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Број резултата: 31



Prazno je u dolini tvog srca
I sunce, dok koračaš, izlazi polako
Daleko od svih strahova
I grešaka što ostavljaš iza sebe.
Žetva ti ne ostavi ništa za jelo
I vidiš to, ti ljudožderko, ti mesožderko
Ali i ja sam video isto to
I poznajem sramotu u tvom porazu
Ali ja ću se nadati
I neću ti dati da se udaviš
Sa omčom oko vrata
I pronaći ću snagu u bolu
I promeniti svoje navike
Znaću svoje ime kad opet prizvano bude
Jer imam druge stvari da ispunim vreme
Ti uzmi šta je tvoje a ja ću svoje
I pusti me ka istini
Koja će osvežiti moj slomljeni um
Pa me veži za stub i zapuši mi uši
Vidim udovice i siročad kroz suze
Znam svoj poziv uprkos greškama
I uprkos mojim rastućim strahovima
Ali ja ću se nadati
I neću ti dati da se udaviš
Sa omčom oko vrata
I pronaći ću snagu u bolu
I promeniti svoje navike
Znaću svoje ime kad opet prizvano bude
Izađi iz svoje pećine hodajući na rukama
I vidi svet kako naglavačke stoji
Razumećeš zavisnost
Kad spoznaš ruku Tvorca
I pokreni svoj zov sirene
I pevaj koliko želiš
Ja ga neću čuti
Jer mi sada treba slobode
I treba da saznam kako
Da živim svoj život onako kako bi trebalo
Ali ja ću se nadati
I neću ti dati da se udaviš
Sa omčom oko vrata
I pronaći ću snagu u bolu
I promeniti svoje navike
Znaću svoje ime kad opet prizvano bude

Loneliness is lifelong

Versions: #1
Even if I'm together with you, darling
Whether we get separated, or die in this path
It's always loneliness, honey, loneliness is lifelong
Loneliness is lifelong
Even if I'm together with you, darling
Even if we never got to see each other, and missed
Even if we bonded for a lifetime
No matter if we felt joy or sadness
Loneliness is lifelong
No matter if I remembered you all of a sudden
Or forgot about you now and then
Worried about you in secret
Or felt madly jealous
There's always loneliness in the end,
Loneliness is lifelong
There's always loneliness in the end,
Loneliness is lifelong

Al-Fatiha, Pearl of the Quran

In the name of the One All Kindness and Compassion
All praises and gratitude for the One Master of all dimensions & worlds
All Kindness and Compassion
Supreme and only Judge
In You we confide and seek guidance.
Guide us on the Right Path,
the way to absolute joy & contentment in Your Presence,
not the way of those who suffer and get lost.
Amen, so be it
Please note that this is a rendering, not accurate translation
Please see comments


Being the plaything of a handful of rich
is embracing the fate of a poodle.
Sewing dresses for ambassador wives
what is it, except interior decoration?
It's not under the posh roofs
that conventions are challenged,
not under the lounge chandeliers
that revolutions are made.
Fashion is a woman in a Jaguar
whom I want to put on the street.
Dressing a few fashionable models
only causes a stir in Vogue.
Now that queens ask for me
I feel like a fashion designer for old ladies.
It's not in editorial boards
that conventions are challenged,
not during opening night screenings
that revolutions are made.
Fashion is a woman in a Bentley
whom I want to make shameless.
Being the plaything of a handful of rich
is embracing the fate of a poodle.
Sewing dresses for ambassador wives
what is it, except interior decoration?
It's not under the posh roofs
that groundswells are initiated,
not under the lounge chandeliers
that the world is changed for good.
Fashion designers have to be willing
to think of ready-to-wear.
Dressing a few fashionable models
only causes a stir in Vogue.
Now that queens ask for me
I feel like a fashion designer for old ladies.


