Резултати претраге страна 3
Број резултата: 81
La-la poplar
So much water flown
And now doesn't matter whether blood or wine
I won't regret anymore
Try to answer, who's lucky?
La-la poplar! Let's escape from the ship
On the ambulance to the prom
La-la poplar, Good day to everyone!
And let the Summer last forever
Tears slide down on the face
Your kiss is bitter like hop
If the Earth is a ball
Will a sick soul hold on it?
La-la poplar! Let's escape from the ship
To the prom on the ambulance
La-la poplar, Good day to everyone!
And let the Summer last forever
La-la poplar! Let's escape from the ship
To the prom on the ambulance
La-la poplar, Good day to everyone!
And let the Summer last forever
nope nope
is that okay? are you okay with it?
is that okay? are you okay with it?
is that okay? are you okay with it?
is that okay? are you okay with it?
nope, nope, nope, nope, nope
nope, nope, nope, nope, nope
she passes by, nope nope
doesn't say hi, nope
I look into her eyes, nope nope
and she looks into mine, nope
I look into her eyes, nope nope
and she looks into mine, nope
so is that okay? so are you okay with it?
so is that okay? so are you okay with it?
no, she wears tight clothes, nope nope
and my knees are shaking, nope
no, she wears tight clothes, nope nope
and my knees are shaking, nope
I cannot walk, nope nope
and my friends are making fun of me, nope
I cannot walk, nope nope
and my friends are making fun of me, nope
nope, nope, nope
nope, nope, nope
so is that okay? so are you okay with it?
so is that okay? so are you okay with it?
no, she comes back late, nope nope
I get jealous, nope
she stays up late and parties, nope nope
among bad people, nope
doesn't answer, nope nope
signals me to go away, nope
waves at me, nope nope
and she is fussy
so is that okay? so are you okay with it?
so is that okay? so are you okay with it?
no, if you have money, nope nope
she runs to you, nope
and if you don't have money, nope nope
take a break, nope
she is delusional, nope nope
thinks her father is a doctor, nope
he was indeed famous, nope nope
the best donkey carriage driver , nope
a well-behaved girl, nope nope
nope, and she's trained, nope
memorised what she's doing, nope nope
everything has been installed to her brain
so is that okay? so are you okay with it?
so is that okay? so are you okay with it?
no, girls, nope nope
have stories, nope
they make a lot of fuss, nope nope
talk too much, nope
all girls are naughty, nope nope
they're good at making troubles, nope
the one with hazel eyes, nope nope
and the one who wears a jalabiya
so is that okay? so are you okay with it?
so is that okay? so are you okay with it?
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها
The bikina
Versions: #2
The bikina is walking alone
and the people are starting to gossip,
they say that she has a sorrow,
they say that she has a sorrow that makes her cry.
She is arrogant, beautiful and proud.
She won't let anyone comfort her.
She passes by, showing off her royal grace,
she passes, she walks and she sees us without caring so much.
The bikina has great sorrow and pain.
The bikina doesn't know what love is.
She is arrogant, beautiful and proud.
She doesn't allow anyone to comfort her.
They say that someone was there and then left.
They say that she spends every night crying for him.
The bikina has great sorrow and pain.
The bikina doesn't know what love is.
She is arrogant, beautiful and proud.
She won't let anyone comfort her.
They say that someone was there and then left.
They say that she spends every night crying for him.
They say that she spends every night crying for him.
They say that she spends every night crying for him.
Някой в тъплата
Имаш поканата
Имаш точния адрес
Нуждаеш ли се от лекарства?
Отговора винаги е 'да'
Малък сблъсък
Може да е това, за което си чакал
Просто стисни малко повече
Довечера сме на мисия
Довечера е кастинга
Ако това е истинско прослушване
О Боже, помогни ни на всички
Правиш правилното впечатление
Затова всички ще знаят името ти
Ние сме на главния път
Някой в тълпата
Може да е този, който имаш нужда да познаваш
Този, който най- накрая да те вдигне от земята
Някой в тъплата
Може да те отведе там, където искаш да си
Ако ти си този някой, който е готов да бъде намерен
Направи това, което трябва да направиш
Докато те открият
И да те направят повече от това, което мислиш, че си сега
Така че, нека звездите се наредят
Мисля, че ще остана назад
Ти трябва да отидеш и намериш
Този някой в тълпата
Този някой в тълпата
Дали някой в тълпата е единственото, което виждаш?
