Резултати претраге страна 17
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Big bad wolf
Patience right from the get-go
Is his strategy.
Don't cry if he doesn't answer
The time will come, the time will come
The big bad wolf will eat you up
He keeps you in suspense
like tens of others as well
Arranges a date
then doesn't come.
Never mind, never mind
The big bad wolf will eat you up
Oh he's gonna get you
at the bend in the woods
Oh he's gonna get you
at the bend in the woods
Standing there, he's like ice
Then he leans in for your neck
He cares about you
And then he leaves in the same way he came
Never mind, never mind
After all your mistakes,
never mind, never mind,
you won't forget him
or his appealing name
Ring-ring, here he is again.
It's evil himself who is ringing.
Oh he's gonna get you
at the bend in the woods
Oh he's gonna get you
at the bend in the woods
Oh he's gonna get you
at the bend in the woods
The big bad wolf will eat you up
Allah nôlé
Allah nôlé woyi
Allah lé fama allah lé dalimassan, allah sa menfou
Allah nôlé
Allah nôlé oooh
Allah lé fama allah lé dalimassan, allah makoté
Ngo allah makotala
Komatessi yé fini mi danla kokan fêrobô, Seydou toro karala
Bogolan djama yé fini mi dan na lo wo lof o kadi bèyé, Seydou toro karala
Guéssé dan na lou guéssé mi dan na lo o lo no kadi bèyé Seydou toro karala
An bè sapé lé, djama bè sapé lé ko, an bè ko an nou farafimoussolou sapélé ko
An bè sapé lé, djama bè sapé lé ko, an bè ko an nou farafitchèlou sapélé ko
Seydou djolimandi, Seydou Seydou koussa woyi
Chris Seydou Seydou koussatala
An bè sapé lé, djama bè sapé lé ko, an bè ko an nou farafimoussolou sapélé ko
An bè sapé lé, djama bè sapé lé ko, an bè ko an nou farafitchèlou sapélé ko
Seydou djolimandi, Seydou Seydou koussa woyi
Chris Seydou Seydou koussatala
Awa kignèrô den ni djon kakan?
Alphadi yarabini mo mankan!
Assa kignèrô dan ni djon kakan?
Mangara filani gnon ni mo makan
Alé lé, alé lo karala, Seydou lé, Seydou lé gogolan jupou lou karala djama yé
Alé lé, alé lo karala, ngo Seydou lé, Seydou lé robou youman lou karala djama yé
Iyan fêro to, Seydou yan ferôto to, iyan to iyé djéliden missènou fero to to
An gnadji to, djama bè gnadji to ko fo, an bè ko anou farafidenou gnadji to ko
Seydou djolimandi, Seydou Seydou dogora
Chris Seydou Seydou dogora man
Chris Seydou Seydou dogora
Chris Seydou Seydou dogora manu
Invitation to Me
I can't get close because I'm in a fantasy.
Show me you.
If I get a little closer, my love and my dream are far away from me.
Don't tell me I'm keeping you right.
I'm just inviting you.
The mysterious image of you
It's love to me.
Little by little, the more I feel about you,
The mysterious image of you
It's love to me.
In a time of little pause, I can't approach you.
Like a light in the dark, show me you, my love.
I feel like a ray of light in the dark, my love.
I can feel you all in love like the light in the dark
Don't tell me I'm keeping you right.
I'm just inviting you
The mysterious image of you
It's love to me.
Little by little, the more I feel about you,
The mysterious image of you
It's love to me.
In a time of little pause, I can't approach you.
Like a light in the dark, show me you, my love.
I feel like a ray of light in the dark, my love.
I can feel you all in love like the light in the dark
I feel like a ray of light in the dark, my love.
In my beautiful time, I was waiting for you, I miss you.
Show me you whom I want to love
I feel like a ray of light in the dark, my love.
I can feel you all that I love.
My sad love.
No first Love
No first love, no first love
No first love, no first love
Yeah, you want a love song?
Although I have never felt true love
I don't even know how it affects you
I have heard, that it becomes the One out of many
That you will always love and die loving
I have never been a heartbreaker, never been a player
Fuck relationship advice, nobody needs those, smart guy
Keep walking when I see wedding dresses in the shopwindow
Women saw me as rosy, I only saw them in a gray haze
Why do people not want to understand that?
