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Број резултата: 397


Let time pass

You know how deeply words can hurt,
when pride rules,
so listen to the voice who is you
and let your gaze become clear.
Each flower under the sun of heaven
each one is unique,
although equally beautiful
none of them is better than the other.
Let, let time pass
and learn from our wisdom,
and let go of your pride
and enjoy your youth.
Let your soul be with (you)
you have so much more to give
yet, let, let time pass
you will soon see your gift.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


You know better than I

I thought everything was easy
I believed in a future
I thought that I chose fairly
but now I’m here.
I crossed Your word
and I said no to the aid,
now I know that
I chose the wrong thing
that the road ends here.
You know better than I
guide my steps,
I’m begging You
let everything turn out good
For you know better than I.
I hesitated a moment
but now I’ve made up my mind
I’m wandering now
the road You’ve planned for me.
I was feeling so weak
but You have given me the strength
to face the sorrows in my life
now I trust You.
For You know better than I
guide my steps,
I’m begging You
let everything turn out good
For you know better than I.
I saw one cloud in the dark blue sky
a bird that I couldn’t follow,
but it was You who gave it two wings
these wings carry me
come and teach me.
For You know better than I
guide my steps,
I’m begging You
let everything turn out good
I’m letting You take over
You know better than I.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


Hum Ek Hain (हम एक हैं) [We're one]

In the game of life,
We are so happy with it
Without understanding
And we know that,
we want to have many,
of these
You'll see it on
that we will be with you
When traveling, you’re the depressed
These keep you believe
That we will be always near,
We will be with you forever,
We are one
When this becomes the all of,
I could not live,
Not such as I am
I follow your heart,
Or am I destined to leave
What can I do?
Those who are no longer here,
Are always with you
Your new journey is here
Pain or happiness,
Cannot be taken
All with you,
We are one.
You’re mine
Like the earth and the sky,
Remain together forever
Advance in the understanding of
And in the courage
That you will find in life
We are one

I Will Give You A Perfect Day

You never had a birthday yet
Except of those that you spent outside my door
And although I'm here late to celebrate today
This special day with you
You took cold, it seems to me
I don't take cold, besides...
Take cold never bothered me
Follow the rope
Today I've got plans and surprises for you
Nothing nor no one will prevent us
I took weeks planning this day
And even Kristoff and Sven have taken a shower
And if someone wants to prevent (it)
They will see it with me
Your birthday will be happy
I want to give you the sun, the sky and the sea
I will give you a perfect day
I even make it to be great for be together both
For that you passed, I'll compansate you
I will give you a perfect day
They go in threes
I'm fine...
This surprise is specially...
Bless you, your cold does not seem to improve
I think you have to go home to rest
Wait a moment, the best is for arrive
Elsa, you have to lie down
Not to mention, we have to paint the town
A doctor should see you
I've got a remedy, that you can drink it
No, thanks
We'll take it
Child choir:
I will give you a perfect day (it'll be a special day)
With this song your dreams today will come true
We all love you (I love you too)
Today you'll have a perfect day (a fantastic day will be)
You'll have a perfect day
C'mon! We have to climb
This is already passed, you must rest
Now we have to see your colds... I mean, the guests
I have to prepare a party
Follow this rope on here
Do not separate yourself from me
What? I am fine
We have to climb, we have to sing
Follow the rope till here
Birthday, birthday, birthday, birthday, cold and hot
Elsa, look, you've got a fever
You're burning up
Don't you see that you can't continue?
Postpone it is better
C'mon, you gotta admit (it)
Okay, you're right
I'm sorry Anna, I just wanted your birthday to be perfect
But I've spoiled it, again
You've not spoiled anything
Come, get into bed
I will give you a perfect day
A great smile today I will dedicate to you
Watch out for the cake
Incredible party
You'll have a perfect day
You'll have a perfect day
I will give you a perfect day
Happy birthday
A happy day from the heart I'll dedicate you
I love you Anna!
For everything you do for me
And what you are
You'll have a perfect day
You'll have a perfect day
You'll have...
Come to bed, Elsa
No, wait, wait
There's only left that the queen blow the celebrations' horn
Oh, no no no no no no...
My best birthday's gift
What gift?
That you let me take care of you

I Just Can't Wait to Be King

I will be the strongest king,
May my enemies be scared!
I have never seen a king with that less fur.
I will be the supreme king,
Greater than the others.
I learned how to posture,
I learned how to roar, grauuu!
I have never heared a such a funny thing.
I just can't wait to be the king.
My prince, you have a long way to go!
Don't barge in,
Don't get your nose into my business.
Take a listen to me.
I meant:
Don't put me out of temper.
Look, you don't understand it.
I can't stay here.
I should do what I want.
It's incredible
I should be free.
Now it's the time,
Let's put our heads together.
I can't get advice
From the horned heads.
If there will be a monarchy,
Ignore me.
I can stay in Africa not even a moment.
I am out of this business.
Ah! I will go bananas with this boy.
I just can't wait to be the king.
Look left everyone!
Look right everyone!
Can you see me all?
I am at everywhere.
Let's sing this song together.
Sing along with these birds.
Let's hum with Simba.
I just can't wait to be the king.
I just can't wait to be the king.
I just can't wait to be the king.

