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Број резултата: 55
Миллион Доллар Баби
Click to see the original lyrics (English)(Она је чудо)
(Она је чудо, ох, ох, ох, оох)
Она претвара сузе у дијаманте, вау-ох
Да пронађем ту сребрну поставу, вау-ох-ох
И с времена на време, прошетаћу у сумрак
Одбројавање до поноћи
Затворим очи и чекам да заблиста
Ја се кријем у сенци
Молећи се да се ослободи
У мраку ноћи, помислила је на опасност
Она је беба од милион долара, нико то не може да објасни
Она је чудо
Она је чудо, ох, ох, ох, ох
Отргнула се са својих ланаца, претворила ватру у кишу
Она је беба од милион долара, сигурно ће те излудити
Она је чудо
Она је чудо, ох, ох, ох, ох
Срце је сломљено, ох-ох
Ипак, не можете је задржати, ох-ох (Ах, ах, ах)
Ледено хладно, ох-ох
Она се ипак враћа у живот, ох-ох-ох
И с времена на време, идем у шетњу у сумрак
Одбројавање до поноћи
Затворим очи и чекам да заблиста
Ја се кријем у сенци
Молећи се да се ослободи
У мраку ноћи, помислила је на опасност
Она је беба од милион долара, нико то не може да објасни
Она је чудо
Она је чудо, ох, ох, ох, ох
Отргнула се са својих ланаца, претворила ватру у кишу
Она је беба од милион долара, сигурно ће те излудити
Она је чудо
Она је чудо, ох, ох, ох, ох
Ма-ма-ма-ма-ма, ма-ма-ма-ма-ма, чудо
Ма-ма-ма-ма-ма, ма-ма-ма-ма-ма, чудо
Ма-ма-ма-ма-ма, ма-ма-ма-ма-ма
Она је чудо, ох, ох, ох, ох
У мраку ноћи, помислила је на опасност
Она је беба од милион долара, нико то не може да објасни
Она је чудо
Она је чудо, ох, ох, ох, ох (Она је чудо)
Отргнула се са својих ланаца, претворила ватру у кишу
Она је беба од милион долара, сигурно ће те излудити
Она је чудо (Она је чудо, да-да)
Она је чудо, ох, ох, ох, ох
Ма-ма-ма-ма-ма, ма-ма-ма-ма-ма, чудо
Ма-ма-ма-ма-ма, ма-ма-ма-ма-ма, чудо (Ох)
Ма-ма-ма-ма-ма, ма-ма-ма-ма-ма (Ох-ох-ох)
Она је чудо, ох, ох, ох, ох
Burn it all
They came to take your thingsYour furniture, your clothes, and all your electronics
Everyone keeps asking me if I want anything from all of it
Should I keep something to remember you by, or keep it all hidden?
So I tell them that, unfortunate as it may be,
They pain me without you
And that I can't live far away from you anymore
Burn it all, nothing can remain
Destroy it all, piece by piece
I don't want anything because he left
Burn it all, destroy it all
Burn it all, nothing can remain
Destroy it all, piece by piece
I don't want anything because he left
Burn it all, destroy it all
They came to take your things
Your photographs and all your keepsakes
Everyone keeps asking me if I want anything from all of it
Should I keep something to remember you by, or keep it all hidden, keep it all hidden?
So I tell them that, unfortunate as it may be,
They pain me without you
And that I can't live far away from you anymore
Burn it all, nothing can remain
Destroy it all, piece by piece
I don't want anything because he left
Burn it all, destroy it all
Burn it all, nothing can remain
Destroy it all, piece by piece
I don't want anything because he left
Burn it all, destroy it all
Oh, if only I could fall into the fire, too
So I couldn't feel any more pain
And I just can't live without you close by
Burn it all, nothing can remain
Destroy it all, piece by piece
I don't want anything because he left
Burn it all, destroy it all
Окриви кишу
Рекао си да ти није потребна.Рекао си јој збогом (збогом).
Жртвовао си добру љубав
да задовољиш свој понос.
Сада желиш да је још увек имаш (имао је)
и осећаш се као таква будала.
Пустио си је да се оде.