I preferred to invest my free time into dreams
It was important to me to follow them until things would go right for me
That's what love is, love for success
Of course I had butterflies in my stomach once,
But every time things got serious, I scrammed
She asks the relationship question, but that's how she's ruining it all
No, I can't do that, there's sub zero degrees inside my heart
Every time I thought 'Yes, maybe it's perfect',
that one feeling came and all I wanted was to go away
Tell me where you are, I haven't found you to this day
No first love, no first love
Every time I thought 'Yes, maybe it's perfect',
that one feeling came and all I wanted was to go away
Tell me where you are, I haven't found you to this day
No first love, no first love
Today, you are only interesting when you treat her like dirt
Tomorrow they accidentally end up in their ex-partner's bed
When you worship her, you're suddenly not man enough anymore
Then, is it really your fault when she looks for another one?
We have sex, then the interest is gone
In the end, it is better when I hide from the stress
Maybe I'm childish, maybe I'm a coward
I never came to an answer - catch question
We have laughed a lot and suddenly, we were close to each other
But in the end, every one of them was only a beautiful phase
You think I'm alone and I feel like scum,
but I have never felt lost in the 1,60m bed
No question, every once in a while I struggle with it
Because it's hard for me to let a girl into my heart
I don't know where you are, if you're in Berlin or Manhattan
I hope I won't be blind when we meet one day
Every time I thought 'Yes, maybe it's perfect',
that one feeling came and all I wanted was to go away
Tell me where you are, I haven't found you to this day
No first love, no first love
Every time I thought 'Yes, maybe it's perfect',
that one feeling came and all I wanted was to go away
Tell me where you are, I haven't found you to this day
No first love, no first love
No first love, no first love, no first love
Kaži mi još koju tajnu,
Moja mi je dosadila,
Kažu da treba da je čuvam,
Ali greše.
Daj mi još jednu čašu vina,
Moram da zaboravim,
Nisam bila baš iskrena
Sve vreme.
Ali sve što vidim, najbolje od mene
Tek treba da dođe.
Dosežem beskonačnost.
Ali sve što vidim, najbolje od mene
Tek treba da dođe.
Dosežem beskonačnost.
Jer nisi video najbolje od mene.
Bićeš iznenađen.
Nisi video ostatak mene.
Bićeš iznenađen.
(Iznenađenje za tebe, za tebe)
Bićeš iznenađen.
Za tebe, za tebe...
Jer nisi video najbolje od mene.
Bićeš iznenađen.
Nisi video ostatak mene.
Bićeš iznenađen.
(Iznenađenje za tebe, za tebe)
Ali sve što vidim, najbolje od mene
Tek treba da dođe.
Dosežem beskonačnost.
Nas dvoje
Prošlo je neko vreme od kada sam te zvao
Samo da bih čuo govornu poštu
Da, znam da nećeš ovo čuti
Ali ostaviću poruku da ne bih bio sam
Jutros sam se probudio i dalje sanjajući
Sa sećanjima koja se igraju kroz moju glavu
Nikada nećeš znati koliko mi nedostaješ
Onog dana kada su te uzeli, želeo bih da sam to bio ja umesto tebe
Ali jednom si mi rekla 'Ne odustaj, možeš uspeti dan po dan'
I dijamanti, ne pretvore se u prašinu i nestanu
Čuvaću te, danju i noću, ovde dok ne umrem
Živeću jedan život za nas dvoje
Biću najbolja verzija sebe, uvek ću te držati uz sebe
Živeću jedan život za nas dvoje
Čak i kad sam sam, znam da neću biti sam
Istetovirane na srcu su mi reči tvoje omiljene pesme
Znam da ćeš gledati odozgo, kunem se
Učiniću te ponosnom
Živeću jedan život za nas dvoje
Mogu da osetim tvoju krv kako teče kroz mene
Zapisana si u mom DNK
Gledam iza sebe u svakom ogledalu
Znam da ćeš čekati, videću te ponovo
Ali jednom si mi rekla 'Ne odustaj, možeš uspeti dan po dan'
I dijamanti, ne pretvore se u prašinu i nestanu (nestanu)
Čuvaću te, danju i noću, ovde dok ne umrem
Živeću jedan život za nas dvoje
Biću najbolja verzija sebe, uvek ću te držati uz sebe
Živeću jedan život za nas dvoje
Čak i kad sam sam, znam da neću biti sam
Istetovirane na srcu su mi reči tvoje omiljene pesme
Znam da ćeš gledati odozgo, kunem se
Učiniću te ponosnom
Živeću jedan život za nas dvoje
Obećao sam ti da ću uraditi ovo
Sve ovo je samo za tebe
O, kunem se Bogom da ti živiš
Kroz sve što ću ja ikada uraditi
Čuvaću te, danju i noću, ovde dok ne umrem
Živeću jedan život za nas dvoje
Biću najbolja verzija sebe, uvek ću te držati uz sebe
Živeću jedan život za nas dvoje
Čak i kad sam sam, znam da neću biti sam
Istetovirane na srcu su mi reči tvoje omiljene pesme
Znam da ćeš gledati odozgo, kunem se
Učiniću te ponosnom
Živeću jedan život za nas dvoje
Jedan život za nas dvoje
Živeću jedan život za nas dvoje
Završićemo baš onako kako smo i počeli
Samo ti i ja i niko više
Držaću te tamo gde mi je srce
Jedan život za nas dvoje
Miraculous: Adventures of Ladybug and Black Cat
Marinette (speaking):
During the day I'm Marinette,
an ordinary girl who leads a normal life.
