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Број резултата: 109


You women

Versions: #1
You women
You the charming
Your smiles
Catch our eyes
Disarm us
You the adorable
And we
We men are
The pitiful devils...
We surrender you with thousands roses
We love you and prove it without words
We think that we are strong, we think that we know you
We say: “forever,”
You answer: “perhaps...”
You women
You my drama
You such sweetheart
You the source
Of our tears
Pitiful devils
How vulnerable
We are
We men
Pitiful devils
Pitiful devils
The minute that somebody else smiles at you, we tend to
Play it cool
We do everything to calm ourselves down, finally we explode
We are insanely jealous
And you are flattered...
You women
You the charming
Your smiles
Catch our eyes
Disarm us
Pitiful devils
How vulnerable
We are
We men
Pitiful devils
Pitiful devils
Pitiful devils

Jadni Djavo

Danas si prošla
Pored mene
bez foliranja, bez da me pogledaš ,
U drugom zagrljaju.
Ja ne bih
ni da mislim na to,
ali sam i dalje kao budala
Ko bi mogao biti s tobom, a biti drugi
Znao bih kako da te držim malo po malo
A to je što si postigla ignorisanjem mene
Da te volim kao nikoga drugog koga sam voleo.
Ti ne znaš
Kakav je osećaj
kad neko koga voliš
A on tebe ne.
Ko bi rekao
Da ću se u mojim godinama
zbog tebe osećati kao
jadni đavo

Oda Galiciji

Ja te toliko volim...
A ti to još ni ne znaš
Ja te toliko volim
Moja otadžbino.
Volim tvoje dokove,
Tvoje planine i doline
Tvoje tužne okice...
Pune žala.
Oda Galiciji, hej!
Zemlja mog oca
Oda Galiciji, hej!
Mojoj matičnoj zemlji.
Osećam nostalgiju, hej!
Osećam žudnju...
Jer sam daleko
Od tih mesta.
Ja te toliko volim...
A ti to još ni ne znaš
Ja te toliko volim
Moja otadžbino.
Volim tvoje dokove,
Tvoje planine i doline
Tvoje tužne okice...
Pune žala.
Oda Galiciji, hej!
Zemlja mog oca
Oda Galiciji, hej!
Mojoj matičnoj zemlji.
Osećam nostalgiju, hej!
Osećam žudnju...
Jer sam daleko
Od tih mesta.
Osećam nostalgiju, hej!
Osećam žudnju...
Jer sam daleko
Od tih mesta...
Od tih mesta...
Od tih mesta...
Oda Galiciji, hej!
Zemlja mog oca
Oda Galiciji, hej!
Mojoj matičnoj zemlji.

јако размажена

Излетничка карта, за тебе сам био само
картонска играчка,
сиромашног путника, који си оставио истрошену
тамо, на станици.
Врати ми мали део мог живота.
Врати ме назад, само мало, ништа више,
још мало.
Врати ме, чак и ако је то лаж
то не би излечило моје ране,
и умро бих из дана у дан лоше.
Твоја љубав ме је оставила јако размаженог,
лоше ми је оставио твоју љубав,
моја душа у болу и моје тело кажњено
јер већ није у стању да живи без тебе, ох.
Твоја љубав ме је оставила јако размаженог,
лоше ми је оставио твоју љубав,
а данас ме ослепиш, прогањаш и затвори ме
и више не могу да живим без тебе, ох,
живите без вас.
Моја пријатељица туга,
онај који зна много о мени,
не престаје да говори, само мени,
да се смејем и заборавим
и више не мислите о себи
и поново будите срећни.
Врати ми мали део мог живота.
Врати ме назад, само мало, ништа више,
још мало.
Врати ме, чак и ако је то лаж
то не би излечило моје ране,
и умро бих из дана у дан лоше.
Твоја љубав ме је оставила јако размаженог,
лоше ми је оставио твоју љубав,
моја душа у болу и моје тело кажњено
јер већ није у стању да живи без тебе, ох.
Твоја љубав ме је оставила јако размаженог,
лоше ми је оставио твоју љубав,
а данас ме ослепиш, прогањаш и затвори ме
и не могу више да живим без тебе.
Твоја љубав ме је оставила јако размаженог,
лоше ми је оставио твоју љубав,
моја душа у болу и моје тело кажњено
јер већ није у стању да живи без тебе.
Твоја љубав ме је оставила јако размаженог,
лоше ми је оставио твоју љубав,
а данас ме ослепиш, прогањаш и затвори ме
и не могу више да живим без тебе, ох.
Твоја љубав ме је оставила јако размаженог,
лоше ми је оставио твоју љубав,
моја душа у болу и моје тело кажњено
јер већ није у стању да живи без тебе, ох.
Твоја љубав ме је оставила јако размаженог,
лоше ми је оставио твоју љубав,
а данас ме ослепиш, лови ме ...


