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Резултати претраге страна 4

Број резултата: 134


You marked me around the finger

I took you to the restaurant,
And then called taxi to go home.
You said that you were happy
And that you'll meet me tomorrow.
You marked me around the finger,
I know that you played with me.
I promised to come, I'm here.
You promised - you're not here.
And the bouquet in my hands
Withered for long, withered for long.
You marked me around the finger,
I know that you played with me.
I wrote long letters to you,
You only send me a 'hi' in the card.
I want to kill myself
So you would wait for the answer.
You marked me around the finger,
I know that you played with me.

Gray shadow

Gray shadow. Mind hoops squeezes the brain,
Everyday, and I don't know what to do.
I'm staying at home for the whole afternoon.
It's raining outside, my phone is silent like a dead body
Like a stump, sitting quietly, ready to forget,
And it seems the day is long.
It seems the day is long.
It seems the day is long.
You got kissed from a sticky glass,
And were quiet, and wished for nothing,
Throwing words to the wind.
So many, so many people like this,
Sitting at corners, and everyone's busy with nonsense.
But the sun shines to everyone.
The sun shines to everyone.
The sun shines to everyone.

Out of space and time

The weather seems to be slipping off my hands but I don't care
It turns to ash and the water that falls turns to smoke
It slips and goes away through the cracks of the mind
But the truth is that it shines like a star somewhere else
It shines like a star...
If I could for once live outside of time and space
Like a wheel that turns at the edge of the street
With nothing to own with borrowed feet
To travel all around the world
It looks like the sorrow is governing but I don't care
It has a deeper meaning even if it bothers me
And the song is sad and it sings
It becomes a celebratory hymn and it keeps on laughing
It keeps on laughing...
If I could for once live outside of time and space
Like a wheel that turns at the edge of the street
With nothing to own with borrowed feet
To travel all around the world one time

Mama, we`re all terribly ill

Grains fell to earth, they cry for rain,
They need rain.
Carve my chest, look inside,
And you will see fire everywhere.
The next day is too late, the next hour is too late,
The next moment - can`t stand up.
If your keys don`t match the door, use your shoulders to knock out the door.
Mama, we`re all terribly ill
Mama, I know: we all have gone insane...
Steel between fingers, clenched fist,
Punch above wrist, tormenting flesh.
Poison in veins instead of blood, slow poison.
Broken world, broken foreheads, a bread, broken in half.
And now someone is crying, someone in silence,
And somebody`s glad, really glad...
Mama, we`re all terribly ill
Mama, I know: we all have gone insane...
You should be strong, you should know how to say:
'Keep you hands off! Keep you hands off me!'
You should be strong or what do you exist for?
How worth will be thousands of words,
When will be important the strength of hands?
And now you`re standing on a shore and thinking 'to swim or not to swim'
Mama, we`re all terribly ill
Mama, I know: we all have gone insane...

The Music of Seawaves

Versions: #1
I see how the seawaves wash out the prints on the sand,
I hear how the wind sings its song, unfamiliar and strange one.
I hear how the strings of the trees play the music at hand -
Music of winds, music of seawaves.
It's hard to define what is asphalt in here.
It's hard to imagine a car while in here.
Just throwing the water up's all that you need.
Music of winds, music of seawaves...
Who will remember all those who have lost their way?
Who will remember all those who were laughing and singing?
Who will recall, while feeling the cold of a gun stock,
Music of winds, music of seawaves?

Pack of cigarettes

Watching a strange sky through a stranger’s window, here I sit,
I can see not a single familiar star.
I’ve been up and down every road, oh, so far.
Turning back - nothing‘s left behind, no footprint.
But if you’ve got a pack of cigarettes - in your jeans,
Well, then, things are really not too bad for you today.
And a ticket for a plane with silvery wings
Leaving nothing but a shadow as it flies away.
No one wants to be blamed - without the wine,
No one wants to rake it in for someone else’s gain,
Oh, and dying in the crowd with no music’s so hard,
No one wants to disappear without music, in vain.
But if you’ve got a pack of cigarettes - in your jeans,
Well, then, things are really not too bad for you today.
And a ticket for a plane with silvery wings
Leaving nothing but a shadow as it flies away.