But there's something that nobody knows about me,
I have a secret.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous: Adventures of Ladybug and Black Cat
Love Will Persist
These words are echoing inside of me:
That your time has run out
Fumbling around in your memories
Those that will never end
I'm standing here
Without you
Once the last song is over
The cheers shall never end
For when the curtain has fallen and the lights have been turned out
The memories will be all we've got
Answers can't be found in sorrow
But love will persist
Yes, love will persist
I saw your life go up and down
Just like the sun does every day
But there is so much more than meets the eye
To choose the path of love is what you said
I'm standing here
Without you
But keep living
Inside of me
Once the last song is over
The cheers shall never end
For when the curtain has fallen and the lights have been turned out
The memories will be all we've got
Answers can't be found in sorrow
But love will persist
When the leaves start turning golden
In the autumn of love
The moments that are stolen
Are the ones that give me comfort
And love will live on
In the songs we've got
In the songs we've got
Once the last song is over
The cheers shall never end
For when the curtain has fallen and the lights have been turned out
The memories will be all we've got
Answers can't be found in sorrow
But love will persist
Yes, love will persist
For when the curtain has fallen and the lights have been turned out
The memories will be all we've got
Answers can't be found in sorrow
But love will persist
Yes, love will persist
Sve Zene Umeju Plesati
Ona se osmehuje ogledalima i socivima
Kada mi salje slike uvek su bez filtrera
Ja povlacim sve konce
Za povrsne devojke zavisne od wifi-a
Besprekorna, kako nosis tu tvoju haljinu i visoke stikle
Da li si ikada razmisljala da uklopis svoje reci i svoja dela
Samo kazem...
Nisi ti u pitanju, samo kazem
Uvek padnem na istu stvar
Ah, madjionicari
Ponovo sam prodao svoju dusu zbog srodne duse
Znam, znam, obecao sam da cu prestati (obecao da cu prestati)
Verovao sam da sam pronasao pravu za sva vremena
Ali moja malena je pobegla (ah, malena je pobegla)
I svaki put je poslednji ples
I posle se lagano vraca refren
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Necu morati da se brinem zbog male proklete sitnice
Sve zene umeju plesati
Ako nije ona, bice neka druga
Oko celog sveta
Oh, stisnula je kao da ne moze da me pusti
Sve zene umeju plesati
Ako nije ona, bice neka druga
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Necu morati da se brinem zbog male proklete sitnice
Ne brinem se ni zbog cega
Sada me cekas na drugoj liniji
Znao sam da ce me ponovo pozvati jedan od ovih dana
Ali ne brini se, moje je srce fleksibilno
Mozes da ga stisnes, ali nemoj da ga slomis
Zaboravi proslost, ponasamo se kao da se nista nije desilo
Zelis da provedemo noc, nema nikakvog problema
Ali bolje da javis na poslu
Kazi da ces poceti u devet, ali da ne treba da radis sutra
Ponovo sam prodao svoju dusu zbog srodne duse
Znam, znam, obecao sam da cu prestati (obecao da cu prestati)
Verovao sam da sam pronasao pravu za sva vremena
Ali moja malena je pobegla (ah, malena je pobegla)
I svaki put je poslednji ples
I posle se lagano vraca refren
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Necu morati da se brinem zbog male proklete sitnice
Sve zene umeju plesati
Ako nije ona, bice neka druga
Oko celog sveta
Oh, stisnula je kao da ne moze da me pusti
Sve zene umeju plesati
Ako nije ona, bice neka druga
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Necu morati da se brinem zbog male proklete sitnice
Ne brinem se ni zbog cega
Sve zene umeju plesati
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Sve zene umeju plesati
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
The three hoodlums
I'd never seen so much rain fall in all my life
All of a sudden the streets were empty and life halted
There I was alone in an alley and the darkness
Hid three strange lads
The first came over and talked to me about the falling rain
The second in his turn arrived and asked me for a cigarette
But the third had more of a hassle in mind
