Резултати претраге страна 2
Број резултата: 107
Ni Zbog Čega Neću Stati
Ne valja verovati tračevimaMoje srce je naivno
Da sanjam zabavne snove uvek
Je kako volim da živim
Noćas držim grimizne ruže
Da plešem sa onim malim koji je tako lep
Ili možda ipak onom finom čoveku
Da dam svoje vruće srce
Aa, postajem leptir - aa, postajem cvet
Da li ću da vodim ljubav ove noći zavisi od tebe
Aa, samo noćas - aa, samo noćas
Više ni zbog čega neću stati
Na luki se obraćam nekome
Na trgu plešem s nekim
U senci ispod drveta se ljubim s nekim
Šta fali tome ove noći
Požuruju me vatrometi
Sve više mi se vodi ljubav
Ovaj karneval je za jedan letnji dan
Obući ću se lepo i provesti tako, šta fali
Aa, postajem leptir - aa, postajem cvet
Da li ću da vodim ljubav ove noći zavisi od tebe
Aa, samo noćas - aa, samo noćas
Više ni zbog čega neću stati
Commitment While the Wind Blows
The rain last night, woke me up from my dreams while sound asleepThe confused heart, full of yesterday's injuries and painfulness
The merciless cold wind, no longer has the tenderness of the past
Unfulfilled love, whether it is still able to again
A long endless road to go, who can tell me
Actually there is how many mistakes
Where is my ultimate position (residence)
In the rain once you told me,
you will protect (and love) me forever
In the wind once you told me,
you will never leave me
How many lingering woven (defragmented) dreams
How many more love-hate situations
Why everything ultimately is still nothing (empty)?
The rain last night, woke me up from my dreams while sound asleep
The confused heart, full of yesterday's injuries and painfulness
The merciless cold wind, no longer has the tenderness of the past
Unfulfilled love, whether it is still able to again
A long endless road to go, who can tell me
Actually there is how many mistakes
Where is my ultimate position (residence)
In the rain once you told me,
you will protect (and love) me forever
In the wind once you told me,
you will never leave me
How many lingering woven (defragmented) dreams
How many more love-hate situations
Why everything ultimately is still nothing (empty)?
How many lingering woven (defragmented) dreams
How many more love-hate situations
Why everything ultimately is still nothing (empty)?
In the rain once you told me,
you will protect (and love) me forever
In the wind once you told me,
you will never leave me
How many lingering woven (defragmented) dreams
How many more love-hate situations
Why everything ultimately is still nothing (empty)?
How many lingering woven (defragmented) dreams
How many more love-hate situations
Why everything ultimately is still nothing (empty)?
The Crow
Versions: #1They tick like volcanos sing,
Rivers stand still - they drink water no more,
You are like them. Me, I'm like the crow.
They don't break windowpanes, because there are none,
A fairy tale about where sunlight used to be,
Me, I sing where the crow sings.
Someone was shooting and wanted to frighten,
Me, I sit and will not stand,
I am not them. Me, I'm like the crow.
Birds fly away from them altogether,
The city has quieted down, it obeys everyone,
Me, I fly like the crow flies.
I'm a crow, I'm a crow, na-na-na-na
I'm a crow, I'm a crow, na-na-na-na
I'm a crow, I'm a crow, na-na-na-na
Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na.
They tick like volcanos sing,
Rivers stand still - they drink water no more,
You are like them. Me, I'm like the crow.
Голубица црних очију
Једна голубица бела,Једна голубица бела
очију црних, црних, црних...
Ах голубице, тако си лепа !
Слетела си на мој прозор
да ми исповедиш тугу своју.
Греси мој су као убоди трња.
Не могу више да их поднесем.
Не могу више да их поднесем.
Причала ми је своју тужну причу
кад су звона баш тада
са једне мале цркве
преплашила ту незахвалницу
и она је одлетела у своје гнездо
и нисам јој стигла рећи
да су њене невоље баш као и моје.
