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Број резултата: 19


Ko će me spasiti od mene same?

Danas mi se vraća mračni san,
hvata me i ostavlja me takvu
u crnom vrtu.
I još uvek sam tamo, tamo sam na nogama
I još uvek sam tamo, još uvek sam tamo
Još uvek sam tamo, još uvek sam tamo.
Šta mi preostaje, ako svetlost više ne dopire ovde?
Ko će me spasiti od mene same?
Šta me me očekuje, ako moj glas ne dopire do tebe?
Dođi i spasi me od mene same.
Mračni san, živa i mrtva sam se vratila,
šta možeš meni da ukradeš kada sam toliko izgubila?
I još uvek sam tamo, tamo sam na nogama
I još uvek sam tamo, još uvek sam tamo
Još uvek sam tamo, još uvek sam tamo.
Šta mi preostaje, ako svetlost više ne dopire ovde?
Ko će me spasiti od mene same?
Šta me me očekuje, ako moj glas ne dopire do tebe?
Dođi i spasi me od mene same
Dođi i spasi me od mene same
I još uvek sam ovde, ovde sam na nogama
Dođi i oslobodi me od mene same
I još uvek sam ovde, ovde sam na nogama
Dođi i izvuci me iz mene.


Svetlost i u mom krevetu ti,
zakopavaš tugu koju sam juče osećala
zbog nemogućnosti da volim bez straha.
Dođi, samo me pogledaj
nek se od naše ljubavi uklone
temelji ovog celog sveta
podmuklog od bolesti.
Više neću da ćutim,
više neću da plačem
više ne želim blagoslov,
niti da se izvinjavam.
Više neću da preklinjem
više neću da gutam
više ne želim spas,
niti život podeljen na dva dela.
Svetlost i u mojim rukama ti,
ne očekujem da budem nimfa,
niti meduza u ovom hladnom paklu,
bojeći se da pogledam unazad.
Više neću da ćutim,
više neću da plačem
više ne želim blagoslov,
niti da se izvinjavam.
Više neću da preklinjem
više neću da gutam
više ne želim spas,
niti život podeljen na dva dela.
Vatra nad uraganom,
cvet života i smrti,
neću te se više plašiti.
Više neću da ćutim,
više neću da plačem
više ne želim blagoslov,
niti da se izvinjavam.
Više neću da preklinjem
više neću da gutam
više ne želim spas,
niti život podeljen na dva dela.
Neću da ćutim,
niti da preklinjem,
više neću da se udaljavam od sunca,
niti da se sakrivam od života.
Više neću da plačem,
više neću da se bojim istine,
više ne želim blagoslov
niti život podeljen na dva dela.

Daj mi krila

Povedi me bez straha,
Povedi me čak do tebe
Hladna, mirna i ledena
Vatra u meni.
Vodi moju dušu i uzmi je
Otvori moju dušu i dodirni je
I uzmi je.
Povedi me uz sebe,
Odvedii me čak tamo
Večna mantra
Ne zaboravi me ovde.
Vodi moju dušu i uzmi je
Otvori moju dušu i dodirni je
I uzmi je.
Daj mi svoju svetlost i svoju tamu
Daj mi vazduha da dišem, dišem, dišem
Daj mi put kojim da idem
Daj mi svoj mir i oluju, oluju, oluju
Oh! Daj mi vazduha!
Vodi moju dušu i uzmi je
Otvori moju dušu i dodirni je
I uzmi je
Otvori moju dušu i dodirni je.
Daj mi vatru
Daj mi led
Daj mi dušu
Daj mi mir
Daj mi krila

Završilo se

Živote koji mi je dao toliko toga
sačuvaj ovaj dvoboj ljubavi
ovu neplodnu pustinju i hladnoću,
ovaj moj svirepi bol.
Zaboravljam da ga nikada ne zaboravim
Odnosim toliko toga za dati
I sada me peče saznanje da niko neće znati da sam
ovu ljubav ostavila zakopanu,
završilo se, ljubavi.
Zemlju koju umirem od želje da vidim
nikada mi ne dozvoli da padnem,
jer si mi stomak napojio životom
kada me je Bog zaboravio.
Otišla sam tražeći da te udaljim od sebe
Osetila sam smrt, a da je nisam ni dodirnula
I sada me peče saznanje da niko neće znati da sam
ovu ljubav ostavila zakopanu,
završilo se, ljubavi,
završilo se, završilo se.
I sada me peče saznanje da niko neće znati da sam
ovu ljubav ostavila zakopanu,
završilo se, ljubavi.
Završilo se, ljubavi
Završilo se, ljubavi
Završilo se, ljubavi
Završilo se, završilo se
Završilo se.