Гледаш, докато светът продължава да се върти
Някъде има място
Където откривам каква ще съм
Някоя, която просто чака да бъде открита
Някой в тълпата
Може да е този, който имаш нужда да познаваш
Този, който най- накрая да те вдигне от земята
Някой в тъплата
Може да те отведе там, където искаш да си
Някой в тъплата ще тe nakara
Някой в тълпата ще те вдигне
Най- накрая от земята
Ако ти си този някой, готов да бъде намерен
Нов слънчев ден
Мисля си за онзи ден,
когато го оставих на спирка Грейхаунд
на запад от Санта Фе.
Бяхме на 17, но той беше сладък и всичко беше истинско,
все пак направих това, което трябваше,
просто защото знаех.
Летни неделни нощи
ще се потопим в местата си
точно когато изгасят светлините
техноцветният свят, направен от музика и машини
ме повика да бъде на този екран
и да живея в блясъка му.
Без да имам пунката пара
спрях бус, и, ето ме, идвам.
Може би е смело или просто лудо,
предстои да видим.
Защото, може би, в спящия град
той ще остане един ден, светлините са загаснали.
Ще види лицето ми и ще си спомни по какъв начин ме познаваше.
Отвъд тези хълмове докосвам висините
и преследвам всички сияещи светлини.
Когато си разочарован
ще станеш от земята,
с изтъркулването на сутринта
идва нов слънчев ден.
Чувам ги всеки ден,
Ритмите в каньоните, които никога няма да заглъхнат.
Баладите в балните зали, оставени от тези, които дойдоха преди нас
казват, че трябва да го искаш повече.
Затова чукам на всяка врата.
И дори, когато отговорът е 'не',
или когато парите ми свършват
диска, микрофона и неоновия блясък са всичко, от което се нуждая.
И някой ден, докато си пея песен,
детето от градчето ще дойде
и това ще е нещото, което да го побутне напред.
Отвъд тези хълмове докосвам висините
и преследвам всички сияещи светлини.
Когато си разочарован
ще станеш от земята
с изтъркулването на сутринта
идва нов слънчев ден.
Когато си разочарован.
С изтъркулването на сутринта.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Просто нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Денят току- що започна.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
La, la, la
(La lalala lalala lalala…)
I remember, my mother, that you sang often
Despite your misery, despite all our troubles
We must sing again, and ever louder
The night will be clearer, and the dawning sky bluer
La lalala lalala lalala…
La lalala lalala la…
La lalala lalala lalala…
La lalala lalala la…
I remember, my mother, that you said often:
“Forget the border, look far ahead”
You made me hear the cold, I have the memory
And it’s for you, my mother, that I sing every night
La lalala lalala lalala…
La lalala lalala la…
La lalala lalala lalala…
La lalala lalala la…
La, la, la
There were so many songs that my mother sang
I won’t forget how one of them sounded
A song about loneliness, about love and luck
My childhood dreams are bringing those songs back to me
La lalala lalala lalala…
La lalala lalala la…
La lalala lalala lalala…
La lalala lalala la…
I lost the big illusions with the time
I found luck and love and also loneliness
Though I’ll never forget what mother sang
It’ll stay in my heart, the old melody
La lalala lalala lalala…
La lalala lalala la…
La lalala lalala lalala…
La lalala lalala la…
Will it be white angels' crowd or the devils' motley horde -
All the same who will be that bright light at the pipe's end.
May it be Lord Jesus Christ, or maybe weed from all the joints,
Or maybe one of those with whom I drank sometime ago...
But all this is smoke,
And all this is dust,
As long as deep inside
Lives my Tru-la-la!
Drunken jester's morning binge in the body of wrecked pig,
Morning ashes and glass shards, in blue sky: heavenly bells.
