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The Way Of Life

To the end of the journey,
Back to immortality,
The circle of life goes,
The way of life,
The way of ours.

There's no natural order.

One day or another
They're gon' find paradise.
I got hope.
We're goin' to leave.

Be Prepared

[I] know your brain's absorption
Is as cunning as a common wild pig
But listen, pay attention!
Respect my words of pride
Out of your vacant gaze
There are no rays there
But this is an important matter
My cause must be heard!
Be prepared for sabotage
[for] Terrific news!
New glory will be done
(Where is our position?
Listen to teacher!)
It's probably not ethical
But you get something if I suceed
Fairness that benefits me
Be prepared!
(Yeah, be prepared! Heh heh, we'll be prepared... for what?
The death of the king!
Why? Is he sick?
No, we'll kill him... Simba too!
Good! Who needs a king? No king, no king, la la la la la-
Idiots! There will be a king!
Hey, but you said-
I will be king! Be faithful, [and] you won't starve again!
Yay! Long live the king!)
We'll stay after being united*
With a king that is adored!
Quid pro quo, you must work on something
The future is full of happiness
I am indeed your friend*
What must be considered is
You can't [get] everything!*
Be prepared for the course of this coup!
The course of a plan of plunder!
Meticulousness and tenacity too
Up to now the choice of the kingship*
that is undisputed, respected, impressive
I will be the greatest!
This is my ambition
Be prepared!
This is my ambition
Be prepared!

Love opens it's bright eyes

I can see what's happening
They don't have a clue
And old Amor
Aims his arrows
Me and you get left behind
In the sunset's fire
My heart is like a splinter
And this starry night is magical
And heading straight for disaster
Love opens it's bright eyes
And every straw breaths joy
Now the water glitters and the light of the stars
Is awake all over the heavens
Words fill the mind
So much on the toungue
A hidden past - not that
It turns it's back on me
Something is bothering him
Some hidden sorrow in his heart
He is king, that's clear as day
He will reign in the city of cliffs
Love opens it's bright eyes
And every straw breaths joy
Now the water glitters and the light of the stars
Is awake all over the heavens
Love opens it's bright eyes
But don't look far
The water glitters, and the night is kind to those
that have been touched by love.
And if love touches him
I expect
That our time together
Is over
Since he is gone

Be Prepared

[I] know your powers of retention
Are as wet as a pig's wet backside
As slow as you are, focus
My words accord with pride
It's clear from the empty expression
The ceiling lights aren't installed
We speak of the king and his throne
But you cannot be unaware!
Prepare for the opportunity of a lifetime
Be prepared for hot news!
A shining era
Is striding close
(Where are we then? Listen to teacher...)
I know it's gloomy
There is a reward
When [I'm] finally given my pay
And justice
[will be] Impartial!
Be prepared...
(Yeah, be prepared! Yeah, we'll be prepared,
for what?
Prepared for the king's royal death*! Is
he sick?
Not like that, we'll kill him
and Simba too...
Fantastic idea, who needs a king,
No king, no king, la la la la la-
Useless! Of course there will be a king!
But you said... I will be king!
[stay] Together with me, and you won't go hungry again!
Yay! All right, my lord!)
We will later be united
With an adored king
Yes, proportionally back
Do your particular tasks
The future is full of prizes
And though I do not hold back**
It's important for me to emphasize
You don't have a chance without me!
Prepare for the seizing of power
Be prepared for duplicity
Meticulous planning, full of tenacity
Decades of denial for me to become
The king undisputed, respected, saluted
And viewed full of awe!
Yes, teeth and ambitions directed***,
Be prepared!