Да су њене невоље баш као и моје.
Голубице, голубице,
твоја и моја душа изгледају исто.
Голубице, голубице,
Ти си уствари моја сестра у несрећи.
О кокице малена, не трпи више толико
девојчице, ах-ах-ја-ја-ај!
Једна голубица бела,
Једна голубица бела
очију црних, црних, црних...
Ај, ај, ај.!
Слетела си на мој прозор
да ми испричаш своју тугу.
Греси моји су као убоди трња.
Не могу више да их поднесем.
Не могу више да их поднесем.
Голубице, голубице,
ти заправо личиш на моју душу.
Голубице, голубице,
Ти си уствари моја сестра у несрећи.
Голубице, голубице,
ти заправо личиш на моју душу.
голубчићу мој,
Ти си уствари моја сестра у несрећи.
Бубамара се зовеОна што живи поред реке
Покриј ме својим шалом
Умирем већ од хладноће.
Да, зато што сам је узео
Њена мама се наљутила на мене
Води ме сада
Да видим да ли ће се љутити.
Бубамаро пољубац ми дај
Твоја мама ми га шаље
Мама ми га је послала,
Али уста су моја мала.
He stood and toasted in champagnePlayed to be the baddest Don Juan
The guy all day, from Stureplan
Looked like something god have sent
Came forward and said his name was Kent
He thinks i am in love
Now here we stand
So still my desire
Come give me thousands of diamonds
Give me gold that glimmers
Take me out into the big city night
We go into some bar
Come give me thousands of diamonds
Give me pretty flowers
Then i show you some of the treasure
If you want me to stay
Diamonds can give you an answer
Have you seen his way to fly forward
He is a man like no other
Charmes and seduces, a strador
That makes the girls fall
Follows no design
Now he believes that i am
A new affair
So still my desire
Come give me thousands of diamonds
Give me gold that glimmers
Take me out into the big city night
We go into some bar
Come give me thousands of diamonds
Give me pretty flowers
Then i show you some of the treasure
If you want me to stay
Diamonds can give you an answer
When he has gone home to his
And i have gone home to mine
The morning is soon here
In love and crazy
He stands there
And gives me thousands of diamonds
Give me gold that glimmers
Take me out into the big city night
We go into some bar
Come give me thousands of diamonds
Give me pretty flowers
Then i show you some of the treasure
If you want me to stay
Diamonds can give you an answer
Naciljaj I Pucaj
Ja sam ― uulala, uulala ― blistava poput suncaSkroz sam ― uulala, uulala ― blistava poput sunca
Baš sam ― uulala, uulala ― blistava poput sunca
Celi ovaj svet postoji samo za mene
Samo me vi gledajte
Uskoro ću se udati za bogataša i sve njegove pare
Lepo je sređeno i blistajuće ovo telo moje
Sigurno vredim nečega kad sam takva
Luk mi je povučen skroz do kraja, palim na njegovo srce
Neće mi pobeći, 'puf' se čuje kad ga naciljam i pucam
Bogovi su mi dali ovu lepotu
Bio bi greh da je potrošim za džabe
Samo muškarac koji je broj jedan u celom ovom svetu
Bi mogao da mi dodirne ruku ovu
Ja sam ― uulala, uulala ― blistava poput sunca
Skroz sam ― uulala, uulala ― blistava poput sunca
Baš sam ― uulala, uulala ― blistava poput sunca
Celi ovaj svet postoji samo za mene
Kako bi osvojio ženu
Ništa ne fali ni da poratiš sa nekim
Ako time možeš da kupiš svoj san
A čak nije ni toliko skupo, zar ne misliš?
