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Број резултата: 4


You are.

I would like those eyes to see me, my heart,
I know they have hurt you,
I know they have lied to you.
I would like life to give me the chance,
To be able to give you,
Those wasted years.
Because I don't see the future, my love,
if it's not with you.
No, I don't stop worshiping you,
Even if I try, girl,
I don't stop loving you.
No, I don't even want to think,
That in another body,
I would calm my desire to love.
Because it's you,
All my life,
My temptation, my heart, my vitamin,
My intense love,
My partner.
Because this union can’t be otherwise.
I would give anything
For giving you that smile back.
Because to heal your heart,
I’m not in a hurry.
I would like you to give yourself, my love,
don't hide anything.
Release the feeling
because there is desire in your eyes.
Because I don't see the future, my love,
if it's not with you.
No, I don't stop worshiping you
(I can't stop thinking about you)
Even if I try, girl,
I don't stop loving you.
( Look, I try and I can't forget you)
No, I don't even want to think,
(I don't want to, I can't)
That in another body,
I would calm my desire to love.
Because it's you,
All my life,
My temptation, my heart, my vitamin,
My intense love,
My partner.
Because this union can’t be otherwise.

Ceo jedan zivot

Kao ti, nema niko
Ko me cuva i voli
Ne mogu naci iskreniju lepotu
Zato ti dajem sve sto jesam
Kao ti, kao ljubavne cini u mojim venama
Kao odraz,kao prolece
Nema nista sto me ispunjava vise nego ti
Konacno mozes da verujes u nekoga ko te voli
Ko daje svoju ljubav i ceo svoj zivot za tebe
Neko ko te cini zaljubljenom i ko zna da cuva uvek svaki trenutak
Danas, ovde, dolazim da ti kazem da sam lud za tobom
Malena, provociraj me,
Ajde, mazi me
Ako me ti volis, imam ceo jedan zivot da ti dajem svoju ljubav
U ovom zivotu ja ne trazim nista vise
Jer sam pronasao tebe
Da zivim sa tobom citavu vecnost
Dok nam ne dodje kraj
Konacno mozes da verujes u nekoga ko te voli
Ko daje svoju ljubav i ceo svoj zivot za tebe
Neko ko te cini zaljubljenom i ko zna da cuva uvek svaki trenutak
Danas, ovde, dolazim da ti kazem da sam lud za tobom,
Malena, provociraj me, ajde, mazi me
Ako me ti volis, imam ceo jedan zivot
Da ti dajem svoju ljubav
I nece postojati niko zeno
Ko ce ti poklanjati svoju vecnu ljubav,
Trebam te vise od zivota
Zelim da znas sta osecam,
I da umirem od ljubavi.

Love me

Whoever calls to my room
I bow to you 1
I take a breath this morning
The light that through the window you gave me yesterday
some of your enthusiasm is hosting me
I don't wanna ignore
that you're missing my pillow
that now I'm your desire 2
that you're crying because you wanna come
Looooove me
My skin has been looking for you
that you come back again
Looooove me
My skin has been looking for you
that you come back again
Whoever calls to my room
I predict that this time
will have my love tomorrow
the light that through the window you gave me yesterday.
In everything that you can host
I want to discover myself
feeling you in my pillow
hugging your desire***3
living you till death
Loooooove me
My skin has been looking for you
that you come back again
Loooooove me
My skin has been looking for you
that you come back again
that you come back again
that you come back again
  • 1. Literally I give up over your fit, but that doesn't sound too good in English
  • 2. In Spanish feel like doing something is 'tener ganas' translating 'ganas' just by itself is hard, so I wrote desire
  • 3. Terrible, horrifying mistake on the original lyrics: In South America and some regions of Spain Z and S are pronounced in the same way, but in most of Spain they aren't, so it's impossible for me to confuse them. 'Abrazarme a tus ganas' would mean hug your desire, 'Abrasarme a tus ganas' would mean get burnt by myself to your desire (and it doesn't make too much sense the way it's written)