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Број резултата: 144


Pogotovo sada

[Part 1]
Uvek sam pod stresom, pored jebenog repa
Levo, desno - posao, jer čovek može spavati tek kad umre
Uvek ispravan, jer sam sopstveni šef
Izgaranje, sklanjaj se od mene - stopostotni režim eskalacije
Nula na sto u 3,1
A ako ga nemaš, balavče, odmah se spakuj i idi
Jer moja tvrdoglava glava prolazi kroz zidove, daleko od kraja
Sreću hvatam rukama i nikada je više ne puštam (moja reč)
Nikada me više nećeš uniziti
Jer što više to bolje, ojačavam
Udahnem duboko vazduh svog grada i napadnem ono od čega mi je muka
Ili izdržite ono što se desi, ili budite na distanci
Tik - tak, vreme juri, zato napuni gas
Žurba - je droga, oslobađa potencijal
Brži od smrti, pod stresom briljantan
Da li je to sve što imaš? Tek počinjem
Pogotovo sada!
Tik - tak, vreme juri, zato napuni gas
Žurba - je droga, oslobađa potencijal
Brži od smrti, pod stresom briljantan
Da li je to sve što imaš? Tek počinjem
Pogotovo sada!
Pričaju i pričaju o životu i planovima ali akcija je ono što im fali
Ponašaju se kao psi koji laju ali ne grizu, a ja nemam vremena za lajavce
Neka pričaju i pričaju o životu i planovima ali samo ih zaobiđite
Ponašaju se kao psi koji laju ali ne grizu, a ja nemam vremena za lajavce, tik-tak!
[Part 2]
Dan za danom u lovu
Osećam đavolski dah na vratu, ali ga se ponovo oslobađam
Skoncentrisan, uvek budan, osam očiju tokom noći
Daleko sam od sitosti, dajte mi sve što imate
Zatamnjeni prozori, gume široke 24 inča
Idite punim gasom ili se sklonite u stranu
Teška su vremena, dovraga!
Glasovi u mojoj glavi su tihi samo kada sam u pokretu
Krenite letom napred, nikad ne ciljajte previsoko
Takođe sam budan tri dana i bez amfetamina
Toliko ih je ostalo ležati, ne postoji pobeda bez borbe
Nakon lova i posle lova, nikada nisam zadovoljan
Tik - tak, vreme juri, zato napuni gas
Žurba - je droga, oslobađa potencijal
Brži od smrti, pod stresom briljantan
Da li je to sve što imaš? Tek počinjem
Pogotovo sada!
Tik - tak, vreme juri, zato napuni gas
Žurba - je droga, oslobađa potencijal
Brži od smrti, pod stresom briljantan
Da li je to sve što imaš? Tek počinjem
Pogotovo sada!
Pričaju i pričaju o životu i planovima ali akcija je ono što im fali
Ponašaju se kao psi koji laju ali ne grizu, a ja nemam vremena za lajavce
Neka pričaju i pričaju o životu i planovima ali samo ih zaobiđite
Ponašaju se kao psi koji laju ali ne grizu, a ja nemam vremena za lajavce, tik-tak!
Tik - tak, vreme juri, zato napuni gas
Žurba - je droga, oslobađa potencijal
Brži od smrti, pod stresom briljantan
Da li je to sve što imaš? Tek počinjem
Pogotovo sada!


Toliko, toliko, toliko
Pružam toliko, toliko ljubavi, koliko mogu
Ali ipak neki priželjkuju kugu na mom vratu
Za sve moje ljude želim samo najbolje
Najbolje od najbolje moguće
Ne želim da me voliš (ne)
To je dovoljno za moj tim (jap)
Ne želim da zaradim celu tortu
Već samo malo poštovanja
[Part 1]
Daleko od savršenog u vitrini (uhh)
Ali sunce mi danas sija iz džepova
Glava mi je slomljena, često bez razloga
Ali recite mi, ko je danas bezgrešan? (ko?)
Jer sam tamo kad se mora, podižem se ako treba
I čuvam svoje društvo od pogrešnih stvari
Što je bolje moguće
Pa, što je bolje moguće
Bar smo na dobrom putu
Moja sreća nikada nije uzeta u zakup, a uspeh nikada nije kupljen
Dolazim iz praznog frižidera i rupe u mom stomaku
Problemi mržnje poput kuge, ali dovoljan je jedan ton
Letim uz stres, dolazim i izbacujem te odatle
Nema razlike da li je zatvorenik ili vozač autobusa
Ostajem odan, od izlaska do zalaska sunca
Dakle, provodim vreme s tobom, bez obzira koliko zarađuješ
Jer samo se škrta osoba drži stotine, ali -
Pružam toliko, toliko ljubavi, koliko mogu
Ali ipak neki priželjkuju kugu na mom vratu
Za sve moje ljude želim samo najbolje
Najbolje od najbolje moguće
Ne želim da me voliš (ne)
To je dovoljno za moj tim (jap)
Ne želim da zaradim celu tortu
Već samo malo poštovanja
[Part 2]
U vrhunskoj sam formi, volim svoj tim
Dobra mi je sudbina jer zarađujem od muzike (hehe)
Ipak, neću biti kao rok zvezda iz komšiluka
Niti ću živeti kao Bog u Parizu
Ali ponekad, samo ponekad
Duhovi koje sam pozvao, luduju sa mnom
Poleteću sa njima visoko, ali biće pored mene samo na sat vremena
I vratiću se brzo do tebe
U vreme potrebe, saosećanje se povećava
Nažalost, u vreme uspeha, teško je prepustiti se
Vidim kako kašlju, težinu shvatam kroz prazninu u džepovima
Ali verujte mi, odatle dolazimo
Već sam podelio svoj tanjir, kad smo bili gladni
Ostanite odani od izlaska do zalaska sunca,
I nadam se da ćete provoditi vreme sa mnom, čak i ako ne zarađujem
Jer samo se škrta osoba drži stotine, ali -
Pružam toliko, toliko ljubavi, koliko mogu
Ali ipak neki priželjkuju kugu na mom vratu
Za sve moje ljude želim samo najbolje
Najbolje od najbolje moguće
Ne želim da me voliš (ne)
To je dovoljno za moj tim (jap)
Ne želim da zaradim celu tortu
Već samo malo poštovanja