Brodovi koji tonu

Znati nju znači videti
da ništa nije kao što se čini
Ona će pokazati svoje pravo lice kada budeš
lišen svakog verovanja
Slatki tirant, sa onim što ti treba
Da bi te poslala kroz veo
Otvori me ili ću potonuti
na ovom brodu što tone, ne ostavljaj
me da se utopim
I dalje voda nosi zvuk
moje večne molbe
i svega što sam našla
I sve što ću...
Ona te doziva iluzijom
Onoga što želiš da vidiš
Padaš u njeno naručje
Dok ona slama sve tvoje snove
Slatko nasilje, namenjeno da razbije ljusku iz koje krvariš
I pošalje te kroz drvo Večnosti
Otvori me ili ću potonuti
na ovom brodu što tone, ne ostavljaj
me da se utopim
I dalje voda nosi zvuk
moje večne molbe
i svega što sam našla
I svega što ću...

Игра погледа

Не желим да скренеш свој поглед
Kада је усмерен ка мени
Желим да нам се погледи сретну и такмиче се ко ће дуже да издржи
Љубави моја, погледај свој одраз у мојим очима
Тако си лепа
Молим те, немој се стидети
Желим да те такву сачувам у своме погледу
Понекада се бојим да заспим
Шта ако се једнога дана пробудим у свету другачијем од овог?
Понекада имам овакве глупаве мисли
Љубави моја, погледај свој одраз у мојим очима
Тако си лепа
Молим те, немој се стидети
Желим да те такву сачувам у своме погледу
Нико није знао да ћемо се овако заволети
Ти ни не знаш
Kолико су моја осећања према теби снажна
Очигледно је, очигледно је да је тако
Јер, када ми кажеш да ме волиш
Ја ћу ти рећи: Не, ја тебе волим више
Љубави моја, погледај свој одраз у мојим очима
Тако си лепа
Молим те, немој се стидети
Желим да те такву сачувам у своме погледу
Љубави моја, погледај свој одраз у мојим очима
Тако си лепа
Молим те, немој се стидети
Желим да те такву сачувам у своме погледу
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)

Just wait soon will I be your majesty

I will be a king without fear
with powers that can strike.
I have never seen a king before
with such little hair
I will be a king without taste
of nagging from a clod.
I practice on watching over,
I am training on my roar!
But this far that is not your business.
Just wait soon will I be your majesty
(You have still a march here, young man! If you think that...!)
No one says 'come here,'
Thus, what I said was that..
Nala: No one says 'be there,'
What I meant was that...
No one says 'stop that,'
But what you do not understand, is that...
No one says 'listen up!'
No listen up!
I can run like an arrow.
That is acting too quick.
I can do what I want.
I think that you and I should take
a talk just two on two
Advice from whiny rhino birds
is just nonsense.
If the monarchy will be like this,
then I will withdraw!
Out of my position, out of Afrika.
Then it really will end.
I have gotten enough impulsiveness!
Just wait soon will I be your majesty!
Everyone turns around. (What?!)
Fell they must gather.
Eagerly awaiting he who
is in the center of attention.
(Not yet!)
They are cheering for the heir you know.
They dance with great virtuosity.
Blessing Simba’s king worthiness.
Just wait soon will I be your majesty!
Just wait soon will I be your majesty!
Just wait soon will I.... be your majesty!

The Baltics Are Waking Up!

Three sisters stand by the coast of sea
They are pressed by weakness and tiredness.
There waded land and spirits
Of honour and sense of three nations.
But in the towers of destiny belling loud
And the sea starts to wave.
Three sisters wake up from the sleep,
Come to stand for theirselves.
The Baltics is waking up, the Baltics is waking up
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Three sisters sleep by the sea
They are pressed by the bond, desperation
Wandering like a beggar by the sea coast
The spirit of nations' honour
But the bell of the destiny reechos again
And the sea tousles its waves
Three sisters wake from the sleep
To defend the honour of theirs.
The Baltics is waking up, the Baltics is waking up,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Three sisters with faces of sea,
they were made sleepy by the song of waves.
Three nations fighting here for centuries
sacrified ancient honour.
When the bell rings in towers,
the sea is taken by the will of freedom.
To protect the fate and life,
three sisters wake now.
Wake up Baltic countries,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Wake up Baltic countries,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Wake up Baltic countries,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!
Wake up Baltic countries,
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia!

