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타투 (TATTOO) (Tetovaža)

Koji đavo ćeš da uradiš?
Ne znaš kroz šta sam prošla
Koje smeće
Takva ti je priroda
I ovde smo oh oh ponovo
Put na kom sam već bila pre
Neću više da prolazim kroz ovo sranje
Dosta mi je
Moram da se promenim
I daj da ti kažem
Nikada se nisam osećala bolje
Imaš način, imaš način huh?
Ću da ti kažem kako jeste dušo
Idemo gore i dole i unaokolo
Odrećiću te se kao na rodeu
Nemoj da misliš da ću ti reći da
Zašto si se onda zalepio na meni baš kao tetovaža
Ne pokušavaj da me zoveš, biću duh
Zoveš kada najviše boli
Reči su ti slatke ali je sve deža vu
Zašto si se onda zalepio na meni baš kao te-
Na meni kao tetovaža
Tetovaža tetovaža tetovaža
Tetovaža tetovaža tetovaža
Tetovaža tetovaža tetovaža... yeah yeah yeah yeah
Tako sam umorna tako mi je dosta,
Ne treba mi drama
Već smo bili ovde pre,
Tvoja ljubav samo priziva probleme
I bilo je prelepo
Ali je to sve odavno
Sada, zauzeta sam dok napredujem sama
Sada, sam srećna dok sam sama
Jer ne može da mi da šta mi se sviđa
Našla sam novi tip
I to sam samo ja, ja i ja
Woohoo, poželiš da imaš sreće
Ne- ohh nećeš me dobiti
Ću da ti kažem kako jeste dušo
Idemo gore i dole i unaokolo
Odrećiću te se kao na rodeu
Nemoj da misliš da ću ti reći da
Zašto si se onda zalepio na meni baš kao tetovaža
Ne pokušavaj da me zoveš, biću duh
Zoveš kada najviše boli
Reči su ti slatke ali je sve deža vu
Zašto si se onda zalepio na meni baš kao te-
Na meni kao tetovaža
Ne misli da ću te ikada pozvati
Oh baby zašto se trudiš
Nikada ti neću reći da
Polomio si mi srce u dva dela
Odrećiću te se
Dovoljno si bio ovde
Odjedri, odjedri sada
Idemo gore i dole i unaokolo
Odrećiću te se kao na rodeu
Nemoj da misliš da ću ti reći da
Zašto si se onda zalepio na meni baš kao tetovaža
Ne pokušavaj da me zoveš, biću duh
Zoveš kada najviše boli
Reči su ti slatke ali je sve deža vu
Zašto si se onda zalepio na meni baš kao te-
Na meni kao tetovaža
Tetovaža tetovaža tetovaža
Tetovaža tetovaža tetovaža
Tetovaža tetovaža tetovaža...
Na meni kao tetovaža


Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Podigni me
I sruši me
Nikad nisam sigurna šta da osećam kada si tu
Ja govorim iz srca
Ali ne znam zašto
Jer ti nikad ne kažeš šta ti je na umu
To je kao da hodam po slomljenom staklu
Želim da znam, ali ne želim da pitam
Pa reci da me voliš
Ili reci da ti trebam
Ne dozvoli tišini
da vodi priču
Samo reci da me želiš
Ili ti ne trebam
Ne dozvoli tišini
da vodi priču
Ubija me (ljubav u tišini)
Ubija me (ljubav u tišini)
Ubija me (ljubav u tišini)
Pustio si me unutra
Ali ponekad
Tvoje prazne oči me čine da osećam hladnoću iznutra
Kada sam s tobom
To je kao bacanje kockica
Ne znam gde i kako ćeš me rasplakati
Pa reci da me voliš
Ili reci da ti trebam
Ne dozvoli tišini
da vodi priču
Samo reci da me želiš
Ili ti ne trebam
Ne dozvoli tišini
da vodi priču
Ubija me (ljubav u tišini)
Ubija me (ljubav u tišini)
oh oh oh (ljubav u tišini)
To je kao
da hodam po slomljenom staklu
Želim da znam, ali ne želim da pitam
Jer kad nešto kažeš
Ne možeš to povući nazad
I ovo je kraj, molim te samo se foliraj brzo
Pa reci da me voliš
Ili reci da ti trebam
Ne dozvoli tišini (oh)
da vodi priču
Samo reci da me želiš (reci da me želiš)
Ili ti ne trebam (ili me ne želiš)
Ne dozvoli tišini
da vodi priču
Vau (ljubav u tišini)
Oh (ljubav u tišini)
Vau (ljubav u tišini)
O da, o (ljubav u tišini, ljubav u tišini, ljubav u tišini)
Podigni me
I sruši me
Nikad nisam siguran šta da osećam kada si tu

