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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 34


Ja sam bolesna

Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Više ne sanjam, ne pušim
Više nemam prošlost
Bez tebe sam prljava, bez tebe sam ružna,
Kao siroče sam u domu.
Ne želim više da živim svoj život
Moj život se završava kada odeš,
Više nemam života, čak i moj krevet,
pretvara se u peron stanice
kada odeš
Ja sam bolesna, potpuno bolesna,
Kao kada bi moja majka izašla uveče
i ostavila me samu sa mojim očajem.
Ja sam bolesna, savršeno bolesna,
Ti dolaziš, nikad ne znaš kad,
Ti odlaziš, niko ne zna gde,
I evo, već su dve godine
Kako te nije briga
Kao stena, kao greh
Držim se za tebe
Umorna sam, iscrpljena
Da se ​​pretvaram da sam srećna
Kad su drugi tamo
Pijem svako veče
I svi viskiji za mene imaju isti ukus
I svi brodovi nose tvoju zastavu
Ne znam gde da idem
Svuda si ti
Ja sam bolesna, potpuno bolesna
Prolivam svoju krv u tvoje telo
Kao mrtva ptica sam
Kada spavaš
Ja sam bolesna, savršeno bolesna
Lišio si me svih mojih pesama
Ispraznio si me od svih mojih reči
Ipak, imala sam talenat, pre tvoje kože
Ova ljubav me ubija
Ako se ovo nastavi
Umreću sama
Blizu mog radija,kao blesavo dete
Slušajući svoj glas kako peva
Ja sam bolesna, potpuno bolesna,
kao kada bi moja majka izašla uveče
i ostavila me samu sa mojim očajem
Bolesna sam, tako je, bolesna
Lišio si me svih mojih pesama
Ispraznio si me od svih mojih reči
I srce mi je potpuno bolesno
Okruženo barikadama
Čuješ li? Ja sam bolesna...

Iskoristi dan

Bez obzira na tvoje strahove
Bez obzira na razlog tvojih suza
Bez obzira na bol
Što je napao tvoje srce
Bez obzira na šanse
Koje nisi iskoristio
Bez obzira na detinjstvo
Morao si da odrasteš
Iskoristi dan
Neka život ide svojim tokom
Izaberi ljubav
Koja te zove,na tebe je red
Iskoristi dan
Neka život ide svojim tokom
Izaberi ljubav
Koja te zove,na tebe je red
Toliko su visoki zidovi
Koji te koče i povređuju
Tako dugi su lanci
Koji ti kradu postojanje
Bez obzira na odsustvo
Kroz koje si morao proći
Bez obzira na ovu tišinu
Kakva je korist od toga da te lažem
Iskoristi dan
Neka život ide svojim tokom
Izaberi ljubav
Koja te zove,na tebe je red
Iskoristi dan
Neka život ide svojim tokom
Izaberi ljubav
Koja te zove,na tebe je red
Koja te zove....

Neću prestati da te volim

Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Uvek ću biti tu
To je obećanje
Koje sam ti dala
Kao milovanje
Reči iz srca
divne su
Ljubav je sinonim za nas dvoje
Znam tvoje srce
Znam tvoje telo
Čak i kada te boli
To je nežnost
To moram da ti govorim svakog trena
plašim se
Tako se bojim da ne opečem svoje srce
Neću prestati da te volim
Šta god da se desi znam
Ne pomaže mi da te lažem
Radije bi da ti kažem sve
čini mi da se osećam dobro
Uvek sam ti govorila istinu
Ovo današnje je sve promenilo
Bio je neko najveći koji o tome odlučuje
Osim toga, morali smo da odlučimo
Neću prestati da te volim
To će biti moja mala tajna
Kao diskretna bašta
Koja bi htela da cveta
U tvom srcu

