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Шетња кроз Мемфис

Обула сам своје плаве кожне еспадриле
И укрцала се на авион
Слетела сам у земљу Делта блуза
У сред пљуска.
Дабл-ју Си Хенди, зар ме нећеш погледати?
О да, имам карту за прву класу,
али сам тужна колико једна девојка то може бити.
Онда се шетам Мемфисом,
Као да сам била три метра изнад Бил улице
Шетам Мемфисом,
Али да ли се заиста осећам како се осећам?
Угледала сам Елвисов дух на Авенији Јунион
Пратила сам га до капије Грејсленда
И гледала га како пролази кроз њу.
Обезбеђење га није видело
Они су само лебдели око његовог гроба
Док лепа, мала ствар чека Краља
у самој Џангл соби.
Док сам шетала Мемфисом,
Као да сам била три метра изнад Бил улице
Шетам Мемфисом,
Али да ли се заиста осећам како се осећам?
Шетам Мемфисом,
(Шетам Мемфисом),
Као да сам била три метра изнад Бил улице
Шетам Мемфисом,
(Шетам Мемфисом),
Али да ли се заиста осећам како се осећам?
За јело служе сомовину
У ваздуху се осећа госпел (јеванђеље)
Пречасном Грину ће бити драго да вас сретне
Јер када се нисте дуго молили,
Бого мој, онда ћете се молити у Мемфису.
Гебријел свира клавир
Сваког петка у 'Холивуду'
Одвели су ме да га гледам
И питали ме да ли пристајем
да отпевам неку песмицу?
Отпевала сам је из све снаге
Он ме упита: 'Реци ми, јеси ли хришћанка, дете моје?'
Рекох му: 'Човече, јесам, за вечерас.'
Шетам Мемфисом,
(Шетам Мемфисом),
Као да сам била три метра изнад Бил улице
Шетам Мемфисом,
(Шетам Мемфисом),
Али да ли се заиста осећам како се осећам?
Шетам Мемфисом,
(Шетам Мемфисом),
Као да сам била три метра изнад Бил улице
Шетам Мемфисом,
(Шетам Мемфисом),
Али да ли се заиста осећам како се осећам?
Обула сам своје плаве кожне еспадриле

Να Είσαι Ελεύθερος

Χθες το βράδυ ήμουν ελεύθερος
Έξω στον αγρό
Όπου ερωτευτήκαμε
Και ξέρω ότι ήταν αληθινό
Με έβγαλες έξω
Τραγουδούσα ένα τραγούδι
Κοίταξες από το παράθυρο
Αλλά είχα ήδη φύγει
Οι άνεμοι μαστιγώνουν, γλείφουν σαν γλώσσες
Και το δέρμα μας σαν παραδεισένιο
Σύννεφα στους πνεύμονές μας
Είδα την αντανάκλαση μου
Και μίλησα στο τζάμι
Σε σκέφτομαι και σκέφτομαι το παρελθόν
Ένα θες να είσαι ελεύθερος, μην με σκέφτεσαι
Μην κοιτάς στα μάτια μου
Μην αράζεις μαζί μου
Όχι πια
Αυτό που θέλεις είναι αυτό που με σκοτώνει
Μην τολμήσεις να πάρεις το χέρι μου
εάν θες να είσαι ελεύθερος , όχι
Το πρόσωπο σου σαν πίνακας στο ιστορικό μυαλό σου
Αλλά μετά βίας επιβιώνεις
Και μετά βίας ζεις
Αυτούς τους κανόνες των χαμένων ημερών που θάψαμε στο χρόνο
Κυοφόρησα το μωρό που ένιωθα νεκρό μέσα μου
Κυοφόρησες το παιδί μου
Φύτεψα τον σπόρο μου
Το ξέρω ότι ήταν λάθος, αλλά ήξερες τι χρειαζόμουν
Το έβλεπες στα μάτια μου όταν με κοιτούσες
Συνεχίζεις να σκοτεινιάζεις τον δρόμο μου
Η αγάπη σου με απελευθερώνει
Ένα θες να είσαι ελεύθερος, μην με σκέφτεσαι
Μην κοιτάς στα μάτια μου
Μην αράζεις μαζί μου
Όχι πια
Και αυτό που θέλεις είναι αυτό που με σκοτώνει
Μην τολμήσεις να πάρεις το χέρι μου
εάν θες να είσαι ελεύθερος , όχι όχι