Luk mi je povučen skroz do kraja, palim na njegovo srce
Neće mi pobeći, 'puf' se čuje kad ga naciljam i pucam
Sav luksuz preko celog ovog sveta
Ću staviti na sebe
Unutar lepo okićene palate
Tog muškarca koji me čeka hoću da vidim
Seven Oceans
The river in your eyes is bluer than blue,And it feels like a part of my life vor you,
Who I can trust,
The roed we must go on,
When the waves hit the rocks,
I know you will stand by me forever
Seven oceans full of tears pull me on a river of love on your side,
Because where my heart gets to the waterbreak,
There is the one who know who I am
Seven oceans full of water and wind
The endless sea where my heart begins,
And it always grows
You are the ocean where my love flows
Tide in my soul
Wtaer falls on a wheel
It turns around and around
In the whole deepest part of my heart
Only you know the way,
Which lies under my feet
When the golden sand kisses the dunes,
And you close me in your arms forever
Seven oceans full of tears pull me on a river of love on your side,
Because where my heart gets to the waterbreak,
There is the one who know who I am
Seven oceans full of water and wind
The endless sea where my heart begins,
And it always grows
You are the ocean where my love flows
Seven oceans full of tears pull me on a river of love on your side,
Because where my heart gets to the waterbreak,
There is the one who know who I am
Seven oceans full of water and wind
The endless sea where my heart begins,
And it always grows
You are the ocean where my love flows
And it always grows
You are the ocean where my love flows
Always, brother, you bring good fortuneLion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
You're a lion
Mood is great
Tu du du dam dubi du dam dam,kama kama dam dubi du dam dam,
kama kama dam dubi du dam dam.
The mood is great!
Just one look and we break down the rocks,
we can tie up waterfalls,
there is no storm so bad,
when the mood is great.
Each of us is an assurance,
we carry the mountains in our hands,
people around know our trait
and the mood is great.
That's what love does to us, you know what love is,
everybody envies us for our love,
just ours, while there is a known fact,
that love is all around if you know jokes and tact.
We love each other with ease,
which bridges all deep seas,
the weight of a ton seems insignificant,
when the mood is brilliant.
That's what love does to them, you know what love is,
everybody envies them for their love,
just theirs, while there is a known fact,
that love is all around if you know jokes and tact.
We love each other with ease,
which bridges all deep seas,
the weight of a ton seems insignificant,
when the mood is brilliant.
Return, Return
Versions: #1This impassioned love unruly
has me all contorted
to return.
I'm on my way to madness
as all within me tortures
Yet I do know how to love.
Long time ago we broke up,
But only now I admit how I must give up.
You were so right on your part,
I feel the call on my heart
and I'm dying to return.
Yes! Return, return, return
once again into your arms,
I will go wherever you are:
I humble myself, yes humble myself
I long to return, return, return.
I've Got No More Reasons
I've tossed my crutches asideI don't double over my walker anymore
Oh doctor, this sickness only lets me dance
Pain no longer cripples me and I never grow tired
I nearly sing with every move I make
Oh doctor, this sickness only leads me to dance
Do something,
Because I don't have any reasons left to complain
I don't get skinny anymore and I don't get fat
And any excess just leaves me more in shape
Oh doctor, this disease only leads me to dance
My heartbroken sobbing now laughs with delight
And I can hardly bear so much well-being
Oh doctor, this sickness only lets me dance
Do something,
Because there's no reason anymore for me to complain
All the ills in the world make me break out in a lively jig
And I've even come to believe in the future
Oh doctor, I'm so sick I can only dance
I croon over the misery that is my destiny
And if death comes, then we'll tango together!
All my b-boys straight outta controlI got this big ass dick and it making it roll
All my b-boys do a 6-step clean
I got a couple fine bitches if you know what I mean
Ey banshot-are you fucked up or?
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Smoke a joint with me, hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Snort coke with me, hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Eat mushrooms with me hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Are you up to get brain damage?
Drink shots with me, hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Are you gonna pull out some hash or?
Do you want to buy a scheme and get cash or?