To su bili veći planovi, čistije ruke
I iskreniji osmeh
Bilo je još mnogo toga za ljubav, a ne pomisao na slabost
Samo kutija šibica i peskarnik, niko nije morao da ubode
Kakav rep, cilj je i dalje bio postati astronaut
I niko to nije mogao zaustaviti rekavši 'nikada nećeš uspeti'
Bili smo toliko daleko od mržnje, iz druge galaksije
Bez zavisti, pohlepe, posla, zajedljivosti, rata
Bez odela i stanja na računu, jednostavno opušteno sa onim što nam je Bog dao
Jer čovek je čist samo kada se rodi
A onda postane razmažen, kako smo, dovraga postali takvi?
Recite mi gde su otišli
Jer svi snovi, koje smo nekada imali, izgoreli su u pepelu
Nošeni vetrom, naivni ili slepi
Jer smo zaboravili
Možda smo jednostavno zaboravili ko smo
Jer svi snovi, koje smo nekada imali, izgoreli su u pepelu
Nošeni vetrom, naivni ili slepi
Jer smo zaboravili
Možda smo jednostavno zaboravili ko smo
Gde smo izgubili ono što smo bili
I zašto se više ne možemo snaći
Novac nije bio presudan, važnije je bilo
Kada će se tata vratiti i napokon vas zagrliti?
Mogao si se rukovati sa bilo kim
Ali sada preterano razmišljaš o zavisti i izdaji
A na prvom mestu o sopstvenom dobru
Nekada smo delili, čak i kada ništa nismo dobili zauzvrat
Suština je da smo bili mnogo srećniji nego sada
Ali jednog dana na putu smo se izgubili
Jer čovek je čist samo kada se rodi
A onda postane razmažen, kako smo, dovraga postali takvi?
Recite mi gde su otišli
Jer svi snovi, koje smo nekada imali, izgoreli su u pepelu
Nošeni vetrom, naivni ili slepi
Jer smo zaboravili
Možda smo jednostavno zaboravili ko smo
Jer svi snovi, koje smo nekada imali, izgoreli su u pepelu
Nošeni vetrom, naivni ili slepi
Jer smo zaboravili
Možda smo jednostavno zaboravili ko smo
Između pelena i igračaka
Bilo je prostora za velike snove
Ali gde su oni sada
Snovi umiru između stalnog zaposlenja
Naftne krize i cene zlata
Između pelena i igračaka
Bilo je prostora za velike snove
Ali gde su oni sada
Snovi umiru između stalnog zaposlenja
Naftne krize i cene zlata
Recite mi gde su otišli
Jer svi snovi, koje smo nekada imali, izgoreli su u pepelu
Nošeni vetrom, naivni ili slepi
Jer smo zaboravili
Možda smo jednostavno zaboravili ko smo
Jer svi snovi, koje smo nekada imali, izgoreli su u pepelu
Nošeni vetrom, naivni ili slepi
Jer smo zaboravili
Možda smo jednostavno zaboravili ko smo
Jer svi snovi, koje smo nekada imali, izgoreli su u pepelu
Nošeni vetrom, naivni ili slepi
Jer smo zaboravili
Možda smo jednostavno zaboravili ko smo
Ko smo?
Ko smo?
Naivni ili slepi jer smo zaboravili
Možda smo jednostavno zaboravili ko smo


[Part 1]
As the spirit of this world, the shadow of the past
One forgets how one feels when one stays with rats
Life is hard, just the trigger on my gun is easy
The colors fade - there's no reason for me to stay long
But God is great, he frees from stupid thoughts
My heart beats only through one point on the ultrasound
All life is like a big rage
But hatred evaporates in one cry of joy
The nightmare is over and I’m finally awake
I hold your head in my hand and for the first time I was really scared
But he also felt new strength
Because I certainly won't let any problem in this unjust world get even an inch closer to you
As long as you can't do it alone, I'll hunt everything for you
You are all I have
And every scar I wear fades just because you laugh
I'm finally here
The way out of the darkness was too long
You took my hand
And you just saved me from falling
I'm finally here
The way out of the darkness was too long
I took your handle
And I will not let her go, I will make you big and strong
[Part 2]
If I have to, I'll go up in flames for you
And I am a wall that protects itself from negative influence
Every breath you take from me takes away every pressure from me
God has given me a gift because my blood flows in your veins
I'll be by your side and catch you when you fall
Together we will be against the rest of the world
You will be wrong, but never on my part
But there are rocks in your path
As long as fate loves me, I will follow you
I'll leave everything for you
Only you could heal my heart
But if you cry, I'll break into a thousand pieces quickly
The thought of you pulls me out of any shit
Fortunately, just because you exist, I am no longer the same me
Only one step was missing in eternal nothingness
But before it was too late, we got you
I'm finally here
The way out of the darkness was too long
You took my hand
And you just saved me from falling
I'm finally here
The way out of the darkness was too long
I took your handle
And I will not let her go, I will make you big and strong