Ветру је тешко да нас носи,
Ветар нас успут испушта.
Добра си само уз вино,
Недобровољно, само у бунилу.
Кажеш како
Шкрипи реза
У старом туђем стану.
Вулгарна књига,
Јефтина пљуга –
Су све твоје ствари на свету.
Хоћеш да се скинеш...
Стани, не спуштај се доле,
Увуци ми се у срце,
А не у шлиц од фармерки.
Грло гуши
Флаша алкохола,
Ој, оближи ми душу,
Кезиш неприродно беле зубе,
Подигла си мајицу,
Књигу Мандељштама стављаш
Под косу полицу.
А ја сам недавно
Бацио у пећ
Све своје свешчице.
Видиш пепео –
Тамо су речи у складном нереду.
Међу крововима и кућама,
Међу вратима овде и тамо
Ја се не сећам своје куће,
Заборавио сам свој храм.
Заборавићу тебе,
Просућу те у путу.
Ти си једноставна као рај,
Али ја морам да идем.
Хоћеш да се скинеш...
Стани, не спуштај се доле,
Увуци ми се у срце,
А не у шлиц од фармерки.
Грло гуши
Флаша алкохола,
Ој, оближи ми душу,


Versions: #2
Hard for the wind to drag us along
Dropped by the wind we fall on the ground
You only work together with wine
Forced by delirium state of mind.
Sound of you speaking
Is door latch squeaking
In an old, strange apartment
A cheesy book and
A cheapest ciggy
Are all the things in the world you own.
Are you undressing?
Stop, don’t you go below
Get under my skin
Do not reach for my fly.
Flask of spirits,
Heavy gasping.
Oh, will you eat my soul up,
Grinning with the glazed tiles she pulls up her t-shirt
Time to put the Mandelstam’s book back onto the high shelf
Spent my morning burning poems, all the lines go bye-bye
Check the ashes. See the balanced chaos of the verses?
Past the roofs, past the doors I fly by far and wide
I’ve forgotten my home, left my temple behind
You’ll become lost to me, not a memory to show
You are heavenly plain, nonetheless I will go.
Are you undressing?
Stop, don’t you go below
Get under my skin
Do not reach for my fly.
Flask of spirits,
Heavy gasping.
Oh, will you eat my soul up,


Uradila sam to jer želim i uradila sam to jer hoću i uradila sam to samo zato što mogu
Uradila sam to jer čini da se osjećam tako dobro i uradila sam to jer jebeš 'muškarca'
Uradila sam to jer sam luda i niko me neće spasiti i uradila sam to samo da prekinem galamu
Uradila sam to jer sam pijana i uradila sam to, da, pa šta, jer dušo ja sam samo jedna od momaka
Uradila sam sve to da slomim svaki predrasudni utisak koji imaš
Uradila sam sve to da potresem svaku tvoju emociju i samo da učinim da se osjećaš
Volim da te tjeram da se osjećaš
Volim da te tjeram da se osjećaš
Radim to jer volim i želim još toga i radim to jer si rekao da ne mogu
Radim to jer se boriš protiv toga i znam da ne voliš kad se otvorim i pričam o seksu
Radim to jer me mrziš i radim to za dame i sa svim svojim dobrim prijateljima
Radim to jer je čitav prokleti svijet poludio i jebeš ga, ovo je kraj
Uradila sam sve to da slomim svaki predrasudni utisak koji imaš
Uradila sam sve to da potresem svaku tvoju emociju i samo da učinim da se osjećaš
Volim da te tjeram da se osjećaš
Volim da te tjeram da se osjećaš
Pa, ne želim te oboriti
Pa zašto ti želiš mene oboriti?
Ne spuštaj me, ne
Ne spuštaj me
Uradila sam sve to da potresem svaku tvoju emociju i samo da učinim da se osjećaš
Volim da te tjeram da se osjećaš
Volim da te tjeram da se osjećaš

My Mood is Miserable

Today my mood is miserable
You say that everywhere 'he doesn't love me'
Your jealousy and anger
Tell me, does it get better?
I came with your dream up until now.
I surpassed all obstacles with your dream
Maybe i lock on but i didn't fall on the floor
I have almost thought you everywhere
My eyes watch roads but you are not with me
I am waiting for your coming, i love you
If a man loves a woman and if he suddenly give up
He leaves a mark and it can't be deleted
It will continue but it doesn't know
Today my mood is miserable
Without you this empty house
There is a strange emptiness in my soul
While i love you from distant

We are called lazy

Versions: #2
We are called lazy
Malica is our enemy
We bear no grudges towards anyone
The whole world one to us
We take our leave of this world
Peace to those who stay
Those who don't know us won't know us
Peace to those who do
We are called lazy
Malica is our enemy
We bear no grudges towards anyone
The whole world one to us