Wonderland (Zemlja Čuda)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Povlačiš konce na mom srcu (Ah-ah)
Kako si došao ovako daleko? (Ah-ah)
Izmičeš se i izbegavaš bezbednosne mere
Inače činim zaljubljivanjem u mene teškim
Samo hoću da znam
Kako si mogao da mi ugreješ srce koje je tako hladno
Gubim kontrolu
Približavam se približavajući tebe meni
Ali znam kako ove stvari rade
Smešno poverovati, ali uvek odu
Srce se puni, mislim da sam u nevolji
Kladim se da ćeš me duplo izneveriti
Sklanjaj glavu, prestani da misliš da te volim
Pitam se da li smo imali priliku, možda negde u zemlji čuda
Izbacio si mi glavu i srce iz ravnoteže
Dao si mi misli o princu i palati
Ja sam Alisa koja je zalutala
Pitam se da li smo imali priliku, možda negde u zemlji čuda
Boy, zbog tebe padam u zečiju rupu
Pene mi usta kao da sam besan pas
Moram da se stavim na lanac
Živiš bez kirije u mojoj glavi, ipak izvoli otkup
Ponovo i ponovo, moje misle se vraćaju tebi
A ti nisi ni diler, ali ja sam još uvek u tvojoj zamci
Treba mi doktor, doktor, srce mi je napadnuto
Ali to je previše dobro da bi bilo istinito, ali obično je tako
Ali znam kako ove stvari rade
Smešno poverovati, ali uvek odu
Srce se puni, mislim da sam u nevolji
Kladim se da ćeš me duplo izneveriti
Sklanjaj glavu, prestani da misliš da te volim
Pitam se da li smo imali priliku, možda negde u zemlji čuda
Izbacio si mi glavu i srce iz ravnoteže
Dao si mi misli o princu i palati
Ja sam Alisa koja je zalutala
Pitam se da li smo imali priliku, možda negde u zemlji čuda
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na (Yeah, yeah)
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na (Ooh-ooh)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Uhvaćena u slatkoj iluziji
Kao da se još uvek nisam probudila
Priznaću da ludim
Trebalo bih da odustanem ali tako jako te želim
Srce se puni, mislim da sam u nevolji
Kladim se da ćeš me duplo izneveriti
Sklanjaj glavu, prestani da misliš da te volim
Pitam se da li smo imali priliku, možda negde u zemlji čuda
Izbacio si mi glavu i srce iz ravnoteže
Dao si mi misli o princu i palati
Ja sam Alisa koja je zalutala
Pitam se da li smo imali priliku, možda negde u zemlji čuda
Hey, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Hey, yeah
Pitam se da li smo imali priliku, možda negde u zemlji čuda