Love keeps existing

You and I feel never sorrow and pain in a world that would be ideal
Where that world is, that is our secret
Maybe I am not that strong or smart
But somehow I feel very strong inside
Love keeps existing
I feel familiar everywhere
When you are close to me
The moon conjures the sun*
We'll push through it, because I immediately knew
Love keeps existing
First I was fearful
Love, I see now, has never been so beautiful and intense
Life is an amazing party with you
They don't realise how you and I enjoye every moment
It is true
Love keeps existing
I feel familiar everywhere
When you are close to me
The moon conjures the sun*
We'll push through it, because I immediately knew
Love keeps existing
Really, love keeps existing

Love Finds a Way

The perfect world we know
we don't need to face it ourselves
Let them, we can too
'I might not be the strongest
But in my heart
Love finds a way
Where I'm going, I'm safe if you're here
Darkness becomes bright
Anyhow with you, 'I found the way
I used to be afraid, now I am aware
Love is not wrong and never dies
The world is perfect in your eyes
And if they feel too
I'm happy with you
Love finds a way
Where I go, we will always be together
Darkness becomes bright
Anyhow with you, 'I found the way
Love has a way

Oriental Nights

And with kisses and smiles, with love on their faces,
blessed be this harmony.
It's a gilded ending, but gotta go sell at the market tomorrow,
so maybe it's time for me to leave.
I'm not gonna be that indiscreet, but don't you need a carpet
at a really reasonable price?
It's time to go, but I want to meet you again
in a sweet new Oriental night!

Mislim o tebi

Mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Šta mogu da provalim da li ti se sviđam?
Tvoja sam od devet do pet
Nije me bilo par nedelja
Možda i više jer sam izgubila pojam o vremenu
Vozeći se na pogrešnoj strani, mislim o tebi
Na desetom spratu, mislim o tebi
I nije to nalik na mene da budem nesigurna
Oh, šta si uradio mojim mislima?
Oh, oh, želim da budem sa tobom, želim da budem sa tobom
Oh, moj Bože, ja sam u haosu
Dečko, dopro si do mene, dopro do mene
Znaš da si dopro do mene
Pokušavam da te zaboravim, nema šanse
Nisam tražila romansu
Plava su neba, ali ja sam u mraku*
Čekam nekog da me pokupi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Međ brdima sa spuštenim prozorima
Govori mi da hoće da mi pokaže okolo
On poznaje nekog sa fensi kućom
Na plejlisti, izgleda da je poznat
Zagreva me do plaže
Da, mislila sam o tebi
Stojeći u njegovoj sobi
Ali mislila sam o tebi
I ne želim da budem nesigurna
Ne želim da ti se igram sa mislima
Oh, oh, želim da budem sa tobom, želim da budem sa tobom
Oh, moj Bože, ja sam u haosu
Dečko, dopro si do mene, dopro do mene
Znaš da si dopro do mene
Pokušavam da te zaboravim, nema šanse
Nisam tražila romansu
Plava su neba, ali ja sam u mraku
Čekam nekog da me pokupi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Uh, odmah se vraćam
Reci svim svojim drugovima da se odmah vraćam
Uh, odmah se vraćam
Dovoljan si da me nateraš da se vratim unazad
Uh, odmah se vraćam
Reci svim svojim drugovima da se odmah vraćam
Uh, odmah se vraćam
Dovoljan si da me nateraš da se vratim unazad
Pokušavam da te zaboravim, nema šanse
Nisam tražila romansu
Plava su neba, ali ja sam u mraku
Čekam nekog da me pokupi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi

Welcome to the Gang

Our compliments, you're one of us,
you're part of the gang, by now.
You'll see the goliardic spirit we have
and the honest company that we are.
Welcome to the gang!
We are a lot of criminals, but we are loyal -
we're actually heroes, after all.
Time slips away
if you tell a lie.
Welcome to the gang!
From now on, you can lie,
never have to wash your teeth!
Here you can do whatever you want.
It's a nice program,
you're not gonna think of your mom.
Oh, I love you, guys!
Making a raid, that's so chic -
taking whatever you want...
and if you make it,
you'll feel so pleased!
Welcome to the gang!
Welcome to the gang!
Our gang is okay!
Being a fair-play thief
is the life I would like.
Swimming in gold,
with a big treasure!
You're the honorary member of the gang,
if you run away, you'll be in trouble,
and if you oppose us,
you'll be killed.
There's a contract that
you're gonna honour forever.
You make your own decision,
but don't complain after.
to the gang!