Perhaps We Needed Comfort

Hello how are you doing?
how's there? are you listening?
I am wearing my school uniform
somewhere in the classroom
are you not doing well?
do you want the day to come faster?
you think that you will have
more freedom here?
Yes, this place right now is not half bad
you don't know when you will
touch the days you dreamed of but
if you are listening, will you remember this?
This place, until you become me
honestly it was quite difficult
the place you are
seems to me now like a dream place
I'm telling you I can go
to the other side of the earth
I can't go to the place you are
no matter what I do
There were a lot of people
who could call a friend
so that you wouldn't be lonely
write me a letter
Yes, this place right now is not half bad
you don't know when you will
touch the days you dreamed of but
if you are listening, will you remember this?
This place, until you become me
honestly it was quite difficult
the place you are
is like a dream place
While today piles up
you become me in this place
don't be afraid to fall down
and laugh and cry more
The sky might get dark someday but
if you reveal the inner light
it will definitely be bright and you
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Dancing is Natural

What gave you the idea of dancing?
Don't think about it, she says to me.
The idea never came to me
Dancing is natural
Then how do you manage to dance so well?
It just happens, she says to me
It starts when I wake up in the morning
Dancing is natural
Driving, slowly
Let your fingers play tambourine on the steering wheel
Forget everything, throw everything away
Your nightmares, your memories, as you get up
The less you think, the more you dance
It's a shame, she says to me
You don't know that you have wings
That's all
Don't you do anything else with all your time?
You aren't there, she says to me
Everything we do, we can do it while dancing
Dancing is natural
Come and dance, we have our whole life ahead of us
Don't think about it, she says to me
As soon as we dance together it complicates everything
Dancing is natural
Driving, slowly,
Thrown around in an old car,
Forget everything, throw everything away
You will see how good the journey seems
The less you think, the more you dance
It's a shame, she says to me
You don't know that you have wings
That's all
Don't you ever need anyone, then?
Need who? she says to me
To dance, you need nothing
Dancing is natural
What gave you the idea of dancing?
Don't think about it, she says to me.
The idea never came to me
Dancing is natural

Ivory Hunter

Escaping from here
And seeing other countries
Running away far from here
Towards other paradises
One day saying 'Go'
Away to the Congo
Go, ready, steady, go
Tam-tams and bongos
I see myself as an ivory hunter
Just the story to see there
Clearer in my thoughts
Colour of ebony
Chasing my troubles, chasing my worries,
Hunter, Ivory hunter
Just the story to see there
Instead of ferocious girls
The elephant and the rhinoceros
Escaping from here
And seeing other countries
Running away far from here
Towards other paradises
Merchant of dreams, running away
Like an arms trafficker
Seeing my dugout capsize
On the torrents of tears
I see myself as an ivory hunter
Just the story to see there
Clearer in my thoughts
Colour of ebony
Chasing my troubles, chasing my worries,
Hunter, Ivory hunter
Just the story to see there
Instead of ferocious girls
The elephant and the rhinoceros
In the place of the one who lies
The snake, the caiman
In the place of girls in cages
The black panther and the wildcat


Where are you, Manu Manuréva?
A ghost ship, you dreamed
of islands and never made it there.
Where are you, Manu Manuréva?
Reported missing Manuréva
You drifted for days on end
but never ever made it
over there.
Did you run agrond the Jamaican coast?
Oh, heroic Manuréva...
Do you rest on Santiago's or Cuba's reefs?
Where are you, Manuréva?
Among the Alaskan ices, ah-ah?
Where are you, Manu Manuréva?
Reported missing Manuréva
A ghost ship, you dreamed
of islands and never made it there.
You drifted, oh, Manuréva
away, Manuréva,
over there.
Did you glimse the lights of Nouméa?
Oh, heroic Manuréva.
Would you have sunk off Bora-Bora?
Where are you, Manuréva, ah-ah?
Among the Alaskan ices, ah-ah?
Where are you, Manu Manuréva?
Reported missing Manuréva
You drifted for days on end
but never ever made it
over there.
Over there
Over there
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.


