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Резултати претраге страна 9

Број резултата: 814


Залазак сунца

Погледај у моје очи, да видиш шта ја видим
Једну принцезу
И када те немам ја те сањам
Иако су ми очи отворене
Погледај у моје очи, да видиш шта ја видим
Залазак сунца
И када те немам ја га сањам
Узми ми очи и погледај
Бебо кад би само у мојим очима
Могла да видиш
Окрећеш се на другу страну, али нисам те се заситио
Не желим да спаваш
Немој да станеш, опет...
Није ми доста само једном,
Не заустављај се када питаш шта ће бити са нама
Нећу те задржати, помишљаш да одеш
Свађамо се, кажеш ми да сам и даље исти
А сад ти још не дајем ни осећања
Опет сам то урадио, срце ми се слама
Јер када ти патиш, ја патим, патим...
Ти патиш, ја патим...
Ти си као ватра
Не желим да сам далеко, хладно ми је
Не желим да сам далеко од тебе, хладно ми је.
Ти си као ватра
Па шта ако сам близу, не осећам бол.
Погледај у моје очи, да видиш шта ја видим
Једну принцезу
И када те немам ја те сањам
Иако су ми очи отворене
Погледај у моје очи, да видиш шта ја видим
Залазак сунца
И када те немам ја га сањам
Узми ми очи и погледај
Свако лето ћу бити оно чега ћеш се сећати
Где год да си чувам те, не плаши се.
Кад би видела како те моје очи виде
Ништа не бих мењао, ти си створена за мене
Бебо ја сам у твом срцу
Али то није љубав јер
Не желиш да будем срећан
Чак и кад ме ти таквим чиниш
Губим се и знам зашто
Где год да одем, ти не одлази!
За мене је крај ако нисмо заједно
Ти си као ватра
Не желим да сам далеко, хладно ми је
Не желим да сам далеко од тебе, хладно ми је.
Ти си као ватра
Па шта ако сам близу, не осећам бол.
Погледај у моје очи, да видиш шта ја видим
Једну принцезу
И када те немам ја те сањам
Иако су ми очи отворене
Погледај у моје очи, да видиш шта ја видим
Залазак сунца
И када те немам ја га сањам
Узми ми очи и погледај


Life is a bitch, but it´s not easy
and just cause it´s for free doesn´t mean we gotta be grateful
Maybe my parents had me as a penalty, but I came out as a shot through the upper 90 (the upper corner of the football goal net, expression that means something went perfectly, which is a word game with the expression 'me salió el tiro por la culata' = the shot went through the gun butt = something didn´t turn out as it was meant to)
I was the happiness the goal gives you
later it was seen that my liking was not in the stands, cause in the stands they don´t sell alcohol anmore
pull up the Calderón (stadium of the Atletico de Madrid team) and I attend therapy
He asked me what I learned in school, what the hell i obtained from high school,
for the question one I answered: the fact that I should be the teacher
in the event of two, I answered Julio
I was always good at the studies, test me
I failed in alegbra, or I´m skilled with the numbers
I was always good at the studies, wanna bet?
if you don´t believe me, make any track and upload it
For every wet pussy, ten eyes, much wetter
family planning with five different girls
regardless of the looks I dressed bow tie in my talking
_i dont know how to translate this sentence_
the police found out about my costume, they took my (??), do 20 sit-ups
I was Midas, because I got out of the cell (penal institution), 3 hours of crying after half of visit
'And why so skinny? If the food is not hat bad' comerme la cabeza (=eating my head=overthinking), you don´t know how many kilos that takes from me
in the review they gave me freedom
I won´t forget that it´s preventive...

Wandering Moon

Knock on my door when it's morning
If your arms are frozen, I'll warm you up
Wind is blowing on the glass, I'm waiting for your return
Heavy raining on the roof, how much more am I going to wait?
Knock on my door when it's evening
I'll take my bag and reach you
We'll dance in the spring sunset
With a wandering moon in the sky, all, all ours
And our eyes will look a little better
And just a flash of magic in them will be enough
For us to have wings in our hair
We'll have wings to fly away
And never come back down
Knock on my door before it's morning
I'll hide the hands of time
And if a sun beam filters through the window
I'll cover your eyes with my hands and never wake you up
And we'll have slightly better dreams
And just a flash of madness in them will be enough
For us to have wings in our hair
We'll have wings to fly away
And never stop
Knock on my door when it's morning
I'll warm you up with woolen hands
So much time has passed! I'm waiting for your return
There's a wandering moon in the sky, all, all ours

The usual

I woke up and bade my heart good morning
Dawn is breaking outside, but my life isn't changing
It just seems like another difficult Monday
When will you return?
You have to answer me
I changed my entire world for you
When will you return?
Come on, don't be late
And if you ask what I'm doing, if you ask about me
It's the usual
It's the usual
Everything's the same if you're not here
The usual far away from you
I died tonight, just to see you again
I thought of you before I had my first cup of coffee1
The thought of me being in your life, and I felt better than I ever had
When will you return?
You have to answer me
I changed my entire world for you
When will you return?
Come on, don't be late
And if you ask what I'm doing, if you ask about me
It's the usual
It's the usual
Everything's the same if you're not here
The usual far away from you
I died tonight, just to see you again
  • 1. Literally, the thought of the subject of the song 'woke up' before the coffee.