I Bring You a Song / Looking for Romance

When you hear my voice
In the evening hour
Your heart will know
What I'm searching for is love
When you hear my voice
Flying through the night
Your yearning will pass
What I'm searching for is you
I'm searching for that glow
That shines for those in love
That carries and keeps us all warm
Like a night in May
I'm searching for that glow
That shines when the moon is yellow
That reveals the road to hearts
Towards that love that can't end
When you hear my voice
That's the song for us
Now that we're here under the moon
And that light is like from the most beautiful dream
Then this night of eternal love can't end
When you hear my voice
Know that I'm bringing you

The song was born in me

The song was born in me
when my gaze fell
upon the eyes of my beauty
I couldn't understand what had happened
I'll sing you a song
in hope you will feel
that my tender heart
seeks love
That certain sparkle
that is lit in the enchanting air
unites young hearts
that are yearning to love
This glow
that bursts, that comes out of the heart
flickers in an impassioning dance
to a rhythm that stirs all the senses
We'll sing the song
The heart will be enriched
You're by my side, the moon is above
glowing and shining in its bright light
It is clear that tonight the both of us too
will love
The song was born in me
when I sensed a loving heart

Tražim te

Tražim te, tražim te
Ne znam gde da idem, ne znam šta da radim
Šetam ulicom
Između milion ljudi koje ne vidim
Možda oni misle da sam ljut
Zaljubljen sam, zaljubljen sam u tebe
Stvorio sam ovu pesmu jer te volim
Stvorio sam ovu pesmu samo za tebe
Stvorio sam ovu pesmu duboko u mom srcu
Mislio sam na tebe jer je vreme prolazilo prebrzo
i nikada se ne vraća
i to je sve što mogu zadržati za sebe
tu slatku ljubav koju si mi dala.

Još uvek nisam našao ono za čim tragam

Versions: #1#2
Penjao sam se na najviše planine,
Trčao sam preko polja,
Samo da bih bio sa tobom,
Samo da bih bio sa tobom
Trčao sam,
Puzao sam
Smanjio sam ove zidine
Ove zidine
Samo da bih bio sa tobom
Ali ja još uvek nisam našao ono za čim tragam
Ali ja još uvek nisam našao ono za čim tragam
Poljubio sam medene usne,
Osetio sam isceljenje pri vrhovima prstiju
Goreli su kao vatra
Ova želja gori
Pričao sam anđeoskim jezikom
Držao sam đavolovu ruku
Bila je topla noć
Ja sam bio hladan kao kamen
Ali ja još uvek nisam našao ono za čim tragam
Ali ja još uvek nisam našao ono za čim tragam
Verujem da će Kraljevstvo doći
On će da spoji sve boje u jednu
U jednu
Ali da, ja i dalje trčim
Slomila si okove,
I olabavila si lance
Brinula o krstu
Moje sramote
Oh, moje sramote
Znaš da verujem u to
Ali ja još uvek nisam našao ono za čim tragam
Ali ja još uvek nisam našao ono za čim tragam
Ali ja još uvek nisam našao ono za čim tragam

Hod po žici

Hod po žici
Da li osečaš isto kada nisam pored tebe?
Da li znaš liniju po kojoj bi hodao zbog tebe?
Mogli bi da se okrenemo ili bi mogli da odustanemo
Ali podnećemo ono što dolazi
Podneti što dolazi
Oh oluja besni protiv nas sad
Ako se bojiš pada onda ne gledaj dole
Ali zakoračili smo ili smo skočili
I podnećemo ono što dolazi
Podneti što dolazi
Oseti vetar u svojoj kosi
Oseti nalet ovde gore
Hodamo po žici, ljubavi
Hodamo po žici, ljubavi
Bićemo višlji
Hodamo po žici, ljubavi
Tu su noći koje smo imali koje samo odu
I tu su suze koje ćemo isplakati ali te suze će izbledeti
To je cena koju plaćamo kada je u pitanju ljubav
I podnećemo ono što dolazi
Podneti što dolazi
Oseti vetar u svojoj kosi
Oseti nalet ovde gore
Hodamo po žici, ljubavi
Hodamo po žici, ljubavi
Bićemo višlji
Hodamo po žici, ljubavi
Pa pazi dole ispod
Pazi dole ispod
Pazi dole ispod
Hod po žici, žici, žici
Pa pazi dole ispod
Oh uzeću tvoju ruku kada oluja zareži
I držaču te blizu, paziću smer
Obećavam ti odavde odozgo
Da podnećemo ono što dolazi
Podneti što dolazi
Hodamo po žici, ljubavi
Hodamo po žici, ljubavi
Bićemo višlji
Hodamo po žici, ljubavi
Pa pazi dole ispod
Pazi dole ispod
Pazi dole ispod
Hod po žici, žici, žici
Pa pazi dole ispod

