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Број резултата: 4



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Dobro veče... ja sam iz Eseks...
Ime mi je Diki, iz grad Biloriki...
Ponos mi je, evo, ovoliki...
Kad sam im'o aferu sa Ninu
legali smo po moj ford Kortinu
ta je bila drčna k’o hijena
od nju nema perverznija žena
al' je čiča sredio iz pika
pa sad može samo da se slika
Kad sam posle izaš'o sa Senđi
ispila je kilo i po brendi
a ja bate kabezu sam pio
da bi' oran za akciju bio
i na kraju i med i orasi
nije bilo šanse da se spasi
Zašto žene koristite sveće tu je Diki,
eto vama sreće ja se vikam Diki,
baš iz Biloriki ponos mi je, evo, ovoliki
Pa je onda na red došla Dženi
ta je znala dobru stvar da ceni
nije bila žena nego ala
čim me vid'la odma' me napala
njen me tatko zavoleo jako
i zbog tog sam najviše umak'o
Pitaj Džojsi a pitaj i Viki
šta je bilo kad su prišle k čiki
ja se vikam Diki, baš iz Biloriki
ponos mi je, evo, ovoliki
'Ajde mala 'odi tu na sofu
da te baja izbuši k'o kofu
ja se vikam Diki baš iz Biloriki
osvežavam k'o 'bronhi' il' 'kiki'
Pitaj Džojsi a pitaj i Viki
šta je bilo kad su prišle k čiki
ja se vikam Diki, baš iz Biloriki
ponos mi je, evo, ovoliki

Little golden ladder

A little golden ladder
made of gold and ivory
the bride will ascend
to take her wedding vows.1
We've come to see
we've come to see
that they have joy and prosperity
and may they have plenty of good fortune.
The bride has no money,2
may they have plenty of good fortune.
  • 1. Kidushim is the Ladino term that was borrowed from the Hebrew word 'Kiddushin' (קידושין)
  • 2. Dukados or 'Ducats' were an older form of currency, as in gold coins.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


Compulsive liar

What do you say to me, woman?
That I no longer find you?
That you no longer feel in your belly what you felt before?
That you no longer feel mine how you felt yesterday?
Tell me, what can I do?
Dancing so lonely, love
Knowing that now you wake up in his room
What I have suffered alone, only me
Compulsive, compulsive liar
I'm already tired of each of your fake little words
Miss, I don't believe you anymore
I don't believe you anymore
Compulsive, compulsive liar
How could you break my little heart
In cold blood, mommy
I don't believe you anymore, I don't believe you anymore
Abraham mateo, eo
I won't be the fool waiting for you anymore
Who was at your feet
I got tired of your lies
If you call, I won't be only to please you baby
Compulsive liar, compulsive liar
So dangerous, obsessive media
When the card gives dislike
She is the first to tell me 'bye bye', yeah
I already know your game well
I know where you start and then
You're calming me to the bones
You lost your opportunity
Compulsive, compulsive liar
I'm already tired of each of your fake little words
Miss, I don't believe you anymore
I don't believe you anymore
Compulsive, compulsive liar
How could you break my little heart
In cold blood, mommy
I don't believe you anymore, I don't believe you anymore
And darling I wish you that you go well
With your new millionaire boyfriend
Who buys you all your whims
And then he stays in bed, ahem, short
And to think that I for you
I left my skin and I bet all my feelings
That you would be the definitive woman, ay ay ay
How hurts your departure
Woman cynical, atypical, mime
With spectacular figure (typical)
Dangerous woman
Compulsive, compulsive liar
I'm already tired of each of your fake little words
Miss, I don't believe you anymore
Compulsive, compulsive liar
How could you break my little heart
In cold blood, mommy
I don't believe you anymore, I don't believe you anymore