Резултати претраге страна 7
Број резултата: 407
Шпански Харлем
У Шпанском Харлему постоји ружа
Црвена ружа се подигла у Шпанском Харлему
Посебана је, никада није видела сунце
Излази само када је месец пун
И све звезде блистају
Расте на улици кроз бетон
Али меко и слатко и снено
У Шпанском Харлему постоји ружа
Црвена ружа се подигла у Шпанском Харлему
Очима црним попут угља које гледају у моју душу
И тамо је запалила ватру и тада изгубим контролу
Морам да вас извиним
Идем да покупим ту ружу и да је гледам
Док расте у мојој башти
Идем да покупим ту ружу и да је гледам
Док расте у мојој башти
(У Шпанском Харлему постоји ружа)
Ла ла ла, ла ла ла, ла ла ла ла
(У Шпанском Харлему постоји ружа)
Ла ла ла, ла ла ла, ла ла ла ла
(У Шпанском Харлему постоји ружа)
Into a bubble
Before we know it
If you understand
Much much more
Even though they melted together
This feeling
Become a fish
Than anyone else
As it is
Much much more
I wish I could fly
This feeling
It snapped and
Disappeared like bubbles
Unastonished fate
Gouged my heart
I certainly felt
Slightly impatient
Still trapped
In the fate that has passed
It snapped and
Disappeared like bubbles
Also right now
How are you doing somewhere?
That summer smell
Slightly impatient
Someday crazy about
Chasing the shadow
Into a bubble
Before we know it
If you understand
Much much more
Even though they melted together
This feeling
Become a fish
Than anyone else
As it is
Much much more
I wish I could fly
This feeling
This feeling
The Impossible Dream
To dream… in the impossible dream,
To fight… steady fight in the conflict,
To bear… with the regret torrent,
To run… brave and run through the ventures,
To ambitious… mend wrongs to be right,
To love… in nation all our life,
To die… die for fame and honor,
To do good things…without announcing it to the world,
To not give up. To do good and right things,
Not to hesitate and reluctant to reach,
Not to raged and neglected in destiny,
No regret, to die for all these things
This is the truly determine commitment.
To remain all of the justices,
Although suffer and torture,
Still certain and remain to love Thailand,
This world gonna change for the greater good,
From the uncompromising men who never give up,
Still steady to do all these things,
To dedicate and sacrifice all… for Thais,
This is the truly determine commitment.
To remain all of the justices,
Although suffer and torture,
Still certain and remain to love Thailand,
This world gonna change for the greater good,
From the uncompromising men who never give up,
Still steady to do all these things,
To dedicate and sacrifice all… for Thais
Hula Song
Are you really hungry for some fatty and juicy food
take a jab of pumba when we place it on a plate
come and say goodbye, now the pig will die,
all you need is to stand in line,
shall we fry, yup yup yup,
with some bacon, yup yup yup,
prima villsvin, yup yup yup,
you can get some wild boar and
I want to be a good king
I will be king one day,
be careful
Well, I haven't seen a bad king
with such fluffy hair
I will be a wonderful king,
as never seen before
Charming and fragrant
With a mammoth voice!
Well, that's what will happen
much later
I want to be a good king
Let no one tell me
(And when I said that)
What I'm not allowed to do
(I wanted to say that)
and stop me
(Wait a minute)
To do everything the way I want
(Well, you're not going to do that)
Find out what I want to know
I think it's time for the two of us
and sit and talk
(Your good advice
wait a little longer)
Because you behave so badly, the kingdom is in decline
No rules, no order, you know I don't support you
the child is rebellious now I know
I want to be a good king
We look to the left
We look to the right
We look into the distance
It's a discovery
(Not yet)
And everywhere you look
Not yet!
And everywhere you look
It is written for destiny and you will know
That he will be a good king alone
Yes, I will be a good king
Yes, you will be a good king
Yes, you will be a good king
Circle of Life
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
Siyo Nqoba
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala...
When something is born on our earth
He immediately raises his eyes to the sun
There is more here than you can see
Much more than a glimpse of the eye
So much here to open up to you
Much more than you could find
But already the sun is high, inviting to go on the trails
And on earth I discovered my place
And with the sun together
Village we all
You dream naive
Alive with hope
And living us
The wheel turns late
Spinning wheel
With the sun together
And with the sun together
Village we all
You dream naive
Alive with hope
And living us
The wheel turns late
Spinning wheel
With the sun together
We are one
Our lives are a slow dance
A chain that goes the distance
But it ends
It's been speaking since antiquity
It lives in us, we hear it clear
We don't understand it yet
You must walk, so take some steps
Even though, you was born just yet
Though you might stumble, watch
This dance awaits
It'll be next to you, little star
You can never leave it far
A whole chain circling, look
It's waiting for you!