Between Heaven and Hell

[Part 1]
I think of the days without steaks and Rolex
Only a penny to my name, no Benz, living on a life code
Every day at Six, I wake up dead (what?!)
From Monday to Wednesday the same uniform
and for a bit of extra cash, you develop methods
Earlier in front of the stage, now you find me on it
You say things behind my back, but I took off
But the parcel that I'm wearing, mate, keeps me down
Between fake friends and filters, you lose reality
Too much in this life is a lie
And even if shit goes down like an anchor
I'll always be grateful (yeah man!)
So far away from good and evil
an ice cold look, I want to see the sun
but the cold wind is dividing us
so hot blood floods through my veins and
Between heaven and hell is where we find ourselves
walking a fine line while hanging over the abyss
Don't show weakness - that's the only rule,
So when the storm comes, don't you dare cry
So when all goes to shit
the shards of glass reflect the light
So when all goes to shit
the shards of glass reflect the light
So when all goes to shit
the shards of glass reflect the light
So when all goes to shit
the shards of glass reflect the light
[Part 2]
My dreams fall onto the paper then go up in flames
No dough in the bank and the rent came from the office
Leccy bill not been paid, so I only have candles
And I saw my reflection in a shard on the wall
I ask myself everyday 'why me? Goddamn!
Do I have to live like a dog in order to die as a man?'
From then on it was now and no longer at some point
The route was so long, I put my hand on my back
Took a pen to the hand, and wrote my life story
30,000 pages later, look at the beach
look at the bank, I count the smiles on my face
and I'm great, thank God
So far away from good and evil
an ice cold look, I want to see the sun
but the cold wind is dividing us
so hot blood floods through my veins and
Between heaven and hell is where we find ourselves
walking a fine line while hanging over the abyss
Don't show weakness - that's the only rule,
So when the storm comes, don't you dare cry
So when all goes to shit
the shards of glass reflect the light
So when all goes to shit
the shards of glass reflect the light
So when all goes to shit
the shards of glass reflect the light
So when all goes to shit
the shards of glass reflect the light
With my head now above the water and a bag full of stones
I can throw them, so we're laughing, because our trainers are still white
I only want to be on the straight and narrow
But Slalom must be run, because the way out is full of shit.
Every day's the same
To die is too much so survival it is
And everyone is divided
So from here under and over is not that far away
Because we have proof.
So when all goes to shit
the shards of glass reflect the light
So when all goes to shit
the shards of glass reflect the light
So when all goes to shit
the shards of glass reflect the light
So when all goes to shit
the shards of glass reflect the light


Petrol, petrol
They wanted water but they get petrol
Petrol, Petrol
They scream for water but they get petrol
[Part 1]
A thousand voices inside my head again, looking at the grey sky
Only the Nikes on my feet know the way to get out of here alive
I give you a thousand reasons to become better than the rest
The one who prefers getting wasted instead of finding his dream - what a shame!
I sit in the studio, every day, killing hooks like Peter Pan
Swapping my life for beats and what have you done for that?
Babbling at me, talking and talking all day
About life and the mater plan, bro, move your ass!
Only you have forgotten yourself, who else should save you?
Every day makes you harder and your heroes die
Because the way it started, God will also let it end
But what's in between lies solely in my hands
Who do you think you are? Who do you tink I am?
If you want light, you first have to earn the shadow
Who you you think you are? Who do you think we are?
They wanted water but they get petrol
Petrol, petrol
They wanted water but they get petrol
Petrol, petrol
They screamed for water but they get petrol
[Part 2]
There's a heaven for crooks, a goal after the wrong way
But beautiful eyes usually stick to a fat wallet
A labyrinth of purple bank notes, the devil is throwing snow
Don't let your honour perish, because so many are missing theirs
But remember: you won't get me, because it's 'All or nothing'
But I won't let them spell their success without me
With my back to the wall, brother, there's no way back
And no matter how much they hate me, I'll wrench the shadow into the light
I forgot nobody because nobody will come to save me
Every day makes me older and my heroes die
Because the way it started, Got will also let it end
But what's in between lies solely in my hands
Who do you think you are? Who do you tink I am?
If you want light, you first have to earn the shadow
Who you you think you are? Who do you think we are?
They wanted water but they get petrol
Petrol, petrol
They wanted water but they get petrol
Petrol, petrol
They screamed for water but they get petrol
Petrol, Petrol


