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Број резултата: 31


Pasta, pizza!

I add salt and pepper,
to make my own favorite pizza.
Who wants to visit me?
I'm waiting for you to eat pizza.
I say 'pasta', I say 'pizza',
'mozzarella' and 'strawberries'!
Say 'pillow', say 'war',
cover up your ears!
Say 'instruments', say 'drums'
and say 'Yeess, music!'
Look, Helmut amidst the village,
pillows in his hands he is making war.
I, Helmi, grab my shoes
and dance next to him.
I say 'pasta', I say 'pizza',
'mozzarella' and 'strawberries'!
Say 'pillow', say 'war',
cover up your ears!
Say 'instruments', say 'drums'
and say 'Yeess, music!'
I take an instrument, I tune it
I sing to it in a happy mood.
Music - the best medicine,
a group of insects also participates.
I say 'pasta', I say 'pizza',
'mozzarella' and 'strawberries'!
Say 'pillow', say 'war',
cover up your ears!
Say 'instruments' and say 'drums'
and say 'Yeess, music!' (2x)

Кад љубав дође

Љубав је хаос и захтева храброст,
као и авантура, али осећам се добро,
јер на крају све испадне како мора
(све испадне како мора).
Ниси остала и то је у реду,
идеш новим путевима, ја сам то преживео.
Пошто између нас више ништа не функционише, избегаваш ме
(избегаваш ме).
Погледај ме у очи, душо, кад се сретнемо,
није да нас двоје нисмо ништа доживели.
Погледај ме у очи. Душо. у чему је проблем?
Што се мене тиче, не мораш да пређеш на другу страну улице.
Увек то тако бива, не важи то само за нас двоје.
Од „ово је заувек“ до „будимо пријатељи“,
од „никад више без тебе“ до „немам времена“.
Следећи пут када љубав дође,
желим да остане.
Желим да остане,
желим да остане,
желим да остане...
Можеш да тражиш љубав, али она ће пронаћи тебе,
кад и како хоће, неће питати.
Да нам је то успело, и даље бисмо били заједно
(и даље бисмо били заједно).
Погледај ме у очи, душо, кад се сретнемо,
можеш да се поздравиш, не мораш да стојиш у тишини.
Погледај ме у очи, душо, или се плашиш
да ћеш зажалити што ме више немаш?
Љубав је хаос и захтева храброст,
као и авантура, у неком тренутку то је у реду.
Љубав је хаос и захтева храброст,
у неком тренутку то је у реду.
Љубав је хаос и захтева храброст,
као и авантура, у неком тренутку то је у реду.
Љубав је хаос и захтева храброст,
у неком тренутку то је у реду,
желим да остане.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Dotrcati natrag tebi

Nikad nisam htela da se borimo
Mi to radimo svo vreme
Samo da znas da osecam isto
Pet hiljada milja izmedju
Svaki dan se cini kao nedelja
I to je sve cega se moramo stideti
Ti znas da sam ostavila jedno svetlo upaljeno
Za tebe u noci
Ja cujem tvoje srce kako udara tako duboko
Svaki put kad placem
Ali ako ti treba neko
Samo moras reci moje ime
Ja cu dotrcati natrag tebi
Ti znas da bi prepesacila okean samo kako bih videla tvoje lice
Ja cu dotrcati natrag tebi
Pokusala sam i ostala budna
Samo kako bih te cula
Da kazes
Dobro jutro i laku noc
Ali kasnije smo se umorili
Mi smo uvek prevazilazili granice
Nikad ne zaboravi da ti si moja
Ti znas da sam ostavila jedno svetlo upaljeno
Za tebe u noci
Ja cujem tvoje srce kako udara tako duboko
Svaki put kad placem
Ali ako ti treba neko
Samo moras reci moje ime
Ja a cu dotrcati natrag do tebe
Ti znas da bi prepesacila okean samo kako bih videla tvoje lice
Ja bih dotrcala natrag tebi