A big family, a big family
Is waiting for you! (2x)
My past might trap me in
Although if it was up to me
I would so love to be different!
What my fate will make of me
Even though my heart is urging me
But I'm held by one straw
Strong needle and thread binds you
To ancients spirits, it leads you to
Although you seem weak yet
You migh feel joy, you might feel grief
With prideful faith keep saying this:
A whole chain is circling
It awaits me!
A big family, a big family
Is waiting for you! (2x)
Earth and sky, you and me
Within us the land does meet
That's how now all gets rebuilt
Need anything, call your ancestor
You'll have the strength to endure
A whole chain is circling, look
It awaits you!
Since you live among us, you are like us
You'll understand one day
A big family, big family
Is waiting for you!
Did you see it?
Do you see it?
A real cursed footage
Plays in a corner of my memories
Every time I think of it, it's like a replay
I loathe that person's face
Ah, right, you're haunted by a love from the past
Is it really like that? Isn't the ghost of your memories
Looking at you with kind eyes?
Everybody regrets the past
Sometimes we even feel that loving is a sin
But we can forgive each other too
Don't be afraid, more importantly,
I love you,
Do you see it?
A real cursed footage
Is still playing in my mind
Every time it plays, I loathe seeing
That person by my side, laughing
Ah, you're possessed by those days gone by
Is it really like that? Isn't the apparition of your memories
Bidding you farewell?
Everybody fears the future
We wish to go back in time to start over
But the time is now and there's only now
Don't be sad, and by the way,
I love you
Ah, right, you're haunted by a love from the past
Is it really like that? Isn't the ghost of your memories
Looking at you with kind eyes?
Everybody regrets the past
Sometimes we even feel that loving is a sin
But we can forgive each other too
Don't be afraid, more importantly,
I love you,
Did you see it?
Devojka je bolja
Ko je uzeo novac?
Ko je odneo novac?
Uvek je vreme za šou
Ovde na ivici scene
Ustani i zapitaj se
Koje je bilo mesto, koje je bilo ime?
Želimo da čekamo, ali evo idemo opet
Polako preuzima, ali ne traje veoma dugo
Nema potrebe za brigom, sve je pod kontrolom
N A P O LJ E, bez uvrede
Šta ti znaš, vode te
Opet su nas jahali
Imam devojku koja je bolja od toga
Ima dim u očima
Dolazi, ide pravo kroz moju kuću
Daće mi iznenađenje
Mislim da je ispravno, bolje od ovoga
Mislim da možeš ako voliš
Imam devojku sa mašnama u kosi
Ništa nije bolje od toga, zar ne?
Dole, dole u podrumu čujemo zvuk mašina
Vozim u krugovima, ponekad mi padne na pamet
Zašto, zaštp, zašto početi opet?
Ništa nije bilo izgubljeno, sve je besplatno
Baš me briga koliko nemoguće izgleda
Neko te zove ali ti ne možeš čuti
Priđi blize da bi bila dalje
I samo jedan pogled je sve što je potrebno
Možda je to sve što nam treba
Sve što nam treba, sada je to ispravno
Sve što treba ako je ispravno
Imam devojku koja je bolja od toga
I ona ide gde god želi, ona ide
Imam devojku koja je bolja od toga
Sada se svi uključuju
Ona ide pravo kroz moje srce
Možda nikada ne budemo uhvaćeni
Idi pravo, pokušaj da ostaneš kul, idi pravo, ostani kul
Imam devojku koja je bolja od toga
I ništa nije bolje od tebe
Imam devojku koja je bolja od ovoga
Ali ti se ne sećaš uopšte
Kako starimo i prestajemo imati smisla
Neće ona čekati dugo
Prestati imati smisla, prestati imati smisla
Prestati imati smisla, imati smisla
Imam devojku koja je bolja od toga
I ništa nije bolje od ovoga, zar ne?