Погледај како волим
Како волим бакалара, погледај
Бакалар са кромпиром
Али погледајте како ми се свиђа
Како волим бакалара, погледај
Бакалар са кромпиром
Бакалар је риба која живи у дубоким водама
Бакалар је риба која живи у дубоким водама
Ако хоћете да је ухватите, користите веома јаку шипку
Риба се врти веома тешко
Погледај како волим
Погледај како волим бакалара, погледај
Бакалар са кромпиром
Али погледајте како ми се свиђа
Како волим бакалара, погледај
Бакалар са кромпиром
Бакалар се кува на различите начине
Бакалар се кува на различите начине
Неки стављају ким и други стављају цимет
Чак и мало шећера и гранчице метвице
Али оно што волим је ваша специјална зачин
Али бакалар као твој, нисам пробао такво друго
Али оно што волим је ваша специјална зачин
Па, бакалар као твој, нисам пробао такав други
Погледај како волим
Погледај како волим бакалара, погледај
Бакалар са кромпиром
Али погледајте како ми се свиђа
Како волим бакалара, погледај
Бакалар са кромпиром
Неки га поједу ноћу
Други га једу током дана
Неки у подне
То је посебна посластица
Али сада можете да ми га дате
Зато што не могу чекати
Па, бакалар као твој, нисам пробао такав други
Али сада можете да ми га дате
Зато што не могу чекати
Па, бакалар као твој, нисам пробао такав други
Погледај како ми се свиђа
Погледај како волим бакалара, погледај
Бакалар са кромпиром
Али погледајте како ми се свиђа
Како волим бакалара, погледај
Бакалар са кромпиром
Погледај како ми се свиђа
Како волим бакалара, погледај
Бакалар са кромпиром
Погледај како ми се свиђа
Како волим бакалара, погледај
Бакалар са кромпиром

I want to love you

I want to love you, I want to love you, I want to love you, I want to love you
I want to love you, I want to love you, I want to love you, I want to love you
It will last all summer, maybe it's more than a flirtation
The season is here to fall in love ,
It will be American, I put it on tilt,
Until the beginning of September I'm with you.
What can I do if I don't think of her.
I have no strange dreams and remorse.
Every day, there is an an emotion that I would not change
But finish the holidays with whoever happens to be my partner
My heart desires you
My heart desires you
As I have to tell you my heart desires you
My heart desires you...
My heart desires you..
How should I tell you? Be with me
My heart desires you...
Be with me...
I want to love you, I want to love you, I want to love you, I want to love you
I want to love you, I want to love you, I want to love you, I want to love you
He who has this clandestine love
happily expresses what he has
And since he learned that you are there too
You won't like to accept half a man.
My heart desires you
My heart desires you
How I must tell you my heart desires you!
My heart desires you
My heart desires you
How should I tell you? Be with me
My heart desires you
Be with me

Mi smo

Mi smo neostvariv san
Koji traži noć
Da zaboravi vreme
Puno prekora
U našoj mašti
Bolnoj i dragoj
Dva smo lista
Spojena u jeseni
Dva smo bića u jednom
Koja voleći se umiru
Da bi čuvali tajnu
Koliko se vole
Ali, čemu život
Sa ovakvom razdvojenošću?
Dve smo kapi, suze
U jednoj pesmi.
Mi smo neostvariv san
Koji traži noć
Da zaboravi vreme
Puno prekora
U našoj mašti
Bolnoj i dragoj
Dva smo lista
Spojena u jeseni
Dva smo bića u jednom
Koja voleći se umiru
Da bi čuvali tajnu
Koliko se vole
Ali, čemu život
Sa ovakvom razdvojenošću?
Dve smo kapi, suze
U jednoj pesmi.
Ali, čemu život
Sa ovakvom razdvojenošću?
Dve smo kapi, suze
U jednoj pesmi.