Ti nisi odavde

Versions: #1
Ne znam šta se dešava
Okrećeš se i dodiruješ moje srce
Trenutak tišine govori istinu
Nešto se dogodilo odjednom
Trebalo me je uplašiti unapred
Ali ja sam se zaljubljivala u te tvoje oči
I tako strah je nestao
Znala sam da ne postoji ništa drugo što bih ikada želela
Znam te, ti nisi odavde
Čekala sam te da se pojaviš
Da mi oduzmeš dah i rasplačeš me
Ti nisi odavde,ne iz ovoga ovde i sada
Samo jedan tvoj dodir i letim i letim i letim
Ne mogu se navići da mi nedostaješ
Ako ovako mora biti
Trebam jednog anđela da pazi na mene
Niko ne može vratiti vreme
Ali ja tebe mogu u mojim mislima
Iznova i iznova kao melodiju
Za sada biću mirna
Za sada biću ispunjena sećanjem na tvoju kožu
Znam te,ti nisi odavde
Ti ne pripadaš lažima i suzama
Veličina tvoje duše me rasplače
Ti nisi odavde,ne iz ovoga ovde i sada
Samo jedan tvoj dodir i letim i letim i letim
Znam te, ti nisi odavde
Čekala sam te da se pojaviš
Da mi oduzmeš dah i rasplačeš me
Ti nisi odavde,ne iz ovoga ovde i sada
Samo jedan tvoj dodir i letim i letim i letim

Izaberi ono što najviše voliš (Pusti da te ubije)

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Bila sam na mestu gde sam želela
Zbog ljubavi mog života
Još sam patila u ovom naručju
I mislila sam da ću umreti
I sad drhtim na ivici kao kakvo ustreptalo dete
Moleći se da pad ako zaboli bude vredan leta
Ako zabrljam
ja ću to znati
Suočiću se sa tim svojim otvorenim slomljenim srcem mudrijim očima
Ako zabrljam
Tako to ide
Neću se kajati zbog stvari koje sam uradila
Samo zbog stvari koje nisam probala
Izaberi ono što najviše voliš i pusti da te ubije
Ako moraš
Izaberi ono što najviše voliš i pusti da te ubije
Pusti da te ubije
Moja sloboda čeka da se predam i dam ti svoj život
Osećam da mi je svega preko glave
Ali ja zaronim
Uzeću dah tvojim poljupcem smrti ako preživim
I znaj da sam sledećim dahom postala besmrtna
Ako zabrljam
ja ću to znati
Suočiću se sa tim svojim otvorenim slomljenim srcem mudrijim očima
Ako zabrljam
Tako to ide
Neću se kajati zbog stvari koje sam uradila
Samo zbog stvari koje nisam probala
Izaberi ono što najviše voliš i pusti da te ubije
Ako moraš
Izaberi ono što najviše voliš i pusti da te ubije
Pusti da te ubije
I pusti da te ubije
Pusti da te ubije
Izaberi ono što najviše voliš i pusti da te ubije
Neka te ubije...
Neka te ubije...

‎Moj život u tvom‎

Click to see the original lyrics (French)
Zatvori vrata i stavi kaput tamo,
Sedi pored mene
Šta imam da ti kažem,
Reći ću to samo jednom,
Ja ću to reći samo tebi.
Da sam znala da će se bujice obrušiti
Na moju zemlju
Da sam videla opekotine
Što razaraju moje meso
Da sam znala za
Ova nemoguća povratna putovanja
Stavila bih svoj život u tvoj
Dok mešamo krv iz vena
Ostala bih blizu tebe
Veruj mi
Elementi koji oslobađaju,‎
‎Zaštitio bi me od sebe same,‎
‎Moja srodna dušo, moja kraljice‎
Volim te već tako dugo
Daj mi svoju ruku
Molim te nemoj je povlačiti
Ono što nas vezuje je iznad‎
‎Organskog, mineralnog, karmičkog‎
‎ Nedefinisanog...‎
Što me ne veže za tebe
odlazi dalje
‎Kad bih samo verovala u ono u šta treba da verujem!‎
‎‎Pustinjske oaze nisu uvek samo fatamorgane‎
‎Da sam znala sve ovo‎
‎Velika obećanja koja se završavaju‎ ljubavlju
‎Stavila bih svoj život u tvoj‎
‎Dok mešamo krv u našim vena‎ma
‎Ostaću blizu tebe‎,veruj mi
Elementi koji oslobađaju,‎
‎Zaštitio bi me od sebe same,‎
‎Moja srodna dušo, moja kraljice‎
Sledeći put‎
‎Možda za hiljadu godina‎
‎Već znam‎
U nekom drugom svetu
‎Stavićeš svoj život u moj‎
‎Ići ćemo tamo gde nas naša srca vode‎
‎Ostaćeš tamo blizu mene‎
‎U tvojim nadama, radostima, tugama‎
‎Štitiću te od tebe‎
‎Stavićeš svoj život u moj‎
‎Ići ćemo tamo gde nas naša srca vode‎
‎Ostaćeš tamo blizu mene‎
‎Veruj mi!‎
‎U tvojim nadama, radostima, tugama‎
‎Štitiću te od tebe‎
‎Moja srodna dušo, moja kraljice‎