My Mother Told Me

Versions: #1
My mother once told me,
that myself I shall buy
a ship and steady oars,
to sail afar with the Vikings,
to stand up at the prow,
steer the noble vessel,
set course out to the sea,
slay one man and another,
slay one man and another.
The rasp strikes before the prow
of the vessel on its smooth path
with a chisel of hail,
wicked enemy of the tree,
and that of the cold-made willow
files mercilessly
Gestil1's swan2 with wind-gusts
on the ornamented ship's prow.
  • 1. Gestill is a Norse king of the sea
  • 2. metaphor for ship

You don't grow on trees

A beautiful new world has opened up
it's like it flew to me.
Your magic has opened life up
and the heavenly landscape.
A smile from you, finds light in my soul,
a beam of light responds.
Boys like you don't grow on trees1
Oh, Jasmine...
You haven't seen yet
the dark of life, as it beckons you.
If there's nothing else,
your own past is what's blinding you.
Your father told me about how precious you are.
Nobody else has said to me
That boys like me don't grow on trees
The past awaits, my ancient self!
Go then, set out today!
What happened was a smoldering furnace!
I'll wait here until you come back.
Jasmine & Aladdin:
Maybe it'll worth it (I adore you!)
The wedding feast can still wait (You're speaking the truth)
Since it would be best if your good father would come to our wedding (I've been waiting for him since a long time...)
This is an old custom (My good father)
Jasmine & Aladdin:
And we could finally know that he's alive.
And that he's finally among his family.
And he would tell so many tales
Jasmine & Aladdin:
You could finally see that you don't just grow on trees

Can you feel my soul

Can you feel me? I'm calling you from my soul.
Can you feel my breath? I'm calling you from my soul.
No matter how far away you are,
I will be always there for you.
So you're not alone anymore.
You better start running toward your way to tomorrow.
No matter what the storm,
we can get through it together.
Under the beating drenching rain,
I'm gonna run with you.
Can you feel me? I'm calling you from my soul.
Can you feel my breath? I'm calling you from my soul.
Can you hear me? You, Can you get my song
Can you feel me? You, Can you feel my soul
When the night is hard, painful and sad,
close your eyes and call out with the voice of your heart.
I will embrace your broken hope.
Get up now! I'm sure you can do that.
When the time comes for you to cry,
You can cry in my heart.
When you get hurt and fall down,
I'm the one to protect you.
Can you feel me? I'm calling you from my soul.
Can you feel my breath? I'm calling you from my soul.
Can you hear me? You, Can you get my song
Can you feel me? You, Can you feel my soul

Осећам како се земља помера

Осећам како се земља помера под мојим ногама
Осећам како се небо руши
Осећам како срце почиње да ми дрхти
Кад год си у близини
Ох, бебо, кад угледам твоје лице
Меко као месец мај
Ох, драги, не могу да поднесем
Кад ме тако погледаш
Осећам како се земља помера под мојим ногама
Осећам како се небо руши
Осећам како срце почиње да ми дрхти
Кад год си у близини
Ох драги, кад си близу мене
И кад нежно зовеш моје име
Знам да су моје емоције
Нешто што не могу да обуздам
Само морам да те имам, бебо
Осећам како се земља помера под мојим ногама
Осећам како се небо руши
Осећам како се земља помера под мојим ногама
Осећам како се небо руши, руши
Само губим контролу
До сржи
Постаје ми вруће и хладно
Осећам како се земља помера под мојим ногама
Осећам како се небо руши

Your Season

Close your eyes and feel it
It’s a song just for me
With your breath in it
and a sound of the wind
The sunlight above my knees
that shines on you
It’s enough for me to see it
You embrace me on cold days
and become an umbrella on a rainy days
The sunlight that resembles you
Please come and smile to me on and fine day
You are soaking me
in your scent
I’ll always be with you
for covering my side
The wind
Your hair
It’s enough to put it back
You embrace me on cold days
and become an umbrella on a rainy days
The sunlight that resembles you
Please come and bloom flowers to me on and fine day
The cloudy sky is clear
And you reveal my mixed feelings
With so many seasons
When I look back,
I was covered with tears
At the end of my day,
You were always there
Even with the word of love,
I can’t fill it in my heart
Please stay with me as always