Versions: #3
Nisu samo reči koje se slučajno izgovore
U jednom trenu i bez razmišljanja
To su one druge stvari koje se osete bez reči, uz osmeh, zagrljajem...
Ponekad nikada ne dođe
Zato što prođe, nepozvana
Tražeći koga da voli
Ponekad, kada dođe, dođe kasno,
Zato što već postoji neko
Na njenom mestu
Ne poznaje granice, daljine, ni mesto
Ni vreme
Može doći
Izgubljena među ljudima
Ili utišana pesmom
Zbog jednog osmeha...
Zbog jedne suze...
Znači opraštati sve bez prekora
I zaboraviti
Radi povratka
Za novi početak
Znači ne govoriti ništa
I u tišini šetati
Znači nuditi
Bez očekivanja nečeg zauzvrat

I do want

Versions: #2
I wanna show you a path aside to the sea
A place where nobody can arrives
where the wind’s friend, and the breeze’s a sigh
that blows holding your body’s shape.
Woman, I want that you are at my side
Awaking with my singing slept on your skin
And despairing the forgiveness saying to you
Close to your ear, my in loved verses,
my verses of love
I wanna lost in your body and drop anchor
in your harbor my ship that’s empty of love.
Writing in the sand my cry and my pain
Letting the waves take away my ache.
Woman, I want that you are by my side
that share with me your life
And next when the autumn wind fondle tour temples
To be together and jointed as yesterday was.
I wanna show you a path aside to the sea
A place where nobody can arrives
where the wind’s friend, and the breeze’s a sigh
that blows holding your body’s shape.
Woman, I want that you are at my side
Awaking with my singing slept on your skin
And despairing the forgiveness saying to you
Close to your ear, my in loved verses,
my verses of love

At the crossroads

At the crossroads
Sometimes dreams vanish
Sometimes hands clung together
In a farandole get loose
At the crossroads
We look at each other silently
We know the last train
Won't be for holidays
You will follow your road
I'll follow mine...
Everyone for himself to a different fate
Everyone for himself towards sorrow
You will follow your road
I'll follow mine...
Everyone for himself to a different fate
Everyone for himself towards sorrow
At the crossroads
It's not a stormy sky
But the daily grey
Colour of our journey
At the crossroads
We fear the last gestures
Afraid of spoiling that morning
The short time left to us
You will follow your road
I'll follow mine...
Everyone for himself to a different fate
Everyone for himself towards sorrow
You will follow your road
I'll follow mine...
Everyone for himself to a different fate
Everyone for himself towards sorrow

Oh, Oh, Oh

The dove of my soul,
oh, oh, oh,
look out of the window!
The dove of my soul,
oh, oh, oh,
look out of the window!
The first light of dawn already
wants to announce the new day…
The first light of dawn already,
oh, oh, oh,
wants to announce the new day.
The first light of dawn already
wants to announce the new day…
The first light of dawn already,
oh, oh, oh,
wants to announce the new day.
Wants to announce the new day!
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

A Story of Love

My eyes wander on the wall,
I don't answer the phone anymore.
On the veranda a spiderweb swings
and in my mind only your name remains.
In the glass of a bitter wine
your image appears and fades.
My present time lives the past
and in my mind only your name remains.
I do not want to recall
everything I felt,
I just want to yell
how much I miss you.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
This love so fierce
is gone forever.
It ended suddenly
and now we are so lonely.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
We loved each other at the wrong time
and we fought at an uncertain time.
It was an escape, it was discovered
and for both of us it’s a finished story.
I do not want to recall
everything I felt,
I just want to yell
how much I miss you.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
This love so fierce
is gone forever.
It ended suddenly
and now we are so lonely.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
Fights, tenderness,
a story of love and madness.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

I will go my way

We were both late
for our life encounter.
Right at the beginning we knew
that one day it will all end.
We were both late,
the last nigh already ended.
It´s no use crying,
already someone´s waiting for you.
I will go my way,
you will go your way.
It was already written that your and my
ways had different destinations.
We were both late,
it was just a dream on the sand,
we know this is the end,
we both disguise the sorrow.
We were both late
for overcoming our failures.
It´s no use crying,
you will return into his arms.
I will go my way,
you will go your way.
It was already written that your and my
ways had different destinations.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