Сад се једноставно не осећаш исто.
Морам нешто да кривим,
(то морам кривити за нешто)
то морам кривити за нешто.
Кривите кишу која је падала, падала.
Кривите звезде које нису засјале те ноћи.
Шта год да радите, немојте свалити кривицу на себе.
Кривите кишу, да, да.
Можете кривити кишу.
Требало је да јој кажеш да ти је жао (извини),
могао си да кажеш да си погрешио.
Али не, то ниси могао да урадиш,
морао си доказати да си јак.
да ниси био толико заслепљен (заслепљен),
можда би још била ту са тобом.
Желиш је поново,
али она једноставно не осећа исто.
Морам нешто да кривим,
( морам кривити нешто)
морам кривити нешто.
Кривите кишу која је падала, падала.
Кривите звезде које нису засјале те ноћи.
Шта год да радите,
немоје свалити кривицу на себе.
Криви кишу, да, да.
Хајде и криви кишу
јер киши не смета
а киша не мари.
Морате то кривити за нешто.
Кривите кишу која је падала, падала.
Кривите звезде које те ноћи нису засијале.
Шта год да радите, немојте свалити кривицу на себе.
Криви кишу, да, да.
Можете кривити кишу.
(Криви кишу, да, да)
(Криви кишу, да, да)
(Криви за кишу, да, да)
Можете кривити кишу, кривити кишу,
криви кишу, душо.
(Криви кишу, да, да)
Кривите звезде које те ноћи нису засијале.
(Криви кишу, да, да)
Криви, криви за кишу.
Шта год да радите, немојте свалити кривицу на себе.
Криви кишу, да, да.
Морам нешто да кривим,
то морам кривити за нешто.
Кривите кишу која је падала, падала.
Кривите звезде које те ноћи нису засијале.
Шта год да радите, немојте свалити кривицу на себе
Криви кишу, да, да.
Девет милиона бицикала
У Пекингу има девет милиона бицикалаТо је чињеница
То је нешто што не можемо оспорити
Попут чињенице да ћу те волети док не умрем
Удаљени смо дванаест билиона светлосних година од краја,
То је претпоставка
Нико никад неће моћи да то потврди
Али ја знам да ћу увек бити са тобом
Греје ме ватра твоје љубави сваки дан
Зато немој ме звати лажовом
Само веруј свему што ти кажем
Има шест билиона људи на овом свету
Више или мање
И због тога се осећам баш малена
Али ти си тај кога волим више од свега
Ми смо на канапу високо горе
Са светом у нашем погледу
И никад ми неће досадити
Љубав коју ми дајеш сваке ноћи
У Пекингу има девет милиона бицикала
То је чињеница
То је нешто што не можемо оспорити
Попут чињенице да ћу те волети док не умрем
И у Пекингу има девет милиона бицикала
И ти знаш да ћу те волети док не умрем
None of the millions
Oh oh oh...I’m a free maverick
A thinker, an exotic person
I’m not Superman, but rather Don Quixote
For adapted thinking
I’ll never get a medal
If I wanted to be comfortable for assholes
I would have been born a chair
I’m uncomfortable and loud
I’ll write it in my skin
I’m not one of the millions
I’m uncomfortable and loud
I say what nobody dares to
I have no regrets
I’m not one of the millions
Oh oh oh...
I like to think for myself
Not like conformists
Not like those who regurgitate talking points
Pied pipers and fascists
I run on your paths
Cross country through this world
Not on paths of thought
But rather as I like it
I’m uncomfortable and loud
I’ll write it in my skin
I’m not one of the millions
I’m uncomfortable and loud
I say what nobody dares to
I have no regrets
I’m not one of the millions
I shit on law and order
Traditions and morality
I dance on the world’s nose 1
I don’t care what’s proper
I shit on law and order
Traditions and morality
I dance on the world’s nose
I don’t care what’s proper
I’m uncomfortable and loud
I’ll write it in my skin
I’m not one of the millions
I’m uncomfortable and loud
I say what nobody dares to
I have no regrets
I’m not one of the millions
Oh oh oh...