Melt the snow

I pack the suitcase,
I cannot back away.
I discovered my time, I discovered my term...
I crushed the cigarette,
I look at the ceiling.
I recognised my time,
I recognised my term...
Mother, I comprehended my morning.
He found out his time,
He recognised his term...
I get outside, I hear the thud of hooves.
Melt the snow,
Please, melt the snow...
He will kill me, he is my eternal enemy.
Melt the snow,
I’m begging, melt the snow...
Mother, I recognised my morning.
Melt the snow,
Please, melt the snow...
I cannot live without her anymore.
Help me,
Please, help me...
I cannot live without warmth anymore,
Help me,
I’m begging, help me...
Mother, I discovered my morning.
Help me,
I’m begging, help me...

Blood group

Versions: #9
Warm place,
People that on the street are waiting for our footprint.
Stardust on the boots.
Soft armchair, checkered plaid,
The trigger that didn't was pulled in time.
Sunny day in time of blinding dream.
Blood group on the sleeve, -
My sequence number on the sleeve.
Wish to me the good luck,
Wish to me...
I can't stay in this grass,
I can't stay in this grass,
Wish to me the good luck,
Wish to me the good luck...
I have thing that I can pay off,
But I don't want winning at any price.
I don't want to set foot on chest of anyone.
I'd like to stay with you, -
Just stay with you,
But high sky star calls me to way.

Крвна група

Versions: #2
Топло место
Али улице чекају отиске наших стопа
Звездана прашина – на чизмама
Мека фотеља, карирано ћебе,
Обарач није притиснут на време.
Сунчани дан – у блиставим сновима.
Крвна група – на рукаву,
Мој серијски број – на рукаву,
Пожели ми срећу у боју, пожели ми:
Да не останем у овој трави,
Да не останем у овој трави.
Пожели ми срећу, пожели ми срећу!
И имам чиме платити, но не желим
Победу по сваку цену.
Ја никоме не желим ставити ногу на груди.
Ја бих желео остати с тобом,
Једноставно остати с тобом,
Али високо на небу звезда ме зове на пут.
Крвна група – на рукаву,
Мој серијски број – на рукаву,
Пожели ми срећу у боју, пожели ми:
Да не останем у овој трави,
Да не останем у овој трави.
Пожели ми срећу, пожели ми срећу!

There's a Violin in My Heart

I'll remember my father's home
And a worried mother
A yard with a garden
In the lively city
Down the street
[Your] home is [your] heart
To know love
Is to know pain.
And the house groaned
Still warm and humble
The heart sighs
The happiness will move
The gate ached
And the sadness smiled
Still I'll remember a mother and a father
With each fading day.
There's a violin in my heart
And not once did it cry
And in it I'll find a cure
At those moments of happiness.
Sometimes a beat rises
Within the darkness
Sometimes sadness rises
And the light carries a blessing.
The pain will pass
With so little happiness
It'll give plenty of light
Like a match in the darkness
And on a warm evening
There's a holiday at the windows
And people are dreaming
Between the changing seasons.
Only the echo replies
When I scream
Only God replies
When I'm silent
At the distant window
The light carries a blessing
The laughter has returned
And I'm with you once again.
There's a violin in my heart
And not once did it cry
And in it I'll find a cure
At those moments of happiness.
Sometimes a beat rises
Within the darkness
Sometimes sadness rises
And the light carries a blessing.

