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Број резултата: 42


Зар не?

Click to see the original lyrics (Slovak)
Ако је љубав експлозија осећања
Онда је ово био вулкан
Довољан је био један поглед
И још две-три речце
Десило се то у возу
Питао ме је директно
Оним дивним дијалектом
Шта на срцу скривам
Спојмо дланове, зар не, зар не?
И нека се деси љубав, зар не, зар не?
Волећемо се, зар не, зар не?
Јако као два храста, зар не, зар не?
Зар не...?
Наводно сам крв и млеко*
А он није од маслаца*
И кад је нашао срећу
Тад сам и ја њега нашла
Стаде воз, он клекнуше
Отворише наручје
И казаше да одмах кроз поље
Пођемо к олтару
Спојмо дланове, зар не, зар не?
И нека се деси љубав, зар не, зар не?
Волећемо се, зар не, зар не?
Јако као два храста, зар не, зар не?
Зар не...?
Спојмо дланове, зар не, зар не?
И нека се деси љубав, зар не, зар не?
Волећемо се, зар не, зар не?
Јако као два храста, зар не, зар не?

Суботе су најбоље

Суботе су најбоље
кад се пробудиш поред неког
па читаш јутарње новине
обасјан сунцем
Посматраш бродове на води
Може и сладолед у парку
па после филм
док смркава се напољу
Суботе су најбоље
Оне су за забаву
А забаву и памтим
док сам имала неког
Поправљала шминку
За излазак резервисан у осам
Затим бисмо отишли на журку
И остајали до касно
Није баш нека журка
Када си усамљена девојка
Субота пређе у недељу
И пробудиш се сама
Суботе су најбоље
Оне су за забаву
Забаву и памтим
Тај осећај ми је близак
Суботе су најбоље
Некада сам имала неког

Wedding Song

It's said love doesn't live forever,
But today in my wedding dress
I will make one wish
And send it through the Milky Way.
Today it's love's birthday
And the soul sings for joy.
The aureate flight of hearts begins,
And the ascent of Mount Happiness.
Let our joint happiness be destiny!
Let wordless singers of our love be
Heavens' stars, we are worthy of wonders!
Hearts of lovers beat in unison.
Heavens' stars, we are worthy of wonders,
Hearts of lovers beat in unison.
Love has one purpose -
To split one shimmering into two.
Gladness is in the heart, and the soul is full of colour.
Life, pause at least for a moment.
La-la-la-loving name, my beloved -
One-of-a kind sparkle in darling eyes.
Your heart lights up the whole world,
Your heart and your love - an all-powerful duet.
Let our joint happiness be destiny!
Let wordless singers of our love be
Heavens' stars, we are worthy of wonders!
Hearts of lovers beat in unison.
Heavens' stars, we are worthy of wonders,
Hearts of lovers beat in unison.

Effective today

I wasn't in a hurry
To meeting you
But I'm waiting for my date
And she is not coming.
We had a date
But something went wrong.
The watch was definitely
Guilty for this.
Both together:
The clock hands are chasing each other
The cold clock hands chop
Short minutes from our days
And there the instance is gone.
The clock hands attack thirstily
The time with their metal fingers.
They tear little pieces silently
And we're growing older like this.
And in present days
Is somewhat funny
To make mistakes
With the crazy time.
I know that and effective today
I'll be faultless.
Without a watch on my wrist
I am waiting for your love.
Both together:
The clock hands are chasing each other
The cold clock hands chop
Short minutes from our days
And there the instance is gone.
The clock hands attack thirstily
The time with their metal fingers.
They tear little pieces silently
And we're growing older like this.
The clock hands are chasing each other
The cold clock hands chop
Short minutes from our days
And there the instance is gone.
The clock hands attack thirstily
The time with their metal fingers.
They tear little pieces silently
And we're growing older like this.
The clock hands are chasing each other
The cold clock hands chop
Short minutes from our days
And there the instance is gone.