There's a Party Here in Agrabah - Reprise

There's a party here in Agrabah,
and the party is for me.
Look, you guys, it's reality.
Our dream has already come true!
There's a party here in Agrabah,
I'm afraid it could be not real.
After so much waiting, here we are,
we'll say our heartful 'I do!'.
I never had a hearth.
I haven't had a true friend with me,
someone who could undestrand me...
Stop it now, Aladdin, you're not gonna make me cry!
There's a party here in Agrabah
and it's already starting.
And now get dressed, you're the star!
Come on, come on, you gotta get married!
This is the most fantastic wedding ever,
the news of the century!
Aladdin is famous throughout the city!
They're gettin' married!
They're gettin' married!
They're gettin' married!
Look at those presents!
We're gettin' married!
*Monkey squeaks* (they're gettin' married!)
I'm gettin' married!
They're gettin' married
at the party here in Agrabah!
at the party here in Agrabah!

My Roots

It's only thanks to you
that I saw the world, and you know that.
Flying, with you,
through things I had never seen before,
and in your smile
I saw a big star
Such people can't be born out of thin air.
Oh, Jasmine...
My life
is not such a simple story.
You don't know what it means
to grow up without anyone with you.
You've got a dad,
who says: 'My daughter',
mine was not there.
My roots are thin air, sadly.
There are so many things I don't know...
But you'll find them out.
If I'll need to leave for this...
You'll find me here on your return.
Come on, my love,
I love you!
Our wedding will wait.
You are right.
It's my dream, too,
to know that your dad is with us.
I want to know
Just wait and it will come.
the truth.
And finally we,
we will say that
you father will come back.
Then everything will change.
You will finally say:
'I don't come out of thin air anymore'.

There's a Party Here in Agrabah (first part)

There's a party here in Agrabah,
I can feel so much excitement.
They are all coming to the town,
'cause Aladdin and Jasmine are getting married.
There's a party here in Agrabah,
and everybody will be there.
No matter what your social background is,
just shampoo your hair while rubbing your scalp.
Don't wear a gaudy dress,
don't wear a turban a la gigolo,
also, don't wear a tasteless earring.
You're gonna look gorgeous when I get through.
There's a party here in Agrabah,
I'm going to transform your town.
Wanna see the show?
Follow me, let's go!
The whole world's gonna be talking about
this wedding for centuries.
I'm gonna work wonders for the bride and groom!
Ah, so many crazy things I'm gonna make.
Have you ever heard
about what happens in Hawaii?
It's nothing compared to what you will see.
slap-up meals, you all are gonna pass out from excitement!
Harem Girls:
There's a party here in Agrabah,
it fills up your heart with cheerfulness.
If a tramp will actually ascend the throne,
I can hope for myself, too. Don't get discouraged!
There's a party here in Agrabah,
but I don't know if I'll go, after all:
yes, the princess is aristocratic,
but the groom is poor.
Let's go into the court staterooms,
where everyone has celebrated magnificently.
There's not Jafar, who smells like death by now!
Everybody's happy, nothing goes wrong.
There's a party here in Agrabah,
we're gonna rob'em a bit.
King of Thieves:
While they're eating voraciously,
create a diversion and I'll slip in.
There's a party here in Agrabah
and loot in bulk!
I'm having so much fun, you know?
If I'm nice, I'll get a good present!
We've already ordered a few flowers
and the valets are ready to park.
All guests are out there!
Come on, girls, let's get ready - we're going to start!
There's a party here in Agrabah,
an invitation is prestigious.
But there's something missing, yes, ah, yeah!
Where's the groom?