I come from nowhere, I go to nowhere

I come from nowhere, I go to nowhere.
It doesn't matter to me whether I’ll stay or go.
When I was looking for new frontiers
only my feet got covered with dust
and I’m simply tired of living.
I come from nowhere, I go to nowhere.
It doesn't matter to me whether I’ll stay or go.
Of walking in search of of my destiny
I have neither land nor nest…
I have no place to live.
No one waits for me anywhere.
I lost my life wanting to give.
The truth only makes cry
the one who doesn’t know how to love.
No one waits for me anywhere.
I lost my life wanting to give.
The truth only makes cry
the one who doesn’t know how to love.
I come from nowhere, I go to nowhere.
It doesn't matter to me whether I’ll stay or go.
When I was looking for new frontiers
only my feet got covered with dust
and I’m simply tired of living.
I come from nowhere, I go to nowhere.
It doesn't matter to me whether I’ll stay or go.
It was just a change of my fate,
I lost love and affection.
That’s how my life is.
No one waits for me anywhere.
I lost my life wanting to give.
The truth only makes cry
the one who doesn’t know how to love.
No one waits for me anywhere.
I lost my life wanting to give.
The truth only makes cry
the one who doesn’t know how to love.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.


(Manuela) (Manuela)
(Manuela) (Manuela)
Just like the night, like a dream
are the black eyes of my love, Manuela.
Just like spring flower,
like full moon, that's how Manuela is.
Of loving words,
of anxious look,
that´s how Manuela is.
She knows all my secrets
and all my dreams
are for Manuela.
She fixed my life
since that afternoon she arrived, Manuela.
I'm happy,
'cause everyday awaits me
the sweetness of her kisses
and that immense love that gives me Manuela.
(Manuela) (Manuela)
Every day, every moment,
it's more important to feel Manuela.
I live only, I think only,
I know I exist only
to love Manuela.
She fixed my life
since that afternoon she arrived, Manuela.
I'm happy,
'cause everyday awaits me
the sweetness of her kisses
and that immense love that gives me Manuela.
I´m happy,
'cause everyday awaits me
the sweetness of her kisses
and that immense love that gives me Manuela.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Juan “The Scar”

Versions: #2
I’m going to sing an old ballad telling the story of
what happened somewhere on the ranch on the range,
the sad story of some farmer in love,
who was a boozer, a rake and a gambler.
His name was Juan and they called him “The Scar”.
He was brave and adventurous in love.
The most beautiful women possessed him
and where they lived there was not a flower left.
One Sunday, when he was getting drunk
people hurried to the tavern to warn him:
“Beware, Juan, they are already looking for you.
A lot of men, so don’t let them kill you.
He had no time to mount his horse,
someone from the crowd threw him a gun.
“Maybe I’m drunk, but I’m a tough guy”
he said before a bullet hit his heart.
With the rain the corn grew on the field
and the pigeons are flying to the rocky grounds.
Today they lead beautiful bulls to the slaughterhouse.
What a beautiful horse rides the one who leads them!
And the church bells are already tolling,
all the faithful go there to pray
and from the mountains the farmers bring down
a body of a dead man to bury him.
In a very humble hut a little boy is crying,
and women preach to his mother and go away
while his mother comforts him tenderly and
looking at the sky she cries and prays for her Juan.
And this is how this ballad ends,
a ballad about a Don Juan with a scar,
who, as it was believed, was spoiled by women
and who was a boozer, a troublemaker and a gambler.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Things inside the soul

Things that are left very deep inside the soul,
it hurts when time cannot erase them.
Things that happen to you any day,
sorrows that don’t want to be forgotten and stay…
Sometimes it’s dirty tricks that the world gives,
sometimes it’s the memories of playing children…
Things inside the soul that nobody understands,
things inside the soul that only you can feel.
I dream that they remain only as dreams,
and when you want to recall them they die.
Things that you cannot shout out loudly,
and when don’t talk about them the soul keeps them.
Sometimes it’s the mistakes that hurt,
sometimes it’s love that dies someday…
Things inside the soul that nobody understands,
things inside the soul that only you can feel.
Things… things… things… things in my soul.
Things… things… things…
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Not every man is a Señor