Darling, I love you so much
Darling, I love you so much
I don't know what to do
You know you've completely
Stolen my heart
Morning, noon and nighttime too
Always wondering what to do
That's the way I felt
Right from the start
Hey honey
My love for you is so strong
Wish my French were good enough
I'd tell you so much more
But I hope that you understand
All the little things you mean to me
Darling, I love you so much
I love you, yes I do
Wish my French were good enough
I'd tell you so much more
But I hope that you understand
All the things you mean to me
Darling, I love you so much
I love you, yes I do
(Darling I love you so much)
I love you, yes I do
Reče kralj prema reci
'Ustani, gospođo - spakujte stvari svoje,
taj mesto nije vaš dom.
Nikada nije bilo, prekinite vezu svaku,
Odjašimo večeras, odjašimo večeras.'
'I kako smo se potresli na način u tom vremenu
skupa malih plamena strasti pod tundra naše kože.
Dakle, učinite sebi uslugu, uživajte svaki put kad se kolebate
Za to tresenje u mom glasu je to bilo samo lukavom lažnih žalosti
Odjašimo večeras.'
'Oh, ljubavi, otvori se. Znam da vam je toplo ispod čaršava
I da je hladno na ulici, ali slušaj - Ljubavi, oporavićemo se.
Ali ne smemo gubiti vremena sa mešanje na poslu
Koju smo mi čvrsto zatvorili u našeg snovima.
Mi nismo čisti, mi nismo nevini, ne možemo se odmarati dok nismo sigurni.
Dakle, otimajte te oči male lepe od uspavane maske.
Nalazim se pored vašeg kreveta sa korpom pune laži.
Dakle, čisti vaše uši i slušajte.
Ustani, gospođo - spakujte stvari svoj,
taj mesto nije vaš dom.
Ali znam šta je.'
I za slavne prošlosti:
Otvorio si moje prozore ali si staklu lomio.
I preklinjavam te, 'prospi tu lepotu tvoju'.
Jer kao dete napušta matericu i nauči hladnoće,
Naučio si nam opasnošću u sadašnjosti,
I sigurno ćeš nam donositi opasnošću u budućnosti.
Osim ako...
se reka nije poplavila ovog puta.
O, prekrasna distanca,
O, prekrasni bol.
Ti si mi dao ime
I gravirao si ga u kamenima do obale.
O, prekrasna distanca,
O, prekrasni bol.
Ti si nam dao ime,
ti si nam dao ime.
'Diži se!', reče kraj prema reci,
'Nemoj nikad stati! Ne, daj nam poplavu i to najjačim!'
'Stani!', reče vetar prema reci,
'Ne predaj se' Ne, gradi nam most!
I neka bude jak i besan.
Neka smiruje kraljevu odredbu.
O, morate posmatrati struju, dečače
I recite tu kukavicu da prestane.
Dečak dišući za njegovu ljubavlju, reče 'čekaću'.
Njegova ljubav kaže, 'Čekaću.'
Ona viče, 'Vratiću se. Da, vratiću se!
Doći ću ja - Mene ne prija ovu život mom. Dušo, dolazi po mene.
Dolazi po mene.'
'Diži se!' reče dečak prema svom ljubavnicu,
'Dušo, diži se. Dao sam ti svoj ljubav, i to daleko!'
'Idi!' reče devojka prema svom ljubavniku,
'Predala sam se. Ako je ljubav most, pogrešno smo ga ugradili!'
Obuzdaj tvoj bes.
Smiri tvoje pesnice.
Nikada se neće vratiti, nikada se neće vratiti, nikada neće doći-
Nikada se neće vratiti, nikada se neće vratiti, nikada neće doći-
I can't wait to be king
I will be a good king
Enemies can't defend against me
I've never seen
The king of ten thousand beasts
With hair that hasn't sprouted
I'll definitely be very majestic
And earn everyone's respect
And conduct myself in a special way
And practice roaring
Aha! So far
I don't feel the same
But I can't wait to be king
Your road is still a long one, your highness
If you thought
It doesn't matter whose orders
What I'm trying to say is
I won't be restrained
Listen to me
No one can stop me
I have my own ideas
Freely running around
Is definitely wrong
Doing whatever you want is the best
If this is the case
We really need to talk
Kings don't need to listen to a hornbill's random shouting
If this is our new king
I would be really disappointed
I would resign
Leave this place
And totally give up
This child is already starting to find me annoying
Oh I can't wait to be king
Everyone, look to the left
Everyone, look to the right
Everyone's eyes
Are on me
It's still early
Let all the creatures of the land sing for me
I want to hear the praises of my kind
This is the wonderful King Simba
Oh I can't wait to be lion king
Oh he can't wait to be lion king
Oh I can't wait to be
Can't wait to be
Lion king
My Voice of Hope
Versions: #1
Zira: Sleep, my little Kovu
Dream and fly away
When you start to grow up and be strong
You'll become the King!
