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Број резултата: 4


I will arise

If your blue is not equal to mine,
If you don't know the colour I have.
If you don't want to breathe with me,
I will live even without you.
Quicksand is under us
and you are much weaker now.
You and I -- split in half

Prokletog li proleća

Želja da se zagrlimo i onda...
belo vino, cveće i stare pesme
i smejali smo se samima sebi
Kakva je to bila varka,
prokletog li proleća!
Šta li ostaje od mokrog sna ako
je on po buđenju postao pesma?
Ako bez tebe u naručju
ne mogu više,
kako to da to nije ljubav,
ako bih pogrešila,
zatvorila oči i pomislila na tebe?
Ako bi se vratio kako bih se
ponovo zaljubila, prokletog li proleća,
kakva li je to prevara
ako je dovoljno sat vremena da bih se zaljubila?
Čemu beše tolika žurba,
prokletog li proleća?
Ćemu beše tolika žurba,
ako ovo samo mene boli?
Šta li je ostalo u meni,
od maženja koja nisu dotakla srce?
Tu je samo jedna zvezda
koja bi mogla da mi da
nešto ljubavi,
ako bi ti pogrešio,
zatvorio oči i pomislio na mene.
Ako bi se vratio kako bih se
zaljubila, prokletog li proleća,
kakva li je to prevara
ako je dovoljno sat vremena da bih se zaljubila?
Čemu beše tolika žurba,
prokletog li proleća?
Ćemu tolika žurba,
ako samo mene boli?
Pusti me da se pretvaram
kako to nije bila ljubav,
ali pogreši i ti,
zatvori oči i pomisli na mene!
Šta li je važno
ako je dovoljno sat vremena da bih se zaljubila?
Čemu beše tolika žurba -
to znamo ti i ja!

And to think that I love you

Paris flows sadly in the Seine1
And there is no pride in my words anymore
I write to you what I feel, as I can
I write that you're still stuck with me
Like my perfume is now.
Here, you see, everything is just like last year
But in a rush, I've lost so much time
Realizing that I chased after you
And to think that I love you,
Where are you? Where were we?
Oh, how I wish I'd say 'no'.
To all those gazes that undress me a bit!
The moon is a target practice for tourists,
But dreams become sadder as they grow old.
We were artists in bed, it's true
But now what I wish for the most
Is to share a thought.
But Paris some nights is too beautiful
To make a lover become a sister
To not be a bit tipsy
On the shoulder of someone there.
And to think that I love you,
Where are you? Where were we?
Oh, how I wish I'd say 'I'm in'
To the hands that undress me a bit!
Oh, how I wish I'd say 'I'm in'.
And to think that I love you...
And to think that I love you,
Where are you? Where were we?
Oh, how I wish I'd say 'I'm in'
To the hands that undress me a bit!
  • 1. Figure of speech, it's the Seine that flows in Paris obviously
«Man is nothing but a reed, the weakest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed» B. Pascal