Gubim se u pisanju rima
Tada podižem pogled prema suncu
Zvuk se uključuje u vašem pravcu
Zatim ponovo zaigraj otpočetka
Čoveče, ne mogu te čuti
Zato uštedi svoje reči
Imam svoje ljude
Već imam ovde dovoljno svojih ljudi
[Part 1]
Godinama mi je tempo trista na sat
Previše konjskih snaga i ne mislim na usrani auto
Previše hajpa, ali nažalost sve to ni za šta
Čoveče, previše napisanih hitova, ali ništa od toga smislenog
Sve gangsteri sa ulica
A imaju više obezbeđenja od ljudi ispred bine
Moji obožavaoci su poput vojnika
Jer četrnaest hiljada ljudi po gradu deli vrednosti koje osećam, čoveče
Koja slika? To je zvuk koji mi se sviđa
Zato bolje pazite šta govorite
Ne pričam u intervjuima već u svojim pesmama
I plaćam svaku reč svojom krvlju
Gubim se u pisanju rima
Tada podižem pogled prema suncu
Zvuk se uključuje u vašem pravcu
Zatim ponovo zaigraj otpočetka
Čoveče, ne mogu te čuti
Zato uštedi svoje reči
Imam svoje ljude
Već imam ovde dovoljno svojih ljudi
[Part 2]
U vašoj zavisti postojim, a ne u vašoj ljubavi
Ali bez najamnine živim u vašoj glavi
Postojim za svoju ekipu jer ih podstičem
A sve ove laži nisu naš posao
Čvrsto držim noge na tlu
Ne verujte u svoju realnost, već u Božiju
Teško je zabaviti se za moje ciljeve, a brate, šta drugo?
I nikoga nema da to zaustavi
Smešno je kako se karakter menja kada se ima novca
Zlatni hronografi postaju vaš pogled na svet
Ali ja ne zezam tvoje sledbenike niti imam lažne klikove
Dok dišem, ostaću takav kakav jesam
Gubim se u pisanju rima
Tada podižem pogled prema suncu
Zvuk se uključuje u vašem pravcu
Zatim ponovo zaigraj otpočetka
Čoveče, ne mogu te čuti
Zato uštedi svoje reči
Imam svoje ljude
Već imam ovde dovoljno svojih ljudi
Malo prljavštine
Ali sa punim srcem
Umesto stare mržnje
Draga lojalnost
To malo loše sreće
I premalo ljubavi
Čini upornost vrednom
Ne čini čoveka novac koji je ovde


[Intro: Kontra K]
Move to the side, I'm not interested in your fooling around
So it is better if you stay away from me
Move aside really quick, away from my foot
Or else your face will kiss the wall
And yeah, I stay calm, calm
But one time too much is one time too much
So i'd rather stay calm, calm
And get your shitty smile away from my sight
[Part 1: Veysel]
I do not know any mercy, I come into your city
Shoot around because I got enemies
That's how the streets run, no one gets satisfied
On an empty stomach, no one yields
They pose with weapons in video clips
But no one of them shoots (pow, pow, pow)
They talk about how to sell weed
But I do not know anyone of them who actually deals
And trust me, they are all fake (all fake)
Everything fictitious like Animes (Animes)
I go over dead bodies when it comes to money (money)
The weapon I carry, it has quality (quality)
[Hook: Kontra K & Veysel]
They only scream, 'Lead, lead, lead!'
Until it really rains lead
Better go past me past-past-past
Because the barrel is already full, since it has been raining for so long
They want lead, lead, lead
Brother, I'll be there, brother, i'll be there
They want lead, lead, lead
Brother, I'll be there, brother, i'll be there
[Part 2: Kontra K]
It's all fine until the wrong one say the wrong thing
Everyone is cool until it bangs and then they run away
They scream, 'Gang, Gang, Gang, Gang, Gang!'
But run away, away, away, away, away
We come from the dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt
And real are out here, unfortunately, only a few percent
Man, bring whoever you want, to the party, I do not care if your partners come
You, you, you, say now, 'Hello, Mr. Makarov'
Heh, so suddenly so pale faced
Because your eight little buddies, homie, do not bullshit here
And rule number one
Spoken words can no longer be caught
Rule number two is as simple as good
You do not come to a shootout with a knife
[Hook: Kontra K & Veysel]
They only scream, 'Lead, lead, lead!'
Until it really rains lead
Better go past me past-past-past
Because the barrel is already full, since it has been raining for so long
They want lead, lead, lead
Brother,I'll be there, brother, i'll be there
They want lead, lead, lead
Brother, I'll be there, brother, i'll be there
[Bridge: Kontra K]
Move to the side, I'm not interested in your fooling around
So it is better if you stay away from me
Move aside really quick, away from my foot
Or else your face will kiss the wall
And yeah, I stay calm, calm
But one time too much is one time too much
So i'd rather stay calm, calm
And get your shitty smile away from my sight
[Hook: Kontra K & Veysel]
They only scream, 'Lead, lead, lead!'
Until it really rains lead
Better go past me past-past-past
Because the barrel is already full, since it has been raining for so long
They want lead, lead, lead
Brother, I'll be there, brother, i'll be there
They want lead, lead, lead
Brother, I'll be there, brother, i'll be there


