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Број резултата: 11


Kuda ide svet

Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Ali kuda ide svet?
Zašto se ponekad pitam da li su devojke i dečaci tako okrutni
Gde su moji pravi prijatelji?
Zašto sam sumnjičav?
Šta se moglo učiniti sa svim ovim žrtvama?
Da, niko nije veran, ali život uvek mora da ostane lep
I nije važno ako čovek ostane tako surov prema onima koje voli
Verovatno morate oprostiti, držati svoj ego po strani
Zašto svi lažu i varaju sebe do te mere da se uvlače u krajnju bedu?
Dajem svoje poverenje i srce
Zašto me ovo toliko plaši?
Da li je ovo sasvim normalno?
Ne, nije normalno
I ja
Ne želim više da budem naivčina
Ne želim više da trošim život na priče
Koje se uvek završavaju suzama ili noćnim morama
Ne želim više da razmišljam
Nemam više samopoštovanje
Ne poštujem te više
Toliko o tome
Toliko o tome
Nastavljam svojim putem
Već ste veoma, veoma daleko
veoma daleko iza mene
veoma daleko iza mene
Da, bila je to sjajna priča
Da konačno ućutkam svoj zagrmeli pogled, ne osvrćući se
Odlazim kao što sam i došao, još više razočaran
A najgore od svega je to što sam ti ostao stranac
Molim te prestani da mi zabijaš nož u leđa
Ili će moje telo na kraju postati mreža ožiljaka koji će zadržati samo u meni, tvoje loše strane
Sada više ne mogu da podnesem
Želim da odem veoma, veoma daleko
Plačem i jecam
Previše suza mi je preplavilo oči i učinilo me nesrećnim
Ali kuda ide svet?
kuda ide svet?
Ali kuda ide svet?
Zašto svaki put kada mislim dobro, stvari uvek krenu naopako
Zašto ljudi lažu jedni druge?
Zašto ljudi pogrešno shvataju?
Da li se i vi ponekad pitate zašto je život tako komplikovan
Pogotovo kada se dvoje ljudi vole i izgleda da im je dobro zajedno, to izgleda tako lako
Pa kako to svaki put završi u suzama
Ne mogu više da trpim uzaludne priče
Ne mogu više da podnesem sve ove dželate
I sve ove žrtve
Čovek po ceo dan protivreči sebi
On ne zna šta hoće i zato smo se povredili
Da li je ovo sasvim normalno?
Postoje pitanja za koja znam da nikada neću naći odgovor
Ima stvari oko kojih ne možemo ništa
Verovatno bi trebalo da se rugamo i da prođemo kroz to
Ali ja
Neću više biti ovde, kretenu
Ne želim više da trošim život na priče
Koje se uvek završe dramama ili noćnim morama
Ne želim više da razmišljam

Ona te ne voli

Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Ti neprestano misliš o toj devojci dok se ona preispituje da li si ti za nju
S čašom vina u ruci, ona se šminka pred ogledalom
Sprema se da izađe, ali ne ulepšava se zbog tebe
I to sam ja, vrana, koja ti saopštava ove tužne vesti
Ona te ne voli
Ćao lepotice
Vetar duva na ravnici i život jenjava
Ti si rekao 'Volim te' ali samo njen smešak nastaje
Posle svega što ti je učinila, zašto i dalje misliš o njoj?
Ne vidiš li da se prema tebi ponaša kao prema nepoznaniku od koga traži upaljač?
Plamen koji si joj ponudio, iskoristila je i odmah ostavila
I naterala te je da udahneš dim koji je izašao iz njenih ustiju.
Ti bi voleo da znaš da ona kući ponovo razmišlja o tebi
Očekuješ da ti se ona puzeći vrati u tvoje naručje
Prekini da gubiš svoje vreme, ima mnogo drugih koje sanjaju o tebi
Možda te je već volela, ali se, eto, umorila
Ona te ne voli
Ćao lepotice
Ona te ne voli
Ćao lepotice
Vrane zvižde po ravnicama, ali život se ipak nastavlja
Zaboravi svoju mržnju, nastavi svojim putem i pusti nju da ide svojim.