Dine u pesku,
veliko carstvo soli,
rituali drugih jezika,
daj mi samo još jedan dan.
Daj mi mir, daj mi rat,
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Daj mi trsku, daj mi vosak
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Daj mi mir, daj mi rat,
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Daj mi trsku, daj mi vosak
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću.
Veliki puni meseci,
bodež gori u meni,
pleši između mojih nogu,
odlazi sa mog izvora.
Daj mi više, daj mi rat,
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Daj mi trsku, daj mi vosak
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Daj mi mir, daj mi rat,
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Daj mi trsku, daj mi vosak
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću.
Odvedi me na svetlost zore
uzimajući planinu sa ženkim imenom,
ostaje sedam mora da se upozna
oživi svoje želje ponovo.
Daj mi mir, daj mi rat,
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Daj mi trsku, daj mi vosak
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Daj mi mir, daj mi rat,
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Daj mi trsku, daj mi vosak
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću.
Odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću, odvedi me.
Odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću, odvedi me.
Odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.
Daj mi trsku, daj mi vosak
odvedi me, ispuni me, doći ću do kraja.

Tears of an angel

Make way for a goddess
Today, she carries a thirst for evil,
Of blind love, she was imprisoned,
Searching for the truth.
Tears of an angel
Broken in the air, they will rain.
Tears of an angel
They fly in the air, tears.
Make way for a queen
Exiled from hell,
She rose stitching her veins
With grief in her gaze.
Tears of an angel
Broken in the air, they will rain.
Tears of an angel
They fly in the air, tears.
I danced on the edge of the abyss,
I jumped, condemned to be reborn,
I bled, buried so far from him
I cut the veil of my nightfall,
I danced barefoot with death
I broke the ties of my luck.
Tears of an angel
Broken in the air
Tears of an angel will rain.
Tears of an angel
Broken in the air
Tears of an angel will rain.


Oh, such folly!
My prideful and merciless heart...
You see? You cause those who love you to suffer,
Those who gave you everything.
Ah! Tell me why
You're so cruel,
So heartless?
Oh! A heart that never loved
Doesn't deserve to be loved...
You see? You cause those who love you to suffer,
Those who gave you everything.
Oh! A heart that never loved
Doesn't deserve to be loved...
Oh, such folly!
You're harming who never aggrieved you
And I know that, in the end,
Loneliness will be your only punishment.
Oh! A heart that never loved
Doesn't deserve to be loved...
La ra la la...


I dream that I'm falling into a void...
I turn around and my fate is a mystery...
I know that there's something more and I cannot discern it...
I fall into the shadows and I get lost...
I fall another dream and I wake up from this loneliness
And the road appears to be so long.
I was wrong!
Today, my sky has a slightly greyish colour.
I will not change:
My willpower comes first!
It goes against all those who condemn
My conscience and my truth.
It's a war without borders
To win my freedom.

Tell me, why are you criticizing what I'm saying?
Speak! What's your problem with me?
I don't know what it is that's bothering you so much...
As you see, I am just as I want to be:
Look at me! I simply don't care
Whether you're coming or going...
I was wrong!
Today, my sky has a slightly greyish colour.
I will cling onto
My willpower!
It goes against all those who condemn
My conscience and my truth.
It's a war without borders
To win my freedom.



I'm the flesh of both man and woman,
Goddess of love and an animal,
Nighttime and the dawn's splendour...
I'm the milk of Adam's reverie,
Womb of both shadow and light
And I'm waiting for you...
(The heart!
The heart!
Half Adam, half Eve
(Will break in half!
Will break in half!
At dusk
(The heart!
The heart!
Lost amidst the shadows...
(Will ache within me!
It will ache within me...!
It will ache within you!
It will ache within you... Ah!
[Coda 1:]
Bite my love,
Give me your whiteness of moss and your scent...
Come to travel
Through the rope of blood that traverses Eden...
Blood that waters Eden!
And penetrate me with your dark love...
I'm Venus pregnant with love,
A female in both pain and childbirth
And I'm waiting for you...
(The heart!
The heart!
Half Adam, half Eve
(Will break in half!
Will break in half!
At dusk
(The heart!
The heart!
Lost amidst the shadows...
(Will ache within me!
It will ache within me...!
It will ache within you!
It will ache within you... Ah!
[Coda 2:]
Come, my child, come!
(It's raining and it's cold)
See that, in my bosoms, there's no room for more honey!
Nourish yourself
(Drink from this river)
With the warm lullaby that is quenching your thirst...
The lullaby that's quenching your thirst!
And I will lay myself down in a cradle...