I came with a bouquet of roses
Took three steps at once.
I carry the noblest motives in the heart,
But I don't want to forget your favor.
All the men I know are lining up for you.
It takes a long time to find someone like me.
Fidelity isn't something I invented,
But I feel bound to you through it.
Be happy
That I like you, I don't just say it,
But honesty is rare,
Not every man is a Señor.
Be happy
Someone like me you won't find anywhere.
Don't imagine it['ll] be easy,
Not every man is a Señor.
The sky is suspended above me full of violins,
Life becomes a colorful dance.
I don't want to persuade you, just convince.
And whoever doesn't understand should keep quiet.
I did not invent fidelity,
But I feel bound to you through it.
Be happy
That I like you, I don't just say it,
But honesty is rare.
Not every man is a Señor.
Be happy
Someone like me you won't find anywhere.
Don't imagine it['ll] be easy,
Not every man is a Señor.
Be happy!
That I like you, I don't yet say it,
But honesty is rare.
Not every man is a Señor.
Be happy
Someone like me you won't find anywhere...

Life always remains the same

Versions: #2
For those who are born
others will die,
for those who laugh
others will cry.
Still water,
rivers without sea,
shames and glories,
wars and peace…
There’s always someone to laugh to,
someone to fight for,
there is always someone to suffer for
and someone to love.
what’s done remains
and people are gone.
Others, who come, will continue
and life always remains the same.
There are very few true friends
who embrace you when you succeed.
And when you fail, you will learn
the good ones, who’ll stay,
and the bad ones, who’ll leave.
There’s always someone to laugh to,
someone to fight for,
there is always someone to suffer for
and someone to love.
what’s done remains
and people are gone.
Others, who come, will continue
and life always remains the same.
There’s always someone to laugh to,
someone to fight for,
there is always someone to suffer for
and someone to love.
what’s done remains
and people are gone.
Others, who come, will continue
and life always remains the same.
what’s done remains
and people are gone.
Others, who come, will continue
and life always remains the same.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Laughter one day, crying in the other

A song that comes from an autumn dream
In the solitude of march's color, my bedroom
Maybe a last cigarrete, I feel a burning
Until it's time to sleep.
The pain that exists in every waiting, awakens
The love that in every late night, vanishes
In a to and fro motion that does not change, in the world
I make a toast to celebrate the last departure.
A day she laughs, without a reason why
Then cries afterwards, because of a desire
And it's always the same each time
A great love
One day she goes, in the other she comes
And if she stays, she leaves as well
Life is like that
One day the laughter, in the other the pain
For the love that burning today like a fever, warms me
Or that tomorrow opens a wound in me, and gets cold
I know that one more suffering, and time
Will help me to forgive
And I go on saying 'I love you so much' to so many
And go on turning new pages, the faces
Of this adventure novel of mine, the escapes
That go on marking my life.
A day she laughs, without a reason why
Then cries afterwards, because of a desire
And it's always the same each time
A great love
One day she goes, in the other she comes
And if she stays, she leaves as well
Life is like that
One day the laughter, in the other the pain

The Cold Teardrop

Whenever Chico Sanfoneiro gets excited
Everyone1 slips2 into the forro3 which never ends
It goes on until the sweet morning
[And Zeca dies of fury]
It goes on until the sweet morning
[And Zeca dies of fury]
It's that Rosa, so sinful
In the hall wishes to end
It's that Rosa, so sinful
In the hall wishes to end
And Chico, full of prose
[He doesn't live up to his reputation of singing to thousands]
And Chico, full of prose
[He doesn't live up to his reputation of singing to thousands]
I like her, she's my love
[But she turns me down]
I like her, she's my love
[But she turns me down]
He says it blind, almost crying
[Playing his viola]
And repeats, almost crying
[Playing his viola]
What culture, what culture can there be?
A brave guy like Zeca da Viola
What culture can there be?
[If the guy didn't go to school]
What culture can there be?
[If the guy didn't go to school]
His song, though, is strong
His speed is to appreciate
His song, though, is strong
His speed is to appreciate
So that Rosa understands him
[The viola will tell him]
So that Rosa understands him
[The viola will tell him]
I like her, she's my love
[But she turns me down]
I like her, she's my love
[But she turns me down]
He says it blind, almost crying
[Playing his viola]
And repeats, almost crying
[Playing his viola]
And Chico couldn't believe
That Zeca da Viola with his song was so good
But when [Chico] heard him singing
[A cold teardrop fell]
But when he heard him singing
[A cold teardrop fell]
And [in sadness] he understood
[That Rosa changed color]
And [in sadness] he understood
[That Rosa changed color]
Ohhhhhh, Chicago
Chico I like her
I like her, like her.
  • 1. Or 'the whole world'
  • 2. Lit. 'falls'
  • 3. Party dance popular in northeastern Brazil