On both feet

Versions: #1
Don't worry about me,
I will manage to be on my own.
Even though I'm still unsteady on my feet,
With a protective suit in my backpack,
I'll get a few scratches at worst.
Give me wings, hold me tight,
Kick me out of your nest.
There's no reason to doubt anything,
Just wait and see, I'll land on both feet.
I won't look back,
If you don't hear from me,
I'm doing well.
But my heart still beats
In the same rhythm as yours.
Don't go crazy with worry,
Because if you don't hear from me, I'm doing well.
But in my heart, you still occupy the same space.
The sun is shining and I'm
Wearing your smile on my face.
So you remain a part of me,
To everything I am, to everything I do,
I mentally add your advice,
And so you remain here, with me, forever.
Give me wings, hold me tight,
Kick me out of your nest.
There is no reason to doubt anything,
Just wait and see,
I'll land on both feet.
I won't look back,
If you don't hear from me,
I'm doing well.
But my heart still beats
In the same rhythm as yours.
Don't go crazy with worry,
Because if you don't hear from me, I'm doing well.
But in my heart, you still occupy the same space.
Give me wings, hold me tight,
Kick me out of your nest.
There is no reason to doubt anything,
Just wait and see,
I'll land on both feet.
I won't look back,
If you don't hear from me,
I'm doing well.
But my heart still beats
In the same rhythm as yours.
Don't go crazy with worry,
Because if you don't hear from me, I'm doing well.
But in my heart, you still occupy the same space.

Je quitte

Moi, j'ai bien compris
Tu danses vers les autres rives
Tout au ralenti
Cent filles s'avancent vers nos zones grises
dors quand tu pars, et je sors quand tu tardes
Mon rôle quand tu râles est de calmer ton vacarme
Nos corps qui s'éteignent
Toi, tu mords quand tu m'aimes
Moi, je meurs quand tu m'aimes
Je quitte
Mais je n'te quitte pas
Oui, je quitte
Mais je n'te quitte pas
[Couplet 2]
Je passe, t'es passif
J't'embrasse un instant furtif
L'ombre de ton ombre
Brel dans la chambre
Toutes celles que je te chante
[Pré-Refrain 2]
Tu dors quand je pars, et tu sors, je bavarde
Je suis seule au bar, et j'me pose et je chiale
Et nos corps qui s'éteignent
Moi, je mords quand je t'aime
Je meurs mais je t'aime
Je quitte
Mais je n'te quitte pas
Oui, je quitte
Mais je n'te quitte pas
Je quitte
Mais je n'te quitte pas
Oui, je quitte
Mais je n'te quitte pas
J'espère qu'un jour nos destins se recroiseront
D'ici là, mon amour, je t'en prie, prends bien soin de toi
J'espère qu'un jour nos destins se recroiseront
D'ici là, mon amour, je t'en prie, prends bien soin de toi (Bien soin de toi)
J'espère qu'un jour nos destins se recroiseront
D'ici là, mon amour, je t'en prie, prends bien soin de toi (Bien soin de toi)
J'espère qu'un jour nos destins se recroiseront
D'ici là, mon amour, je t'en prie, prends bien soin de toi (Bien soin de toi)
J'espère qu'un jour nos destins se recroiseront
D'ici là, mon amour, je t'en prie, prends bien soin de toi (Bien soin de toi)
J'espère qu'un jour nos destins se recroiseront
D'ici là, mon amour, moi, je t'embrasse mille fois