All that I see through you

Look up1
Tell me what we see
Now close your eyes
Describe it to me
The heavens2 blaze through the stars tonight
All that I see through you
Your smile lets
Me see heaven
I hear your heart
And can go (on) for miles3
Yes, that’s what first makes life worth living
All that I see through you
All that I see through you
Look in the night
The light appears
Two hearts are united in the dark
Fate seems as if4
It means well with us5
Love choses me
All that I see through you
I see the night
May it never die
I want (to see)6 the world
Together with you
With you I can
Understand even more7
Garrett: Understand so much more
Kayley: Than I ever though (I could)
Look in the night
The light appears
Two hearts are united in the dark
Fates seems as if
It means well with us
Love choses me
All that I see through you
I see that through you
  • 1. literally “look up once” as in “for a moment”
  • 2. ”der Himmel” can be translated as either “sky” or “heaven”. Since Garrett is blind, it makes sense for it to be the sky that he sees through Kayley, but “the sky shining through the stars” seems a little odd, and later when Kayley sings she mentions that “your smile lets me see sky/heaven”. Kayley can already see the sky, but heaven is something invisible, often likened to intense feelings of love, hence I think “heaven” is the more accurate translation (at least for Kayley, but I wanted to keep them both the same - it is quite possible that Garrett is playing on both meanings of the word when he speaks).
  • 3. ”meilenweit” literally “miles wide/far”
  • 4. literally “fate so seems”
  • 5. literally “that it means well with us”
  • 6. ”sehen” actually occurs in the next line, but it makes for sense in English for it to be here.
  • 7. Literally “understand even/still so much more”. Both the “so viel” and “noch” work side by in German, but not so in English.

I Wanna Live Alone

Well, yeah, I'm sick.
I don't wanna make a drama, but I've decided that I'll leave.
Perfect! Yeah!
If I run away from here, a little roast I won't become.
Listening to you has always brought trouble,
so I'll say goodbye, ta-ta!
Goodbye! Goodbye! C'est la vie!1
I look out for me.
That's life!
I'm little,
treated like a dork, without any kind of dignity.
I do what you ask,
but I'm already aware that I'll get some slap, anyway.
I don't have any friend I can count on,
they promise the Earth, but it turns out to be a lie,
I know what the truth is,
and from now on,
I'm looking out for me, only.
The world is waiting just for me.
I'm unhurt,
I value my feathers,2
I can take care of myself!
Now you know that I won't be there anymore.
You won't scorn me and I won't be kicked anymore!
I'm leaving, you take care of yourself.
But from now on,
I'm looking out for me, only.
  • 1. French idiom which means 'That's life'.
  • 2. I want to stay alive.

Stop Walking By

I stop in my footsteps again
To cover my own eyes
Like when you used to embrace me from behind
This breeze that caresses me
I wonder if it's from you
Are you afraid that I might fade from your crying eyes?
I revisit the memories
For I can't bear the endless hours
Why do you leave me behind?
I'm a part of you
You must forget our love
We can't end it this way
No matter where you are
I will always find you
For my heart still beats for you
I remember them well
When my heart aches
I only laugh louder
To hold back the tears
You must believe in our love
I can't lose you
No matter how much you erase me
I will always find you
For my heart still beats for you
Don't feel sorry for me
Through my pain, I'm still happy
Because you'll always be alive in my heart

Love is coming today

Something bad is happening
Oh, and it kindles anything
they will like each other
and what ended?
it stole our old ways when
they become two
When it has ruined everything
and sweetness takes hold of
And as Simba, the only guy,
continues to flirt into the night
it will take shelter in the air
Love is coming today
the night is peaceful
the world is in perfect harmony
with all it's living things
I have a problem I need to talk about
is there nothing I can do?
The truth about it? She will
turn away and give up on me
He is hiding something
But, I do not know what it is
He says he is not the king but,
I know he is my king
Love is coming today
the night is peaceful
the world is in perfect harmony
with all it's living things
Love is coming today
Please give some of it to me too
why are you searching so
When love is already with you