Hold My Hand

If you look deep into my heart
There’s a small hole in it
Without anyone knowing, without even me knowing
It was growing
The love that will fill my heart is you
Please hold my hand
Don’t leave me alone
Until this night passes
Please hold me tight
If you look deep into my heart
There’s a small sadness
Without anyone knowing, without anyone knowing
I was crying alone
You are the love that will wipe my tears away
Please hold my hand
Don’t leave me alone
Until this night passes
Please hold me tight
Please hold my hand
Don’t leave me alone
If you stay with me tonight,
I think I’ll be okay again

Big City

Ahhh chasing after
An endless dream.
Ahhh someday we’ll be
Running across the skies.
After receiving words of betrayal, I left my hometown.
Wandering in pursuit
Of a paltry desire.
In an unfamiliar city,
My hopes and fears become one.
I barely even notice
The passage of the days.
In this city, the words exchanged are all cold.
Is it my fate
To live like this?
Towards a tomorrow different from today,
Run Away. Run Away.
I’m running.
Even in a city of betrayal,
There’s a fire lit in my heart
All I need is a paltry amount of love.
There will come a day
When even a guy like me
Can be bathed in the sunlight and laugh.
Sunrise gently envelops the sky
I’m going to live on,
Under the radiant sun.
I’ll unleash the passion rushing through my heart.
Run Away. Run Away.
I’m running.
Sunrise gently envelops the sky
I’m going to live on,
Under the radiant sun.
I’ll unleash the passion rushing through my heart.
Run Away. Run Away.
I’m running.
Ahhh chasing after
An endless dream.
Ahhh someday we’ll be
Running across the skies.
Ahhh chasing after
An endless dream.
Ahhh someday we’ll be
Running across the skies.

Kad smo bili deca

Bilo je bolje kad smo bili deca
Mislili smo da znamo sve, stvarno jesmo znali
Nismo imali para, ali smo bili tako bogati
Nikoga nije bilo briga šta smo radili
Još jedna tuča i još jedan poljubac
Ali to je sada prošlost
Ali ja te još uvek dozivam
Da, još uvek te dozivam
Samo mi reci šta sad da radim
Jer se osećam malo izgubljeno bez tebe
Malo sam izgubljen bez tebe
Čuj me, čuj me sada
Reci mi šta da radim sad
Jer sada shvatam da mi trebaš
Sve bih uradio da te vidim
Čuj me, čuj me
Još uvek te dozivam
Da, još uvek te dozivam
Još jedna posledica,
Još jedan dan
Sada sam u borbi za prestiž
Bez para, samo sam izabran
To me vraća u vreme kada sam bio slobodan
Vraća me u uspomenu
U prošlost
Samo mi reci šta sad da radim
Jer se osećam malo izgubljeno bez tebe
Malo sam izgubljen bez tebe
Čuj me, čuj me sada
Reci mi šta da radim sad
Jer sada shvatam da mi trebaš
Sve bih uradio da te vidim
Čuj me, čuj me
Još uvek te dozivam
Da, još uvek te dozivam
Čuj me, čuj me
Još uvek te dozivam
Jer se osećam malo izgubljeno bez tebe
Malo sam izgubljen bez tebe
Čuj me, čuj me
Bilo je bolje kada smo bili deca
Bez para, tako bogati
Vrati me u uspomenu
U prošlost
Samo mi reci šta sad da radim
Jer se osećam malo izgubljeno bez tebe
Malo sam izgubljen bez tebe
Čuj me, čuj me sada
Reci mi šta da radim sad
Jer sada shvatam da mi trebaš
Sve bih uradio da te vidim
Čuj me, čuj me
Još uvek te dozivam
Da, još uvek te dozivam
Čuj me, čuj me
Još uvek te dozivam
Jer se osećam malo izgubljeno bez tebe
Malo sam izgubljen bez tebe
Čuj me, čuj me

Never did I dare to tell you one thing.