Sailors Tango

Heya! We’re taking a trip up to Burma
Got enough whiskey to last us the ride
And we only smoke the best Henry Clays
Had our fill of all the pretty lasses here
Yeah, we’re free and we’re bound to roam
Cos we’ve had it with the comforts of home!
If it ain’t Henry Clay, then we don’t take a puff
And this soapbox won’t take us past Burma
We don’t need no kind of a loving god
And we don’t need civility either!
So farewell suckers!
And the ship sails ahead, and they’re soon to arrive
And the loving god, he don’t show
Well, perhaps it’s a God that just doesn’t care
And if so, well that’s his problem!
So goodbye to home!
Shoutin “Not on your life!” and “If so, then what?”
“If something is missing, please tell me!”
“No finer emotions, not for a million bucks!”
“Just blow it out your ass!”
Oh, the sea is deep and blue
And everything’s as it shall be
And when everything’s over
it soon will start again
And the sea stays deep and blue
So, just have one more on me
Oh the sea is deep and blue
Oh, the sea is deep and blue
So deep and so blue
The sea is blue!
Heya! We’re thinking that we might catch a picture show
Sure, it costs too much but we don’t care a fig
If you see a gray hair, you rip it right out
After all, Folks like us need some kind of amusement
Cos there’s nothing that’s tying us down
No, there’s nothing that’s tying us down
No, we don’t spend much more than five cents on our smokes
And the dark rye bread don’t agree with our bellies
And the worries of others, that don’t worry us
Don’t got time to look harder in the mirror
Cos it ain’t worth a damn!
And thither they live and thus they enjoy
And a loving God, he don’t show
So, perhaps it is God that don’t care a fig
And if he does, I guess that’s his problem!
That’s his problem now!
With calls of “Not on your life!” and “If so, then what?”
“If something is missing, please tell me!”
“No finer emotions for a million bucks!”
“You can blow it out your ass!”
Oh, the sea is deep and blue
And everything’s as it shall be
And when everything’s over
it soon will start again
And the sea stays deep and blue
So here’s one more round on me
Oh the sea is deep and blue
Oh, the sea is deep and blue
So deep and so blue
The sea is blue!
Now all we need is for a storm to show up--
--Look there, yeah! It’s the docks of Burma
Hold up boys! It’s a pall of black clouds
Christ, and the waves are awful wild
Christ, we’ll all be devoured soon enough
Well, it looks as if we have to die
Yeah, it looks like we’re gonna die..
Shortly, the ship will sink right down to the bottom
Only the sharks will remember the drowned
Cheap cigars and crates of whiskey won’t be any help
“Where we’re going now, there’s no girls around to meet us”
And there’s only one call now, that’s goodbye!
Yeah there’s only one thing worth saying now, and that’s goodbye!
And the water rises up, devouring the ship
With no sight of a welcoming shoreline
Only a ship that don’t know how to swim
They must put up with unwelcoming shores
Yeah, here’s the real goodbye!
Suddenly, you don’t hear the big talk they talked before
No, now they’re only talking in whispers
Suddenly, they’re all babbling about “Our Father”
And then just as soon, they all go quiet
It’s only goodbyes!
And so ends our story, so now you should know
Though you shot your mouth off while you lived so long
But now when you stand before our Lord’s throne
Well then, you’re just shaking and shitting!
Oh, the sea is deep and blue
And everything’s as it shall be
And when everything’s over
it will not start again
Though the sea stays deep and blue
You won’t get no more from me
Oh the sea is deep and blue
Oh, the sea is deep and blue
So deep and so blue
The sea is blue!


Journey 'till the end of the night
Journey 'till the end of the night
Journey 'till the end of the night
Wild feathers
in grey, grey
Human race
Living space
Journey 'till the end of the night
We could go 'till the end of the world
Till the end of the night
We could go 'till the end of the world
Till the end of the night
Journey 'till the end of the night
We could go, oh
Journey 'till the end of the world
Black guitar
Razor blade
Lucky charm
Bottle blonde
Journey 'till the end of the night
We could go 'till the end of the world
Till the end of the night
We could go 'till the end of the world
Till the end of the night
Journey 'till the end of the night
We could go, oh
Journey 'till the end of the world
Journey 'till the end of the night

The Castle in the Distance

Can you see the castle in the distance?
And its merry, noisy feast
Couples dancing, couples laughing
Couples swimming in unconscious sin
And under the sun whom the dark ones worship
They celebrate new year with feasting and jokes
A shameful sin which gods reckon
As spiritual failure
And the holes are graves
Which are only for them
With spiritual needles
That will forever...
Torment every limb
Can you see the castle in the distance?
From your dark, grim cave
So you can hate for a thousand years
Rejoicing in the pain they receive.

More Of It

[Verse 1]
How often do I miss the forest for the trees?
How often do I let myself down, chase after others,
bury my dreams, loan myself out to others,
swap my original for a copy?
But what's a life if you don't live it?
And what do the years count for if you just count them?
Hey, do you see the lights, do you hear the music?
What a miracle that we're here today.
I see the best days ahead of me.
The best thing we have is us.
I don't want to lose a minute of it.
Give me more of it, more of it,
because I see the best days ahead of me.
The best thing we have is us.
What's happening here feels damn good.
Give me more of it, more of it.
How often do we listen
without really hearing?
And make plans
just so there are plans?
How often do we look back
as if it were too late
and fail to recognize happiness
when it's right in front of us?
I think there's another way.
I see the best days ahead of me.
The best thing we have is us.
I don't want to lose a minute of it.
Give me more of it, more of it,
because I see the best days ahead of me.
The best thing we have is us.
What's happening here feels damn good.
Give me more of it, more of it.
But what's a life if you don't live it?
And what do the years count for if you just count them?
Hey, do you see the lights, do you hear the music?
What a miracle that we're here today.
I see the best days ahead of me.
The best thing we have is us.
I don't want to lose a minute of it.
Give me more of it, more of it,
because I see the best days ahead of me.
The best thing we have is us.
What's happening here feels damn good.
Give me more of it, more of it.