Who has taken me to stroll on the other side 'f the Moon?
What did I do there since birth? My Lord, where're you?!
But all this is smoke,
And all this is dust,
As long as deep inside
Lives my Tru-la-la!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
Under the rain, there's no one, I'm alone in it
Silver rain and sun, and warmth
Completely through it, this time I'm it's guest
Me and the rain, and in this meeting you come
Hey, hello, let's both of us go dance under the rain
It will draw us in the puddles with a hundred expressions
In reality, and not in a dream, we are standing in the clouds
In the mirror of the streets, and in the soul
Look around, for us in the time it has been coming down
Just like this hand in hand, movements in sync
You understand, it doesn't matter where and who we are
Under the rain there is no one, we are together under it
Hey, hello, let's both of us go dance under the rain
It will draw us in the puddles with a hundred expressions
In reality, and not in a dream, we are standing in the clouds
In the mirror of the streets, and in the soul
Sweeping your eyelashes, time stopped.
We are spinning around like vinyl.
Drops of rain are drumming through the pipes of an orchestra
Looking in your eyes, I just want to be honest
Rain we have conquered your element
And I am already writing you poems on the move
And different people with umbrellas or without
Will be saved by the gift of heaven
The Soap Opera
Your honour, your honour...
I'm writing this letter to you
To let you know that I must give up this life
For nothing can comfort me anymore.
My wife has left me
For a soap opera...
When I arrive home from work
It never smells of cooked food anymore.
My wife is always locked in her bedroom
With the TV switched on.
When she is watching her favourite soap
She even forgets my name!
She kisses me and says...
My darling Luis Afredo! *
Hey, it's me!
Oh, my darling Luis Alfredo!
Hey, it's me!
My darling Luis Afredo!
Let me tell you all about it:
She is pregnant...
The baby isn't his
But he doesn't know anything at all.
As far as I'm concerned, he needn't worry:
I will keep quiet
As long as I have a plate full of food
And an ice cold beer...
Listen, please!
I want an ice cold beer!
Listen, please!
I want an ice cold beer!
She doesn't talk to me, she doesn't see me,
She doesn't bath anymore and she doesn't cook...
Our children are going hungry:
Our youngest boy pulled a muscle!
Our dog has died
And soon, granny will die, too...
But, at home, no one can compete
With the soap opera!
Oh, no! No one can compete
With the soap opera...
No, no one can compete
With the soap opera...
I thought to myself
'This won't last forever'.
'Ma'am, do you also watch the soap opera?'
I asked one of our neighbours.
She answered that it was a short one,
That it would end very soon...
They've shown the eight-hundredth episode...
And there are five hundred more to go.
Oh God, what a nightmare!
There are five hundred more episodes to go!
Oh God, what a nightmare!
There are five hundred more episodes to go!
She doesn't talk to me, she doesn't see me,
She doesn't bath anymore and she doesn't cook...
Our children are going hungry:
Our youngest boy pulled a muscle!
Our dog has died
And soon, granny will die, too...
But, at home, no one can compete
With the soap opera!
No, no one can compete
With the soap opera...
Oh, no! No one can compete
With the soap opera...
No, no one can compete
With the soap opera...
Oh, no! No one can compete
With the soap opera...
Your honour, your honour...
I have thought this through
And I regret to inform you
That I cannot commit suicide anymore
For... I must know
How the soap opera will end!
She doesn't talk to me, she doesn't see me,
She doesn't bath anymore and she doesn't cook...
Our children are going hungry:
Our youngest boy pulled a muscle!
Our dog has died
And soon, granny will die, too...
But, at home, no one can compete
With the soap opera!
Oh, no! No one can compete
With the soap opera...
No, no one can compete
With the soap opera...
Oh, no! No one can compete
With the soap opera...
E, F, G
The entire city is soaked in rain
All the night before, all day today
We are not together any more -
So sad…
And it does not matter who’s at fault
I am walking barefoot and cold
The words we did not say are like the wall
Good –Bye!