- 1. a German idiom, basically meaning to do whatever you want right in front of the person who doesn’t want you to.
Even with million dollarsEven with 1 million I didn't change
My hand is counting them
Hand hand, hand hand
My hand is counting them
Million dollar
Even without million dollar
I look like billion dollars
Hustle up, hustle up
I'm making money
I'm keeping them on bags
So much money they think they are contraband
I never bow down, I keep my head up always
The doubts I had
I sent them in banks
I got million dollars
I look like billion dollar
My hand is counting them
Hand hand, hand hand
My hand is counting them
Million dollar
Even without million dollars
Yaa yaa
Jealosy killed them
Jealosy killed them ooo
Even with trillions
I did what I wanted
The crown is mine
With my team
You are spectators
Even with million dollars
Even with 1 million I didn't change
My hand is counting them
Hand hand, hand hand
My hand is counting them
Million dollar
Even without million dollar
I look like billion dollars
My hand is counting them
Hand hand, hand hand
My hand is counting them
Million dollar
Fools, I'm already making moneyPut away the silly clothes
I make money by doing stupid things
The fools get startled
Raf simons raf simons bish
Martin rose martin rose bish
Don't talk about clothes plz
Raf simons in a trash bag bish
Breaked up like braking bad
Brag about selfmade thang
2582 my lab
I'm a human you're net communicate
Fuckbois doing fuckbois thing
Fuck yo money to my music file pay
Fuck on your experience that’s
What what I do job disease
Go further south than Seoul flight
Livin fuckin al capone life
Buy I8 and go to Akiba ride
Drift skid skid (skrrt)
Ignore the stupid opinion right
We're not friends pay separately right
Ride Bently to here ride
Drift skid skid (skrrt)
Love is all I got
Love is all I need
Love is all I got
Love is all I need
Love is all I got
Love is all I need
Love is all I got
Love is all I need (skrrt)
What you know boi
What you know boi
What you know boi
Yeah yeahh
Your trend is too old-fashioned
Production it looks easy
Harder better stronger & fast
Suhon sekoff I'm jamal staples
Club banger bpm go crazy about it
To club banger let me do this singer
Your opinion digital thang
Why do fuckboys hang out on the net
Damir domar + hyke my match up
I can see in my waste bag, your places faces
I live in your dream, You're the dreamer
It's worth more than gold, my baggage
It's a crime making my CD
He can Pablo Escobar
Kid corporate espionage
I need to buy a satellite phone
Go further south than Seoul flight
Livin fuckin al capone life
Buy I8 and go to Akiba ride
Drift skid skid (skrrt)
Ignore the stupid opinion right
We're not friends pay separately right
Ride Bently to here ride
Drift skid skid (skrrt)
Love is all I got
Love is all I need
Love is all I got
Love is all I need
Love is all I got
Love is all I need
Love is all I got
Fools, I’m already making money.
Take off your stupid clothes.
I’m stupid
They said they were stupid.
Shelf simons shelf simons bish
Martin rose martin rose bish
Do not talk about clothes plz
Rack simons in a trash bag bish
Breaked up like braking bad
Brag about selfmade thang
2582 my lab
I personally do not communicate with you
Fuckbois doing fuckbois thing
Fuck yo money
That’s your fucking experience
What what I do do disease
Flight south of Seoul
Livin fuckin al capone life
I8 ride to Akiba accident
Drift skid skid (skrrt)
Ignore stupid opinions right
Friend or Bid separately right
Bently ride over here
Drift skid skid (skrrt)
Love is all I got
Love is all I need
Love is all I got
Love is all I need
Love is all I got
Love is all I need
Love is all I got
Love is all I need (skrrt)
What you know boi
What you know boi
What you know boi
Yeah yeahh
Your trendy is too old.
Production is only showing up
Harder better stronger & fast
Marriage sekoff i jamal staples
Club banger goes bpm
To club banger I am a singer
You opinion digital thang
Why do fuckboys hang out on the net
Damir domar + hyke my match up
I see in my waste bag.
I live in your dream and you dreamer
Check the price beyond my baggage
Making my cd is a crime.