My desire for you

[Karl Oskar:]
Three years I’ve come here to you, Kristina
Never with such a rush as today
Tell me what you mean!
[Karl Oskar:]
I get to take over the farm, we have a home
We can get clothes and food
Now we can get married, if you want me?
That I want you, you know
I barely think of something else
Hurry up, you have to ask my mother and my father
If they give us permission
My husband
You finally become my husband
As I’ve so long whispered to my inner self
We’re gonna be together when day becomes day
Because where you go, I also go
My soul, my body has a desire for you
Your breath hot in my ear
Fits the same longing that aches in me
My body, my soul has a desire for you
[The wedding guests:]
The year was 1844
And Oscar the first is king
The suitor is proud
And he is strong and diligent
And the bride is healthy and young
He has his own farm and is his own lord
Will never become any masters slave
There is no one he can stand as well as her
So it’s probably gonna go well for them
But still she wants to play, still she wants to swing
Still the child is close in her mind
Yes, still she wants to dance, still she wants to sing
Still the child from before is there
Since you learned that the fly should be open when you pee
You’ve never asked for advice
And now you’ve set up a wedding
Without even asking us!
It never goes well in the long run with such a self-will!
[The wedding guests:]
He has his own farm and is his own lord
Will never become any masters slave
There is no one he can stand as well as her
So it’s probably gonna go well for them
But still she wants to play, still she wants to swing
Still the child is close in her mind
Yes, still she wants to dance, still she wants to sing
Still the child from before is there
The suitor has a farm and is his own lord
Will never become any masters slave
Although the land they inherited is heavy and rocky
And the lot is small
With seven acre fields
Then they’ll probably succeed
It’s probably gonna go well
Do you remember how I asked you?
Don’t go, stay for a while!
[Karl Oskar:]
But I had to go when it dawned
Too many times
[Karl Oskar:]
Right when we laid in your room and we kissed us tiredly
Kisses and caresses
[Karl Oskar:]
Only kisses and caresses
But now I’m your wife and I stay
My soul, my body has a desire for you
Your breath hot in my ear
Fits the same longing that aches in me
My body, my soul has a desire for you
[Karl Oskar:]
Since two years now, king Oscar sat on his throne
He has assumed Sweden’s and Norway’s land
I rule over Korpamoen
I’m also crowned, I’m king in Stone Kingdom
Here are my subjects, my loyal:
Stone in shards, stone in cairns, stone in walls
Give us fair weather
And preserve the earth's crops from destruction
God, bless us, give us grain and kernel
Save us from starvation, through Jesus Christ, amen
Wait a little, listen to me
[Karl Oskar:]
Is something wrong?
I’ve laid here and thought of us and food for the children
[Karl Oskar:]
Now I don’t understand anything
Well, I just mean if we didn’t do it, we would not be more
[Karl Oskar:]
You want us to say no
To the joy of love all our days
If I let you go now then I deny myself
My body, my soul, my desire for you
I hear your hearts even beats
Your head against my chest in the nights hours
We’re gonna be together when day becomes day
Because where you go, I also go

Because of you

I don't know where you are now
Maybe you just remember about us
This city flies by
There are no stars in the sky
The one who is silent knows more - this is obvious, sometimes it is insulting
Drowning in your eyes is not at all ashamed
You know only me and you, only me and you
You and I know it - just me and you
You are like the sweetest smoke
I dissolve with him alone
Even if the whole world is against you, you will remain mine
It's all because of you, it's all because of you
I forgot names, disappear forever
It's all because of you, it's all because of you
What was not with me, I will forget forever
It's all because of you, it's all because of you
I forgot names, disappear forever
It's all because of you, it's all because of you
What was not with me, I will forget forever
Understand I just need to know
That I am in your hands - and this is forever
Maybe they all do not understand
But it doesn't matter to me - it's only for myself
This city flies by
There are no stars in the sky
Who is silent, he knows more
It's obvious, sometimes it hurts
Drowning in your eyes is not at all ashamed
You know only me and you, only me and you
You and I know it - just me and you
You are like the sweetest smoke
I dissolve with him alone
Even if the whole world is against you, you will remain mine
It's all because of you, it's all because of you
I forgot names, disappear forever
It's all because of you, it's all because of you
What was not with me, I will forget forever
It's all because of you, it's all because of you
I forgot names, disappear forever
It's all because of you, it's all because of you
What was not with me, I will forget forever