‎Toliko dugo, dugo, toliko dugo sam te volela.‎
‎Toliko dugo, dugo, toliko dugo sam te volela.‎

Svetlost mog života

Lutajući kao list na vetru
tražila sam nekoga
Držeći se ljubavi što protresla bi mi dušu
Raj ili ništa
Onda si ušetao u moj život
U bljesku svetlosti
Nikada nisam nekoga poželela više
Ti si taj koga sam čekala
Svetlost mog života
Ti si vatra u mom srcu
Kad sam izgubljena
Znam da ću osetiti kako plamtiš u mraku
Ti si svetlost mog života
Svaka zvezda na nebu
Sija jače kada si uz mene
Ti si svetlost mog života (oh, to si ti)
I sanjajući, osećam te pored sebe
Ne, ne sanjaš
Jer se davim u tvom poljupcu
Umirem u tvojim rukama
I kad čujem da me zoveš
Dušo, kao da sam ponovo rođena
Svetlost mog života
Ti si vatra u mom srcu
Kad sam izgubljena
Kad si izgubljen, znam
Osećaću kako goriš, kako plamtiš u mraku
Ti si svetlost mog života
Svaka zvezda na nebu
Sija jače kada si uz mene
Ti si svetlost mog života, da
Tvoja ljubav je lampion na kiši
Dovodi me kući iznova i iznova
Goreći kao večni plamen
Svetlost mog života
Ti si otkucaj mog srca
Kad sam izgubljena
Kad si izgubljen, znam
Videćeš me kako sijam
Sijam u mraku
Ti si svetlost mog života
Kao zvezde na nebu
Samo me ti možeš provesti
Ti si jedini koji to čini ispravno
Samo si ti zapalio noć
Ti si svetlost (ti si svetlost) mog života

Volim te

U redu, bilo je drugih
načina da se rastanemo
Malo slomljenog stakla
možda nam je moglo pomoći
U ovoj gorkoj tišini
odlučih da oprostim greške
koje možemo napraviti
kada se previše volimo
U redu, mala devojčica u meni
često te je tražila
I skoro kao majka si me čuvao i štitio
Ukrala sam ti tu krv koju nismo
trebali deliti
Na kraju mojih reči,snova,vrisnuću!
Volim te! Volim te!
Poput ludaka,
Poput vojnika
Kao zvezdu filma
Volim te,Volim te!
Poput vuka,Poput kralja
Kao čovek koji nisam ja
Vidiš tako te volim ja...
U redu poverih ti
Sve svoje osmehe i tajne
čak i onih koji je samo brat,
čuvar pouzdan
U ovoj kući od kamena,
Đavo gledaše kako plešemo
I toliko želeh tela rat
da međ' nama opet stvori mir
Volim te! Volim te!
Poput ludaka,
Poput vojnika
Kao zvezdu filma
Volim te,Volim te!
Poput vuka,Poput kralja
Kao čovek koji nisam ja
Vidiš tako te volim ja...

As usual

I get up
and I shove you
(A man in the crowd cries: I love you - Lara Fabian responds to him: Me too)
You don't wake up
As usual
I cover you with a bed sheet
I'm scared that you'll get cold
As usual
My hand caresses your hair
Almost in spite of myself
As usual
And you, you turn your back to me
As usual
So then, I dress myself very fast
I leave the bedroom
As usual
All alone, I drink my coffee
I'm late
As usual
Without a ruckus, I leave my house
It's cloudy outside
As usual
I'm cold so I raise my collar
As usual
As usual
For the entire day
I'm will play pretend
As usual
I'm will smile
As usual
I will even laugh
As usual
Lastly, I will live
As usual
And then, the day will pass
As for me, I will come back
As usual
As for you, you will be out
Wouldn't have returned yet
As usual
All alone, I'll go to bed
In this big cold bed
As usual
I will hide my tears
As usual
As usual
Even at night
I will play pretend
As usual
You will return
As usual
I will wait for you
As usual
I will smile at you
As usual
As, as usual
You will take off your clothes
As usual
You will go to bed
As usual
We will kiss
As usual


