Wait

Tell me that you will wait
Tell me that your lips still contain the taste
Of a spring morning
And that there is still no way
That your face declares it self imprisoned
And the passenger can't escape
And if I don't bring keys
You greet me at door
And you tell me it was always open
I'd return to be wrong one more time
I'd return to you, yesterday, in the past
I would stay if you still believed me
I will return, I will return
If you tell me that you will wait for me
I will return, I will return
Tell me that you will wait
Tell me the hours and minutes
I counted thinking of you were not in vain
Let me explain to you
That to love again
I missed letting go of your hand
And sometimes I ask myself
If you knew what I feel
I wouldn't like to cheat time
I'd return to be wrong one more time
I'd return to you, yesterday, in the past
I would stay if you still believed me
I will return, I will return
If you tell me that you will wait for me
I will return, I will return
It's never too late, it's never too late
You know it, you know it, you know it
It's never too late, it's never too late
You know it, you know it, you know it
I'd return to be wrong one more time
I'd return to you, yesterday, in the past
I would stay if you still believed me
I will return, I will return
If you tell me that you will wait for me
I will return, I will return
If you tell me that you will wait for me
I will return, I will return

Zaboravio sam

Zaboravio sam za savete saptane sa tvojih usana,
za razlog tvog pogleda, zaboravio sam
za tvoj osmeh koji me spasava od ove senke
i zaboravio sam za tvoje dodire koje me lece i oblace,
da si ti uvek ovde bila
zaboravio sam, zaboravio sam.
I sada kad se budim i ponovo postajem hrabar
i sada kad ponovo postajem ja.
Zaboravljas me
bacajuci me na srecu mora,
zaboravljas me
podsecajuci me da sam mogao biti bolji,
zaboravljas me
sada razumem kako boli i ti to znas
i znam, ja znam da je moglo biti.
Kaze srce da nikada nije kasno,
da imam hiljadu razloga da te volim,
osecam tvoj poziv kao juce
i osecam poziv tvoje koze.
Ne zelim da budem to secanje u skladistu koje ti smeta,
ona poruka koja se brise,
zelim da budem, zelim da budem.
I sada kad se budim i ponovo postajem hrabar
i sada kad ponovo postajem ja.
Zaboravljas me
bacajuci me na srecu mora,
zaboravljas me
podsecajuci me da sam mogao biti bolji,
zaboravljas me
sada razumem kako boli i ti to znas
i znam, ja znam da je moglo biti.
Kaze srce da nikada nije kasno,
da imam hiljadu razloga da te volim,
osecam tvoj poziv kao juce
i osecam poziv tvoje koze.
Kaze srce da nikad nije kasno,
sad kad se budim i ponovo postajem hrabar
i sad kad ponovo postajem ja.
Kaze srce da nikad nije kasno,
da imam hiljadu razloga da te volim,
osecam poziv tvoje koze.
Secam se tvog nacina hoda,
trazim tvoje saucesnistvo,
znas da mogu da mislim na tebe,
mogu da te preklinjem,
mogu da te izmislim,
sad ne mogu da padnem,
ne mogu da izneverim
iako cak ne bude mir,
mogu da te trazim,
mogu da se izgubim iako ne pronadjem znak,
znas da mogu da te odvedem u moj raj,
iako ne mozes, ja mogu,
iako ti znas da umirem,
ako ti trazis ostajem.
Ne pronalazim te
i izgubio sam moje vreme,
ti znas da mogu da te pronadjem,
najslabija tacka tvoga tela
znas da nisam zaboravio
kada smo uradili poslednji put
ja sam bio tvoj ljubavnik,
tvoj cuvar,
nisam isti kao juce.
Sad kad mogu da padnem,
sad kad mogu da izmislim
sav ovaj deo,
ne uporedjuj me,
mogu da se promenim
sav ovaj deo,
znas da mogu da se promenim,
Iako ne zelim uvek ti,
tvoj nacin govora,
tvoj svet naopacke koji me ponovo uhvatio,
uvek ti,
uvek tvoja koza,
danas samo mislim da uradim ponovo.
Izdrzavam i pisem ti opet,
iako sad znas da sam zaboravio,
iako znas da mogu da ostanem ponovo,
ako mi ti trazis.
Kaze srce da nikad nije kasno.

The sound of the guitarra is the soul of a people

The sound of the guitarra1 is the soul of a people
That cries forth its fate2 in song
That lives a life on the banks of a river
And dies in the waves of the sea
And the sound of the guitarra is the soul of a people
That took to the streets in April3
That discovered the world by caravel
From Angola to Timor to Brazil
O, nation of sad poets
Who fight alone, resist
Up north, down south, in Lisbon
For Zeca, Camões, and Pessoa
O, nation of lonesome poets
You pray for us in May
In a fado of Amália, crying forth
A longing to be remembered
O, my warrior nation, you never give in
And you fight for your principles
Legends, prophecies from Alcácer Quibir
There are already too many utopias
O, nation of sad poets
Who fight alone, resist
Up north, down south, in Lisbon
For Zeca, Camões, and Pessoa
O, nation of lonesome poets
You pray for us in May
In a fado of Amália, crying forth
A longing to be remembered
For the sound of the guitarra is the soul of a people
Now free and able to dream
  • 1. Portuguese guitar associated with fado
  • 2. referring to both the idea of fate and the genre of fado
  • 3. Carnation Revolution of April 25, 1974

The Good Side of Things

I don't know what is going on on this life
As everything comes and goes without warning
Your voice is stuck in my mind
You know that I don't want to punish myself
And I follow every step you take
Your shadow is leaving soon
And even if it costs me, I promise to avoid me
Rebuilding my life piece by piece
I'll change my answers for a no
As I don't want an incomplete life
Looking for a starting point
If I forget what you told me
When I dressed up embracing you, and you dressed up embracing me
As I don't want an incomplete life
Erasing the sun from my days
Escaping from your cowardice on this cold bed
I'll do anything to see
The good side of things
The good side of things
I roam on the streets, so lost
It is overwhelming to walk on your city
With your voice stuck in my mind
I see your face on the windows
And I, who try to see you and not watch
You're leaving, it's time
And even if it costs me, I promise to avoid me
Rebuilding my life piece by piece
I'll change my answers for a no
As I don't want an incomplete life
Looking for a starting point
If I forget what you told me
When I dressed up embracing you, and you dressed up embracing me
As I don't want an incomplete life
Erasing the sun from my days
Escaping from your cowardice on this cold bed
I'll do anything to see
The good side of things
The good side of things
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

You won't even miss me

What else can I give to you, that I haven't give you already?
I have to get away, loving you harms me,
can't go back, I deserve much more.
Maybe I was wrong, at not perceiving your signals
if you didn't love me yesterday, tomorrow it'll be late,
it hurts to accept you left me behind.
But no, I can't be with you, you hurt me so badly,
From now on, I give you back all the past, and this is the end,
who am I kidding?, you won't even miss me.
Don't know why I last so long for realizing
you're not the one who I imagined all over my head,
I know it was my mistake, I deserve something better.
Because no, I can't be with you, you hurt me so badly,
From now on, I give you back all the past, and this is the end,
who am I kidding?, you won't even miss me.
From now on, I give you back all the past, and this is the end,
who am I kidding?, you won't even miss me.
Just learning.