And there is nothing left at all
The world around became so black-and-white and old
And I know you also feel this way
Love is gone and we are still OK…
I am not crying, this is just the rain
I am fine…
E, F, G – are keys
E, F, G – ecstasies
They are gone forever for you and I
E, F, G – just so sad
E, F, G – just too bad
May be you’ll come back to sing a ‘Good Bye!’
Streets with wet umbrellas are cold as ice
The bridge is filled with water and grey skies
The Taxi light was blinking in the dark –
And gone...
I know that you also feel this way:
Love is gone on such a gloomy day…
I am not crying this is just the rain
So Long!…
Try to forget you - that’s the best!
The day-by-day routine
Will take me through the rest...
And it does not matter who’s at fault
I am walking barefoot and cold
The words we did not say are like the wall
Good –Bye!
E, F, G – are keys
E, F, G – ecstasies
They are gone forever for you and I
E, F, G – just so sad
E, F, G – just too bad
May be you’ll come back to sing a ‘Good Bye!’
I will forget you - that’s the best!
The day-by-day routine
Will get me through the rest..
And it does not matter who’s at fault
I am walking barefoot and cold
The words we did not say are like the wall
Good –Bye!
E, F, G – are keys
E, F, G – ecstasies
They are gone forever for you and I
E, F, G – just so sad
E, F, G – just too bad
May be you’ll come back to sing a ‘Good Bye!’
May be you...will come back... to sing a ‘Good Bye!’
May be you...will come back... to sing a ‘Good Bye!’
May be you...will come back... to sing a ‘Good Bye!’
May be you...will come back... to sing a ‘Good Bye!’
The Thief
You are the thief
That stole from me
The heart
That I was saving
for tomorrow
You for what reason
without consulting
you made yourself loved
what is this life
I fell in love with you
My heart is delicate
It has to be very well cared for
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate
Because one time it was hurt
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me like that
You for what reason
without consulting
you made yourself loved
what is this life
I fell in love with you
My heart is delicate
It has to be very well cared for
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate
Because one time it was hurt
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me like that
My heart is delicate
It has to be very well cared for
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate
Because one time it was hurt
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate
It has to be very well cared for
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me like that
My heart is delicate
Because one time it was hurt
Treat it right since you have stolen it
Take care of me, Love me, Kiss me, Cuddle me
My heart is delicate!
Draga, čujem vetar kako duva
Pratiću ga bez ičijeg znanja
Moja lista želja kasni za dan ili dva
Ali pre nego što bude prekasno, hajde da osećamo zajedno
Moje srce, o-o-o-obasjaj moj život
Sveže o-o-o-obasjaj moju ljubav
Ovo ustreptalo srce me vodi ka mestu gde si ti
Tamo su vetroviti nebeski svodovi i ti
Hej devojko, iznad plavog mora
I ka toplom suncu, zaroni i ponovo se podigni
U ovom trenutku, ono što najviše želim da uradim
Pre nego što bude prekasno, želim da te ponovo vidim
Moje srce, o-o-o-obasjaj moj život
Sveže o-o-o-obasjaj moju ljubav
Ovo ustreptalo srce me vodi ka mestu gde si ti
Tamo su vetroviti nebeski svodovi i ti
Ovo sunce što me obasjava je
Živahno, moje srce
Želim da budem samo s tobom
Sve što me teraš da radim, ti, ti
Da, iz ljubavi, iz ljubavi
I ponovo iz ljubavi, o, teraš me da se krećem
Sad ću da se okrenem i da te pogledam
Tvoja pojava je primetna, pronašao bih te čak i da si u gomili
Tvoj tako poseban sjaj
Gde god da si, setiću ga se da nikada ne bi nestala
Samo ti o-o-o-obasjavaš moj život
Potrebna si mi da o-o-o-obasjaš moju ljubav
Ti obasjavaš moje srce, ti obasjavaš moj život
Ne mogu da krijem svoja osećanja prema tebi, moja ljubavi
(Dajem ti svoju ljubav, dajtem ti svoju ljubav
O, moja ljubavi, potrebna mi je tvoja ljubav)
Ovo srce biva odvučeno ka mestu gde si ti
Nova generacija počinje
Samo ti o-o-o-basjavaš moj život
Potrebna si mi da o-o-o-obasjaš moju ljubav
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)
La La Love
Baby rushing along the wind
I don't know anyone
Bucket list delayed a day or two
Feel again, before it’s too late
La la la light up my life
La la la light up my love
Where Suren Mam took me and arrived
The wind, sky and you
Hey girl on the blue sea
Into the hot sun, dive and dip
What you want to do most at this moment
I want to meet you again before it’s too late
La la la light up my life
La la la light up my love
Where the trembling heart took me
Wind sky and you
That sun shining on me
My heart alive and breathing
I want only one with you
All the things you make me do for you
Yeah out of love
Out of love, oh you make me move
I think it’s turning
You look the same
You can find it right in the crowd
Glow that is only you
I’ll mark where you stand
Not to be erased
Only you are La la la light up my life
I need you
You light up my mind, you light up my life
I cannot hide my love for you
(Give me my love
Oh my love I need your love)
Where the dragged heart took me and arrived
Wind, sky and you
Only you are La la la light up my life
I need you
La La...