Овде где море сија и где је ветар јак
На старој тераси испред залива Сорриенто
Човек загрли девојку након што је плакао
Онда се прочисти грло и поново почне да пева
Волим те много
Али толико, али тако добро знаш
Сада је то ланац
То топи крв вена које знаш
Видио је светла усред мора које мислим о ноћима у Америци
Али само лампе и бели траг пропелера
Осетите бол у музици из клавира
Али када је видео месец излази из облака
Чак му и смрт изгледа слађе
Гледам у очи дјевојке оне зелене очи као море
Онда је изненада изашла суза и он је помислио да се утапа
Волим те много
Али толико, али тако добро знаш
Сада је то ланац
То топи крв вена које знаш
Снага опере у којој је свака драма фалсификат
Да уз мало шминке и мимике можете постати други
Тако сам постао врло мали чак и ноћи у Америци
Окренете се и видите свој живот као бразда пропелера
Волим те много
Али толико, али тако добро знаш
Сада је то ланац
То топи крв вена које знаш
Волим те много
Али толико, али тако добро знаш
Сада је то ланац
То топи крв вена које знаш
Знаш вене


Ali šta radim ovde
Tonem dublje u tebi
Koliko je sati, i kakva vatra me otapa
Je li crno ili belo, ne znam
Moja se kože lepi za crvenilo tvoje krvi što se kreće
Teče prema meni
Plešem i borim se.
Uvijam svoje zglobove oko tebe
Noge mi se uvijaju
Kružim oko tvojih bokova
Na mome struku igraju se tvoje ruke
Uzalud se molim, a ti, ti se smeješ,
Plešem i borim se
Ne znam, ne znam?
Tango ljubavi moja
Povređuješ mene i moju sudbinu
To je dobro što me obuzima
Kad se moje telo uvija
Tango ljubavi moja
Životinja ili matador
Jedno je od nas dvoje najjače
Kad se moje telo uvija
Ali sumnja se usadila
Osećam se kao u begu
Život me gura u trku
Moje telo što te odguruje
Tvoji me pokreti podsećaju da ti nemaš mene
Pravo koje ti dajem, plešem i borim se
Ali kako reći kome, čemu, čija sam
Kad ja ne pripadam nikome, osim tebi
I ako sam ti rekla da ne postoji niko osim tebe
Ja plešem, a ti se boriš
Ja plešem, a ti se boriš
Tango ljubavi moja
Povređuješ mene i moju sudbinu
To je dobro što me obuzima
Kad se moje telo uvija
Tango ljubavi moja
Životinja ili matador
Jedno je od nas dvoje najjače
Tango ljubavi moja
Tango telo moje,
Ne pripada ti još
I ako moja ga duša napusti
Moje telo, ono će se uvijati.


Ne znam gde te pronaći,
ne znam kako te potražiti.
Ali čujem jedan glas koji
s' vetrom govori o tebi.
Ova duša bez srca
čeka te..
Noći bez kože
i snovi bez zvezda.
Slike tvog lica
koje iznenada prolaze.
Učinile su da još se nadam
da ću te pronaći…
Zatvaram oči i vidim tebe.
Nalazim put koji
me odvodi od
ove agonije.
Osećam otkucaje u sebi
ove muzike koju
sam izmislila za tebe.
Ako znaš kako me naći,
ako znaš kako me tražiti..
zagrli me mislima.
Sunce mi se čini ugašeno,
upali svoje ime na nebu,
reci mi da si tu..
Ono što bih želela..
živi u tebi.
Sunce mi se čini ugašeno..
zagrli me mislima..
izgubljene su bez tebe.
Reci mi ko si i poverovaću.
Muzika si…