Than my pockets could settle
And his left shot up
And smack on the boulevard
Head in the fog
Why am I talking to hoodlums I have no idea
That's the game, I'm not hugging the wall
They took my sneaks
My jacket and my cigarettes
While I just stood in place speechless not making move and looking disappointed
I'd never have thought such a scene would play out
Coming to a few responses came to mind
That I could have lunged fearlessly on the three thieves
Even if I get beat up
Might as well say how it feels
You have nothing better to do
Than to steal my things
You could mug a dude who has the means to replace everything tomorrow
If I take out the violins
They're gonna give back my jacket
Maybe even my phone, I'll get back my things and give them some change
I'd never seen so much rain fall in all my life
All of a sudden the streets were empty and life halted
There I was alone in an alley and the darkness
Hid three strange lads
That really want my jacket
And smack on the boulevard
Head in the fog
Why am I talking to hoodlums I have no idea
That's the game, I'm not hugging the wall
They really want my sneaks
My jacket and my cigarettes
I'm not gonna stand here speechless not making move and looking disappointed
You don't have anything better to do
Than to steal my things
You could mug a dude who has the means to replace everything tomorrow
I took out the violins
They gave me back my jacket
And even my phone, I had all my things and I gave them my change
I don't belong
I don't belong anymore to the sky
My soul can't remember. I'm searching for it
To dream
But my memory is sleeping
My breath is like a cell
She's imprisoning imagination
A life of wish. A breath
On a world that doesn't matter
I can't stand
I can't stand this silence anymore
A rock, a butterfly
Without music, without being there
I saw them preparing the party
And I keep hoping for a tomorrow
But I'm fooling myself
Yes, I'm fooling me
And I follow
Steps written by time
My breath is like a cell
She's imprisoning imagination
A life of wish. A breath
On a world that doesn't matter
I don't belong
I don't belong anymore to the sky
My soul can't remember. I'm searching for it
To dream
But my memory is sleeping
Like the sound of the shell
Like the sound
Like the sound of the shell
Wherever I am
I can hear you laugh
Like the sound
Like the sound of the shell
Which music gets you close to me again
Wherever I am
I can hear you laugh
I'll never let you
I'll never let you get lost
I'll never let you
I'll never let you see the end
Like the sound of the shell
Like the sound
Like the sound of the shell
You break the silence that's burning my lips
Wherever I hide
I can hear you count
I cracked a small almond
Many greetings my lovely friends
My company happy and good-hearted
I cracked a small almond and drew you inside of it
Almond-cracks I'm greeting you
Let me sing and be happy, who knows about next year
If I die or if I live or if I'm somewhere else
I cracked a small almond and drew you inside of it
Almond-cracks I'm greeting you
How pretty
How pretty, my lover, how pretty
This moon*, look how beautiful
I want to spoil him
On my life, no one will upset him anymore
How pretty, my lover, how pretty
This moon, look how beautiful
I want to spoil him
On my life, no one will upset him
And forgive, if you all forgive
And be ashamed, don’t hurt him no more
If he’s upset, I will lift it
My lover, in my heart is his place
I have no one but him, he’s for me
He has no one but me, I’m for him
I accept him, without criticism
To be honest I am in love with him, don’t ask him about it anymore
And listen, if you all listen
My lover, his head hurts
And be quiet, no more talking
Don’t subtract anymore, don’t add anymore***
And forgive, if you all forgive
And be ashamed, don’t hurt him no more
If he’s upset, I will lift it
My lover, in my heart is his place
* Lovers are often addressed as the moon in arabic songs. The moon is seen a symbol of beauty and when telling someone they “are a moon” it means they are very beautiful. Here he is addressing his lover as the moon, not the actual moon

** In Arabic, the unknown person is addressed as a “he” regardless of gender
*** literal translation, basically means don’t talk and ask questions and gossip
Purple Night
