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Резултати претраге страна 2

Број резултата: 162



Сећаш ли се да смо јуче
ти и ја били једно,
на путовању помало несигурном за наше године?
И прозор је био отворен,
јер нас није бринуло
ни одрастање, ни та хладноћа која раздваја.
И плесали смо уз ноте песме 'Били Џин'
и замало смо поломили кревет
срећни и лоше нашминкани.
Говорила сам ти да желим да певам
и реци ми шта си желео да будеш.
Реци ми шта си желео ти да будеш.
Видела сам стару кутију на своме тавану,
међу свим мојим уметничким сликама
сам те пронашла у хиљаду успомена
направљеним да ме никада не заборавиш.
Видела сам стару кутију на своме тавану,
твој број је био тамо и желела сам те позвати,
тражила сам те, али си нестао,
ко зна да ли си ме заборавио.
Али ја тебе никада нисам заборавила!
Али ја тебе никада нисам заборавила!
Добро запамти да ја...
Добро запамти да ти...
Исти смо једно друго!
А сећаш ли се да смо јуче
на тамном небу
веровали да можемо да видимо будућност?
И у савезу са ноћи,
са наивним страхом
давали смо смисао невидљивом.
И само су нам се свиђале љубавне књиге,
сањајући те приче,
волећи најтајанственије.
Говорила сам ти да желим да се удам
и реци ми шта си желео да будеш.
Реци ми шта си желео ти да будеш.
Видела сам стару кутију на своме тавану,
међу свим мојим уметничким сликама
сам те пронашла у хиљаду успомена
направљеним да ме никада не заборавиш.
Видела сам стару кутију на своме тавану,
твој број је био тамо и желела сам те позвати,
тражила сам те, али си нестао,
ко зна да ли си ме заборавио.
Ко зна да ли си ме заборавио.
Али ја тебе никада нисам заборавила!
Али ја тебе никада нисам заборавила!
Добро запамти да ја...
Добро запамти да ти...
Исти смо једно друго!
Али ја тебе никада нисам заборавила!
Али ја тебе никада нисам заборавила!
Добро запамти да ја...
Добро запамти да ти...
Исти смо једно друго!

Where are you oh you who is traveling

Oh what woe on my heart, oh woe…
Where are you oh you who is traveling, you have prolonged your absence
You have left me alone while I'm a stranger
I have no loved ones other than you my love
The luck is fading, where can i bring it from
I pledge an oath if i see you next to me
I would pray and would complain my worries to you
You are my father, brother, and mother
Oh woe on my state if only you knew
Where are you oh you who is traveling, you have prolonged your absence
You have left me alone while I'm a stranger
I have no loved ones other than you my love
The luck is fading, where can i bring it from
Why are you losing me and losing yourself
Tell me my love what has happened to you
I swear i don’t know what my heart has done to you
Life's torture is my hearts destiny
Have mercy on me and have mercy on my torment
Have mercy on my tears and life and youth
Who would console me other than you
Who would calm down my heart and its flames
Where are you oh you who is traveling, you have prolonged your absence
You have left me alone while I'm a stranger
I have no loved ones other than you my love
The luck is fading, where can i bring it from


In the daytime, I'm Marinette,
Just a normal girl with a normal life.
But there's something about me that no one knows yet,
'Cause I have a secret.'
Miraculous! Simply the best!
Up to the test when things go wrong!
Miraculous, the luckiest! (Miraculous Oh, Oh)
The power of love, always so strong!

Half of Your Sun

How do you get it
That smile on your lips in the middle of November
How do you do it
In the face of destruction you plant a new tree
And your light conquers
Makes one feel small
And it makes grass grow in your footsteps
Give me half of your sun
I'll give from my nights of the half-moon
Give me half of your sun
So I'll dare and come next to you
Na na na na naa...
I suppose I have to admit
My ice is already melted water flowing
Hard to push
Any further away when you 1already love
But I want to remind you
I can't shine like you
The flame of this torch will always flicker
Give me half of your sun
I'll give from my nights of the half-moon
Give me half of your sun
So I'll dare and come next to you
Naa na na na naa...
Give me half of your sun
I'll give from my nights of the half-moon
Give me half of your sun
So I'll dare and come next to you
  • 1. You, in this case, refers to the passive voice used, not the person the singer otherwise speaks directly to

Sad number

I want to talk well to you
If we walk together
Funny things
Even a single one of those stupid exchanges
I remember and say such things
I wanted to keep them contained in my heart
So I closed it off
'I wanted to be close to you
Close enough to spread a yawn'
Hiding the name
Of the night bus' destination
Passing by according to our promise
If I take away the springtime too
We left behind even the night
That was impossible
Even comparing our answers
If we're talking hypothetically
Maybe we could still laugh together
At meaningless things
Goodbye, substitute sad number
Unable to sleep
Tossing and turning on the bed
Searching for a secret
That the radio won't tell me
Sweeping through the radio waves
In the space where the stars twinkle
If the tepid wind carrying the seasons
Takes away the springtime too
Thinking back occasionally
To the repeating days
That time when a lengthy sigh
Would turn into a hummed song
As to give a ride to the wind
That blows in your city
Goodbye, substitute sad number

