Резултати претраге страна 2
Број резултата: 148
Jедном на Yлици
Једном на улициПознати ветар донео ми је мирис.
Ово је био мирис твоје косе -
тако познато,
Пуно много нијанси...
волео бих да знам
Где су твоје лепе очи
Су сад
Не бих штедео ништа
Да их сретнемо једног дана...
Да их сретнемо једног дана...
Опет и опет
Шетам негде
И само познати ветар14
Хода са мном
Опет и опет
Мислим на тебе
И океана твоје косе...
Breskvičasta Simpatija
Breskvičasta simpatija, zaljubljujem seNe mogu da ne zurim u njega
Kada nam se oči sretnu na momenat
U srcu mi zazvoni muzika, breskvičasta fantazija
Izgleda da je ovo zaljubljivanje, zaljubljujem se
Po prvi put ikada
Toliko da ne kapiram ništa što ne kapiram
Mi se sviđa
Pitam se da li-li-li-li-li-li
On ima devojku
Počinje da mi se pojavljuje čak i u snovima
Još više me interesuje nego što je do sada
Izgleda da imam breskvičastu simpatiju
Nisam ni svesna bila ali je već imam
Kadagod se slučajno sretnemo u srcu mi zazvoni muzika
Breskvičasta simpatija, zaljubljujem se
Ne mogu da ne zurim u njega
Kada nam se oči sretnu na momenat
U srcu mi zazvoni muzika, breskvičasta fantazija
Ne mogu ga zavesti, definitivno ga ne mogu zavesti
Jer eto, malčice sam nervozna
Kapiram, tako je, kapiram, sad je
Vreme da mu kažem
Malo 'duha' da stavim-vim-vim-vim-vim-vim
Bi li ste hteli da pričate sa mnom?
Skupim hrabrost da Vam kažem 'Ćao!' ali odmah posle je 'Zbogommm~'
Nešto mi neće razgovor...
Iako se zaljubljujem jednostrano
Iako bih da bude dvostrano
Malčice smo bliži nego juče i muzika mi zvoni u srcu zbog toga
Breskvičasta simpatija, ljubimo se
Ne mogu da ne sanjarim tako
Možete li da me vidite Vi?
Boja ljubavi je breskvičasto godišnje doba
Izgleda da imam breskvičastu simpatiju
Nisam ni svesna bila ali je već imam
Kadagod se slučajno sretnemo u srcu mi zazvoni muzika
Breskvičasta simpatija, zaljubljujem se
Ne mogu da ne zurim u njega
Kada nam se oči sretnu na momenat
U srcu mi zazvoni muzika, breskvičasta fantazija
The Dove
There is nothing to get in the cabinetNo bloody sheet, no tricky word
The hypophysis blasts my brain*
I still have your smile on my list, beloved
I wouldn't be above shedding a tear, to arouse it to life
My heart stomps monotonously
A stumbling rattle of a broken machine
How sweet the snake's rattling is compared to it
A dove sits on the roof on the other side
Through the crosshairs I see its restless eye
It makes me think of you
I'll get you
I'll get you
I've driven nails through your picture
Cursed you under the full moon
Your name - written in blood - burned
I've pulled the skin off my body
Piece by piece
Now I lie in ice-cold water, but the burning doesn't subside
Your hand reaches into my throat and pulls my heart out
I awake covered in sweat
Next to me is nothing, for years
For years
I'll get you
I'll get you
I'll get you
I'll get you
I'll get you
I'll get you
I'll get you, I'll get you
I'll get you, I'll get you
Your name
Who are you? What's your name?Who are you? What's your name?
I'm (a) spirit of the woods. My name is Evridiki.
I had a hat
I had a hat,it was heavy and matted,
one hundred and ten women
pulled it from the water
One hundred and ten women
pulled it from the water,
it had no blemishes,
except the edges
were too wide
There came all the weavers,
each with their binds
Peonies from Kosovo
The peony of Millis walked into my dreamSmelling it, it seems like a painful return to the room where I was born
My room was silent, no one was there
Only the scent of the roses!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They are the part of my dream!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I am it!
