Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 25
У суботу плаках за тобом
Мало је светла остало упаљеноБаш онолико колико и наших речи
И остало је четкри зида да ми кажу како
Они који остају сами суботом плачу
У суботу плаках за тобом
Али се у недељу радовах
Јер видех да си једна неистина
Која је уништила на хиљаде ствари
У суботу плаках за тобом
Али се у недељу радовах
Понео сам године спаковане
У један кофер.
Остало је пар цигарета у једној пепељари
Да ме на нешто подсећају после тебе
И пар отуцаја часовника
Како ми срце не би усахнуло у самоћи
Nije sada više tu
Video sam to u njenin očima što je istinabila je sa mnom od naviku
bez ni jednu zbor bez zbogom
sad živeću sam za oboje
Ne šeta po mojim snovima
odlazila i povredila moga srca
lutam sam na strada
njeno ime šapućem
Nije sada više tu
bolim, viknem, drhtim, plačem
Nije sada više tu
slike, pisma pokidam
Nije sada više tu
da znam ako želi da se vrati
i joj opraštam
Nije sada više tu
rekla mi je 'za ceo život, zauvek'
Nije sada više tu
ja koj sam dao sve
Nije sada više tu
osećam što moj život je završila
Nije sada više tu
Osećam noćima što mi dotakne
trenutki ljubavi mi poklanja
snovi od papira izgorili
u mom dušu zaključeni
Један Бог
Click to see the original lyrics (Greek)У претходном нашем животу
Била си цвет, био сам роса
Није било љубави, нисам те љубио
Били смо у земљи и постали смо једно
У претходном нашем животу
Тражили смо људско тело
Како би наставили заједно да живимо
И сада је љунав наша попримила облик
Има осећања, има душу
Гледа нас Сунце, гледа нас светлост
Љубав и страст - један Бог
У претходном нашем животу
Наша љунав беше попут зоре
Прави рај у хиљаду боја
Сви снови - небеска тела
У претходном нашем животу
Тражили смо људско тело
Како би наставили заједно да живимо
И сада је љунав наша попримила облик
Има осећања, има душу
Гледа нас Сунце, гледа нас светлост
Љубав и страст - један Бог
The shape of your bonesIn my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
Another turn around the sun and nothing matters to me
A bathtub filled with my desires
At the end of my soul there's a wall
You painted it red and I no longe know what to do
Let's dance to the music slowly
And if they are going to kill me, when?
It's already a quarter past two
Your demon is spoiling you
Still in the shopwindow, watching people run
Everyone searches for their gram of luck
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
I have no issue looking down at my veins
The blood that flows never listened to my problems
There's no need to see you again
A lot of things are for forever
And all the sound, everything, it leaves you stunned
All the sound, everything, leaves you confused
When you look at what's rotten don't freak out
In the end it's what's sweetest
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
The shape of your bones
In my best moment
Your face of suspense
Was too much of a coincidence
How beautiful your eyes are
You look at me and you smile, you have something brightYou talk to me and you make my travel with my mind
I look at you and I'm elsewhere
How beautiful your eyes are
How nice you look at me
How much I like it when you speak
How beautiful your lips are
What a nice smell
Kiss me all night long
I look at you and I smile
I have something to tell you
I talk to you and you touch me, tell me how much you love me
How beautiful your eyes are
How nice you look at me
How much I like it when you speak
How beautiful your lips are
What a nice smell
Kiss me all night long
On My Own
The moment I was leavingyou told me I'd regret it
and that somehow
one day I'd have to pay for it.
But I had set sail
with the northern wind on my side
and in my hands I held all I managed to save.
You should know that on my own, all the risks I took on my own
and that my best friend is my pain
that taught me to keep my head up even in the hardest times.
On my own, in happiness and sadness too on my own
despite what you said, on my own
I'd have to be the target
but also the one to hold the trigger on my own...
The moment I was leaving
you told me I couldn't fight it
and at the first inconvenience
I'd come back to you.
But I am far away now
and you are ashes in the fire
that I never managed to tame.