Ponekad se osećam kao da sam tačno pored tebe
Zašto još uvek ne mogu da te zaboravim, Baby hmm hmm
Van vida, van glave
Ne izgleda kao da je to realnost za mene
Yeah yeah, jednom sam pomislila da sam sve zaboravila
Da je stvarno vreme da sam prebolela sve
Onda mi je srce počelo ludeti zbog nekoga ponovo
Kada se to desi prestaću razmišljati o tebi, moja baby
Jednog dana, jednog dana, želim da volim ponovo
Takva slatka ljubav, slatka i kisela
Moj moj moj compleks moj compleks
Zbog tebe, ne, ja ne mogu
Još uvek mi nije u redu, oh
Kompleks moj kompleks
Zbog tebe, ne, ja ne mogu
Još uvek ne mogu biti srećna, oh
Nikada nisam znala tako slatku ljubav (Tako da baby)
I neko kao ti je stvarno bilo savršeno (Trebaš mi, boy)
Možda i ti mene želiš (Nedostaješ mi, boy)
Vrati se još jednom (Znam)
Nikada se ne vraćaš
Ne vraćaš se
Šta god bilo, šta god bilo
Ponekad se potresem kao i ti
Čak i ako je kul uraditi to
Ne mogu da se forsiram na to
Rekao si da ti je žao
Yeah, stvarno si loš
Oh baby, ali zašto mi nedostaješ
Moj moj moj compleks moj compleks
Zbog tebe, ne, ja ne mogu
Još uvek mi nije u redu, oh
Kompleks moj kompleks
Zbog tebe, ne, ja ne mogu
Još uvek ne mogu biti srećna, oh
Ponekad se osećam kao da sam tačno pored tebe
Zašto još uvek ne mogu da te zaboravim, baby, yeah yeah
Van vida, van glave
Da li će to biti realnost za mene?
Moj moj, moj compleks moj compleks
Zbog tebe, ne, ja ne mogu
Još uvek mi nije u redu, oh
Kompleks, moj kompleks
Zbog tebe, ne, ja ne mogu
Još uvek ne mogu biti srećna, oh

Surprise option

No one
No way
To nobody
Not at all
With nothing
No way
Not at all
With nothing
With no one
But... Why?

Good Morning

Oh baby, what a beautiful morning
Let’s go out today, the day will take us
I made you breakfast, baked you extra little cakes
Good morning, yeah good morning
[Verse 1]
Yeah it could be the weather is awesome
But I certainly don’t get out of my bed (No no)
(Come on)
Who cares if I’m lying down?
Outside there is no love anyways
Yeah there sadly I’m right (sa-sad-sadly right)
No desire to work
Today will give up on my existence
Yeah there sadly you guys have bad luck (sadly bad luck)
Because I am happy here at home
Take a long break
You are all I need
You say:
Oh baby, what a beautiful morning
Let’s go out today, the day will take us
I made you breakfast, baked you extra little cakes
Good morning, yeah good morning
Well I don't wanna stand up now
I wann lay lay low, sleep long in the morning
Well I don't wanna stand up now
I wann lay lay low, sleep long in the morning
[Verse 2]
I have no desire for this and no desire for that
Yeah I know there are lows and highs in my life
Like these days when I’m neither awake nor asleep
My iphone tells me the evening
In a duel against my hangover
And then there are those days that I see everything in color
Swing across the room on the chandelier like Tarzan
And am happy when everything is fun
But today I can’t do so easily
You splash water in my face
And say:
Oh baby, what a beautiful morning
Let’s go out today, the day will take us
I made you breakfast, baked you extra little cakes
Good morning, yeah good morning
Oh baby, what a beautiful morning
Let’s go out today, the day will take us
I made you breakfast, baked you extra little cakes
Good morning, yeah good morning
Oh baby, what a beautiful morning

From a city shattered by missiles...

From a city shattered by missiles,
I will shout to the whole world:
This year on Forgiveness Sunday
I don't seem to forgive everyone!
World-world, well you threw us!
But in the hell of this suffering-patience
Still stands the golden-domed Kyiv,
Bucha, and Hostomel, and Irpin.
We will overcome everything and endure!
Then we will remove the remains
Of all those who were sent here by
The narrow-eyed bald ghoul.
With you and I will stand and survive,
As I firmly cling to my native land.
I will never forgive Russia.
...Why are you averting your eyes, Belarus?