Kovu: 'Good night.'
Zira: 'Good night, my little Prince.
Tomorrow, you're going to start training with your higher intensity.'
I was found and persecuted
Abandoned and got no defense
When I've seen someone whose done wrong for me
I became impatient
But I think of a dream that is pretty
If my heart gets unbroken
I'm thinking of him being exiled
I pet him patiently
That Simba who has been killed at night
His daughter's screaming right here in my arms
Her last shriek rang in the twilight
This is my voice of hope!
Now, I tried forgetting something
When I begged him my pardon
If there is such trouble,
it gets little
But he can't live without me
Nuka: So, you're the one who have been chosen
To chase that Simba after you out here
Zira: This fight has no pity
But this work is what I want to do
The melody of grunts
The counterpoint of howls
The symphony of a grand departure
This is my voice of hope!
Scar has left
But Zira is better
To embrace my sweet heart
Until I shall turn him into a murderer
Who takes a bite of these horrors
Nuka: Sleep, you bad ant!
I mean, 'cute little feline'...
Vitani: When you start to grow up and be strong...
Zira: ...you'll become the King!
Hear the thunderous drums of war
To Kovu's mighty roar
Nuka: The thirst of our revenge
Vitani: Witness us!
Zira: Oh, yes, I hear them cheering out
Nuka, Vitani: Kovu's our hero!
Zira: I look up to those banners
Rising up to a sky of bad dreams
With the shade of red symbolizing my victory,
This is my voice of hope!
Zivotne stvari
Ljudske su to stvari
Ovi momenti među nama
Rastanci i vraćanja
Potpuno neshvatljivi
Kao što vidiš
Mislim na tebe… već izvesno vreme
To su samo ljudske kontradiktornosti
Kad si srećan kad si tužan
Te emotivne promene
Sve uspomene koje su nam zajedničke
Da, znaš da istina je
Prosto ne mogu da prestanem da mislim na tebe
Ne, prosto ne mogu da se pravim
Da bi svi naši trenuci mogli zamreti
Želim da ponovo iskusim
Svu ljubav koju smo tad osećali
Srodne duše, ali sam je svako od nas
Iza ograde svog ponosa
Mislim na tebe
Mislim na nas
To su stvari životne
Tako prihvataju se
Neke u dobru a neke u zlu
Ali kroz sve to, dogurali smo daleko
Kao što vidiš
Ja još se ne dam, zato što
Ljudski su svi snovi moji
Sopstvenim rukama gradio bih ih, jer
Šta je život ako nemaš snova?
Uzmi me za ruku i nikad ne puštaj
To je deo zajedničkog života
Ali kakvu budućnost donosi to?
To su stvari životne
Ali gde tu život je
Da, znaš da istina je
Prosto ne mogu da prestanem da mislim na tebe
Sa ovom noći što polako prolazi,
Pokušavam da se nosim, da je shvatim
Ako naša srca preskoče otkucaj
Ili se izgube kao brod na moru
Želim da se sećam, nikad zaboraviti neću
Ne mogu da prestanem da mislim na tebe
Mislim na nas
Ne mogu da prestanem da mislim na tebe
Ne prestajem
Be prepared
Your brain is full of shit
But open your ears
Pay attention, you morons!
Just honor my words
Why are you so blank?
Just think a little bit
We're discussing about the heir
Don't be so ignorant!
Be prepared for a golden opportunity
And that is how we'll win
A new era is sneaking
And what shall we do?
Listen to your teacher!
Even if it seems freakly, you'll be rewarded
When I'll get my share
Let's fight for justice
Be prepared!
When we'll be superiors
We'll get free lunch
Of course, you'll have some duties
Then you'll be showered with rewards
For which I am specially eligible
But if I won't get enough
You won't get nothing!
Be prepared for a historic change
Be ready for dirty scams!
With accurate planning
We will be ready
Also, by defying
The darkness
Oh, brave king, they'll salute me
I'll feel glorious!
My ambitions is getting strong
Be prepared!