Leaving a mess

I call all those who are upset
Together we will attack
We go to the concert of the executioners
This evening we will let out the horses
To all heroes
Ready to wreak havoc
And scandals
The Dawa at all stages
We will grow to the din
We put the neighbourhood off balance
With sound that gives a beating
I make the watts explode
And the neighbour disembarked with a baseball bat
It's the return of terror
All boys sing it from the heart
I want to leave a mess
I want to leave a mess
We don't come to thread pearls
We annoy collaborators
We still have a taste for scandals
And puke me on the asshole
My girlfriend has put on her veils, and I stick her to Pigalle
And it will be dirty
It's the return of terror
All boys sing it from the heart
I want to leave a mess
We will leave a mess
It's the return of terror
All boys sing it from the heart
I want to leave a mess
We will leave a mess

The woman on the picture

White streaks in her hair,
years showing on her skin,
all this fickle time
she bears on her back.
She's the woman you can see
in the middle of the picture.
In her generous heart
hidden under her knitted jumper
one can make out her sweetheart,
this man gone too soon.
She's the woman you can see
in the middle of the picture.
Everything in her home is welcoming,
from the table to the trinkets.
Though there's not much talking going on
the words are quite meaningful1
Among the living and those,
those that she misses.2
She shares her meals
and her rest with them.
She sits in the centre,
in the middle of the picture.
She used to do her best,
the right gesture, the right word.
So much love in her eyes
covered us with a coat.
She's the woman you can see
in the middle of the picture.
In her joyful garden
I built castles
and wonderful worlds
where I was a hero.
Everything was delicious,
her hugs, her cakes.
It made everything smoother,
the cocoa of
the woman you can see
in the middle of the picture.
And then, on a rainy morning,
in her bed, in her grave,
a last breath, a farewell,
and this bloody weather.
Everything is so silent
without these little phone calls.
Everything is heavy, painful,
everything is empty, much too empty without
the woman you can see
in the middle of the picture.
As rain is falling on the ground
Earth is your new home3
Pieces of a nice noble wood
are keeping her warm now,
the woman you can see
in the middle of the picture.
Sometimes I envy the sky,
sometimes my heart gets heavy.
How very lucky they are
to have you up above!
I feel sad yet happy
to have been granted this gift,
to have known your eyes,
your love and your words.
I still keep you with me a little,
you the woman standing
in the middle of the picture.
  • 1. I don't really know this 'fort en propos' expression. 'fort en qq ch' usually means 'with a high sth. contents', like 'fort en alcool' for 'with a high alcohol contents', so this is like 'with a high talk/saying contents'. 'fort en gueule' can also mean 'a loudmouth'. Oh well...
  • 2. This is a very unusual way of saying, I'm not quite sure that's what he actually means, but that's my best guess
  • 3. frankly I'm not sure what he means. 'reprendre le flambeau' ('take back the torch') is a fixed expression meaning 'take the succession' or 'continue the work of someone else'. I just guessed the meaning from the context.

My friend's wife

Versions: #3
I know why you cried
And sadly, looked at me
I can take you in my arms
To kiss your red eyes
But me, I don't have the right
You're my friend's wife
I know why you want to leave
To me you can't lie
I can take you in my arms
And tear you away from this life
But, I do not have the right
You are my friend's wife
I feel my heart all torn
Between love and friendship
That I can not decide
I know why you left
That who did not know how to love you
And I let you go
In search of your life
In me I have only one memory
You are my friend's wife
I know why you want to sing
And why you looked at me
I can take you in my arms
Because today I have the right
You have always been for me
The true face of love
Yet we will never live
At the heart of the same song
At the heart of the same house
I would like you to understand
That if I love you you are also
For me, the wife of my friend, of my friend.

The Golden Woman

In my loving eye,
Alone on a dune,
Starving as a vulture
I'm watching out for the golden woman
And her orchid skin,
A dream of her fills my body
Like a taste of freedom
Alone on a dune,
A spy of love,
My jealous eyes
Are courting her
I'm watching out for the golden woman
And her orchid skin,
A dream of her fills my body
Like a taste of freedom
The woman sleeps
Alone in the night,
While my body
Howls for life
The woman sleeps
Alone in the night