Love and Possession

You were my master.
I was your dog, your servant...
It's over! I've had enough!
I'm not your hostage anymore.
Love, love, love
Love and possession...
And possession!
(I'm) free because I want
Power... Freedom!
Free from my master,
Because I have dignity...

I'm far, you're far
Without mistreatment nor slavery.
That animalistic passion from yesterday
Has now lost its power!
Love, love, love
Love and possession...
And possession!
And (I'm) free, because I am... Free!
Live free...
Live free...
(I'm) free because I want
Power... Freedom!
Free from my master...
I live freely... Free! I am free!

So very alone, lost,
Crying in the street
(Free! I am free!)
To hatred, to fear...
I'm bidding everything farewell!
(Free! I am free!)
And now, my life
Doesn't want to belong to anyone... To no one!
I just live! I'm free!
Love, love, love
Love and possession...

Not Today! (Never Trust a Stranger)

I have found a star
I have seen the farewell
I have walked among stones
I have walked through mud and dirt
I have loved in peace
I have loved in war
Just to get back to where you are
And I felt like shit
But not today, not today
I felt powerless
But not today
I have put down roots
I have been hurt when walking
Brave in the arena
Stranded at sea
I look for you in my peace
I look for you in my war
And now I just want to escape to where you are
And I felt like shit
But not today, not today
I felt powerless
But not today
I have found the instant and the eternity
Souls of stone in statues of salt
Footprints that were left behind
And glory and defeats and broken ones who want to love
I look for you in my peace
I look for you in my war
And now I just want to escape to where you are
And I felt like shit
But not today, not today
I felt powerless
But not today

Give Me Your Warmth

Intense flame of pleasure,
You who live deep within me
Asleep amidst the loneliness,
Without any desire to grow.
Like a wave that propels the sea,
Like the rage of a volcano,
Like a cloud that's dominated by the sun:
That's who you awaken my desire!
And when you give me your warmth
My body begins to tremble
Longing and so much desire...

You like in the dark
Like the thick fog.
You turn my face into sadness
And immense happiness.
Like the mother that brought me to life,
Like an exploding bomb,
Like the ray of light that feeds my vision:
That's who you awaken my desire!
And when you give me your warmth
My body begins to tremble
Longing and so much desire...

Like a wave that propels the sea,
Like the rage of a volcano,
Like a cloud that's dominated by the sun:
That's who you awaken my desire!
And when you give me your warmth
My body begins to tremble...
And when you give me your warmth
My body begins to tremble, aaahh!
And when you give me your warmth
My body begins to tremble...


I'm Arriving And You're Leaving

I'm arriving and you're leaving,
We don't even have time to talk,
Not even to ask: How are you?
How are things going?
It's always the same!
You call me constantly
When the day is ending,
So that we don't forget that there's still love
Between the two of us,
Even from afar.
Ah! Ah, life...
I spend it all alone,
Always without really thinking
That it is running away...!

I work incessantly
To deceive this passion
But, in the end, my heart
Refuses to believe
My own lies.
Ah! Ah, if you only knew
That I can't go on living like this,
Not for one more day,
Without being able to see your face!
Ah! Ah, life...
I spend it all alone,
Always without really thinking
That it is running away...!

One more day...
Not one more day
Without seeing your face!
I'm arriving and you're leaving,
We don't even have time to talk...
That's how life is...