Memories of Ypacaraí

On another beautiful night we met
Together at the blue Ypacaraí Lake1
You were singing sad along the way
Old melodies in Guarani2.
And in that sweet blend of those songs
There love being born in me again
And in the night filled with enchantment
Of your soft hands, I felt the warmth
And love turned into a thousand caresses.
Where are you now, darling
For your sweet song doesn't come to me
Where are you now, my soul awaits with frenzy
Everything reminds me of our love
Together at the blue Ypacaraí Lake
Everything reminds you, my love calls you, darling.
On another beautiful night we met
Together at the blue Ypacaraí Lake
You were singing sad along the way
Old melodies in Guarani.
And in that sweet blend of those songs
There love being born in me again
And in the night filled with enchantment
Of your soft hands, I felt the warmth
And love turned into a thousand caresses.
Where are you now, darling
For your sweet song doesn't come to me
Where are you now, my soul awaits with frenzy.
Everything reminds me of our love
Together at the blue Ypacaraí Lake
Everything reminds you, my love calls you, darling.
  • 1. Lake located in Paraguay, in the outskirts of Asunción
  • 2. An indigenous language of South America spoken primarily in Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina

It's Not True

It's not true
that our love
is ending.
It's not true
that so much love
is being lost.
I'm kissing you
and it's true
I'm feeling you.
Don't doubt anymore
for I love you the same
as yesterday
or more perhaps than yesterday.
It's not true
that our love
is coming to the end1.
It's not true
forget it
for it's not true.
It could be
that I went on forgetting
to say
that I'm loving you.
But love
is much more, darling
without speaking
only without speaking.
It's not true
that our love
is coming to the end.
It's not true
forget it
for it's not true.
la, la, la, la, la, la.
  • 1. Lit. 'to love is arriving already the end'


I think I'm empty without you
I'm crazy
Crazy without you
Everything for me
and you
forever in heart.
You melt this heart
where are you.
I think I'm empty without you
I'm crazy
my love
I'm crazy
without you
and I'm crazy
Because of you.
I think I'm empty without you
I'm crazy
my love
I'm crazy
without you
and I'm crazy because of you.


It's a great loneliness
And I'm crazy
Heart's no longer in the mood
I knew
I love you very much
But someday
I'd leave you too.
I'm always worrying
Wondrin '
What's wrong with you?
Imagine your love is real
Crazy over hope
Crazy over [crying]
And crazy I am, for loving you.


The beauty of the flowers attracts the bees
You, you attract the gentlemen
But if springtime the flowers return the same
You, you have only a spring.
Yours, yours
There are flowers on the earth
Yours, yours
There are also dreams.

I Won't Fall In Love Again

I won't fall in love again
Sadness frightens me
It makes me feel bad just to think
To have to live uncertainty.
I won't fall in love again
I don't want to be cheated on again
I won't let it happens another time
I need not to be loved.
I won't fall in love again
I don't want anymore to be desired
I can't stand anymore to cry
So many things hurt me.
I won't fall in love again
And live the wrong way of life
I'd rather not give myself
So that in exchange to have nothing
I won't fall in love again
I won't fall in love again
As my feeling aches
It is better to reject it
And suffer for an instant
I won't fall in love again
Only to live a lie
When one loves for love's sake
And love becomes a habit
I won't fall in love again
For I have already suffered enough
And right now she isn't around
This makes me suffer even more than before
I won't fall in love again
I have nobody else to love
I care not what they say
If I am still awaiting her
I won't fall in love again.