I waited for the rain to fall
Memories move me
The time at a stop
On your way to school
You sung your idols' songs
I thought you careless
Your ashen hair
Your soul so soft
That nothing could lull
Look over your shoulder
Kohl around your eyes
You would vanish
Brought up with alcohol
He would never comfort you
Forever lost
You swam the river
Forced to the test
You rise above
So alone, I wait for you
Here, my heart to tear
What have you done with it?
Do you think we look alike
We were to grow old together
In our imperfect world

Flight Reflex

Around the sun the earth has
Turned 180 degrees already
It's crazy, how fast a half a year has gone by with you
(I) hadn't thought that it would carry us so far
The asphalt flickers in the heat
But the air in me freezes
A storm is coming, I know exactly what happens now
When love's courage loses to1 fear
My steps become faster
But I don't want to lose us2
This time its different
You are special to3 me
And even when my flight reflex closes in on me
And hurts you, I believe in us
I can (do) this, I can (do) this
One knows how this is
As soon as it threatens to become serious
A million reasons why it doesn't work with us flood
My streets until I succumb
But what if it doesn't have to be like this?
If there are a billion reasons
You just have to search for, that hold us together
When all the world around us separates
My steps become faster
But I won't lose us
This time its different
You are special to me
And even when my flight reflex closes in on me
And hurts you, I believe in us
I can (do) this, I can (do) this, oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh
From now on I belong to you
No chance that we'll ever lose each other4 again
Because this time its different
You are special to me
And even when my flight reflex closes in on me
And hurts you, I believe in us
I can (do) this, I can (do) this
Because this time its different
I can (do) this, oh-oh
I can (do) this, I can (do) this, oh-oh
I can (do) this, I can (do) this
  • 1. literally 'against'
  • 2. as in their relationship
  • 3. literally 'for'
  • 4. or 'ourselves' or 'us'

Једно одлази, друго остаје

Да ли су заборавили своја обећања?
Уз најмањи осмех, уз најмањи гест
Велике љубави немају више адресу
Кад једно одлази а друго остаје
Је ли то само грех младости?
Да ли од прошлости ишта остаје?
Велике љубави су јадне
Кад једно одлази а друго остаје
Остани где си
Остари без мене
Не зови ме више
Избриши ме
Поцепај моја писма
И остани тамо
Сутра можда
Вратићеш се
Гест љубави и нежности
Као две птице што траже пијанство
Велике љубави немају више адресу
Кад једно одлази а друго остаје
Да ли они тугују чим те повреде?
После неспретног сутра
Велике љубави су јадне
Кад једно одлази а друго остаје
Од тужних збогом
Какве илузије
Ако је то игра
Биће не
Врати ми моја писма
И остани тамо
Сутра можда
Они неће заборавити своја обећања
Писаће их на исте адресе
Праве љубави се препознају
Кад једно одлази а друго остаје
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Charlotte Atlas

You carry the world on your shoulders, Charlotte
Where do you get the patience from, Charlotte?
Charlotte, shall I?
But no, you can't even
Rest for five minutes
Atlas doesn't need to skip work 1
I know, Charlotte, you're a titan
But please, Lotte, don't do this to yourself!
Charlotte Atlas, stop it!
Charlotte Atlas, stop it!
Charlotte Atlas, stop it!
Lotte, drop that heavy thing!
Let it crash against Mars and Venus!
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
You carry the world on your shoulders, Charlotte
As if it were your fault, Charlotte
That it looks so fragile
And it couldn't do anything on its own
Lotte, you try so hard
Like no one else can
Your ankles are completely white
Charlotte, Lotte, Lotte, cut the crap!
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Lotte, drop that heavy thing!
Let it crash against Mars and Venus!
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Lotte, drop that heavy thing!
Let it crash against Mars and Venus!
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
  • 1. blaumachen = to skip work/school