I don't have tears
I want to cry
I don't have tears
That run down my face
To rescue me
If I would cry
Maybe I could lighten
What I feel in my heart
And can't tell
Only because I don't know how to cry
I am sad and suffering
I want to cry
I don't have tears
That run down my face
To rescue me
If I would cry
Maybe I could lighten
What I feel in my heart
And can't tell
Only because I don't know how to cry
I am sad and suffering
I know for sure that a smile
Doesn't have any value
The tear that you feel
Is the picture of a pain
Destiny wanted it that way
To separate you from me
I want to cry, I can't,
I live imploring
I want to cry
I don't have tears
That run down my face
To rescue me
If I would cry
Maybe I could lighten
What I feel in my heart
And can't tell
Only because I don't know how to cry
I am sad and suffering
I want to cry
I don't have tears
That run down my face
To rescue me
If I would cry
Maybe I could lighten
What I feel in my heart
And can't tell
Only because I don't know how to cry
I am sad and suffering
I don't have tears...
A fantastic day
Elsa: You never celebrated this famous day,
You only sighed behind my locked door.
And so only if you laugh
On your birthday
We will enjoy it together,
I can't wait.
Anna: Elsa, you're sneezing, do you have a cold?
Elsa: I never do, besides...
You know how I'm always one with the cold.
And now follow the thread!
I plan to laugh a lot stupidly with you.
Who would tell me that I'll handle everything?
Your party only offers amazement:
Even Kristoff and Sven took a shower solemnly!
And if someone won't desire you
On your birthday,
Then his heart is cold.
Only I will give you the Sun and the Moon!
Let this fantastic day be like your dream,
And for you it's just an experience being in this dream with me!
Those long winters passed and appeased the darkness!
Let this fantastic day be like your dream!
Anna: And to a third one!
Elsa: That's right!
The best one is coming at last.
Anna: Well, I'm really happy but you're hot like an oven.
And I'm worried,
So go take a rest quickly.
Elsa: No, no, no, let's go,
There's only a ship left.
Anna: Elsa, your bed is waiting for you.
Elsa: No, I want to celebrate until next morning.
Anna: It scares me that you won't see a doctor.
Oaken: You have a cough? Take this medecine I made with love.
Elsa: No thanks.
Anna: I'll take it.
Chorus: Let this fantastic day be like your dream.
Elsa: Still only look up to me!
Chorus: The best princess of all, that wish she has,
Princess Anna's day.
Elsa: Dance and sail.
You're my sweetheart!
Chorus: It's a fantastic day and only for you,
a fantastic day, remember,
it's a fantastic day and only for you!
Elsa: Come on, let's reach it Anna.
Anna: Elsa, it's already a lot, you must have a rest.
Elsa: I want to use the birthday sneeze... I mean attraction!
Fulfill your dreams where you stand.
Come, come, just come!
Up to the end follow the nil, you're my only reason to live!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: What? It's fiiine.
Let's go even further and don't yell about it,
Follow the thread to the end.
Very, very, very happy birthday with a lot of amazement...
Anna: Elsa, wait now, you have a fever, you're so hot.
No, you can't go any further, you're all weakened.
Now now, just admit it.
Elsa: Fine. I'm sick.
Forgive me Anna, I wanted to set a wonderful birthday party, but I ruined everything. Again.
Anna: You didn't ruin anything, you just need to go to bed.
Everyone: SURPRISE!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow.
Everyone: Let this fantastic day be like your dream.
An a day like that is only decorated with glow and light!
Kristoff: Who said it will be chaos?
Olaf: Confusion Wow-Yeah!
Everyone: It's a fantastic day and for you only,
a fantastic day to remember!
A fantastic day like a dream, for you only.
Kristoff: I wish you all the best.
Everyone: A day like a laughing smile.
Kristoff: I love you baby!
Everyone: We thank you for what you did and don't lose your style!
Let this day be fantastic and for you only,
a fantastic day to remember,
It's a fantastic day and for you only.
Elsa: Your big day!
Anna: Enough, go to bed now.
Elsa: No, wait a minute, there's still the royal horn that needs to be played by the queen!
Anna: Oh no no no no. It was the best gift of all!
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: That I can take care of you.