Where the sky is like a river
Where the star burned
I asked you
Guard my heart (x2)
Where it is forever warm
Where the star burned
People told me not to
Walk here alone
You can't, you can't
I think I figured it out
Infinity whole circle
Everything changes suddenly
Tomorrow the enemy is your best friend
We paint our destinies
This is our handiwork
No, it's no coincidence that you're near
You are worthy of this torment
Love, love
Love, love
In my life, it's a dance and a song
Your kids want to dance
Under the scalded sun barefoot
I learned to love and forgive
I know we will meet each other someday
You took me to this forest
I know I'll be your best friend
Don't be afraid of my beauty
I think I figured it out
Infinity whole circle
Everything changes suddenly
Tomorrow the enemy is your best friend
We paint our destinies
This is our handiwork
No, it's no coincidence that you're near
I am worthy of this torment
Love, love
Love, love

Christmas strawberry

Nothing falls from the sky just like that, not even a strawberry,
And if it does fall, it was probably coincidence.
Nothing falls from the sky, just in Christmas snowflakes,
Appears suddenly a miracle, a midnight miracle.
So begin, light up the stars
I was missing them in dreams,
So begin and the empty space
Change into a place for the two of us,
place for the two of us.
So it is written white on white (white on white),
that on the road to each other we walk in the footprints of angels
Love- she is not wrong and found us too
and maybe she has chosen the best-est time.
So begin, light up the stars
I was missing them in dreams,
So begin and the empty space
change into a place for the two of us, two of us.
We are birds that fly,
And I have the feeling my feet are light,
so light up, light up my stars
after all love, love always wants two
love always wants two.
The warmth of old Christmas, will warm us too
in the crazy rush of the world you have a chance to find me,
you have a chance to find me.
Chorus: So begin, light up the stars
I was missing them in dreams,
So begin, light up my stars, because love,
love always wants two
love always wants two
love always wants two
always wants two
love always wants two

You Will Not Get Hurt

Versions: #1
First Verse:
You will not get hurt, when I go
You won't even notice, you're delirious again
You're putting your heart in the trash
Now you know yourself
You won't get hurt, you won't understand outright
When the frost [goes] though your skin and the shiver through your skin
[That] I left without you
And [that] eternity has frozen [over]
That was a short dream
[I] moved [so] long to meet you
[My] heart burns with fire
But I...
I couldn't find a reason to be with you
But without you I can't find peace
I couldn't see the light in your eyes
Forgive me, [that] I couldn't, I couldn't
Second Verse:
You will not get hurt, I don't wish bad [things]
Just leave [it] in peace, you don't need me
Not a word about love
We did not dream [it] so
You will not get hurt, you will not discern tears
I replaced my feelings, everything became not [so] serious
Just let go
And don't ask [me] to forgive
That was a short dream
[I] moved [so] long to meet you
[My] heart burns with fire
But I...
I couldn't find a reason to be with you
But without you I can't find peace
I couldn't see the light in your eyes
Forgive me, [that] I couldn't, I couldn't
I couldn't,
I couldn't find a reason to be with you
But without you I can't find peace
I couldn't see the light in your eyes
Forgive me, [that] I couldn't, I couldn't
I couldn't find a reason to be with you
But without you I can't find peace
I couldn't see the light in your eyes
Forgive me, [that] I couldn't, I couldn't

Waiting for you

[Verse 1]
You don't care what's happening in my inner world
And not everyone is capable of daring love
No, it doesn't matter anymore what was awaiting ahead of us
We are on the different poles now, and you're way ahead.
My heart got tired of waiting for you,
You know, of waiting for you.
Every time I was trying to find a friend in you
But the thing is - I didn't find.
My heart got tired of waiting for you,
You know, of waiting for you.
Every time I was trying to find a friend in you
Just to lose you later.
[Verse 2]
You know, it has nothing to do with anything
It's me who wanted and flew to you, forgetting about myself
You know, it has nothing to do with anything, it has nothing to do with anything
It has nothing to do with anything, it has nothing to do with anything.
A Cupid's bow, I don’t know how,
Why am I alone every day yet again
Lips in rhyme, as if lips are like water,
And nothing smart in that, every minute I
Every minute I, every minute
I'm looking for you as for a city,
As for that one star
But I'm too distant from you.
My heart got tired of waiting for you,
You know, of waiting for you.
Every time I was trying to find a friend in you
But the thing is - I didn't find.
My heart got tired of waiting for you,
You know, of waiting for you.
Every time I was trying to find a friend in you
Just to lose you later.