It came into my dreams, when it was born in front of the house
Now only peonies guard the home!
There is only one flower left that can smell
Millis nurtured it and kept it from turning white!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They are the part of my dream!
Only from smelling peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I'm it!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
They're part of my dream!
Only from smelling the peonies from Kosovo
It's better than me, I'm it!
Calmly turn around and look at the years pastWhich whisper in a row: 'It's faded, it's faded'
My memory has completely faded
I do not wish to know
Comb the hairstrand of fear from your face
Hide those tired, envious eyes
So that I do not see the despair
So that I do not see anything,
I do not wish to know
Leave a trace
You are in good hands
No one will
No one will call you again
From a far away town, at an inconvenient time
To hear your voice
And your words slide down empty windows
In an empty apartment the walls count
The walls know how to keep secrets
And hide lies
Leave a trace
Calmly turn around and look at the years past,
Which whisper in a row: 'It's faded, it's faded'
My memory has completely faded
I do not wish to know
At the end of the road we are completely clean
Completely alone
Endlessely numb
For horribly cold is the blood that flows
And leaves a trace
You are trouble, a complete anomaly,cold like Alaska but perfect for me.
Relax, I am yours only!
Go crazy, go crazy and knock everyone down for me!
He's arrogant, he's the devil and an egoist.
Why aren't I running away from you? They say
I am a masochist! You will burn if you keep repeating
again and again 'are you mine'?
I will be yours forever!
Again and again - go away! I let you in my heart.
Are you with me? I'd rather you lied to me!
Are you crazy? There's nobody else for me.
Leave quickly, believe me, believe me!
Again and again - you're leaving! I let you in my heart.
Are you with me? I'd rather you lied to me!
Are you crazy? There's nobody else for me.
Leave quickly, believe me, believe me!
2. You are an unbelievable phenomenon, crazy but right for me
He is mad and wild but he is crazy for me!
Relax, I am yours only!
Go crazy, go crazy and knock everyone down for me!
He's arrogant, he's the devil and an egoist.
Why aren't I running away from you? They say
I am a masochist! You will burn if you keep repeating
again and again 'are you mine'?
I will be yours forever!
I will pour myself a drink because I know you are with her now!
This thought is making me crazy,
I am singing this song for you,
I can't live without you!
You are with him but on the inside
you know well who you want!
I don't want anything else, I want everything
and you saying it again and again and again
Are you mine? I will be yours forever!
Are you with me? I'd rather you lied to me!
Are you crazy? There's nobody else for me.
Leave quickly, believe me, believe me!
Again and again - you're leaving! I let you in my heart.
Are you with me? I'd rather you lied to me!
Are you crazy? There's nobody else for me.
Leave quickly, believe me, believe me!
Rock Me
Oh, you hit me so badI could not get over love
You broke my heart
I am under a depression treatment
Oh you banged me so bad
Now look at me how am I
Sexy playboy
I am crazy for your love
I deserved to be failed
Did I walk on air too much
I am around you
Send me your location, I swear I’ll come
Rock me rock me
Make me get sober
I need that
I am a mess
If only you could rock me so I can get sober
Oh, you hit me so bad
I could not get over love
You broke my heart
I am under a depression treatment
I deserved to be failed
Did I walk on air too much
I am around you
Send me your location, I swear I’ll come
Rock me rock me
Make me get sober
I need that
I am a mess
If only you could rock me so I can get sober
It is neither a PR nor a signal
My mood is under six feets
Do I deserve to suffer all the time dear God
I fly at high feets, no lies
I have a fire in me that
No need to be mentioned
Rock me rock me
Make me get sober
I need that
I am a mess
If only you could rock me so I can get sober