Last Request

The sun shines on me and you
Can you please not close my eyes?
I don't want to miss your beauty even for a second
Will time ever stop?
The story we are in
Where it ends, it will stop there
For you, I'll take my last breath
I have started to miss you
Baby, if I were to leave tomorrow
Let me sing you one last song
Tell me you love me again
Let my fingers clasp your gentle hands
Don't cry for me
Looking at you, my heart slows down
You're so beautiful, your beauty is amazing
I wish I could spend every night with you
If everything can reverse and repeat
Baby, if I were to leave tomorrow
I'm unwilling to let go of this world with you
Tell me you love me again
Let me kiss you and have you accompany me until the end
Who wants to listen to my last request?
Baby, if I were to leave tomorrow
Let me sing you one last song
Please, tell me you love me again
Let my fingers clasp your gentle hands
Don't cry for me
Baby, if I were to leave tomorrow
I'm unwilling to let go of this world with you
Please, tell me you love me again
Let me kiss you and have you accompany me until the end
God, this is my last request

A song

A song will crack your screen like a bullet on a calm Monday
It'll explode in the air like a firework
But it'll do you damage
A song with meaning and sadness
For the reasons that you shut yourself up in a sanctum of trades
For a love that attacked the heights
Before the inevitable dive
I'll put a song on your empty wall tonight
I can't explain to you how much is my fault, how much they blamed me for
A song that'll tell you everything with each lyric
How you took the roads that burn you, and they didn't even bring you a step closer to here
A song in the office and the living room that'll trick you, that'll scold you harshly
It'll hide lies to show you who loves and who hates
A song that gives no answer
It'll speak openly to you in my place
Maybe it would be written to punish you
Because you aren't you
I'll put a song on your empty wall tonight
I can't explain to you how much is my fault, how much they blamed me for
A song that'll tell you everything with each lyric
How you took the roads that burn you, and they didn't even bring you a step closer to here


U duvanu, u kafi,
u vinu, rubom se noći bude ti glasovi
u daljini pevajući, usput
neznajući za šta.
Lagano braćo sudbine,
tamom, bledih senki
prestrašen sam letovima iz navike.
Trpeći dela svega toga,
još uvek plutam ovim vrtlogom.
Mrtvi više govore, ali na uvo,
a živi su toplim dodirom i vrhuncem,
sažeti stečenim i izgubljenim.
I jednog dana u čamcu senke,
tolikim odsustvom, zakloniće moja prsa
ovu dervnu nežnost koja ih imenuje.


I znam jako dobro da nećeš biti tamo.
Nećete biti na ulici,
u žamoru te buke
od lučnih lampi u noći,
niti gestom odabira sa menija,
niti osmehom koji usrećuje
ljude natrpane u metrou,
niti pozajmljenim knjigama,
niti u - vidimo se sutra - .
Nećeš biti u mojim snovima,
u pravom odredištu
mojih reči,
niti ćeš biti broj u telefonskom imeniku
ili u boji parom rukavica
ili bluze.
Naljutiću se, ljubavi moja,
ali to neće biti na tvoj račun,
i kupi ću bombonjeru
ali ne za tebe.
Zaustaviću se na uglu
do kojeg nikada nećeš doći,
i izreći ću reči koje nisu izgovorene
i poješću stvari koje su progutane,
i sanjaću snove koji su odsanjani
i znam jako dobro da nećeš biti tamo,
niti unutar tamnice,
gde te još uvek držim,
niti tamo napolju
u ovoj reci ulica i mostova.
Nećeš biti uopšte tamo,
nećeš biti čak ni sećanje,
a kada budem mislio na tebe,
da je nevažno
pokušavati da te prizovem.

Light a fire on the sand

Before you'll be lost and send the moon far away
light a fire on the sand
as my last wish
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
like when both of us as children in the nights
upon the same fire
we kept our love alive
with our kisses, the dawn woke us booth
on the shore where we planned our journies
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
before all things turn the same forever
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
even you will be gone far away from me
I'll be beside you like the sun
and touch your body as an erotic caress of the sky
I will be everywhere around you as the wind
Come back to me once again
even for only a night
Before this night covered upon us both
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
before I will be caught in your magic spell
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
I'll be beside you like the sun
and touch your body as an erotic caress of the sky
I will be everywhere around you as the wind
Come back to me once again
even for only a night
I'll be beside you like the sun.
Even my life will run ahead of me
I will stay beside the same fire
and I will sing my songs only for you
Light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so