Please don’t worry about us, we’ll handle it
only the problems are a bit different
yet at night the same full moon shines for us
and our blood has the same colour
the sound of the clicking handcuffs, the same
if you pull the trigger, the same
whoever has a ringing register, same
and our blood has the same colour
Like the gold on the neck, the smoke in the air
and the bills in the wallet
but they all wear
the same colours for us (the same colours)
the steam in the lung, the concrete on the feet
which makes it hard to walk forward
but they all wear
the same colours for us (the same colours)
[Bridge 1]
All the hustle is hard, but we will accomplish even more
we will accomplish even more (we will accomplish even more)
ice on the heart, the legs very heavy
we want to go after the sun (go after the sun)
[Part 1]
the gaze to the ocean, `cause the asphalt fucks you up
they all want more, brother, never again going by train
no illusion, that will tell you, a million in your bank
makes your life considerably easier to endure
Bro, not everything that shines is gold
and especially not the path to success
but it doesn’t matter, if they hate me, who cares?
the main point is, Dad is proud
because in the end, we will once again be nothing
it won’t matter, if you went to college or (if you) survived well
Because in the end, we will once again be light
Until then, we want the path as comfy, as possible
Like the gold on the neck, the smoke in the air
and the bills in the wallet
but they all wear
the same colours for us (the same colours)
the steam in the lung, the concrete on the feet
which makes it hard to walk forward
but they all wear
the same colours for us (the same colours)
[Bridge 2]
The head is fucked up again
and the eyes are blinded by all those lights
(I) know the hole in the chest
too good, `cos why smile, if you have nothing once again?
Too many years
you’ve been on your way with misery
while others already ride sports cars
whereas you’re held back another year riding the bus
[Part 2]
If you have to, then do it, fill your pockets
the main point is, the bills fill the empty registers at home
if you are righteous or a hustler, the main point is, you won’t make
your mom shed tears on her cheeks
everybody wants to leave the shadow behind
and only a few will make it
but it doesn’t matter, how you make it, doesn’t matter, how you make it
`cause all cats are grey in the dark
Please don’t worry about us, we’ll handle it
only the problems are a bit different
yet at night the same full moon shines for us
and our blood has the same colour
the sound of the clicking handcuffs, the same
if you pull the trigger, the same
whoever has a ringing register, same
and our blood has the same colour
Like the gold on the neck, the smoke in the air
and the bills in the wallet
but they all wear
the same colours for us (the same colours)
the steam in the lung, the concrete on the feet
which makes it hard to walk forward
but they all wear
the same colours for us (the same colours)
Like the gold on the neck, the smoke in the air
and the bills in the wallet
but they all wear
the same colours for us (the same colours)
the steam in the lung, the concrete on the feet
which makes it hard to walk forward
but they all wear
the same colours for us (the same colours)


The best diamonds...
The best diamonds...
The best diamonds are found only beneath a thousand tons of filth.
Would you believe me if I said, 'We lack a little confidence?'
A flower can still grow in a dark room
Tell me, would you believe me? Would you believe me?
Our potential's still untapped
It's worth a quick look behind the scenes
We shine like blood diamonds in the moonlight
With innocent eyes, they see kings of the future
From the chains they shackle, so far they are from their throne
The sad logic of how anyone could miss the horizon
If they're comfortable being just three blocks away1
Would you believe me if I said, 'Anyone can be that one person who is under 80 million.'
There's so much smog in the air that you can't see your hand in front of you
It seems lost for a bit
Even when Babylon sinks in sludge
For us, it's land coming into view2
It's hard to walk when you have dreck up to your neck
We were lost for just a sec
Because we're raw diamonds3
And it's like land coming into view.2
The best diamonds are found only beneath a thousand tons of filth.
Would you guys believe me if I said that without the drugs, the pain only wears off?
And I'm still seeing fire under ice in your hearts
Tell me, would you guys believe me? Would you believe me?
Every drop of tears still held in is taken seriously
The truth lies between the dregs and riches
It doesn't cost us anything, it's only a click away on a smartphone
Everyone's able to do it whether it's Alex or Mahmut
'Cuz self-confidence is the shit, brother! It encourages our progression
And this one logic means that everyone's gotta widen their horizons
Even if one is comfortable being just three blocks away1
And you can certainly believe me when I say, 'Anyone can be that one person who is under 80 million.'
There's so much smog in the air that you can't see your hand in front of you
It seems lost for a bit
Even when Babylon sinks in sludge
For us, it's land coming into view
It's hard to walk when you have dreck up to your neck
We were lost for just a sec
Because we're raw diamonds3
And it's like land coming into view.2
The best diamonds are found only beneath a thousand tons of filth.
Would you believe me if I said that a flower can grow from a road pavement?4
And regardless how burned out we are,
There's still land in sight.2
There's so much smog in the air that you can't your hand in front of you
It seems lost for a bit
Even when Babylon sinks in sludge
For us, it's land coming into view
It's hard to walk when you have dreck up to your neck
We were lost for just a sec
Because we're raw diamonds3
And it's like land coming into view.2
The best diamonds are found only beneath a thousand tons of filth.
  • for one to be in their own comfort zone
  • possibly similar to the saying, 'there's light at the end of the tunnel. It's a parallel to finally seeing land while out at sea.'
  • diamonds that have yet to undergo the refinement and polishing processes.
  • 4. lit. to break out from the asphalt.
'Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise!'