As long as we drive

What if we left and never came back?
If we took our things and escaped from here
Overnight, overnight
What if we left and repeated everything?
If we finally repeated everything that has been missing for so long
Overnight, overnight
Tell me how far, how far, how far, how far
Until there's nothing left in the rearview mirror?
And I just think 'Luckily you're here with me', yeah
And as long as we drive, everything else doesn't matter
I hope that we'll never arrive
Our luck on the streets, we're learning to fly in the airstream
And disappear in the night (in the night)
And tell me how far, how far, how far, how far
Until there's nothing left in the rearview mirror?
And I just think, 'Luckily, you're here with me'
Are you here with me?
What if we left and never came back?
'Runaway' by Kanye is our theme song
Tonight we're awake
What if we lived the way we want to?
Because this moment will never return
Step on the gas, don't stop
And as long as we drive, everything else doesn't matter
I hope that we'll never arrive
Our luck on the streets, we're learning to fly in the airstream
And disappear in the night (in the night)
And tell me how far, how far, how far, how far
Until there's nothing left in the rearview mirror?
And I just think, 'Luckily, you're here with me'
Are you here with me?
And as long as we drive, everything else doesn't matter
I hope that we'll never arrive
Tell me how far, how far, how far, how far
Until there's nothing left in the rearview mirror?
And I just think, 'Luckily, you're here with me'
You're here with me

The Street

[Intro: Myke Towers]
Make Towers, baby, ah
With Alex, 'The Sensation', ha ha ha
You, you met me in the club
Drinking and smoking a blunt
You, you fell in love with my flow
And now you do not want me to go out
But, mami, how is that so?
Every time you see that I'm goin' to go out
Is a fight without end
Because you do not want me to go out
[Chorus: Myke Towers & Darell]
And I'm not going to give up the street
I don't think of changing, yeah
Not for you, not for nobody, not for nobody, ay
I'm not going to give up the street
I don't think of changing, yeah
Not for you, not for nobody, not for nobody (It's the Real Rondon, ra ta ta ta)
[Verse 1: Darell]
Today I'm gonna go out, gonna drink (That is that)
And neither you or nobody is going to stop me (Ha)
We're goin' to break the nightclub (Oh-oh)
A bottle after another, we're gonna turn on the VIP (Stop that shit)
Like the hookah, to make me stay? To make me fight? (Hi, sweetie)
And sometimes I think, mami, that you enjoy fighting
It's better that I go out to the street, let's see if that teaches you (Oh-oh)
Pack what is yours, soon your time is up
Alex Sensation
[Verse 2: Alex Sensation]
If you liked me like that
Why do you want me to change?
Talking clearly, baby
If you like it well and if also not
If you liked me like that, eh-eh
Why do you want me to change?
Talking clearly, baby
If you like it well and if also not too (I heard you?)
[Chorus: Alex Sensation & Myke Towers]
And I'm not going to give up the street
I'm not going to change, baby
Not for you, not for nobody (Yeah-eh)
I'm not going to give up the street
I'm not going to change (Baby)
Not for you, not for nobody, not for nobody
[Verse 3: Myke Towers & Alex Sensation]
Mami, I only change between women and number
You only call when you want that humidity
Always fights gives me the desire to leave for the club and spend at least a ton
I am a king since I was young
You met me like that
They say that now you do not leave my profile
I bet you your friend is going to say so
She wanted to refill and I went crazy with her
I go to Givenchy or Fendi's club
Baby, they want sec, but friendly
They kiss each other but they a'int lesbians
I am sending them messages like PND (Tell me it, Jhay)
[Chorus: Jhay Cortez & Alex Sensation]
And I'm not going to give up the street
I'm not going to change, baby
Not for you, not for nobody (You hear me, ma?), no-oh
I'm not going to give up the street
I'm not going to change (Ha)
Not for you, not for nobody, not, yeah (Come on)
[Verse 4: Jhay Cortez & Alex Sensation]
To drink, to smoke, to fuck (Wow)
A pair of girlfriends that I want to know (I want to know)
If you already know what is going to happen (Do you follow me?)
They call me in the street now 'The Animal'
I have people and pacas (Wuh)
People that take out
I touch her and she takes it out
Big from behind, but is truly thin
I placed my chain on her and the plate shined
[Bridge: Alex Sensation]
Mami, I would really like to stay
But street calls me (Ouh)
Do not wait for me, that I arrive late
The street is burning
[Refrain: Arcángel & De La Ghetto]
Arcángel, baby (Prra