So Important

Versions: #1
Every other day
I feel time escaping between my hands and
I'm pursuing it.
My thoughts and those wishes
that with no rules and somewhat bitterly I had next to you,
you'll remember them
as if it had only been a dream
that we lived through those unique months
so as to no longer look for you.
But it's not so important,
one single moment of melancholy
sliding down the eyes of people
walking indifferently, my love.
It's the fault of a summer,
of one night's perfume, of a moment that,
that I won't ever forget.
Guided by the yearning of suddenly
feeling each other always closer,
almost burning each other.
It's already too late, don't even think about it.
It's not the time to forget and be born again,
to no longer look for you.
But I don't know what is more important,
trusting or not trusting you,
that face so imprinted here inside my mind.
I don't know but I'm always thinking of you.
And there is nothing
that erases my memory of you,
your dreamy and different look.
Where are you? Tell me where you are now.
And in a moment I come back to my present.
I think you are still here.
You are so important.
Look at me, I need you!
In your eyes, I see crystal-clear water
like a river getting lost within me.


And spring has come again,
And we lie to ourselves again that it's beautiful,
And the leaves are climbing the ladder again,
And the earth is green on the ground.
And the calendar blooms again,
And dogs can be heard in the sheepfolds,
But alas, also now, in the silence,
So many old people are dying hastily.
Chorus (x2):
But welcome, delusion,
Stay more, stay a little longer!
This deceitful love
It's more than nothing, anyway.
Always, in the same instant,
We have ugly and beaut, dead and alive,
A terrible fate is upon us,
Those who know don't understand anything.
And an impression came again,
And again it will leave where it came from.
Too much tax requires us,
Because it's snowing in our souls.
Chorus (x2):
But welcome, delusion,
Stay more, stay a little longer!
This deceitful love
It's more than nothing, anyway.

If I were to meet you again

If I were to meet you again,
If a secret in the streets were to talk about you
If the rumors in the roads were to hear you step in
once again into my life.
If I were to dream you again,
If the landscape were to tell me that you're arriving
If once again a surprise were to bring forth your voice
to fill in my days.
If I were to meet you again,
I would let destiny lead us away
and to once again forget about the world.
If I were to meet you again,
I would wish for the world to turn slowly
and for dreams to never end.
If you were to forget me later
If I were to lose sight of your color and shade
If as the evening falls your sun doesn't come by
Like today since you've gone.
I'd look for you
near the warmth of the promises that tend to die
Resigned to the impossibility of seeing the reflection
of my eyes in yours.
And I'd hope that, maybe, you were to still remember me
deep inside of you, and for time to turn back
Oh, for time to turn back.
If I were to meet you again,
I would let destiny lead us away
and to once again forget about the world.
If I were to meet you again,
I would wish for the world to turn slowly
and for dreams to never end.

Svaka ti cast

On je bio
moja najveca iluzija
Moja prva velika ljubav
moje sve
I nikad nisam mogla shvatiti
njegovu izdaju
ako sam ga volela
na hiljadu nacina
I videla sam ga sa njom ruku pod ruku
kako srecni setaju
I jedan oblak lepih secanja me je rasplakao
Tek sada shvata svoju gresku
sada kad ga je ona napustila
zelela bih je videti oci u oci
i reci joj
Svaka ti cast
jer si ga unesrecila svojim poljupcima
jer on bolje i ne zasluzuje
jer se samo poigrao sa mojim srcem
Svaka ti cast
jer sam se zbog njega umalo ubila
jer sam nocima gledala u njegov portret
kao ludaca zbog njega plakala

Nikad nemoj rasplakati zenu

Ne , necu vise hraniti tvoju sujetu
niti biti jedan stepenik vise tvom egu
odoh bezati od ove realnosti
jer vidim da sam samo deo tvoje igre
Koliko je tesko nauciti na ovakav nacin
ne ostaje mi ni volje da pokusam ponovo
reci cu ti zauvek zbogom
nije bilo neophodno
ovako povrediti
nekog ko te je toliko voleo
ali danas njen plac umire , nikad
Nikad nemoj rasplakati zenu
pa , savest ce ti se podsmevati
poslednje vlakno tvoga bica
kada treba odbiti odustati
nekog koga volis nauciti
zbog toga nikad nemoj rasplakati zenu
Koliko je tesko nauciti na ovakav nacin
Nikad nemoj rasplakati zenu

A Letter

I wrote a letter
These words are difficult to speak
For you this letter
Take this, don't be afraid of my words
I needed time
I needed too much
I understand it now
All the hardships
I'm crazy if I let you go,
I'm crazy if I let you go,
You get to decide how we continue
I owe it to you
You get to decide how we continue
I owe it to you
I wrote a letter
These words are difficult to speak
I'm crazy if I let you go,
I'm crazy if I let you go,
You get to decide how we continue
I owe it to you
You get to decide how we continue
You get to decide how we continue
You get to decide how we continue
I owe it to you