Mislim O Tebi

3h ujutru, komsije me mrze
Muzika tresti, zidovi se tresu
Ovog puta me marihuana nece spasiti
Radila sam dugo, Vise sam pila
Vukla punim plucima, ali secanja ne prestaju
Ne mogu prestati da mislim o tebi
Ne mogu prestati da mislim o tebi
Ne mogu da se naduvam, ni priblizno, ne mogu da se izborim
Jer, ne mogu da prestanem da mislim o tebi
Kao otrov teces kroz mene
Davim se, magli mi se vid
Magla se spustila na moj um, ne popusta
Spavala sam do kasno, Jace sam disala
Kopala sam svuda, ali secanja ne prestaju
Ne mogu prestati da mislim o tebi
Ne mogu prestati da mislim o tebi
Ne mogu da se naduvam, ni priblizno, ne mogu da se izborim
Jer, ne mogu da prestanem da mislim o tebi
Zelim te celu
Reci, pre nego sto istekne vreme
Zelim te celu
Reci, pre nego sto postane kasno
Zelim te celu
Reci, ono sto ja osecam sad
Zelim te celu
Dok je sve ludo
Ne mogu prestati da mislim o tebi
Ne mogu prestati da mislim o tebi
Ne mogu da se naduvam, ni priblizno, ne mogu da se izborim
Jer, ne mogu da prestanem da mislim o tebi


Sam si,potpuno sam,pa sta?
Dali si postao sljep?
Dali si zaboravio sta imas i sta je tvoje?
Casa polu-prazna,casa polu-puna
Pa ni na jedan nacin neces biti zedan
Racunaj na svoju srecu,ne na svoje mane
Imas sve
Izgubio si misli u zvuku
Tamo je jos mnogo vise
Mozes povratiti svoju krunu
Kontrolises se
Resen cudovista unutar tvoje glave
Stavi sve svoje greske u krevet
Mozes biti kralj ponovo
Ne svatas o cemu je sve ovo
Previse si obmotan samopouzdanjem
Imas tu mladu krv,oslobodi je
Imas sve
Izgubio si misli u zvuku
Tamo je jos mnogo vise
Mozes povratiti svoju krunu
Kontrolises se
Resen cudovista unutar tvoje glave
Stavi sve svoje greske u krevet
Mozes biti kralj ponovo
Postoji metod u mom ludilu
Tvoja tuga nije logicna
Ne dobivas nista od patnje
Uzmi je od mene
Imas sve
Izgubio si misli u zvuku
Tamo je jos mnogo vise
Mozes povratiti svoju krunu
Kontrolises se
Resen cudovista unutar tvoje glave
Stavi sve svoje greske u krevet
Mozes biti kralj
Imas sve
Izgubio si misli u zvuku
Tamo je jos mnogo vise
Mozes povratiti svoju krunu
Kontrolises se
Resen cudovista unutar tvoje glave
Stavi sve svoje greske u krevet
Mozes biti kralj ponovo

Razgovaram sa sobom

(prvi stih)
Reci mi šta treba da uradim,
ne može se doći do tebe.
Svetla su upaljena,ali niko nije kući.
(niko nije kući)
Ti kažeš da ne mogu da razumem,
ali ti mi ne daješ šansu
Kada me ostaviš,gde ideš?
(Gde ideš?)
Svi zidovi koje nastavljaš da gradiš,
sve ovo vreme koje sam proveo jureći,
svi načini na koje nastavljam da te gubim,
istina je..
...ti si se pretvorila u nekog drugog.
Nastavljaš da trčiš kao da se nebo ruši.
Mogu da šapućem,mogu da vičem,
ali ja znam,da ja znam,da ja znam
ja samo pričam sa sobom.
Pričam sa sobom.
Pričam sa sobom.
Ali ja znam,da ja znam,da ja znam
Ja samo pričam sa sobom.
(drugi stih)
Priznajem da sam napravio greške,
Ali tvoje te mogu koštati svega.
Zar ne čuješ da zovem te kući?
(...zovem te kući...)
Svi zidovi koje nastavljaš da gradiš,
sve ovo vreme koje sam proveo jureći,
svi načini na koje nastavljam da te gubim,
istina je...
...ti si se pretvorila u nekog drugog.
Nastavljaš da trčiš kao da se nebo ruši.
Mogu da šapućem,mogu da vičem,
ali ja znam,da ja znam,da ja znam
ja samo pričam sa sobom.
Pričam sa sobom.
Pričam sa sobom.
Ali ja znam,da ja znam,da ja znam
Ja samo pričam sa sobom.
Svi zidovi koje nastavljaš da gradiš,
sve ovo vreme koje sam proveo jureći,
svi načini na koje nastavljam da te gubim,
istina je...
...ti si se pretvorila u nekog drugog.
Nastavljaš da trčiš kao da se nebo ruši.
Mogu da šapućem,mogu da vičem,
ali ja znam,da ja znam,da ja znam
ja samo pričam sa sobom.
Pričam sa sobom.
Pričam sa sobom.
Ali ja znam,da ja znam,da ja znam
Ja samo pričam sa sobom.