Paris, City Of Romance
We're here! Oh, in Paris
The ghost of my lover and I
Darling, the place you longed to see
This is Paris,
City of romance
Let's take a souvenir picture,
Before the Eiffel Tower
Oi you Parisians,
Don't stare funny like that
Standing next to me
Is an ectoplasmic person
Such a gorgeous lady,
Can't you see?
Paris, city of romance
City of romance and dreams
Over there's the Arc de Triomphe
We go to Paris, the ghost of her and I
Champs-Élysées avenue,
The pathway of romance
We go to Paris, the ghost of her and I
French kiss
Paris, city of romance
City of romance and dreams
Let's go ride the Métro
We go to Paris, the ghost of her and I
Champs-Élysées avenue,
The pathway of romance
We go to Paris, my lost dreams and I
Café au lait
We go to Paris, the ghost of her and I
And soon I'll be gone too
Gone with the current of the Seine
Que será, será
Oh, I just can’t wait to be a king!
I will be a mighty king, so my enemies will be afraid
Why is nothing worth it but I am young like a flame
I will be the strongest among everyone with my soul
I will learn to roar and I will learn anything
There is no such thing my son
Oh, I just can’t wait to be a king!
Until then, you have to live longer and stronger
Don't forget that
I know
Remember that
I will play all day long
Tell me again
I'm afraid not
I won’t obey
I will play all day long
Listen to me
I won't say no
I have something to say to you
You don't have to tell him
I wonder why life is like this
I’m leaving from my job and from Africa
I will leave, I'm done, Simba
Oh, I just can’t wait to be a king!
Look at your left
Look at your right
Wherever I go
I live there
Let the world begin with us
Let that world sing in heaven and on earth
Let King Simba cheer today
Oh, I just can’t wait to be a king! (x3)
It has been years
I need money, I need money, I need money
I need money, I don’t need love
There will be no one to save me if I ever fall into the wolf’s mouth, ah
It’s been years, since the flowers have faded (ouh yeah, eh)
Ana megwani, w yesrali hagda, ana megwani (like that, yeah)
It’s been years, years since they’ve condemn us (ouh yeah eh)
I need money, I don’t need love
There will be no one to save me if I ever fall into the wolf’s mouth, ah
When my time will come, I’ll answer the call
Burry me at home, the key to my house will be a simple shovel, ah
The tide turns, I’m negociating the corners, you wanted to drown me, you ended up teaching me how to swim
The sun will come out after the storm, we were crazy, today, we’ve matured
When you’re gonna start thinking that it’s over, destiny will strike again
And when God will bless you, no one will no longer be able to harm you
It’s been years, since the flowers have faded (ouh yeah, eh)
Ana megwani, w yesrali hagda, ana megwani (like that, yeah)
It’s been years, years since they’ve condemn us (ouh yeah eh)
Machi gherdi ya li biya
Choufi denya daret 3liya
Chbabi w soghri rah 3liya
Sbabi niyti, ha li biya
Ma 3endi wali
Ana manichi ghali, ha dellali
Ketret hwali
Men sbabek rahet denya
Gouli winta twelli liya
Rani fi le3dab zadet lkiya
Malek ha zhar dort 3liya?
Men sbabek ghabet niya
Men sbabek ghabet niya
W hadi denya daret 3liya
It’s been years, since the flowers have faded (ouh yeah, eh)
Ana megwani, w yesrali hagda, ana megwani (like that, yeah)
It’s been years, years since they’ve condemn us (ouh yeah eh)
Northern Parisian, I’m an illegal immigrant first
Active in music without any passport
North African, I’m an illegal immigrant first
Active in music without any passport
Ana megwani, w yesrali hagda, ana megwani
Northern Maghrebian, I’m an illegal immigrant first
Ana megwani, sbabi niyti, ana megwani
Active in music without any passport
It’s been years, since the flowers have faded (ouh yeah, eh)
Ana megwani, w yesrali hagda, ana megwani (like that, yeah)
It’s been years, years since they’ve condemn us (ouh yeah eh)
It’s been years, years since they’ve condemn us
Ana megwani, yesra fiya hagda
It’s been years, years since they’ve condemn us
Ana megwani, sbabi niyti, haaa
It’s been years, since the flowers have faded (ouh, yeah, eh)
Ana megwani, w yesrali hagda, ana megwani (like that, yeah)
Dancing Failures
Singing silly songs
If I do say so myself, I'm a bit popular
But the masked man in my heart
Is always shouting at me from the lighthouse
'Don't be arrogant,
I'll tell you what you really think'
This world so rampant with failures
Should be detonated with dynamite!