Ye tiny stream flowin down the valley

Life was so challenging to me
with such hard and bitter days
So hard it pushed me
This life o mine till i've come to realise myself
My countryside relatives didn't had nothing to give
nor' didn't ask for none
But one day i've leaved it all behind
And started reachin to see my fate
Tiny stream flowin down the valley
Lots (of people) crossed my way
But even through 'the rocks i've made way '
For i to be a tall and fair stream
Sheddin tears of sorrow
Yet bearin' faith neath my soul
I would've had crossed foreign lands
Nobody would've been' there to stand for me
'twas my honesty the one that stood up
My ground i stood up
And so the fate
repayed me with such wealth
I would've dare to take in life
More and more bolder steps
Through work and a lil moderation
I've come to realise myself
I've never forgot bout my whereabouts
Even though i've come to reach such hights
My dad knew what education he'd gave to me
And he's so proud with me

Ja da*

Kada svoje reči privedeš kraju
Tu sam
Tu sam
Možda su ti samo potrebne dve
Tu sam
Tu sam
Kada učiš da preživiš
I nemoguće prihvatiš
Niko ti ne veruje
(Ali) Ja da, verujem ti
Ne znam
Tvoju sudbinu
Ali ako želiš
Ako me želiš
Tu sam
Niko te ne čuje
Ali ja da, čujem te
Kada više ne znaš kuda ćeš
Tu sam
Tu sam
Beži ili podigni barijere
Tu sam
Tu sam
Kada je nevidljivost
Gora od neživljenja
Niko te ne vidi
Ja da, vidim te
Ne znam
Tvoju sudbinu
Ali ako želiš
Ako me želiš
Tu sam
Niko te ne vidi
Ali Ja da, vidim te
Onima koji se vole
Potrebni su šarm i realnost
Ponekad je ono što ti život pruža
Ne znam
Tvoju sudbinu
Ali ako želiš
Ako me želiš
Tu sam
Niko te ne vidi
Ja da, vidim te
Niko ti ne veruje
Ali Ja da, verujem ti

Kako se oblačiti kao ljudsko biće

Kako da se oblačim kao ljudsko biće?
Šta, kao sa suknjom i sa štiklama?
Sada glupo izgledam...
Jel tako svaki čovek oseća
Bolje da nosim Vans
Nikada neću proći
Trebalo bih da ostanem kod kuće
Zašto sam uopšte planirala?
Napijana u kupatilu
Isprljala moje suknje
Imam dlake na butinama
I nema ništa u mojoj majici
Ako bih šminkala moje usne
Da li će oni ispasti sa poljupcem i da kažu (i da kažu)
Kako da se oblačim kao ljudsko biće?
Šta, kao sa suknjom i sa štiklama?
Sada glupo izgledam...
Jel tako svaki čovek oseća
Bolje da nosim Vans
Nikada neću proći
Trebalo bih da ostanem kod kuće
Zašto sam uopšte planirala?
Napijana u kupatilu
Isprljala moje suknje
Imam dlake na butinama
I nema ništa u mojoj majici
Ako bih šminkala moje usne
Da li će oni ispasti sa poljupcem i da kažu (i da kažu)
Nikada neću proći
Trebalo bih da ostanem kod kuće
Zašto sam uopšte planirala?
Bolje da nosim Vans
Nikada neću proći
Trebalo bih da ostanem kod kuće
Zašto sam uopšte planirala?
Bolje da nosim Vans
Nikada neću proći
Trebalo bih da ostanem kod kuće
Zašto sam uopšte planirala?
Bolje da nosim Vans
Nikada neću proći
(I da kažem)

Hollywood Stars

Everyone has left the function
I stayed in the blue theater
For the love of a fictional light
Forever stargazing, Hollywood stars
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
From so much seeing them in black and white
My skin begins to lose color
And I transform into an super hero
My shadow breathes on them
Hollywood stars
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world

The Sea

The sea
That we see dancing along the clear gulfs
With silver reflections
The sea
Changing reflections
Under the rain
The sea
In the summer sky merges
His white sheep
With the angels so pure
The sea Azure shepherdess,
Near the ponds
These big wet reeds
These white birds
And these rusty houses
The sea
Rocked them
Along the clear gulfs
And a love song
The sea
Rocked my heart for life.
Near the ponds
These big wet reeds
These white birds
And these rusty houses.
The sea
Rocked them
Along the clear gulfs
And a love song
The sea
Rocked my heart for life.

Little water of balance

Ready for the adventure
With your velcro sneakers
You fall down, you clean yourself up and you get up
You get scared and you want to do it again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again.
Little water of balance take care of her
Keep her away from the cliffs, take care of her
Keep her away from the drunk drivers, take care of her
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
Until I'm worn out from walking
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
If I die it will be from a somersault
Little water of balance take care of her
Keep her away from the cliffs, take care of her
Keep her away from the drunk drivers, take her away
Daughter of the highway
Wearing 4-wheel skates
The blows hug you in their own way
You stumble and you want to do it again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
Until I'm worn out from walking
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
If I die it will be from a somersault
Let go, let go, let go, let go.
(Little water of balance take care of her)
I want to move from here to there
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Until I'm worn out from walking
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
I want to move from here to there
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
If I die it will be from a somersault