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Број резултата: 10



Ovo moje srce uzmi, moje srce je tvoje
Ne oklevaj, dušo, obraduj me
Ovo moje srce, moje srce je tvoje
Ne oklevaj, dušo, obraduj me
Pogledaj ovo srce, voljena moja
I ceo život da prođe, i dalje je tvoj rob
Bilo da ga ubiješ ili nasmeješ, dušo
Veruj mi da je moja ljubav trajna
Ti si jedan cvet koji još nije procvetao
Unutar mene jedan vetrić, topao si dah
Slušaj, jedno drugom smo potrebni
Hajde, nasmej se, nasmeši se, moja Češminaz
Leto moje

Fenerbahçe 100th Year Anthem

Versions: #1
You are the breath that I take every moment
You are the passion that always burns within me
Nobody can understand my love to you
You are a child who laughs and never rests
May you live long with your passion and vigour
Raise your flag up to the sky
May you live long with your passion and vigour
May your great name be written on mountains and stones
The glorious legend was born a hundred hears ago,
Be happy on your 100th anniversary - Fenerbahçe.
The glorious legend was born a hundred hears ago,
Be happy on your 100th anniversary - Fenerbahçe.
My heart beats with, and only with you,
It only laughs and cries with you
You are the sole love of my soul
Wherever it goes, it glows and burns with passion.
May you live long with your passion and vigour
Raise your flag up to the sky
May you live long with your passion and vigour
May your great name be written on mountains and stones
The glorious legend was born a hundred hears ago,
Be happy on your 100th anniversary - Fenerbahçe.
The glorious legend was born a hundred hears ago,
Be happy on your 100th anniversary - Fenerbahçe.

Becomes My Reason

Once I hear your voice, my eyes smile
My way crosses paths with yours, it becomes my reason
Your voice reaches from far away, your smell comes with the wind, your gaze in the mirrors becomes my reason
Your brunette hands, roses of your eyes, the yearning for your body becomes my reason
Maybe you love, it happens, maybe you miss
You close your eyes and say my name
You turn a light on then stare from a distance then see the state I'm in then it becomes my reason
Your brunette hands, roses of your eyes, the yearning for your body becomes my reason

FENERBAHÇE 100th years song

You are a breath that I take every moment
You are longing that I have
Nobody gets your love
You are a child smiles and naughty
Long live Fenerbahçe within love and enthusiasm
Your flag arise
Long live Fenerbahçe within love and enthusiasm
Write your name down to the mountains
The glorious legend was born 100 years ago
Be happy on your 100th birthday
The glorious legend was born 100 years ago
My heart is yours and it beats with you
Only can be happy and cry if you do
You are unsurpassed love in my heart
It shines everywhere and everytime
Long live Fenerbahçe within love and enthusiasm
Your flag arise
Long live Fenerbahçe within love and enthusiasm
Write your name down to the mountains
The glorious legend was born 100 years ago
Be happy on your 100th birthday
The glorious legend was born 100 years ago
Sinful night becomes


Heart, what did I suffer from your hands
No matter what I did, you won't listen
These paths lead to longing
I tried so hard, but couldn't make you back away
Don't take an oath you won't be able to keep
You won't withstand if I turn away
You can't get away from these places
Alone, you will fail
Neither I am appreciated nor my voice is heard
With tears and laments my life will end
Even if you come a thousand times to this world
No rose buds or tuplis are meant for you


Ti...Od trenutka kad sam te prvi put video
Ja više nisam isti
I nije mi bilo povratka
A onda...stajao sam nepomično
Ako slučajno vidiš me dok prolaziš
Možda shvatiš da i ti mene voliš
Čekao sam sa svim svojim molitvama
To se nije dogodilo i nisam mogao da podnesem
Da nisam bio stidljiv i da se nisam predao
Ne bi bilo vatre, ne bi bilo tišine da sam mogao progovoriti
Kao malo dete sam kad te osetim
Tvoje oči su sav moj svet
Ti si oboje, i bajka i stvarnost
I uvek ćeš biti