Through Love

Before I open the door for you
Letting you leave
Before I close my heart
I would like to tell you
All stories get worn out
It’s bound to happen
Some people pass
They leave the table
But we
We were two twin souls
We knew (how) to protect our wings
Enlaced before Eternity
Beyond all the blows
From the life which toys with us
I know us (to be) stronger
I know us (to be) stronger
Beyond that pain
Of the dense emptiness and the fear
I saw us (to be) stronger
I saw us (to be) stronger, than anything
Through love
After this sad awakening
Our bitter words
If we throw a bottle
Far into the sea
We will write in it the message
Our tears will find the courage
To drown the pride and the rage
Beyond all the blows
From the life which toys with us
I know us (to be) stronger
I know us (to be) stronger
Beyond that pain
Of the dense emptiness and fear
I saw us (to be) stronger
I saw us (to be) stronger, than anything
Through love
Before I open the door for you
Letting you leave
Before I close my heart
I would like to tell you
Beyond all the blows
Of the life which toys with us
I know us (to be) stronger
Beyond that pain
I saw us (to be) stronger
Beyond all the blows
Of the life which toys with us
I know us (to be) stronger
I know us (to be) stronger
Beyond that pain
Of the dense emptiness and the fear
I saw us (to be) stronger
I saw us (to be) stronger, than anything
Through love.

Прекршени завет

Реци ми њено име, желим да знам
како изгледа и где се крећете,
Морам да јој видим лице, морам да схватим
Зашто смо ти и ја дошли до краја
Реци ми поново, желим да чујем
Ко је изневерио моју веру у све ове године,
Ко лежи уз тебе током ноћи, док сам ја овде сасвим сама,
Сећајући се да сам била твоја
Пустићу те да одеш,
Пустићу те да одлетиш,
Зашто се још увек питам - зашто?
Пустићу те да одеш,
Сада када сам научила
како да сачувам
више од прекршеног завета.
Реци ми речи које никада нисам изговорила,
Покажи ми сузе које никада ниси пустио,
Дај ми прилику, ону када си обећао да ћеш бити мој,
Или је та прилика нестала заувек?
Пустићу те да одеш,
Пустићу те да одлетиш,
Зашто се још увек питам - зашто?
Пустићу те да одеш,
Сада када сам научила
како да сачувам
више од прекршеног завета.
Склапам очи
И сањам тебе и мене, а онда схватам,
Постоји више љубави него огорчености и лажи,
Склапам очи
Дала бих своју душу само да те поново загрлим,
И никада не бих допустила да се ово обећање оконча
Пустићу те да одеш,
Пустићу те да одлетиш,
Зашто се још увек питам - зашто?
Пустићу те да одеш,
Сада када сам научила
како да сачувам
више од прекршеног завета.


Will anyone hear me
If I no longer say a word
Will anyone see me
If I were to disappear
I know... I know
I could have been a butterfly
I would have lived
A special day
I fly... would fly
I'd dress myself in the light
I hide... would hide
From the rain and the wind
I'd look at the land
Would appreciate its beauty
I fly... would fly
Would be a butterfly
Will anyone wait
For my pupa
To free itself from its yarn
And launch into nothingness
I know I know
I could have been a butterfly
I would have lived
A special day...
I fly... would fly
I'd dress myself in the light
I hide... would hide
From the rain and the wind
I'd look at the land
Would appreciate its beauty
I fly... would fly
Would be a butterfly
I fly... would fly
I hide... would hide
I'd look at the land
Would appreciate its beauty
I fly... would fly
Would be a butterfly

God Help The Outcasts

Lord bend an ear to me.
so far from Heaven to Earth,
will you one day hear
my humble prayer?
I know I'm nothing but an outcast.
Unworthy before all.
But would you have been one of ours
when you came to Earth?
God help the outcasts!
See the misery
so that your mercy
reaches us on this Earth.
Answer with your grace
your people in prayer.
God help the outcasts,
or we are lost.
Help O Lord.
Help my kind.
I beg your compassion
for those who have nothing.
God help the outcasts,
The beggars and the poor,
since we are all of us
the children of God
God why are some people blessed?
Why are others cursed?
Those who deserve all your favours,
We fear them,
We ignore them,
We break their hearts.
God help the outcasts.
Those unfortunates.
Why, I ask you,
have you created them?
The curse
has afflicted them.
They are your children,
those unloved souls
I pray for my people,
the beggars and the poor,
since we are all of us
the children of God.