in your silences I can make out
African grils from Abyssinia
in your mutism, your delirium
spans from Angola to Zaire
Bamboo travels through her mind
she stands next to me and yet already left me
All of Bamboo's silences
scream inside my head and drive me mad
in you vagrant stare I can make out1
fever with tropical moistness
as your pupils dilate
murky pond water gets reflected in them
The rainy season is over
Bamboo is done crying
she was quick to console herself
All of Bamboo's silences
scream inside my head and drive me mad
You are desert, Bamboo
and jungle, Bamboo
a bamboo forest
and a sunstroke2
in your silences I can make out
African grils from Abyssinia
in your concussions
I see Equatoril Africa
You are desert, Bamboo
and jungle, Bamboo
a bamboo forest
and a sunstroke
  • 1. 'se dessiner' and 'se dévoiler' basically mean 'can be glimpsed' or 'can be made out' as I translated it
  • 2. lit. 'a bamboo stroke'. another of Mr. Chamfort's little puns Regular smile
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

A fever in my blood

Soon as I saw her I knew
the girl meant trouble
and indeed I got into some
I just had to get her
even if I had to get swallowed
by heaven or hell.
She's as beautiful as
a royal blood princess,
the kind that make a man
weak and languid
I got a fever in my blood
this girl makes my blood boil
like a teenager
I'm losing it, damnit
I've got a fever in my blood
I feel this story
won't end without
a bloodbath.
Had I seen the golden ring
around her finger, I might have fled,
but probably not.
What is this demon up to,
as she says to me 'let's get rid
of all obstacles between us'?
She speaks like
a royal blood princess,
the kind that make men
more than obedient
I got a fever in my blood
this girl makes my blood boil
like a teenager
I'm losing it, damnit
I've got a fever in my blood
I feel this story
won't end without
a bloodbath.
As it weakens us, doesn't love
eventually become
a potent poison?
I got a fever in my blood
this girl makes my blood boil
like a teenager
I'm losing it, damnit
I've got a fever in my blood
I feel this story
won't end without
a bloodbath.
I got a fever in my blood
this girl makes my blood boil
like a teenager
I'm losing it, damnit
I've got a fever in my blood
I feel this story
won't end without
a bloodbath.
I got a fever in my blood
this girl makes my blood boil
like a teenager
I'm losing it, damnit
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Smudges of you

You surrender to me without a confession
when I want to love you.
You let fall a tear of emotion
in your cleavage
and I'd like to find the right words
but I no longer really know
whether I should trust your God or your breasts1,
and then on my skin you leave
smudges of you2
All that I see there in your eyes
is my private business.
And love is the only kind of conversation
I want to have3
And even if I often
envy your youth
and stick to it like a slave
would to his mistress,
it's on my skin I want to keep
smudges of you.
All the tears of heaven can wash me away for all I care
when your heart goes
bang bang bang
All the African tom-toms, me, I make them dance
when your heart goes
bang bang bang
Love is not rocket science, you know,
but still you sent me into orbit4
Tonight I want us to dance
the apocalypso5
as if it was the end of the world
(the apocalypso)
and even if life eventually drives all lovers apart6,
efen if the guardians of Eden are causing us trouble,
in my soul I want to keep
smudges of you
All the tears of heaven can wash me away for all I care
when your heart goes
bang bang bang
All the African tom-toms, me, I make them dance
when your heart goes
bang bang bang
love is not rocket science, you know,
but still you sent me into orbit
  • 1. 'saint'(saint) and 'sein'(breast) sound exactly the same
  • 2. pun on 'traces de doigt' (smudges of finger marks)
  • 3. 'faire' is used in 'faire l'amour'(make love) but 'refaire' alludes to 'refaire le monde'(set the world to rights)
  • 4. the original idiomatic pun says 'love is not wizardry but you bewitched me alright'
  • 5. A calypso with an apocalyptic twist, why not? Regular smile
  • 6. a wink to
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

It's serious, so smile

Hey little Miss Blue
I see your mascara
on your cheeks.
It's streaming down
I agree with you:
bastards, the lot of 'em.
Still, drop your
water painting act.
There are better things to do
when fate dogs you.
Breaking into tears
is just too common.
It's serious, so smile.
Only jokes require
the utmost seriousness.
It's serious, so smile.
If you're disappointed in gods,
give them a radiant face.
Since it's so serious,
have a little smile.
Dear Miss Blue, the world
is not all rosy.
There is red everywhere,
and for a reason.
It's not ketchup [you see]
on the evening news.
Lots of blues
on this old turntable.
The more reason
to keep your cool
as everything
collapses around you.
It's serious, so smile.
Only jokes require
the utmost seriousness.
It's serious, so smile.
If you're disappointed in gods,
give them a radiant face.
Since it's so serious,
have a little smile...
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Love in France

