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Број резултата: 42


Ready for Everything

Versions: #3
I drive to München
To meet the spring
I flee a birthday
Sweep away the tracks
I travel gladly alone
It has come with the years
You get so tired of all the talk
To understand languages
It is spelled
I am afraid of everything
Prepared for everything
I said
I am afraid of everything
Prepared for everything
Before the sky clears
Everything has to be darker first
I get through it with so little light
I live my life outside
You learn that it will solve itself
You learn that you will get through it
With almost nothing at the end
You live your life far from everyone else
My children by the hand
I go through the crowd
Our last summer in town
Before everything changes
We have no contact now
It is something I am ashamed of
It just got like that
I do not know what happened
It is spelled
I am afraid of everything
Prepared for everything
I said
I am afraid of everything
Prepared for everything
Before the sky clears
Everything has to be darker first
I get through it with so little light
I live my life outside
You learn that it will solve itself
You learn that you will get through it
With almost nothing at the end
You live your life alone
Most of them are gone
I see them so seldom
Some are gone for real
Somewhere in the night
Is there someone waiting
That is maybe waiting for me
Like I have waited for you
Like I have waited
Like I have waited for you
Like I have waited
Like I have waited for you
Like I have waited (I am afraid of everything, prepared for everything)
Like I have waited for you
Like I have waited (I am afraid of everything, prepared for everything)
Like I have waited for you
Like I have waited (I am afraid of everything, prepared for everything)
It is spelled
I am afraid of everything
Prepared for everything
I said
I am afraid of everything
Prepared for everything
I said
I am afraid of everything
Prepared for everything

Mountains and Valleys

Versions: #3
On the road the tracks are washed away
An accident becomes only memories
Rush hour right before Christmas
Someone forgets a warning light
When I become grey
When I fall
Will you have enough energy for 2?
When today becomes yesterday
Will you love me
An old song for a whole new set of lyrics
A disgusting voice as cheap sex
And I have no friends left
So of course, life is wonderful
When I become grey
When I fall
Will you have enough energy for 2?
When today becomes yesterday
Will you love me
It does not matter
If you hold me tight
No one
Will remember in 100 years
I am scared that we will forget
Forget everything
Like we forgot that we
Loved each other
Hold out, I need you
Hold out, I need you
Hold out, I need you
Hold out, stay out with me
Stay out with me
I need you
I need you
Stay out with me
I need you
I...I love you
Stay out with me
I need you
Stay out with me
I need you

Ansgar and Evelyne

Versions: #4
Under a clear sky the bombs fall
We lay quiet in a crater, smiling
While we watch our generation burn down
And I will protect you with my body
The air burns when we inhale
I have always seen us as Ansgar and Evelyne
We will fill our stolen car
With expensive watches and Dexedrine
Souvenirs from the time when we were pigs
And you have taken me from the cold inside
From German hard rock to Charles Valentine
In my book we are always Ansgar and Evelyne
And how I wish you were here now
I just want to hear your heartbeat
And how I wish our war ended
I have learned from my mistakes
And you are as lonely and I am


Versions: #5
They are ringing all of the clocks now
Like a bomb alarm over the city
But no one thinks the thought
No one bothers to ask questions
And they stare as if the answer just rested on me
I, that paid so much just to avoid this
And the last letter was sent to the wrong address
With a stamp worth half of an extended care unit
And they shoot all of the soldiers to an old song about peace
A whole ocean of normal people sing along
But even 100,000 voices can be wrong


Versions: #3
Of course the night is black
Of course the ground is cold
But we freeze together
Two skeletons shaking in sync
You stand outside
I stand outside
Out of disappointment, shame
Came slowly a feeling of power
They whisper: You are timeless, but they mean non-modern
A meanness that is the ultimate compliment
You said that you want stolen, black roses on your grave
A Fleur de Lise in gold on black next to your name
You are life
You are the long miles to Berlin
You are life
You are the long miles to Berlin
They can be something big
They can get the job done
Their resolution this year
Is to put down everything we said
We finally give up
We abdicate now
And the decomposition
Begins as soon as we turn 37
Darling I have never been able to teach you anything
In the best case I can contribute with a feeling
You smell faintly of wet, white roses, old earth
A Fleur de Lise in gold on black next to your name
You are life
You are those long miles to Berlin
You are life
You are a fight in the car to Paris
You are life
You are those long miles to Berlin
In my life
You were a fight in the car to Paris
You are life
You are those long miles to Berlin


Versions: #2
The April sky, innocent red
The wind carries a smell of smoke
All over Sweden glow the book burnings
In the large square, crosses burn
Now hate is okay if it is pointed to the right place
Nothing hits as hard as violence from the left
We will never be like you people
There are those who say that love is so simple
You either are in love or not
And suddenly you stand there abandoned in the rain
A foot in the grave around sirens and students
We will live, live life
We are the drive, we have driven
We will live, live life
We take everything, yes, everything for granted
You are sugar, curiosity
I am strong, black coffee, ambitions, and rain
A monotone verse needs a strong refrain
Our motto for a long time was 'Don't take any crap'
But you came up with a better one:
'Be a little, a little nicer than you must be now'
Because we will never be like you people
There are those that say that love is so simple
You either are in love or not
And suddenly you stand there abandoned in the rain
A foot in the grave around sirens and students
We will live, live life
I are the drive, we have driven
We will live, live life
We take everything, yes, everything for granted
Make way for a new terrorism
Make way for a new egoism
Make way for a new terrorism
Make way for ego, ego, ego
We will live, live life
We are the drive, we have driven
We will live, live life
We take everything, yes, everything for granted
We will never be like you people
We will never be like you people
We will never be like you people
We will never be like you people