Railings everywhere

Fifteen thousand and one
You pricks, I'm leaving
Thirty three years on service
You pricks, I'm leaving
All the time I was picked
To say the lesson by the teacher
I will slaughter her like a rabbit
And I'll go out to play football
Railings, railings, railings everywhere
And the brains on the railings
Of the invisible enemy
Bulgarians 1, Bulgarians
Chanoumisses 2, Vazeles 3
The whole nation worships
Slips and kits
We're the wronged
Generation of the sixties
Without occupation and hunger
Without retsina
Your thighs Maria
Watchover, military cafe, chore (x2)
Fifteen thousand and one
You pricks, I'm leaving
Thirty three years on service
You pricks, I'm leaving
A whole life of presenting
Like a trained dog
I won't take it anymore
Thanks I'm not a friend
  • 1. PAOK fans as called by other clubs' fans
  • 2. AEK fans as called by other clubs' fans
  • 3. Panathinaikos fans as called by other clubs' fans

The War

Show me the people, who are confident in tomorrow,
Draw me the portraits of those who were killed on this journey.
Show me the one, who was the only survivor from the regiment,
But someone has to become a door,
And someone a lock, and someone the key to the lock.
The war is between Heaven and Earth!
And wherever you were,
Whatever you do -
The war is between Heaven and Earth!
Somewhere there are people, for whom there are moon and sun.
Somewhere there are people, who have daughter and son.
Somewhere there are people, for whom the theorem is true.
But someone will become a wall, and someone a shoulder,
Under which the wall will shudder.
The war is between Heaven and Earth!
And wherever you were,
Whatever you do -
The war is between Heaven and Earth!
The war is between Heaven and Earth!
The war is between Heaven and Earth...

Пакла цигарета

Ја седим и гледам у туђе небо кроз туђи прозор,
И не видим ни једну познату звезду.
Ја сам ишао свим путевима, и тамо и овамо,
И окренувши се, нисам нашао своје трагове.
Али ако у џепу има пакла цигарета,
Значи да није све тако лоше на данашњи дан,
И карту за авион са сребрним крилом,
Који, полетајући, оставља на земљи само сенку.
И нико није хтео да буде крив без вина,
И нико није хтео да рукама жар зграби,
А без музике у свету смрт није лепа,
А без музике не желим да пропадам.
Али ако у џепу има пакла цигарета,
Значи да није све тако лоше на данашњи дан,
И карту за авион са сребрним крилом,
Који, полетајући, оставља на земљи само сенку.
Али ако у џепу има пакла цигарета,
Значи да није све тако лоше на данашњи дан,
И карту за авион са сребрним крилом,
Који, полетајући, оставља на земљи само сенку.

Чудна прича

Изнова почиње нови дан,
Изнова јутро као пројектор исијава из прозора
И ћути телефон - искључен...
Поново сунца на небу нема,
Поново бој - свако за себе,
И мени изгледа да сунце - није ништа више од сна...
На екрану прозора прича са несрећним крајем
Чудна прича....
И попут аутомата удара киша
И на улици је јесен
И зид од цигли је чврст...
А дрвеће је заражено кугом
Заражено још на пролеће,
Падају доле дланови лишња, махавши нам са висине...
Тамо, иза прозора, прича са несрећним крајем
Чудна прича...
А потом ће доћи Она,
'Спремај се' - рећи ће, 'Пођимо'
'Предај земљи тело...'
Али тело није допевало до краја
Али телу нису дали довољно љубави...
Чудно дело...
Тамо, иза прозора, прича са несрећним крајем
Чудна прича...

Црвена хаљина

Ноћ се спушта под црним велом,
а град је жедан светлости и великих успеха
Обуци црвену хаљину,
ону у којој изгледаш ватрено
Хајде, и не гледај на сат
Младост је поклон и пламти као ватра
Шта ли нас ујутру чека,
која ли ће љубав умрети, а која се родити?

Звезда по имену Сунце

Бели снег, сиви лед,
на испуцалој земљи
Попут крпљене постељине на њој
Град на друмској петљи.
А над градом плутају облаци.
Прекривајући светлост неба.
А над градом жути дим.
Град је две хиљаде година.
Проживљених под светлошћу звезде по имени Сунце.
И двохиљадугодишњи рат,
Рат без посебног разлога.
Рад – дело младих,
Лек против бора,
Црвено-црвена крв
За час је само земља
Кроз два на њој су цвеће и трава
Кроз три она је поново жива
И угрејана зрацима звезде по имену Сунце.
И ми знамо да је овако било одувек
Да судбина више воли
Оног ко живи по законима других,
и који умире млад.
Он не зна за реч да и реч не.
Он се не сећа ни чинова ни имена.
И способан је досегнути до звезда.
Не рачунајући да је ово сан.
И пасти ожарен звездом по имену Сунце.