Talking To The Moon

I know you're somewhere far away
The night when the blue star
lights me up in the room.
lean on the window
Wait for the clouds to wobble in the wind
When the full moon gets an eclipse
in my submerged pupil
Talking to the moon
Stay up all night with my eyes open
Talking to the moon
Maybe you'll see the moon
and talk to me
I expect like a fool
Try to call you
But can't reach
Please, oh please, my baby
Someday when you listen to
my voice in your dreams
Open your lips. don't hesitate to answer.
you miss me too
Wait for the clouds to wobble in the wind
Just wait for that
Heart filled of longing
When the full moon gets a eclipse
in my submerged pupil
Talking to the moon
Stay up all night with my eyes open
Talking to the moon
Maybe you'll see the moon
and talk to me
I expect like a fool
Try to call you
But can't reach
Please, oh please, my baby
Talking to the moon
Stay up all night with my eyes open
Talking to the moon
Maybe you'll see the moon
and talk to me
I expect like a fool
Try to call you
but can't reach
Please, please, my baby

I Want To Be The King Soon

I want to be the mighty king
And the terror to the enemies
But I don't know how you could rule
And have a short mane!
I will have the longest mane
It will flutter and warm me
And i train the look from the above
And I learn to roar!!!
That joke doesn't seem to be funny for me
Oh, I want to
Be the king soon!
You will be young for the long time, boy
I would say that...
I won't hear: Go there!
Be nice and OK!
I won't hear: Leave it be!
Or look there!
I wanted to say, that I...
I only thought...
If you won't listen...!
Look there!
I won't hear, where I'm supposed to go
I will do, what I want to
(Zazu) This is the end, guys
The time has come, you and me
Will discuss what and how
Why would a king should listen
To a little bird?
If this famous kingdom
Wants to refuse me
I will give up this service and I'll leave Africa
Floating on my wings
This kid got out of our hands
What to do next with him?
Oh, I want to be the king soon!
Just everybody look there
Just everybody look here
Everywhere you look
I'm in the sunlight
Not yet!
And every animal join the choir
And the whole jungle sounds like a huge hall
That SImba has just become the king
Oh, I want to be the king soon
Oh, I want to be the king soon
Oh, I want to be the king soon!

I want to be king right now

Simba: As king i would be super strong
A really great pet
Zazu: Well, as a king, you would still be pretty bald
The hair is missing you
Simba: The long mane is a wish that I still fulfill
Until then I'll carry up my nose and practice my roar
Zazu: You're far too small to impress
Simba: Oh I want to be a king right now
No and Never “Do This“
Zazu: As I said that I...
Nala: No and Never “Do That“
Zazu: What I meant was...
Simba: No and Never “Stop that“
Zazu: You don't seem to get that...
Simba and Nala: No and Never “Listen Up“
Zazu: Yeah Listen Up
Simba and Nala: Always free and full in track
Zazu: That's out of question
Simba: Free and just in my style
Zazu: That goes too far you greenhorn
Now finally listen up
Nala: We don't need any advice from a beak mouth, Zazu
Zazu: And if the royal house develops like that,
I want to get out, out of everything, out of Africa,
I prefer to move
Your father would never forgive something like that
Simba: Oh I want to be a king right now
Everyone is now looking to the left
Nala: Everyone looks to the right now
Simba: Everyone is watching me now
Simba and Nala: The King in the spotlight
Zazu: So what?
Chor: Here all animals sing, big and small
And everything that creeps here and there sings along
Simba will soon be king, he alone
Simba: Oh, I want to be king right now
Nala: Oh, he wants to be king right now
Simba: Oh, I want
Nala: Right now
Simba and Nala: to be king
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Love will find a way