Never did I dare to tell you one thing,
that now I must, my lady,
for I want to die for you.
I never told you
how my love for you was killing me


How many more lives you have?
Newborn shames
Painful screams
Silent corpses
Produced society
Corrupt generations
Power, for some
Magnificence, for some
Everday's a crime, for us
Always slaughter, for us
Some want glory
Some want fame
We only got one way
And that is to die everyday
They were born with blood
Got filled with hate
They fired from paradise
All four walls build by fire
People are obliged with the devil
How many more days do you have?
The torments that choked you
Are sinked like stones
Decayed brains
Exhausted soul of yours
Pleasure, for some
Fun, for some
Everyday is suffering, for us
It's always torture, for us
Some want blood
Some want violence
We only got one way
And that is to die everyday
They were born with blood
Got filled with hate
They fired from paradise
All four walls build by fire
People are obliged with the devil
You are sinked till the waist
Too late
Till finding a hope
Be patient
Till you see death
Give up
This order is till here
They were born with blood
Got filled with hate
They fired from paradise
All four walls build by fire
People are obliged with the devil


За тим моје срце за сада жуди - љубав и понос.
За тим моје срце за сада жуди - љубав и понос.
Започните своје путовање раније или можда касније
(обуј чизме)
Потражите дуге
облачно је
Узми фен за косу
разнети их све.
У теби сам нашао причу коју желим да чујем.
У теби видим све боје
не само црно или бело.
У теби проналазим разлог и наду за све сањаре
Ти си ми пун
ти си моја залиха љубави и поноса.
За тим моје срце за сада жуди - љубав и понос. . . .
то је само биће.
пожуда и прихват
више љубави и више поноса.
У теби сам нашао причу коју желим да чујем. . . .
Водим га по целом свету - мало љубави и поноса.
За тим моје срце за сада жуди - љубав и понос. . . .
То је оно што за сада имам у срцу - љубав и понос. . . .

Other Than Me (Remix)

[Intro: KHEA & Rusherking]
This is the Big One
Baby girl, you convinced me
You forced me to keep going and feel like all of this was a lie (Ooh)
But there's someone else in this tale (Uh-uh)
You left me between heaven and hell (This is the remix)
[Pre-Chorus: Rusherkind & Tiago PZK)
You convinced me you loved me
You lied to me, baby
And like a fool I waited for you
Until you return to me (Baby girl)
[Chorus: Tiago PZK]
Oh, I'm here outside like a fool
In the rain, but you don't want to open
I thought you loved me, but I discovered
That now there's someone other than me
[Post-Chorus: Rusherking & Tiago PZK]
Oh, yeah, other than me
Oh, yeah (Yeah), other than me
Oh, yeah (Yeah), other than me
Yeah, oh-oh-oh
[Verse 1: Lit Killah]
4 a.m. in the street
Walking to your house getting my Supreme wet
I didn't know that this was the color grey
And in the end, keep lying to my face like always
Girl, the last time you saw me cry, you caused me pain
You and me, my love, not now, we can't be together
And I continue alone down the avenue, what we did is not forgotten
I'm taking out the thorn but the marks are for life, aren't they, girl
I'm at the edge of being empty but I don't want to fall
I'm at the point of going crazy
[Verse 2: Duki]
We shine like a necklace, you're my best friend
I don't know why you lie, I'm forever
Tell it to my face, bitch, it wasn't me who lied
Who gave everything for you? Who other than me? (And no)
I won't hurt my heart anymore
Especially from your lack of love
It was you and I, now fuck Cupid
Girl, you took my desire (Ah, yeah)
I dream of not seeing your face again
How do you pretend like nothing happened?
You took the role of the bad guy seriously
[Verse 3: María Becerra]
Counting and counting the drinks
Asking myself where you were
Thinking that I'd done something bad
Every night I asked myself
Hey, if it was my fault, if I let you go
But I know it was all done by you (All by you)
Maybe tomorrow you'll come back here
Crying, asking for me (Oh)
Oh, no, my love, it won't be just us
I gave you my love and you exchanged it for another
[Chorus: Tiago PZK]
Oh, I'm here outside like a fool
In the rain, but you don't want to open
I thought you loved me, but I discovered
That now there's someone other than me
[Post-Chorus: Rusherking & Tiago PZK]
Oh, yeah, other than me
Oh, yeah (Yeah), other than me
Oh, yeah (Yeah), other than me
Yeah, oh-oh-oh
[Verse 4: KHEA]
I didn't have you like that
And now there's someone else other than me
I didn't have you like that
You let me die, you meant to lie
You made me suffer, I want to see you break
How could you break my heart like that?
But to hide it like it left you
Heartbreaker, breaking without reason
And now I'm making millions, because of you a nail, yeah
Thousands of songs in your name, fuck love
Fuck, no more, my heart, yeah
I suffer at night wanting to heal
[Verse 5: Rusherking & Tiago PZK]
And every time is lonelier, shorty
My absence is killing you
But don't call me, sorry
I can't pretend that I love you
And again last night
I remembered, more, how he kissed you
How it hurt that you lied to my face
Saying that it was nothing and you were in love (Nothing)
And you didn't care if he loved you, oh
No, more, my heart, yeah
Anesthetized, it doesn't hurt
And now I cry
Thinking only of what I lost, whoa
[Pre-Chorus: Rusherkind & Tiago PZK)
You convinced me you loved me
You lied to me, baby
And like a fool I waited for you
Until you return to me (Baby girl)
[Chorus: Tiago PZK]
Oh, I'm here outside like a fool
In the rain, but you don't want to open
I thought you loved me, but I discovered
That now there's someone other than me
[Post-Chorus: Rusherking & Tiago PZK]
Oh, yeah, other than me
Oh, yeah (Yeah), other than me
Oh, yeah (Yeah), other than me
Yeah, oh-oh-oh
[Outro: KHEA, Tiago PZK, Duki, Lit Killah, María Becerra & Rusherking]
(Yeah, oh)
KHEA, yeah
Lit Killah
Lady, ey, lady, eh
This is the Big One

