14 verbs of june, by Guevara
Red seed that was given birth by America.Clean, climb down from the fig tree, the flower of blood, of school, of your voice
so human, that muted in death, rose even higher.
Green Christ of the olive tree on the mountains,
prayer of the oppressed man, shots of communism that remember
the forgetting of the land´s paupers.
Guevara, free Guevara, whole Guevara.
Guevara, guerrilla 1 and skin, Guevara, chimera in flight .
Guevara, example in the flesh, workman´s hands.
Guevara, letter and fate.
Guevara, rememberance and mourning.
Guevara, Guevara, the times,
Guevara, fresh new.
'If we want a kind of man
a kind of man that does not belong to this time
a kind of man that belongs to the future
from the bottom of my heart I say, that models is el Che' (Fidel Castro)
Your mount, so argentinian and cuban 2
changes asthma for bullets,
a long everyman´s backpack, the adventure
that put wings on the star of your forehead.
'Calm yourself, you are going to kill a man', you told your murderer.
The wound that breeds dreams does not hide
when it builds on the foundations of your lineage.
Guevara, an utopia on your shoulder, burning charisma.
Tree that gives bread to mankind, child with a potter´s light.
Guevara, a charted course, harbor Guevara.
Heartbeat of sacrifice, cliff to the sincere.
Guevara, Guevara, the times, Guevara, fresh new.
Guevara, million faces, faces from the people.
Great Guevara of the Andes, nurturing the growth of a creed.
Guevara, health of the world, eternal Guevara.
Guevara, faith in justice, Guevara, future at stake.
Guevara, Guevara, the times, Guevara, fresh new.
Guevara, Guevara, the times, Guevara, fresh new.