I'll not stop loving you

I will always be there
It is a promise
Which I I've made to you
Like a caress
The words of the heart
Are full of wonder
I know
Love is synonym of the two of us
I know your heart
I know your body
By heart
Even when you hurt
It's tenderness
Which cries
I have to say to you that every moment
I am scared
So scared of burning my heart
I will not stop loving you
Whatever happens I know
To lie to you does not help me
Rather to tell you everything
makes me feel good
I've always told you the truth
That of today changed everything
It's the supreme power which has decided it
Besides, we had to decide
I will not stop loving you ah ah
It will be my little secret
Like a discreet garden
Which would want to bloom
In your heart


She walks slow as if offbeat
Puts up with her body
All of its movements
She looks outside
To see if the weather is nice
From the armchair to the couch
From the armchair to the couch
No one left to take care of
Just one cup to get out in the morning
For her, nothing is really
just like it was before
From the armchair to the couch
From the armchair to the couch
Forgetting, forgetting like a dead-end
on hurtful actions
Forgetting like she moves
her past, her sadness
Forgetting is what
makes us suffer on the surface
But it's on the inside
What keeps her going
She's still so beautiful
at the moment
With her black hair
not one white strand
She accepts her fate
Her fading memory
From the past to the present
I talk with her about the past,
about everything and nothing
About her childhood,
That's something she remembers
About the rose bouquet
That I just brought
The scent will stay
But the image will fly away
Forgetting, forgetting like a dead-end
on hurtful actions
Forgetting like she moves
her past, her sadness
Forgetting is what
makes us suffer on the surface
But it's on the inside
What keeps her going
Forgetting, forgetting like a dead-end
on hurtful actions
Forgetting like she moves
her past, her sadness
Forgetting is what
makes us suffer on the surface
But it's on the inside
What keeps her going
Forgetting like her heart
So that nothing's left
Forgetting like a saviour
A necessary evil
Forgetting is a space
That no one understands
But for her it's the place
That she finally takes back her soul
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Escolha O Que Você Mais Ama (Deixe Que Te Mate)

Estava em um lugar onde eu desejei
O amor da minha vida
Sofri mais nesses braços
E achava que ia morrer
Agora eu tremo, como uma criança
Rezando para que se a queda machucar, que o voo tenha valido a pena
Se eu arruinar tudo
Eu saberei
Enfrentarei isso com meu coração quebrado e meus olhos mais sábios
Se eu arruinar tudo
Que seja assim
Não me arrependerei do que eu fiz
Só das coisas que eu não tentei
Escolha o que você mais ama e deixe que te mate
Se você precisar
Escolha o que você mais ama e deixe que te mate
Deixe que te mate
Minha liberdade aguarda para se entregar e te dar a minha vida
Sinto que estou fora de controle
Mas darei o mergulho
Tomarei um respiro do seu beijo da morte se eu sobreviver
E saberei com o próximo beijo que fui imortalizada
Se eu arruinar tudo
Eu saberei
Enfrentarei isso com meu coração quebrado e meus olhos mais sábios
Se eu arruinar tudo
Que seja assim
Não me arrependerei do que eu fiz
Só das coisas que eu não tentei
Escolha o que você mais ama e deixe que te mate
Se você precisar
Escolha o que você mais ama e deixe que te mate
Deixe que te mate
E deixe que te mate...
Deixe que te mate...
Escolha o que você mais ama e deixe que te mate
Deixe que te mate
Deixe que te mate...
Deixe que te mate...
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Your Desire

Versions: #2
From these times, from those times,
It's raining in our shoes
It's not going so well, we whisper
Hidden under our iron armor
I want to change all that
Suddenly, an idea comes to me
A game only for you
To be a girl to imagine
Like a great bonfire
To burn, To balance
Forget the stress and the cold
I will be your desire
Your doll, your cashmere pull
Your minute of pleasure
Your desire for sweet and savoury
Your audacity, your crazy laughter
Your christmas tree in July
The song who inspires you
Do what you please with me
Happiness isn't complicated
We always have the choice
High heels and D cup,
Horizontal or not,
I want your big eyes
Deep in my cleavage of silk.
No need for 5-stars hotels
That's all in the past
And caviar is so common
I have much more for you
In preparation
Me, naked
One on top of the other, wherever you want
I will be your desire
Your doll, your cashmere pull
Your minute of pleasure
Your desire for sweet and savoury
Your audacity, your crazy laughter
Your christmas tree in July
The song who inspires you
Do what you please with me
Follow me in my craziness
I'll make you my king
My Beckham, my Shakespeare
My comic book superhero,
The important part is to laugh about it
And never forget to love each other
And never forget to love each other
I will be your desire
Your minute of pleasure
Your audacity, your crazy laughter
The song who inspires you
Do what you please of me
Do of me
Whatever pleases you