A purple night hatching
The void is fading away
The sand and the lightning
Told me about you
A purple night hatching
Lovers down below
Our mouths are covered
With foam and with cold
The ocean is dreaming
The ocean is dreaming
The ocean is dreaming so tell it about me
The ocean is dreaming
The ocean is dreaming
The ocean is dreaming so tell it about me
A purple night hatching
Your sky belongs to me
It's you that I'm touching
With the tips of my fingers
A purple night hatching
Your sky belongs to me
It's you that I'm touching
With the tips of my fingers
The echo of the full night was telling me about you
Of wolves and of sorrow, of doubts and of hate, you see
The chaos that follows you can fall onto me
I know who you are, I know who you love
A purple night hatching
The void is fading away
The sand and the lightning
Told me about you
A purple night hatching
Lovers down below
Our mouths are covered
With foam and with cold
Purple night hatching
(Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah)
Purple night hatching
(Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah)
Purple night hatching
I dreamed
I dreamed I was a beggar in your street without name and number,
I dreamed how you breath on my chest and whisper that you are mine,
I dreamed, how you throw your gaze on me,
I dreamed how you left me (x2)
I dreamed I was a song on your lips without name and rhymes,
I dreamed how you breath on my shoulders and whisper my name,
I dreamed, how you throw your gaze on me,
I dreamed how you left me (x2)
I dreamed, how you throw your gaze on me,
I dreamed how you left me (x2)
I'm a Crazy girl
I'm for me and I say
And alone I come out at nights
For myself I'm glad, for myself I Cry
And I light fires around me
And for my mistakes, it's all my fault.
And I pay the damages
I'm a Crazy girl
I'm not at home.
I like living alone.
Free Sparrow
I'm Crazy
And it might hurt
You should really think about it
With me, if you'll get into trouble
I'm for me and I say
I never give a report
I don't want permanent kisses
I don't want a permanent hug.
I like it on my own to decide
And before you hurt yourself, go now.
Camões never found words
To express this moment
Angels applaud our love
Our happiness, our joy
Even God smiled upon us
And clouds have formed our image
In heaven, heaven
The heart bursts through the mouth
And our voice goes hoarse
From shouting 'I love you' so much
From shouting 'I love you' so much
And our love is beautiful!
And our love is beautiful!
But the world calls us crazy
Because we talk alone in the street
They call us crazy
Because we count stars in the sky
They call us crazy
Because we tattoo our image in our hearts
(Héber Marques)
But the world calls us crazy
Because we talk alone in the street
They call us crazy
Because we count stars in the sky
They call us crazy
Because we tattoo our image in our hearts
And it snows in every season
And even the radio dedicates songs to us
The world surrendered itself to our smile
We are examples of paradise
We make a perfect couple
We make a perfect couple
And our spark spreads out
Our smile finds out
How sweet a kiss is
How sweet a kiss is
But the world calls us crazy
Because we talk alone in the street
They call us crazy
Because we count stars in the sky
They call us crazy
Because we tattoo our image in our hearts
But the world calls us crazy
Because we talk alone in the street
They call us crazy
Because we count stars in the sky
They call us crazy
Because we tattoo our image in our hearts
My love
Come on baby
Baby baby
But the world calls us crazy
(But don't listen, no)
But the world calls us crazy
(But don't listen, no)
But the world calls us crazy
But the world calls us crazy
(Call us crazy)
Beginner's kiss
Open the wine,
Pour some balm to drink,
You know, stubborn,
The big 'I Love You',
You know, stubborn,
The big 'I Love You'.
My lord, I for You
I'll burn the carpet,
It's a volcano and lava.
Beginner's kiss
Let the cannula run,
her wit to taste,
I want to get drunk tonight,
In the dizziness of getting lost,
I want to get drunk tonight,
In the dizziness of getting lost.
My lord, I for You
I'll burn the carpet,
It's a volcano and lava.
Beginner's kiss.
I'm 'pull Me and Cry'
Don't look at me I am ashamed,
Kiss me when I get drunk
And I'm resisting you,
Kiss me when I get drunk
And I'm resisting you.
My lord, I for You
I'll burn the carpet,
It's a volcano and lava.
Beginner's kiss
In the daytime I'm Marinette
A normal girl with a normal life
But I hide something that nobody knows about
That's my secret
I go to school every day
'cause he's there, he's so wonderful
When he looks at me I hide myself
What does he think about me, who knows it?
Oh oh oh
He charmed me
Oh oh oh
I think I dream about him
Oh oh oh
And when someone has trouble, I change fast
I have a great gift, a bad spell goes out
This is how the miraculous works
I have a great gift, and a heat in my heart
The spirit of love gives me strength
I'm the Cat who worships her
But all my efforts are for nothing
When she's close, everything is easier for me
I owe so much to her
Oh oh oh
Love leads me
Oh oh oh
I always wanna be next to her
Oh oh oh
Let happiness last longer, change fast
I have a great gift, a bad spell goes out
This is how the miraculous works
I have a great gift, and a heat in my heart
The spirit of love gives me strength (x3)
I have a great gift
You have something
You have something that entrances
You have something that pulls
The gaze of the whole world
Oh you get me in trouble
Your eyes my dear
I saw them and I lost myself
Your words my sweet
I heard them and I got caught
I have become yours
The alibi for your love
And my love throws me
A captive into your heart
Your eyes my dear
I saw them and I lost myself
Your words my sweet
I heard them and I got caught
I am currently studying Greek, so please don't shoot me if I make a mistake...! Any translations I post will be just the best I can make it out to be if no other translation is available. If there is a mistake just let me know and I will correct it :) x.
I thought that it was all done
that you are still in the past
but a little before dawn
under the light of the stars
but a little before dawn
under the light of the grey stars
Shadows, shadows
in the bedroom in which we lived yesterday
Shadows, like the shadows
my crazy memories dance
like butterflies that wear black
My bad luck has changed
but my wounded heart
sometimes tells me it's fine
and sometimes it cries and wakes me
sometimes it tells me it's fine
and sometimes it cries again and wakes me
Shadows, shadows
in the bedroom in which we lived yesterday
Shadows, like the shadows
my crazy memories dance
like butterflies that that wear black
I am currently studying Greek, so please don't shoot me if I make a mistake...! Any translations I post will be just the best I can make it out to be if no other translation is available. If there is a mistake just let me know and I will correct it :) x.
I want very much
When you look at me I get dizzy
When you talk to me I get lost
and when I think of you
I don't know what to do
Wth the love's wings
now you ask
To fly with you
to search forever happiness
and in your warm
hug/arms to lay
I want very much
to be a bird
and to be together
like two doves
To talk to me
sweet to kiss me
tight to hold me
in your two hands
My lovely child, once the day will come
When you will get tired to spin childhood pedals
In this wonderful and naive wheel -
You will grow up and become angry, just like everyone else.
Know, that in happiness and in misery I will give you all my love.
Above the shadow of the sleepy eyelids I hold it as an amulet.
Lights went out, drive the thoughts away.
We are alone here, let the night sing the Lullaby for us.
My lovely child, with years you will know
The huge world in its beauty, but
The day will come when I will be gone -
I will walk towards the thin ice just like everyone else.
Know, that in happiness and in misery I will give you all my love.
Above the shadow of the sleepy eyelids I hold it as an amulet.
Lights went out, drive the thoughts away.
We are alone here, let the night sing the Lullaby for us.
Know, that in happiness and in misery I will give you all my love.
Above the shadow of the sleepy eyelids I hold it as an amulet.
Lights went out, drive the thoughts away.
We are alone here, let the night sing the Lullaby for us.
Lights went out, drive the thoughts away.
We are alone here, let the night sing the Lullaby for us.
Lullaby, Lullaby, Lullaby
Lights went out, drive the thoughts away.
We are alone here, let the night sing for us...