Колико дуго ћу те волети

Колико дуго ћу те волети?
Докле год буде звезда изнад тебе,
и дуже ако будем могао...
Колико дуго ћеш ми требати?
Докле год годишња доба буду
морала да прате свој редослед...
Колико дуго ћу бити са тобом?
Докле год је мору суђено
да се испира на песку...
Колико дуго ћу те желети?
Докле год ти то будеш желела,
и дуже, много дуже...
Колико дуго ћу те грлити?
Докле год ти је отац рекао,
докле год постојиш...
Колико дуго ћу ти давати?
Докле год живим кроз тебе,
колико год да кажеш...
Колико дуго ћу те волети?
Докле год су звезде изнад тебе,
и дуже ако будем могао...
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

The gloves

For all sorts of reasons the handsome men may be attracted to me,
But I am not trying to make them lose their minds in vain.
And if I get carried away at times, I don’t make any devious plans anyway.
But I dream about an angel flying into the darkness, and I don’t quite get why I do.
But I dream about an angel flying into the darkness, and I don’t understand why I have this dream.
You would ask: “Why to cover the naked fingers with the gloves?”, -
I despise to leave my fingerprints on someone’s hearts.
But anyway “Why to cover tenderness of the naked hands with the gloves?”, -
I hate it so much to leave the fingerprints on
Someone’s loving hearts.
What difference does it make:
Where to and from where the tide comes.
When the dream gives you the wings,
The only thing that’s important is the height of the wave.
After all, I am not concealing anything, which means - I am ripping off the masks.
I want to trust just you alone, but I don’t understand why...
I want to trust you and only you, but I don’t comprehend why?!
You would ask: “Why to cover the naked fingers with the gloves?”, -
I so dislike to leave my fingerprints on someone’s hearts.
But anyway “Why to cover tenderness of the naked hands with the gloves?”, -
I hate it so much to leave the fingerprints on
Someone’s loving hearts.
But anyway “Why to cover tenderness of the naked hands with the gloves?”, -
I hate it so much to leave the fingerprints on
Someone’s loving hearts.
But anyway, why? But anyway, why?
You would ask: “Why?”
But anyway, why?
You would ask: “Why to cover the naked fingers with the gloves?”, -
I so dislike to leave my fingerprints on someone’s hearts.
But anyway “Why to cover tenderness of the naked hands with the gloves?”, -
I hate it so much to leave the fingerprints on
Someone’s loving hearts.

Once and for all

Sorry, but your shot in my back will not be fatal.
There were already too many of them, yours will not be the first.
But the heart remained alive, immortal or something ...
Only the radars, as before, are off-scale from pain.
I fall over and over to you, with my head.
Please, at least once hold on and stay with me.
Time will spin in hours and all wounds will cool.
But there will be no one else in this heart but you.
Once and for all! All love to the bottom!
I hold the beat and flow for years through the thin veins ...
Like water,electric current through wires -
I'll give everything to you, once and for all!
Your delusions in pride losing drop by drop .
I'm going against you, to the end .
But I can’t believe you, I don’t want, it’s impossible!
I'm gonna carefully delete this love from my heart.
Chorus. (3X)
Once and for all!
Once and for all!
Once and for all - all love to the bottom!
I'll give you all that I have, once and for all!

Polyana, Polyana

Polyana*, Polyana, there´s a pit in Polyana,
Guys say that I´m wearing makeup.
Have you heard such news?
Guys say that I´m wearing makeup.
I´m not wearing makeup,
And boy, I won´t marry you.
Lily, lily and grass,
Boy, I won´t marry you.
Polyana, Polyana, there´s a pit in Polyana,
Guys say that I´m wearing makeup.
Have you heard such news?
Guys say that I´m wearing makeup.