Your eyes in my eyes
And your hand in my hand:
That is love in France.
A bike on the edge of the road:
That is love in France.
All the mandolins on Earth
Play our melody,
We close our eyes
To be in Italy.
The shining Sun,
The singing birds:
That is love in France.
And you, who love me
As much as I love you,
You know that as long as there are
Hearts pulsing
For a song
With daily words
That will always be love in France.
The spring, summer, autumn
And then winter all pass by,
I am always with you
By the sea,
You are the most beautiful woman,
You will always be the one with
Which it will never be over.
The aeroplane that brings you midday:
That is love in France.
The waves that rock our flowery dreams:
That is love in France.
When, sometimes, it happens
To have a fight out of jealousy,
We know that we will
Make peace anyway.
A crying baby,
A hand that's reaching out:
That is love in France.
And you, who love me
As much as I love you,
You know that as long as there are
Hearts pulsing
For songs
With daily words
That will always be love in France.
An accordion
Playing at a ball:
That is love in France.
A girl is leaving you and that hurts you:
That is love in France.
All the mandolins on Earth
Play our melody,
We close our eyes
To be in Italy.
That is love in France...


She is three years old, I am crazy about her
She totally lights up my life
I wake up to see her at night
The good, the bad, she doesn't know
She smells of soap, I find her beautiful
All she asks is to be loved
She opens her very big eyes
She is so sure of me
That I feel a bit like how she sees me
Like a giant
Like a giant
Now I have someone
Who truly believes in me
Like a giant
Like a giant
When one is loved
One can do anything, I believe
Some mornings, I don't feel well
But she has nothing to do with nothing
She wants to tell me about her life
There are forests, lost lakes
Phantom trains, hunchbacked kings
There are yellow dwarves under the rain
And then the hour arrives
We leave our kingdom
I carry her all happy on my shoulders
Refrain x2
She is ten years old, I am crazy about her

I still have hope

Versions: #2
I still have hope
Even if I rebel as much as I want
Even if I persist they wont leave me,I have an owner
I still have hope
They are loving sometimes asking
Watch admirerly join id you want to or give up
Beatiful days, waiting for us
Just say ok and its all done
Head down cried silently
Would this poor heart be forgiven
Would storm ever stop,Would it ever made me man
I afraid if I ever harm the love
Farewell to you its enough okay
This drom should be over
This photo-novel
We are unripe fruit that hasn't been taken from it's branch
Beatiful days, waiting for us just say ok and its all done
Beatiful days, waiting for us just say ok and its all done
If I let my self go
Like, sigh how calm
This will be over someday my darling just keep on living
Ther are lessons to take, questions to ask
This will be over someday my darling,its enough from us
I still have hope
Even if I rebel as much as I want
Even if I persist they wont leave me,I have an owner

Ugodno umrtvljen

Versions: #1#2
Ima li nekog unutra?
Samo klimni glavom ako me čuješ.
Je li gazda kod kuće?
Hajde, sad
Čujem da se osećaš potišteno.
E pa ja ti mogu olakšati bol,
Ponovo te podići na noge.
Opusti se.
Trebaju mi prvo neke informacije.
Samo osnovne stvari:
Možeš li mi pokazati gde te boli?
Nema tu bola, Vi mi se gubite.
Dim udaljenog broda na horizontu.
Samo mi provejavate u talasima.
Usne se miču, ali ne čujem šta mi govorite.
Kada sam bio dečak, imao sam groznicu.
Osećao sam da su mi ruke kao dva balona.
Sada opet imam taj osećaj.
Ne umem da objasnim, ne biste razumeli.
Ovo nije ono kakav sam.
Postao sam ugodno umrtvljen.
Samo ćemo malo da bocnemo
Neće biti više
Ali možda će malo da ti se vrti.
Možeš li ustati?
Verujem da radi.
To će ti pomoći da preguraš.
Hajdemo, sada je vreme da krenemo.
Nema tu bola, Vi mi se gubite.
Dim udaljenog broda na horizontu.
Samo mi provejavate u talasima.
Usne se miču, ali ne čujem šta mi govorite.
Kada sam bio dete
uhvatio sam prolazno svetlucanje,
u uglu mog oka.
Okrenuo sam se da pogledam, ali ga više nije bilo.
Ne mogu sada da ga odredim.
Dečak je odrastao, san je nestao.
Postao sam ugodno umrtvljen.