American fleet

I would rather enlist in the American fleet1
to roam the seas toward new continents.
My engagement is signed, my insurance against sorrows,
to forget the girl, the girl I loved so much.
I'll send the SOS of my love life in distress
right to the bottom of the sea, to stop worrying too much.
I'll see perfunctory smiles2 in every harbour
to welcome merrily the [man in a] foreign suit.
I would rather enlist in the American fleet,
and my heart will only hoist an unknown flag,
the flag of happiness, a one week affair.
The moorings are cast off, we'll never meet again.
I would rather enlist in the American fleet,
for a good sailor makes for a poor husband,
and I would not like to have a dull job
nor a housewife who would tidy my life away3
  • 1. Iwould rather expect the US Navy, but that would be 'marine américaine' in French
  • 2. maybe he meant 'polite smiles' but the French really means the kind of insincere smile you cast when you feel compelled to
  • 3. 'ranger' is both meant as 'tidy up' and 'put away' here
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

You of all people

You are the last thing I needed for my happiness
(Listen up, listen up)
You of all people (yes you)
You of all people (yes you)
I had imagined things in a completly different way
(Listen up, listen up)
But then you came (yes you)
You of all people (yes you)
And nevertheless I always dream
Of you day and night
You have conned me out of my
Last bit of reason
You are the last thing I needed for my happiness
(Listen up, listen up)
You of all people (yes you)
You of all people (yes you)
I don't know my stuff any more
Just what is going on? (Just what is going on?)
I don't know what
I only know one thing
Something is happening here (Something is happening here)
If I really think about it
I am quite afraid (Well?)
That you have taken posession of me (Oh my)

Главна девојка

Зовеш ме на кеца, да само хоћеш да посетиш
Ја сам позив за неки као излаз ка твојој главној девојци
Твојој главној девојци, твојој главној девојци
Зовеш ме други пут, али ја знам, ти никад не питаш
Јер ја сам била она за коју си претпоставио да ће трајати дуже од твоје главне девојке
Дуже од твоје главне девојке, дуже од твоје главне девојке
Сада сам само лепо лице, ко ти може помоћи
Само лепо лице, ко ти може помоћи
Сабери се у свом ритму
Немој ме оставити да чекам, погрешно си ме разумео од почетка
Велики ризик без добитка
А ја сам будала што волим бол
Немој ме оставити да чекам, по-погрешно си ме разумео од почетка
Будала што те волим, будала што те волим
Ја сам будала што волим бол
Зовеш ме трећи пут, али мислио си да ћу рећи
'Хеј, ћао бебо, хајде ходај мојим путем'
Ко је твоја главна девојка? Ко је твоја главна девојка? Ко је твоја главна девојка?
Када дође до четвртог, ја нисам ту више
Ја у техноколору бојим љубав пре твоје главне девојке
Твоје главне девојке овај, луди свет
Па сада сам само лепо лице, ко ти може помоћи
Само лепо лице, ко ти може помоћи
Сабери се у свом ритму
Немој ме оставити да чекам, погрешно си ме разумео од почетка
Велики ризик без добитка
А ја сам будала што волим бол
Немој ме оставити да чекам, по-погрешно си ме разумео од почетка
Будала што те волим, будала што те волим
Ја сам будала што волим бол
Ја, ја, ја, ја, ја - немој ме оставити да чекам, дечко
Погрешно си ме разумео од почетка, дечко
Ја сам била будала што те волим, будала што те волим
Будала што волим бол
Немој ме оставити да чекам, погрешно си ме разумео
Погрешно си ме разумео, да, немој ме оставити да чекам
Ниси ме разумео, од почетка и ја сам будала што волим бол
Сада сам само лепо лице, ко ти може помоћи
Само лепо лице, ко ти може помоћи,
Ниси ме разумео, да
Само лепо лице, ко ти може помоћи
Само лепо лице, ко ти може помоћи
(будала што те волим, будала што те волим, будала што те волим)