We don't get to know the world
that just likes you
It may be in the stars
and closer than we think.
Were to find our wings?
Souls go through the mud
I hope I'm powerful enough,
world, mine and yours
with passion to create in our two hearts
Go on, love will find a way
Where you go
I want to follow you
I'm home,
were you feel safe
Darkness in us changes into light
Sun is shining in the rocks,
I'm yours, the fear is away
Love will find a way
I was so afraid
of my own eyes and wounds
Now I have my own world
and here your eyes are.
The most beautiful world
you could give to me.
Hope is kinder than feathers
The ones who like us believe in it
Go on, love will find a way
Where you go
I want to follow you
I'm home were you feel safe
Darkness in us changes into light
Sun is shining in the mountains,
I'm yours, the fear is away
Love will find a way
Keep going,
love will find a way


Versions: #2
We'll go wherever hunger leads us
We'll write our own story
She told me:' It's not just because buzzin
That I love you, yeah I love you!''
Words, nothing but words!
My only boss, is my mother
They thought that I was dead, they were like ''Good riddance!''
Thankfully God is the one who gives or else they wouldn't leave a thing for us
So, I left my village, I dreamed of a less miserable life.
I left my village to stop hearing them telling me that:
No one will give you any help, you're already dead anyways.
You'll spend your whole life struggling and your nightmares will replace your dreams
No one will give you any help, you're already dead anyways.
You'll spend your whole life struggling and your nightmares will replace your dreams
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Hey, hey, hey
Na, nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Ho nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Ho nanani, nanana
They pretend to like me (yeah)
I don't pretend, I hate them
I remember how they would turn their backs on me because I was poor like daddy
They give more money to those who have, take away from those who don't have any
They add water to the ocean, go figure
And if you're dying of thirst, they abandon you
If you want to live a beautiful life, put make-up on it yourself
We want the world, we'll take it, Salam!
A dreamer among many others and my brothers are millions
Our dreams will live, do not listen to those who say that :
No one will give you any help, you're already dead anyways
You'll spend your whole life struggling and your nightmares will replace your dreams
No one will give you any help, you're already dead anyways
You'll spend your whole life struggling and your nightmares will replace your dreams
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Hey, hey, hey
Na, nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Ho nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Ho nanani, nanana
I'm becoming a legend, why does it surprise you?
The jealous ones are hating, A legend, mashallah!
I'm becoming a legend, why does it surprise you?
The jealous ones are hating, A legend, mashallah!
Hey, hey, hey
Na, nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Ho nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Nanani, nanana
Ho nanani, nanana
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)
Words, words, words(words)

Can you feel the love tonight

Do you know what happen? What? They fall in love and change everything. The touch of twilight is magical and in its romantic atmosphere, danger lurks.
Can you feel how the serenity of night makes everything peaceful. It is on par this moment.
I wish I can tell you everything. But it is difficult to explain. Time spent will only make her be further away from me.
He hide himself, and you don’t know why he refuses to be king cause I know he can.
Can you feel how the serenity of night makes everything peaceful. It is on par this moment.
Can you feel that he is not far from you. In this night full of doubt, love rules.
If he falls in love, everything will be reveal and all his pain will end and he will perish.


Had you lived in another time
You could have been a viking
Come home with loot and gold
Been a proper rich man
Women would flock around you
Like bees around honey
You could've picked out a lovely blonde
And made her your queen
Yeah, were it not for the bloody state
You could have done what you wanted
And if someone stood in your way
It would end badly for them
For with sword and axe and shield and spear
You would have cleaned house
Folks would shake in fear of your name
And bow humbly before you
Had you lived in another time
You could have been king of the hill
Stayed away from man and beast
Avoided the Black Death
And when all lay dead
And the land lay empty
You could've bought cheap land
You could've raised up a statue
Of yourself at the market square
Honoured you father and mother