You should know that on my own, all the risks I took on my own
and that my best friend is my pain
that taught me to keep my head up even in the hardest times
Dobro se provodiš
Dobro se provodišJoš uvek se kasno budiš da ideš na posao
Reci mi da li ćeš me nervozno pitati
Gde su ključevi?
Dobro se provodiš
Are you having a good time?
Are you having a good time?Still waking up late
for work
Tell me if you are going to ask me angrilly:
'Where are my keys?'
Are you having a good time?
Smoking a cigarette on the balcony
before bedtime
You are still pulling the bedsheet
All of it so that you tuck yourself in
You are having a good time...
You are having a good time without me where
You have a normal life, or are you pretending?
With a hug so that you forget your insecurities
Or without a place to relax, like me.
Are you having a good time without me, what are you doing?
you find me with you or are you starting to lose me?
I have put myself in line
but i love you and miss you consistantly
and im not having a good time
Are you having a good time?
Going for jogging late at night, with loud music...
With your hair tucked up high
You are having a good time...
Your clothes tossed all over the place
How much i'd like if mine were there with yours as well
You are having a good time...
You are having a good time without me where
You have a normal life, or are you pretending?
With a hug so that you forget your insecurities
Or without a place to relax, like me.
Are you having a good time without me, what are you doing?
you find me with you or are you starting to lose me?
I have put myself in line
but i love you and miss you consistantly
and im not having a good time
Koja usta sada gore tvoje usne
Sklapam oči i osećam iznovakako sam ti tako blizu
kako me ljubiš svojim toplim usnama
i u tvom zagrljaju nestajem
Ne želim da mislim o tome
što nisi tu
daleko sam od tebe bez srca
sa mislima ludim svake večeri
Koja usta sada gore tvoje usne
i koja tišina to prikriva
koje telo sada pokreće tvoje
i koji zagrljaj te drži čvrsto
Čekaću te dok budem disao
vrati mi se ponovo ovde
Sklapam oči i vreme se vraća
u one svete noći
kada su me ljubile tvoje vrele usne
i moj smeh ih gorkim činio
Ne želim da mislim o tome
što nisi tu
pitam se samo kako možes
da me tako strogo kažnjavaš
Love me and break my soul like if I were singing GardelMake up an elaborate story, and I'll play the role of Javier Bardem
I can't feel your fingers anymore, when I touch your hair
You entangled me in your games, I want to get out of this
Love me and break my soul like if I were singing Gardel
Make up a complex story, and I'll play the role of Javier Bardem
I can't feel your fingers anymore, when I touch your hair
You entangled me in your games, I want to get out of this
I've already seen this movie's trailer, I'm left all alone in the dance
My dear Buenos Aires, left me a broken hug
And I think, think, think that there's no worse thing
Than seeing me dumped on the ground hoping to be the winner
Sometimes things are so complex
Life seems like a lesson to be taught
My little heart inside of a clam
Singing 'guajira guantamera'
I want to see you again
I want to see you again
I want to see you again
Love me and break my soul like if I were singing Gardel
Make up a complex story, and I'll play the role of Javier Bardem
I can't feel your fingers anymore, when I touch your hair
You entangled me in your games, I want to get out of this
I already ripped all my skin off to write down my thoughts
I already drew all over the tablecloth to express my feelings
Please, blow on my wounds1, my body's aching
I'm sick of your lies, but I want a story
I already discovered the vaccine, it's made of your own poison
Between the desire and the fear, I just need the first
All your honey, it's not on your skin, it's in your bones
Please, blow on my wounds, or I'll die
Love me and break my soul like if I were singing Gardel
Make up a complex story, and I'll play the role of Javier Bardem
I can't feel your fingers anymore, when I touch your hair
You entangled me in your games, I want to get out of this
Love me and break my soul like if I were singing Gardel
Make up a complex story, and I'll play the role of Javier Bardem
I can't feel your fingers anymore, when I touch your hair
You entangled me in your games, I want to get out of this
- 1. not the literal meaning, but 'sana-sana' is something that's done to kids when they get hurt :p
Don't be left with a taste of 'too little'If you say what's happening to you, and they treat you like you're crazy
If what's new already comes broken
Don't be left with a taste of 'too little'
If kisses are through the phone
And your mouth can't remember how you used to talk
Don't be left with a taste of 'too little'
If what's new seems too little to you
Rum, alcohol, he says he wants a lot
Ripped your passion off you, your love isn't enough for him
Bought himself a mansion, your misery.com
But well, what do I know
If you give them a feeling they'll fill it with Super gasoline
Take the names out of things, place a label and spray perfume on them
And now it feels like a lot, and now they want you, ey
If living high's not enough for you, wow
Homie, I believe you, it tastes like too little
Don't be left with a taste of 'too little'
If you say what's happening to you, and they treat you like you're crazy
If what's new already comes broken
Don't be left with a taste of 'too little'
If kisses are through the phone
And your mouth can't remember how you used to talk
Don't be left with a taste of 'too little'
If what's new seems too little to you
Bleed to life
And in this try, where are you going?