Crveno Vino

Jen', dva, tri, opa!
Idem do kafane sa mojom braćom
Podeliću crvenog vina sa njima
Danas ću biti pijan
Idem do kafane sa mojom braćom
Podeliću crvenog vina sa njima
Danas ću biti pijan
Idem do kafane sa mojom braćom
Podeliću crvenog vina sa njima
Danas ću biti pijan
Pijem crveno vino, pijem belo vino
Pijem crveno vino, pijem, ooo.
Pijem crveno vino, pijem belo vino
Pijem crveno vino, pijem, ooo.
(Neke ritmične reči koje ne znače ništa)
Idem do kafane sa mojom braćom
Podeliću crvenog vina sa njima
Danas ću biti pijan
Idem do kafane sa mojom braćom
Podeliću crvenog vina sa njima
Danas ću biti pijan
Idem do kafane sa mojom braćom
Podeliću crvenog vina sa njima
Danas ću biti pijan
Pijem crveno vino, pijem belo vino
Pijem crveno vino, pijem, ooo.
Pijem crveno vino, pijem belo vino
Pijem crveno vino, pijem, ooo.

Stay with me

It's vampK 254
Verse 1
Staring at your smiling face, Is like watching an African movie, I can't get bored
You are a book, and am a pen, I was created for you, Like a Maasai and Rubeka,
How I wish, I could be your clothes, so that I could cover you and touch you every time
If you were a stew or bean soup, I would be Ugali, Mokimo or chapati
Stay with me, My love, So that I serve you
Every morning I wake up to Cook for you
Wash you, dress you to be attractive
I will even tie your shoe laces
(Stay with me) I'll strive to be whatever you desire
(Stay with me) I'll struggle till you fatten
(Stay with me) you'll borrow and I'll pay
(Stay with me) I'll try to protect you more than your X
(Stay with me) idd rather still than watch you suffer
(Stay with me) You'll be healed I have the antidote
Verse 2
And if you were a politician,
I would have campaigned for you
Praise you, In light and darkenss
Even to your enemies
I will Kiss you in public
So that they know that you are mine
If I was a spoon, you would be my plate
Separating us is impossible
Stay with me, My love, So that I serve you
Every morning I wake up to Cook for you
Wash you, dress you to be attractive
I will even tie your shoe laces
(Stay with me) I'll strive to be whatever you desire
(Stay with me) I'll struggle till you fatten
(Stay with me) you'll borrow and I'll pay
(Stay with me) I'll try to protect you more than your X
(Stay with me) idd rather still than watch you suffer
(Stay with me) You'll be healed I have the antidote

Шпански Харлем

У Шпанском Харлему постоји ружа
Црвена ружа се подигла у Шпанском Харлему
Посебана је, никада није видела сунце
Излази само када је месец пун
И све звезде блистају
Расте на улици кроз бетон
Али меко и слатко и снено
У Шпанском Харлему постоји ружа
Црвена ружа се подигла у Шпанском Харлему
Очима црним попут угља које гледају у моју душу
И тамо је запалила ватру и тада изгубим контролу
Морам да вас извиним
Идем да покупим ту ружу и да је гледам
Док расте у мојој башти
Идем да покупим ту ружу и да је гледам
Док расте у мојој башти
(У Шпанском Харлему постоји ружа)
Ла ла ла, ла ла ла, ла ла ла ла
(У Шпанском Харлему постоји ружа)
Ла ла ла, ла ла ла, ла ла ла ла
(У Шпанском Харлему постоји ружа)