Када је твоја девојка болесна

Сасвим обичан дан, зашто толико тугујеш?
И около сви певају, само ти ћутиш.
Изгубио си апетит и не желиш ићи у кино.
Идеш у продавницу, да купиш вино.
Сунце сија, и расте трава,
Но теби она није нужна
Ништа није како треба, и то није то,
Када је твоја девојка болесна,
Када је болесна...
Ти идеш у продавницу, погнуте главе,
Као да је пресушио чисти планински извор.
Она негде лежи, једе мед и пије аспирин,
А ти идеш на забаву сам.
Сунце сија, и расте трава,
Но теби она није нужна
Ништа није како треба, и то није то,
Када је твоја девојка болесна,
Када је болесна...

Kolonjska voda

Koliko god da prolaze noći i dani
u mojoj glavi trenuci se opet vraćaju
Pokušavam da te isbacim iz glave
ali,koliko god da želim da zaboravim,ne mogu
Na posetljini miriše još uvek
tvoja kolonjska voda
mučiće me godinama na posteljini
tvoja kolonjska voda
Sećanja igraju igre i smeju se
sa tvojim mirisom tumaraju unaokolo i bole me
Pokušavam da te isbacim iz glave
ali,koliko god da želim da zaboravim,ne mogu
Na posetljini miriše još uvek
tvoja kolonjska voda
mučiće me godinama na posteljini
tvoja kolonjska voda
tvoja kolonjska voda
tvoja kolonjska voda


Kad je istina, a kad laž
ne bih znao da kažem
samo ona uvek zna
i tajnu čuva
Klizi lagano i pada
u jedan magični svet
i skrivena u ogledalu
čeka da je pronađem


Like the plots of old film-strips,
We converse together about our innermost feelings
I ask you only for a moment,
Share my dreams with me
with these verses at dawn,
I swear love to you forever,
To me there is no one like you
To be found in the whole wide world
What little is necessary for happiness,
Without pointless colors, a pure hello,
We do not understand the motives of our hearts,
And it doesn't matter, just stay here,
I break into pieces at your feet,
Let time stop and the sun freeze
They say romance goes away with age,
but searching for it in life preserves your youth.
Sooner or later, one way or another,
everyone will find happiness, do not cry eyes
Caravans of thought through mirages
there is no happiness without pain, there is no truth without lies,
the trembling in my hands, I treasure this
I live with you, I am like a poet without boundaries
do not listen to the whisper of those who supposedly know,
trust your heart, trust your feelings
the chandeliers go out in the morning, trying to be wise,
where is this from, I’m jealous, we smoke,
through the sand, leaving no trace,
These are not wings, it is love.
Like the plots of old film-strips,
We converse together about our innermost feelings
I ask you only for a moment,
Share my dreams with me
with these verses at dawn,
I swear love to you forever,
To me there is no one like you
To be found in the whole wide world
The melody of two hearts, a minor musical interval
The cold looks make us warm
Climbing, glaring at the wall of speculation,
Before and after, forget it, it’s too late
Doses of prose about unearthly love,
Where to find her, where should I go,
The image is perfect, torn out of books,
Please come to this world for at least a moment,
Or if not you, then this is all fiction,
this means throw away the paint, canvas and brushes,
This means that this is all in vain, the stars, the sky, the dawn,
I do not know how to live without loving,
I am going after someone, someone is coming after me,
This is the desire to be happy at all costs,
The hearts are empty or not satisfied
by cold embraces, for a long time there are no common topics
Giving oaths , to break, to sin, then forgiving oneself,
And hate those who sin
This is a sad “lego”?, love and ego,
In inner Duel with oneself , blood in the snow,
I spend the nights online, the house is upside down,
there is rain outside the window hope.com,
In the morning, the letters go by the cells,
the secrets of the world of “Zhelyazny” or the alchemist Paulo Coelho,
After all, it’s not without reason that our paths crossed,
Other worlds, we saw somewhere,
I will hug you like it’s the last time
This world is for us.
Like the plots of old film-strips,
We converse together about our innermost feelings
I ask you only for a moment,
Share my dreams with me
with these verses at dawn,
I swear love to you forever,
To me there is no one like you
To be found in the whole wide world
Like the plots of old film-strips,
We converse together about our innermost feelings
I ask you only for a moment,
Share my dreams with me
with these verses at dawn,
I swear love to you forever,
To me there is no one like you
To be found in the whole wide world