In the centre of the heart

How did you become
a wild sea into which its depths I fell
and now that I am a half
I sit alone in the shallows seeing what I lost
how did you become
an abrupt cliff which did not seem
like a big ending
Inside it, my life was taken, and it burns.
Inside the centre of my heart
How much will you still beat
How much will you still beat
Tell me, tell me
Do you know how much I love you
Ways for me to hate you
Ways for me to hate you
Find them for me, find them for me
How did you become
a lost road which I walked barefoot
and now that I am a half
I can't find a trace to show me where I went
how did you become
a vermillion moon which blazes
a goodbye in the silence
full of thorns which wounds when it is spoken
Inside the centre of my heart
How much will you still beat
How much will you still beat
Tell me, tell me
Do you know how much I love you
Ways for me to hate you
Ways for me to hate you
Find them for me, find them for me
I am currently studying Greek, so please don't shoot me if I make a mistake...! Any translations I post will be just the best I can make it out to be if no other translation is available. If there is a mistake just let me know and I will correct it :) x.

Everyone Knows Juanita

Well, everyone knows Juanita
With two different coloured eyes,
An overbite and barely a chin
She drags along the floor with her bones
[Chicarrón: spoken]
This is not how the song goes!
[Hector: spoken]
There are children with us!
Her hair like thorny branchies
She performs a dance with her x-shaped legs
And if I were not so ugly
Perhaps I would have a chance

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

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Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.


L'Hymne de Bataille du Kentucky

Dans l'année 1861, nous avons quitté notre pays natal,
Parce que nous ne pouvions pas plier nos esprits à la dure commande du tyran.
Et nous avons rallié notre Buckner, alors que nos coeurs étaient tristes et douloureux,
Pour offrir notre sang pour la liberté comme nos père l'ont fait avant...
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Quand au début le drapeau du sud déployait ses plis dans l'air,
Ses étoiles étaient à peine rassemblées que les fils du Kentucky étaient présent.
Et nous avons prononcé un serment solennel, et nous nous sommes sévèrement rassemblé
Nous voulons seulement vivre en hommes libres sur le sol sanglant et sombre.
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Avec Buckner, notre chef, et Morgan dans le van,
Nous planterons le drapeau de la liberté dans notre clair et heureux pays,
Nous conduirons les serviteurs du tyran dans le flot roulant de l'Ohio,
Et teindrons ses vagues avec le pourpre du lâche sang yankee...
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Alors applaudissez, vous, braves du sud, vous verrez bientôt le jour,
Quand les plus belles filles du Kentucky vous encourageront sur votre chemin,
Et que leurs fières vieilles mères vous accueillerons tous,
Car unis nous résistons, mais divisés nous tombons !
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Simon Bolivar Buckner (1823−1914), et John Hunt Morgan (1825−1864) étaient tous deux des généraux confédérés lors de la Guerre de Sécession

The Forgiveness

Versions: #1#2
The first time I saw you
The moment everything turns
In my memory a painting that never changes, whatever happens
I remember how we spoke
The moments that killed me
And everything that I have missed
Suddenly became an advantage
I had an advantage
We changed the plans we had
And built new ones from scratch
You were like nothing I've ever known
I was lost, everything was lost
Everything was lost, I was lost
This city is nameless
All the streets are deserted
The house in ruins
Here live the forgotten
The ones judged before their time
Walking through the park
Hand in hand with a ghost
Where everything has grown over again
Outside lies the wasteland
I see only wasteland
The plans we once made
Are like the memory of the dream
When the morning comes
Now are we so far far far far
From the destination
From forgiveness
Everything was lost
I was lost
So is there any use in saying sorry
Is there a road that will lead us home
Is there even a home where the road ends
Can you forgive
I can forgive
All I have are my damn words
All those great and empty words
Is there a meaning
In waiting for forgiveness, forgiveness
I lost the beat
I lost touch of reality
I was so proud once
I was elitist, idealistic
I lost my searchlight
High up in a turn of the century house
I lost my momentum
There is no heart
If you don't allow yourself to have fun
I lost myself
And my world fell apart
And now in the end I lost you
I have lost, everything is lost
Everything is lost
I am lost
So is there any use in saying sorry
Is there a road that will lead us home
Is there even a home where the road ends
Can you forgive
I can forgive
All I have are my damn words
All those great and empty words
Is there a meaning
In waiting for forgiveness, forgiveness
We inherited our sin
Our eternal sin
We own our sin
Our eternal sin
Our real sin
Is that we allow ourselves to believe