Into a bubble
Before we know it
If you understand
Much much more
Even though they melted together
This feeling
Become a fish
Than anyone else
As it is
Much much more
I wish I could fly
This feeling
It snapped and
Disappeared like bubbles
Unastonished fate
Gouged my heart
I certainly felt
Slightly impatient
Still trapped
In the fate that has passed
It snapped and
Disappeared like bubbles
Also right now
How are you doing somewhere?
That summer smell
Slightly impatient
Someday crazy about
Chasing the shadow
Into a bubble
Before we know it
If you understand
Much much more
Even though they melted together
This feeling
Become a fish
Than anyone else
As it is
Much much more
I wish I could fly
This feeling
This feeling

The Impossible Dream

To dream… in the impossible dream,
To fight… steady fight in the conflict,
To bear… with the regret torrent,
To run… brave and run through the ventures,
To ambitious… mend wrongs to be right,
To love… in nation all our life,
To die… die for fame and honor,
To do good things…without announcing it to the world,
To not give up. To do good and right things,
Not to hesitate and reluctant to reach,
Not to raged and neglected in destiny,
No regret, to die for all these things
This is the truly determine commitment.
To remain all of the justices,
Although suffer and torture,
Still certain and remain to love Thailand,
This world gonna change for the greater good,
From the uncompromising men who never give up,
Still steady to do all these things,
To dedicate and sacrifice all… for Thais,
This is the truly determine commitment.
To remain all of the justices,
Although suffer and torture,
Still certain and remain to love Thailand,
This world gonna change for the greater good,
From the uncompromising men who never give up,
Still steady to do all these things,
To dedicate and sacrifice all… for Thais

Hula Song

Are you really hungry for some fatty and juicy food
take a jab of pumba when we place it on a plate
come and say goodbye, now the pig will die,
all you need is to stand in line,
shall we fry, yup yup yup,
with some bacon, yup yup yup,
prima villsvin, yup yup yup,
you can get some wild boar and

I want to be a good king

I will be king one day,
be careful
Well, I haven't seen a bad king
with such fluffy hair
I will be a wonderful king,
as never seen before
Charming and fragrant
With a mammoth voice!
Well, that's what will happen
much later
I want to be a good king
Let no one tell me
(And when I said that)
What I'm not allowed to do
(I wanted to say that)
and stop me
(Wait a minute)
To do everything the way I want
(Well, you're not going to do that)
Find out what I want to know
I think it's time for the two of us
and sit and talk
(Your good advice
wait a little longer)
Because you behave so badly, the kingdom is in decline
No rules, no order, you know I don't support you
the child is rebellious now I know
I want to be a good king
We look to the left
We look to the right
We look into the distance
It's a discovery
(Not yet)
And everywhere you look
Not yet!
And everywhere you look
It is written for destiny and you will know
That he will be a good king alone
Yes, I will be a good king
Yes, you will be a good king
Yes, you will be a good king

Circle of Life

Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
Siyo Nqoba
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala...
When something is born on our earth
He immediately raises his eyes to the sun
There is more here than you can see
Much more than a glimpse of the eye
So much here to open up to you
Much more than you could find
But already the sun is high, inviting to go on the trails
And on earth I discovered my place
And with the sun together
Village we all
You dream naive
Alive with hope
And living us
The wheel turns late
Spinning wheel
With the sun together
And with the sun together
Village we all
You dream naive
Alive with hope
And living us
The wheel turns late
Spinning wheel
With the sun together

We are one

Our lives are a slow dance
A chain that goes the distance
But it ends
It's been speaking since antiquity
It lives in us, we hear it clear
We don't understand it yet
You must walk, so take some steps
Even though, you was born just yet
Though you might stumble, watch
This dance awaits
It'll be next to you, little star
You can never leave it far
A whole chain circling, look
It's waiting for you!
A big family, a big family
Is waiting for you! (2x)
My past might trap me in
Although if it was up to me
I would so love to be different!
What my fate will make of me
Even though my heart is urging me
But I'm held by one straw
Strong needle and thread binds you
To ancients spirits, it leads you to
Although you seem weak yet
You migh feel joy, you might feel grief
With prideful faith keep saying this:
A whole chain is circling
It awaits me!
A big family, a big family
Is waiting for you! (2x)
Earth and sky, you and me
Within us the land does meet
That's how now all gets rebuilt
Need anything, call your ancestor
You'll have the strength to endure
A whole chain is circling, look
It awaits you!
Since you live among us, you are like us
You'll understand one day
A big family, big family
Is waiting for you!