Razumeti ljubav

Samo sa muzikom i ljudima...
pojacava se ton ambijenta...
Kada se oci razumeju,
kada se usne ukljuce,
zele se more i pun mesec
i izgubi se odelo nemarno.
Posle te uhvati nostalgija,
osecas da se svet podelio na dva dela.
Dolazi plima peska i vatra
malo nize od srca.
Izadji iz samog sebe, istrazi ambis
jer se na kraju pali svetlost:
taj pogled izgubljen u nicemu
trazi isto sto i ti.
Nauciti nesto u zivotu...
Razumeti ljubav...
Otkriti kakav je svet...
Nauciti nesto u zivotu...
Razumeti potpuno ljubav...
Izmisliti iluziju...
¡Hey! ¡Hey eh!
Plesi skriveno u magli
lepa i tamna kao zivotinja,
cekajuci signale zabranjene ljubavi,
tvoja figura u mraku.
Gledaj tu kisu reflektora,
pogledaj kako se clanovi zagrevaju...
Plesi u toj sumi ludih tela
mrdajuci bez kontrole.
[Puente + Estribillo]


Ja sam bila zlatna ruza sunca,
kisa vina, balon ljubavi.
I moja palata je bila mladost:
kada sam pevala ja, sanjao si ti...
Imala sam slavu! Imala sam tvoju predanost!
I osecala sam se voljeno,
razmazena zbog zivota,
slepa u zabludnoj iluziji.
Arija ljubavi!
Dok aplaudiraju iza zavese,
u sumraku umire stari bog.
Arija ljubavi!
Himera... Pesma...
Da pobeda je velika
i Evropa... Velika...
Velika sudbina je danas!
Otrovana od ljubavi...
Otrovana od ljubavi...
Ja sam bila diva one nacije,
veliki pozorista su ispunjavala moj glas:
i moja palata, tako lepa juce,
od samoce i mermera je bila posle.
Pad... Konacno resenje...
Izmedju hiljadu zastava, krstova i lobanja,
simbola himera...
Izgubila sam te.
Arija ljubavi!
Dok aplaudiraju iza zavese,
u sumrak umires, stara Evropa:
Sama!... Aj, luda i potopljena!
Ali zasto je tako mracno ovde?
Zasto ova tama?
Ocajna sam!
Pijana sam! Pijana sam od ljubavi!
Cujem bombe, orlove terora...
i sanjam u smecu
koje okruzuje tvoju figuru
i pronalazim utehu u alkoholu...
Arija ljubavi!
Arija ljubavi!
Himera... Pesma...
Da poraz je veliki
i Evropa... Velika...
Veliki na kraju ti i ja!
Otrovana od ljubavi...
Otrovana od ljubavi...

Sada, sada

Da se skinem malo po malo,
da te zapalim ako te dodirnem,
Gledamo se u ogledalu,
nanosis mi bol i ne zalim se,
Vlaznost u tvom pogledu
nezno prosuta,
Tvoja zalost i moja zalost
lete zajedno u istom trenutku,
Ono sto zelim sada
je tvoje telo, sada...
Da budem njegov vlasnik, sada,
da budem njegov rob sada!
I da ga vezem sada!
I da ga obozavam sada!
Da zaustavim vreme, sada
i da ga milujem sada!
¡Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Da predam otvoreno telo,
da kroz pupak osetim tvoj uzdah,
Kako poplavi more stenu,
dodji i lizi med sa mojih usana,
Ja te zelim sada,
sa usnama, sada,
sa rukom, sada,
sa mesom sada!
Hitno je sada!
da se napijem sada!
Da izgubim tacku sada
i da se prospem sada!
¡Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Ay... La, la ra la ra la...
Tako, nezno... Sada...

He Stands Between You and Me

I have left all the doors open
Waiting for dawn to blossom.
Overcoming the effect of the heat,
The melancholy
And yesterday's memories.
Longing visits my bed,
Waking my silenced desires
And awakening the rage of the pain,
And the void
That your love has left.
Now I understand how it happened:
We opened this path...
Meanwhile, he stands
Between you and me...
The autumnal wind
Will drag us away,
And in my Copacabana, it will rain
Dying the whole sea with the colour of tears
As they fall from the sky.
The greenery that wrapped
That immense place,
Reclaims our wet warmth
From the past,
Caressing the hope
That your soul has left in me...
Submerged in distant waters,
Travelling across the salty dunes
Love liberated me,
Taking me far away from what I truly was.
My words would keep you calm,
My caresses would weave your tranquility
And little by little, the clock
Started to indicate that it was the time for a new goodbye.
I fee so broken... What can I do
If he is still standing in our way?
In my boat, there is only room for two...
The autumnal wind
Will drag us away,
And in my Copacabana, it will rain
Dying the whole sea with the colour of tears
As they fall from the sky.
The greenery that wrapped
That immense place,
Reclaims our wet warmth
From the past,
Caressing the hope
That your soul has left in me...