When I'm Not Singing

Versions: #2
When I'm not singing,
I'm like you.
That's how I am.
When I'm not singing,
I'm like you.
That's how I am.
A wife, a mother,
A woman that has to know how to do it all.
When I'm not singing,
My life is grounded.
Even if Heaven laughs at me,
To sing is all I know how to do.
I was walking in the street,
Sitting on terraces,
Encountering strangers,
Making a place for them.
I listened to their stories,
They knew mine.
At a simple glance,
Our lives are all the same.
When school lets out,
Our children rush out.
But all their words fly way,
And their laughter sounds muffled,
When the echo of the silence,
Is your only ally.
It's the enemy who dances,
While you cry.
When I'm not singing,
I'm like you.
That's how I am.
A wife, a mother,
A woman that has to know how to do it all.
When I'm not singing,
My life is grounded.
Even if Heaven laughs at me,
To sing is all I know how to do.
To sing.
In full voice.
To sing.
When one is made for that,
To deliver their soul and nothing else,
You have to keep the faith,
Our hearts against one another.
To find in this life,
All our little joys.
But is that enough,
To make the hours pass?
When I'm not singing,
I'm like you.
That's how I am.
A wife, a mother,
A woman that has to know how to do it all.
When I'm not singing,
My life is grounded.
Even if Heaven laughs at me,
To sing is all I know how to do.
When I'm not singing,
I'm like you.
That's how I am.
A teacher, a friend,
A woman of a thousand and one lives.
When I'm not singing,
Of course,
The Sun rises anyway.
Sometimes it's really no more than that.
Often I'm no longer myself.
I'm no longer myself,
I'm no longer myself,
I'm no longer me.
When I'm not singing,
I whisper ancient prayers,
Which lead me straight,
To the only thing I know how to do.
To sing in full voice.
To sing in full voice.
(When I'm not singing, I'm like you),
(When I'm not singing, I'm like you),
(When I'm not singing, I'm like you),
(When I'm not singing, I'm like you).

You Still Love Me

I feel it
I know it
When you are hurting on the other side of the world
When you cry for hours
On my heart, I could scream
I swear even if I see nothing
I can already feel your grief
When I see myself
Without your hands
Without you arms, I can no longer breath
And I hear it so often,
The chant of the wind
That comes to take me back
Towards your moors under your sun of Ireland
Take my life without notice
I will do it if you love me
Even if I'm wrong
Everything is stronger
Than the reason, everything is strong than your name
That I say again that I write without stoping
On the screen of my life
And I hope that every one of the dawn that I see,
leads me to your body
I will leave everything if you love me
I know that I'm not misleading myself
That somewhere far from there
You think of me
You held me in your arms
A space, a movement
Whisper it to me that you love me
That you love me
I feel it
You still think of me
I know, you held me in your arms
Say it to me
That you love me


She walks slowly as if she were battling time,
she submits her body,
all her moves.
She looks forward
to seeing if the weather is fine.
From the sofa to the couch.
From the sofa to the couch,
but noone tells her anymore that she must take care.
Nothing but just a cup to go by in the morning.
To her, nothing is not exactly
like it used to be before.
From the sofa to the couch.
From the sofa to the couch.
Amnesia. The amnesia as a way out
upon the hurtful tendencies.
Amnesia as if she denounced
her past, her sadness.
Amnesia is superficial,
it's what makes us suffer.
But, on the inside,
it's what helps us go on.
She remains that beautiful
at an instant.
On these black hair,
not even a white stripe.
She accepts her choices,
her memory that surpasses the battlefield,
from the past to the present.
On past tense, I speak to her
for all of this and nothing.
Her childhood,
she keeps remembering.
From a bouquet of roses
that I just brought,
the perfume won't go off
but the memory will fade.
Amnesia. The amnesia as a way out
upon the hurtful tendencies.
Amnesia as if she denounced
her past, her sadness.
Amnesia is superficial,
it's what makes us suffer.
But, on the inside,
it's what helps us go on.
Amnesia. The amnesia as a way out
upon the hurtful tendencies.
Amnesia as if she denounced
her past, her sadness.
Amnesia is superficial,
it's what makes us suffer.
But, on the inside,
it's what helps us go on.
Amnesia opens her heart up
until nothing is left inside.
Amnesia, just like an tension,
has equally bad and good aspects.
Amnesia is a space
not understood by anyone.
But, to her, it's the place
to which her soul roams around.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.