Did you see it?

Do you see it?1
A real cursed footage
Plays in a corner of my memories
Every time I think of it, it's like a replay
I loathe that person's face
Ah, right, you're haunted by a love from the past
Is it really like that? Isn't the ghost of your memories
Looking at you with kind eyes?
Everybody regrets the past
Sometimes we even feel that loving is a sin
But we can forgive each other too
Don't be afraid, more importantly,
I love you,
Do you see it?
A real cursed footage
Is still playing in my mind
Every time it plays, I loathe seeing
That person by my side, laughing
Ah, you're possessed by those days gone by
Is it really like that? Isn't the apparition of your memories
Bidding you farewell?
Everybody fears the future
We wish to go back in time to start over
But the time is now and there's only now
Don't be sad, and by the way,
I love you
Ah, right, you're haunted by a love from the past
Is it really like that? Isn't the ghost of your memories
Looking at you with kind eyes?
Everybody regrets the past
Sometimes we even feel that loving is a sin
But we can forgive each other too
Don't be afraid, more importantly,
I love you,
Did you see it?
  • 1. A common cliché in supposed haunted photos/footage TV programmes, where this phrase often appears on screen before the audience is shown a replay of the footage. The literal meaning is closer to something like 'did you understand that'/'did you catch that', but I also wanted to keep the television theme. Therefore, the narrator is asking their love interest if they understand that the narrator loves them.

Devojka je bolja

Ko je uzeo novac?
Ko je odneo novac?
Uvek je vreme za šou
Ovde na ivici scene
Ustani i zapitaj se
Koje je bilo mesto, koje je bilo ime?
Želimo da čekamo, ali evo idemo opet
Polako preuzima, ali ne traje veoma dugo
Nema potrebe za brigom, sve je pod kontrolom
N A P O LJ E, bez uvrede
Šta ti znaš, vode te
Opet su nas jahali
Imam devojku koja je bolja od toga
Ima dim u očima
Dolazi, ide pravo kroz moju kuću
Daće mi iznenađenje
Mislim da je ispravno, bolje od ovoga
Mislim da možeš ako voliš
Imam devojku sa mašnama u kosi
Ništa nije bolje od toga, zar ne?
Dole, dole u podrumu čujemo zvuk mašina
Vozim u krugovima, ponekad mi padne na pamet
Zašto, zaštp, zašto početi opet?
Ništa nije bilo izgubljeno, sve je besplatno
Baš me briga koliko nemoguće izgleda
Neko te zove ali ti ne možeš čuti
Priđi blize da bi bila dalje
I samo jedan pogled je sve što je potrebno
Možda je to sve što nam treba
Sve što nam treba, sada je to ispravno
Sve što treba ako je ispravno
Imam devojku koja je bolja od toga
I ona ide gde god želi, ona ide
Imam devojku koja je bolja od toga
Sada se svi uključuju
Ona ide pravo kroz moje srce
Možda nikada ne budemo uhvaćeni
Idi pravo, pokušaj da ostaneš kul, idi pravo, ostani kul
Imam devojku koja je bolja od toga
I ništa nije bolje od tebe
Imam devojku koja je bolja od ovoga
Ali ti se ne sećaš uopšte
Kako starimo i prestajemo imati smisla
Neće ona čekati dugo
Prestati imati smisla, prestati imati smisla
Prestati imati smisla, imati smisla
Imam devojku koja je bolja od toga
I ništa nije bolje od ovoga, zar ne?

Darling, I love you so much

Darling, I love you so much
I don't know what to do
You know you've completely
Stolen my heart
Morning, noon and nighttime too
Always wondering what to do
That's the way I felt
Right from the start
Hey honey
My love for you is so strong
Wish my French were good enough
I'd tell you so much more
But I hope that you understand
All the little things you mean to me
Darling, I love you so much
I love you, yes I do
Wish my French were good enough
I'd tell you so much more
But I hope that you understand
All the things you mean to me
Darling, I love you so much
I love you, yes I do
(Darling I love you so much)
I love you, yes I do