Samo jedan razlog

Koliko puta prolazim kroz zidove za tebe?
Za tebe idem do kraja?
Koliko često se igraš sa iskrama, praveći velike požare?
A ja ih potom gasim za tebe?
Koliko me puta ostavljaš bez razloga
Ostavljaš li kada je najteže?
Niko nije kriv, ali reci mi kako uvek ja
Snosim posledice za tebe?
Čoveče, umoran sam rezanja samog sebe na komade
Koga ostavljaš na putu?
Ili si slepa, ili pogrešna, ali u oba slučaja
Za prijateljstvo potrebno je poštovanje
Imaš vrlo malo mesta u mom srcu
Dok sam plivao u okeanu za tebe
Ti si sa drugim topila ruku pod ruku
I svoja prljava lica
Daj mi jedan razlog, da ne bih otišao
Jedan razlog, da ne bih otišao
Čak se i Mesec i Sunce rukuju
Samo mi nismo
Tvoja prekršena obećanja nisu kao moje kosti
Ne leče
Samo daj mi jedan razlog da ne bih otišao
Molim te daj mi jedan razlog da ne bih otišao
Samo daj mi jedan razlog da ne bih otišao
Molim te daj mi jedan razlog da ne bih otišao
San je redovan, bez fantazija
Nada za bolje sutra, prljava prizma
Stotine problema, sve je u mojim mislima
Osim jednog - oduzeti su iz života
Pravimo planove, crtamo skice
Ćutimo o željama, samo ako se one ostvare
Strah od ambicije - nazovite ga principom
Reci mi da nisi umorna od mog maštanja
Ali ja sam opušten i ne brinem
Da, želje se rastapaju
Da, nismo postali par
Znači, da se nismo ni rastali
Gledam te kako se skrivaš
Znam da je s nama sve u redu
To je istina
Ali neću maštati o našem sutra
Jer nisi pružila šansu
Ne misli da sam tako lako odustao -
Ali devojko, ja sam prosto pogrešio
Ne sećam se tih dana
Ne vraćam se u one dane
Linija života vodi u ćorsokak, ali ja neću otići
Da li je to senka ili tama iza?
Za greške sam platio u potpunosti
Kažeš da nismo na istom putu ali me ne puštaš da odem
Samo daj mi jedan razlog da ne bih otišao
Molim te daj mi jedan razlog da ne bih otišao
Samo daj mi jedan razlog da ne bih otišao
Molim te daj mi jedan razlog da ne bih otišao


This isn't a warning
'Cause family comes at first, but thieves in the law
For the weakness we are harmless
But are coming at night and take everything away from the banks
That's certainly no warning
But the lovely father state always was a criminal
For the weakness we are harmless
'Cause at least we're just robbing just the bunker of the rich ten percent
[Part 1]
Opportunity makes thieves, but there are many of here
And too many who like to talk about honor, but are kicking it with boots
I rather care about old friendships, instead of a bunch of new brothers
They want bread and water for the poor, but steak is better
Instead of child and wife at home with holes in their stomach
I'd rather sleeping next to hungry tigers
Take it if he has too much, only lay no hands on the weaknesses
Believe me, nobody is swimming in money or drinking champaign, who never
Has risk something a day
Are talking less, but honest, because trust is dangerous
Cold eyes, warm hearts, hands away of my values
We're sharing with the poorest, but my blood becomes first
Instead of living on or knees, we'd rather dying standing
This isn't a warning
'Cause family comes at first, but thieves in the law
For the weakness we are harmless
But are coming at night and take everything away from the banks
That's certainly no warning
But the lovely father state always was a criminal
For the weakness we are harmless
'Cause at least we're just robbing just the bunker of the rich ten percent
[Part 2]
If they are so fed up, they would burst
You can help them and take something away
Because you only make daddy no shame
And the money likes to count on
You learn here how to behave
Put your big mouth into the bin!
Just calm down, 'cause just the eagle
Isn't flying higher than the sun
Like silence waters are deep, going straight to the death, if they're loving us
We never promise too much, but if than we won't break it
Call me a rogue, call me thieve, it's okay 'cause I'm hearing a lot
But the truth lays in my bones, like marrow
[Pre.Hook 2]
'Cause every word you ever said, is no bird you are fooling
'Cause you sure will never catch it again
And the work that has to be done, still is no wolf my little friend
'Cause it's not running into the forest without help
This isn't a warning
'Cause family comes at first, but thieves in the law
For the weakness we are harmless
But are coming at night and take everything away from the banks
That's certainly no warning
But the lovely father state always was a criminal
For the weakness we are harmless
'Cause at least we're just robbing just the bunker of the rich ten percent