(3 2 1 0!)
Useless useless useless useless humans
Useless! Humans, humans
Maybe I should ask the Ouija?
Can I become a seagull someday?
But if I can't be a seagull
I'm fine with being a silent statue
'Have you gone mad?
I'll give you a piece of your own mind'
This world so rampant with failures
Should be sunk with a torpedo!
(3 2 1 0!)
Useless useless useless useless humans
Useless! Humans, humans
Like a dream...
'Is this really the time to dance?!
I'll tell you what you really think'
Even if this world is burnt to ashes
I, the worst failure of them all, still remain!
(3 2 1 0!)
Useless useless useless useless humans
Useless! Humans, humans
Oh, the foolishness of living as a failure
I want to let every single person know of it
And then, I shall create the kingdom of useless humans
I'll be the king, and all of you shall be servants
(And despite it all, there's no choice but to live!)
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Everything has changed
Akuna Matata
What a wonderful word
Don't give in to anxiety, smile every day
The wisdom of our lives
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Yes, our motto
What is a motto?
Nothing, just nonsense
Yes, these 2 words save everyone
Yes, for example, take a look at Pumba
When he was just a piglet
I'm just a piglet!
Is everything all right?
Moving story
It's a shame when he eats
It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring
I know my skin is thick, I am sensitive
When my friends go, I have pneumonia
I wish I was with you
I'm sorry to hear that
Shame on you
I want to change my name
For example, Brett
I'm embarrassed and ashamed, I'm very upset
Won't you stop me?
No, I do not stop cultured pig
Akuna Matata
Everything has changed
Akuna Matata
What a wonderful word
Don't give in to anxiety, smile every day
The wisdom of our lives
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Don't give in to anxiety, smile every day
The wisdom of our lives
Akuna matata
Don't give in to anxiety, smile every day
The wisdom of our lives
Akuna matata
Get ready
Mufasa imposed severe restrictions on hunting
If I were king, I would give freedom to you
Because fears do not know the word 'satisfaction'
We aren't able to afford Mufasa
Mufasa follows your old path
Exalted, calm, unique
Everyone laughs outside
They don't want to go together
Lions are changing
Fears have changed
I have a separate plan
So, listen to me
So, unite in everything
There is a revolution in the village
When you have the strength to carry five
Don't give up, don't give up
Fair, sincere, worthy of respect
My desire is to become king
Who are you to fight with the enemy?
Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready
Don’t give up, don’t be afraid, without hesitation
Get ready
The World Of Poet Aum
'A long, long time ago'
A poet who hated the world
Lived deep in the woods
For a girl who died young
He wrote verses
Those words flew in the wind
Out of the woods, falling in the town
Turning into a flutter of butterflies
The flutter of butterflies
Covered the sky In a purple colour
Every person who was touched by the purple
Lost their minds
The frightened people banished the poet
Leaving the woods, the poet went to the sea
And got on a boat
Aum (Aum)
With my eyebrows shaved off
Aum (Aum)
Without rest on a crescent moon night
Aum (Aum)
I'll write a poem
Aum (Aum)
A poem about my hatred for the world
'The poet washed ashore in a small island
A dog, a cat, a bat, and a clown
Welcomed him
'I hate everything in this world
I hate, hate it so much
I want to set what's left of everything
on fire with my words
Please help me out'
But, the frightened clown secretly reported this
And the poet was shot dead by police
That night, the dog barked, 'woof woof'
The cat meowed, 'meow meow'
And the bat was silent
There was nothing left to say'
But those words flew in the wind
Reaching several towns
Turning into flutters of butterflies
Aum (Aum)
The poet's body
Aum (Aum)
Crossed the ocean to a northern country
Aum (Aum)
By a fisherman of that country
Aum (Aum)
The poet was respectfully buried.
Out of Thin Air
You are everything my heart needs right now
When you give me your hand, together we feel the new moon
Now give me a smile and the light of the stars will shine through the day
You’re really here, you’re not a fantasy and a dream
Forget everything, because the heart can deceive you
And look at me, I’m not the one you need by your side
You know your dad, he’s always with you
I’m still wandering on my own
and you can’t know if I’m not a fantasy and a dream
I’m still searching for who I am
You have to find out
Figure out where I come from
But return to me, my love
Let everything wait
For the wedding,
because we can wait
Just another day
Your dad, doesn’t he, doesn’t want to miss that wedding
When we wait a long time for it
And we’re happy
Because the day will come, everything will work out
Your dad is going to be joyful
Brighten his son’s day
Then you’ll stop being just a fantasy and a dream
I know you're stupid
But you have to help me
Become a King!