Anesthetized and far from your niche
It bleeds, and deep inside you, the banker's quiet laugh doesn't feel right
And the dead gold of the first
Life bleeds and, where are you going?
Anesthetized, anesthetized and lame
Don't be left with a taste of 'too little'
If what's new already comes broken
Don't be left with a taste of 'too little'
If what's new seems too little to you
He said he wanted
He said he wantedTo be free to cry out
A laughless order
He said he wanted
Whoever is at fault to pay
Injustice to not pass by
The naive one said he wanted
To not be any ragged and hungry person
The naive one said he wanted
To no longer be an unhappy person
He said he wanted
He said he wanted
To be free to say
To be able to say his opinion
He said he wanted
People to be nice
To have compassion for one another
Отвори ми да уђем
Ако ти се нису променили кораци
И ако се негде друго ниси пробудила
Сада када сам се опет вратио код тебе
Да останем дај ми шансу
Отвори ми да уђем, то сам опет ја
На тренутак ћу те видети и онда ћу отићи
Отвори ми да видиш зло које си нанела
Ни реч не говори, један поглед твој је довољан
Ако једно објашњење сада није довољно
Да све опет постане нормално
Нека се из неспоразума роде пољупци
Извињавам се што те узнемиравам
Moja Ljubavi, sta je poslo naopako
Ova dva okasto tuzno gledaju
secam se da su se nekad smejala
i usne ove sto su me slatko ljubile
kao noz me seku i bol mi zadaju
Ljubavi moja, sta je poslo naopako
i sada nismo zajedno...
ljubavi moja, kako se pretvorio
osmeh u tugu...
Ljubavi moja, sta je poslo naopako
i sada nismo zajedno...
ljubavi moja, kako se pretvorio
osmeh u tugu...
Ne secam se dobro
razloga i puno toga
i koje greske su nas razdvojile
ali secam se lepih trenutaka nase ljubavi
kad si mi govorila da ces me zauvek voleti
Ljubavi moja, sta je poslo naopako
i sada nismo zajedno...
ljubavi moja, kako se pretvorio
osmeh u tugu...
Ljubavi moja, sta je poslo naopako
i sada nismo zajedno...
ljubavi moja, kako se pretvorio
osmeh u tugu...
Ljubavi moja, sta je poslo naopako
i sada nismo zajedno...
ljubavi moja, kako se pretvorio
osmeh u tugu..