Visoko, visoko, visoko
Visoko, visoko, visoko
[Part 1]
Kradem bedi njegovo vreme sa svojom radošću
I bacam je hijenama koje vrebaju da jedu
Kradem bogatstvu njegove snove dok spava
Svaki novi dan će biti bolji od prethodnog
Ako je nebo opet sivo
Mi ćemo ga razvedriti
I sa teretom možeš izaći odavde, i ja ga imam
U rintanju je lepota, a mržnja u uspehu
Tamo gde im đavo pokazuje put
Mi ostajemo verni sebi, posmatramo svoj odraz u ogledalu sa ponosom
Mi hoćemo visoko, visoko, visoko
Drži glavu iznad vode brate
Hajde, hajde, hajde ne okoliši već pokaži gotovinu
Crveno, crveno, crveno se opet boji pločnik
Mnogi dolaze (u) odlaze (iz) dolaze odlaze
Visoko, visoko, visoko drži glavu iznad vode sestro
Hajde, hajde, hajde ne okoliši nego uradi bolje
Beznadežno kao šampanjac iz plastičnih čaša
Bez ljubavi unutar spolja unutar spolja
[Part 2]
Hleb i voda na stolu, suze u očima
Ali osmeh ne mogu da ti ukradu
Ne plašim se više mraka
Mesec nas je napravio
I svaki protiv vetar nam daje novu snagu
Tada samo pesak u rukama koji vremenom isklizava
A sad držim hrpu papira u rukama
I osećam ruke oko vrata
U rintanju je lepota, a mržnja u uspehu
Tamo gde im đavo pokazuje put
Mi ostajemo verni sebi, posmatramo svoj odraz u ogledalu sa ponosom
Mi hoćemo visoko, visoko, visoko
Drži glavu iznad vode brate
Hajde, hajde, hajde ne okoliši već pokaži gotovinu
Crveno, crveno, crveno se opet boji pločnik
Mnogi dolaze (u) odlaze (iz) dolaze odlaze
Visoko, visoko, visoko drži glavu iznad vode sestro
Hajde, hajde, hajde ne okoliši nego uradi bolje
Beznadežno kao šampanjac iz plastičnih čaša
Bez ljubavi unutar spolja unutar spolja
Pratim svoje snove i pucam na visoko
Činim stvarnim svoje vizije
Šta me košta? Samo ambicije
I ako me vidiš da spavam, tada sam mrtav
Mi hoćemo visoko, visoko, visoko
Drži glavu iznad vode brate
Hajde, hajde, hajde ne okoliši već pokaži gotovinu
Crveno, crveno, crveno se opet boji pločnik
Mnogi dolaze (u) odlaze (iz) dolaze odlaze
Visoko, visoko, visoko drži glavu iznad vode sestro
Hajde, hajde, hajde ne okoliši nego uradi bolje
Beznadežno kao šampanjac iz plastičnih čaša
Bez ljubavi unutar spolja unutar spolja


Kontra K & RAF
Danas smo i dalje zajedno u parku
Toliko puno vremena, ne znam kuda bih išao
Minimalac love u džepu
Daleko od zlata i platine
Na MTV Cribs-u gledamo zvezde
I sve što imaju nama nema nekog smisla
Neka te zabole za Rolex
Važnije je da imaš svoju ekipu
Verse 1: Kontra K
Imali smo mnogo toga malo, ali smo bili bogati u duši
Poderane AirMax ali su nas odvodile svuda
Danas imamo Mercedes AMG sa full opremom
Šta mi vrede sva ta sranja ukoliko sam sam?
Reči su bile prave jer su bile iskrene
Obećanja su imala značaj jer su se održavala
Ali sada ljubav ne vredi nijedan cent
I traje dok reflektori sijaju
Zašto želiš napustiti sreću koju imaš?
Bilo bi savršeno baš tako kako je bilo
Zadržaću ovaj trenutak koliko budem mogao
Ali brzo se pretvara u senke kako se reflektori uključe
Nikada nećemo biti isti, zvaćemo jedni druge braćom
A nećemo se videti više od jednom godišnje
Svaka tuga, svaki harpun, svaka zlatna ploča nastaviće rezanje trake
Hook: RAF Camora (2x)
Nadam se da nikada nećeš postati slavan
Jer ćeš jedino tada shvatiti
Šta je ono što ti fali
Nestao si, zbogom, nema povratka
Tvoj život biva nama ispričan samo slikama
Bridge: Kontra K & RAF Camora
Danas smo i dalje zajedno u parku
Toliko puno vremena, ne znam kuda bih išao
Minimalac love u džepu
Daleko od zlata i platine
Na MTV Cribs-u gledamo zvezde
I sve što imaju nama nema nekog smisla
Neka te zabole za Rolex
Važnije je da imaš svoju ekipu
Verse 2: Kontra K
Zlato na tvojoj ruci te neće noću grejati
Paranoja te drži budnim, oštra oružja Umesto lojalnosti za čuvanje leđa
Iza tebe samo repovi pacova koji vise na zavidnim ljudima
Sve ti se lepi na usnama poput cigareta
Jer niko ne govori - dosta je više
Dovraga usamljen si, Nema klika, rime, kurve, zavisti, hipa da ostane kad legneš
Nema seksa, Nike-a, olovke, mikrofona, Nema baterijske lampe šest metara dubine,
Samo zemlja i kosti
I nema zida sa okačenim zlatnim pločama
Prići ću ti sa potpuno otvorenim srcem (veruj mi, sa potpuno otvorenim srcem)
Ali očigledno ništa nije džabe i svakako je neuspešno
Hook:RAF Camora (2x)
Nadam se da nikada nećeš postati slavan
Jer ćeš tek tada shvatiti
Šta je ono što ti fali
Nestao si, zbogom, nema povratka
Tvoj život biva nama ispričan samo slikama
Verse 3: RAF Camora
Možeš pozdraviti koga god želiš
Niko više ne razmišlja o tebi u kvartu
Jer više nisi ovde
Kao da nikada nisi ni postojao, ahh
Zajebi Youtube pratioce
Kad još uvek nismo ugovorili kafu
Čak ni jedno:'Zdravo, kako si?
Brate, šta se desilo?'
Seti se dana, i upamti ono što sam ti rekao:
Hook: RAF Camora (2x)
Nadam se da nikad nećeš postati slavan
Jer ćeš jedino tada shvatiti
Šta je ono što ti fali
Nestao si, zbogom, nema povratka
Tvoj život biva nama ispričan samo slikama
Nadam se da nikada nećeš biti slavan x3