She is pablo escobar
Kid corporate espionage
I gotta buy satellite
Flight south of Seoul
Livin fuckin al capone life
I8 ride to Akiba accident
Drift skid skid (skrrt)
Ignore stupid opinions right
Friend or Bid separately right
Bently ride over here
Drift skid skid (skrrt)
Love is all I got
Love is all I need
Love is all I got
Love is all I need
Love is all I got
Love is all I need
Love is all I got
Kuvâyi Milliye- Fifth Part
March 16, 1920Story of
«If it were not this patriotic and brave, Manastirli Hamdi Efendi, what kind of expectation would we have to obtain information on disaster of Istanbul. It has been understood that an individual who is a minister, deputy and commander of our organization present in Istanbul could not think of informing us in a timely manner. That is to say, his words were covered by excitement and palpitation. I don’t know if it is permissible to decide that he was so dazzled to get close to the telephone connecting Istanbul and Ankara? »
(Nutuk, pg. 295, Devlet Basımevi, Istanbul 1938)
March 16, 1920
Before noon
At ten o’clock
The one waiting in front of the machine received this telgraph from Ankara:
«Der-aliye 16/3/1920.
The English raided this morning
Muzika police station at Sehzadebasi.
There was a gunfight.
Now they are occupying İstanbul.
Submitted for information.
Manastirli Hamdi.»
March 16, 1920.
Telgraph office of Harbiye Oversight reached out Ankara:
«English soldiers are wandering around.
Right now
English soldiers are entering to Oversight
Here they are entering.
From the door of Oversight.
Disconnect the wire.
Englishmen are here»
March 16, 1920.
Manastırlı Hamdi Efendi
Found the one in Ankara again:
«Pasha highness,
English classiarius occupied Harbiye Telgraph Office too
They also occupy Tophane as well,
They are dispatching soldiers from armored vehicles.
The situation is getting worse sir.
Pasha highness,
I am waiting the orders of the state.
March 16, 1920
March 16, 1920.
Hamdi Efendi repeated the situation again:
«In the morning while our soldiers were sleeping
As English classiarius troops were occupying the police station
The gunfight began when our soldiers waking up dazzled.
As a result, we have six martyrs, fifteen wounded
The English berth battleship to the pier and
Occupied Beyoglu and Tophane.
Here, Beyoglu telgraph office is not available.
Here comes officers of Beyoglu telgraph office.
They were fired.
This place will be occupied in an hour or so.
I have just heard sir.»
March 16, 1920
The infidel slaughtered three of us while we were sleeping,
The infidel fusilladed two of us.
Not all of Englishmen are pigs
They killed us at dawn.
March 16, 1920
Headquarters of Vezneciler was raided.
Wake up man please wake up.
The infidel slaughtered three of us while we were sleeping,
Three of us: Abdullah the sergeant, Osman of Sarkisla,
and Abdulkadir from Zile.
March 16, 1920
At the arch of Bozdogan
The infidel fusilladed two of us.
Ahmet son of Nasuh name of my friend was,
Resadiyeli Veli son of Memet mine.
March 16, 1920
The infidel slaughtered three of us while we were sleeping.
Stabbed the machete to the belly of Osman,
The infidel stepped on his chest cavity.
Father of four Abdullah the sergeant.
It was too early for Abdulkadir.
The infidel slaughtered three of us while we were sleeping,
The infidel fusilladed two of us.
March 16, 1920 in the morning,
Opposite the police station
I did not drop my gun,
I wiped the floor with two of Englishmen.
I saved your dignity my dear Istanbul,
I will make the supreme sacrifice for you my dearest.
The infidel slaughtered three of us while we were sleeping,
The infidel fusilladed two of us.
Now three of us:
Abdullah and Osman and Abdulkadir,
Their tombs are side by side at Eyup.
Do not look for, you cannot find graves of us,
Maybe in east or in west,
We do not know its places either.
The infidel slaughtered three of us while we were sleeping,
The infidel fusilladed two of us,
Ahmet son of Nasuh name of my friend was,
Resadiyeli Veli son of Mehmet mine.
Also, there is the sixth one,
A martyr with dark long and thin moustache,
Her its last place,
Noone knows his name...