And you'll not be hungry
I will let you know
And you'll attack
And without me
You won't get anything!
So start
Getting Ready, Be Prepared
Be Prepared (x2)
What will we get?
Whatever you want!
When the Shaking is Past
Walk, over the stones, dry and lonely
'Till I can feel the ground shake,
Deep down below me
Ashamed of the breath I take (I know)
Ashamed to be fearful
(No oh's)
I'm here, still sitting alone in a crater
Waiting to feel my soul shake, an spectator
Nobody saw me leave (I know)
Nobody's waiting
(No oh's)
Fissures have opened deep within my heart
Dreams are broken, the planet falls apart
You, I know in these ruins I'll find you
And then we won't need to discuss, and discuss
Why we tremble
I'll kiss you within the temple (I know)
One moment sweet and gentle
Fissures have opened deep within my heart
Dreams are broken, the planet falls apart
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (when the shaking is past)
(Wake me up then) when the shaking is past
(Wake me up then) when the shaking is, past
(Wake me up then) when the shaking is, past
(Wake me up then) when the shaking is...
(Yodelaying and wake me up thens intertwined)
Get Ready!
You Guessed It!
Simba is not a legend for us
Dethrone him
And get satiety!
I need your help
You Are very dumb
But I believe that you can handle it
I will be king
And you're my subject!
Big Changes are coming
Everything will change soon
Satisfacation wait's you and my kingdom
What need to do?
Listen Carefully!
Listen Carefully!
I will be on the throne
Rule The Pride
So get Ready
To the Sensation!
Kill The King
Here's your challenger
And you'll be full
For the rest of my life
But without me....
You'll be hungry forever!
So get ready
To change!
I'll be on the throne
In the royal crown
Give you food!
I am the king depressed
And not amenable
And the best of all!
Sharpen your fangs!
Get Ready! (x2)
He Lives
gave shelter to life,
Look up at the top!
And hear your heart.
Remember –
He lives
In you and me.
With love and faith
He's in your day.
Into the wise river,
In countless sparks,
In your reflection –
He lives.
He lives,
He lives
In you and me.
With love and faith
He's in your day.
Into the wise river,
In countless sparks,
In your reflection –
He lives,
He lives.
Be Ready!
You know the memory in your brain.
That it was as sluggish as a pig inside
But you all listen carefully.
All of my words are unforgettable.
You probably don't understand how important it is.
In your heart, you may think worrying instead.
But this is about power and power.
Stay busy, listen, wait.
Be prepared for a wonderful opportunity.
And prepare to hear pleasant news
The great era is approaching.
What will we do?
Just listen to me to understand
Although not worth listening But the result is worth it.
I don't disappoint anyone.
Both fair and impressive
Be prepared
Yes be prepared
Yes we are ready
For what?
For the death of the ruler
Is he sick?
No, we're going to kill both Simba's too.
Sharp-headed here! There is a forest lord doing it.
No King No King la la la la la la la
You idiot! Must have a forest lord
But you said ...
I am the lord Be with me, you will never go hungry.
Oh! Yes. Long live you forest
It's a big deal that we collaborate.
King is the cutest.
It is not difficult to play, be prepared.
What to take, just tell me
Your future will be better than anyone else.
Remember what I said now
The only thing I focus on for you to keep in mind.
No one will be hungry again.
Prepare well This one time
Be prepared to take on a beautiful opportunity.
The map is not vulnerable.
For the big day
Who will dare to resist
Well, I'm the one.
Is the King that will be great
No one else can compare
With the power and power that I have
Be prepared
With our power and power
Be ready!
The Hula Song
Versions: #1
Are you hungry for a good, rich table setting?
Then Pumbaa is perfect
This is the bacon
That tastes good.
Should it be something good?
Take the fat pig
But stand in line, that would be fine!
We're sinking
(yup yup yup)
Here in the ham
(yup yup yup)
With the big pig
(yup yup yup)
Everyone wants to be pigs, oi!
Psalm 18
(To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, the servant of the LORD, who spake unto the LORD the words of this song in the day that the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul)
And he said, I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.
The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer