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Број резултата: 8


Secret Sign

You didn't want to see anymore
You didn't want to listen to me anymore
You didn't know
the words of my thoughts
I don't blame anyone
I don't justify with other people's names
Everyone walks together in a circle
Where is the end
Don't tell anyone
The retelling of others' words
Don't tell anyone
In order to not ruin your destiny
Green eyes beckon me through my thoughts
Even in my dreams
Every history must
have its own secret sign
You didn't want to see anymore
As if because of the fog bridges burned
No matter how many people we feed
We will be left alone
I don't blame anyone
How much I went through, breathing in this smoke
Where it once burned, it will all go out, and I will go out with it
Don't tell anyone
The retelling of others' words
Don't tell anyone
In order to not ruin your destiny
Green eyes beckon me through my thoughts
Even in my dreams
Every history must
have its own secret sign
Green eyes beckon me through my thoughts
Even in my dreams
Every history must
have its own secret sign

С тобом са мном и то је све

Јесен је дошла код нас
И сједите сами
У мрачној соби
У рукама је сан
Држи се да смо близу
Држите своју мисао на вама
И знаш шта је ту
Све је бело црно као и обично
Једном ћемо видети свет
Обојени, познати болу
И небрините сви смо упознати
С тобом са мном и то је све
Јесен је дошла код нас
И тамни свет те је нашао
Мислили смо заједно
Да нећу отићи од тебе
Држи се да смо близу држите своју мосао на вама
И знаш шта је ту
Све је бело црно као и обично

Прелеп момент

Какав диван тренутак, ове Новогодишње ноћи, једном сам толико желео да је прославим са тобом, када свјетла обасјају Божићно дрво као улична лампа
Добре филмове из свих крајева и сваког тренутка ове ноћи славимо са вином мог оца, сви су заједно ти и ја и цео свет
Нова година је дошла и све сумње уклонила, и доноси нам љубав да знамо да улазимо у нову годину да бисмо били срећнији. Ти и ја заборављамо све што је било лоше и не губимо вјеру у себе. Не губимо вјеру у себе
Какав предиван тренутак, ова нова година коју сам некада толико желео да прославим са својом породицом Са свјетлом ватромета у околини, хајде да се сјетимо свега што је било и биће наш светковински што светли топлином моје мајке
Свима је дом, ти и ја и цео свет

With you, with me, and that's enough

Versions: #2
Autumn came to us
But you're alone, all alone
In a dark room
You're the only one who hugs you
Hold on, we're here
Keep your thoughts inside out
And remember, that everything around
Is pale-black, as always
Someday we'll see the world around
Colorful, painfully familiar one
And don't worry, we're all friends here
With you, with me, and that's enough
Autumn came to us
And a dark world has found you
We were thinking together
So I wouldn't leave you
Hold on, we're here
Keep your thoughts inside out
And remember, that everything around
Is pale-black, as always

This Flight

Versions: #2
I was born in a prison
Under a lock and key
I was forced into it
Breaking all the rules
My old ways are stuck to my
Soul and body like glue
Coming out of the dark I
Will make my choice again
Hey, and then I press play
I will break from these chains
Aim overtakes aim
Hey, hey
Hey, the corridor of dreams
Hey, tearing at the seams
Hey, like an eternal flame
Tickets, trains and airplanes
Sleepless nights and city lights
I live for years of wonder
The dark of the night
I’ll push the lever forward and
I will fight to follow my own rules
Prepare for this flight
A glance into the mirror
And the truth I shall find
My own truth is the clearest
And I know I’m gonna fly
All alone with no power
Nobody by my side
I won’t let my flame die out
And I know my choice is right
Hey, and then I press play
I will break from these chains
Aim overtakes aim
Hey, hey
Hey, the corridor of dreams
Hey, tearing at the seams
Hey, like an eternal flame
Tickets, trains and airplanes
Sleepless nights and city lights
I live for years of wonder
The dark of the night
I’ll push the lever forward and
I will fight to follow my own rules
Prepare for this flight
Tickets, trains and airplanes
Sleepless nights and city lights
I live for years of wonder
The dark of the night
I’ll push the lever forward and
I will fight to follow my own rules
Prepare for this flight
Tickets, trains and airplanes
Sleepless nights and city lights
I live for years of wonder
The dark of the night
I’ll push the lever forward and
I will fight to follow my own rules
Prepare for this flight

The world is captive

If you want much, ha-a, you can fly into space with me
If you are afraid of darkness, ha-a, then you will not see anything in the light
Do not run in advance, I don't know where I am, where I am
Lost all world is captive, Do not run in advance, I don't know where I am, where I am
Lost all world is captive
Lost all world is captive
If you fly a high (ha-a), you will go or not, on the wind
If you are looking for the truth (ha-a), from the sun forget to hide oneself
Do not run in advance, I don't know where I am, where I am
Lost all world is captive, Do not run in advance, I don't know where I am, where I am
Lost all world is captive
Lost all world is captive
Ha-ha ha-a ha-ha ha-a ha-ha ha woo-ooy
Ha-ha ha-a ha-ha ha-a ha-ha ha
Lost all world is captive
Ha-ha ha-a ha-ha ha-a ha-ha ha woo-ooy
Ha-ha ha-a ha-ha ha-a ha-ha ha
Lost all world is captive
Do not run in advance, I don't know where I am, where I am
Lost all world is captive,
Do not run in advance, I don't know where I am, where I am
Lost all world is captive
Do not run in advance, I don't know where I am, where I am
Lost all world is captive,
Do not run in advance, I don't know where I am, where I am
Lost all world is captive

Ispod merdevina

Spuštaju se zavjese, smijem se na suđenju
pomozi mi da raspletem
moju zapletenu nevinost iznutra
vjera će uskoro nestati
Neće biti bolje
Šetaj ispod merdevina
Vikni glasno samo jedan razlog zbog kojeg se ovo dešava
Vidiš da kakvo god da bude vrijeme
vjetar će uvijek biti tu, biti pošten
I uvijek je bilo - sad ili nikad
odluka se mora donijeti
O, o, o...
Očajne misli, tvoja nada te naziva lažovom
strah počinje da se otkriva
Samo te tvoja volja grije srce
a ta vatra traje zauvijek
Ne može biti bolje od ovoga
Pleši ispod merdevina
ako smiješ, pa šta čekaš onda
Vidiš da kakvo god da bude vrijeme
vjetar će uvijek biti tu, biti pošten
I uvijek je bilo - sad ili nikad
odluka se mora donijeti
O, o, o...