Pretvaram se

Tražim te u ovoj kući gde smo dugo živeli,tražim te,ali oči su mi pune gorkih suza,nedostaješ mi,ali nikom o tome ne govorim,svima kažem da sam dobro,da sam te prebolela i da moj život teče normalno .... Ali pretvaram se da si još uvek kraj mene,pretvaram se da te dodirujem,kažem ti,pretvaram se,otišao si i na koga da se oslonim... Pretvaram se da sam deo tvog života,pretvaram se,ne povredjuj me više,dosta je! Predajem se,ostavi me samu,jednostavno ,da te volim ... Tražim te u lepim trenucima iz prošlosti...Tražim te,ali nisi tu,stalno si odsutan,nedostaješ mi,ali to krijem od svih ,govorim da sam te već zaboravila,da je sve prošlo i da moj život teče normalno ...

Red Track (Running Track)

Versions: #2
I turn to find, my guitar broken
Your eyes, red, watching me
The road you've chosen, is there waiting for you
Except you've been enchanted by the light of the moon
Red track (i.e. running track separated by white lines), doesn't want us together
Red track and a yet life's short
Clothes on the floor, Everything annoys me
And roads (i.e. journeys) are halved (i.e. incomplete/short) for those who don't cry
Red track (i.e. running track separated by white lines), doesn't want us together
Red track I'm running all over the place
Clothes on the floor, Everything annoys me
And roads (i.e. journeys) are halved (i.e. incomplete/short) for those who don't cry
Every face that looks like yours, kills me
Every facial expression of yours that I've loved, I hate
Last night, you asked again, to leave you alone
But inside me, I feel I'll see you soon again

Sve je greška

Ti i ja, koji smo se hiljadu puta zakleli
ti i ja, sad smo postali dva stranca
hteo si i eto...
Ostavljam te i zbogom
U mom novom životu
ti više ne postojiš
Od sad pa nadalje, gledam drugačije
Ah, bre, srculence moje, nije vredno
ali ova duša je dala previše
Nisam se pokajala, nisam razmišljala je li pravo ili pogrešno
i na kraju, sve je greška
Ti i ja nemamo opravdanja
Ti i ja idemo u suprotnom pravcu
Dešava se i to
Sve se iznenada promeni
U mom novom životu
ti više ne postojiš
Od sad pa nadalje, gledam drugačije
Ah, bre, srculence moje, nije vredno
ali ova duša je dala previše
Nisam se pokajala, nisam razmišljala je li pravo ili pogrešno
i na kraju, sve je greška
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

Zika´s round

I´ll tell you how was formed Zika´s round
what a round, who won´t like it
it was a long ago in the hilly Balkans
Zika fall in love with his neighbor Stana
And there won´t be any problem
because she liked Zika´s flirting
but there was that old problem
she´s very rich and his property is small
Actually, it started to bother her father
because he doesn´t want an ordinary, poor son in law
Stana has great body, she walk seductively
an ideal target for every man
And although Zika had a small property
it didn´t bother him to fall on her manly
but each her sentence was the same
don´t, Zika, please, my father will see me
Zika would take her away in the wood and across in the village
but her father doesn´t let her out of sight
Zika was tired of that cat and mouse play
he said: I´ll have her, who cares about her father
One day when everybody was working on the field
the two of them really relax in the shadow
Zika bends up, he want give her a sweet kiss
but he knows, that won´t be easy
Then he remember what his grandma told him
just go ahead, son, Stana is pretending
kiss her, Zika, like in the movie, but he feel a drama
when he remember that he forgot th straw in his mouth
He spit it out and then continues kissing her around the neck
and she says, don´t, Zika, my father will see me
it has become tense and he doesn´t hear, he is unbuttoning the blouse
now I would´t stop, even if I went to jail
Then in the light of day appeared breast
oh, God, he say and continues kissing
and also Stana is lost, she catches him for his masculinity
and shouts loudly, don´t, Zika, my dad will see me
He would tell her, but he´s gaurgling, he has node in throat
I don´t care if he kills me, I want a little bit more
he attack the skirt, Stana defends herself
double round flashed in broad daylight
Zika´s sight become obscure, he doesn´t know where´s the target
and she adjust herself, the grass tickles her
Zika pointed, there´s no anymore gates nor doors
and Stana says, don´t Zika, my father will see me
Since then Stana, since then Stana
calls let´s go
calls let´s go
in Zika´s round
Ah, how I would, ah, how I would like
ah, how I would like
ah, how I would like in Zika´s round
Ah, how I would, ah, how I would
Stana, how I would like
ah, how I would like in Zika´s round
Ah, how I would, ah, how I would like
ah, how I would like
ah, how I would like in Zika´s round
Ah, how I would, ah, how I would
Stana, how I would like
ah, how I would like in Zika´s round

Everything was a mistake

You and I , we used to give one thousand words
you and I , now we've become strangers
you wanted it and now..
I'm leaving you so goodbye
You don't exist anymore
in my new life
and from now on I'll see it in another way
Oh my love you don't worth it
but my poor soul gave you too much
I didn't regret it , I didn't think about right or wrong
so , yeah , eventually everything was a mistake
You and I , we have no explanation
You and I , now we're running in different ways
these things happen
everything changes all of a sudden
You don't exist anymore
in my new life
and from now on I'll it in another way
Oh my love you don't worth it
but my poor soul gave you too much
I didn't regret it , I didn't think about right or wrong
so , yeah , eventually everything was a mistake
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Once and for All

Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
You hurt me without ...any reason
You leave me always and ... I can not get to you
You come back and always ... twist the knife in the wound
And you hurt me .... but what can I do?
--- R ---
I should be away from you ... once and for all
I should stop allowing my heart to live in your shadow ..once and for all
I should talk to you ... about breaking up ....Once and for all
Should Hate instead ...... love you like crazy.
--- 2 ---
You do not care about my life at all
You do not realize I'm losing my mind
You come back and always twist the knife in the wound
And hurt ... but what can I do?
--- R ---
I should be away from you ... once and for all
I should stop allowing my heart to live in your shadow ..once and for all
I should talk to you ... about breaking up .... Once and for all
Should Hate instead ...... love you like crazy.

Romantic Movie

We met by chance
I liked you instantly
Then tell me, help me to find out how to win your heart
To have you with me forever
And surprisingly if you, like me,
Are in love but you don't know
How to behave or what to do
How to put it to words
That it's me you like
Ah my love there will come
The day that you feel that
Destiny has linked us
Your heart feels my desire
It wants me
Don't try to lie to your heart anymore
Ah my love there will come
The day that you feel that
Destiny has linked us
Your heart feels my desire
It wants me
Don't try to lie to your heart anymore
I'll wait, don't worry
And I'll get what I desire
You pretend to be indifferent
But I know very well you're waiting for me impatiently
Didn't you know what happened?
Both of our time has come
Exactly mine and yours, today
Just like it starts anew
In the typical romantic movie
Ah my love there will come
The day that you feel that
Destiny has linked us
Your heart feels my desire
It wants me
Don't try to lie to your heart anymore
Ah my love there will come
The day that you feel that
Destiny has linked us
Your heart feels my desire
It wants me
Don't try to lie to your heart anymore
Ah my love there will come
The day that you feel that
Destiny has linked us
Your heart feels my desire
It wants me
Don't try to lie to your heart anymore
Ah my love there will come
The day that you feel that
Destiny has linked us
Your heart feels my desire
It wants me
Don't try to lie to your heart anymore
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.


Versions: #2
How many songs i left to write, how many?
Tell me, cuckoo,
Sing me.
Will i live in a city or in an edge,
Will i lie like a stone or burn like a star?
A star..
My sun, just look at me,
My palm became a fist,
And if there's powder, give me fire.
That's it.
Who will follow this lonely trace?
All the strong and brave fell in battle, in fight.
Just a few men with clear memory,
In sober mind, with solid hand left here,
Left here...
My sun, just look at me,
My palm become a fist,
And if there's powder, give me fire.
That's it.
Where are you, flyaway freedom?
Who are you meeting this gentle dawn with now? Tell me.
It's good to be with you, but so bad without you,
Putting a head and patient shoulders under the whip
Under the whip...
My sun, just look at me,
My palm become a fist,
And if there's powder, give me fire.
That's it.

Marching off to the cinema

Today we are joyful walking down the street
Grown-ups smile when they meet us
An ice lolly is so tasty today
It's great that our class is going to the cinema
The real cinema is better than TV
Everyone in our class agrees with that
Your friends are always with you
You feel bored at home with your parents
At night grown-ups enjoy watching
People kiss each other over an hour on the telly
In the cinema you can tell your friend that it's rubbish
But you should keep silent when you are at home
The real cinema is better than TV
Everyone in our class agrees with that
We so long dreamed about this beautiful day
Today our class is going to the cinema


The summer is here
and the sun came to see it and burned
it dawns and the sleep
has paid off wahtever he owed last night
and it is the first light of the day
that suits you wearing
cause you look in a different way
and you look differently
like you love me
and the day became afternoon
and people were in hurry and they were running
and they had their dream into their hands
they went out for a stroll with it like a dog that was about to die
and it is the light of the day
that suits you wearing
cause you look in a different way
and you look differently
like you love me
Look how the sun is sagging
and it makes bigger shadows in the land
and how they look inside
and you can imagine the colours
and it is the light into the darkness
that suits you wearing
cause you look in a different way
and you look differently
like you love me

Red light

Light's red
There's smoke around me
I lose due to my anger
I lose due to my anger
Light's red
There's smoke around me
I lose due to my anger
I lose due to my anger
Thoughts passing by my mind
I lose my flow
I make simple things
Harder and I
Stay behind, losing my right
I don't know how to do it
I scream but no one can hear me
I lose myself and I suffocate.
I lose myself I feel it
I don't have any control I feel it
I lose myself I feel it
Mistake wins over me I feel me
I walk in the midnight
We're together in everything or in nothing
Light's red
There's smoke around me
I lose due to my anger
I lose due to my anger
Light's red
There's smoke around me
I lose due to my anger
I lose due to my anger
Apologies remind me of color black
Like the deep images
That stayed into my soul
They tell you ''This is not you''
There's a character that looks nothing like you
I boil inside
You can not resist
Everything you love is moving away
I lose myself I feel it
I don't have any control I feel it
I lose myself I feel it
Mistake wins over me I feel me
I walk in the midnight
I have drunk a lot
We don't talk anymore
Light's red
There's smoke around me
I lose due to my anger
I lose due to my anger
Light's red
There's smoke around me
I lose due to my anger
I lose due to my anger
Light's red
There's smoke around me
I lose due to my anger
I lose due to my anger
Light's red
There's smoke around me
I lose due to my anger
I lose due to my anger
Light's red
There's smoke around me
I lose due to my anger
I lose due to my anger
Light's red
There's smoke around me
I lose due to my anger
I lose due to my anger


My white shoes got dirty and I cried a little
The things he gave me
I lost them every time
I thought I didn’t need them anymore…
I didn’t want to realize it…
But I intend to blame it on the peppermint
You would’ve understood
Unwinding my tangled hair
I said sorry and lowered my eyes
Room flowing with foreign music²
Ignoring the sunny afternoon
I looked for treasures with you
I should’ve given up already…
Surprisingly unsatisfying happiness
But I intend to blame it on the peppermint
You would’ve understood
Unwinding my tangled hair
I said thanks and kissed you
But I intend to blame it on the peppermint
You would’ve understood
Unwinding my tangled hair
I said bye bye and left the room