Prayer X

Just like overflowing tears in but a moment my life's spark will wink out of existence
Amidst these days that are just an endless cycle of encounters and partings
Just what am I meant to believe?
Since being born into this world, I've felt the terror of existence but chocked back the tears
Living my life without it being torn away from me, without biting the bullet it took every fiber of my being
Even if it doesn't piece my heart, the dead is festering inside of me
And if I turn to face it I'm sure that as soon as my curtain is raised, the tears will begin to fall
Just like overflowing tears in but a moment my life's spark will wink out of existence
Amidst these days that are just an endless cycle of encounters and partings
Just what am I meant to believe?
I hid behind a lighthearted smile
The fact that I don't know if the lie I told myself to continue living was true or not
Did I also lose sight of my place in this world?
I was swallowed by the light and then I began to seek it. Today, too, you'll gaze at the sky, right?
Asking if this life has any meaning
If in these ephemeral days
Even pain and suffering has dried up, now, we...
Just what am I meant to believe?
Just like overflowing tears in but a moment my life's spark will wink out of existence
Amidst these days that are just an endless cycle of encounters and partings
Just what am I meant to believe?

King and Queen

The hard days I’ve gotten over to become stronger
Until I reach my destination
Tempt this path that’s connected to a new day
Don’t waver and continue, just go straight
Instead of becoming someone’s “Yes man”
I’ll open the path myself, building my own world
Getting stronger every time I recover from injuries
Ain’t nobody can tell me what to do
Come follow me baby baby
There’s nothing to be scared of
Baby baby just do as your heart tells you
In my life I gotta be the King
Yes, I gotta be the King
I won’t let anyone get in my way
No matter what happens from here on
Girl you gotta be the Queen
Girl you gotta be the Queen
Just be by my side and laugh
That’s enough for me
The King and Queen
You hear the calling?
Once it reverberates in your heart
Throw your hesitation away
We don’t need it anymore
We can sway freely to the sound
Here we are all King and Queen
So come on and let’s go
Anytime we connect with other people
Our own world extends more
Spread the words and spread the love
If you’re satisfied, don’t turn around
Just continue believing like this
If you’re not here, a King needs a Queen
We become free when we dance
Don’t pay attention to anyone
Ain’t nobody can tell you what to do
Come follow me baby baby
There’s nothing to be scared of
Baby baby just do as your heart tells you
In my life I gotta be the King
Yes, I gotta be the King
I won’t let anyone get in my way
No matter what happens from here on
Girl you gotta be the Queen
Girl you gotta be the Queen
Just be by my side and laugh
That’s enough for me
The King and Queen
Rise up, rise up, we don’t stop
Just keep your faith
We are gonna make it to the top
I only live once, you only live once
Never lie to yourself
You have to protect that pride yeah
Close your eyes and count to five
Once your heart has decided, look over
Wonderful world
Stars shining right now, whose is it?
It is mine, it is mine, it is mine
In my life I gotta be the King
Yes, I gotta be the King
I won’t let anyone get in my way
No matter what happens from here on
Girl you gotta be the Queen
Girl you gotta be the Queen
Just be by my side and laugh
That’s enough for me
The King and Queen
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Cross the Ocean

I, had a dream
Turned to be a fish and
swim across the ocean
I, had a dream
Turned to be a man
on an isolated island
The golden beaches saved my foot prints
Deep in the woods me and birds played
among the dark green forest
on top of the cliff made of black stones
Swim to the deepest side of the sea with no secret
To find myself
On top of a ten thousand miles coast line
with layers of weaving waves
Opposite to the skyline full of dark clouds and the raging water in greyish blue
I had enough dead pigs and their sayings
I just want to be an ordinary man
with all my feelings and my thunderstorms

O fir tree

O fir tree, o fir tree,
How loyal your leaves are!
O fir tree, o fir tree,
How loyal your leaves are!
You are not only green
In summertime,
No, even in winter, when it's snowing.
O fir tree, o fir tree,
How loyal your leaves are!
O fir tree, o fir tree,
You may please me very much!
O fir tree, o fir tree,
You may please me very much!
How many times in winter
One of your trees has given me so much pleasure!
O fir tree, o fir tree,
You may please me very much!
You are not only green
In summertime,
No, even in winter, when it's snowing.
O fir tree, o fir tree,
How loyal your leaves are!