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Број резултата: 2



Davno, davno postojao je vulkan
živeći sasvim sam usred mora
Sedeo je visoko iznad svog kreveta i gledao kako se svi parovi igraju
I želeći da i on ima nekoga.
I iz njegove lave je nastala ova pesma nade koju je pevao
naglas svakodnevno godinama i godinama.
Imam san za koji se nadam da će mi se ostvariti
Da si ti ovde sa mnom i ja sam ovde sa tobom
Želim da zemlja, more, nebo gore
poslaće mi nekoga u lavu.
Godine samog pevanja pretvorile su njegovu lavu u kamen
sve dok nije bio na ivici nestanka
Ali malo je znao da je živeo u moru ispod
drugi vulkan je slušao njegovu pesmu.
Svakog dana kada je slušala njegovu melodiju, njena lava je rasla i rasla
jer je verovala da je njegova pesma namenjena njoj
Sada je bila tako spremna da ga sretne iznad mora
Dok je poslednji put pevao svoju pesmu nade.
Iz mora se uzdizao divan vulkan
Gledala je unaokolo, ali nije mogla da ga vidi
Pokušao je da peva da joj stavi do znanja da nije sama
Ali bez lave, njegova pesma je nestala
Punio je more svojim suzama i gledao kako njegovi snovi nestaju
Dok se sećala šta je za nju značila njegova pesma.
Oh, bili su tako srećni što su se konačno sreli iznad mora
Sve zajedno sada je njihova lava rasla i rasla
Nisu više sami, sa alohom kao novim domom
A kad ih posetite, to pevaju.
Imam san za koji se nadam da će mi se ostvariti
Da ćeš ostariti sa mnom i ja ću ostariti sa tobom
Zahvaljujemo se zemlji, moru, nebu, zahvaljujemo i mi.
Lavam te
Lavam te
Lavam te.


Many long years ago there lived a volcano.
He was all alone, there in the wide ocean.
And in his bay he saw the couples playing merrily in the sea.
He wished not to be alone.
From his lava sounded a song of hope, that he sang, quite loud, every day,
Year in and year out.
I have a dream, and I hope it will become real,
That you are by me, oh if only you were there!
I wish that the earth, the sky, the sea
(Would) grant1 me my dreams.
Years he sang all alone, his lava turned to stone,
And the water stood up to his neck.
But unfortunately he didn’t know - under the waves and the grove
A female volcano heard his2 pretty song.
Each time he sang,3 her lava rose,
Because she firmly believed he sang the song for her.
She wanted to finally see him, escape the darkness here,
And he sang his song of hope for the last time.
I have a dream, and I hope it will become real,
That you are by me, oh if only you were there!
I wish that the earth, the sky, the sea
(Would) grant me my dreams.
Before him stood - he4 could hardly believe it - a volcano just like in a dream
And she looked around her but couldn’t see him
He thought, “if I sing beautifully loud, then she’ll know that I am here”5
But without lava no note6 came out.
He sank in a see of tears and his heart was so heavy
But she remembered what he once sang…
I have a dream, and I hope it will become real,
That you are by me, oh if only you were there!
I wish that the earth, the sky, the sea
(Would) grant me my dreams.
Finally they were united, enthroned high in the sunshine
And from their happiness their lave grew more and more.
The loneliness is now over, they are at home in love7
And when you visit them, they sing their song:
I have a dream and I hope it will become real,
That you never leave me, and always stay by me.
The earth, the sky, the sea listen to us…
I lava you
I lava you
I lava you
  • 1. literally “fulfill”
  • 2. literally “this”
  • 3. literally “every time when he sang it”
  • 4. literally “one”
  • 5. literally “am also here/am here too”
  • 6. or “sound”
  • 7. ”alloohaa” = “aloha” which means “love/affection/peace” in Hawaiian