[Part 1]
We want to get away from here, always just when the situation escalates again
When the way out disappears in the gloomy shadow, we cling fast to you
You've already moved mountains, because as long as faith in you exists
the thought that tomorrow will be a better day is never too far from me
You're the power in all our actions, that which gives us support
A flame that warms us, even when it snows, and when reality is cold
Only through you does every fight have a meaning, even when you don't win it
Because you whisper 'Don't give up!', because everyone's stronger with you on their side
Nothing's yet lost as long as you say there's a chance
I'd follow you as long as my legs carry me, from here to a better place
Because you're the light, the candle in the wind that never goes out
You're the parachute that saves us, and the reason we jump
One of the reasons my Sound is the way it is
And also why on the worst day of my life I'm the best version of myself
You eat fear, send me courage and new strength
You're the star that shows us the way in the jet-black night.
Because only you die last, give us faith in ourselves
and that tomorrow everything will be better than now
You take away the pain we have today
You beautiful hope, oh you beautiful hope
Because only you die last, give us faith in ourselves
and that tomorrow everything will be better than now
Protect our dreams
You beautiful hope, oh you beautiful hope, please don't go away
[Part 2]
You let us forget pain, even if we walk again through broken glass
For us, the sun rises where the clouds are far too gray
You don't differentiate on stock or faith
You're the one soldier that never gives up, even against a hundred thousand
You're my only medicine that still helps against the knot that's in my stomach
And just then, when I need you, the whole strength that's in my fist
You forgive, even when the cup's long overflowed
Even with knives in the back, always more love than false pride
Never gives up the belief that the world won't always be disappointing
And would blindly go into death for someone that proves himself a friend
And no matter where I go I bring you there, where my heart was
Even through a stone on my chest you make its beating audible again
No words that describe what sets you off
In people bones break, but never your will, pain is hidden
Every obstacle becomes smaller
And as long as just a spark of you remains, no one can stop us
Because only you die last, give us faith in ourselves
and that tomorrow everything will be better than now
You take away the pain we have today
You beautiful hope, oh you beautiful hope
Because only you die last, give us faith in ourselves
and that tomorrow everything will be better than now
Protect our dreams
You beautiful hope, oh you beautiful hope, please don't go away


[Part 1: Kontra K]
When you awake, the night is pitch dark instead of city romantic the floor full of dirt
Even in summer, the air here is colder than you think.
Because everyone got a back but no one respect.
Like a fucking western just that the bullets are as real as the tears in our mother's bed.
Tell me, am I getting older or do I get it just now?
Why do we not go together and instead just shot us down?
I think myself up into the sky, but can't hear the birds chirp
and instead of our heart we only hear the devil's whisper.
Paranoia makes you abruptly sober.
We pray before sleeping but turn on the light again.
Everyone writes his fate but why do we go stealing instead of working in a job that gives us some money as well.
Sadness writes Madness on to many faces.
The ego is too big and the empathy not there.
A word becomes a hit, a hit a stab, a stab a finger on a trigger which pulls it.
man, the death becomes sadness, sadness becomes madness, madness becomes revenge that took a mothers' child.
Pointless, we only feed the fire with gas.
Go towards hell, but dream of the paradise
want peace in death but live a war
pray for help but we are the devil.
[Hook: Kontra K]
Tell me, why do we give poison to a brother instead of a hand that helps him?
Tell me, why don't we grant each other something
and why does the devil always eat with us?
tell me, why don't we get bigger than we are?
why do we give up fightless?
tell me, why do we always let the darkness win?
because it only needs one step out of the shadow
just one step.
[Part 2: AK Ausserkontrolle]
twenty-four years old, twenty-four hours street
no hope in the City, where the death awaits
no one has a name in the hood, used to all the scars
wrong friend, wrong place, wrong time, wrongdoing.
he deals stuff in the park on bitter gray days
he sees people who die here but can never reveal
I get the cash here for you, I have to get up, man
like a mountain, i conquer and ram the flag into the ground
it is cold but that's not because of winter
and on the playground are no children playing
Grewsome world, main thing, money
the main thing, no statement
and my lord when we betray yourself
lie to yourself, to feel more
nothing is enough, we are hard to feel
because we feel no pain, our heart is cold.
[Hook: Kontra K]
Tell me, why do we give poison to a brother instead of a hand that helps him?
Tell me, why don't we grant each other something
and why does the devil always eat with us?
tell me, why don't we get bigger than we are?
why do we give up fightless?
tell me, why do we always let the darkness win?
because it only needs one step out of the shadow
just one step.
[Part 3: BTNG]
what happens, is not easy for anyone
you stand there and get surrounded by hyenas
the most got no decency
never show their real face because they are fearful
I keep my face
never sit on a table with the wrong people
everything is as it is
fast money on the street, everything is profit
and I take the next step
not dealing poison anymore, got me under control again
and I take the second step
never cell again, the lawyer gets nothing
and I stay as I am
always cold to the people, because I know, how they are
follow my instinct
stay stable, nobody stays on the ground
[Hook: Kontra K]
Tell me, why do we give poison to a brother instead of a hand that helps him?
Tell me, why don't we grant each other something
and why does the devil always eat with us?
tell me, why don't we get bigger than we are?
why do we give up fightless?
tell me, why do we always let the darkness win?
because it only needs one step out of the shadow
just one step.