Oh la la Oh la la Oh la la
Oh la la Oh la la Oh la la
Oh la la Oh la la Oh la la
Oh la la Oh la la
Just for a moment
Let your body talks to me
Yeah, I heard you're good like that
Hold me close
Listen, my body wants to talk to you
Show me, you're gifted like that
It's insane how I appreciate you
It's insane how I appreciate you
Take me in your arms and carry me
Take me in your arms and carry me
Oh la la Oh la la Oh la la
Oh la la Oh la la Oh la la
Oh la la Oh la la Oh la la
Oh la la Oh la la
Baby, spend your time with me, don't bother
I'm gonna ask what I want tonight
Oh la la Oh la la Oh la la
Oh la la Oh la la
Take your time, I'm gonna show you
Show you how I like it
It's insane how I appreciate you
It's insane how I appreciate you
Take me in your arms and carry me
Take me in your arms and carry me
Oh la la Oh la la Oh la la
Oh la la Oh la la Oh la la
Oh la la Oh la la Oh la la
Oh la la Oh la la
Baby, spend your time with, don't bother
I'm gonna show you what I want tonight
Oh la la Oh la la Oh la la
Oh la la Oh la la
Shala la la la la
Shala la la la la,
shala la la, it's summer again
shala la la la la,
shala la la, oh it's summer one more time.
Shala la la... Guys tanned from the sun,
everybody having fun oh
thongs in the hot summer,
I'm just gonna party long, oh
Bye, bye, bye,
exams are over baby,
bye, bye, bye,
take away all kind of worries baby.
Zero problems, zero stress
I just need a pretty girl, hey
a hot night for dancing,
this could be my lucky night.
Bye, bye, bye,
exams are over baby,
bye, bye, bye,
say hello to your happy feelings.
Guys, guitar and a party
who knows what is going on?
beautiful girls everywhere
really I can get it big, hey
Bye, bye, bye,
exams are over baby,
bye, bye, bye,
take away all kind of worries baby.
It's time to forget your problems
with your bare feet in the sand,
try, try having just a new beginning
try, try having some new feeling.
[Chorus] [x2]
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
The sign
Sincerely, I wantto know what I'm doing here.
Who is the man in the mirror?
He doesn't look like me.
Everyday I turn back to city and I find nobody.
Every day the same sign.
You should be back,
you should be by my side again.
I shouldn't have treated you so bad.
You know the days go by,
the years go by,
I'm still waiting.
I shouldn't have left you leave.
Lately I only see three walls and one window.
I want to get out of the hole,
I want to escape in order to breathe.
I see delicate girls walking,
and I feel nothing.
The same sign repeats.
You should be back,
you should be by my side again.
I shouldn't have treated you so bad.
You know the days go by,
the years go by,
I'm still waiting.
I shouldn't have left you leave.
You should be back,
you should be by my side again.
I shouldn't have treated you so bad.
You know the days go by,
the years go by,
I'm still waiting.
I shouldn't have left you leave.