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Број резултата: 5


Almond milk

The miniskirt you wear is always too short
And the lipstick makes your lips even redder
And the bangs you like
You look French
The accent you hide, you want to seem bourgeois
And I'd like to get inside of your crazy head and understand you
And learn how to connect with your eyes only
And how pretty your tanned legs are
And that you have the hair colour of mimosas
And the milk is falling from your almond eyes while
I can't understand if you still miss me from time to time
You're going out, you want it?
Us drinking Okitask
Keys in the door lock
Half-cracked voice, it reminds me of you
More than I want you, eh
Break up in the bathtub
Doughnuts at a party, they remind me of you
More than I want you, eh, eh
You look down and later you get lost in the air like a feather
You're picking up your uncollected things from my life
And this a little bit revealing dress, your back is nice
And your lips are tasty, they taste like sour black cherry
I'd like to touch you slowly until you pass out
On top of each other all the time never counting hours
Tell me if you want it
We will reconstruct Notre Dame
Keys in the door lock
Half-cracked voice
It reminds me of you
More than I want you, eh
Break up in the bathtub
Doughnuts on at a party
They remind me of you
More than I want you, eh, eh
All the quotes
I see on the walls
They remain eternal
But you are in the spa
And you'll get me high
Like the first time,
Like the first time
Only the first time

Kkondae Latte

Please stop
It’s the kkondae latte again today
One cup in the morning,
Three cups at lunch
10 cups in the evening
But each day repeats so typically
“Back in my days…”
It’s starting again
If you’re wondering “how can you ever know?”
Then have a latte
Latte latte latte latte
Latte latte latte latte
Kkondae latte starting from the morning
Latte latte latte latte
Latte latte latte latte
Please stop
It’s the kkondae latte again today
Sharp in the morning, hazy by lunch
Not sure where my head’s at by evening
Each day repeats so typically
“Back in my days…”
It’s starting again
If you’re wondering “how can you ever know?”
Then have a latte
Latte latte latte latte
Latte latte latte latte
Kkondae latte starting from the morning
Latte latte latte latte
Latte latte latte latte
Please stop
It’s the kkondae latte again today
Latte latte latte latte
Latte latte latte latte
Kkondae latte all day
Latte latte latte latte
Latte latte latte latte
Please stop
No refills please

A bun and a dream in my pocket

A bun and a dream in my pocket on the neverending road
I left my little town, me and my twenty years, going towards the city
I chewed so much mud and I lived so much life
I dreamt so many times what in the end I achieved
If you want to be someone in this life, if you are full of ambition
you have to fight with your claws in this world of slickers
but if you have a passion in you heart, no one can stop you
and without recommendations, you can reach your goal:
Janitor, yes, I'm a school janitor
One thing for sure, there is no better job
janitor, me, a janitor
the dream in my pocket eventually came true (dudadududadidù)
Carlo wanted to be an actor, Silvio an important entrepreneur
me, always and only that: to become a janitor
to those who asked me how I did it, I answer: believe in yourself
because few things are true and one is the saying: where there's a will there's a way
And now that I am retired and have many grandchildren
sitting by the fireplace I tell my life story,
how timely I was in ringing the bell for recess
and that time I found out who was smoking in the hallway
Come on grandpa, tell us one more story
It's late kids, time to sleep
Grandpa, we said one more story!
You never have enough! But now, all to bed! (dudadudududidà)
A bun and a dream in my pocket on the neverending road
on the road, hope, in the bun, baloney!

Песма о војницима из Вестерплата

Када су се дани испунили
и на лето су требали да погину,
равно у небо су ишли по четворица
војника из Вестарплата.
(А лето је било лепо те године.)
И овако су певали: А, то је ништа,
шта су ране тако болеле,
јер како је слатко сада ићи
на те небеске пољане.
(А на земљи је те године било пуно вресака на букетима.)
У Гдањску смо стајали као зид,
с' гађењем одбијајући швапске топове,
сада лебдимо посред облака,
војници из Вестерплата.
И за оне који имају добар вид
и слух каже се да су слушали
како је у облацима одзвањао исти корак
Морског Батаљона.
И овакав пев се чуо: да бисмо
искористили сунчано време,
грејаћемо се у топле дане
у рајским пространствима.
Али када зимски ветар буде дувао
и туга светом кружила
спустићемо се доле посред Варшаве,
ми, војници из Вестерплата.
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!
SK: Ak vám môj preklad pomohol, prosím stlačte tlačidlo 'Ďakujem'. Môžete slobodne použiť môj preklad, ak uvediete moje používateľské meno ako autora. Ak máte akékoľvek návrhy alebo opravy, ktoré by mohli zlepšiť preklad, neváhajte a poskytnite ich!