Athens 78'
I walk in the streets of Athens again
In her nights and mornings
And I know well everything I see around me
Though I can feel lots have changed
And I know well everything I see around me
Though I can feel lots have changed
You too walk in the streets of Athens
An Athens that now hates us
You're one among many, nobody knows you
And you don't know anyone either
You're one among many, nobody knows you
And you don't know anyone either
We walk in the streets and our life goes by
But we have learned a lot
That we all change like the city changes
Like many things have changed in our time
That we all change like the city changes
Like many things have changed in our time
Did I dream of a love so great
I would have thought that I'd love you so
Did you ever believe that if you're in love
That one day
We could never again leave each other
For me
You were the good friend I met on vacation
Who one day I met by chance
You were the friend to whom I spoke in trust
Who knows how to share, joys and sorrows
Though, it's arrived, I know that I love you
And that nothing, nothing more, not even ill-luck
Can separate us
And so, the other evening, at once I understood why
My heart cannot handle being far from you
Did I dream of a love so great
Would I have believed that I'd cry over time.
For me you were the good friend I met on vacation
Who one day I met by chance
You were the friend to whom I spoke in trust
Who knows how to share
My joys and my sorrows...
Tell her
Tell her, do that for me, tell her
That the days without her
Seem less of and long
Tell her to stop lying, tell her
For I realize
That she was right
Tell her, that I like living anew
That already I'm no longer lonely
That she's no longer anything for me
Tell her oh oh oh
Tell her oh oh oh
Tell her, doesn't matter
Tell her, do that for me, tell her
That I'm finished yes
Being unhappy
Tell her, that I love another girl
Tell her whatever you want
But she has to believe you
When you see her
Tell her that I no longer, tell her
think of her
Tell her oh oh oh
Tell her oh oh oh
Tell her, doesn't matter
Don't forget
Tell her oh oh oh
Tell her oh oh oh
Tell her, doesn't matter
Don't forget
Пратим те
Пратим те, скотрљао сам се у твој џеп,
мален, као новчић.
Пратим те и знам да стајем
у јамицу што имаш на врату.
Хајде, задржи ме и прегази ме,
у своје чаробне дубине
поведи ме са собом, у дубину свог пољупца,
не остављај ме самог да се изгубим.
Пратим те и приљубљен сам уз тебе,
као летња мајица.
Пратим те, додирујем те и патим.
Затварам очи и пратим те.
Отвори ми да уђем
Ако ти се нису променили кораци
И ако се негде друго ниси пробудила
Сада када сам се опет вратио код тебе
Да останем дај ми шансу
Отвори ми да уђем, то сам опет ја
На тренутак ћу те видети и онда ћу отићи
Отвори ми да видиш зло које си нанела
Ни реч не говори, један поглед твој је довољан
Ако једно објашњење сада није довољно
Да све опет постане нормално
Нека се из неспоразума роде пољупци
Извињавам се што те узнемиравам
Пратим те
Пратим те, скотрљао сам се у твој џеп,
мален, као новчић.
Пратим те и знам да стајем
у јамицу што имаш на врату.
Хајде, задржи ме и прегази ме,
у своје чаробне дубине
поведи ме са собом, у дубину свог пољупца,
не остављај ме самог да се изгубим.
Пратим те и приљубљен сам уз тебе,
као летња мајица.
Пратим те, додирујем те и патим.
Затварам очи и пратим те.
I follow you
I follow you, into your pocket I slip
like a two-drachma coin so small
I follow you and I know that I fit
inside the dimple that you have in your cheek
Come, hold me tight and take a walk with me,
into your magical depths
take me with you into your deep kiss
don't leave me alone to get lost
I follow you, I glue myself to your back
like a sweater in summer,
I follow you and I know that I hurt
I close my eyes and I follow you
Divlji cvet
Nemoj me zaliti, nocas me izbaci
kao da sam divlji cvet
i moj zivot dokrajci
Sam sam krenuo
idem sam
Ulica je moj dom
a pesma moj bol
Izbaci me i nemoj zaliti
Neka te ne plasi sta ce sa mnom biti
I po snegu i po kisi
Divlji cvet moze da izdrzi
Nemoj me zadrzati samo iz sazaljenja
navikao sam na hladnocu, i snegove podnecu
Sam sam krenuo
idem sam
Ulica je moj dom
a pesma moj bol
Izbaci me i nemoj zaliti
Neka te ne plasi sta ce sa mnom biti
I po snegu i po kisi
Divlji cvet moze da izdrzi