Велики дечко

Можда ако изговорим
Велики дечко ће ме извести како доликује
Он је заковао моје срце на тебе
А ти га ниси никада очистио након тога
Ти чиниш да осећам, ох
Као да оно што је стварно није стварно
Али је стварно за мене
Можда ако сам сломљено крило, велики дечко у мом гнезду
Ти си закуцао моје срце на свој зид
И одложио остатак мене
Ми смо се бацали, гурали и ћушкали
Као да оно што је љубав није љубав
Али је љубав по мени
Мој дечко још увек није мушкарац
Мој дечко још увек није мушкарац
Ох дечко, како волим када ми љубиш врат
Ох дечко, прошла ноћ је била савршена
Ти се премишљаш
Као да оно што је моје није моје
Али ти ћеш бити мој
Можда ако покушамо опет, велики дечко
Могли би на мој начин
Ти си заковао моје срце на свој зид
Али је свеједно било оштећено, ох
Ти чиниш да осећам, ох
Као да оно што је стварно није стварно
Али је стварно за мене
Ти чиниш да осећам, ох
Као да оно што је стварно није стварно
Али је стварно за мене

Your Skin

Come, hold me
So I disappear
Through your touch.
Do it well
It's your decision
I love you in the void.
One more time, once again
I'm wrongly giving myself
One more time, once too often
He gallops away.
I don't have the sense of boundaries
I live to the rhythm of your skin
You enter and leave that fast
A stream of apologies as a gift
Drive, don't brake
My heart at your feet
Suffers without barking
I am here
Fed with thrill
Hunting down the appearance
One more time, once again
I'm wrongly giving myself
One more time, once too often
He gallops away.
I don't have the sense of boundaries
I live to the rhythm of your skin
You enter and leave that fast
A stream of apologies as a gift
I don't have the sense of boundaries
I live to the rhythm of your skin
You enter and leave that fast
A stream of apologies as a gift
I don't have the sense of boundaries
I live to the rhythm of your skin
You enter and leave that fast
A stream of apologies as a gift
I don't have the sense of boundaries
I live to the rhythm of your skin
You enter and leave that fast
A stream of apologies as a gift

Nestašni, nestašni

Vidim način, vidim način, način na koji nju želiš
Nisi lako oduševljen, dušo,
Imam više ispod moje haljine
Ali nećeš ni da trgneš
Vidim da ima, vidim da ima ona nešto što ja nemam
Znaš da sam u glavi ljubomorna
Jer ti bi tako dobro izgledao ležeći u mom krevetu
Ali tebi se zaista sviđa ona kučka
Zato mogu plakati za moju starost, moj život, i moje lice
I izbrisaću sve nestašni, nestašni misli koji sam o tebi imala
I mogu da plačem jer toliko imam što ona nema
I izbrisaću sve nestašni, nestašni misli koji sam o tebi imala
Izbrisaću sve nestašni, nestašni misli koji sam o tebi imala
Možda sam mlada, možda sam premlada da bih ovo razumela
Ali ti si u zbrci na svoj način
Hajde da smo zajedno u zbrci, dušo
Ja sam ono što tebi treba
Ko bih ja mogla biti, oh, ko bih ja mogla biti da bih do tebe stigla
Trebalo bih da poderaš moju haljinicu
Ti mene napaljuješ, spuštaš me dole, dole na mojim kolenima
Lepe male suze
Zato mogu plakati za moju starost, moj život, i moje lice
I izbrisaću sve nestašni, nestašni misli koji sam o tebi imala
I mogu da plačem jer toliko imam što ona nema
I izbrisaću sve nestašni, nestašni misli koji sam o tebi imala
Izbrisaću sve nestašni, nestašni misli koji sam o tebi imala
I zato mogu plakati za moju starost, moj život, i moje lice
Izbrisaću sve nestašni, nestašni misli koji sam o tebi imala
I mogu da plačem jer toliko imam što ona nema
I izbrisaću sve nestašni, nestašni misli koji sam o tebi imala
Izbrisaću sve nestašni, nestašni misli koji sam o tebi imala


The list is endless
Spin the girls
And you don't know
Don't start
From behind, facing the penalties
You chose stack, it falcon the queen
You sneak
You sneak between my lines, oh
Go far ahead
Your wind blows me, blows me once
For my open wounds
Get out of here now
I want your fingers, I want them to take
All that is mine
You sneak between my lines,
We can take all the time we need for this kiss when all our glasses are empty
And you tell me:
'Everything I love, I break'
You sneak between my lines
You sneak between my lines