Poddiaa, little brother
Miss Pattaya, you don't have my fire
You don't have my family, you are not my buyer
Acting like you are a G, like you are gonna beat someone up
Stop talking shit buddy , bandy is not bangaloo
Ah, Bangshot motherfucker
Ah, just be like that motherfucker
yeah, there is no point to be bitter
it is just what it has gotten to
it is like that motherfucker
Yeah, we earn thousands here
Linda Longtime and it is the villain up in here
Best to just roll, soon the cops will be here
Just check the pulse up in here
Bangshot motherfucker
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Smoke a joint with me, hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Snort coke with me, hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Eat mushrooms with me hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Are you up to get brain damage?
Drink shots with me, hoe
Do you want to get fucked up or?
To be completely honest i am way to fucked
Sisterfucker, motherfucker, drank up the whole whiskey bottle
eating chantarelles and smoking pasta
if i stumble upon the smileyfaces the will be chewed
Done talking, that is how it it is
I had been thinking about hooking up with a girl
could not speak so she did not understand anything
hello baby, have you heard of kingSkurkOne, do you wanna join?
I got what you want, new hash from Pakistan
it is so soft that it melts oh holy fuck
bying expensive belts that i sell cheap because suddenly i need drugs
holy fuck i am really dumb
i fucked four women in one day without a condom
man, you can believe i got messages on my phone
got bad conscience or something so i picked up the phone
Bangshot, do you want to get fucked up or?
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Smoke a joint with me, hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Snort coke with me, hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Eat mushrooms with me hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Are you up to get brain damage?
Drink shots with me, hoe
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Buddy, did you bring some Rizla?
Can you tell me what is up with you
yes, everyone around me here is fucked up
and can you bring some vodka
i have some really fresh lines
and we keep it going until wednesday
and we get fucked like bitches
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Smoke a joint with me, hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Snort coke with me, hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Do you want to get fucked up or?
Eat mushrooms with me hoe
Bangshot motherfucker
Are you up to get brain damage?
Drink shots with me, hoe
Under the Paris sky
Under the Paris skyThere flies a song
Hum, hum
It's born today
In the heart of a boy
Under the Paris sky
Lovers walk
Hum, hum
Their happiness begins
With a melody made just for them
There's a philosopher sitting
Under the bridge of Bercy
Two musicians and a few gawkers
And people by thousands
Under the Paris sky
They'll sing till evening
Hum, hum
The hymn of people in love
With their old town
Near Notre Dame
Sometimes there's a drame
Yes but all can be sorted out at Paname*)
Some sun's rays
From the summer's sky
The accordion of a mariner
There's hope
In the Paris' sky
Under the Paris sky
A joyous river flows
Hum, hum
It puts to sleep at night
Vagrants and tramps
Under the Paris sky
The good Lord's birds
Come from all over the world
To have a chat together
And the Paris sky
Has his own secret
His love for Saint Louis island
Is twenty centuries old
When it smiles
Paris puts his blue habit on
Hum, hum
When it rains upon Paris
It means he's miserable
When he's too jealous
Of his millions of lovers
Hum, hum
He's rumbling upon us
His bright thunders
But the Paris sky
Is not cruel for long
Hum, hum
And he ask forgiveness
By offering a rainbow
The waiter
Versions: #1In this corner, on the same seat, I enjoy sitting alone in the evenings,
in this corner, you had brought me, and only a waiter knows who I am.
That's why he often does me favours,
he serves like back then, our two glasses,
but the lights come on, and the dream goes out, oh one of the glasses is still full,
but the lights come on, and the dream goes out, oh one of the glasses is still full.
In this corner, at the same spot, who's hiding a tear, who's feeling pain,
in this corner, dawn found me all alone, and just one waiter thinks about me.
That's why he often does me favours,
he serves like back then, our two glasses,
but the lights come on, and the dream goes out, oh one of the glasses is still full,
but the lights come on, and the dream goes out, oh one of the glasses is still full.