Breaking Up Isn't The Answer
Tell me that you love meand don't talk about breaking up again my sweet
Tell me that you love me
don't speak to me about breaking up
From the bottom of the heart
you love me and I love you so much my sweet
From the bottom of the heart
I love you and you love me
Breaking up isn't the answer
for those who love
for one moment it heals
and for a thousand it hurts
Breaking up isn't the answer
it is an open wound
and if it closes again in a moment
the scar remains
Tell me that you love me
close the door of your heart before love leaves
tell me that you love me
close the door of your heart
I thought it too
once you made me hurt to be away from you
I thought it too
but these thoughts hurt me
I'm better off away from you
Enough, enough, up to hereI no longer have the strength to hold on
Enough, enough, up to here
I have no heart left to fight you
I'm better off away from you, being absent from your dreams
forcing your marks off my body
I'm better off away from you, missing from your heart
Erasing your name from my mouth
Enough, enough, up yo here
I won't make my lips bleed again
Enough, enough, up to here
I have no more tears left to give you
I'm better off away from you, being absent from your dreams
forcing your marks off my body
I'm better off away from you, missing from your heart
Erasing your name from my mouth (x3)
Eros God And Thief
Before a love gets old, it1 got erased
Other eyes took it1 and it1 went down
My fake heartbeat and emotion2
Love has a long way to become a feeling
Eros God and thief3 you need a magic mirror
To ask for my company, to kill yourself without me4
To have a thirst all night for another 'goodnight'5
Eros God and thief3 needs magic mirror
The thread broke before it6 becomes an embroidery
And I am solving you the enigma between the two of us
My fake heartbeat and emotion2
Love has a long way to become a feeling
Pitanje je vremena
Svetla su upaljena kako bi mogla uđeš, a ključ je vaniDa možemo da gledamo zvezde sa balkona
Želeo sam da provedem svoj život pored tebe
Ako si videla svetla sa mora kojima putuješ
To su te svetionici spasili često
Kada si se zadržala u tami
Još uvek imam talasa za tebe
Pitanje je vremena, rekla si mi da će proći
Ipak ja te još uvek nisam preboleo
Svaka želja koju imam se raspala, šta mogu još da poželim za tebe
Pitanje je vremena za svaki bol
Ali ja ne mogu da idem drugim putevima
Vreme stoji, ja te još uvek isto volim
Svetla su upaljena možeš doći da mi kažeš
Da se predam izazovu tvojih poljubaca
I da ne očekujem novi rastanak, savršen provod
Svetla su upaljena da možeš da nađeš luku koju si jednom imala
Sa pristaništa gledam ka horizontu
Iz tvoje tišine jedan veliki šum
Brod kao san koji sam ostavio
Pitanje je vremena, rekla si mi da će proći
Ipak ja te još uvek nisam preboleo
Svaka želja koju imam se raspala, šta mogu još da poželim za tebe
Pitanje je vremena za svaki bol
Ali ja ne mogu da idem drugim putevima
Vreme stoji, ja te još uvek isto volim
Pitanje je vremena, rekla si mi da će proći
Ipak ja te još uvek nisam preboleo
Svaka želja koju imam se raspala, šta mogu još da poželim za tebe
Pitanje je vremena za svaki bol
Ali ja ne mogu da idem drugim putevima
Vreme stoji, ja te još uvek isto volim
Look What You Did
I could've told you a thousand wordsbut I didn't talk
I could've made you choose
but I kissed you
I told you good luck to everything you do
while you wanted to kill me
But before you leave take a look
and see what you did
Look what you did, you killed a love
And it's the soul that you leave
like an empty neighborhood
Look what you did, you killed a love
And on the heart's roads
there is an endless emptiness
I could've told you
that I would die but I didn't want to
I held you for a little bit more
how much I wanted you
You were in a hurry, you were afraid of being late
and I didn't even ask for explanations
I just told you to take a look
and see what you did
Look what you did, you killed a love
And it's the soul that you leave
like an empty neighborhood
Look what you did, you killed a love
And on the heart's roads
there is an endless emptiness
Look At Me
Versions: #2Maybe loving you was my mistake, but I can't go back to yesterday and stop living for you...
Maybe If you get on my shoes someone else ever hurts you understand how I feel
Look at me, hold me, don't tell me it's too late...
Our love doesn't end just like that...
Look at me, listen to me, I'm telling you the truth, as long as I live my heart will belong to you!
You said that the end has arrived here that everything we felt is gone, there is no other solution for us..
You said to break up like friends, but the tear drops at the lips
You can't hide.. you love me !
Look at me, hold me, don't tell me it's too late...
Our love doesn't end just like that...
Look at me, listen to me, I'm telling you the truth, as long as I live my heart will belong to you!